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Summary In the wing dimorphic milkweed-oleander aphid,Aphis nerii, winged aphids begin reproducing about 1.5 days after wingless aphids. The longer maturation period is primarily due to slower development since even adult eclosion by winged aphids takes place after wingless aphids begin reproducing. The delay is not due to a post-eclosion, pre-reproductive flight since, beginning with the fourth instar, larval winged aphids were reared at a density of one per plant and the vast majority were not stimulated to fly under such low-density conditions. Thus, the ability to fly incurs a fitness cost in terms of delayed reproduction, irrespective of whether flight actually occurs. We did not observe a difference between morphs for lifetime fecundity, even though wingless aphids have larger abdomens than winged aphids and for both morphs there is a significant correlation between abdomen width and fecundity. Offspring produced by wingless aphids over the first four days of reproduction are larger than those produced by winged aphids, and the size difference at birth is maintained into adulthood. However, there are no differences in life history traits between these offspring, including maturation period and lifetime fecundity. Thus, reduced body size does not increase the cost of being able to fly, at least under the conditions of these experiments. The cost of being able to fly in this species should favor reduced production of winged individuals in populations that exploit more permanent host plants.  相似文献   

Aphids (Homoptera: Aphidoidea) produce a number of different phenotypes in their life-cycle, among which are winged (alate) and wingless (apterous) morphs. Lowe & Taylor (1964) and Sutherland (1969a, b) were the first to suggest that aphid clones differ in their propensity to produce the winged morph and that in the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris), this propensity is linked to the colour of the phenotype. We tested for the occurrence of genetic variation in winged morph production by rearing individuals from red and green clones of pea aphid under wing-inducing (crowding) and control conditions, and scored the phenotypes of their offspring. Clones differed significantly in alate production and red clones produced on average a higher proportion of winged morphs than green clones. Importantly, however, there was considerable variation between clones of the same colour. Broad-sense heritabilities of winged morph production were 0.69 (crowding treatment) and 0.63 (control). Clones also differed in the number of offspring they produced. When exposed to the crowding stimulus, aphids deferred offspring production, resulting in a higher number of offspring produced in the crowding treatment than in the control.  相似文献   

棉花型和瓜型棉蚜形态和生态适应力的分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉蚜由于长期在同种或同类植物上生活,形成了多种寄主专化型。本研究以室内长期用单一寄主培养的棉花型和瓜型棉蚜为材料,采用形态测定、生命表技术、对寄主的选择性试验,以及接触刺激等方法,研究了两寄主型棉蚜的形态分化和生态适应力的差异。结果表明,瓜型棉蚜的一些形态特征值(如体长)极显著地大于棉花型个体,但是头宽、口针和各腿节的长度与体长的比值却极显著的小于棉花型个体。采用7个形态指标与体长的比值,可将瓜型和棉花型棉蚜区分开来。在24℃和26℃下瓜型蚜的净增殖率(R0)极显著地高于棉花型蚜。27℃和32℃显著缩短了瓜型蚜的平均世代长度,而对棉花型蚜无影响。棉花型蚜对接触刺激的反应比瓜型蚜敏感。两寄主型蚜对寄主的选择能力表现为瓜型蚜显著强于棉花型蚜。因此,两寄主型棉蚜存在明显的形态和生态适应力的分化。  相似文献   

  • 1 The oak treehopper Platycotis vittata (Fabricius) is bivoltine throughout its range with discrete generations in the early spring and autumn. Females of both generations diapause.
  • 2 Latitudinal variation in the timing of life history exists among four populations of P. vittata along the eastern coastal plain of the United States.
  • 3 We disrupted synchronization between P.vittata life history and host-plant phenology in the springs of 1984 and 1985 by placing southern populations on northern trees with a different phenology. This caused some females to oviposit abnormally in late spring, without entering diapause. The offspring of these females had reduced reproductive success.
  • 4 Winter diapause can be broken by providing females with a newly flushing tree with high levels of amino nitrogen in the sap. Females terminated winter diapause on trees breaking winter dormancy while females on trees still in winter dormancy did not, under identical photoperiod and temperature regimes.
  • 5 The role of host-plant mediated life history variation as a process promoting intraspecific geographic differentiation in the arboreal sap-feeding guild is discussed.

