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Primates - Ranging behavior has been studied extensively in eastern (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and western (P. t. verus) chimpanzees, but relatively little is known regarding home ranges of...  相似文献   

Homo faber was once proposed as a label for humans specifically to highlight their unique propensity for tool use. However, new observations on complex tool use by the chimpanzees of Loango National Park, Gabon, expand our knowledge about tool-using abilities in Pan troglodytes. Chimpanzees in Loango, when using tools to extract honey from three types of bee nests, were observed to regularly use three- to five-element tool sets. In other words, different types of tools were used sequentially to access a single food source. Such tool sets included multi-function tools that present typical wear for two distinct uses. In addition, chimpanzees exploited underground bee nests and used ground-perforating tools to locate nest chambers that were not visible from the ground surface. These new observations concur with others from Central African chimpanzees to highlight the importance of honey extraction in arguments favoring the emergence of complex tool use in hominoids, including different tool types, expanded tool sets, multifunction tools, and the exploitation of underground resources. This last technique requires sophisticated cognitive abilities concerning unseen objects. A sequential analysis reveals a higher level of complexity in honey extraction than previously proposed for nut cracking or hunting tools, and compares with some technologies attributed to early hominins from the Early and Middle Stone Age. A better understanding of similarities in human and chimpanzee tool use will allow for a greater understanding of tool-using skills that are uniquely human.  相似文献   

In some populations, chimpanzees engage in lethal aggression within and between social units. We report a fatal attack on an adult male chimpanzee at a new research site in Loango National Park, Gabon. We found a fresh corpse of an adult male chimpanzee only a few hundred meters from the research camp, after noting numerous vocalizations and chimpanzee movements the previous evening. Previous contacts with chimpanzees and fresh tracks in the area around the corpse suggest that 2 communities of chimpanzees range where the attack occurred and that members of the neighboring community killed the chimpanzee. To support the conclusion, we conducted genetic analysis for 13 Y-chromosome loci and 9 microsatellite loci of fecal samples from the dead individual, 5 possible attackers, and 2 members of the other community Though we cannot exclude the possibility of an intracommunity killing, the combined observational and genetic evidence suggest an intercommunity attack. The case study adds to the growing evidence that intercommunity killings are a rare but widespread phenomenon among chimpanzees and not an artifact of human provisioning or habituation.  相似文献   

This study examined the anxiety levels and social interactions of two orphan and four mother-reared adolescent chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kasekela community at Gombe National Park, Tanzania. We used focal sampling in the field at Gombe to observe these adolescent individuals. Their social interactions and anxious behavior, measured as rough scratching, were recorded. The two orphans differed from others of a similar age by exhibiting higher levels of anxiety and lower levels of play. These results suggest that a mother’s absence, even in naturalistic conditions in which other members of the community are available to the orphan, may have long-lasting impact on an adolescent’s anxiety and its ability to engage in complex social interactions, such as play.  相似文献   

Human female reproductive function is highly sensitive to current energetic condition, indicating adaptation to modulate reproductive effort in accordance with changing ecological conditions that might favor or disfavor the production of offspring. Here, we test the hypothesis that reproductive capacity in female chimpanzees is likewise limited by current energetic condition. We used 12 years of data on wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kanyawara community of Kibale National Park, Uganda, to examine the relationship of dietary quality, as assessed by fruit components of the diet, to the occurrence of sexually receptive females, concentrations of ovarian steroid hormones, and timing of conception. We found that the frequency of females having sexual swellings was positively related to the consumption of drupe fruits. Estrogen levels of both cycling and noncycling females increased during seasonal peaks in the consumption of drupe fruits. When average fruit consumption remained high across months, females conceived more quickly. These results support the hypothesis that cycling and conception in chimpanzees are contingent upon high energy balance, and they indicate that the availability of fruit is a key variable limiting reproductive performance in chimpanzees. Chimpanzees appear to share with humans a reproductive system that is primed to respond to proximate levels of energy acquisition.  相似文献   

