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In a previous paper we described the actions of beta-amyloid on an A-type K+ current from Drosophila 3rd Instar larval neurons. The results were a depolarizing shift in the steady-state voltage dependence of inactivation and an increase in the rate of recovery from inactivation of the current. In this work we have used the simulation program NEURON to construct a model cell. We then use the model to predict the effects of changing the A-type K+ current as was observed in the amyloid treated neurons on the firing properties of the cell. We show that changing the steady-state voltage dependence of inactivation of the current to a more depolarized level as observed in experiments in beta-amyloid treated neurons causes an increase in the threshold for the initiation of repetitive firing. However, increasing the rate of recovery from inactivation had no effect. Changing both properties simultaneously had no additional effect over changing the voltage dependence of inactivation alone. Thus, a change in the steady-state properties of the A-type K+ current as seen in the amyloid-treated Drosophila cholinergic neurons is sufficient to alter the firing properties of the modeled cell.  相似文献   

Summary We have studied the influence of some mutations in the bithorax complex on the observed synapsis dependent phenotype of the genotypes Cbx 1Ubx1/+ and bx 34e/Ubx1. The effect of these mutations is similar to that introduced by disruption of pairing or by the z a mutation. Among the bx mutations, we find that bx 8 behaves differently from most other bx mutations in its influence on the synapsis dependent phenotype. This observation induced us to map the position of bx 8 with respect to other bx mutations; we find that it maps between bx 34e and bx 3. We show how some of the observations reported here can be fitted into a model of activation of the bithorax complex proposed by one of us.  相似文献   

At a moderate concentration (2.5%, v/v) dietary ethanol reduced the chain length of total fatty acids (FA) and increased the desaturation of short-chain FA in Drosophila melanogaster larvae with a functional alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). The changes in length in total FA were postulated to be due to the modulation of the termination specificity of fatty acid synthetase. Because the ethanol-stimulated reduction in the length of unsaturated FA was blocked by linoleic acid, it was thought to reflect the properties of FA 9-desaturase. Although the ethanol-stimulated reduction in chain length of unsaturated FA was also observed in ADH-null larvae, ethanol promoted an increase in the length of total FA of the mutant larvae. Thus, the ethanolstimulated change in FA length was ADH dependent but the ethanol effect on FA desaturation was not. Ethanol also stimulated a decrease in the relative amount of phosphatidylcholine and an increase in phosphatidylethanolamine. Because similar ethanol-induced changes have been found in membrane lipids of other animals, ethanol may alter the properties of membranes in larvae. It is proposed that ethanol tolerance in D. melanogaster may be dependent on genes that specify lipids that are resistant to the detrimental effects of ethanol.This research was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant GM-28779 to B.W.G. and a Monash University Research Grant to S.W.M.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila embryos, exposed to ether between 1 and 4 h after oviposition, develop defects ranging from the complete lack of segmentation to isolated gaps in single segments. Between these extremes are varying extents of incomplete and abnormal segmentation. On the basis of both their temporal and spatial characteristics, five major phenotype classes may be distinguished: headless — unsegmented or incompletely segmented anteriorly; gap — interruptions of segmentation not obviously periodic; alternating segment gaps — interruptions with double segment periodicities; fused segments; and short segments — truncations with single segment periodicities. Many defects resemble known mutant phenotypes. The disturbances in segmentation are predominantly global and frequently accompanied by alterations in segment specification, such that the segments obtained show no resemblance to the normal homologues. These features, together with the distinctive spatiotemporal characteristics of the defects, all point to segmentation as a dynamic process. The regular spacing of the segments and the fact that the entire range of defects is inducible by ether are further consistent with the hypothesis that at least part of the segmentation process may consist of physicochemical reactions coordinated over the whole body. The relationship between our data and data from genetic and other analyses are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between the 50% survival time for flies feeding on a malathion-containing medium and the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was determined for 15 isofemale lines of Drosophila melanogaster. A significant correlation was found (r=0.28, P<0.05), with more resistant lines tending to have a lower level of AChE activity. An association between AChE and malathion resistance was also observed in a selection experiment. The AChE activity decreased in two of two populations selected for malathion resistance. AChE from these populations was altered in kinetic parameters (measured in crude head extracts) and electrophoretic mobility. Although the resistant AChE had a lower activity (V m) on either a per milligram protein or a per individual basis, its apparent K m for acetylthiocholine was lower than that of susceptible AChE. Recombination mapping of both low activity and fast electrophoretic mobility localized these traits to the region of the structural locus (Ace) on the third chromosome. The AChE activity of flies heterozygous for a variety of Ace lesions (kindly provided by Dr. W. M. Gelbart) was consistent with this location. The changes in AChE were suggested to have been caused by selection of alleles at the Ace locus.This work was supported by NSERC Grants A5857, G0183, and A0629.  相似文献   

