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The draft genome of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis has been sequenced. Mapping of the genome sequence to the Ciona 14 haploid chromosomes is essential for future studies of the genome-wide control of gene expression in this basal chordate. Here we describe an efficient protocol for fluorescent in situ hybridization for mapping genes to the Ciona chromosomes. We demonstrate how the locations of two BAC clones can be mapped relative to each other. We also show that this method is efficient for coupling two so-far independent scaffolds into one longer scaffold when two BAC clones represent sequences located at either end of the two scaffolds.  相似文献   

A method of preparing chromosomes from plant root tips for in situ hybridization with tritiated DNA is described. The technique relies on the enzymic hydrolysis of plant cell walls with a pectinase-cellulase mixture. It is shown that, despite the enzymic mixture possessing nuclease activity, there is no detectable degradation of DNA within fixed root tips. To demonstrate the suitability of this method of preparing plant chromosomes for in situ hybridization, a cloned repetitive DNA sequence has been hybridized to Allium sativum chromosomes. Chromosomes prepared using this technique also can be readily C-banded.  相似文献   

Repetitive DNA sequences were detected directly on somatic metaphase chromosome spreads from soybean root tips using fluorescentin situ hybridization. Methods to spread the forty small metaphase chromosomes substantially free of cellular material were developed using protoplasts. The specific DNA probe was a 1.05 kb internal fragment of a soybean gene encoding the 18S ribosomal RNA subunit. Two methods of incorporating biotin residues into the probe were compared and detection was accomplished with fluorescein-labeled avidin. The rDNA probe exhibits distinct yellow fluorescent signals on only two of the forty metaphase chromosomes that have been counterstained with propidium iodide. This result agrees with our previous analyses of soybean pachytene chromosome [27] showing that only chromosome 13 is closely associated with the nucleolus organizer region. Fluorescentin situ hybridization with the rDNA probe was detected on three of the forty-one metaphase chromosomes in plants that are trisomic for chromosome 13.  相似文献   

We have used in situ hybridization to determine the sites of insertion of Agrobacterium rhizogenes Ri T-DNA in the chromosomes of Crepis capillaris (2n = 6) transformed roots. Four transformed root lines were obtained by infecting Crepis stem segments with A. rhizogenes. Southern hybridization analysis indicated that each root line was the result of one or more independent T-DNA insertion events. In two root lines, one copy of T-DNA was present; the other two root lines each contained two copies of T-DNA. To localize these T-DNA inserts on Crepis chromosomes, metaphase spreads were perpared from each root line, and hybridized in situ to a biotinlabeled T-DNA probe. The results indicated that T-DNA was present in a different chromosomal location in each root line, and that each chromosome had been a target for T-DNA insertion at least once. In the root lines containing two T-DNA inserts, two patterns of integration were observed: in one case the T-DNAs were present on separate chromosomes; in the other case the two T-DNAs were close together (but not tandemly arranged) on a single chromosome. A comparison of these results and those obtained previously for a fifth Crepis-transformed root line demostrated that Ri T-DNA does not insert preferentially into a particlar chromosomal location.  相似文献   

Summary DNA recombinant technology, combined with improvements in hybridization efficiency and quality of chromosome spreads, has made the method of in situ hybridization a reliable tool for gene mapping used by mammalian cytogeneticists to complement other methods. By appropriate alterations of the method, we demonstrate that detection of unique genes can be achieved along plant chromosomes despite some inherent disadvantages of the plant material. Using genomic subclones homologous to 6.6 kb of the single-copy chalcone synthase gene in parsley, we report the first example of chromosomal detection and localization of a unique endogenous gene in plants.  相似文献   

DNA, chromosomes, and in situ hybridization.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Trude Schwarzacher 《Génome》2003,46(6):953-962
In situ hybridization is a powerful and unique technique that correlates molecular information of a DNA sequence with its physical location along chromosomes and genomes. It thus provides valuable information about physical map position of sequences and often is the only means to determine abundance and distribution of repetitive sequences making up the majority of most genomes. Repeated DNA sequences, composed of units of a few to a thousand base pairs in size, occur in blocks (tandem or satellite repeats) or are dispersed (including transposable elements) throughout the genome. They are often the most variable components of a genome, often being species and, occasionally, chromosome specific. Their variability arises through amplification, diversification and dispersion, as well as homogenization and loss; there is a remarkable correlation of molecular sequence features with chromosomal organization including the length of repeat units, their higher order structures, chromosomal locations, and dispersion mechanisms. Our understanding of the structure, function, organization, and evolution of genomes and their evolving repetitive components enabled many new cytogenetic applications to both medicine and agriculture, particularly in diagnosis and plant breeding.  相似文献   

