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栗斑腹鹀的分布及其繁殖习性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
栗斑腹鵐 (Embriza jankowskii Taczanovki)是世界上稀有鸟类之一。它的分布区很窄,不久前曾认为它仅分布于亚洲大陆东缘,苏联乌苏里边区与朝鲜交界附近的方圆数十里的地区,并认为该区是其分布中心(Y.Yamashina,1957)。几年来,我们在吉林省和内蒙古东部调查,发现该鸟的分布区(繁殖区)不只限于苏联与朝鲜交界地区,在我国吉林省  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区爬行动物区系与地理区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赵肯堂 《四川动物》2002,21(3):118-122
有关内蒙古的近代爬行动物研究 ,始于俄国学者普热瓦尔斯基 (Н .М .ПpжceвBалbckий)和波丹宁 (Г .Н .Потанин) ,他们于 1 9世纪先后在我国东北地区及内蒙古西部进行了动物采集。然后 ,科兹洛夫 (П .К .Козлов)也曾两次横贯内蒙古 ,并在额济纳  相似文献   

苍头燕雀(Fringilla coolebs)主要分布于欧洲、非洲北部、中亚和伊朗北部等地,是一种典型森林鸟类,在我国极少见到。1986年我们在内蒙古中部九峰山先后两次扑到该鸟(雌、雄各一只)。 九峰山位于内蒙古中部,系大青山的主峰,  相似文献   

裂叶苣荬菜(Sonchus arcensis)是菊科苦苣菜属多年生草本植物。它既是一种良好的中药材又是营养丰富的优良野菜。我国北方长期将其混作败酱草入药,故素有北败酱之称。在河北、内蒙古与吉林等地将它混作小蓟使用,其实它们既不同种又不同属,而且形态特征也差  相似文献   

东亚钳蝎的形态和习性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蝎是属于节肢动物门蛛形纲蝎目(Scorpio-nes)的一类动物。全世界约有6科600种。我国已有记载的仅15种。东亚钳蝎 Buthus mar-tensii Karsch,1879是我国最常见的一种,分布于内蒙古、辽宁、河北、河南、山东、安徽、江苏,直到福建一带。它是我国一种重要的药用动物,  相似文献   

记述了在内蒙古阿左旗乌兰塔塔尔早渐新世乌兰塔塔尔组中发现的鬣齿兽一新种——内蒙古鬣齿兽(Hyaenodon neimongoliensis sp.nov.)。新种在大小和特征上与Hyaenodonpervagus相近或相似,但它的pl为单齿根,前面的下前臼齿之间有齿隙,下颊齿无舌侧齿带。  相似文献   

中国内蒙古的阿尔丁鼠(Ardynomys)化石   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<正>阿尔丁鼠(Ardynomys)是圆柱齿鼠科(cylindrodontids)中较原始的一类,主要分布于亚洲的晚始新世—早渐新世和北美的晚始新世,在亚洲主要发现于蒙古和哈萨克斯坦。虽然Dawson(1968)和王伴月、王培玉(1991)报道了在我国内蒙古也有Ardynomys化石存  相似文献   

仿无洞贝(Atrypoidea Mitchell et Dun,1920=Atrypella Kozlowski,1929)属于光滑的无洞贝族,广泛分布于中、上志留统。过去,它多见于大洋洲、北美洲和欧洲,中亚亦有报道。近年,在我国也发现不少产Atrypoidea 的地点。除西南地区外,还有内蒙古达尔罕茂明安联合旗,新疆天山地区库车县、和静县,四川西部二郎山和西北部若尔盖以及甘肃迭部等地。对西南地区产Atrypoidea.地层的时代,有着不同的认识。盛怀斌(1975,页75)研究四川  相似文献   

纹皮蝇(Hypoderma lineatum de Villiers)和牛皮蝇(H.bovis de Geer)在我国分布相当广泛,据我们近年来的调查,在东北、华北、内蒙古、西北等地区都普遍发生,其中尤以牧区为严重。这两种皮蝇常在同一地区出现,牛体也同时受感染。在西北甘肃、宁夏等地一般以牛皮蝇数量较多,在内蒙古和华北以纹皮蝇较  相似文献   