Ofuya  T. I. 《BioControl》1986,31(4):331-335
Consumption of larvae and females ofAphis craccivora Koch by 1st and 4th larvae and adults ofCheilomenes vicina (Muls.) was studied under fluctuating temperature (24–30°C). The early aphid instars were consumed in significantly greater numbers than later instars and females. The feeding rates ofC. vicina were significantly positively correlated with the population density of prey. The number of prey consumed daily by each predator stage tested, increased more steeply at lower than at higher prey densities, exhibiting thus the type 2 functional response
Résumé Consommation des larves et des ♀ d'Aphis craccivora par les11e stades, les 4e stades et les adultes deCheilomenes vicina a été étudiée à une température variant de 24 à 30°C. Les jeunes stades du puceron sont consommés en nombre plus grand significativement que les derniers stades et les ♂. Les taux d'alimentation deC. vicina manifestent une corrélation hautement significative avec la densité de population de la proie. Le nombre de proies consommées quotidiennement par chaque stade considéré du prédateur augmentait plus brusquement aux faibles qu'aux fortes densités de proies, manifestant ainsi chez le prédateur le type 2 de réponse fonctionnelle.

Strains of the aphid Aphis gossypii, taken from cucumber in UK glasshouses were tested for resistance to pirimicarb, diazinon and heptenophos. Compared to a susceptible strain, resistance factors to diazinon of up to 659 were found in populations collected between 1987 and 1989. Compared to the same susceptible strain, diazinon-resistant populations also showed a reduced response to heptenophos. All field populations tested against pirimicarb were resistant. Host plant preference tests showed that all strains (including stock cultures) tested could readily breed on cotton. However strains originally collected from chrysanthemum did not transfer to cucumber and likewise strains from cucumber would not colonise chrysanthemum. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of four of the aphid strains showed differences in migration rates and intensity of staining of esterase bands. Intensity of staining was correlated with the degree of diazinon resistance.  相似文献   

Aphelinus albipodus Hayat and Fatima is a potential biological control agent of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, which is a newly introduced soybean pest in the United States. We compared the reproductive compatibility and molecular genetic variation between two geographic strains of A. albipodus. One strain was collected from soybean aphids in Japan and the other recovered from Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Mordvilko), in the western U.S., populations of which were established with parasitoids imported from Eurasia. We present results of crossing experiments between the two strains, genetic differences based on RAPD-PCR markers, rDNA ITS1 and ITS2 gene sequences, and presence of Wolbachia in the two strains using PCR amplification of the wsp gene. We found no reduction in the production of females in reciprocal crosses between strains, but a significant reduction in fecundity when F1 females stemming from one of the reciprocal crosses were backcrossed to males from either source. The two strains differed by 3.4% in the rDNA ITS1 sequence and by presence/absence of one RAPD-PCR marker from a total of 20 RAPD primers screened, but their rDNA ITS2 sequences were identical. We used restriction enzyme analysis to separate the strains by differential digestion of the ITS1 PCR product. Wolbachia was present in 100% of males and females of both strains of A. albipodus.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are typically the outcome of complex patterns of introduction, establishment, and spread, and genetic methods are excellent tools to resolve such histories for non-native organisms. The mealy plum aphid, Hyalopterus pruni, is an invasive pest of dried plum in California. We examined nine microsatellite loci and DNA sequences from three mitochondrial genes (1,148 bp) in populations throughout the native and invaded ranges of H. pruni to assess key invasion parameters, including geographic origins of invasive populations, number of introductions, and levels of genetic diversity and gene flow. Our results provide evidence for multiple invasions of H. pruni into North America, suggesting that aphids in California may have been introduced from Spain, and aphids in the eastern United States and Vancouver, Canada were likely introduced from central or northern Europe. H. pruni populations in California were characterized by low genetic diversity relative to native populations, while the two other North American populations were less genetically impoverished. Gene flow among introduced populations was low, but does appear to occur with some regularity. These findings provide a framework for more detailed studies of H. pruni, but also represent a model for how population genetics approaches can be used to study invasion biology and aid the development of optimized management methods for agricultural pests. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

