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The relationship between temperature accumulations and pheromone trap captures of the males of Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) (Lep., Tortricidae) in the Sherry vineyards (SW of Spain) presents a statistically acceptable linear behaviour through conveniently transforming the variables. Data series ranging from 1990 to 1995 were used to compute the linear correlations. The reliability of the forecasts based on the resulting log-probit lines have shown to be acceptable in order to be considered as an useful tool to improve the effectiveness of the integrated pest management in the area.  相似文献   

The tortricid moth Lobesia botrana is considered to be an important pest of the cultivated grapevine (Vitis vinifera, Vitaceae). It feeds on young flower buds and young fruits, and is the primary vector of the ‘noble mould’ fungus (Botrytis cinerea). In order to study the population dynamics and genetic structure of this species in space and time, we developed seven polymorphic microsatellite markers (three to 12 alleles). Although the presence of null alleles is suspected, these polymorphic loci are likely to provide information on the population genetics of L. botrana, and could help in the development of an efficient control strategy against this pest.  相似文献   

We studied modulations of flight activity in European grapevine moth females (EGVM) by individual observations in a wind tunnel. The effect of different factors was analyzed: variation in atmospheric pressure prior to the experiments, time of day, first experience of flight, age, mating, and odor of tansy, which attracts females. The circadian flight activity showed a peak the hour preceding the onset of scotophase and sustained activity occurred during the 6 h around this peak. Females with a flight experience in the tunnel took off more quickly than naive ones (3.9 ± 7.4 vs 20.3 ± 22.8 s). Three-day-old unmated females subjected to negative variations of atmospheric pressure (10 hPa) during the 4 h prior to the experiments increased their duration of flight (12.1 ± 8.7 vs 5.3 ± 3.4 s) compared to those not subjected to variation. One-day-old females were less active than older ones; flight was shorter than in 2-day-old females (2.7 ± 6.7 vs 5.1 ± 9.5 s) and fewer of them took off (28 vs 63%). Mating also affected the flight activity of 2-day-old females; mated females flew longer than virgins (12 ± 16.8 vs 5.1 ± 9.5 s) and took off more quickly (6.5 ± 14.4 vs 19.3 ± 20.1 s). Tansy odor in the tunnel did not significantly affect the flight behavior of virgin females, but it increased the proportion of mated females that initiated flight (87 vs 70%) and duration of flight (11.2 ± 24.4 vs 7.2 ± 13.7 s), and it reduced the latency to takeoff (2.1 ± 7.4 vs 8.1 ± 19.1 s). Flight duration in tansy odor was inversely correlated with the total number of eggs laid during the female's whole life. Our experimental settings did not allow observation of movements directed toward the odor source.  相似文献   

This study aimed at elaborating a forecasting tool of the phenology of the serious pest Lobesia botrana in Southwestern Spanish vineyards, by analysing data on male catches in sex pheromone traps recorded over a 12‐year period. Our data confirmed the minor importance of the first generation which appears during flowering time, both in terms of male trap catches and damage of L. botrana to the inflorescences. Therefore, data related to the first flight were not further processed, although they were considered for the computation of degree‐days of the following generations. The outcome of the elaboration of temperature accumulations and data on male captures for the second and third flights was a statistically acceptable linear behaviour obtained by properly transforming the variables. The models established proved to be efficient and may represent a useful tool to improve the efficacy of integrated pest management strategies targeting L. botrana in the studied region.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated whether climate change has affected the potential feeding activity of a winter active larva, the pine processionary moth (PPM), Thaumetopoea pityocampa L., and whether it may explain its range expansion. Location The study area is France and, at a smaller scale, the Paris Basin. Methods We used a statistical model derived from Huchon and Démolin [1970 Revue Forestière Française (special issue: La lutte biologique en forêt), 220–234] to test whether their model, updated with climate change, could explain the observed range expansion. Since Battisti and colleagues have recently shown that climate could affect survival of the PPM through its effect on feeding activity, we also developed a mechanistic model based on larval feeding requirements (night air temperature above 0 °C and temperature inside the nest above 9 °C on the preceding day). We reconstructed the geographical distribution of feeding activity and we compared the resulting change with the PPM range expansion. Results The statistical model did not successfully predict the observed expansion but the mechanistic model showed considerable change in the feeding activity of the PPM. In the Paris Basin, the PPM border coincided with a zone unfavourable for feeding activity in the period 1992–96. Feeding conditions became more favourable in the period 2001–04, and the PPM succeeded in crossing this zone. Over larger temporal and spatial scales improved feeding conditions in the north‐western part of France were forecast by the mechanistic model. Main conclusions (1) The range distribution of the PPM in the Paris Basin is no longer limited by unfavourable feeding conditions. (2) The pattern of range expansion of the PPM is now governed mainly by its dispersal capabilities and host tree distribution. (3) At the country scale, this approach gives an approximate prediction of the potential distribution of the PPM, though the model may not be reliable in mountainous regions.  相似文献   