脉翅目(Neuroptera)褐蛉科(Hemerobiidae)的成虫和幼虫均为肉食性昆虫,主要捕食蚜、蚧及叶螨等重要害虫,在生物防治中有利用前途。我国的褐蛉区系很丰富,已知百余种,许多是我国特有的种类。内蒙古的褐蛉科尚缺乏系统调查研究,蒙古人民共和国的褐蛉则报道有16种(Makarkin,1984),仅有少数几种与内蒙是共同的,但值得参考。就我们所掌握的标本来看,内蒙古的褐蛉至少有17种,本文记述一新种和二中国新记录种,模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Three burrow systems produced by Jaxea nocturna and one cluster of burrows produced by Upogebia pusilla where investigated in the Bay of Panzano, Northern Adriatic Sea, to determine preferred orientations. The distributions of dip directions differ between both producers. Steep shafts into the consolidated mud followed by large, shallowly inclined tunnels oriented in a manner similar to a spiral are characteristic for Jaxea nocturna burrows. In contrast, the Y-shaped burrows of Upogebia pusilla have entrance shafts that are less steep which are connected by a near-horizontal section, where a blind ending tunnel branches. Orientations of the dominating, shallowly inclined burrow parts are not randomly distributed in either Jaxea or in Upogebia burrows. Three preferred axial orientations with almost equal proportions in each direction are characteristic for the Jaxea burrow from the centre of the bay. This system transforms to a squared structure near the coast, where one direction parallels the shoreline and the other is oriented at right angles to the coast. The latter orientation demonstrates significant constancy in all investigated burrows. Upogebia burrow clusters coincide with the three preferred orientations of the Jaxea burrow from the bay centre, but the proportions of the directions are unequal. Burrow segments connecting the steep entrance shafts in Upogebia are oriented almost parallel to the shoreline, whereas at right angles to the coast the flat blind-ending tunnels incline towards the open sea. The study shows a strong coincidence between empirical and theoretical distributions of the dominating orientations in both species.  相似文献   

高山草原狭翅雏蝗的生物学特性及种群空间分布   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
刘长仲  王刚 《应用生态学报》2003,14(10):1729-1731
在甘肃省夏河县甘加高山草原,对狭翅雏蝗的发生期、食量、空间格局及动态进行了系统研究。结果表明,该虫1年发生1代,以卵在土中越冬,翌年5月下旬至6月上旬开始孵化出土,6月中旬至下旬为孵化出土盛期,蝗蝻多数为4龄,少数(约23%)为5龄,整个蝗蝻期为70.45±15.76d,成虫寿命42.36±13.46d;取食量随龄期增大而增大,蝗蝻期平均食量为368.3mg,成虫期平均食量为743.8mg,狭翅雏蝗在前期低龄蝗蝻阶段为聚集分布,高龄蝗蝻及成虫阶段以均匀分布和随机分布为主。  相似文献   

王勇  周福才  陆自强 《昆虫知识》2007,44(5):716-718,F0004
乌蔹莓Cayratia japonica(Thunb.)Gagn.是一种多年生攀援性恶性杂草,对绿篱、草坪、观赏灌木危害较大。乌蔹莓鹿蛾Amatasp.是一种以乌蔹莓为食料的单食性昆虫,以老熟幼虫在残枝落叶上作茧越冬,翌年5月上中旬化蛹,中下旬羽化,每头雌蛾平均产卵块3个,每卵块有卵几十粒至100粒不等,平均每块含卵42粒,卵期7~9天,幼虫分5龄,历期14~18d,蛹期10~14d。在江苏扬州1年可发生不完全的4代。幼虫对乌蔹莓各器官的偏嗜性程度为:花蕾>叶>果。乌蔹莓鹿蛾对乌蔹莓有明显的控制作用。  相似文献   

花白竹鼠(又名拉氏竹鼠、粗毛竹鼠、银星竹鼠)主要分布于印度;缅甸;泰国;马来西亚以及我国华南和西南地区。已知我国有2个亚种,分布于云南、广西的称指名亚种,分布于广东和福建的称拉氏亚种(R.P.latouchei)。花白竹鼠的体型较大,体重1500-2000克,最大可达2500克;体长300-370毫米;尾长100-160毫米。外形的主要鉴别特征是体毛较粗,通体深灰褐色,针毛尖端白色,绒毛浅灰黑色;尾较长,超过体长的三分之一。  相似文献   

Many organizations have installed artificial burrows to help bolster local Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) populations. However, occupancy probability and reproductive success in artificial burrows varies within and among burrow installations. We evaluated the possibility that depth below ground might explain differences in occupancy probability and reproductive success by affecting the temperature of artificial burrows. We measured burrow temperatures from March to July 2010 in 27 artificial burrows in southern California that were buried 15–76 cm below the surface (measured between the surface and the top of the burrow chamber). Burrow depth was one of several characteristics that affected burrow temperature. Burrow temperature decreased by 0.03°C per cm of soil on top of the burrow. The percentage of time that artificial burrows provided a thermal refuge from above‐ground temperature decreased with burrow depth and ranged between 50% and 58% among burrows. The percentage of time that burrow temperature was optimal for incubating females also decreased with burrow depth and ranged between 27% and 100% among burrows. However, the percentage of time that burrow temperature was optimal for unattended eggs increased with burrow depth and ranged between 11% and 95% among burrows. We found no effect of burrow depth on reproductive success across 21 nesting attempts. However, occupancy probability had a non‐linear relationship with burrow depth. The shallowest burrows (15 cm) had a moderate probability of being occupied (0.46), burrows between 28 and 40 cm had the highest probability of being occupied (>0.80), and burrows >53 cm had the lowest probability of being occupied (<0.43). Burrowing Owls may prefer burrows at moderate depths because these burrows provide a thermal refuge from above‐ground temperatures, and are often cool enough to allow females to leave eggs unattended before the onset of full‐time incubation, but not too cool for incubating females that spend most of their time in the burrow during incubation. Our results suggest that depth is an important consideration when installing artificial burrows for Burrowing Owls. However, additional study is needed to determine the possible effects of burrow depth on reproductive success and on possible tradeoffs between the effects of burrow depth on optimal temperature and other factors, such as minimizing the risk of nest predation.  相似文献   

