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The aim of this paper is to present a joint vegetation data base and GIS application to produce a model to map the potential natural vegetation (PNV) of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (NE Italy) and to show how the map can be used to draw a biogeographic classification of the region. All the natural arboreal coenoses growing below the timber line, as well as the dwarf shrubs and prairies developing above this limit, were considered. Some cross sections, extracted from the potential vegetation map, were tested against transects of real vegetation distribution.  相似文献   

The differences in the bacterio- and zooplankton communities of small- and medium-sized watercourses classified on the specifics of natural processes and consequences of anthropogenic activity in the territory of Voronezh oblast are described. Soil erosion, along with contamination of surface waters by industrial and municipal sewage and pesticides, has the greatest impact. The water current velocity, contamination by organic matter and nutrients, and the extent of macrophyte overgrowth affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of plankton in local parts of the studied watercourses.  相似文献   

Seven erythrocyte enzyme polymorphisms (ACP1, ADA, ESD, GLO1, PGD, PGM1 and PGM2) were investigated in a sample of 673 unrelated adult individuals from Friuli Venezia Giulia (or Friuli) and Istria. The gene frequencies found in the four provincial samples of Friuli and Istria fall within the range previously reported for Italy, showing a genetic homogeneity among the considered samples. However, comparisons with data from ex-Yugoslavian samples--using the chi 2 test--showed rather marked differences, probably due to a real different genetic structure of the compared samples. A significant association was found assuming a linear relation between the ADA*2 allele frequencies and longitude (r = +0.5503) and between the PGD*C frequencies and latitude (r = -0.6483), suggesting the existence of a clinal trend for these allele frequencies in Italy. These results seem to disagree with foregoing conclusions stated by other authors, probably because these studies were carried out in an area either rather narrow from the geographical point of view or affected by small size migration movements.  相似文献   

The present research was conducted 1) to investigate the usefulness of progesterone profiles for the study of reproductive efficiency, 2) to identify new reproductive indexes and 3) to examine the possibility of modelling changes in the biological status of animals. Two groups of dairy cows were chosen for this investigation: Italian Simmental and Italian Friesian cows. Milk samples were taken from each cow every 3 to 4 d between Day 10 and Day 240 after calving, and whey progesterone was determined by RIA. The cows were classified into the following 4 categories on the basis of their luteinic activity: 1) Acyclic cows with P4 values <100 pg/ml; 2) Cyclic cows with a normal cycle (1 or 2 samples <100 pg/ml, followed by 1 sample >/=120 pg/ml, followed by at least 3 samples >/=200 pg/ml, followed by 1 sample <100 pg/ml) or a short cycle (1 or 2 samples <100 pg/ml, followed by 1 sample >/=120 pg/ml, followed by 2 samples >/= 200 pg/ml, followed by 1 sample <100 pg/ml followed by a normal cycle); 3) pregnant cows with P4 values >120 pg/ml at 21 to 24 d from AI; and 4) cows with atypical luteinic activity and P4 values >120 pg/ml in a single sample. Analysis of the P4 frequency distribution indicated that ovarian activity resumed from Day 15 and Day 18 after calving in the Italian Friesian and Italian Simmental cows, respectively, and the highest percentage of cyclic cows was observed on Day 60 for Italian Friesian cows (45%) and Day 70 for Italian Simmental cows (55%). The acyclic phase was considered to be concluded by Day 164 and Day 120 for Italian Friesian and Italian Simmental cows, respectively. By Day 240, 66% of Italian Friesian cows and 79% of Italian Simmental cows were pregnant. The percentage of cows with atypical luteinic activity was almost constant throughout the experiment (Italian Friesian=5 to 10%, Italian Simmental=10 to 15%). The calving-conception interval was 104 d for Italian Friesian cows and 94 d for Italian Simmental cows. In both groups, the area on the P4 frequency diagram representing the acyclic cows was not very different from that representing the cyclic cows, while the area occupied on the diagram by pregnant animals was larger. These results are derived from an accurate mathematical analysis. The average number of times in the acyclic status for both groups of cows was about 3-fold smaller than the average number in the cyclic status.  相似文献   

We report, for the first time, the presence of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in the tick Ixodes ricinus collected in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of north-eastern Italy. Using molecular methods, we demonstrate that the TBE virus carried by ticks from FVG is a western European strain. Sequence analysis of the 5' NCR showed 98.4% identity to the Neudoerfl strain.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of individuals who formed exogamic marriages in the Friuli region (north-east Italy) during the second half of the 19th century. Logistic regression models were devised to measure the influence of the determinants of exogamic marriage, taking into account not only variables related to context but also spouses' economic, social and cultural characteristics. The determinants of exogamic marriage differ for men and women, and also vary by region due to differences in geographical mobility and size of the marriage market. The majority of exogamic spouses belong to one of two categories: either older individuals, often, especially in the case of men, with a previous marriage; or the upper social classes.  相似文献   

