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David L. Roberts 《Ichnos》2013,20(3-4):190-207
Two Late Pleistocene hominid footprint sites are known in South Africa, one on the west coast (Langebaan) and the other on the southeast coast (Nahoon). Both trackways occur in calcareous eolianites and are dated to the Last Interglacial (~120 ka). The chief objective is to infer anatomical features of these early anatomically modern hominid footprint makers, about which little is known. At Nahoon, trackways of at least five species of vertebrates, including three hominid footprints, are preserved as casts. One footprint preserves excellent detail, appearing in all respects to be modern, but possibly with a deformity of the small toe. The impressions are shallow and suggest slight build. The stature of the footprint maker, as estimated from foot length (19.2 cm), is ~127 cm, considerably less than modern adult Khoi-San and was probably made by a juvenile. The step length is short relative to foot length, a consequence of walking uphill on a yielding substrate. The Langebaan trackway (preserved as natural impressions) comprises two intact prints and remnants of a third. Pronounced push up mounds flank the prints and preservation of toe impressions is poor. The foot length is 22.8 cm, indicating a stature of ~1.57 m. This falls within the range of modern adult Khoi-San, lending some support to the notion that Middle Stone Age people were of small stature. The depth of the prints and clumsy progression are suggestive of heavy build.  相似文献   

Sibudu Cave in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, has a long Middle Stone Age (MSA) sequence with good organic preservation. The uppermost MSA sequence includes industries attributed to the final and late MSA and the Howiesons Poort. Below the Howiesons Poort are two layers containing some thin, bifacial lanceolate points, mostly in the form of distal and proximal fragments. These double-pointed foliates are the fossile directeur of the Still Bay Industry, and importantly, this Sibudu industry provides confirmation that the Still Bay predates the Howiesons Poort Industry. Technologically, the points from Sibudu are comparable to those from other South African sites with Still Bay occurrences (e.g., Blombos Cave and Hollow Rock Shelter). Although dating of the Sibudu Still Bay is preliminary, its age falls within the range of that at Blombos. For the past two decades, archaeologists have rejected the idea of a Still Bay Industry occurring outside of the Western Cape, but the Still Bay at Sibudu shows that this industry was, indeed, geographically widespread.  相似文献   

Vagrant southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are occasionally sighted along the coast of South Africa and are known to feed primarily on fish and squid. Phocid seals are not known to predate on mammals making the events described here exceptional. This note describes the successful and failed attempts of a vagrant male southern elephant seal (M. leonina) to consume Cape fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) pups in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa. Observations were made by crew and passengers aboard a commercial whale-watching vessel during November 2012. This is the first account of elephant seals eating anything other than fish, squid and penguins and suggests considerable plasticity in prey choice dictated by environmental conditions.  相似文献   

An absolute dating technique based on the build-up and decay of 26Al and 10Be in the mineral quartz provides crucial evidence regarding early Acheulean hominid distribution in South Africa. Cosmogenic nuclide burial dating of an ancient alluvial deposit of the Vaal River (Rietputs Formation) in the western interior of South Africa shows that coarse gravel and sand aggradation there occurred ca 1.57 ± 0.22 Ma, with individual ages of samples ranging from 1.89 ± 0.19 to 1.34 ± 0.22 Ma. This was followed by aggradation of laminated and cross-bedded fine alluvium at ca 1.26 ± 0.10 Ma. The Rietputs Formation provides an ideal situation for the use of the cosmogenic nuclide burial dating method, as samples could be obtained from deep mining pits at depths ranging from 7 to 16 meters. Individual dates provide only a minimum age for the stone tool technology preserved within the deposits. Each assemblage represents a time averaged collection. Bifacial tools distributed throughout the coarse gravel and sand unit can be assigned to an early phase of the Acheulean. This is the first absolute radiometric dated evidence for early Acheulean artefacts in South Africa that have been found outside of the early hominid sites of the Gauteng Province. These absolute dates also indicate that handaxe-using hominids inhabited southern Africa as early as their counterparts in East Africa. The simultaneous appearance of the Acheulean in different parts of the continent implies relatively rapid technology development and the widespread use of large cutting tools in the African continent by ca 1.6 Ma.  相似文献   