Ten male and nine female habituated chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kasoje area of the Mahale Mountains National Park, Tanzania, were weighed intermittently between December 1973 and March 1980 by luring them up a rope hung on a spring balance: six adult males averaged 42.0 kg and eight adult females 35.2 kg. Seasonal change in body weight was recognized at least partially; body weights tended to decrease in the later part of the wet season presumably because of food shortage in the middle of the wet season. Comparison of body weight among three populations of the same subspecies suggests that adult female chimpanzees of Mahale appear to be heavier than those of the Gombe National Park, Tanzania, and that they seem to be similar to the forest-living counterparts of eastern Zaire. On the other hand, body weights of adult male chimpanzees from the three populations do not show significant differences. Perhaps feeding competition among adult females in a small, isolated habitat is more severe than that among adult males, which may result in the body weight reduction among adult female chimpanzees at Gombe.  相似文献   

Numerous intestinal parasites identified in populations of wild nonhuman primates can be pathogenic to humans. Furthermore, nonhuman primates are susceptible to a variety of human pathogens. Because of increasing human encroachment into previously nonimpacted forests, and the potential for disease transmission between human and nonhuman primate populations, further detailed investigations of primate ecological parasitology are warranted. For meaningful comparisons to be made, it is important for methods to be standardized across study sites. One aspect of methodological standardization is providing reliable estimates of parasite prevalence and knowing how many samples are needed to adequately estimate an individual's parasite prevalence. In this study the parasitic fauna of 37 adult, adolescent, and juvenile male chimpanzees from the Ngogo group, Kibale National Park, Uganda, were assessed from 121 fecal samples collected over a 3-month period. Twelve taxa of intestinal species (five helminth and seven protozoan) were recovered from the samples. The four most prevalent species were Troglodytella abrassarti (97.3%), Oesophagostomum sp. (81.1%), Strongyloides sp. (83.8%), and Entamoeba chattoni (70.3%). No one species was found in all samples from any one animal, and Troglodytella abrassarti, the most common intestinal organism, was found in all of the serial samples of only 69.4% of the chimpanzees. The cumulative species richness for individuals significantly increased for every sequential sample (up to three to four samples) taken per animal during this study. The results indicate that to accurately diagnose total intestinal infection and evaluate group prevalence, three to four sequential samples from each individual must be collected on nonconsecutive days. This conclusion applies only to short study periods in which possible seasonal effects are not taken into consideration. Validation of these results at different study sites in different regions with different climatic patterns is needed.  相似文献   

Innovations of behavior have major implications for the concept of culture in animals. Innovation has rarefy been documented in wild animal populations. The chimpanzees of the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, spontaneously included new patterns of behavior in their repertoire during our study. Some innovations were incorporated into a minority of the group members’ repertoire, whereas others, such as building day nests in trees and on the ground more frequently, became general behaviors. Similarly, new contexts for use of leaf- clipping behavior and novel ways of feeding on some leaves appeared and rapidly became part of the behavior of most group members. The environmental parameters were too stable to explain these new forms of behavior, as most of them took place within 1 month during the same dry season. In a similar way, leaf- grooming acquired a new function in Gombe chimpanzees. A process similar to social conventions could explain the emergence of these new functions for an existing behavior in a way rather similar to human “fashion. ” Three major characteristics of human culture — the absence of individual variations in the performance of the behavior, the general use of the behavior by group members, and the ability to modify the function of a behavior — characterize leaf-clipping in Taï chimpanzees and leaf- grooming in Gombe chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Imaginary Play was studied in a group of five signing chimpanzees and it was found that chimpanzees engage in imaginary play similar to that found in human children. Fifteen hours of remote videotapes were analyzed for instances of imaginary play. Behaviors were defined as imaginary play by meeting a predetermined criteria which allowed them to be classified into one of six different categories of imaginary play. Six instances of imaginary play were found and these were classified into the two categories of Animation and Substitution. Observations of imaginary play in other research with chimpanzees were discussed.  相似文献   

Unlike monozygotic (MZ) twins, dizygotic (DZ) twins develop from separate ova. The resulting twins can have different sires if the fertilizing sperm comes from different males. Routine paternity testing of a pair of same-sexed chimpanzee twins born to a female housed with two males indicated that the twins were sired by two different males. DNA typing of 22 short-tandem repeat (STR) loci demonstrated that these twins were not MZ twins but heteropaternal DZ twins. Reproductive data from 1926-2002 at five domestic chimpanzee colonies, including 52 twins and two triplets in 1,865 maternities, were used to estimate total twinning rates and the MZ and DZ components. The average chimpanzee MZ twinning rate (0.43%) equaled the average human MZ rate (0.48%). However, the chimpanzee DZ twinning rate (2.36%) was over twice the human average, and higher than all but the fertility-enhanced human populations of Nigeria. Similarly high twinning rates among African chimpanzees indicated that these estimates were not artifacts of captivity. Log-linear analyses of maternal and paternal effects on recurrent twinning indicated that females who twinned previously had recurrence risks five times greater than average, while evidence for a paternal twinning effect was weak. Chimpanzee twinning rates appear to be elevated relative to corresponding estimated human rates, making twinning and possibly heteropaternity more important features of chimpanzee reproductive biology than previously recognized.  相似文献   