Summary We have screened for dominant enhancers and suppressors of the wing phenotype associated with two Delta alleles: Dl 9P39, an amorphic allele, and Dl FE32, an antimorphic allele. The interactions of some of the modifiers with Delta are due to haplo-insufficient expression of the corresponding genes. Although not explicitly shown for the remaining cases, we assume that haploin-sufficiency is also the basis for the relationships of these genes to Delta, since no allele specific interactions were observed. The modifiers found define 22 genes with pleiotropic expression, which can be classified into two groups: genes required for wing vein pattern formation and for neurogenesis, and genes which are not required for neurogenesis. Among the genes of the first group, Hairless and Star were previously known to participate in neural development. One further modifier was found which may correspond to a new neurogenic gene. The second group of genes is larger and includes already known loci, e.g., Plexate, blistered, plexus, etc, as well as other previously unidentified genes, which function during wing morphogenesis. Correspondence to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

It has been shown that crude extracts of Drosophila melanogaster adults contain three distinctly different enzymes which catalyze the oxidation of d-sorbitol into d-fructose. These include (1) a soluble NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHs), (2) a mitochondrial NAD-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NAD-SoDHm), and (3) a soluble NADP-dependent sorbitol dehydrogenase (NADP-SoDH). Developmental studies have shown that the activities of all three of these enzymes are lowest during the larval stages while highest levels are seen during or shortly prior to the adult period. With respect to NAD-SoDHs, studies of tissue distribution in adults have shown that highest activity is associated with thoracic musculature in both sexes and with organs of the male reproductive system. The developmental profile of this enzyme reveals a significant increase in activity at between 40 and 60 hr after hatching. This time interval corresponds closely to that during which the paternally derived NAD-SoDHs gene is expressed. An additional increase in activity is seen in male pupae at 160 hr and in female adults at 210 hr. The rapid increase in males takes place immediately following the developmental period during which the testes attach to their respective duct systems. NADP-SoDH activity is concentrated among organs of the thorax and abdomen in both sexes. Males show significantly higher levels of this enzyme during the late pupal and early adult periods. In contrast to the patterns of distribution seen for NAD-SoDHs and NADP-SoDH, 91–92% of the total NAD-SoDHm activity in adults is localized to the thoracic musculature. The developmental profile of this enzyme reveals a significant increase in activity during the late pupal and early adult periods, when flight muscle mitochondria are known to be proliferating and undergoing structural maturation.This work was supported in part by Grant No. GY-10830 from the National Science Foundation and a faculty research fellowship from The University of Toledo Board of Trustees.  相似文献   

Summary Transformations of tumorous-head Drosophila melanogaster were examined in order to investigate whether head structures were replaced by specific abdominal structures. Heads selected for the presence of genital structures were analyzed in detail. Female abnormalities included any combination of vaginal teeth, vulvar papillae, sensilla trichodea, abdominal tergites 6 (T6), 7 (T7), 8 (T8) and anal plate. Anal plate was observed in the prefrons and rostral membrane, while all other genital structures were intimately associated with modified shingle cuticle. Male abnormalities included transformation of antennal structures to penis, clasper teeth, lateral plate, anal plate and eye to T6. The distribution of each type of homeotic structure was confined to general regions of the eye-antenna, with no precise dividing lines between them. However, the spatial sequence of homeotic structures in the eye-antenna was generally the same as the sequence of the same structures in the posterior abdomen.  相似文献   