The structure and composition of the soil micro‐arthropod communities of five postmining rehabilitating sites (between 1 and 24 years after rehabilitation) are compared with that of an undisturbed dune forest benchmark. We extracted soil micro‐arthropods (Acari and insects) with a modified Berlese–Tullgren funnel and used soil carbon, calcium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, sodium, phosphorous and acidity (pH) as explanatory variables of micro‐arthropod community composition. Acari accounted for the majority of all the micro‐arthropods (between 65 and 97% of the sample) at the different sites. Density, richness, diversity and composition showed significant differences between the unmined benchmark site and the rehabilitating sites for both insects and Acari, with weak habitat‐age related patterns. Canonical Correspondence Analysis suggests that differences between samples from regenerating sites and those from the benchmark sites slowly decrease with increasing regeneration age, but that community composition is only weakly related to soil properties. Our results suggest that coastal dune forest rehabilitation could give rise to the regeneration of micro‐arthropod assemblages, but it may take a long time. Therefore, potential limiting factors for community regeneration need to be identified to improve the chances for successful restoration.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation, after mining, of coastal sand dunes north of Richards Bay by Richards Bay Minerals began some 18 years ago, and resulted in the simultaneous availability of a known-aged series of stands representative of coastal dune forest succession.
A survey of the millipede community in this area revealed increases in species diversity and a decrease in their density, with an increase in stand age. Development of these communities is characterized by replacement and addition of species, typical of ecological succession. Colonization of areas disturbed by mining reflects on the species reservoir present in the surrounding unmined forests with apparent pioneer species being either replaced or complemented by the relatively slow invasion of secondary species.
Comparisons of age-specific millipede community variables on rehabilitating dunes with those recorded in relatively undisturbed dunes suggest that the development of communities results from autogenic succession initiated through habitat rehabilitation. With several community parameters in rehabilitating dune forests being similar to those recorded in undisturbed forests, it is concluded that the millipede community can be restored through management options based on principles relating to ecological succession.  相似文献   

Widespread hunting had fragmented and severely reduced elephant populations in South Africa by 1900. Elephant numbers increased during the 1900s, although rates of recovery of individual populations varied. The Kruger National Park elephant population increased rapidly, to more than 6000 by 1967, with recruitment boosted by immigration from Mozambique. The Addo Elephant National Park population was reduced to 11 elephants in 1931 and remains relatively small (n = 325). Loss of genetic variation is expected to occur whenever a population goes through a bottleneck, especially when post-bottleneck recovery is slow. Variation at nine polymorphic microsatellite loci was analysed for Kruger and Addo elephants, as well as museum specimens of Addo elephants shot prior to the population bottleneck. Significantly reduced genetic variation and heterozygosity were observed in Addo in comparison to Kruger (mean alleles/locus and H(E): Addo 1.89, 0.18; Kruger 3.89, 0.44). Two alleles not present in the current Addo population were observed in the museum specimens. Addo elephants represent a genetic subset of the Kruger population, with high levels of genetic differentiation resulting from rapid genetic drift. The Kruger population is low in genetic diversity in comparison to East African elephants, confirming this population also suffered an appreciable bottleneck.  相似文献   

Tracks and trackways of the ruminant goat, Myotragus balearicus Bate, 1909 are abundant in the Late Pleistocene aeolianites of the south coast of Mallorca, Spain. The carbonate aeolianites form impressive dunes and related sand ramps that were initiated as echo dunes in front of a 20–40 m high paleocliff of Miocene reefal limestone. Where the dunes built up to the cliff top, they covered it as an aeolian ramp. The dunes and sand ramps were active during the dry summer months but were passive during the wet winter period. The small, goat-like animals were abundant on the island, and for unknown reasons crossed the aeolian accumulations in large numbers. This study deals with the tracks formed in the dune deposits. All preserved trackways indicate impression into moist sand. Special features of the tracks include the structure produced by the withdrawal of the foot, here called the ‘axis’, and a disturbance zone of plastic deformation around this. On dune crests, the disturbance zone surrounds the axis more or less symmetrically. However, in addition, a ‘pressure pad’ of dislocated, slightly rotated sediment bound by curved microfaults is commonly produced posterior to the axis by propulsive pressure of the foot. On steep stoss and lee slopes, the pressure pad becomes oriented in a down-slope position as a result of gravitational slip of the walking animal. Combination of disturbance of the sediment in this way by manus followed by overprinting of similar disturbance by pes produces highly complicated track structure. This structure may be characteristic of artiodactylous mammals in soft sand, particularly aeolian deposits. The structure is designated as Bifidipes aeolis isp. nov.  相似文献   