Group size is expected to be an important factor to predicthome-range (HR) size in social animals. In chimpanzees adultmales play an important role in defending the HR against neighbors,and therefore it has been suggested that HR size depends onthe number of adult males. In this long-term study on wild WestAfrican chimpanzees, we analyzed the relative importance ofcommunity size and composition on ranging patterns over a 10-yearperiod, using multivariate statistics. Because community sizedecreased from 51 individuals with 6 adult males in 1992 to22 individuals with only 1 adult male in 2001, we expected adecrease in HR size, which should be better predicted by thenumber of males than by community size. We further investigatedthe effect of fruit availability on monthly HRs over a 4-yearperiod. As predicted, HR size decreased during the first 7 yearsof our study but increased during the last 3 years. Overall,the number of adult males was the best predictor of HR size,whereas fruit availability did not correlate with HR size. HRuse remained stable over the entire study period, with a constantproportion of about 35% of the HR used as core area. High HRand core-area overlap values between different years indicatedstrong site-fidelity. Although the number of males within thecommunity explained the decrease in HR size, the recent increasein size remains unexplained. This finding suggests that otherfactors such as relative fighting power of males affect HR size.  相似文献   

We measured the biological activities of a selected sample (84 crude extracts) of 24 species eaten by wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Kibale National Park, western Uganda, to assess their potential chemotherapeutic values. Antibacterial, antimalarial, and/or antileishmania activities were observed in some crude extracts, and five of these extracts showed a significant cytotoxicity against human tumor cells. Active compounds isolated from three plant parts occasionally ingested by chimpanzees (Diospyros abyssinica (Ebenaceae) bark, Uvariopsis congensis (Annonaceae) leaves, and Trichilia rubescens (Meliaceae) leaves) showed highly significant medicinal properties. Two novel antiparasitic limonoids were isolated from Trichilia rubescens and their molecular structures were determined. In addition to elucidating the natural equilibrium maintained between hosts and pathogens, our investigation of the diet of wild chimpanzees may serve as a guideline to discovering plants with bioactive properties that should be preserved from destruction because of their health maintenance value for great ape populations.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported on enamel and dentine development in hominoid molars, although little is known about intraspecific incremental feature variation. Furthermore, a recent histological study suggested that there is little or no time between age at chimpanzee crown completion and age at molar eruption, which is unlikely given that root growth is necessary for tooth eruption. The study presented here redefines growth standards for chimpanzee molar teeth and examines variation in incremental features. The periodicity of Retzius lines in a relatively large sample was found to be 6 or 7 days. The number of Retzius lines and cuspal enamel thickness both vary within a cusp type, among cusps, and among molars, resulting in marked variation in formation time. Daily secretion rate is consistent within analogous cuspal zones (inner, middle, and outer enamel) within and among cusp types and among molar types. Significantly increasing trends are found from inner to outer cuspal enamel (3 to 5 microns/day). Cuspal initiation and completion sequences also vary, although sequences for mandibular molar cusps are more consistent. Cusp-specific formation time ranges from approximately 2 to 3 years, increasing from M1 to M2, and often decreasing from M2 to M3. These times are intermediate between radiographic studies and a previous histological study, although both formation time within cusps and overlap between molars vary considerably. Cusp-specific (coronal) extension rates range from approximately 4 to 9 microns/day, and root extension rates in the first 5 mm of roots range from 3 to 9 microns/day. These rates are greater in M1 than in M2 or M3, and they are greater in mandibular molars than in respective maxillary molars. This significant enlargement of comparative data on nonhuman primate incremental development demonstrates that developmental variation among cusp and molar types should be considered during interpretations and comparisons of small samples of fossil hominins and hominoids.  相似文献   

