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Cell division, differentiation and morphogenesis are coordinated during embryonic development, and frequently are in disarray in pathologies such as cancer. Here, we present a zebrafish mutant that ceases mitosis at the beginning of gastrulation, but that undergoes axis elongation and develops blood, muscle and a beating heart. We identify the mutation as being in early mitotic inhibitor 1 (emi1), a negative regulator of the Anaphase Promoting Complex, and use the mutant to examine the role of the cell cycle in somitogenesis. The mutant phenotype indicates that axis elongation during the segmentation period is driven substantially by cell migration. We find that the segmentation clock, which regulates somitogenesis, functions normally in the absence of cell cycle progression, and observe that mitosis is a modest source of noise for the clock. Somite morphogenesis involves the epithelialization of the somite border cells around a core of mesenchyme. As in wild-type embryos, somite boundary cells are polarized along a Fibronectin matrix in emi1(-/-). The mutants also display evidence of segment polarity. However, in the absence of a normal cell cycle, somites appear to hyper-epithelialize, as the internal mesenchymal cells exit the core of the somite after initial boundary formation. Thus, cell cycle progression is not required during the segmentation period for segmentation clock function but is necessary for the normal segmental arrangement of epithelial borders and internal mesenchymal cells.  相似文献   

Complexes of D-type cyclins and cdk4 or 6 are thought to govern progression through the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. In DROSOPHILA:, single genes for Cyclin D and Cdk4 have been identified, simplifying genetic analysis. Here, we show that DROSOPHILA: Cdk4 interacts with Cyclin D and the Rb homolog RBF as expected, but is not absolutely essential. Flies homozygous for null mutations develop to the adult stage and are fertile, although only to a very limited degree. Overexpression of inactive mutant Cdk4, which is able to bind Cyclin D, does not enhance the Cdk4 mutant phenotype, confirming the absence of additional Cyclin D-dependent cdks. Our results indicate, therefore, that progression into and through the cell cycle can occur in the absence of Cdk4. However, the growth of cells and of the organism is reduced in Cdk4 mutants, indicating a role of D-type cyclin-dependent protein kinases in the modulation of growth rates.  相似文献   

Despite the critical importance of TBX5 in normal development and disease, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which TBX5 functions in the embryonic heart. Our present studies demonstrate that TBX5 is necessary to control the length of the embryonic cardiac cell cycle, with depletion of TBX5 leading to cardiac cell cycle arrest in late G(1)- or early S-phase. Blocking cell cycle progression by TBX5 depletion leads to a decrease in cardiac cell number, an alteration in the timing of the cardiac differentiation program, defects in cardiac sarcomere formation, and ultimately, to cardiac programmed cell death. In these studies we have also established that terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes retain the capacity to undergo cell division. We further show that TBX5 is sufficient to determine the length of the embryonic cardiac cell cycle and the timing of the cardiac differentiation program. Thus, these studies establish a role for TBX5 in regulating the progression of the cardiac cell cycle.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by pre- and postnatal growth deficiency, immunodeficiency, and a tremendous predisposition to a wide variety of cancers. Cells from BS individuals are characterized by a high incidence of chromosomal gaps and breaks, elevated sister chromatid exchange, quadriradial formations, and locus-specific mutations. BS is the consequence of mutations that lead to loss of function of BLM, a gene encoding a helicase with homology to the RecQ helicase family. To delineate the role of BLM in DNA replication, recombination, and repair we used a yeast two-hybrid screen to identify potential protein partners of the BLM helicase. The C terminus of BLM interacts directly with MLH1 in the yeast-two hybrid assay; far Western analysis and co-immunoprecipitations confirmed the interaction. Cell extracts deficient in BLM were competent for DNA mismatch repair. These data suggest that the BLM helicase and MLH1 function together in replication, recombination, or DNA repair events independent of single base mismatch repair.  相似文献   

The tripartite motif-containing protein (TRIM) family is defined by the presence of a common domain structure composed of a RING finger, a B-box, and a coiled-coil motif. TRIM family proteins are involved in a broad range of biological processes and, consistently, their alterations result in diverse pathological conditions such as genetic diseases, viral infection, and cancer development. In this study, we found by using yeast two-hybrid screening that TRIM36 has a ubiquitin ligase activity and interacts with centromere protein-H, one of the kinetochore proteins. We also found by immunofluorescence analysis that TRIM36 colocalizes with α-tubulin, one of the microtubule proteins. Moreover, we found that overexpression of TRIM36 decelerates the cell cycle and attenuates cell growth. These results indicate that TRIM36 is potentially associated with chromosome segregation and that an excess of TRIM36 may cause chromosomal instability.  相似文献   

