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A palynological investigation of 24 samples from the representative Neogene strata of the Xiaolongtan Basin (23°48′N, 103°ll′E) were novelly carried out. Pollen samples were collected from the strata of N1 (clay, sandstone and conglomerate), N2 (clay intercalated with thin bedded lignite at the lower part, and coal bed at the upper part), N3 (marl), and N4 (clay intercalated with thin bedded lignite) in ascending order respectively. Pollen flora was characterized by the predominant appearance of angiospermous elements, representing the parent plants of evergreen broad-leafed types. Variations in the pollen flora were recognized between sample 15 and 16, as more herbaceous pollen of the Compositae types increasing upward in the strata, while certain woody types were minimized or even disappeared, thus dividing the pollen flora into two subzones. According to the current study, the geological age of the flora was suggested to be Middle-Late Miocene (Subzone A) to Early Pliocene (Subzone B), and the inferred vegetational type was evergreen broad-leafed forest, accompanied by a few deciduous elements.  相似文献   

The specimens were collected by our expedition from the Neogene flora of Tengchong basin, i.e. 20 families, 29 genera and 35 species, four of which are described as new species, its show with characteristics as follows: 1. Tengehong basin flora developed from the Paleogene flora of Tethys sea and remains some eharaeters of the latter, for example, containing forest forms of Fagaeeae and Lauraeeae with evergreen boradleaves. Since Late Miocene the Himalayas uplifted, the Tecthys sea was recessive from the region, and this region had started aequiring its present day configuration. The climate became arid and cool. The flora was expanded with some deciduous elements. 2. The flora was expanded with Leguminosae elements which may indicate the climate changing to arid. The age of the flora is considered to Late Miocene- Early Plioeene. Its elements closely resemble with the modern ones of Yunnan flora.  相似文献   

报道了采自黑龙江省五大连池的蓝藻门2个新种:绿刺星球藻、雅致伪枝藻。  相似文献   

报道了采自黑龙江省五大连池的蓝藻门2个新种:绿刺星球藻、雅致伪枝藻。  相似文献   

Field investigations of the Palaeogene sections exposed in Barmer district, Rajasthan (India) led to the discovery of a new fossiliferous horizon in the Padma Rao Open Cast Bentonitic Clay Quarry. The bentonitic clay sequence of this quarry is considered as representing the upper part of the shale, carbonaceous shale, lignite and bentonitic clay succession of the Akli Formation exposed in the Giral Lignite Mine, 2.5 km to its north. Screen-washing of the sediments from a fossiliferous level within the bentonitic clay of the new site has yielded nine taxa of sharks and batoids: Squatiscyllium nigeriensis White, 1934, Ginglymostoma sokotoense White, 1934, Ginglymostomatidae gen. et sp. indet., Brachycarcharias sp., Abdounia recticona Winkler, 1873, Premontreia (Oxyscyllium) peypouqueti Noubhani et Cappetta, 1997, Eotorpedo hilgendorfi Jaekel, 1904, Coupatezia sp. cf. C. danica, and Myliobatidae gen. et sp. indet. The fauna recovered is mainly represented by nearshore shallow marine forms. This fauna is quite different from that of Palaeocene Fatehgarh Formation, the Lower Eocene Kapurdi Formation (Barmer Basin), the Khuiala Formation (Jaisalmer Basin) and the Cambay Shale (Cambay Basin), and favours a late Palaeocene (Thanetian) age for the upper part of the Akli Formation. A nearshore shallow marine palaeoenvironment is favored for the investigated stratigraphic horizon on the basis of the selachian fauna. Majority of the fossil shark species described from the Padma Rao quarry section are known from a number of sites in Africa, western Europe, Asia and southeastern USA, suggesting that free faunal interchanges were possible between the western Tethys and Indo-Madagascan faunal provinces during the late Palaeocene.  相似文献   

Oxalis jiayinensis, sp. nov., is described from the Late Cretaceous (TuronianSenonian) in Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, northeastern China. The seed is about 1 mm long, less than 1 mm in diameter, crescentic with obtuse apices and 9~10 transverse ribs. The seed wall is composed of equiaxial, strongly thickened sclereids. The fossil repre-sents the oldest occurrence of the family Oxalidaceae in the world.  相似文献   

