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Parasites can increase infection rates and pathogenicity in immunocompromised human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) patients. However, in vitro studies and epidemiological investigations also suggest that parasites might escape immunocompromised hosts during HIV infection.Due to the lack of direct evidence from animal experiments, the effects of parasitic infections on immunocompromised hosts remain unclear. Here,we detected 14 different parasites in six northern pig-tailed macaques(NPMs) before or at the 50 th week of simian immunodeficiency virus(SIV) infection by ELISA. The NPMs all carried parasites before viral injection. At the 50 th week after viral injection, the individuals with negative results in parasitic detection(i.e., 08247 and 08287) were characterized as the Parasites Exit(PE) group, with the other individuals(i.e., 09203, 09211, 10205, and 10225) characterized as the Parasites Remain(PR) group. Compared with the PR group, the NPMs in the PE group showed higher viral loads, lower CD4~+T cells counts, and lower CD4/CD8 rates. Additionally, the PE group had higher immune activation and immune exhaustion of both CD4~+and CD8~+T cells. Pathological observation showed greater injury to the liver, cecum, colon,spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes in the PE group.This study showed more seriously compromised immunity in the PE group, strongly indicating that parasites might exit an immunocompromised host.  相似文献   

平顶猴是重要的非人灵长类实验动物,广泛应用于艾滋病等重大疾病的动物模型研究。平顶猴分为明打威猴、巽他平顶猴和北平顶猴三个种。我国及周边东南亚国家分布的平顶猴为北平顶猴。该文测定和分析了青幼年(2~4a)和成年(5~10a)北平顶猴的血液学和血液生化指标参考值。结果表明个体性别、年龄和体重等对该指标均有影响。雌性个体的红细胞数、血红蛋白和碱性磷酸酶均低于雄性个体。青幼年个体的白细胞数、淋巴细胞数、单核细胞数、血小板分布宽度、碱性磷酸酶、天冬氨酸转氨酶和胆固醇均高于成年猴,而肌酐和甘油三酯则低于成年猴。个体体重与青年猴的平均血红蛋白含量和肌酐正相关,与成年猴的平均血红蛋白含量、粒细胞百分比、血红蛋白和肌酐正相关,而与成年猴的淋巴细胞数、淋巴细胞百分比、红细胞分布宽度变异系数、天冬氨酸转氨酶和胆固醇负相关。该研究提供的北平顶猴血液学和血液生化指标参考值范围,对其基础研究、疾病诊断和模型建立等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The northern pig-tailed macaque(NPM,Macaca leonina) has become a widely used animal model in biomedical research. In this study, we measured serum immunoglobulin IgG, IgM, IgA, complement C3, C4 and CRP levels in 3-11 year old captive northern pig-tailed macaques using HITACHI 7600-20 automated chemistry analyzer in order to determine the influences of age and gender on these items. The results showed that serum IgA, IgM, C3 and C4 levels were not correlated with age(P0.05), while serum IgG levels increased progressively with age(r=0.202;P=0.045). Serum IgG, IgA, IgM and C3 levels were higher in females than in males(P0.05). Moreover, serum C3 concentration was both positively and strongly correlated with that of C4(r=0.700; P0.0001). This study provides basic serum immunoglobulin and complement data of captive northern pig-tailed macaques, which may prove useful for future breeding efforts and biomedical research.  相似文献   

A field study on wild pig-tailed macaques was conducted in West Sumatra, Indonesia, during three periods from January 1985 to February 1987. During the nine months of the first two periods, unprovisioned monkeys were traced and observed. During the eight months of the last period, monkeys were provisioned and observed mainly at baiting sites. Three troops and ten solitary males appeared at the two baiting sites. Some males immigrated into and emigrated from the troops. The troops had a multi-male multi-female composition. The size of the various troops was 74, 49, and 81 individuals, respectively, and the mean adult sex ratio in the troops was 1:6.3; that is, markedly biased towards females. The home ranges of two of the troops overlapped considerably. When the troops encountered each other at the baiting sites, a clear dominance relationship was recognized. The troops differed in their integration as ranging units: two of the troops did not form subgroups (temporary fission and fusion of each troop), while the other troop frequently split into subgroups. Recent field studies on pig-tailed macaques have suggested a multi-leveled society with harem-type unit groups. However, in the present study, the troops observed had neither a substructure similar to harem-type groups nor a superstructure that emerged as a result of fusion of the troops. The unit group of the pig-tailed macaques appears to be a multi-male, matrilineal group.  相似文献   