Summary This experiment was designed to study the relationship between rate of inbreeding and observed inbreeding depression of larval viability, adult fecundity and cold shock mortality in Drosophila melanogaster. Rates of inbreeding used were full-sib mating and closed lines of N=4 and N=20. Eight generations of mating in the N=20 lines, three generations in the N=4 lines and one generation of full-sib mating were synchronised to simultaneously produce individuals with an expected level of inbreeding coefficient (F) of approximately 0.25. Inbreeding depression for the three traits was significant at F=0.25. N=20 lines showed significantly less inbreeding depression than full-sib mated lines for larval viability at approximately the same level of F. A similar trend was observed for fecundity. No effect of rate of inbreeding depression was found for cold shock mortality, but this trait was measured with less precision than the other two. Natural selection acting on loci influencing larval viability and fecundity during the process of inbreeding could explain these results. Selection is expected to be more effective with slow rates of inbreeding because there are more generations and greater opportunity for selection to act before F=0.25 is reached. Selection intensities seem to have been different in the three traits measured. Selection was most intense for larval viability, less intense for fecundity and, perhaps, negligible at loci influencing cold shock mortality.  相似文献   

Here we describe the Drosophila melanogaster LEM-domain protein encoded by the annotated gene CG3167 which is the putative ortholog to vertebrate MAN1. MAN1 of Drosophila (dMAN1) and vertebrates have the following properties in common. Firstly, both molecules are integral membrane proteins of the inner nuclear membrane (INM) and share the same structural organization comprising an N-terminally located LEM motif, two transmembrane domains in the middle of the molecule, and a conserved RNA recognition motif in the C-terminal region. Secondly, dMAN1 has similar targeting domains as it has been reported for the human protein. Thirdly, immunoprecipitations with dMAN1-specific antibodies revealed that this Drosophila LEM-domain protein is contained in protein complexes together with lamins Dm0 and C. It has been previously shown that human MAN1 binds to A- and B-type lamins in vitro. During embryogenesis and early larval development LEM-domain proteins dMAN1 and otefin show the same expression pattern and are much more abundant in eggs and the first larval instar than in later larval stages and young pupae whereas the LEM-domain protein Bocksbeutel is uniformly expressed in all developmental stages. dMAN1 is detectable in the nuclear envelope of embryonic cells including the pole cells. In mitotic cells of embryos at metaphase and anaphase, LEM-domain proteins dMAN1, otefin and Bocksbeutel were predominantly localized in the region of the two spindle poles whereas the lamin B receptor and lamin Dm0 were more homogeneously distributed. Downregulation of dMAN1 by RNA interference (RNAi) in Drosophila cultured Kc167 cells has no obvious effect on nuclear architecture, viability of RNAi-treated cells and the intracellular distribution of the LEM-domain proteins Bocksbeutel and otefin. In contrast, the localization of dMAN1, Bocksbeutel and otefin at the INM is supported by lamin Dm0. We conclude that the dMAN1 protein is not a limiting component of the nuclear architecture in Drosophila cultured cells.  相似文献   

Summary Measurements of cAMP in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster demonstrate that the dunce gene plays a major role, and the rutabaga gene a secondary role, in maternal regulation of embryonic cAMP content. Studying the double mutant combination, we find that variability in elevated cAMP content between individual embryos is associated with a wide variability in developmental potential. Embryos with about five times the normal cAMP content define a threshold between apparently normal and abnormal development. Measurements of cAMP content in anterior and posterior halves of embryos indicate that the posterior embryonic region, which is developmentally more sensitive to the effects of elevated cAMP than the anterior region, does not contain more cAMP than the anterior region. The variety of developmental defects observed is discussed in relation to possible targets of cAMP action. Offprint requests to: J.A. Kiger, Jr  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster species group is a popular model for evolutionary studies due to its morphological and ecological diversity and its inclusion of the model species D. melanogaster. However, phylogenetic relationships among major lineages within this species group remain controversial. In this report, the phylogeny of 10 species representing each of the well-supported monophyletic clades in the melanogaster group was studied using the sequences of 14 loci that together comprise 9493 nucleotide positions. Combined Bayesian analysis using gene-specific substitution models produced a 100% credible set of two trees. In the strict consensus of these trees, the ananassae subgroup branches first in the melanogaster species group, followed by the montium subgroup. The remaining lineages form a monophyletic clade in which D. ficusphila and D. elegans branch first, followed by D. biarmipes, D. eugracilis, and the melanogaster subgroup. This strongly supported phylogeny resolves most basal relationships in the melanogaster species group, and provides a framework that can be extended in the future to encompass more species.  相似文献   