  • 1 The polyphagous European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schiff.) is the principal native pest of grape berries in the Palearctic region. It was found in Napa County, California, in 2009, and it has subsequently been recorded in an additional nine counties, despite an ongoing eradication programme. The present study aimed to assess prospectively its potential geographical distribution and relative abundance in California and the continental U.S.A. A subsidiary goal was to provide explanation for timing control measures.
  • 2 Data from the European literature were used to formulate and parameterize a holistic physiologically‐based demographic model for L. botrana. This model was linked to an extant mechanistic model of grapevine phenology, growth and development that provides the bottom‐up effects of fruiting phenology, age and abundance on L. botrana dynamics. Fruit age affects larval developmental rates, and has carryover effects on pupal development and adult fecundity. Also included in the model were the effects of temperature on developmental, survival and fecundity rates.
  • 3 Observed daily weather data were used to simulate the potential distribution of the moth in California, and the continental U.S.A. The relative total number of pupae per vine per year was used as the metric of favourability at all locations. The simulation data were mapped using grass gis ( http://grass.osgeo.org/ ).
  • 4 The model predicts L. botrana can spread statewide with the highest populations expected in the hotter regions of southern California and the lower half of the Central Valley. In the U.S.A., areas of highest favourability include south Texas, and much of the southeast U.S.A.
  • 5 The effects of a warmer climate on pest abundance were explored by increasing observed mean temperatures 2° and 3 °C. L. botrana abundance is expected to increase in northern California and in the agriculturally rich Central Valley but to decrease in the hot deserts of southern California where summer temperatures would approach its upper thermal limit.
  • 6 Analysis of the timing of mating disruption pheromone for control of L. botrana suggests the greatest benefit would accrue by targeting adults emerging from winter diapause pupae and the flight of first summer adults.

The influence of generation (under field conditions) and photoperiod (under laboratory conditions) on Lobesia botrana larvae development was studied. Some larvae were collected during three annual generations in two grape-growing areas of northeastern Italy, and others were individually reared in the laboratory from egg to pupa on an artificial diet under two different photoperiod conditions (respectively, daylight 16 h/d [long day {LD}] and 14 h/d [short day {SD}]). The mandible lengths of collected larvae were measured and the data analyzed morphometrically to determine the number of larval instars. In the laboratory study, the number of larval moultings, the mandible length of each instar, the development time from hatching larva to pupa, and the pupal weight were considered. The measurement of mandible lengths of larvae collected in the field indicated the existence of five larval instars in all three annual generations, but the size of the two oldest larval instars was significantly higher for third-generation larvae than for the previous generations. Under laboratory conditions, the larvae usually exhibited five instars, but the mandible lengths of larvae and the pupa size were greater for individuals reared under SD. These also took a greater number of days to develop from hatching larvae to pupae. Because a larger size of the final larval instar occurs in individuals that produce diapausing pupae under SD in both the laboratory and the field, a positive association between larval size and the probability of surviving the winter can be inferred.  相似文献   

