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An experimental study with captive individuals and study of video recordings of wild monkeys explored whether and how tufted capuchin monkeys use onehand to hold one or more objects with multiple grips (compound grips). A task designed to elicit compound grip was presented to five captive tufted capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp). The monkeys held one to four balls in onehand and dropped the balls individually into a vertical tube. Multiple simple grips and independent digit movements enabled separate control of multiple objects in one hand. Monkeys always supported the wrist on the horizontal edge of the tube before releasing the ball. Increasing the number of balls decreased the likelihood that the monkeys managed the task. Wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) used compound grips spontaneously to store multiple food items. Compound grips have been described in macaques, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans, and now in a New World primate. We predict that any primate species that exhibits precision grips and independent digit movement can perform compound grips. Our findings suggest many aspects of compound grip that await investigation.  相似文献   

Natural selection for positional behavior (posture and locomotion) has at least partially driven the evolution of anatomical form and function in the order Primates. Examination of bipedal behaviors associated with daily activity patterns, foraging, and terrestrial habitat use in nonhuman primates, particularly those that adopt bipedal postures and use bipedal locomotion, allows us to refine hypotheses concerning the evolution of bipedalism in humans. This study describes the positional behavior of wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus), a species that is known for its use of terrestrial substrates and its habitual use of stones as tools. Here, we test the association of terrestrial substrate use with bipedal posture and locomotion, and the influence of sex (which co‐varies with body mass in adults of this species) on positional behavior and substrate use. Behavior and location of 16 wild adult bearded capuchins from two groups were sampled systematically at 15 s intervals for 2 min periods for 1 year (10,244 samples). Despite their different body masses, adult males (average 3.5 kg) and females (average 2.1 kg) in this study did not differ substantially in their positional behaviors, postures, or use of substrates for particular activities. The monkeys used terrestrial substrates in 27% of samples. Bipedal postures and behaviors, while not a prominent feature of their behavior, occurred in different forms on the two substrates. The monkeys crouched bipedally in trees, but did not use other bipedal postures in trees. While on terrestrial substrates, they also crouched bipedally but occasionally stood upright and moved bipedally with orthograde posture. Bearded capuchin monkeys' behavior supports the suggestion from anatomical analysis that S. libidinosus is morphologically better adapted than its congeners to adopt orthograde postures.  相似文献   

Young primates have relatively large hands and feet for their body size, perhaps enhancing grasping ability. We test the hypothesis that selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for these scaling trends by examining the ontogeny of intrinsic hand and foot proportions in capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella). If selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for the observed patterns of hand and foot growth in primates, we predicted that fingers and toes would be longer early in life and proportionally decline with age. We measured the lengths of manual and pedal metapodials and phalanges in a mixed‐longitudinal radiographic sample. Bone lengths were (a) converted into phalangeal indices (summed non‐distal phalangeal length/metapodial length) to test for age‐related changes in intrinsic proportions and (b) fit to Gompertz models of growth to test for differences in the dynamics of phalangeal versus metapodial growth. Manual and pedal phalangeal indices nearly universally decreased with age in capuchin monkeys. Growth curve analyses revealed that metapodials generally grew at a faster rate, and for a longer duration, than corresponding phalanges. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that primates are under selection for increased grasping ability early in life. Relatively long digits may be functionally adaptive for growing capuchins, permitting a more secure grasp on both caregivers and arboreal supports, as well as facilitating early foraging. Additional studies of primates and other mammals, as well as tests of grasping performance, are required to fully evaluate the adaptive significance of primate hand and foot growth.  相似文献   

Bearded capuchin monkeys crack nuts with naturally varying stone hammers, suggesting they may tune their grips and muscular forces to each stone. If so, they might use discrete actions on a stone before lifting and striking, and they would likely use these actions more frequently when the stone is larger and/or less familiar and/or when first initiating striking. We examined the behavior of (a) four monkeys (all proficient at cracking nuts) with two larger (1 kg) and two smaller (0.5 kg) stones, (b) 12 monkeys with one 1 kg stone, and (c) one monkey during its first 100 strikes with an initially unfamiliar 1 kg stone. Bearded capuchin monkeys used three discrete actions on the stone before striking, all more often with the larger stones than the smaller stones. We infer that the first discrete action (Spin) aided the monkey in determining where to grip the stone, the second (Flip) allowed it to position the stone on the anvil ergonomically before lifting it, and the third (Preparatory Lift) readied the monkey for the strenuous lifting action. The monkey that provided 100 strikes with one initially unfamiliar stone performed fewer Spins in later strikes but performed Flip and Preparatory Lift at consistent rates. The monkeys gripped the stone with both hands along the sides to lift it, but usually moved one or both hands to the top of the stone at the zenith of the lift for the downward strike. The findings highlight two new aspects of the capuchins’ nut‐cracking: (a) Anticipatory actions with the stone before striking, especially when the stone is larger or unfamiliar, and when initiating striking and (b) shifting grips on the stone during a strike. We invite researchers to investigate if other taxa use anticipatory actions and shift their grips during percussive activity.  相似文献   

Socioecological models assume that primates adapt their social behavior to ecological conditions, and predict that food availability and distribution, predation risk and risk of infanticide by males affect patterns of social organization, social structure and mating system of primates. However, adaptability and variation of social behavior may be constrained by conservative adaptations and by phylogenetic inertia. The comparative study of closely related species can help to identify the relative contribution of ecological and of genetic determinants to primate social systems. We compared ecological features and social behavior of two species of the genus Sapajus, S. nigritus in Carlos Botelho State Park, an area of Atlantic Forest in S?o Paulo state, and S. libidinosus in Fazenda Boa Vista, a semi-arid habitat in Piauí state, Brazil. S. libidinosus perceived higher predation risk and fed on clumped, high quality, and usurpable resources (fruits) all year round, whereas S. nigritus perceived lower predation risk and relied on evenly distributed, low-quality food sources (leaves) during periods of fruit shortage. As predicted by socioecology models, S. libidinosus females were philopatric and established linear and stable dominance hierarchies, coalitions, and grooming relationships. S. nigritus females competed less often, and could transfer between groups, which might explain the lack of coalitions and grooming bonds among them. Both populations presented similar group size and composition and the same polygynous mating system. The species differed from each other in accordance with differences in the characteristics of their main food sources, as predicted by socioecological models, suggesting that phylogenetic inertia does not constrain social relationships established among female Sapajus. The similarity in mating systems indicates that this element of the social system is not affected by ecological variables and thus, is a more conservative behavioral feature of the genus Sapajus.  相似文献   

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