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Why do people riot?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gross M 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(18):R673-R676

Humans are quite unusual compared to other great apes in that reproduction typically takes place within long-term, iteroparous pairings--social arrangements that have been culturally reified as the institution of marriage. With respect to male behaviour, explanations of marriage fall into two major schools of thought. One holds that marriage facilitates a sexual division of labour and paternal investment, both important to the rearing of offspring that are born helpless and remain dependent for remarkably long periods (provisioning model). And the other suggests that the main benefits which men receive from entering into marriage derive from monopolizing access to women's fertility (mating effort model). In this paper, we explore extramarital sexual relationships and the conditions under which they occur as a means of testing predictions derived from these two models. Using data on men's extramarital sexual relationships among Tsimane forager-horticulturists in lowland Bolivia, we tested whether infidelity was more common when men had less of an opportunity to invest in their children or when they risked losing less fertility. We found that Tsimane men appear to be biasing the timing of their affairs to when they are younger and have fewer children, supporting the provisioning model.  相似文献   

Why do bees turn back and look?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The timing of learning of colour and shape of the food source, as well as of near-by landmarks, was examined exploiting a behaviour described recently, the Turn Back and Look behaviour (TBL): Bees departing from a novel food source after feeding turn around to view it at a short distance (Figs. 2, 3) before departing for the hive. They repeat this behaviour on several successive visits, termed the TBL phase (Fig. 5). To examine the function of the TBL, I trained individual bees in 4 different modes. In the first 3 they could view a food source or a landmark of a particular colour or shape during (i) arrival as well as departure, (ii) only arrival, and (iii) only departure; in the final mode (iv) the bees viewed one colour (or shape) on arrival, and another on departure. At the end of the TBL phase, the bees were tested by offering them a choice between the visual stimulus to which they were trained (modes i–iii) and a different (novel) one, or between the stimulus viewed on arrival and that viewed on departure (mode iv). The test results show that learning after feeding (while performing the TBL), i.e. backward conditioning, occurs regardless of whether the colour (Fig. 6, Fig. 10a) or shape (Fig. 7) of the food source, or the colour (Fig. 10b), shape (Fig. 11), and position (Fig. 12) of a near-by landmark is considered. Bees trained in mode (iv) preferred the stimulus learned on arrival over that learned on departure in almost all cases. However, a stimulus viewed exclusively on departure (mode iii) was often learned as well as when it was viewed exclusively on arrival (mode ii) (Figs. 10a, 11, 12), or both on arrival and departure (mode i) (Fig. 6). The finding that the timing of learning can be manipulated suggests that it is not based on hard wired predispositions to learn particular visual cues on arrival, and others on departure.  相似文献   

Why do we still use stepwise modelling in ecology and behaviour?   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
1. The biases and shortcomings of stepwise multiple regression are well established within the statistical literature. However, an examination of papers published in 2004 by three leading ecological and behavioural journals suggested that the use of this technique remains widespread: of 65 papers in which a multiple regression approach was used, 57% of studies used a stepwise procedure. 2. The principal drawbacks of stepwise multiple regression include bias in parameter estimation, inconsistencies among model selection algorithms, an inherent (but often overlooked) problem of multiple hypothesis testing, and an inappropriate focus or reliance on a single best model. We discuss each of these issues with examples. 3. We use a worked example of data on yellowhammer distribution collected over 4 years to highlight the pitfalls of stepwise regression. We show that stepwise regression allows models containing significant predictors to be obtained from each year's data. In spite of the significance of the selected models, they vary substantially between years and suggest patterns that are at odds with those determined by analysing the full, 4-year data set. 4. An information theoretic (IT) analysis of the yellowhammer data set illustrates why the varying outcomes of stepwise analyses arise. In particular, the IT approach identifies large numbers of competing models that could describe the data equally well, showing that no one model should be relied upon for inference.  相似文献   

Social grooming is an important element of social life in terrestrial primates, inducing the putative benefits of β-endorphin stimulation and group harmony and cohesion. Implicit in many analyses of grooming (e.g. biological markets) are the assumptions of costs and benefits to grooming behaviour. Here, in a review of literature, we investigate the proximate costs and benefits of grooming, as a potentially useful explanatory substrate to the well-documented ultimate (functional) explanations. We find that the hedonic benefits of grooming are well documented. However, we did not find convincing evidence for costs. If proximate costs do exist, they might consist of energetic, cognitive, opportunity costs, or some combination of all of these. Nonetheless, there remains the possibility that grooming costs are negligible, or even that the provision of allogrooming is rewarding in itself. We suggest empirical research to resolve this issue.  相似文献   

