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Using iterative database searches, we identified a new subfamily of the AID/APOBEC family of RNA/DNA editing cytidine deaminases. The new subfamily, which is represented by readily identifiable orthologs in mammals, chicken, and frog, but not fishes, was designated APOBEC4. The zinc-coordinating motifs involved in catalysis and the secondary structure of the APOBEC4 deaminase domain are evolutionarily conserved, suggesting that APOBEC4 proteins are active polynucleotide (deoxy)cytidine deaminases. In reconstructed maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees, APOBEC4 forms distinct clade with a high statistical support. APOBEC4 and APOBEC1 are joined in a moderately supported cluster clearly separated from AID, APOBEC2 and APOBEC3 subfamilies. In mammals, APOBEC4 is expressed primarily in testis which suggests the possibility that it is an editing enzyme for mRNAs involved in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The AID/APOBECs, a group of cytidine deaminases, represent a somewhat unusual protein family that can insert mutations in DNA and RNA as a result of their ability to deaminate cytidine to uridine. The ancestral AID/APOBECs originated from a branch of the zinc-dependent deaminase superfamily at the beginning of the vertebrate radiation. Other members of the family have arisen in mammals and present a history of complex gene duplications and positive selection. All AID/APOBECs have a characteristic zinc-coordination motif, which forms the core of the catalytic site. The crystal structure of human APOBEC2 shows remarkable similarities to that of the bacterial tRNA-editing enzyme TadA, which suggests a conserved mechanism by which polynucleotides are recognized and deaminated. The AID/APOBECs seem to have diverse roles. AID and the APOBEC3s are DNA mutators, acting in antigen-driven antibody diversification processes and in an innate defense system against retroviruses, respectively. APOBEC1 edits the mRNA for apolipoprotein B, a protein involved in lipid transport. A detailed understanding of the biological roles of the family is still some way off, however, and the functions of some members of the family are completely unknown. Given their ability to mutate DNA, a role for the AID/APOBECs in the onset of cancer has been proposed.  相似文献   

PrimPol is a DNA damage tolerant polymerase displaying both translesion synthesis (TLS) and (re)-priming properties. This led us to study the consequences of a PrimPol deficiency in tolerating mutagenic lesions induced by members of the APOBEC/AID family of cytosine deaminases. Interestingly, during somatic hypermutation, PrimPol counteracts the generation of C>G transversions on the leading strand. Independently, mutation analyses in human invasive breast cancer confirmed a pro-mutagenic activity of APOBEC3B and revealed a genome-wide anti-mutagenic activity of PRIMPOL as well as most Y-family TLS polymerases. PRIMPOL especially prevents APOBEC3B targeted cytosine mutations within TpC dinucleotides. As C transversions induced by APOBEC/AID family members depend on the formation of AP-sites, we propose that PrimPol reprimes preferentially downstream of AP-sites on the leading strand, to prohibit error-prone TLS and simultaneously stimulate error-free homology directed repair. These in vivo studies are the first demonstrating a critical anti-mutagenic activity of PrimPol in genome maintenance.  相似文献   