It is now well established that nitric oxide (NO) serves as a signaling molecule in plant cells. In this paper experimental data are presented which indicate that NO can stimulate the activation of cell division and embryogenic cell formation in leaf protoplast-derived cells of alfalfa in the presence of auxin. It was found that various NO-releasing compounds promoted auxin-dependent division (as shown by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine) of leaf protoplast-derived alfalfa cells. In contrast, application of NO scavenger or NO synthesis inhibitor inhibited the same process. Both the promotion and the inhibition of cell cycle activation correlated with the amount and activity of the cognate alfalfa p34cdc2 protein Medsa;CDKA;1,2. The effect of l-NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA) was transient, and protoplast-derived cells spending more than 3 days in culture become insensitive to the inhibitor as far as cell cycle progression was concerned. L-NMMA had no effect on the cell cycle parameters of cycling suspension-cultured cells, but had a moderate transient inhibitory effect on cells re-entering the cell cycle following phosphate starvation. Cycling cultured cells, however, could respond to NO, as indicated by the sodium nitroprusside (SNP)- and 2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (PTIO)-dependent accumulation of the ferritin protein. Based on these observations, it is hypothesized that L-NMMA-sensitive generation of NO is involved in the activation, but not the progression of the plant cell division cycle. In addition, SNP promoted and L-NMMA delayed the exogenous auxin [2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)] concentration-dependent formation of embryogenic cell clusters expressing the MsSERK1 gene; this further supports a link between auxin- and NO-dependent signaling pathways in plant cells.  相似文献   

Previous work showed that the GTP-binding protein Rho1p is required in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for activation of protein kinase C (Pkc1p) and for activity and regulation of beta(1-->3)glucan synthase. Here we demonstrate a hitherto unknown function of Rho1p required for cell cycle progression and cell polarization. Cells of mutant rho1(E45I) in the G1 stage of the cell cycle did not bud at 37 degrees C. In those cells actin reorganization and recruitment to the presumptive budding site did not take place at the nonpermissive temperature. Two mutants in adjacent amino acids, rho1(V43T) and rho1(F44Y), showed a similar behavior, although some budding and actin polarization occurred at the nonpermissive temperature. This was also the case for rho1(E45I) when placed in a different genetic background. Cdc42p and Spa2p, two proteins that normally also move to the bud site in a process independent from actin organization, failed to localize properly in rho1(E45I). Nuclear division did not occur in the mutant at 37 degrees C, although replication of DNA proceeded slowly. The rho1 mutants were also defective in the formation of mating projections and in congregation of actin at the projections in the presence of mating pheromone. The in vitro activity of beta(1-->3)glucan synthase in rho1 (E45I), although diminished at 37 degrees C, appeared sufficient for normal in vivo function and the budding defect was not suppressed by expression of a constitutively active allele of PKC1. Reciprocally, when Pkc1p function was eliminated by the use of a temperature-sensitive mutation and beta(1-->3)glucan synthesis abolished by an echinocandin-like inhibitor, a strain carrying a wild-type RHO1 allele was able to produce incipient buds. Taken together, these results reveal a novel function of Rho1p that must be executed in order for the yeast cell to polarize.  相似文献   

The Apaf-1 protein is essential for cytochrome c-mediated caspase-9 activation in the intrinsic mammalian pathway of apoptosis. Although Apaf-1 is the only known mammalian homologue of the Caenorhabditis elegans CED-4 protein, the deficiency of apaf-1 in cells or in mice results in a limited cell survival phenotype, suggesting that alternative mechanisms of caspase activation and apoptosis exist in mammals. In Drosophila melanogaster, the only Apaf-1/CED-4 homologue, ARK, is required for the activation of the caspase-9/CED-3-like caspase DRONC. Using specific mutants that are deficient for ark function, we demonstrate that ARK is essential for most programmed cell death (PCD) during D. melanogaster development, as well as for radiation-induced apoptosis. ark mutant embryos have extra cells, and tissues such as brain lobes and wing discs are enlarged. These tissues from ark mutant larvae lack detectable PCD. During metamorphosis, larval salivary gland removal was severely delayed in ark mutants. However, PCD occurred normally in the larval midgut, suggesting that ARK-independent cell death pathways also exist in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

The small GTPase Ran is required for the trafficking of macromolecules into and out of the nucleus. Ran also has been implicated in cell cycle control, specifically in mitotic spindle assembly. In interphase cells, Ran is predominately nuclear and thought to be GTP bound, but it is also present in the cytoplasm, probably in the GDP-bound state. Nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2) has been shown to import RanGDP into the nucleus. Here, we examine the in vivo role of NTF2 in Ran import and the effect that disruption of Ran imported into the nucleus has on the cell cycle. A temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae NTF2 that does not bind to Ran is unable to import Ran into the nucleus at the nonpermissive temperature. Moreover, when Ran is inefficiently imported into the nucleus, cells arrest in G(2) in a MAD2 checkpoint-dependent manner. These findings demonstrate that NTF2 is required to transport Ran into the nucleus in vivo. Furthermore, we present data that suggest that depletion of nuclear Ran triggers a spindle-assembly checkpoint-dependent cell cycle arrest.  相似文献   