Luehdorfia butterflies lay eggs in clusters. Clones of their host plants (Asiasarum and Heterotropa) are distributed pacthily among the understory of deciduous forests. Groups of Luehdorfia larvae often exhaust the clones and may wander over the forest floor seeking new clones. The highest mortality observed is during this wandering period. To elucidate why Luehdorfia butterflies lay eggs in clusters, a simulation experiment was made for hypothetical populations which lay eggs in clusters or singly. Field data on larval mortality, consumption, density of host clones and leaf weight for Luehdorfia japonica were incorporated into the model. The predictions of the simulation were: (1) When the egg density is low, the single egg type could leave many more pupae than the egg clustering type, but when the egg density is high, the former might leave smaller number of pupae than the latter; and (2) There are optimal sizes of egg clusters for different egg densities and the optimal size becomes larger as the egg density increased.  相似文献   

Flexistyly is a recently documented stylar polymorphism involving both spatial and temporal segregation of sex roles within hermaphroditic flowers. Using the experimental manipulation of stigma movement in self-compatible Alpinia mutica, we tested the hypothesis that selection for reducing interference between male and female function drives the evolution and/or maintenance of stigma movement. In experimental arrays, anaflexistylous (protogynous) flowers served as pollen donors competing for mating opportunities on cataflexistylous (protandrous) flowers. The pollen donors were either manipulated so their stigmas could not move or were left intact, and their success was determined using allozymes to assess the paternity of recipient seeds. We found that manipulated flowers sired a significantly smaller proportion of seeds, showing that stigma movement in unmanipulated plants increased male fitness. This result was strongest under conditions in which pollen competition was expected to be highest, specifically when pollinators visited multiple donor plants before visiting recipient flowers.  相似文献   

In our attempts to understand the circadian system, we unavoidably rely on abstractions. Instead of describing the behavior of the circadian system in all its complexity, we try to derive basic features from which we form a global concept on how the system works. Such a basic concept is a model of reality. The author discusses why it is advantageous or even necessary to transform conceptual models into mathematical formulations. As examples to demonstrate those advantages, the author reviews 4 types of mathematical models: negative feedback models thought to operate within pacemaker cells, models on coupling between pacemaker cells to generate pacemaker output, oscillator models describing the behavior of the composite circadian pacemaker, and models describing how the circadian pacemaker influences behavior.  相似文献   

Why and where do oligochaetes hide their cocoons?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In Mondsee, a prealpine lake of Austria, abundance and vertical distribution of oligochaetes were investigated at four different depths (5, 10, 20 and 40 m). Adult oligochaetes and cocoons were found to be almost always absent in the uppermost centimeters of sediment. A hypothesis was developed that predation by fish is one factor, among others, inducing the observed vertical distribution patterns. In the laboratory the predation efficiency of the fish Abramis brama decreased with increasing sediment cover over the cocoons. Tolerance limits of embryonic worms to anaerobic conditions (LC 50 values) were found to differ for different developmental stages, ranging from 28 hrs for eggs to 43 hrs for fully developed embryos. Oxygen uptake rates of oligochaete embryos increased with their stages of development, eggs using 1.51 and fully developed embryos 3.32 nl O2/ind./h (10°C).  相似文献   

Despite the past few decades of research providing convincing evidence of the similarities in function and neural mechanisms between imagery and perception, for most of us, the experience of the two are undeniably different, why? Here, we review and discuss the differences between imagery and perception and the possible underlying causes of these differences, from function to neural mechanisms. Specifically, we discuss the directional flow of information (top-down versus bottom-up), the differences in targeted cortical layers in primary visual cortex and possible different neural mechanisms of modulation versus excitation. For the first time in history, neuroscience is beginning to shed light on this long-held mystery of why imagery and perception look and feel so different.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Offline perception: voluntary and spontaneous perceptual experiences without matching external stimulation''.  相似文献   

Programmed Cell Death in Floral Organs: How and Why do Flowers Die?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Rogers HJ 《Annals of botany》2006,97(3):309-315
BACKGROUND: Flowers have a species-specific, limited life span with an irreversible programme of senescence, which is largely independent of environmental factors, unlike leaf senescence, which is much more closely linked with external stimuli. TIMING: Life span of the whole flower is regulated for ecological and energetic reasons, but the death of individual tissues and cells within the flower is co-ordinated at many levels to ensure correct timing. Some floral cells die selectively during organ development, whereas others are retained until the whole organ dies. TRIGGERS: Pollination is an important floral cell death trigger in many species, and its effects are mediated by the plant growth regulator (PGR) ethylene. In some species ethylene is a major regulator of floral senescence, but in others it plays a very minor role and the co-ordinating signals involved remain elusive. Other PGRs such as cytokinin and brassinosteroids are also important but their role is understood only in some specific systems. MECHANISMS: In two floral cell types (the tapetum and the pollen-tube) there is strong evidence for apoptotic-type cell death, similar to that in animal cells. However, in petals there is stronger evidence for an autophagous type of cell death involving endoplasmic reticulum-derived vesicles and the vacuole. Proteases are important, and homologues to animal caspases, key regulators of animal cell death, exist in plants. However, their role is not yet clear. COMPARISON WITH OTHER ORGANS: There are similarities to cell death in other plant organs, and many of the same genes are up-regulated in both leaf and petal senescence; however, there are also important differences for example in the role of PGRs. CONCLUSIONS: Understanding gene regulation may help to understand cell death in floral organs better, but alone it cannot provide all the answers.  相似文献   