Females ofLobesia botrana Den. et Schiff. (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) are attracted in natural conditions by volatiles released by a nonhost plant: tansy (Tanacetum vulgare L.; Asteracea). We have shown that both tansy flowers and their odor inhibit oviposition behavior and mating behavior and reduce adult longevity. The mean number of eggs laid per female isolated with tansy flowers was reduced by up to 50% every 2 days during the 6 days of exposure. This reduction was maintained after the tansy was removed. In the presence of tansy essential oil, the egg-laying reduction ranged from about 30 to 80% according to the odor concentration. The number of spermatophores found in females isolated with tansy flowers was also reduced twofold compared to the control treatment, indicating that the presence of tansy reduced mating activity. This mating activity is strongly reduced, by two-thirds, when adults face the highest dose of essential oil compared to controls. The number of eggs laid by the controls cannot be explained by the number of spermatophores. Therefore, the reduction in oviposition has been attributed to the presence of tansy flowers or to the tansy odor. Tansy flowers and tansy odor increased male mortality during the exposure (10% in the control, 50% in the tansy treatment, and up to 98% in the odor treatment). The highest rates of male mortality occurred during the 4- to 6-day period of exposure to flowers or odor. Repellence resulting in sustained locomotor activity is a possible cause of such a mortality. Female mortality was increased only in response to the highest dose of odor. This increase might be due to egg retention, and not directly to a plant effect. We discuss the effects of tansy flower odor on different patterns relative to the reproductive behavior ofL. botrana and, especially, on oviposition behavior in the ecological context of plant selection and polyphagy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Egg parasitoids (Hym., Chalcidoidea) and egg parasitism were studied in 132 egg batches of the pine processionary moth collected from stands of Pinus nigra Arnold and P. brutia Ten. in SW Turkey, at four places in heights of 800–1010 m a.s.l. in October 1998, beyond the caterpillars’ hatch. The egg batches deposited on P. nigra were high‐significantly smaller than those found on P. brutia. In this mountainous regions, Baryscapus servadeii (Dom.) and Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) were the most abundant egg parasitoids of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.). Considering the different sampling places, Trichogramma sp. was found maximally in 3.1% of the parasitized eggs. Additionally, the hyper‐parasitoid Baryscapusransversalis Graham (mean infestation 1.8%) and Pediobius bruchicida (Rond.) (0.1%), both occurring in both sexes, and Anastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.) (0.1%), only females, were established. The primary parasitoid O. pityocampae dominantly parasitized the eggs placed near the top of the batches, and B. servadeii was found mainly in eggs near the base. The rate of parasitism of the egg batches was very variable. The impact of egg parasitoids and predators varied from 24 to 35.9% depending on the sampling place. The hatching rate of the caterpillars was reduced to 50.7–65.6%. Under laboratory conditions, the emergence dynamics of the parasitoids showed a peak of B. tranversalis in December of the year, in which the host eggs were laid. Baryscapus servadeii emerged mainly in March–May of the following year, when the second part of O. pityocampae appeared. A large part of both parasitoids emerged before sampling of the batches. In O. pityocampae 1.65% and in B. servadeii 2.23% males developed under laboratory conditions. A rate of 15.7% of O. pityocampae and 7.9% of B. servadeii died in the eggs. The polyembryonic Trichogramma sp. (see also Tsankov et al., 1996a ) attacked 1.8% of the eggs. Up to 20 (mean 12) dead pupae were found in one egg. Minor parts of eggs were undeveloped (2.9%) and 0.6% totally empty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to quantify the spatial pattern and develop a sampling program for larvae of Lobesia botrana Denis and Schiffermüller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), an important vineyard pest in northern Greece. Taylor's power law and Iwao's patchiness regression were used to model the relationship between the mean and the variance of larval counts. Analysis of covariance was carried out, separately for infestation and injury, with combined second and third generation data, for vine and half-vine sample units. Common regression coefficients were estimated to permit use of the sampling plan over a wide range of conditions. Optimum sample sizes for infestation and injury, at three levels of precision, were developed. An investigation of a multistage sampling plan with a nested analysis of variance showed that if the goal of sampling is focusing on larval infestation, three grape clusters should be sampled in a half-vine; if the goal of sampling is focusing on injury, then two grape clusters per half-vine are recommended.  相似文献   