安徽潜山盆地古新世地层和脊椎动物概述(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潜山盆地中、新生代红层由一套单斜的碎屑岩组成,划分为上白垩统高河埠组、古新统望虎墩组(分为上、中、下三段)和痘姆组(分上、下两段)。1970年以来,在潜山盆地的持续调查发现了大量脊椎动物化石。迄今为止,潜山盆地古新统共报道了45属61种(含9个未命名的种)脊椎动物,包括爬行类、鸟类和哺乳类。其中哺乳动物最为丰富,共有33属46种(含7个未命名种),分属10个目16个科。根据化石产出的层位,可以在潜山古新统中识别出7个化石层位。基于哺乳动物生物地层学证据,望虎墩组下段至上段下部可以大致与广东南雄盆地上湖组和江西池江盆地狮子口组对比,对应于亚洲陆相哺乳动物分期的上湖期;望虎墩组上段上部和痘姆组可以与南雄盆地浓山组以及池江盆地的池江组对比,与浓山期相对应。综合我国几个古新世盆地的古地磁研究结果显示,上湖期可以大致与北美陆相哺乳动物分期的Puercan和Torreionian对比,浓山期则与Tiffanian早中期(Ti1-Ti4a)相当。上湖期和浓山期还可以进一步与国际地质年表中的丹尼期(Danian)和塞兰特期(Selandian)对比。因此,潜山盆地发现的脊椎动物化石的时代属于早、中古新世。  相似文献   

本文描述了发现于中国黑龙江省嘉荫县晚白垩世(土仑期至赛诺期)的酢酱草科酢酱草属新种 Oxalis jiayinensis Feng,Liu,Song et Ma;炭化种子长约1 mm,宽不足1mm;新月形,两端钝;表面具9 ~10条横脊;种皮石细胞等轴、细胞壁明显加厚。该化石种是酢酱草科在地质时期迄今最早的代表。  相似文献   

在对中国黑龙江省进行的大型真菌调查中,发现丝膜菌属3个中国新记录种——北方毛盖丝膜菌、红褐丝膜菌和亚杂环丝膜菌。文中基于形态分类和分子系统学分析的结果,证实了该3个种在我国的分布,并提供了详细的形态学描述。  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1988,13(3):193-212
Foraminifera and diatoms have been analyzed from an upper Miocene through Pleistocene(?) sequence of marine sediments exposed on Maria Madre Island, largest of the Trés Marias Islands off the Pacific coast of Mexico. The Neogene stratigraphic sequence exposed on Maria Madre Island includes a mid-Miocene(?) non-marine and/or shallow marine sandstone unconformably overlain by a lower upper Miocene to uppermost Miocene upper to middle bathyal laminated and massive diatomite, mudstone, and siltstone unit. This unit is unconformably overlain by lower Pliocene middle to lower bathyal sandstones and siltstones which, in turn, are unconformably overlain by upper Pliocene through Pleistocene(?) upper bathyal to upper middle bathyal foraminiferal limestones and siltstones. These beds are unconformably capped by Pleistocene terrace deposits. Basement rocks on the island include Cretaceous granite and granodiorite, and Tertiary(?) andesites and rhyolites. The upper Miocene diatomaceous unit contains a low diversity foraminiferal fauna dominated by species of Bolivina indicating low oxygen conditions in the proto-Gulf Maria Madre basin. The diatomaceous unit grades into a mudstone that contains a latest Miocene upper to middle bathyal biofacies characterized by Baggina californica and Uvigerina hootsi along with displaced neritic taxa. An angular unconformity separates the upper Miocene middle bathyal sediments from overlying lower Pliocene siltstones and mudstones that contain a middle to lower bathyal biofacies and abundant planktonic species including Neogloboquadrina acostaensis and Pulleniatina primalis indicating an early Pliocene age. Significantly, this Pliocene unit contains common occurrences of benthic species restricted to Miocene sediments in California including Bulimina uvigerinaformis. Pliocene to Pleistocene(?) foraminiferal limestones and siltstones characterize submarine bank accumulations formed during uplift of the Trés Marias Island area, and include abundant planktonic foraminifera such as Pulleniatina obliquiloculata and Neogloboquadrina duterteri. Common benthic foraminifera in this unit are indicative of upper bathyal water depths. The Neogene depositional history recorded on Maria Madre Island involves an early late Miocene subsidence event marking formation of the Trés Marias Basin with relatively undiluted diatomaceous sediment deposited in a low oxygen setting. Subsidence and deepening of the basin continued into the early Pliocene along with rapid deposition of terrigenous clastics. Uplift of the basinal sequence began in late Pliocene time accompanied by deposition of upper Pliocene-Pleistocene foraminiferal limestones on a rising submarine bank. Continued episodic uplift of the Neogene deposits brought the island above sea level by late Pleistocene time.  相似文献   

