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A qualitative and quantitative analysis of airborne pollen and spores was carried out over 2 years (from September 1987 to August 1989) in the city of León. Slides were prepared daily using a volumetric pollen trap, which was placed on the Faculty of Veterinary Science building (University of León) 12m above ground-level. Fifty-one pollen types were observed; the most important of these were: Cupressaceae during the winter,Pinus andQuercus in spring, and Poaceae, Leguminosae and Chenopodiaceae in the summer. The results also showed the existence of a rich mould spore assemblage in the atmosphere. The group of Amerospores (Penicillium, Aspergillus andCladosporium) as well as Dictyospores (Alternaria) were the most abundant;Puccinia was common in the air in August. Fluctuations in the total pollen and spores m3 of air were compared with meteorological parameters (temperature, relative humidity and rainfall). From the daily sampling of the atmosphere of León, considering the maximum and minimum temperature and duration of rainfall, the start of the pollen grain season was observed generally to coincide with a rise in temperature in the absence of rain.  相似文献   

I. Kasprzyk 《Aerobiologia》2004,20(4):217-222
Airborne pollen of entomophilous plants occurred in low or very low concentrations, and constituted 4 of the total pollen sum. In 1997–2002, between 18 and 26 taxa were identified. Out of this large group the following taxa were represented in larger concentrations every year– Salix, Acer, Morus, Cichorioideae, Asterioideae, Plantago major/media, Sambucus nigra and Tilia. Microscopic examination revealed that pollen grains of the above mentioned species were often glued together, which is a typical adaptation to this kind of pollination. Club moss (Lycopodium spp.) and horsetail (Equisetum spp.) spores were recorded sporadically. Fern spores were found frequently but in very low numbers. In 2002 the occurrence of the airborne pollen of entomophilous plants in the city and in the countryside was compared. A higher percentage value of pollen was found in the atmosphere of the city rather than in the countryside, due to the high concentration of Acer pollen, which is a partly entomophilous species and common in municipal plantings. In the countryside air there was a higher concentration of pollen from purely entomophilous species, such as Viburnum and Asteroideae.  相似文献   

The composition and seasonal distribution of airborne pollen grains in the atmosphere of Bahía Blanca, Argentina, has been studied between June 2001 and December 2003 using the Rotorod sampler (model 40). The results show that the main pollen types during this period were Cupressaceae, Fraxinus, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Amaranthus/Chenopodiaceae, Pinus, Urticaceae, Ulmus, Olea and Styphnolobium. The highest concentrations occurred from August to December (end of winter and spring), accounting for 80% of the total annual pollen count. The greatest diversity was found in the spring, with the major of pollen coming from short-flowering plant types, such as Populus, Acer, Platanus, Juglans, Tamarix, Ailanthus and Typha. The potential sources of pollen from woody ornamental species are Cupressus sempervirens, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. whereas those from herbaceous species are the Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae, which are found within the city and also in the surrounding natural vegetation, and the Urticaceae, which are only present in the city. Marked annual differences were noted during the study period. The increase in 2002 may have been due to the abundant rainfall that occurred prior to the spring season, which would have favored the vegetative stage and flower development of plants. The decrease in pollen concentration in 2003 was mainly due to low rainfall throughout the year.  相似文献   

The ability to learn an association between floral characteristics such as its odor, color and shape and a reward such as nectar is key to honeybee foraging success. Here, we tested if also pollen could function as a reward for associative learning in honeybees. We found that large proportions of bees with and without field experience showed an unconditioned response, the extension of the proboscis, after touching their antennae with bee-collected pollen. Furthermore, bees readily learn to associate an odor with pollen in a classical conditioning assay. We suggest that pollen might play an important role as a reward for free-flying bees. Received 12 February 2008; revised 17 June 2008; accepted 15 July 2008. C. Grüter, A. Arenas: Both authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of fouled structures is an effective tool for countering incursions by non-indigenous biofoulers. However, guidelines for the implementation of encapsulation treatments are yet to be established. This study evaluated the effects of temperature, biomass, community composition, treatment duration and the biocide acetic acid on biofoulers. In laboratory trials using the model organisms Ciona spp. and Mytilus galloprovincialis, increasing the temperature or biomass speeded up the development of a toxic environment. Total mortality for Ciona spp. occurred within 72 and 24 h at 10 and 19°C, respectively. M. galloprovincialis survived up to 18 days, with high biomass increasing mortality at 10°C only. In a field study, three-month-old and four-year-old communities were encapsulated with and without acetic acid. Mortality took up to 10 days for communities encapsulated without acetic acid, compared to 48 h with acetic acid. The insights gained from this study will be useful in developing standardised encapsulation protocols.  相似文献   