Summary A morphogenetic process that transforms spermatids from a syncytial state to a state in which each spermatid is invested in its own membrane, is initiated at the head region of the spermatid bundle and traverses through the entire length of the bundle in the testis of Drosophila melanogaster. This process not only eliminates the syncytial bridges between spermatids but also removes unneeded organelles and the excess parts of the nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm and cytoplasm. It also brings about structural modifications to flagellar elements. The propagation of this process is seen as the caudal movement of a fusiform swelling of the spermatid bundle, 100 or more in length. Spermatids are individualized in the basal half of the swelling, whereas they remain syncytial in the apical half. The swelling increases its volume as it accumulates cytoplasmic debris while traversing the sperm bundle, from about 15 in maximum diameter in the basal testicular region to as large as 30 at the apical end where it becomes a bag of wastes. A variation of the process in a mutant stock which is known to inactivate up to half of the products of meiosis is briefly described. The morphological change of interspermatid bridges prior to the individualization is also reported.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (USPHS-HD 03015 and GM-15971) and a contract from the Atomic Energy Commission, AT(04-3)-34, P.A. 150.Graduate training grant USPHS GM 00702.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the primordia of the Drosophila head was studied by using an enhancer trap line expressed in these structures from embryonic stage 13 onward. Particular attention was given to the question of how the adult head primordia relate to the larval head segments. The clypeo-labral bud to the stage 13 embryo is located at a lateral position in the labrum adjacent to the labral sensory complex (epiphysis). Both clypeo-labral bud and sensory complex are located anterior to the engrailed-expression domain of the labrum. Throughout late embryogenesis and the larval period, the clypeo-labral bud forms integral part of the epithelium lining the roof of the atrium. The labial disc originates from the lateral labial segment adjacent to the labial sensory complex (hypophysis). It partially overlaps with the labial en-domain. After head involution, the labial disc forms a small pocket in the ventro-lateral wall of the atrium. The eye-antenna disc develops from a relatively large territory occupying the dorso-posterior part of the procephalic lobe, as well as parts of the dorsal gnathal segments. Cells in this territory are greatly reduced in number by cell death during stages 12–14. After head involution, the presumptive eye-antenna disc occupies a position in the lateral-posterior part of the dorsal pouch. Evagination of this tissue occurs during the first hours after hatching. In the embryo, no en-expression is present in the presumptive eye-antenna disc. en-expression starts in three separate regions in the third instar larva.  相似文献   

As an experimental model system, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been seminal in shaping our understanding of the circadian clockwork. The wealth of genetic tools at our disposal over the past four decades has enabled discovery of the genetic and molecular bases of circadian rhythmicity. More recently, detailed investigation leading to the anatomical, neuro-chemical and electrophysiological characterization of the various neuronal subgroups that comprise the circadian machinery has revealed pathways through which these neurons come together to act as a neuronal circuit. Thus the D. melanogaster circadian pacemaker circuit presents a relatively simple and attractive model for the study of neuronal circuits and their functions.  相似文献   

Summary An experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that the genetic distance between populations estimated from enzyme loci could be used to predict the amount of heterosis that would occur in crosses between these populations. A partial diallel cross using 11 populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the AustralianPacific region and from England was carried out. Heterosis for larval viability, fecundity, cold shock mortality, and an index of these three traits was recorded. When two populations originating from the same location were crossed, no heterosis occurred, but otherwise heterosis was significant for all traits. For larval viability, a similar low level of heterosis occurred in all crosses. For cold shock mortality, the level of heterosis varied widely and fecundity showed a pattern intermediate between these two. The geographic distance between the sites from which populations originated was not correlated with the amount of heterosis in their crosses. There was a tendency for populations from ecologically different environments to show heterosis in crosses. Genetic distance based on ten enzyme loci was correlated with heterosis for cold shock mortality and the combined trait index. These results can be explained by the hypothesis that genes affecting larval viability are subject to strong, uniform selection in all populations, which limits the extent to which gene frequencies can drift apart. However, genes affecting cold shock mortality and the enzyme loci are subject to different selection pressures in different environments. This divergent selection combined with genetic drift causes divergence in gene frequency and heterosis.  相似文献   