The Guadix-Baza Basin in Spain covers an area of approximately 3000 km2 and yields a sedimentary sequence ranging from Lower Miocene to Pleistocene. Twenty five meters of Lower Pleistocene lacustrine sediments have been located in the NE part of the Basin at about 1000 meters in altitude. This sequence which overlies dolomitic mud flat deposits consists of limestones, calcareous and dolomitic mudstones, dolostones, silty clays, sands and gravels. Salinity fluctuations and short dry episodes, related to lake level oscillations, have been recorded by textural, mineralogical and faunal changes throughout the sequence. Ostracods, which are the most commonly encountered fossils, permit to detect recurrent changes in water salinity and regime, and solute composition. The faunal changes indicate an alternation of slightly saline and bicarbonate-rich water (when ostracods and gastropods occur) with a saline NaCl-dominant water (in which ostracods, Cerastoderma bivalves and non-marine foraminifers are found).The frequent and recurrent hydrochemical changes in the Baza Basin in the Early Pleistocene point to a climate of high contrast like in the Mediterranean region today but with a greater availability of water within the system compared to the present situation in the area.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 11 species and 1 variety in the genus Lespedeza and its allied genera (Campylotropis, Kummerowia) from NE China was examined under light and scanning electron microscopes. 1. Lespedeza Michx. (plate 1:1-6; 2:1-6; 3:1-6; 4:1-2) Pollen grains prolate, rarely subprolate or spheroidal, elliptic or rarely suborbicular in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, tricolporate, colpus margins smooth or jagged. Polar axis 20.7-33.1μm long, equatorial axis 15.4-20.9 μm long. Exine reticulate or foveolate, lumina verrucose or smooth under SEM. 2. Campylotropis Bge. (plate 4:3-4) One species in NE China, C. macrocarpa (Bge.) Rehd. Pollen grains prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, 3-lobed-rounded in polar view, 3-colporate, colpus linear, 25.1μm long, 1.79μm broad, colpus margins jagged, with a series of verrucae equal in size along one side visible under SEM. Polar axis 19.7μm long, equatorial axis 14.6μm long. Exine reticulate, lumina nearly rounded, verrucose at periphery under SEM. 3. Kummerowia Schindl. (plate 4:5-6) Pollen grains spheroidal, oblate or prolate, elliptic in equatorial view, obtuse-triangular in polar view, tricolporate, colups linear, 25.1μm long, 2.01μm broad, colpus margins sinuate. Polar axis 24.7-27.9μm long, equatorial axis 19.7-26.6μm long. Exine reticulate or subreticulate, lumina nearly rounded, with verrocae visible under SEM. According to the pollen morphology of Lespedeza and its allied genera, the division of Lespedeza (s. lat.) into Lespedeza (S. str.), Campylotropis and Kummarowia by Schindler (1912) is reasonable. The subdivision of Lespedeza (s. str.) into Sect. Macrolespedeza and Sect. Lespedeza by many botanists, and the treatment of Lespedeze juncea (L. f.) Pers. var. inschanica Maxim. as an independent species (i.e. Lespedeza inschanics (Maxim). Schindl.) are also supported by the pollen morphology shown in the present work.  相似文献   