The control of the subcellular localization of cell cycle regulators has emerged as a crucial mechanism in cell division regulation. The active transport of proteins between the nucleus and the cytoplasm is mediated by the transport receptors of the β-karyopherin family. In this work we characterized the terminal phenotype of a mutant strain in β-karyopherin Kap95, a component of the classical nuclear import pathway.  相似文献   

To investigate the requirement for pRb in myogenic differentiation, a floxed Rb allele was deleted either in proliferating myoblasts or after differentiation. Myf5-Cre mice, lacking pRb in myoblasts, died immediately at birth and exhibited high numbers of apoptotic nuclei and an almost complete absence of myofibers. In contrast, MCK-Cre mice, lacking pRb in differentiated fibers, were viable and exhibited a normal muscle phenotype and ability to regenerate. Induction of differentiation of Rb-deficient primary myoblasts resulted in high rates of apoptosis and a total inability to form multinucleated myotubes. Upon induction of differentiation, Rb-deficient myoblasts up-regulated myogenin, an immediate early marker of differentiation, but failed to down-regulate Pax7 and exhibited growth in low serum conditions. Primary myoblasts in which Rb was deleted after expression of differentiated MCK-Cre formed normal multinucleated myotubes that did not enter S-phase in response to serum stimulation. Therefore, Rb plays a crucial role in the switch from proliferation to differentiation rather than maintenance of the terminally differentiated state.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) is a member of a family of polypeptides that have roles in a wide range of biological processes. To determine why different cell types show distinct responses to treatment with FGF-2, the array of FGF receptors present on the surface of a cell which differentiates in response to FGF-2 (PC12 cells) was compared with that present on the surface of a cell that proliferates in response to FGF-2 (Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts). Both cell types express exclusively FGFR1, suggesting that there are cell type-specific FGFR1 signaling pathways. Since mitogen-activated protein kinases function as mediators of cellular responses to a variety of stimuli, the roles of these proteins in FGF-mediated responses were examined. FGF-2 activates extracellular signal-regulated kinases with similar kinetics in both fibroblasts and PC12 cells, and a specific inhibitor of extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation blocks differentiation but has little effect on proliferation. In contrast, while p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is activated weakly and transiently in PC12 cells treated with FGF-2, a much stronger and sustained activation of this kinase is seen in FGF-2-treated fibroblasts. Furthermore, specific inhibitors of this kinase block proliferation but have no effect on differentiation. This effect on proliferation is specific for FGF-2 since the same concentrations of inhibitors have little or no effect on proliferation induced by serum.  相似文献   

Previously, we have shown that SNM1A is a multifunctional gene involved in both the DNA damage response and in an early mitotic checkpoint in response to spindle stress. Another member of the SNM1 gene family, SNM1B/Apollo, has been shown to have roles in both the response to DNA interstrand cross-linking agents and in telomere protection during S phase. Here, we demonstrate a novel role for SNM1B/Apollo in mitosis in response to spindle stress. SNM1B-deficient cells exhibit a defect in the prophase checkpoint. Loss of the prophase checkpoint induces an extended mitotic delay, which is due to prolonged activation of the spindle checkpoint. In addition, we show that SNM1B/Apollo interacts with the essential microtubule binding protein Astrin. SNM1B/Apollo interacts with Astrin through its conserved metallo-β-lactamase domain, and disruption of this interaction by point mutations results in a deficient prophase checkpoint. These findings suggest that SNM1B/Apollo and Astrin function together to enforce the prophase checkpoint in response to spindle stress.  相似文献   

Mei J  Huang X  Zhang P 《Current biology : CB》2001,11(15):1197-1201
Sister chromatid separation depends on the release of cohesion by the activity of Esp1, a member of the caspase family [1, 2]. In budding yeast, Esp1p is kept inactive by its association with Pds1p, until the onset of anaphase, when Pds1p is ubiquitinated by the APC/Cdc20 complex [3--5] and subsequently degraded by the 26S proteasome. Pds1 is not an essential gene in budding yeast, but is required for cell cycle arrest prior to anaphase in response to the disruption of spindle structures [6, 7]. Thus, Pds1 mutant yeast cells display precocious sister chromatid separation in the presence of nocodazole [6]. Mammalian orthologs of yeast Esp1 and Pds1, separin and securin, have been identified [8], and, as anticipated, a nondegradable mutant form of securin inhibits sister separation when added to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts [8]. Securin was also independently identified as PTTG (pituitary tumor transforming gene), a gene overexpressed in pituitary tumors [9]. The relationship between its overexpression in tumors and its control of sister chromatid cohesion remains ill defined. To explore securin function in mammals, we took a targeted gene disruption approach in mice. Here, we report that securin is neither essential for cell viability nor required for spindle checkpoint function, and mice lacking securin are viable and apparently normal, but mouse embryonic fibroblasts lacking securin grow abnormally in culture.  相似文献   

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