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Air-borne fungi at Doha, Qatar   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Thirty-five genera and 73 species, were identifiedfrom 312 daily exposures set up during theperiod March 1997–March 1998. The total fungalcatch exhibited two peaks in July and December1997 and a trough in February 1998. Cladosporium (6 spp. 40.1% of total fungi),Alternaria (4 spp., 21%) andUlocladium (4 spp., 9.2%) were the maincomponents of air-borne fungi, and thecommonest species were Cladosporium.sphaerospermum (29.7%), C.cladosporioides (6.9%), Alternaria.alternata (13.9%) and U. atrum (5%).The predominance of these dark-coloured fungiin air is discussed and is attributed to one orboth of two hypotheses. Aspergillus (9spp., 4.3%) and Penicillium (8 spp.,3.95%) came next and were represented mainlyby A.niger (1.3%) andP. chrysogenum (2.4%).Spore showers of C.cladosporioides, C. sphaerospermum, Penicillium chrysogenum and Myrotheciumverrucaria were noticed with no regularseasonal pattern.The monthly number of species ranalmost parallel to the total count of fungi.The broadest species spectrum (25–29 spp.) wasrecorded in the summer months May–August 1997and the narrowest (11–12 spp.) in February andMarch 1998.The highest monthly wind velocity wasregularly associated with higher fungal colonycounts than in case of the lowest velocity. Onthe other hand, wind direction did not exhibitany regular correlation either with the colonycounts of fungi or with the wind velocity. Highwind velocity could bring more fungal spores tobe sedimented on the surface of exposed agar.Diurnal fluctuations of fungal spores offungi displayed one peak at 12 noon when thehighest temperature and wind velocity, and theleast relative humidity were recorded and onetrough at midnight.  相似文献   

Air-borne lead as an environmental toxin. A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Atopic individuals who were exposed to dust in animal rooms for a long time were more likely than non-atopics to have animal-related symptoms. Standard skin prick tests were performed using crude antigens from dander and urine, and 75 to 100% of atopic persons had positive skin reactions. It seems that allergens in animal rooms result from air-borne dust and the dust originates in animal urine and dander. The protein content occurs as dust particles both below and above 10 micron in diameter. The dust particles above 10 micron cannot pass through face masks, so half of the dust protein is arrested under the mask, but smaller particles pass through. In order to minimize the symptoms, we need to improve the design of cages, animal rooms, experimental rooms, ventilation systems and other protective equipment.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been directed toward the development of rapid methods for the identification of air-borne microorganisms. The application of the fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) coupled with the impaction of contaminated air onto glass slides affords a rapid and specific method for the identification of air-borne Pasteurella tularensis. Early experiments presented problems of cross-reaction with organisms other than P. tularensis. These cross-reactions are eliminated by specific adsorption and proper dilution of the conjugate. A series of experiments conducted under rigidly controlled laboratory conditions indicates that fewer than ten viable P. tularensis per slide can be detected by this method. Time of impaction as well as the presence of large concentrations of other microorganisms did not alter this number. Calculations indicate that a concentration as low as one viable organism per 5 liters of air can be detected.  相似文献   

Air-borne microbial contamination of surfaces in a UK dental clinic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Little is known about the number, type, or antibiotic resistance profiles, of air-borne microbes present in hospital settings yet such information is important in designing effective measures to reduce cross-infection. In this study settle plates were used to identify and quantify the air-borne microbes present in a dental clinic. All isolates were identified to species level using partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing and their susceptibility to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, gentamicin, penicillin, tetracycline or vancomycin was performed. The mean numbers of viable bacteria detected for each sampling occasion during periods of clinical activity and in the absence of such activity were 21.9x10(2 )cfu/m(2)/h and 2.3x10(2 )cfu/m(2)/h respectively. One hundred ninety-three distinct colony morphotypes, comprising 73 species, were isolated during the study and 48% of these were resistant to at least one antibiotic. The mean numbers of different morphotypes detected per sampling occasion were 14.3 and 5 during periods of clinical activity and inactivity respectively. Propionibacterium acnes, Micrococcus luteus and Staphylococcus epidermidis were frequently isolated regardless of whether any clinical activities were taking place. These findings highlight the importance of preventing surfaces from becoming reservoirs of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and thereby contributing to cross-infection in the dental clinic.  相似文献   

The genus Alternaria Nees formed one of the more important components of the fungus population of the air at Barcelone (Spain), during a two-year study, from February 1976 through January 1978. Results were based only on studies of colonies obtained by gravity-exposed plates.The occurrence of this genus was greatly affected by climatic conditions. In general, however, Alternaria appeared to prefer warmer weather.A total of six species of Alternaria was identified, of which, Alternaria alternata (Fries) Keissler was by far the commonest, representing 71.3% of all colonies.  相似文献   

During a two-year survey on the air-borne fungi in the atmosphere of Barcelona (Spain), the following genera were isolated in decreasing order: Aureobasidium, Rhizopus, Mucor, Arthrinium, Phoma, Fusarium, Trichoderma, and Botrytis.  相似文献   

During a survey on the presence of species of the genusAspergillus in the air of the city of Barcelona (Spain), the following species were identified:Aspergillus flavus Link,A. niger van Tieghem,A. fumigatus Fresenius,A. clavatus Desmazières,A. terreus Thorn,A. chevalieri (Mang.) Thomet Church,A. niveus Bloch, emend. Thomet Church,A. ochraceus Wilhelm,A. versicolor (Vuillemin) Tiraboschi, andA. amstelodami (Mang.) Churchet Thom.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1964,2(5418):1150-1151

Yeast exist throughout nature in association with soil, plants, mammals, and fish. As a result of this continued exposure, all humans are exposed to many different types of yeast through a variety of different routes. Recently, because of the increased population of immunocompromised patients and the extensive use of different antifungals, the incidence of infections due to non-Candida yeast has increased. Of these classic “nonpathogenic” yeast, Trichosporon species have been increasingly described producing deep-seated and disseminated infections that are difficult to predict and diagnose. In addition, the different species of Trichosporon have been found to be less susceptible or resistant to commonly used antifungals. Because of this intrinsic variation in antifungal susceptibility and the fact that these infections are generally seen in severely immunocompromised hosts, they are associated with significant morbidity and mortality, despite their known “nonpathogenic” characteristics described in superficial infections.  相似文献   

D. King Smith 《CMAJ》1921,11(7):502-503

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