The APOBEC3 cytidine deaminases play a critical role in host-mediated defense against exogenous viruses, most notably, human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) and endogenous transposable elements. APOBEC3G and APOBEC3F interact with numerous proteins that regulate cellular RNA metabolism, including components of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), and colocalize with a subset of these proteins to mRNA processing bodies (P bodies), which are sites of mRNA translational repression and decay. We sought to determine the role of P bodies and associated proteins in HIV-1 replication and APOBEC3 antiviral activity. While we established a positive correlation between APOBEC3 protein incorporation into virions and localization to P bodies, depletion of the P-body components DDX6 or Lsm1 did not affect HIV-1 replication, APOBEC3 packaging into virions or APOBEC3 protein mediated inhibition of HIV-1 infectivity. In addition, neither HIV-1 genomic RNA nor Gag colocalized with P-body proteins. However, simultaneous depletion of multiple Argonaute family members, the effector proteins of RISC, could modestly increase viral infectivity. Because some APOBEC3 proteins interact with several Argonaute proteins, we also tested whether they could modulate microRNA (miRNA) activity. We found no evidence for the specific regulation of miRNA function by the APOBEC3 proteins, though more general effects on transfected gene expression were observed. In sum, our results indicate that P bodies and certain associated proteins do not regulate HIV-1 replication or APOBEC3 protein antiviral activity. Localization to P bodies may therefore provide a means of sequestering APOBEC3 enzymatic activity away from cellular DNA or may be linked to as yet unidentified cellular functions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA is vulnerable to editing by human cytidine deaminases of the APOBEC3 (A3A-H) family albeit to much lower levels than HIV cDNA. We have analyzed and compared HBV editing by all seven enzymes in a quail cell line that does not produce any endogenous DNA cytidine deaminase activity. Using 3DPCR it was possible to show that all but A3DE were able to deaminate HBV DNA at levels from 10−2 to 10−5 in vitro, with A3A proving to be the most efficient editor. The amino terminal domain of A3G alone was completely devoid of deaminase activity to within the sensitivity of 3DPCR (∼10−4 to 10−5). Detailed analysis of the dinucleotide editing context showed that only A3G and A3H have strong preferences, notably CpC and TpC. A phylogenic analysis of A3 exons revealed that A3G is in fact a chimera with the first two exons being derived from the A3F gene. This might allow co-expression of the two genes that are able to restrict HIV-1Δvif efficiently.  相似文献   

Human APOBEC3G (A3G) and activation-induced deaminase (AID) belong to a family of DNA-cytosine deaminases. While A3G targets the last C in a run of C's, AID targets C in the consensus sequence WRC (W is A or T and R is a purine). Guided by the structures of the A3G carboxyl-terminal catalytic domain (A3G-CTD), we identified two potential regions (region 1 and region 2) that may interact with DNA and swapped the corresponding regions between a variant of A3G-CTD and AID. The resulting hybrids were expressed in Escherichia coli and two different genetic assays and a biochemical assay were used to determine the sequence selectivity of the hybrids in promoting C to T mutations. The results show that while the 10 amino acid region 2 of A3G was its principal sequence-specificity determinant, region 1 of A3G enhanced the target cytosine preference conferred by region 2. In contrast, neither of the two regions in AID individually or in combination were sufficient to confer the DNA sequence preference of this protein upon A3G. Instead, introduction of AID sequences in A3G relaxed the sequence-specificity of the latter protein. Our results show that the sequence selectivity of APOBEC family of enzymes is determined by at least two separate sequence segments and there may be additional regions of the protein involved in DNA sequence recognition.  相似文献   

Members of the APOBEC (apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like) protein family catalyze DNA cytosine deamination and underpin a variety of immune defenses. For instance, several family members, including APOBEC3B (A3B), elicit strong retrotransposon and retrovirus restriction activities. However, unlike the other proteins, A3B is the only family member with steady-state nuclear localization. Here, we show that A3B nuclear import is an active process requiring at least one amino acid (Val54) within an N-terminal motif analogous to the nuclear localization determinant of the antibody gene diversification enzyme AID (activation-induced cytosine deaminase). Mechanistic conservation with AID is further suggested by A3B's capacity to interact with the same subset of importin proteins. Despite these mechanistic similarities, enforced A3B expression cannot substitute for AID-dependent antibody gene diversification by class switch recombination. Regulatory differences between A3B and AID are also visible during cell cycle progression. Our studies suggest that the present-day A3B enzyme retained the nuclear import mechanism of an ancestral AID protein during the expansion of the APOBEC3 locus in primates. Our studies also highlight the likelihood that, after nuclear import, specialized mechanisms exist to guide these enzymes to their respective physiological substrates and prevent gratuitous chromosomal DNA damage.  相似文献   