This study identifies patterns of elephant Loxodonta africana africana impacts upon tree species and woody plant communities in Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, a South African savannahs/woodlands area. Elephants were reintroduced there from 1981, following more than 80 years of absence. Data were collected in 2003 on elephant impact on woodland in the Park. Different vegetation types were susceptible to different types and levels of damage by elephants, suggesting that elephants will not homogenize the vegetation. Elephants targeted larger stems for all types of damage, with a strong preference for some of the less abundant species such as Albizia versicolor (breaking and toppling) and Cordia caffra and Schotia brachypetala (debarking). Elephant impacts tended to be distributed evenly across the park landscape, irrespective of stem density or proximity to permanent water. Overall, elephants have little impact on slowing or reversing the spread of undesirable woody species, but are having a marked impact on certain less common tree species and larger tree size-classes in the Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park.  相似文献   

The Hollow Rock Shelter site in Western Cape Province, South Africa, was excavated in 1993 and 2008. This study presents new results from a technological analysis of Still Bay points and bifacial flakes from the site. The results show that Still Bay points from the site are standardized tools. The points in the assemblage consist of a complex mixture of whole and fragmented points in all phases of production. The fragmentation degree is high; approximately 80% of the points are broken. A high proportion of bending fractures shows that several of the points were discarded due to production failures, and points with impact damage or hafting traces show that used points were left in the cave. This illustrates that the production of points as well as replacement of used points took place at the site. The result also shows that worked but not finished preforms and points were left at the site, suggestive of future preparation.The points were produced within the framework of three different chaînes opératoires, all ending up in a typologically uniform tool. This shows that the manufacture of Still Bay points should be regarded as a special bifacial technology, only partly comparable with other bifacial technologies. A raw material analysis shows that locally available quartz and quartzite were used in the production, and that points made of silcrete were brought to the site.Based on the technological analysis, a discussion of behavioural modernity, focusing on hypotheses about social interaction, experimentation, different strategies for learning to knap, and landscape memories, results in an interpretation that behavioural modernity was established at Hollow Rock Shelter in the Still Bay phase of the southern African Middle Stone Age.  相似文献   

Elephants (Loxodonta africana) significantly alter ecosystem structure and composition through browsing (e.g. pollarding, debarking and toppling). Such browsing is predicted to intensify during severe drought which may become more common with climate change. Here, we make use of an elephant impact survey from 2012 to 2015 and during the El Nino drought of 2015–2016 at Pongola Game Reserve (107 km2), KwaZulu-Natal, to investigate how severe drought influenced damage severity of different tree heights and species by elephants in this small reserve. Contrary to expectations, damage to common species did not change with severe drought. Crown damage had the highest predicted probability across heights (29%–90%) and species (46%–75%) regardless of drought. However, we found severe drought increased the predicted probabilities of crown damage to smaller trees <4 m, mortality >6 m and severe damage at 4–6 m. Consequently, elephant damage during severe drought may alter vegetation structure by severely damaging or killing large trees (>4 m) and extensively damaging the crowns of trees <4 m. Long-term monitoring of elephant effects on woody vegetation is essential to enable science-based management in response to future drought and elephant damage (e.g. range expansion, beehive deterrents) to protect elephants and conserve woody vegetation.  相似文献   

Biofilms were allowed to develop on wooden slides of the River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., Myrtaceae) submerged in two billabongs of south-eastern Australia. The slides were placed in the photic zone and the aphotic zone, and the biofilms sampled after eight week's growth over the summer of 1989–1990 and winter of 1990. Bacterial numbers, estimated with epifluorescence microscopy, ranged from 4–78 × 106 cells cm–2. Bacteria were more abundant in the photic zone than the aphotic zone, and more abundant in summer than winter. Fewer than 0.5% of the bacteria could be cultivated on nutrient agar plates. Concentrations of phospholipids ranged from 8–79 ng cm–2, which corresponded to bacterial abundances of 2–17 × 106 cells cm–2. Fifty five phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) were identified, of which 16:0 (13–29% of total PFLA) was the most common. Other abundant PFLA included 16:17c (6–28%), 18:26 (3–16%), 18:33 (4–12%), 18:19c (3–5%), 18:l7c (5–11%) and 18:0 (2–8%). Minor PLFA included 14:0, i and a 15:0, 15:0, 16:l5c, 16:113c, 18:36, 18:43, 20:46 and 20:53. The PLFA profiles of the biofilms were quite different from those of the sediments and plankton. There was a clear distinction between the PLFA profiles of summer and winter biofilms, but less evidence for unequivocal site or light-regime effects.  相似文献   