Galactosidases are widespread enzymes that are used for manifold applications, including production of prebiotics, biosynthesis of different transgalactosylated products, improving lactose tolerance and in various analytical approaches. The nature of these applications often require galactosidases to be present in a purified form with clearly defined properties, including precisely determined substrate specificities, low sensitivity to inhibitors, and high efficiency and stability under distinct conditions. In this study, we present the recombinant expression and purification of two previously uncharacterized β-galactosidases from Aspergillus nidulans as well as one β-galactosidase from Aspergillus niger. All enzymes were active toward p-nitrophenyl-β-d-galactopyranoside as substrate and displayed similar temperature and pH optima. The purified recombinant galactosidases digested various complex substrates containing terminal galactose β-1,4 linked to either N-acetylglucosamine or fucose, such as N-glycans derived from bovine fibrin and Caenorhabditis elegans. In our comparative study of the recombinant galactosidases with the commercially available galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae, all enzymes also displayed various degrees of activity toward complex oligosaccharides containing β-1,3-linked terminal galactose residues. All recombinant enzymes were found to be robust in the presence of various organic solvents, temperature variations, and freeze/thaw cycles and were also tested for their ability to synthesize galactooligosaccharides. Furthermore, the use of fermentors considerably increased the yield of recombinant galactosidases. Taken together, we demonstrate that purified recombinant galactosidases from A. niger and from A. nidulans are suitable for various glycobiological and biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Children’s daycare centers appear to be hubs of respiratory infectious disease transmission, yet there is only limited information about the airborne microbial communities that are present in daycare centers. We have investigated the microbial community of the air in a daycare center, including seasonal dynamics in the bacterial community and the presence of specific viral pathogens. We collected filters from the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system of a daycare center every two weeks over the course of a year. Amplifying and sequencing the 16S rRNA gene revealed that the air was dominated by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes that are commonly associated with the human skin flora. Clear seasonal differences in the microbial community were not evident; however, the community structure differed when the daycare center was closed and unoccupied for a 13-day period. These results suggest that human occupancy, rather than the environment, is the major driver in shaping the microbial community structure in the air of the daycare center. Using PCR for targeted viruses, we detected a seasonal pattern in the presence of respiratory syncytial virus that included the period of typical occurrence of the disease related to the virus; however, we did not detect the presence of adenovirus or rotavirus at any time.  相似文献   

Conflict between people and wildlife is a major issue in both wildlife conservation and rural development. In African rangelands, species such as African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus), lions (Panthera leo), leopards (Panthera pardus), and spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) may kill livestock and are therefore themselves killed by local pastoralists. Such conflict has led to the extirpation of these species from many areas, and also impacts the livelihoods of local livestock farmers. To investigate the possibilities for coexistence of people, livestock, and large predators in community rangelands, we measured the effectiveness of traditional livestock husbandry in reducing depredation by wild carnivores, using a case–control approach. Different measures were effective against different predator species but, overall, the risk of predator attack by day was lowest for small herds, accompanied by herd dogs as well as human herders, grazing in open habitat. By night, the risk of attack was lowest for herds held in enclosures (‘bomas’) with dense walls, pierced by few gates, where both men and domestic dogs were present. Unexpectedly, the presence of scarecrows increased the risks of attack on bomas. Our findings suggest that improvements to livestock husbandry can contribute to the conservation and recovery of large carnivores in community rangelands, although other measures such as prey conservation and control of domestic dog diseases are also likely to be necessary for some species.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to construct a picture of the influence of meteorological conditions on the start and duration of the airborne Betulaceae pollen season and the pollen concentrations in the atmosphere of Zagreb, Croatia. The study during three seasons (2002–2004) used a 7‐day Hirst‐type volumetric pollen and spore trap. Total annual airborne pollen of Alnus, Corylus and Betula greatly varied from year to year. The differences in the dates of onset of airborne pollen presence of Alnus, Corylus and Betula noted in Zagreb in 2002–2004 were controlled by weather conditions, particularly temperature and precipitation. In all years studied, airborne pollen peaks were recorded on days with temperature above 0°C and without or minimal precipitation. The mean number of days with airborne pollen concentrations exceeding levels which provoke symptoms of an allergic reaction was 15, 16 and 29 days for alder, hazel and birch, respectively. The results of the present study may provide useful data for allergologists to reach accurate diagnoses, and timely information on concentrations of airborne pollen types and concentrations for individuals with pollen hypersensitivity.  相似文献   