A survey of 18 watercourses of the Tiber River basin was carried out to define the ecological niche breadth of some aquatic bryophyte species in relation to environmental factors. Aquatic bryophytes were sampled and water environmental parameters were measured at 99 stations distributed along the catchment (from the headwater regions to the downstream reaches). The datasets of the collected species and environmental data were analyzed by using a multivariate statistical analysis (PCA biplot). Ecological responses of the recorded aquatic bryophytes were obtained using a fuzzy set approach, and were compared with data from literature. The results show that the presence of the aquatic bryophytes in watercourses is affected negatively by the reduction of water velocity, clearness, substratum size and the worsening quality of the water physico-chemical status. In fact, aquatic bryophytes show a general preference for stations characterized by medium-large granulometry, and fast-flowing, clear, oxygenated (mean value 9.2 mg/l), cool waters (mean value 15.0 °C), with low loads of nutrients, particularly ammonia (mean value 0.10 mg/l) and phosphates (mean value 0.09 mg/l). However, ecological responses reveal different patterns in the distribution of aquatic bryophyte species mainly in relation to water physico-chemical parameters (e.g. temperature, conductivity, ammonia, phosphates). E.g. Palustriella commutata var. commutata, Cratoneuron filicinum, Fissidens viridulus and Cinclidotus aquaticus show high preference for clear, turbulent and fast-flowing waters, with temperature below 12 °C, conductivity below 300 μS/cm, and concentrations about 0.01 mg/l for phosphates, not exceeding 0.10 mg/l for ammonium ions and 0.90 mg/l for nitrates. Leptodictyum riparium and Riccia fluitans are for their part more linked to turbid and slow waters affected by eutrophication, showing optimum values for about 0.30 mg/l for ammonia concentration, 0.90 mg/l for nitrates and 0.11 and 0.22 mg/l for phosphates respectively. Conversely, Fontinalis antipyretica is not closely related to specific conditions, showing wide ecological ranges for most of the analyzed environmental factors. This paper has evaluated and discussed the possible use of sampled species as bioindicators for biomonitoring of the water quality.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo , in common with other sessile, benthic freshwater taxa, has an unusual life history: sex occurs during a relatively brief period near the start of the growing season, and overwintering occurs in the form of asexually produced dormant propagules (statoblasts). Consistent observed heterozygosity (Ho) deficits in C. mucedo populations have previously suggested that inbreeding is common, although a possible contribution of a Wahlund effect to low Ho could not be discounted.
2. We have used microsatellite data in the first study based on codominant markers to genetically characterise maternal colonies and larval offspring of C. mucedo . The 'population' represented by the larvae was in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, which has previously been found in only one of 39 populations of C. mucedo . At least 64% of larvae were the products of outcrossing. We suggest that the unusual early timing of sex may be a strategy to maximise rates of outcrossing within populations of sessile freshwater invertebrates.  相似文献   

Composite channels in the alpine region are heterogeneous environments resulting from a variety of erosive and depositional processes. They can have different ecological functions: habitats for plant species, conduits, filters, sources and sinks. They can contain sparse, intermittent vegetation cover, and are frequently free of vegetation except along the banks and levees. We hypothesised that this disturbed and fragmented landscape unit encourages biodiversity with characteristic plant species adapted to survive in the channel niches.  相似文献   

An annotated list of chironomid species from some waterbodies and watercourses of Mongolia identified by an imaginal developmental stage is presented. The list includes 97 species of 39 genera and 5 subfamilies: Tanypodinae (6 species), Diamesinae (1), Prodiamesinae (2), Orthocladiinae (33), and Chironominae (55). Of all found chironomid imagos, 11 species have been earlier identified for the Mongolian fauna, the other 86 species have been registered for the first time. The largest number of species has been recorded in Lake Sangiyn-Dalai—28; in Lake Ugiy and River Ider—19 species. In the rest of the lakes, the number of recorded species varies from 18 to 10 species, and in rivers, from 13 to 2. Most of the species are boreal and widespread. The number of Paleoarctic species amounts to 44 and Holarctic species amounts to 49.  相似文献   

An updated, corrected checklist of both native and established alien freshwater fish species in Italy is given based on molecular, morphological and biogeographical data. Some 12 native species, reported as conspecific with transalpine species in official Italian ichthylogical literature, are in fact endemics. Previous taxonomic confusion has resulted in the introduction of several alien species, either with official stockings or mixed in as impurities. Rehabilitated species include the cyprinids Scardinius hesperidicus, Scardinius scardafa and Telestes savigny from northern Italy, as well as Squalius ruffoi and the Telestes comes from southern Italy. Squalius albus is a junior synonym of S. squalus. The endemic gudgeon, previously assigned to the genus Romanogobio, is returned to the genus Gobio (G. benacensis). Phoxinus lumaireul is a junior synonym of P. phoxinus. Among the Salmonidae, Salmo cenerinus is a junior synonym of S. marmoratus, while Salmo farioides represents the trout species of the Adriatic lineage for which a neotype is designated. Thymallus aeliani represents the endemic lineage of grayling of the Adriatic populations. The esocid Esox cisalpinus is an endemic pike species and Esox flaviae is a junior synonym; the extensive exportation as well as the presence of this species throughout Europe is possibly due to humans. Among sculpins, Cottus scaturigo and C. ferrugineus are junior synonyms of C. gobio. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categories for native species of Italy are updated. At present, 52 native freshwater fish species are listed: 2 are extinct (Acipenser sturio and Huso huso), 12 are critically endangered, 7 endangered, 10 vulnerable, 3 near‐threatened, 15 low concern and 3 data‐deficient; 35 species are the result of human transfers. Among the 51 introduced species, 6 are recently established (Leuciscus leuciscus, Oreochromis niloticus, Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus helleri, Amatitlania nigrofasciatus, Hemichromis sp.), 37 are already established, 5 are probably established and 3 are non‐established Chinese carp, maintained in the wild by intensive stockings. The family most involved is the Cyprinidae, with 22 alien and 20 native species.  相似文献   