Grapevine moth, Lobesia botrana (Lep. Tortricidae) is a key pest of grape in Iran and other vineyards of the world. In this study, eight constant rearing temperatures (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 32 and 35 ± 1 °C) along with 60 ± 10% RH and a 16:8 (L:D) h photoperiod were chosen for demographic studies of the grapevine moth. Immature stages were unable to develop when reared at 5 and 35 °C, and the progeny moths were unable to successfully mate at 10, 15 and 32 °C. The overall developmental time of juveniles decreased at 30 °C (from 320.7 ± 3.4 d at 10 °C to 34.2 ± 0.2 d) followed by an increase to 42.5 ± 0.6 d at 32 °C. Based on values of the stable population growth parameters, the temperature of 25 °C was found to be optimal for propagation of grapevine moth. The highest values of the intrinsic rate of increase, gross and net reproductive rates were 0.0719 d??1, 55.5 and 23 females per generation, respectively, at 25 °C. Since jackknife and bootstrap estimates of mean and standard error were mainly similar, both methods may equally be used for uncertainty estimates. Our data suggest that cold storage of grapes will help to control grapevine moth infestations and damage. In many grape growing regions of Iran, the first generation is expected to cause damage. It is expected since our reproductive life table analysis suggests that the hot summer temperatures may restrict pest development during subsequent generations.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Resistance of the codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lep., Tortricidae) to the organophosphorus compound (OP) azinphosmethyl was observed in apple orchards in Israel. The level of resistance varied with the pest control strategy. Compared with a sensitive laboratory population, the resistance level was highest in insects from the preventative pest control strategy, intermediate in integrated pest management (IPM) orchards, and relatively low in the organic orchards. The level of azinphosmethyl resistance in larvae (but not in adults) exposed for 17 generations in the laboratory to a pesticide-free diet was reduced by 50%. Codling moth larvae resistant to azinphosmethyl were also resistant to various insect growth regulators (IGRs). The IGRs include three chitin synthesis inhibitors (diflubenzuron, novaluron and teflubenzuron), two juvenile hormone mimics (pyriproxyfen and fenoxycarb) and one ecdysone agonist (methoxyfenozide). Codling moth resistant to azinphosmethyl was tolerant to methoxyfenozide and novaluron without previous history of application in apple orchards, indicating the possibility of cross-resistance. According to this study, managing resistance programs in apple orchards should be based on IPM principles with minimum use of conventional neuroactive pesticides.  相似文献   

A two-choice bioassay was developed to evaluate the role of host-plant berry compounds on the oviposition site acceptance of the generalist moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Shiffermüller). A key feature was the lining of the bioassay arena with felt which focused oviposition on the test substrates. Initial experiments comparing substrates with different physical features indicated that smooth textures and spherical shapes with interstices favour oviposition. Artificial oviposition substrates were thus constructed with glass spheres in order to test the behavioural activity of grapevine berry extracts. Only polar extracts obtained by soaking berries in methanol or water stimulated oviposition (more eggs were laid on the extract-treated substrate than on the control substrate), whereas more apolar ones obtained with chloroform or hexane had no significant effect. The prior removal of epicuticular waxes from grape berries before extraction did not enhance the stimulatory activity of the methanol extract. The oviposition response to this extract was dose-dependent. It is concluded that polar compounds present on grape berries act as oviposition stimulants for L. botrana.  相似文献   

We have isolated a microsporidium from a laboratory stock of the European grape vine moth, Lobesia botrana Den. et Schiff. (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Screening of this stock showed an infection rate of more than 90%, whereas field collected larvae from three different locations in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) did not demonstrate any signs of infection. Light and electron microscopic investigations of infected insects showed that gross pathology, morphology, and ultrastructure of the microsporidium are similar to those described earlier for Pleistophora legeri. Comparative phylogenetic analysis of the small subunit rDNA using maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, and neighbour joining distance methods showed that our isolate was closely related to Cystosporogenes operophterae. Based on our morphological and molecular investigations we propose to rename this species Cystosporogenes legeri nov. comb.  相似文献   