In utero stem cell transplantation promises a novel therapeutic approach to those genetic disorders that can be diagnosed in early pregnancy and that could lead to either severe disability or death. Available scientific evidence suggests that such procedures could achieve clinically relevant levels of engraftment with donor cells and that the resulting sustained chimerism is potentially long lived. However, the relatively few cases performed so far have not borne out initial hopes, and both the source and the type of cell preparation to be transplanted and the choice of disorders to target with this therapy remain controversial.  相似文献   

Why do crown ethers activate enzymes in organic solvents?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the major drawbacks of enzymes in nonaqueous solvents is that their activity is often dramatically low compared to that in water. This limitation can be largely overcome by crown ether treatment of enzymes. In this paper, we describe a number of carefully designed new experiments that have improved the insights into the mechanisms that are operative in the crown ether activation of enzymes in organic solvents. The enhancement of enzyme activity upon addition of 18-crown-6 to the organic solvent can be reconciled with a mechanism in which macrocyclic interactions of 18-crown-6 with the enzyme play an important role. Macrocyclic interactions (e.g., complexation with lysine ammonium groups of the enzyme) can lead to a reduced formation of inter- and intramolecular salt bridges and, consequently, to lowering of the kinetic conformational barriers, enabling the enzyme to refold into thermodynamically stable, catalytically (more) active conformations. This assumption is supported by the observation that the crown-ether-enhanced enzyme activity is retained after removal of the crown by washing with a dry organic solvent. A much stronger crown ether activation is observed when 18-crown-6 is added prior to lyophilization, and this can be explained by a combination of two effects: the before-mentioned macrocyclic complexation effect, and a less specific, nonmacrocyclic, lyoprotecting effect. The magnitude of the total crown ether effect depends on the polarity and thermodynamic water activity of the solvent, the activation being highest in dry and apolar media, where kinetic conformational barriers are highest. By determination of the specific activity of crown-ether-lyophilized enzyme as a function of the enzyme concentration, the macrocyclic crown ether (linearly dependent on the enzyme concentration) and the nonmacrocyclic lyoprotection effect (not dependent on the enzyme concentration) could be separated. These measurements reveal that the contribution of the nonmacrocyclic effect is significantly larger than the macrocyclic refolding effect.  相似文献   

Why does life diversify into the more or less discrete entities we recognise as species? Two main explanations have been proposed: i) species are a consequence of adaptation to different ecological niches, ii) species are a consequence of sexual reproduction and reproductive isolation. Phylogenetic studies of case-study groups can provide insights into the relative importance of divergent selection and isolation for speciation, but it can be difficult to infer causes of speciation unambiguously. The example of North American tiger beetles from the genus Cicindela is discussed. An alternative approach is to compare diversification between related sexual and asexual taxa to infer the relative importance of the two explanations. We outline expected patterns of diversification in sexual and asexual lineages under different scenarios using coalescent theory. Whether sexuals or asexuals diversify to a greater extent depends on the balance among various stages of diversification, particularly on the effects of sexual reproduction on rates of adaptive evolution. Rotifers offer a unique system to test these ideas, allowing comparison of patterns of genetic and functional morphological diversification in sexual (bdelloid) and asexual (monogonont) clades.  相似文献   

The Arctic charr of Lake Saimaa are the most endangered fish population in Finland, and reintroduction programs have been unsuccessful. Low success of reintroduction programs has drawn attention to behavioural properties of hatcheryreared fish. Mortality due to predation often is a principal cause of failure. Antipredator behaviour may degenerate rapidly under hatchery conditions due to (i) reduced genetic variation in antipredator behaviour and/or (ii) selection that would favour bold and fast growing individuals and disfavour predator awareness supposedly associated with slow growth. To test the relative importance of these two factors we first analysed the amount of variation in innate antipredator responses between and within families of hatchery‐bred Arctic charr of the Lake Saimaa stock. We then tested whether fast growing individuals would show reduced responses to chemical cues from their natural predators compared to their slow growing counterparts. Based on the results we propose procedures for maintaining and improving antipredator skills of hatchery‐reared salmonids.  相似文献   

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