Summary An in situ hybridization procedure was developed for mitotic potato chromosomes by using a potato 24S rDNA probe. This repetitive sequence hybridized to the nucleolar organizer region (NOR) of chromosome 2 in 95%–100% of the metaphase plates. Another repetitive sequence (P5), isolated from the interdihaploid potato HH578, gave a ladderpattern in genomic Southern's of Solanum tuberosum and Solanum phureja, but not in those of Solanum brevidens and two Nicotiana species. This sequence hybridized predominantly on telomeric and centromeric regions of all chromosomes, although chromosomes 7, 8, 10 and 11 were not always labeled clearly.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization to RNA in plant tissue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chromosomal in situ hybridization using yeast artificial chromosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Large DNA fragment cloning methods using yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) have vastly improved the strategies for constructing physical maps of regions of complex genomes, as well as for isolating and cloning genes important for human disease. We present here a simple and rapid method for carrying out in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes using isolated YAC clones by labeling DNA directly in agarose gel slices. Nonisotopic labeling and chromosomal in situ hybridization can be used to determine the chromosomal localization of individual YAC clones on human metaphase chromosomes. This method can also be used to characterize YAC clones consisting of single fragments from those that contain concatamerized, and thus artifactual, inserts. This technique also offers a valuable tool to study consistent translocations in neoplastic diseases by identifying YACs that span a specific chromosomal breakpoint.  相似文献   

Iodinated ribosomal RNA was hybridized to human metaphase chromosomes in a test of the effectiveness of iodinated products for in situ hybridization studies in a diploid system. The results indicate that 125I is a feasible alternative as a source of radioactivity for autoradiographic mapping studies.  相似文献   

Human sperm nuclei were isolated with mixed alkyltrimethylammonium bromide and dithiothreitol (MATAB/DTT) and decondensed by treatments with lithium diiodosalicylate (LIS), sodium chloride, or Tris salts. Concentrations as low as 1 mM LIS induced measurable nuclear swelling compared to 600 mM required for the other two salts. As measured by image analyses, the projected nuclear area increased linearly up to approximately fivefold with LIS concentrations up to 10 mM. Swollen nuclei also maintained the elliptical shapes characteristic of the human sperm head. Expanded sperm nuclei of three men were hybridized with a fluorescently labeled 3.4 kb Y chromosome-specific repetitive DNA probe; 50.1% of the nuclei of each semen sample showed fluorescent labeling over a part of the nucleus indicating presence of the Y chromosome. In comparison, unswollen sperm did not yield reliable hybridization signals. This procedure is suitable for determining the proportion of human sperm with Y chromosomes and can be used to evaluate sperm separation techniques. The availability of probes specific for most human chromosomes suggests that this procedure may find general application in studies of sperm chromosomal constitution.  相似文献   

AcroM fluorescent in situ hybridization analyses of marker chromosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The presence of a de novo supernumerary marker chromosome (SMC) poses problems in genetic counseling. The consequences of the additional chromosomal material may range from harmless to detrimental. As the composition of a SMC cannot be deciphered by traditional banding analysis, sophisticated methods are needed for their rapid and detailed analyses. A new strategy is presented, which allows the elucidation of the composition of SMCs in one or two hybridizations. One hybridization, termed AcroM-FISH, involves a newly generated probe mix, which consists of painting probes for all acrocentric chromosomes, centromere probes for chromosomes 13/21, 14/22, 15, and a probe specific for rDNA, each labeled with a specific combination of fluorochromes. This probe mix is sufficient to characterize approximately 80% of all SMCs. For the other 20% of SMCs, chromosomes can be analyzed in a second hybridization by multicolor karyotyping, for example, multiplex FISH (M-FISH), to check for the presence of euchromatin of other chromosomes. The potential of AcroM-FISH was tested in various applications.  相似文献   