Dr. Jens Lehmann 《Facies》1999,40(1):25-69
Summary The present study provides an integrated stratigraphy of the Lower Cenomanian-Lower Turonian of the northwestern Münsterland Basin, Westphalia. This is important to establish a standard section allowing an interregional correlation as well as an interpretation of single environmental conditions, their changes through time and their geographical extent. Numerous sections have been investigated in northern Westphalia, in addition to data from other profiles in North Germany. Macrofossils and thin-sections have been sampled, stable isotope and gamma ray data have been obtained from a part of the sections. Investigation of the sedimentary sequence is based on a analysis of events. Many events are diachronous, whereas others are difficult to define and do not show a wide geographic distribution. For ecological or sedimentological reasons, correlation is not possible. The discussion of events leads to a compound picture of the evolution of the depositional sequence, allowing the reconstruction of palaeo-environmental changes. Sea-level changes and their influence on the fauna is discussed. During maximal sea-level rising, macrofossils occur more frequently for ecological reasons, however, some macrofossil accumulations are lag deposits. Some biostratigraphical problems find their origin in a tectonic separation leading to different habitats. The local tectonics was caused by the intial phase of transpression of the Osning Zone, that can be traced down to the Lower Cenomanian. A correlation of the Cenomanian-Turonian Boundary Event (CTBE) in Westphalia (Lengerich), Colorado (USA) and England (Eastbourne), is possible due to very dense sampling of carbon-isotopes (δ13C). In Westphalia, definition of the stage boundary is possible by correlation of carbon isotope curves only. A sequence from the upper Middle Cenomanian, up to the lower Upper Cenomanian, is investigated concerning the controlling factors of biogenic sedimentation. The cyclicity of lithology is investigated by Fast Fourier Trans-formation. It can be shown that sedimentation is forced by orbital cycles, mainly by the precession cycle of the Milankovitch band (P1 and P2, 18 500 and 22 300 years, respectively). This confirms the primary origin of the marlstone-limestone couplets that are obvious in the field. Calculation of sedimentation rates is based on these data. There is a high variability of sedimentation rates, maybe due to a strong variation of productivity in this epicontinental environment. Dedicated to the memory of Jost Wiedmann (1931–1993)  相似文献   

Late Miocene and Pliocene hominoids from Yunnan Province in southern China have been recovered from four sites or site complexes: Xiaolongtan, Yangyi, Shihuiba and Yuanmou. Of these, Shihuiba and Yuanmou are among the most prolific fossil hominoid sites in Eurasia, and they have yielded important evidence that is critical for documenting the evolutionary history, biogeography and paleobiology of later Neogene hominids. The aim of this paper is to clarify their taxonomy and nomenclature, and to present a preliminary synthesis of their phylogenetic relationships and biogeography. The morphological pattern and degree of variation observed in the fossil samples is consistent with there being a single, sexually dimorphic species represented at each site. Provisionally, we consider the Shihuiba, Xiaolongtan and Yuanmou samples to belong to two separate species within a single genus. The valid names for these species are Lufengpithecus lufengensis (from Shihuiba) and L. keiyuanensis (from Xiaolongtan and Yuanmou). From a phylogenetic perspective, the currently available evidence suggests that Lufengpithecus is either a primitive hominid that represents the sister taxon of the Ponginae+Homininae or a primitive sister taxon to the Ponginae. We tend to favor the second alternative, but acknowledge that a more comprehensive comparative analysis is needed to substantiate the phylogenetic and taxonomic affinities of Lufengpithecus. Importantly, the Yunnan fossil apes provide a unique temporal perspective on the evolutionary history of hominoids. Their continued occurrence during the late Miocene and Pliocene (approximately 8-2Ma), when hominoids became extinct throughout the rest of Eurasia, suggests that southern China (and presumably southeast Asia in general) was an important refugium for hominoids, including the ancestors of the orang-utans and gibbons. The uplift of the Tibetan plateau and its impact on regional climatic conditions may have been an important contributing factor in isolating the hominoids geographically and ecologically. We speculate that changed climatic condition in the mid-Pliocene, and possibly the arrival of Homo soon after, may have precipitated the regional extinction of large hominoids in southern China and in mainland southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Two sequences (SFr, SFa), each 1-1.2 Myr in duration, are recognised in the strata across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition both in carbonate platform and interplatform basinal successions in South China. The sequence boundary between the two sequences is placed a little below the top of the Frasnian. The sequences are basically composed of coarsening-upward/bed-thickness increasing-upward cycles and shallowing-upward cycles (parasequences) in basinal and platform deposits respectively, which stack into cycle-sets (typically six to eight cycles). 10 and 12 cycle-sets are identified in sequences SFr and SFa respectively. These cycle-sets can be further grouped into larger-scale composite cycle-sets (herein termed mesocycle- and megacycle-sets with two and four cycle-sets respectively). This vertical cycle-stacking pattern and the hierarchy of cyclicity suggest a Milankovitch style of forcing such that the cycles and cycle-sets were formed in response to the orbital perturbations of precession (16-18 kyr) and eccentricity (∼100 kyr in duration), respectively. In the basinal cycles, smaller-scale rhythmic stratification beds (typically six to eight beds in a cycle) are extensive, and were likely caused by millennial-scale climatic forcing. In the lower sequence, SFr, the latest highstand deposits consist of calciturbidites and debrites in deep-water strata and fenestral limestones in shallow-water strata, representing a major (third-order) sea-level fall. Within these deposits, four cycle-sets are further identified in both coeval deep-water and platform successions. Succeeding deeper-water organic-rich facies, within which three cycles occur, are the transgressive deposits of the overlying Famennian sequence (SFa). These cycles represent three higher-frequency (16-18 kyr) sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia, superimposed on a major third-order sea-level rise. The F-F boundary is placed at the top of the first cycle, based on conodont data. Thus, a major sea-level fall and then a rise occurred in the F-F transitional period. Faunal and sedimentological data reveal a massive biotic decline in concert with the major sea-level fall, and a further biotic demise coinciding with the major sea-level rise and its three superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia. The F-F biotic crisis was therefore characterised by two episodes of step-down extinction. On the basis of Milankovitch orbital rhythms, the first major biotic extinction took place over ∼400 kyr, and the subsequent event was ∼50 kyr in duration, i.e. ∼450 kyr for the entire event. At the same time as the massive decline of normal-marine fossils during the latest Frasnian sea-level fall, there was widespread cyanobacterial growth and a thriving of planktonic calcispheres, suggesting eutrophic conditions. This situation could have caused a severe biotic loss, as a result of the deterioration of surface water clarity and formation of anoxic bottom waters due to over-consumption of oxygen through respiratory demands and decomposition by the cyanobacteria and phytoplankton. The subsequent rapid sea-level rise with superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia could have caused rapid elevation of anoxic bottom waters and expansion of eutrophic surface waters over shallow-water platforms due to enhanced upwelling ocean currents and improved ocean circulation. This situation would have exerted further stresses upon the already-weakened biota, leading to a further biotic demise. However, a small number of organisms such as pelagic tentaculitids, small mud-adapted brachiopods and gastropods did survive into the Famennian, although with very low diversity.  相似文献   