李艳艳  周晓榕  段文昌  庞保平 《昆虫学报》2015,58(10):1091-1097
【目的】猎物质量和类型在捕食者食物选择、消耗及营养转化过程中起着重要作用,植物的营养质量影响植食者的营养质量,进而植食者作为捕食者猎物的营养质量。为进一步了解植物-猎物-捕食者三营养层的相互作用,研究了寄主植物对捕食者食物消耗与利用的影响。【方法】在室内评价了多异瓢虫Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) 4龄幼虫和雌成虫取食和利用 5种不同葫芦科植物上的棉蚜 Aphis gossypii Glover的效率。【结果】多异瓢虫4龄幼虫和成虫均对南瓜Cucurbita moschata var. melonaeformis上的蚜虫取食量最高,而对瓢葫芦Lagenaria siceraria var. gourda上的蚜虫取食量最低。4龄幼虫取食哈密瓜 Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis上的蚜虫时,其相对生长率、食物利用率和食物转化率均达到最大,而雌成虫在取食黄瓜Cucumis sativus和搅瓜Cucurbita pepo var. medullosa上的蚜虫时,其相对生长率不存在显著差异,在取食黄瓜、瓢葫芦和搅瓜上的蚜虫时,其食物利用率和食物转化率也不存在显著差异。因此,哈密瓜上的瓜蚜更适宜作为多异瓢虫4龄幼虫的猎物,而黄瓜、瓢葫芦和搅瓜上的瓜蚜更适宜作为成虫的猎物。【结论】寄主植物种类与多异瓢虫对棉蚜的捕食效率相关,该结论为进一步利用昆虫的食性对害虫进行控制奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

The influence of plant architecture, host colony size, and host colony structure on the foraging behaviour of the aphid parasitoidAphidius funebris Mackauer (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) was investigated using a factorial experimental design. The factorial design involved releasing individual parasitoid females in aphid colonies consisting of either 10 or 20 individuals ofUroleucon jaceae L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) of either only larval instar L3 or a mixture of host instars, both on unmanipulated plants and on plants that had all leaves adjacent to the colony removed. Interactions between the parasitoid and its host were recorded until the parasitoid had left the plant. The time females spent on the host plant and the number of eggs laid varied greatly among females. Host colony size significantly affected patch residence time and the number of contacts between parasitoids and aphids. Plant architecture influenced the time-budget of the parasitoids which used leaves adjacent to the aphid colony for attacking aphids. Female oviposition rate was higher on unmanipulated plants than on manipulated plants. No further significant treatment effects on patch residence time, the number of contacts, attacks or ovipositions were found. Oviposition success ofA. funebris was influenced by instar-specific host behaviour. Several rules-of-thumb proposed by foraging theory did not account for parasitoid patch-leaving behaviour.  相似文献   

Life table data forAphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae), an important pest in glasshouse cucumber crops, were studied at 20, 25 and 30°C on two cucumber cultivars (Cucumis sativus L.) in controlled climate cabinets. The development time on the cucumber cv. ‘Sporu’ ranged from 4.8 days at 20°C to 3.2 days at 30°C. Immature mortality was approximately 20% and did not differ between temperatures. Most mortality occurred during the first instar. Reproduction periods did not differ among temperatures, but at 25 and 30°C more nymphs were produced (65.9 and 69.8 nymphs/♀, respectively) than at 20°C (59,9 nymphs/♀) because of a higher daily reproduction. Intrinsic rate of increase was greatest at 25°C (r m =0.556 day−1). At 20 and 30°C the intrinsic rate of increase was 0.426 and 0.510, respectively. On cv. ‘Aramon’, the development time ofA. gossypii was approximately 20% longer at all temperatures. Immature mortality did not differ between the two cultivars. The intrinsic rate of increase on cv. ‘Aramon’ was 15% smaller than on cv. ‘Sporu’. The use of cucumber cultivars partially resistant to aphids is discussed in relation to biological control of cotton aphid in glasshouses. Development time and immature mortality on leaves of the middle and upper leaf layer of glasshouse grown cucumber plants (cv. ‘Aramon’) were comparable to development in the controlled climate cabinets. On the lower leaves immature mortality was much higher (approximately 82%) than on leaves of the middle (24.0%) and upper leaf layer (24.5%). Reproduction was less on the lower leaf layer (45.9, 70.5 and 70.1 nymphs/♀ on leaves of the lower, middle and upper leaf layer, respectively). Aphids, successfully parasitized byAphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) only reproduced when they were parasitized after the third instar. Fecundity was 0.1 to 0.9 and 10.5 to 13.3 nymphs/♀ for aphids parasitized in the fourth instar or as adults, respectively. Reproduction of aphids that were stung but survived the attack was lower than for aphids not stung. Average longevity of these aphids was equal to the longevity of aphids not stung byA. colemani.  相似文献   