戴贤才 《昆虫学报》1965,(3):274-284
大栗金龟(虫甲)是四川西北部重要农林害虫之一,幼虫为害青稞、小麦、豌豆、马铃薯、玉米、甜菜等作物及森林苗圃中的幼苗,成虫为害杉树、桦树、杨树等森林。1955—1963 年在炉霍虾拉沱进行了一系列的调查研究,查明大栗金龟(虫甲)在炉霍虾拉沱六年发生—代,幼虫越冬五次,成虫越冬一次。卵于7月下旬至10月上旬孵化为幼虫,卵期由于产卵时期的温度和土壤湿度不同而为45—66天。幼虫于10月中旬开始下降至40厘米以下越冬,第二年4月中旬开始上升至5—15厘米的土层为害;五次越冬后,于6月中旬至7月上旬在12—44厘米的土层中化蛹,幼虫期58个月强。蛹于7月下旬至9月上旬羽化为成虫,蛹期约两个月。成虫当年不出土,第二年5月上旬开始出土,中下旬最盛:出土后,飞往附近林缘杉树上取食交尾。5月下旬末,雌虫开始飞回田间产卵,成堆产在13—26厘米的土层中,每堆12—28粒。成虫于6月中旬至7月上旬死亡,成虫期约10个月。  相似文献   

C. Endo 《Journal of Zoology》2007,273(4):414-420
The underground life of the oriental mole cricket Gryllotalpa orientalis has been investigated by studying the structure of its burrows under different environmental situations and in different seasons. The different uses of different burrow types and their advantages and disadvantages have been examined. The total length, number of tunnels and combination of burrow types varied from a simple tunnel to a more complex one with branches at various angles to the surface, burrow types being divided roughly into shallow horizontal or deep vertical ones. In horizontal burrows, the branching structure was well developed in various directions. It is notable that the vertical burrows of G. orientalis were occupied by only one individual. Both vertical and horizontal burrows were used for foraging: vertical burrows for plants with subterranean stems and horizontal burrows for creeping plants. Vertical burrows were also used for hiding from predators, resting, moulting and overwintering, whereas horizontal burrows were used for escaping from predators and as mating routes. Egg chambers were constructed beside horizontal burrows, and calling burrows were constructed as part of horizontal burrows. Based on their current requirements, mole crickets continuously modify their burrow structures or change burrowing sites.  相似文献   

The amphipod Corophium volutator (Pallas) is a tube-dwelling species that only occasionally leaves its burrow. Animals that do crawl on the sediment are mainly males, apparently in search of females. This study was designed to determine whether C. volutator males and females release chemical signals that attract con-specifics, and if so, whether these signals are gender specific. Laboratory experiments were conducted on the over-wintering generation during their reproductive season, using a Y-maze choice test apparatus. The results show that C. volutator females release chemical signals that attract males. In the field, the attractant may guide males in search of burrowed females. In addition, male odour tends to attract males, while females do not follow chemical signals from con-specifics. We thereby show on gender-specific chemical attraction of this species.  相似文献   

淤泥湖寡齿新银鱼的生物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
寡齿新银鱼的繁殖期为春夏季的3月初至5月末,产卵盛期为3月下旬和4月下旬。性成熟年龄为1上,属分批产卵类型。终生以浮游动物为食,生长1年平均全长为44.2mm,平均体重为0.252g。产卵后不久便死亡,寿命只有1年。  相似文献   

Four different approaches were combined to determine the nutritional relevance of debris chambers in the burrows of two thalassinidean shrimps: (1) the natural abundance of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in potential food sources, (2) their nutritional value based on the content and composition of essential nutrients, (3) a dual labelling experiment with shrimp in aquaria employing 15N- and 13C-labelled seagrass debris and (4) ration estimates using the acquisition rate of plant debris by the shrimps. The results of the four approaches confirmed the use of plant debris as a food source. Based on the natural abundance of stable isotopes, Corallianassa longiventris apparently relies on the chamber content and the burrow wall as sources of carbon and nitrogen, whereas Pestarella tyrrhena probably relies on ambient debris and on benthic foraminiferans and microphytobenthos in the surface sediment. Corallianassa longiventris obtains its essential nutrients predominantly from chamber debris and to a lesser extent from its burrow wall, P. tyrrhena from chamber debris, the burrow wall and the surface sediment. Among the essential nutrients, those amino acids commonly deficient to deposit feeders were particularly enriched in the burrow environments of the two shrimps. Highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) were lacking in all of C. longiventris potential food sources; this species may either be able to synthesize them de novo from linolic acid or may use another unknown source. For P. tyrrhena, surface sediment and chamber debris represent potential HUFA sources. The most probable thiamine and β-carotene supplier for C. longiventris is the chamber debris, for P. tyrrhena again the surface sediment. In both species, the rate of debris introduction into the burrow is sufficient to meet the nutritional demand.  相似文献   

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