During 1991 and 1992, hourly measurements were taken of solid particulates (size, 22–25 μm).Olea and grass pollen and spores. The results were then compared with symptoms recorded in patients consulting the Allergy Unit during the period of highest pollen concentrations (April–June). The spore-trap slides were studied by spectrophotometry in order to analyse the total solid particulates content in the air as a possible synergic agent of the pollen. This allowed the volume of material present in the air to be determined and expressed as a percentage of total optical density (OD). Allergy symptom data were obtained from the study of subjective clinical records completed by patients, who were required to note down the severity of a selected series of symptoms every 4 h using a scale from 0–3. The results showed a clear link during the season between hourly peaks and pollen concentrations, and the different patterns of response associated with the dominant pollen types. An attempt has been made to determine whether a relationship exists between the increment of the optical density and the symptomatic response. The positive relationship encountered seems to indicate that a synergic agent takes an active part in the effects produced by pollen in the patients.  相似文献   

The enantioselective recognition of ‘remote’ stereogenic centers represents a scientific task in organic chemistry being also of current interest in the pharmaceutical industry. This is due to a range of pharmaceutically relevant molecules or intermediates thereof bearing a stereogenic center, which is separated from the functional group by a larger non-chiral moiety such as, for example, a longer sequence of bonds of at least three carbon or hetero-atoms or by a planar aromatic moiety. Notably, biocatalysis turned out to provide an excellent solution for a range of challenging syntheses in this field. For example, efficient enzymatic resolution processes of racemates with such a ‘remote’ stereogenic center were developed for the synthesis of pelitrexol, lasofoxifene and (S)-monastrol. In general, good yields accompanied by high enantioselectivities were obtained, thus underlining the tremendous potential of enzymes to recognize and enantioselectively transform enantiomers of racemates with ‘remote’ stereogenic centers. Such or similar types of stereoselective recognitions of ‘remote’ stereogenic centers by means of enzymes have been also reported in the field of flavor and vitamin synthesis. Thus, biocatalysis represents a promising solution for the efficient approach to enantiomerically pure complex chiral molecules with stereogenic centers being located apart from the functional group, and it can be expected that enzymatic resolution will be increasingly applied when searching for an efficient and also technically feasible process for also novel complex chiral molecules bearing a ‘remote’ stereogenic center.  相似文献   

Design, physicochemical and biological studies of novel radioconjugates for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, based on the newly synthesized tacrine derivatives were performed. Novel tacrine analogues were labeled with technetium-99m and gallium-68. For all obtained radioconjugates ([99mTc]Tc-Hynic-(tricine)2NH(CH2)ntacrine and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-NH(CH2)9tacrine, where n = 2–9 denotes the number of methylene groups CH2) the studies of physicochemical properties (lipophilicity, stability in the presence of an excess of standard amino acids cysteine or histidine, human serum and in cerebrospinal fluid) were performed. For two selected radioconjugates [99mTc]Tc-Hynic-(tricine)2NH(CH2)9Tac and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-NH(CH2)9tacrine (characterized with the highest lipophilicity values) the biological tests (inhibition of cholinesterases action, molecular docking and biodistribution studies) have been performed. All novel radioconjugates showed high stability in biological solutions used. Both selected radioconjugates proved to be good inhibitors of cholinesterases and be able to cross the blood-brain barrier. Radioconjugates [99mTc]Tc-Hynic-(tricine)2NH(CH2)9tacrine and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-NH(CH2)9tacrine fulfil the conditions for application in nuclear medicine. Radiopharmaceutical [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-NH(CH2)9tacrine, due to increased accuracy and improved sensitivity in PET imaging, may be better potential diagnostic tool for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   


Reproductive interference (RI), an interspecific mating interaction that reduces the fitness of at least one of the species involved, can lead to exclusive distributions in closely related species. A hypothesis previously proposed is that RI in plants may occur by ovule usurpation, in which pistils lack interspecific incompatibility and mistakenly accept heterospecific pollen, thereby losing an opportunity for conspecific pollen fertilization. However, few comparative studies have evaluated the consistency of the inferred mechanism within and among individuals and populations. We conducted hand-pollination experiments in six populations of three native Taraxacum species that suffered from different levels of RI from an alien congener, T. officinale, and compared pollen–pistil interactions among populations. We also investigated the interactions for eight individual T. japonicum plants whose response to heterospecific pollen deposition had been previously measured. Our results revealed that pollen tubes often penetrated native ovaries following heterospecific pollination in populations suffering from strong RI, whereas they seldom did in populations suffering from marginal RI. However, the relative frequency of the pollen tube penetration was not significantly related to the strength of alien RI. Not all pistils on an individual plant showed the same pollen receptivity following heterospecific pollination; rather, some accepted and some refused the pollen tubes. The relationship between pollen tube penetration following heterospecific pollination and the strength of the alien RI was also not significant among individuals. Our present results generally support the ovule usurpation hypothesis, but suggest that other factors, such as competition for pollinator services, variation in the effects of heterospecific pollen donors, and condition of the native inflorescences, might also affect the observed RI strength.


