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1. The rate of reaction of mustard gas (H) with thirteen proteins has been determined. The extreme variation in reaction rates is about 100:1. 2. No qualitative difference in the results was observed when the treatment with H was carried out by the Dixon or stirring methods. 3. The kinetics have been analyzed and a bimolecular equation derived which fits the facts. 4. The carboxyl groups of all proteins reacted when the reaction with H was carried out at pH 6.0 in M/25 acetate buffer. In most cases the number of carboxyl groups covered was approximately equal to the number of H residues bound. 5. The amino groups of proteins failed to react with the possible exception of yeast hexokinase. 6. The color obtained when proteins were mixed with Folin''s phenol reagent at pH 8.0 decreased as the protein was treated with H. The color returned on treatment of the H-protein with alkali and many of the combined H groups were hydrolyzed. Similar results were observed when a concentrated glycyltyrosine solution was treated with H.  相似文献   

1. The sulfonium salt H·2TDG is formed when H is mixed with even dilute solutions of TDG. Crystalline H·2TDG was isolated from such a reaction mixture. A simple method of preparation of this salt is outlined. 2. A material which differs from H·2TDG in that it hydrolyzes faster, is formed when H hydrolyzes in water. This material is probably H·1TDG but it was not isolated. Approximately 5 to 8 per cent of the original H is converted to this sulfonium salt. 3. The hydrolysis constant of M/100 H·2TDG has been determined at 20°, 25.5°, 37°, 75°, and 100°C., a temperature coefficient, Q 10, of 3–4 was obtained. The effect of temperature is in agreement with that predicted by the Arrhenius equation. An activation energy of 26,000 calories was calculated.  相似文献   

从芥菜无菌苗子叶游离的原生质体,经在 Nitsch 液体培养基中培养,再生细胞有比较高的分裂频率;所形成的愈伤组织经分化处理后产生了根,有些愈伤组织出现了绿点,但未分化出芽。  相似文献   

Measurements of the gas vesicle space in steady-state light or phosphate-limited cultures of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Ralfs, strain 7905 showed that gas vesicle content decreased as energy-limited growth rate increased hut was the same at several phosphate-limited growth rates. Upon a decrease in growth irradiance, gas vesicle content did increase in phosphate-limited cultures, hut the cultures remained nonbuoyant as long as P was limiting. Buoyant, energy-limited cultures lost their buoyancy in less than 2 h when exposed to higher irradiances. The primary mechanism for buoyancy loss was the accumulation of polysaccharide as ballast. Collapse of gas vesicles by turgor pressure played a minor role in the loss of buoyancy. When cultures were exposed to higher irradiances, cells continued to synthesize gas vesicles at the same rate as before the shift for at least 1 generation time. The amount of ballast required to make individual filaments in the population sink varied 4-fold. This variation appears to be due to differences in gas vesicle content among individual filaments.  相似文献   

—The metabolic activity of proteins from myelin and non-myelin fractions of slices of lesions in monkey brains and in spinal cords of Lewis rats with acute experimental allergic encephalomyelitis was investigated using [1-14C]leucine as a protein precursor. The uptake in vitro of [1-14C]leucine into the monkey EAE lesions was greatly increased in both the myelin and non-myelin fractions. Similar findings were made in spinal cord slices of the EAE rat with an average specific activity 341 per cent of control measured in proteins of purified myelin and 415 per cent of control in the non-myelin protein. The increased uptake appeared with the onset of paralytic symptoms 10–14 days after injection. The increased uptake did not appear to be a result of an increased amino acid pool size as measured with uniformly labelled l -leucine, valine, arginine and phenylalanine. The increase in specific activity of the myelin protein of the EAE rats was shown to be associated with the peaks characteristic of myelin protein when separated on polyacrylamide gels and the serial slices counted. Most of the radioactivity of both the control and EAE myelin protein migrated with the high molecular weight fraction, and the largest increase in radioactivity in myelin protein appeared in this fraction. Some increase in specific activity was also found in the basic and proteolipid proteins. Four different guinea-pig antigens were used to induce EAE: whole spinal cord, purified basic protein, purified myelin and basic protein + cerebroside. All caused paralytic symptoms and greatly increased incorporation in vitro of [1-14C]leucine into spinal cord proteins. The incorporation of [1-14C]leucine into slices of the inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes of the EAE and Freund's adjuvant control rats were measured and compared with the incorporation into the spinal cord non-myelin fractions. The specific activity of lymph node proteins was of the order of 10 × that of the non-myelin protein of the control spinal cord. Invasion of a moderate number of cells of the order of activity of these lymph nodes could account for the large increase in rate of protein synthesis in the EAE nervous tissue. It is concluded that much of the increased protein synthesis could be due to the inflammatory cells, although a small amount of the total increase appears to be associated with myelin protein. Other changes in metabolism of the CNS tissue of the EAE rat include a lower rate of lipid synthesis and a decreased activity of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   