We report the oldest fossil evidence of osteophagia by terrestrial invertebrates on both the Asian and African continents. Bones attributable to the Middle Jurassic dinosaur Chuanjiesaurus (Dinosauria: Sauropoda) were found with post-mortem insect modification in the Chuanjie Formation, Yunnan Province, China. The morphology of the borings closely matches the ichnogenus Cubiculum. Based on the lack of bioglyphs observed in Cubiculum ornatus, a new ichnospecies is proposed here. The new trace fossil, Cubiculum inornatus isp. nov., is interpreted to have been constructed for pupation by an unknown taxon of insect. Additionally, we report even older borings from Early Jurassic dinosaur bones of the Elliott Formation in the Karoo Basin, which represent the second oldest occurrence of insect traces in bone from continental settings. Both trace fossils sites have palaeogeographic implications for the origins and dispersal of osteophagia amongst terrestrial invertebrates during the Mesozoic. These discoveries push back the antiquity of pupation in animal bones by more than 100 million years to the Middle Jurassic, indicating that this behaviour, and osteophagy more generally, originated early in the Mesozoic, roughly comparable with the origination of insect pupation in woody substrates (Late Triassic).  相似文献   

Reproduction in round-eared elephant shrews occurred throughout the year. Male round-eared elephant shrews were spermatogenically active, with spermatozoa stored in the cauda epididymes, throughout the year. Pregnant females occurred in all months except March and May and there was a decline in the occurrence of pregnancies during early winter (March-July). This tendency towards seasonality of pregnancies was mirrored by the appearance of juveniles, with 77% of all young animals caught between September and February. Bone calcium concentrations were significantly lower during the dry winter than during summer. From October onwards (the beginning of the wet season), bone calcium concentrations increased, reaching high levels in December which were maintained until April. This increase in bone calcium concentrations coincided with the rainy season and with an increase in the intake of herbage, and during this period 60% of all pregnancies occurred. We conclude that the ability of the round-eared elephant shrew to vary its diet may allow some individuals to breed throughout the year. The reduction in the occurrence of pregnancies in early winter probably ensures that few births occur when bone calcium concentrations are low.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pattern of daylight occurrence of humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Algoa Bay, the Eastern Cape, South Africa, between May 1991 and May 1994. Two indices, the Sighting Index (SI) and the Total Recorded Dolphin Presence (TRDP), were used to quantify the dolphins' daylight occurrence. Humpback dolphins display a clear pattern of daylight occurrence in Algoa Bay and can be seen mostly in the morning, and, to a lesser extent, in the evening. This pattern varies little between seasons (with possible exception for the evening hours), follows the time of the solar day, is not related to the tidal cycle and is probably governed by the diurnal cycles of dolphins' prey.  相似文献   

  1. Though elephants are a major cause of savanna tree mortality and threaten vulnerable tree species, managing their impact remains difficult, in part because relatively little is known about how elephant impacts are distributed throughout space.
  2. This is exacerbated by uncertainty about what determines the distribution of elephants themselves, as well as whether the distribution of elephants is even informative for understanding the distribution of their impacts.
  3. To better understand the factors that underlie elephant impacts, we modeled elephant distributions and their damage to trees with respect to soil properties, water availability, and vegetation in Kruger National Park, South Africa, using structural equation modeling.
  4. We found that bull elephants and mixed herds differed markedly in their distributions, with bull elephants concentrating in sparsely treed basaltic sites close to artificial waterholes and mixed herds aggregating around permanent rivers, particularly in areas with little grass.
  5. Surprisingly, we also found that the distribution of elephant impacts, while highly heterogeneous, was largely unrelated to the distribution of elephants themselves, with damage concentrated instead in densely treed areas and particularly on basaltic soils.
  6. Results underscore the importance of surface water for elephants but suggest that elephant water dependence operates together with other landscape factors, particularly vegetation community composition and historical management interventions, to influence elephant distributions.

In this study, the effects of coal dust on four, sympatric, wetland tree species in Richards Bay Harbour were investigated. We tested the hypothesis that leaf micromorphology influenced dust accumulation and that coal dust occluded stomata and reduced photosynthetic performance of three mangroves, Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Rhizophora mucronata, and a mangrove associate, Hibiscus tiliaceus. To investigate leaf micromorphology, leaf blade material of the four species was prepared following standard procedures and viewed under scanning electron microscopy. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements were made at saturating light (>1000 μmol m−2 s−1) and high temperature (>25 °C) on leaves that were either covered or uncovered with coal dust. There was no evidence of occlusion of stomata by dust. Dust accumulation in A. marina and H. tiliaceus was exacerbated by the presence of a dense mat of trichomes on the undersurface of the leaves, as well as by the sticky brine secreted by salt glands in the former species.Coal dust significantly reduced CO2 exchange, Photosystem II (PS II) quantum yield and electron transport rate (ETR) through PS II in A. marina and H. tiliaceus but not in the other two mangroves. Reduction in photosynthetic performance was attributed to reduction in light energy incident on the photosynthetic tissues.  相似文献   

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