The voltinism of the bruchid Kytorhinus sharpianus Bridwell (Coleoptera: Bruchidae) and the phenology of its host plant Sophora flavescens Aiton (Leguminosae) were observed at four latitudes: Aomori (40°46' N), Obanazawa (38°37' N), Kujiranami (37°21' N) and Mitsuma (36°05' N) in northeastern Honshu (Japan). Kytorhinus sharpianus life cycle ranged from bivoltine and partially trivoltine in the south to univoltine and partially bivoltine in the north. Sophora flavescens started growing later in spring at higher latitudes. However, the relative growth rate was higher in the north (Aomori) than in the south (Mitsuma). In parallel with this, the first-generation of adult K. sharpianus appeared later at higher latitudes. When the four local populations were reared at 24 °C, L16:D8 and 65% r.h., males developed faster than females. The mean developmental time showed a saw-toothed latitudinal cline. The reversion in the latitudinal trend of variation corresponded to the change in the major type of life cycles from univoltine to bivoltine. Two heat units throughout the year and post-fruiting period were calculated as the sums of degree-days above the developmental threshold (12 °C) of K. sharpianus. Both heat units decreased in parallel with each other with increasing latitude. The greater growth rate of hosts in the northern population compensated for the smaller heat units. In addition, when the heat units were divided by the degree-days needed to complete development, the numerical value was the approximate number of generations observed in each locality.  相似文献   

The green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), is polyphagous on over 400 plant species in more than 50 families. Phenotypic plasticity of individuals and genetic variability in the population presumably contribute to this polyphagy. The genetic variability in field populations of M. persicae was assessed with respect to their adaptation to sugar beets and potatoes. An analysis of more than 1 000 clones, sampled during 1980, 1981 and 1982 from different host plants in the field, revealed a wide genetic variability in host plant adaptation to sugar beets as well as to potatoes. Both traits seem to be inherited independently from each other and do not correlate with clone-specific host plant preference of apterous adults. The aphid M. persicae can be characterized as a polyphagous insect species with a wide, continuously distributed variability and a broad phenotypic plasticity. A general differentiation of herbivorous species into generalists and specialists tends to ignore the genetic component in the complex of insect-plant relationships.
Zusammenfassung Die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus Myzus persicae (Sulz.) lebt polyphag an über 400 Pflanzenarten in mehr als 50 Pflanzenfamilien. Ein breites Nahrungsspektrum einer Art ergibt sich jedoch aus der phänotypischen Plastizität des Individuums oder einer Klonlinie und der genetischen Variabilität der Population. Felpopulationen der Grünen Pfirsichblattlaus wurden auf ihre genetische Variabilität bezüglich der Wirtspflanzenanpassung an Rübe und Kartoffel untersucht. Eine Analyse von mehr als 1 000 Klonen, die über die Jahre 1980, 1981 und 1982 im Rheinland gesammelt wurden, lassen eine breite Variabilität in der Wirtspflanzenanpassung der Population erkennen. Beide Merkmale scheinen unabhängig voneinander vererbt zu werden und zeigen keine Beziehung zum Wirtswahlverhalten adult apterer Läuse der entsprechenden Klone. Die Art M. persicae kann daher charakterisiert werden als eine polyphage Insektenart mit einer breiten genetischen Variabilität und einer grossen phänotypischen Plastizität. Eine generelle Differenzierung von Herbivoren in Generalisten und Spezialisten vernachlässigt die genetische Komponente in der komplexen Beziehung zwischen Insekten un ihren Wirtspflanzen.

The performance of one clone of the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), was assessed on 37 different cultivars and species ofPisum L. In addition, random samples of 36 pea aphid clones collected on alfalfa and clover were tested on a selection of fivePisum sativum L. cultivars. Aphid performance was evaluated in terms of the mean relative growth rate (MRGR) during the first five days of life or other life history variables. The MRGR of the first-mentioned pea aphid clone differed little between cultivars. No significant differences in MRGR were found between wild and cultivatedPisum species or between modern and oldP. sativum cultivars. There was considerable variation in host adaptation among the 36 pea aphid clones within each sampled field. The pea aphid clones showed no consistent pattern in performance on four of the five pea cultivars i.e. there was a significant pea aphid genotype —pea genotype interaction. On one of the cultivars all clones performed well. Pea aphid clones collected from red clover generally performed relatively poorly on pea cultivars, in contrast to the pea aphid clones collected on alfalfa. There was no difference in performance between the two pea aphid colour forms tested. Possible reasons for the high variation and the observed adaptation patterns are discussed. The fact that all clones were collected in two adjacent fields indicates thatA. pisum shows high local intraspecific variability in terms of host adaptation.  相似文献   