The stratigraphic framework of the Neogene sequence drilled by two offshore wells located in the north-eastern shore of the Nile Delta (the wells Sekhmet-1 and Sekhmet-2) has been established. The lithostratigraphic units with their sequences, from older to younger, are as follows: the Sidi Salim Formation (including Sr1 SB, Sr2 SB, Sr2 MFS, Sr3 SB and Sr3 MFS), a sequence representing the uppermost part of the Sidi Salim and most of the lower part of the Qawasim Formations (including Tor 1.1 SB, Tor 1.2 SB, Tor 1.3 SB, Tor 1.4 SB and ?Tor 2 SB), a sequence representing the uppermost part of Qawasim and the lower part of the Abu Madi Formations (including ?Me1 SB, Me2 SB and Me2 MFS), the Kafr El Sheikh Formation (including alternatively Za 1 and 2 SB and MFS and Ge 1 SB and MFS), the El Wastani Formation (including Ge 2 SB and MFS) and a Quaternary sequence represented by the topmost part of El Wastani and Mit Ghamr/Bilqas Formation (including alternatively ?Cala 1 and 2 SB and MFS and ?Io 2 SB). The lower part of the Qawasim in well Sekhmet-2 includes two LST: Tor 2 LST and Me 1 LST.  相似文献   

王法岗  李锋 《人类学学报》2020,39(2):161-172
"许家窑人"化石发现于河北省阳原县泥河湾盆地西端的侯家窑遗址。该遗址20世纪70年代历经数次发掘,发现古人类化石20件、石制品数万件以及大量的哺乳动物化石。虽然已有大量关于遗址的研究成果发表,但人类化石和考古遗物的出土地层仍有些模糊,文化层时代也存在较大争议;年代数据在20 kaBP到500 kaBP的大范围间变化,影响学者们对"许家窑人"及其文化遗存演化位置的认识。鉴于此,河北省文物研究所(现河北省文物考古研究院)在2007~2012年对该遗址开展了持续的考古调查及发掘,重要目的之一在于廓清遗址埋藏的地貌部位和文化层的分布状况等基本信息。侯家窑遗址的地层包含上、下两个文化层;下文化层以下2~3 m(距地表约14.5 m)处确认了不整合接触面,其下为泥河湾层堆积,之上为河流阶地堆积。综合对20世纪70年代发掘的地层描述、新发掘地层以及人类化石保存状态的认识,"许家窑人"化石应出自遗址地层沉积序列的上文化层中,而非湖相的泥河湾层中。通过对目前遗址已有测年数据的重新梳理,我们认为,上文化层即"许家窑人"化石的时代为200~160 kaBP,主要对应深海氧同位素6阶段早期;下文化层的准确年代...  相似文献   

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