Sulphur dioxide in air as well as dry deposition of sulphur dioxide to a forest has decreased by a factor of 20 during the last two decades. It was earlier found that the internal circulation of calcium in Norway spruce follows the dry deposition of sulphur dioxide. The sulphur and calcium fluxes from 1992 were calculated from wet deposition, throughfall and a surrogate surface. Earlier fluxes from 1981 to 1991 were calculated using assumptions of the dry deposition of non-marine sulphate and calcium. The new estimates confirm the earlier studies that the internal circulation of calcium in a coniferous forest is directly related to the dry deposition of sulphur dioxide to the canopies and that the internal circulation of calcium decreases at the same rate as the deposition of sulphur decreased during the last two decades. The deposition fluxes were also compared to run-off and uptake of calcium in the forest as well as on modelled weathering rates from severely acidified forested catchments near the coast and inland and the soil pool. A reconstruction of changes in the soil pool of calcium over the last 100 years indicate that the soil pool has decreased by ca. 70% in catchments with complete harvest of the forest and ca. 40% if branches and needles are left on the ground. In a natural forest without acid deposition the soil pool of calcium would have increased by 6%. Estimates for the 21st century show that harvesting of stems+branches and needles may almost empty the soil pool of calcium in the next 100 years. Increased nitrogen deposition has increased forest growth, which indirectly increased uptake of calcium by the trees and indirectly caused a further decrease of the soil pool of calcium.  相似文献   

The incidence of allergic diseases has been increasing in recent decades, in part due to increased exposure to aeroallergens, particularly pollen. Allergic diseases have a major burden on the health care system, with annual costs in the USA alone exceeding $30 billion. There is evidence that the production of aeroallergens, including pollen, is increasing in response to environmental and climatic change, which has important implications for the treatment of allergy sufferers. In this study, pollen data from a Rotorod sampler in Raleigh, North Carolina, was used to characterize and examine trends in the atmospheric pollen seasons for trees, grasses, and weeds over the period 1999–2012. The influence of mean monthly antecedent and concurrent temperature and precipitation on the timing, duration, and severity of the pollen seasons was assessed using Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients and multiple linear regression models. An increasing trend was noted in seasonal tree pollen concentrations, while seasonal and peak weed pollen concentrations declined over time. The atmospheric pollen seasons for grasses and weeds trended toward earlier start dates and longer durations, while the tree pollen season trended toward an earlier end date. Peak daily tree pollen concentrations were strongly associated with antecedent temperature and precipitation, while peak daily grass pollen concentrations were strongly associated with concurrent precipitation. The strongest relationships between climate and weed pollen were associated with the timing and duration of the pollen season, with drier antecedent and warmer concurrent conditions tied to longer weed pollen seasons.  相似文献   

The identification of active ingredients in crude plant extracts offers great advantages. In this study, nuclear magnetic resonance and chemometrics were used for the screening of in vitro anti-TNF?? activity in different berry types. Solid phase extraction was applied and the resulting water, methanol?Cwater (1:1), and methanol fractions were tested for the activity. The methanol?Cwater fraction contained most of the phenolics and showed significantly higher activity than the other two fractions. In the second phase of this study, grapes from ??Trincadeira??, ??Touriga Nacional??, and ??Aragonês??, at four developmental stages were metabolically classified and tested for the TNF?? inhibition. The initial stages of grape development, green and veraison, were found more active against TNF?? production as compared to the later ripe and harvest stages. Among the cultivars, ??Touriga Nacional?? was found to be the most potent inhibitor. Different multivariate data analyses algorithms based on projections to latent structures were applied to correlate the NMR and TNF?? inhibition data. The variable importance in the projections plot showed that phenolics like quercetin, myricetin, (+)-catechin, (?)-epicatechin, caftarate, and coutarate, were positively correlated with high activity. This work demonstrates the great potential of NMR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics for the screening of large set of crude extracts, to study the effects of different variables on the activity, and identifying active compounds in complex mixtures like plant extracts.  相似文献   

Desorption electrospray ionization may be used as a fast and convenient method for analysis and identification of lipids in the cell culture. Oxidative stress, which usually involves changes in lipids, was used as a model of pathology to show the utility of this analysis methodology. This paper addresses the surface preparation of cell culture slides, induction of oxidative stress, and cell monolayer culture preparation as well as optimization of the analysis. Advantages and drawbacks of the method were also discussed.  相似文献   

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