A. Salvo  G. Valladares 《BioControl》1995,40(2):273-280
Wing and body lengths of polyphagous parasitoids of leafminers are analyzed in order to understand the relationship between host and parasitoid sizes. A distinct positive relationship was observed: within each parasitoid species, smaller individuals were reared from smaller hosts. There was no difference between idio-and koinobionts in sexual dimorphism, with females being significantly larger than males in both groups.  相似文献   

Z. Mendel 《BioControl》1986,31(2):113-125
Twenty six species of parasitoids were recorded from 15 species of bark beetles in Israel. Parasitoids were collected from infested cut branches of broadleaves and trap-trees of pine and cypress. Most of the parasitoids are oligophagous and range fromEcphylus caudatus, a monophagous species exclusive toHypoborus ficus, toHeydenia pretiosa, which develops on 11 species.Scleroderma domesticus, Agrilocida ferrieri andEupelmus nearurozonus are occasional parasitoids of bark beetles.Cephalonomia hypobori, Israelius carthami, S. domesticus, Entedon ergias, Cerocephala eccoptogasteri andRoptocerus xylophagorum are cryptoparasitoids and search for their host in the galleries. Known parasitoids are listed from 15 tree genera belonging to 8 botanical families. A typical range for the common parasitoids is presented with within-tree distribution of pine parasitoids. Relatively monophagous species are usually dominant parasitoids in a specific beetle population, whereas relatively polyphagous parasitoids vary in abundance among different host populations.Calosota spp., 2Eurytoma spp. andDendrosoter hartigii are usually present in small numbers. Information concerning the seasonal history of the parasitoids suggests that the major species may raise about 5 to 7 annual generations. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel No 1331-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

Life-history traits of kite skates Dipturus chilensis were examined from two regions (c. 2286 km apart) in the sheltered fjords and channels of southern Chile. A total of 482 and 403 specimens were collected from the southern fjords (c. 42–46° S) and the fjords of Chilean Patagonia (c. 51–54° S), from September 2003 to 2004, respectively. Vertebra marginal increment analysis indicated an annual deposition of growth rings which was completed during the winter months. For each region, von Bertalanffy growth parameters showed that females attained a larger asymptotic size, L, had a lower growth coefficient, K, and lived longer than males. Growth analysis indicated that D. chilensis from the Patagonian fjords had a longer life span (females: 22 v. 21 years; males 19 v. 17 years), attained a larger L (females: 150 v. 136 cm; males: 122 v. 118 cm total length, LT) and had a lower K value (females: 0·087 v. 0·104; males: 0·110 v. 0·116) than their counterparts in the southern fjords. Comparisons with previous studies indicated that D. chilensis from both southern and Patagonian sheltered fjords had larger L, and grew more slowly than their counterparts from central-southern Chile (L= 119–123 cm, K= 0·123–0·127), suggesting latitudinal variations in growth. Females attained sexual maturity later than males in both regions. For both sexes, lengths at 50% maturity (L50%) between regions were similar (females: c. 103 cm; males: c. 87 cm LT); however, D. chilensis from Patagonia appeared to mature 1 year earlier (females: 13 v. 14 years; males: 10 v. 11 years). Specimens from Patagonia had a lower ovarian fecundity than those from the southern fjords. An increase in the proportion of mature females and males during summer, suggests that the reproductive peak occurs in this season, and no regional differences were found. The size of the egg cases increased with maternal LT and these were longer in Patagonia. The information provided here represents the first evidence of regional variations in life-history traits for elasmobranchs in the south-eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

A study was made of neonate larvae of Phthorimaea operculella.Host finding from soil-laid eggs and dispersal from hosts and nonhosts were first examined. Of first-instar larvae hatching from soil-laid eggs, 80% found the potato plant while roughly 50% found each of the other three plants (datura, tobacco, and tomato). Dispersal from potato, datura, and tobacco was very low, while on tomato it was higher and a high mortality was observed in the 24 h period. Dispersal from nonhost plants was high. Behavior on leaves of hosts and non-hosts is described and some host-plant specific behaviors are identified. Effects on behavior of some of the physical and chemical factors are described. Methylene dichloride extracts of potato leaf wax reduced locomotion rates and the number of turns during locomotion. Also methylene dichloride extract and, to a lesser extent, methanol extract caused biting behavior.  相似文献   

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