Patterns of agonistic and nonagonistic behaviors were studied in a troop of wild pig-tailed macaques in West Sumatra, Indonesia. The animals were provisioned and the identities of all adult and adolescent individuals were known. The females could be divided into high-, mid-, and low-ranking subsets of individuals. Most grooming occurred within, instead of between members of these subsets. The members of each subset also tended to feed together at the baiting sites, and they probably represented groups of close kin. Among females, grooming appeared to be a conciliatory behavior and was generally performed by the subordinate partner, while mounting was performed by the dominant partner and appeared to be a reassertion of dominance. High-ranking males tended to form agonistic alliances with females and to exchange grooming with estrous females. Low-ranking males did not have such associations with females and were frequently the targets of agonistic alliances of females and juveniles. Mounting between males appeared to be a conciliatory behavior. It seemed effective since severe aggression between males was not observed. The subordinate partner mounted more frequently than the dominant one, but the direction of mounting was apparently controlled by the latter. This suggests that, among pig-tailed macaques, the dominant male plays an important role in the coexistence of males in the troop.  相似文献   

The human-type A-B-O blood groups of 57 pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were determined and the calculated gene frequencies, O = 0.8908, A = 0.0825 and B = 0.0267, gave excellent fit with the hypothesis of inheritance by triple allelic genes. In tests for simian-type blood groups with rhesus, baboon and crab-eating macaque immune antisera, it was shown that the red cells of pig-tailed macaques are polymorphic for several simian-type specificities defined by those cross-reacting sera. Pig-tailed macaques share with other macaque species the complex Drh-graded blood group system, which seems to occupy a special role among red cell antigens of macaques. Normal sera of three female macaques contained spontaneous isoagglutinins which selectively agglutinated the red cells of some pig-tailed as well as stump-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

Seasonality in births and fertile matings are reported for a stumptail macaque group living on an island for a period of five years: 1975–1979. During this period 26 births occurred of which 24 represent infants conceived on the island. While births and fertile matings occurred throughout the year 21% of the births were concentrated in March, 34% in June and July and 17% in November. Additionally 63% of the births occurred during the rainy season. Of the 24 infants, 4 died during the first year of life thus yielding a reproductive success of 83%. The sex ratio at birth for the five years was 1:1 corrected to 1:1.2 with the four deaths. The mean interval between fertile matings for females was 19 months and 2 days and the mean age for first conception was 4 years and 5 months. The pattern of birth and breeding seasonality was markedly similar to that of the parent troop while in Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Extractive foraging in nonhuman primates may involve different levels of technical complexity in terms of the number of actions that must be performed and the manual dexterity involved. We describe the extractive foraging of caterpillars in wild northern pig-tailed macaques (Macaca leonina) at Khao Yai National Park, Thailand. The study group, observed from May to December 2016 (n = 146 days), comprised 60–70 habituated individuals, including 3–4 adult males, 20–23 adult females, and 36–47 immatures. Four adult males and five adult females, observed from September to November 2016 for a total of 24 days, were selected for focal animal sampling. Northern pig-tailed macaques were observed eating at least two families (Erebidae and Limacodidae) and three genera (Macrobrochis sp., Phlossa sp. and Scopelodes sp.) of caterpillars. While the monkeys ate short and small caterpillars with stinging setae and non-setae caterpillars without processing, they performed extensive caterpillar-rubbing behavior on large and long caterpillars with stinging setae. Based on 61 extractive foraging bouts, we found that caterpillar rubbing was hierarchically organized into five stages and 12 elements. Five stages of behavior sequence started with picking the caterpillar up, transporting it to a substrate, rubbing it to remove stinging setae, ingesting it, and then cleaning hands and mouth. Only adult macaques were observed using a leaf to rub stinging caterpillars.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that the reproductive seasonality ofMacaca fuscata seems to be more affected by environmental temperature than by photoperiod. Mean conception dates for 25 groups of Japanese macaques species did not correlate with latitude. Instead, they were positively related to mean fall and winter temperatures and negatively related to the magnitude of the decrease in the mean temperature from summer to fall. Evidence from transplanted groups supports the hypothesis that environmental temperature is a decisive factor in determining the timing of mating activities of Japanese macaques. These results are also consistent with the concept that, in temperate zones, environmental temperature is probably the best indicator of local climatic characteristics.  相似文献   

Field observations and spectrographic analyses of sound recordings of South Indian bonnet macaques revealed a vocal repertoire of at least 25 basic patterns. The repertoire consists of well separated sound classes and acoustic categories connected by structural intergradation. Besides structural variations within and between different elements of the repertoire, the vocal system ofMacaca radiata is characterized by regular combinations of particular basic patterns. These combinations occurred not only between calls of similar structure and function but also between calls usually emitted in entirely different social contexts. According to the qualitative analysis, sex-specific asymmetries of the vocal behaviour were less pronounced than age-dependent characteristics. The comparison of clear call vocalizations ofMacaca radiata andM. fuscata revealed significant species-specific differences on the structural and the behavioural level. Evaluations of the structural features of alarm calls of various macaque species imply marked differences between members of thefascicularis group andsinica group on one hand and thesilenus group andarctoides group on the other.  相似文献   

Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis Raffles, 1821) were captured at various locations in the north of Sumatra as part of a study on social behaviour and genetic relationships. We used individual cage traps, a group trap, a blowpipe and an air-pressure rifle. Provided that the monkeys were willing to take bait, individual cage traps proved most successful; they gave a high capture rate with minimal disturbance of the group. Success with young juveniles and peripheral animals could be improved by placing elevated traps in the centre and in clusters at the periphery of the trapping site. Trapping had no clear lasting effect on the natural behaviour of the animals.  相似文献   

The noninvasive collection of animal cells is crucial for DNA analyses in wild populations that cannot be disturbed by capture. We describe the collection of 68 semen samples following copulation and masturbation events in wild habituated and nonhabituated troops of Japanese macaques on the protected island of Yakushima. We used this DNA to amplify 390 base pairs (bp) of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 16 individuals from eight troops, and found a monomorphic pattern in agreement with the low variability imposed by geographic isolation and female philopatry. We also amplified two microsatellite loci from samples collected after the resident males of a focal troop had copulated with different females. We found several different allele combinations in samples collected after the observed mating of a single male, indicating the presence of contaminant DNA, presumably from males that had previously mated with the same female. This discovery made it impossible to assign a given sample to a specific male except when the samples were recovered after masturbation events. Thus, it was not possible to test for kinship or estimate allele frequencies from the semen samples. The mixing of semen, and the pattern of sample collection observed in morphologically identified individuals support the notion that strong mating and sperm competition exists among resident and nonresident males.  相似文献   

Although the majority of extant primates are described as "quadrupedal," there is little information available from natural habitats on the locomotor and postural behavior of arboreal primate quadrupeds that are not specialized for leaping. To clarify varieties of quadrupedal movement, a quantitative field study of the positional behavior of a highly arboreal cercopithecine, Macaca fascicularis, was conducted in northern Sumatra. At least 70% of locomotion in travel, foraging, and feeding was movement along continuous substrates by quadrupedalism and vertical climbing. Another 14-25% of locomotion was across substrates by pronograde clambering and vertical clambering. The highest frequency of clambering occurred in foraging for insects, and on the average smaller substrates were used in clambering than during quadrupedal movement. All postural behavior during foraging and feeding was above-substrate, largely sitting. Locomotion across substrates requires grasping branches of diverse orientations, sometimes displaced away from the animal's body. The relatively low frequency of across-substrate locomotion appears consistent with published analyses of cercopithecoid postcranial morphology, indicating specialization for stability of limb joints and use of limbs in parasagittal movements, but confirmation of this association awaits interspecific comparisons that make the distinction between along- and across-substrate forms of locomotion. It is suggested that pronograde clambering as defined in this study was likely a positional mode of considerable importance in the repertoire of Proconsul africanus and is a plausible early stage in the evolution of later hominoid morphology and locomotor behavior.  相似文献   

Blood was drawn throughout the first half of the pregnancies of 24 pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) to evaluate longitudinal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) changes. In all 15 normal pregnancies, HDL decreased at least 50%; the mean value for the group fell from 0.45 gm/liter to 0.17 gm/liter. HDL began to fall after about four weeks of pregnancy. However, no comparable HDL change occurred in nine pregnancies that terminated in spontaneous abortions. This lack of an HDL decrease was unexpected. Subsequent studies showed that the predominant decrease was in the HDL2 subfraction. The data indicate that the normal physiologic metabolism or utilization of HDL is aberrant early in pregnancies ending in spontaneous abortions and may be due to a dysfunctional fetal-placental unit.  相似文献   

Most toque macaques give birth to their infants during the night when resting arboreally. Here we report on a birth that occurred in daytime (at 0916 hr) and on the ground. The mother was 7.6 years old; the birth was her second. Prepartum behaviors included lordosis, arching of the back, stretching, squatting, rolling on the ground, and anogenital self-examination. During the birth the female was isolated about 100 m from the rest of her group. The mother stood bipedally during parturition and assisted delivery with her hands. The infant was born within 2 min after first appearing at the vulva. It immediately clung to the mother’s leg and vocalized. The mother licked the infant and oriented it toward her ventrum. She resumed foraging behavior within 20 min after parturition. The infant nursed for the first time 2.25 hr after being born. The mother ate part of the placenta, but the alpha female of the group usurped and also ate a portion of it. Curious group members sniffed and looked at the infant but did not touch it.  相似文献   

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