The AID/APOBEC family (comprising AID, APOBEC1, APOBEC2, and APOBEC3 subgroups) contains members that can deaminate cytidine in RNA and/or DNA and exhibit diverse physiological functions (AID and APOBEC3 deaminating DNA to trigger pathways in adaptive and innate immunity; APOBEC1 mediating apolipoprotein B RNA editing). The founder member APOBEC1, which has been used as a paradigm, is an RNA-editing enzyme with proposed antecedents in yeast. Here, we have undertaken phylogenetic analysis to glean insight into the primary physiological function of the AID/APOBEC family. We find that although the family forms part of a larger superfamily of deaminases distributed throughout the biological world, the AID/APOBEC family itself is restricted to vertebrates with homologs of AID (a DNA deaminase that triggers antibody gene diversification) and of APOBEC2 (unknown function) identifiable in sequence databases from bony fish, birds, amphibians, and mammals. The cloning of an AID homolog from dogfish reveals that AID extends at least as far back as cartilaginous fish. Like mammalian AID, the pufferfish AID homolog can trigger deoxycytidine deamination in DNA but, consistent with its cold-blooded origin, is thermolabile. The fine specificity of its mutator activity and the biased codon usage in pufferfish IgV genes appear broadly similar to that of their mammalian counterparts, consistent with a coevolution of the antibody mutator and its substrate for the optimal targeting of somatic mutation during antibody maturation. By contrast, APOBEC1 and APOBEC3 are later evolutionary arrivals with orthologs not found in pufferfish (although synteny with mammals is maintained in respect of the flanking loci). We conclude that AID and APOBEC2 are likely to be the ancestral members of the AID/APOBEC family (going back to the beginning of vertebrate speciation) with both APOBEC1 and APOBEC3 being mammal-specific derivatives of AID and a complex set of domain shuffling underpinning the expansion and evolution of the primate APOBEC3s.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid cytidine deaminases of the activation-induced deaminase (AID)/APOBEC family are critical players in active and innate immune responses, playing roles as target-directed, purposeful mutators. AID specifically deaminates the host immunoglobulin (Ig) locus to evolve antibody specificity, whereas its close relative, APOBEC3G (A3G), lethally mutates the genomes of retroviral pathogens such as HIV. Understanding the basis for the target-specific action of these enzymes is essential, as mistargeting poses significant risks, potentially promoting oncogenesis (AID) or fostering drug resistance (A3G). AID prefers to deaminate cytosine in WRC (W = A/T, R = A/G) motifs, whereas A3G favors deamination of CCC motifs. This specificity is largely dictated by a single, divergent protein loop in the enzyme family that recognizes the DNA sequence. Through grafting of this substrate-recognition loop, we have created enzyme variants of A3G and AID with altered local targeting to directly evaluate the role of sequence specificity on immune function. We find that grafted loops placed in the A3G scaffold all produced efficient restriction of HIV but that foreign loops in the AID scaffold compromised hypermutation and class switch recombination. Local targeting, therefore, appears alterable for innate defense against retroviruses by A3G but important for adaptive antibody maturation catalyzed by AID. Notably, AID targeting within the Ig locus is proportionally correlated to its in vitro ability to target WRC sequences rather than non-WRC sequences. Although other mechanisms may also contribute, our results suggest that local sequence targeting by AID/APOBEC3 enzymes represents an elegant example of co-evolution of enzyme specificity with its target DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Approximately half of all human genes undergo alternative mRNA splicing. This process often yields homologous gene products exhibiting diverse functions. Alternative splicing of APOBEC3G (A3G) and APOBEC3F (A3F), the major host resistance factors targeted by the HIV-1 protein Vif, has not been explored. We investigated the effects of alternative splicing on A3G/A3F gene expression and antiviral activity. Three alternatively spliced A3G mRNAs and two alternatively spliced A3F mRNAs were detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in each of 10 uninfected, healthy donors. Expression of these splice variants was altered in different cell subsets and in response to cellular stimulation. Alternatively spliced A3G variants were insensitive to degradation by Vif but displayed no antiviral activity against HIV-1. Conversely, alternative splicing of A3F produced a 37-kDa variant lacking exon 2 (A3FΔ2) that was prominently expressed in macrophages and monocytes and was resistant to Vif-mediated degradation. Alternative splicing also produced a 24-kDa variant of A3F lacking exons 2–4 (A3FΔ2–4) that was highly sensitive to Vif. Both A3FΔ2 and A3FΔ2–4 displayed reduced cytidine deaminase activity and moderate antiviral activity. These alternatively spliced A3F gene products, particularly A3FΔ2, were incorporated into HIV virions, albeit at levels less than wild-type A3F. Thus, alternative splicing of A3F mRNA generates truncated antiviral proteins that differ sharply in their sensitivity to Vif.  相似文献   

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