Summary We have examined the chromosomes from a case of sporadic Wilms' tumor using in situ hybridization to determine whether the Ha-ras (c-Ha-ras 1) oncogene had been deleted as the result of a reciprocal chromosomal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 11 (breakpoint 11p13) and the long arm of chromosome 12 (breakpoint 12q13). Neither the derivative 11 nor derivative 12 chromosome hybridized significantly to the Ha-ras probe, which indicated that this cellular oncogene was deleted as a consequence of the translocation. This conclusion is supported by a Southern blot analysis which demonstrates loss of a Harvey-ras allele. These results support the view that the Ha-ras oncogene may be functionally involved in Wilms' tumor development.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of 125I-labelled 5 S and 18 + 28 S ribosomal RNAs to the salivary polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster was successfully quantitated. Although the precision of the data is low, it is possible to compare the hybridization reaction between an RNA sample and chromosomes in situ with the reaction between the same RNA sample and Drosophila DNA immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. The in situ hybrid dissociates over a narrow temperature range with a midpoint similar to the value expected for the filter hybrid. The kinetics of the in situ hybridization reaction can be fit with a single first-order rate constant that has a value from three to five times smaller than the corresponding filter hybridization reaction. Although the reaction saturates at longer times or higher RNA concentrations, the saturation value does not correspond to an RNA molecule bound to every available DNA sequence. With the acid denaturation procedure most commonly used to preserve cytological quality, only 5 to 10% of the complementary DNA in the chromosomes is available to form hybrids in situ. This hybridization efficiency is a function of how the slides are prepared and the conditions of annealing, but is approximately constant with a given procedure for both 5 S RNA and 18 + 28 S RNA over a number of different cell types with different DNA contents. The results provide further evidence that the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids is the sole basis of in situ hybridization, and show that the properties of the in situ hybrids are remarkably similar to those of filter hybrids. It is also suggested that for reliable chromosomal localization using the in situ hybridization technique, the kinetics of the reaction should be followed to ensure that the correct rate constant is obtained for the major RNA species in the sample and an impurity in the sample is not localized instead.  相似文献   

Using a cytoplasmic actin cDNA probe we have localized a number of actin sequences in the human genome using a novel in situ hybridization technique. Metaphase chromosomes treated to produce R-bands were directly annealed with 125I-labeled actin probe. Under these conditions many regions of the genome were apparently denatured enough to be capable of hybridizing with the probe. Most of the actin sites detected in prior experiments using chromosome preparations, which had been completely denatured, were recognized in this experiment. The major advantage of this method over standard in situ hybridization techniques is the marked increase in the resolution of subregional localization.  相似文献   

A modified procedure for in situ hybridization of biotinylated probes to meiotic chromosomes of cotton has been developed with high retention of squashed cells on slides, preservation of acid-fixed chromosome morphology, exceptionally low levels of background precipitate at nonspecific hybridization sites and improved photomicrographic recording. Salient features of the techniques include pretreatment of slides before squashing, cold storage of squash preparations, and use of interference filters for distinguishing precipitate from chromatin. A cloned 18S/28S ribosomal DNA fragment from soybean was biotinylated via nick-translation and hybridized to microsporocyte meiotic chromosomes of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. and G. hirsutum L. X G. barbadense L.). Enzymatically formed precipitate from streptavidin-bound peroxidase marked the in situ hybridization. In situ hybridization of biotinylated probes to cotton meiotic chromosomes adds the specificity and resoltion of in situ hybridization to the chromosomal and genomic perspectives provided by meiotic cytogenetic analyses. Molecular cytogenetic analyses of meiotic cells offer certain inherent analytical advantages over analyses of somatic cells, e.g., in terms of mapping, and for studying fundamental biological and genetic problems, particularly for organisms that are not amenable to somatic karyotypic analysis.  相似文献   

An approach is described for the detection of a unique sequence, the T-DNA region of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes root-inducing (Ri) plasmid, in plant chromosomes by in situ hybridization. This sequence was introduced into the Crepis capillaris genome (2n=6) by infecting Crepis stem segments with A. rhizogenes. Roots growing from the infection site contain T-DNA and synthesize mannopine, which can be used as a convenient biochemical marker for T-DNA transformation. Southern analysis of DNA isolated from one transformed Crepis root line verified the presence of a single copy of T-DNA (approximate size 17 kb) per diploid Crepis genome. To localize T-DNA, both DNA and RNA probes, labelled with either tritium or biotin, were hybridized to Crepis chromosomes prepared from transformed root tips by a novel spreading method. Biotinylated probes were visualized using reflection-contrast microscopy. In the hybridization experiments described, T-DNA was detected in one homologue of chromosome 3, where it could be assigned to a paracentromeric position in the neighbourhood of the nucleolar organizing region. These results demonstrate that it is possible to localize unique sequences in plant chromosomes by in situ hybridization.  相似文献   

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