Summary A 2.1-kb SStI fragment including the rp49 gene and the 3 end of the -serendipity gene has been cloned and sequenced in Drosophila pseudoobscura. rp49 maps at region 62 on the tip of chromosome II of this species. Both the coding and flanking regions have been aligned and compared with those of D. subobscura. There is no evidence for heterogeneity in the rate of silent substitution between the rp49 coding region and the rate of substitutions in flanking regions, the overall silent divergence per site being 0.19. Noncoding regions also differ between both species by different insertions/deletions, some of which are related to repeated sequences. The rp49 region of D. pseudoobscura shows a strong codon bias similar to those of D. subobscura and D. melanogaster. Comparison of the rates of silent (K S ) and nonsilent (K a ) substitutions of the rp49 gene and other genes completely sequenced in D. pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster confirms previous results indicating that rp49 is evolving slowly both at silent and nonsilent sites. According to the data for the rp49 region, D. pseudoobscura and D. subobscura lineages would have diverged some 9 Myr ago, if one assumes a divergence time of 30 Myr for the melanogaster and obscura groups.Offprint requests to: C. Segarra  相似文献   

Summary The stereotyped segmental and dorso-ventral organization of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of Drosophila embryos allows the identification of all the neurons in the body wall. Distinct classes of neurons are distinguishable according to their location, the targets they innervate, the particular shape of their dendrites and their cell size. Those neurons innervating external sensory structures (es) and chordotonal organs (ch) have single dendrites and have been previously described (Ghysen et al. 1986; Dambly-Chaudiere and Ghysen 1986; Campos-Ortega and Hartenstein 1985). We describe here the identity and morphological features of three other classes of neurons in the body segments which have multiple dendrites (md neurons): 1) neurons that give rise to elaborate dendritic arborisations (da neurons); 2) neurons that have bipolar dendrites (bd neurons); 3) neurons that arborize around particular tracheal branches (td neurons). The thoracic hemisegment (T2 and T3) contains 13 da, one bd, one td, 21 es and four ch neurons; the abdominal hemisegment (A1 to A7) contains 14 da, three bd, three td, 15 es and eight ch neurons. The arrangement of the segmented peripheral neurons is highly invariant and provides a favorable assay system for the genetic analysis of neurodevelopment.  相似文献   

P. Capy  J. R. David  D. L. Hartl 《Genetica》1992,86(1-3):37-46
The population biology and molecular evolution of the transposable element mariner has been studied in the eight species of the melanogaster subgroup of the Drosophila subgenus Sophophora. The element occurs in D. simulans, D. mauritiana, D. sechellia, D. teissieri, and D. yakuba, but is not found in D. melanogaster, D. erecta, or D. orena. Sequence comparisons suggest that the mariner element was present in the ancestor of the species subgroup and was lost in some of the lineages. Most species contain both active and inactive mariner elements. A deletion of most of the 3 end characterizes many elements in D. teissieri, but in other species the inactive elements differ from active ones only by simple nucleotide substitutions or small additions/deletions. Active mariner elements from all species are quite similar in nucleotide sequence, although there are some-species-specific differences. Many, but not all, of the inactive elements are also quite closely related. The genome of D. mauritiana contains 20–30 copies of mariner, that of D. simulans 0–10, and that of D. sechellia only two copies (at fixed positions in the genome). The mariner situation in D. sechellia may reflect a reduced effective population size owing to the restricted geographical range of this species and its ecological specialization to the fruit of Morinda citrifolia.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin has been traditionally regarded as a genomic wasteland, but in the last three decades extensive genetic and molecular studies have shown that this ubiquitous component of eukaryotic chromosomes may perform important biological functions. In D. melanogaster, about 30 genes that are essential for viability and/or fertility have been mapped to the heterochromatin of the major autosomes. Thus far, the known essential genes exhibit a peculiar molecular organization. They consist of single-copy exons, while their introns are comprised mainly of degenerate transposons. Moreover, about one hundred predicted genes that escaped previous genetic analyses have been associated with the proximal regions of chromosome arms but it remains to be determined how many of these genes are actually located within the heterochromatin. In this overview, we present available data on the mapping, molecular organization and function of known vital genes embedded in the heterochromatin of chromosomes 2 and 3. Repetitive loci, such as Responder and the ABO elements, which are also located in the heterochromatin of chromosome 2, are not discussed here because they have been reviewed in detail elsewhere.  相似文献   

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