Gaze cues are used as an index of social cognition in primates, yet the sensitivity to different forms of gaze, and consequently the cues required to test gaze-following abilities remain understudied. Whereas the eye is attributed special signal value in humans, the camouflaged ocular morphology of non-human primates has led to the consensus that head orientation may be a more salient cue. This study presents the first documentation of the surface eye movements of the chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, in order to determine the behavioral forms of eye-gaze and their saliency as signals, document their functional variation, and address the signal value of the eyes distinct from head orientation. Movements of the eye were identified as Scan (continuous movement), Glance (a single movement <1 sec), or Fixate (no movement). Scans, glances, and fixations were reliably detected by humans during live observation and from video (Cohen's kappa over 0.70) and, therefore, are likely also to be detected by conspecifics. Eye-gaze comprised a nonunitary measure of visual attention, reflecting the attentional task demands of different activities. Specifically, chimpanzees spent significantly more time scanning while feeding and resting, than grooming, F(2,28) = 10.23, P<0.001, and spent significantly more time fixating while grooming, than feeding or resting, F(2,28) = 7.52, P<0.01. Further, eye-gaze was often incongruent with head movement, varying significantly with the form of eye-gaze: incongruence was found during 12-21% of fixations, during 42-49% of scans, and during 70-100% of glances, F(2,16) = 30.17, P<0.001. These findings provide the basis for discrimination of the adaptive significance of gaze-processing abilities with emphasis on sensitivity to eye-gaze distinct from head orientation. If we are to continue exploring gaze-processing abilities in primates, then we need greater consideration of the precise nature of the signals themselves. Here we present evidence for special consideration of the eyes as a salient signal in P. troglodytes.  相似文献   

We present evidence of agonistic buffering in captive chimpanzees, recorded from 1993 until 2005, mainly from ad libitum sampling in over 2000 hr of observation. A total of 33 agonistic buffering episodes were analyzed for context and effects of this complex social behavior. Agonistic buffering was directed at the whole chimpanzee colony as they supported an individual who initially received aggression from the alpha male, independently of the victim's age, sex or social rank. Chimpanzee agonistic buffering behavior is compared with that in other nonhuman primate species, and we describe some particularities of chimpanzee agonistic buffering: the status of the buffers used-socially important offspring such as those from the alpha female-and the social rank of the adult male responsible for the buffering episode-alpha male. Possible functions for this behavior in chimpanzees are suggested as appeasement of group members in a particularly crowded captive setting, and/or as a "forced reconciliation" mechanism. Chimpanzees exhibit behavioral flexibility by adapting themselves to new social and physical situations and use novel behavior to achieve social benefits.  相似文献   

Although cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the captive chimpanzee population, little is known about the prevalence and etiology of heart disease in this species. We reviewed the physical exam records of 265 common chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) for electrocardiogram abnormalities. During the 24-mo period reviewed (August 2003 through August 2005), 34 animals were diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias consisting of ventricular arrhythmias, supraventricular arrhythmias, conduction disturbances, mixed arrhythmias, and bradycardia. The incidence of cardiac arrhythmia was significantly higher in male animals, chimpanzees 20 to 39 y old, and those with structural heart disease. Incidence of cardiac arrhythmia was not significantly higher in animals with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or chronic viral infections. During the retrospective period, 7 animals with cardiac arrhythmias died or were euthanized. Mortality was significantly higher in animals with ventricular arrhythmias compared with those without ventricular arrhythmias. We conclude that in the common chimpanzee, age, male gender, and structural heart disease are risk factors for developing cardiac arrhythmias and that ventricular arrhythmias are risk factors for mortality.  相似文献   

Tropical forest tree communities exhibit heterogeneity at multiple spatial scales, with important implications for animals relying on these resources. However, different organisms may perceive heterogeneity in the floristic community in very different ways. Here, we characterize the overall extent of heterogeneity in the floristic community at Ngogo, in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Also, using information from studies on the diet of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) inhabiting Ngogo, we quantify the extent to which the habitat is likely perceived as heterogeneous by this species. The forest as a whole is slightly more diverse than comparable sites in the Congo Basin, but this diversity is driven by a relatively high proportion of rare species represented by few individuals. From the perspective of chimpanzees, the forest is, unsurprisingly, even more heterogeneous. Species that provide fruit for chimpanzees during times of low overall fruit abundance and that display interindividual synchrony in fruiting were the most common chimpanzee resource in our sample, whereas species that provide fruit during times of low overall fruit abundance and that display asynchronous fruiting were the least common. We discuss the implications of the differences in density and distribution of various classes of resources for chimpanzee habitat use and foraging efficiency.  相似文献   

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