In four regions of the Iberian Peninsula 273 egg-batches of the pine processionary moth were collected after hatching of the caterpillars in 1991 and 1992. After collection, the batches were stored singly in test tubes closed with foam stoppers under laboratory conditions at 20–25°C. The number of eggs in each egg-batch varied between 37 and 312 and the length of the batches between 0.6 and 4.2 cm. Independently of the pine species infested, seven to nine rows of eggs were counted, wrapped around one pair of needles. A correlation was found between number of eggs and the product of number of egg rows and length of egg-batches (82% <  r 2  < 97%). Oviposition almost always started from the base towards the tip of the needles. The egg parasitoids that emerged were counted daily, removed and identified. Later in the year of oviposition, after the end of the period of emergence of the parasitoids, the scale cover of the egg-batches were removed. One year later, all eggs were opened and the contents, such as parasitoid meconia and remains of caterpillars, were determined. The hatching rate of the caterpillars varied from 47.2 to 79.7%. The rate of parasitism fluctuated between 11.3 and 31.7%, but 44% of parasitoids died before successful emergence. Four species of Chalcidoidea were identified: Baryscapus servadeii (Dom.), Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet), Anastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.) and Trichogramma sp. Baryscapus servadeii and O. pityocampae were the most abundant species, followed by Trichogramma sp. Baryscapus servadeii emerged mainly in June and O. pityocampae in April or June, depending on the region. For A. bifasciatus only males, and for B. servadeii females emerged except one male. In O. pityocampae , a relatively high percentage of males (5.4–10.4%) was found.  相似文献   

The moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a key pest of table and wine grape (Vitis spp.) varieties in Cyprus. Many different insecticide combinations were applied for three consecutive years (2006-2008) in a Sultana seedless table grape vineyard, aimed at controlling the first and second generations of this pest under warm and dry Mediterranean climatic conditions. In Cyprus, Sultana is the main early maturing table grape variety grown in the country. L. botrana has two generations and a partial third on this export variety, of which the first two generations are the most destructive. Applications were made according to pheromone trap captures of males. One application was used against the first and two applications against the second generation of L. botrana. A high rate of bunch damage was observed in the untreated rows during all years, reaching 56.7, 62.5, and 69.2% in 2006, 2007, and 2008, respectively. Differences between insecticide treatments and the untreated control were statistically significant. The treatment combination of lufenuron, spinosad, and indoxacarb as well as the combination of chlorpyrifos, spinosa and indoxacarb, used against the first and second generations of L. botrana, were the most effective compared with the untreated control. Satisfactory control of the pest also was observed with other combinations such as lufenuron, cypermethrin, and Bacillus thuringiensis; chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin, and B. thuringiensis; and lufenuron, deltamethrin, and azadirachtin.  相似文献   

For insect herbivores, the quality of the larval host plant is a key determinant of fitness. Therefore, insect populations are supposed to be positively correlated with the nutritional quality of their host plant. This study aimed to determine if and how different varieties of grapes (including the wild grape Lambrusque) affect both larval and adult performance of the polyphagous European grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller). Significant differences were found in larval development time, but not in pupal mass, adult emergence rate, or sex ratio. Although the fecundity of females is not different among varieties, females fed on some varieties produced eggs of different sizes which are correlated to their fertility. Thus, females adapt resource allocation to eggs depending on their diet as larvae. Using a fitness index, the average reproductive output was found to be highest for females reared on cv. Chardonnay. Females reared on wild grape produced a fitness index identical to the cultivated grapes. However, Lambrusque and Gewurztraminer separate themselves from the cultivated varieties according to our discriminant analyses. It is emphasized, through this study, that cultivars fed on by larvae should be considered in the population dynamics of L. botrana and that egg number is insufficient to determine host plant quality.  相似文献   

The research objective was to develop pheromone-based monitoring of the nun moth, Lymantria monacha (L.), an important defoliator of spruce and pine forests in central Europe. In 38 spruce or pine forests in central Europe, captures of male L. monacha in nonsaturating Unitraps and saturating Delta sticky traps baited with 0.2, 2, 20, or 200 μg of the L. monacha (pheromone) volatile blend [(±)-disparlure, (±)-monachalure, and 2-methyl- Z 7-octadecene at a 20 : 20 : 1 ratio] were compared with estimates of population densities obtained by counts of larval faecal pellets, pupal cases, and adult moths resting on tree trunks. Total captures of male L. monacha throughout the flight season in both types of trap were correlated with numbers of larval faecal pellets, irrespective of pheromone dose. Nonsaturating Unitraps baited with 2 μg of the L. monacha volatile blend seem to provide a cost-effective tool for monitoring densities of L. monacha populations. Long-term testing of this monitoring system has been initiated to substantiate the quantitative relationship between larval populations and trap captures of male L. monacha and to determine the threshold number of captured male moths that indicates an incipient outbreak.  相似文献   

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