在性传播疾病中,泌尿生殖道感染的主要病原体是淋球菌、沙眼衣原体和解脲支原体,目前临床上常有多种病原体混合感染[1],其临床症状相似或无明显症状,给确诊和治疗带来不便。因此我们应用多重引物PCR(multiplexPCR),一次实验能从临床标本中检测出三种病原体...  相似文献   

在性传播疾病中,泌尿生殖道感染的主要病原体是淋球菌、沙眼衣原体和解脲支原体,目前临床上常有多种病原体混合感染[1],其临床症状相似或无明显症状,给确诊和治疗带来不便。因此我们应用多重引物PCR(multiplexPCR),一次实验能从临床标本中检测出三种病原体…  相似文献   

Abstract– Acute treatment of cobalt-induced epilepsy in rats with amino-oxyacetic acid (20-60 mg/kg intraperitoneally) resulted in a short period (30-90 min) of epileptic spike suppression. In contrast sodium n -dipropylacetate (100-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally) had no effect on spike frequencies. Chronic treatment of cobalt epileptic rats with amino-oxyacetic acid (2.5-10 mg/kg intraperitoneally daily) or sodium n -dipropylacetate (200-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally daily) elevated brain GABA concentrations significantly and reduced brain glutamate decarboxylase activity relative to control saline-injected cobalt epileptic rats. Brain γ-aminobutyrate aminotransferase activity was significantly reduced by chronic treatment with amino-oxyacetic acid, whereas chronic sodium n -dipropylacetate had no effect on brain γ-aminobutyrate aminotransferase activity although elevating brain GABA. Amino-oxyacetic acid (2.5-10 mg/kg intraperitoneally per day) reduced the frequency of epileptic spikes in the secondary foci of cobalt epileptic rats. The anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid was most marked at 5 mg/kg intraperitoneally where a secondary focus failed to develop in treated cobalt epileptic rats. However, there was no simple relationship between the elevation of brain GABA and the anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid. Thus focal GABA was higher in rats given intraperitoneal amino-oxyacetic acid (10 mg/kg) but the anticonvulsant action of amino-oxyacetic acid was less marked at this dose. Sodium n -dipropylacetate (200-400 mg/kg intraperitoneally per day) had no long-term anticonvulsant action in this model of epilepsy. It is concluded that the anticonvulsant action of sodium n -dipropylacetate, and probably that of amino-oxyacetic acid, is not likely to be mediated through a mechanism involving elevation of brain GABA.  相似文献   