In transitional environments, the intertidal zones represent a peculiar case characterized by halophile vegetation and by a low diversity benthic community. On these areas just a few particular foraminiferal species, a class of Protoctista secreting a shell called test, can survive for a certain time out of water. They are distributed in well-defined vertical zonations with respect to mean sea level and they correspond to analogous marsh floral zonations. In particular, the Trochammina macrescens Brady + Trochammina inflata (Montagu) association characterizes the salt marsh zone above mean high water level. The potential of these taxa as bioindicators is tested, since their presence-absence-dominance differentiates the subtidal/supratidal environments. Over the last few centuries, various engineering works generated major physical changes in the Venetian Lagoon. These changes affected the natural evolution of the intertidal morphologies, the surface of which is decreasing. In an attempt to reverse this tendency, numerous artificial salt marshes have been constructed and more are under construction. In this study, the Mazzorbo artificial salt marsh, built during the second half of 1999, is considered. On its surface, 16 samples were collected along a transect line in May 2008 to verify the ecological role of this salting within the lagoon ecosystem. The sediment grain size distribution of the salt marsh reflects the dissipative role of the tide and the effect of sediment transport due to the wave and tidal action. However, the presence of only a few Trochammina individuals shows that the foraminiferal fauna did not recognise this morphology as a salt marsh. The lack of Trochammina colonisation can be related to the excessive elevation of the salt marsh surface. This hypothesis is confirmed by the lack of the salt-tolerant plant Spartina. The unsuccessful colonisation by the foraminifera seems to indicate that this artificial salting does not have the natural dynamism of the intertidal morphologies and it may only be classified as land recovery. The supratidal foraminiferal taxa can act as an ecological indicator: through their observation it is possible to verify whether an artificial salt marsh accomplishes its task of functioning as an ecological unit with the community of organisms.  相似文献   

Our study aimed to analyse the vegetation of the Borgotrebbia landfill in phytosociological and ecological terms, in order to contribute to the current knowledge of the landfill's vegetation, and to better understand the environmental characteristics of the area, with a view to its restoration. Five vegetation types were identified, all classified into the Stellarietea mediae class that includes annual ruderal communities. Ellenberg's and Landolt's indices shed light on the ecological characteristics of all the vegetation and five typologies. The vegetation of the study area indicates a moderately basic, semi-dry soil, rich in nutrients, low in humus and badly aerated. The high therophyte percentage indicates a stressed environment, the main cause of this stress being a marked edaphic aridity during the dry summer months. In these conditions, annual plants, which complete their life cycle in a short time after the spring precipitations, are favoured. Finally, the species variety within the various typologies of vegetation increases with a decrease in the percentage of species tolerating salts and heavy metals in the soil. As a consequence, this suggests a possible contamination of the soil in some of the areas.  相似文献   

Environmental Biology of Fishes - Potamotrygoninae is a group of stingrays fully adapted to South American freshwater ecosystems. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of publications...  相似文献   

Aquatic habitat change caused by flooding was quantified along the Fiume Tagliamento, a morphologically intact gravel-bed river ecosystem in northeast Italy. Five different geomorphic reaches (each around 1.5 km), ranging from near the headwaters at 800 m above sea level (a.s.l.) to near the mouth at 5 m a.s.l., were studied over a 1-year period. All floodplain water bodies in each reach were delineated in August 1999 using a differential global positioning system. Each reach was remapped twice (in December 1999 and August 2000) to investigate the impact of autumn and spring flood seasons on aquatic habitat composition and configuration. A high degree (nearly 62%) of aquatic habitat turnover was documented in a braided headwater floodplain. The degree of aquatic habitat turnover decreased with decreasing elevation to approximately 20% turnover in a meandering reach at 5 m a.s.l. In contrast to turnover, braiding, sinuosity, and aquatic habitat composition changed little in response to flooding in all reaches. Location of aquatic habitats in floodplains changed considerably (turnover), whereas habitat configuration and composition remained relatively stable. These results support the applicability of the shifting mosaic steady-state model to riverine floodplain environments.  相似文献   

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