本文首次建立了用嵌套式聚合酶链式反应(nested-PCR)分别检测天津地区海水工厂化养殖大菱鲆和褐牙鲆腹水病病原菌迟缓爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiella tarda)和溶藻弧菌(Vibrio alginolyticus)的方法。以E781F和E781R为引物,扩增迟缓爱德华氏菌溶血素基因中781bp的片段,再以E485F和E485R为引物,扩增其中的485bp的片段;以V899F和V899R为引物,扩增溶藻弧菌胶原酶基因中899bp片段,再以V550F和V550R为引物,扩增其中的550bp片段。以其他常见海水鱼类致病菌为阴性对照,结果均无非特异性扩增。对迟缓爱德华氏菌和溶藻弧菌的检出灵敏度分别可达10fg和1fg细菌DNA,显著优于目前的检测方法。作者应用该技术对天津地区海水工厂化大菱鲆和褐牙鲆于2006年3月至10月连续进行监测,为有效地控制该病的流行提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract The rDNA-ITS2 regions of T. dendrolimi Matsumura and T. ostriniae Pang et Chen (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were cloned and sequenced. The homologous sequences available in GenBank were retrieved and analyzed, and then specific primers were designed for molecular identification and detection of T. dendrolimi . Repeated screening showed that PCR amplification by the diagnostic primers enabled the differentiation of not only bulk samples and single adult (male or female), but also eggs and juveniles, which was not possible by conventional methods. The advantage of this system over morphology-based systems is that non-specialists are able to identify individuals or trace specimens efficiently. The derived molecular detection technique was then used to identify 12 specimens collected from different localities on the Chinese mainland; the results showed that this protocol could be applied to molecular monitoring of Trichogramma species in the field. Finally, 1132s of 6 geographical populations of T. dendrolimi (TdCHA, TDJL, TdXZ, TdKH, TdCZ and TdYBL) were cloned and sequenced. The multialignment analysis of intraspecific ITS2 sequences showed that the diagnostic primers have their own theoretical bases.  相似文献   

魏东  顾蕴辉 《生理学报》1989,41(5):452-458
在与上一篇论文(关于A_1区)相同的条件下,(1) 用谷氨酸钠兴奋大鼠A_5区,和A_1区类似,也产生明显的降压、降心率效应。(2) 切断双侧颈迷走神经也明显衰减兴奋A_5区的心血管作用。(3) 将不同受体阻断剂注入延髓头端腹外侧区对兴奋A_5区引起的降压,降心率反应之影响,与A_1区比较有所不同:酚妥拉明、心得安、纳洛酮和荷包牡丹碱均能明显衰减A_5区的降压、降心率效应(心得安和荷包牡丹碱甚至反转之),表明除α-,β-,GABA受体之外,阿片受体也中介A_5区的降压降心率作用。  相似文献   

通过对松毛虫赤眼蜂Tichogramma dendrolimi Matsumura和玉米螟赤眼蜂T.ostriniae Pang et Chen(膜翅目:赤眼蜂科)核内可转录第二间隔区(简称:ITS2)的克隆、测序,并获取和分析了GenBank中已登录的同源序列,然后设计了松毛虫赤蜂的特异引物以用于该蜂的分子鉴定和检测,经过反复筛选发现:采用鉴定引物通过PCR扩增不仅可以区分鑫头样品,单头样品(雌蜂或雄峰),而且可鉴定幼期虫和卵,这用传统方法是无法办到的。该鉴定技术比基于形态学鉴定检测技术用来鉴定了从中国大陆不同地域和寄主上采集到的12个样品,结果表明:该方法可用于赤眼蜂田间分子监测和实验室拟寄生行为研究。  相似文献   

The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense Balech was grown under temperature- and nutrient-limited conditions, and changes in labeling intensity on intact cells were determined for two probe types: an oligonucleotide probe targeting rRNA and a monoclonal antibody (MAb) targeting a cell surface protein. In nutrient-replete batch culture, labeling with the rRNA probe was up to 400% brighter during exponential phase than during stationary phase, whereas MAb labeling did not change significantly with growth stage at the optimal growth temperature. In cultures grown at suboptimal, low temperatures, there was a significant difference between labeling intensity in stationary versus exponential phase for both probe types, with exponential cells labeling brighter with the rRNA probe and slightly weaker with the MAb. The decrease in rRNA probe labeling with increasing culture age was likely due to lower abundance of the target nucleic acid, as extracted RNA varied in a similar manner. With the MAb and the rRNA probes, slower growing cultures at low, nonoptimal temperature labeled 35% and 50% brighter than cells growing faster at warmer temperatures. Some differences in labeling intensity per cell disappeared when the data were normalized to surface area or volume, which indicated that the number of target antigens or rRNA molecules was relatively constant per unit area or volume, respectively. Slow growth accompanying phosphorus and nitrogen limitation resulted in up to a 400% decrease in labeling intensity with the rRNA probe compared to nutrient-replete levels, whereas the MAb labeling intensity increased by a maximum of 60%. With both probes, labeling was more intense under phosphorus limitation than under nitrogen limitation, and for all conditions tested, labeling intensity was from 600% to 3600% brighter with the MAb than with the rRNA probe. Thus, it is clear that significant levels of variability in labeling intensity can be expected with both probe types because of the influence of environmental conditions and growth stage on cellular biochemistry, cell size,rRNA levels, and the number or accessibility of cell surface proteins. Of the two probes tested, the rRNA probe was the most variable, suggesting that in automated, whole-cell assays, it can be used only in a semiquantitative manner. For manual counts, the human eye will likely accommodate the labeling differences. The MAb probe was less variable, and thus should be amenable to both manual and automated counts.  相似文献   

老年大鼠与断奶大鼠脑细胞核染色质的非组蛋白研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不连续盘状SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析并比较了老年大鼠与断奶大鼠脑细胞核NHCP,也比较了二者的组蛋白与DNA、NHCP与组蛋白、NHCP与DNA之比值。发现老年大鼠NHCP含量明显减少;断奶大鼠的NHCP与DNA、NHCP与组蛋白之比值明显高于老年大鼠,而组蛋白与DNA之比值却近于1。从二者的NHCP电泳图谱可见,老年大鼠丢失了表观分子量10万以上的两条蛋白区带及表观分子量3万以下的一条蛋白区带;老年大鼠与断奶大鼠比较,表观分予量6—9万的蛋白区带杂色浅,而表观分子量4.3万的蛋白区带染色深。总之,老年大鼠脑细胞核NHCP发生质与量的变化。  相似文献   

本文建立了检测流行性出血热病毒(EHFV)液体抗原及抗体的反向被动血凝(RPHA)和血凝抑制(RPHI)方法,RPHA检测EHFV抗原的敏感性与ELISA相近;RPHI检测EHFV抗体与IFA的符合率为97.3%,敏感性略低。  相似文献   

用生物素标记的cDNA探针检测马铃薯纺锤块茎类病毒   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Acetylene reduction by bacteria associated with Typha latifolia L. roots and rhizomes was studied in the field and in the laboratory. In situ studies indicated that the rate of acetylene reduction in a natural cattail population was ca. 4-fold higher than in a cultivated cattail stand. Nitrogenase activity was found to occur principally in the rhizosphere of roots and rhizomes with the greatest activity occurring in association with mature roots. Scanning electron and light microscopy, and 2, 3, 5 triphenyltetrazolium chloride reduction showed that bacterial associations were limited to the rhizoplane of this angiosperm. One diazotrophic bacterial genus was found to be associated with roots and rhizomes and was identified as the facultative anaerobe Bacillus. Contribution of free-living cyanobacteria to total nitrogen fixation in the natural stand was negligible. Calculations show that a natural stand of cattails may fix 18 kg nitrogen ha−-1 yr−-1 or ca. 8.2% of the total nitrogen present in the standing crop.  相似文献   

我国于1987年从进口的虹鳟中分离了传染性胰脏坏死病病毒(Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus简称IPNV),并进行了血清学鉴定。由于病鱼没有特有的临床症状,所以迅速查找鱼体内特异性的病毒是十分必要的。    相似文献   

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