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Summary Fluorescein-labelled epidermolytic toxin (FTC-toxin) ofStaphylococcus aureus and ferritin—toxin conjugate have been prepared and purified. FTC-toxin bound selectively to cryostat and resin-impregnated sections of neonatal mouse skin. Binding was localized at the keratohyalin granules and in the stratum corneum. In an epidermal cell (granular, spinous and basal) preparation, only keratohyalin granules of the granular cells bound FTC-toxin. Ferritin—toxin conjugate bound to skin sections at the same two sites as FTC-toxin and was competitive with the binding of free toxin. Keratohyalin granules in unstained sections had a novel patched appearance under the electron microscope, and the ferritin—toxin conjugate bound preferentially to the electron-lucent areas. In the stratum corneum it was shown by quantitative estimation that the target density decreased as the surface of the tissue was approached.  相似文献   

The localization of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins (P-TYR proteins) was studied by immunofluorescence microscopy employing affinity-purified azobenzyl phosphonate (ABP) antibodies, which specifically cross-react with phosphotyrosine. In Rous sarcoma virus (RSV)-transformed fibroblasts, after fixation followed by permeabilization with nonionic detergents, ABP antibodies gave a diffuse staining of the cytoplasm and specifically decorated restricted areas of the ventral plasma membrane corresponding to adhesion plaques, identified by interference reflection microscopy and staining with anti-vinculin serum. Specific decoration was also observed at the level of cell-cell contacts and at the tips of filopodial protrusions. Control non-transformed 3T3 mouse fibroblasts were not significantly stained by ABP antibodies. These findings show that, in RSV-transformed cells, proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine residues are found at cell-substratum and cell-cell contacts.  相似文献   

The mouse oocyte expresses a polypeptide of Mr 120,000 that cross-reacts with an antibody to the brain membrane skeletal protein adducin. Immunofluorescence localization showed a bright chromosomal staining reaction in metaphase I and metaphase II oocytes. Following in vitro fertilization the maternal chromosomes lost their immunoreactivity during pronuclear development. The fertilizing sperm chromatin and male pronucleus did not show any detectable staining reaction. Bright chromosomal fluorescence was again observed in the first mitotic metaphase when both maternal and paternal chromosomes gave a positive staining reaction. In contrast to the immunoreactivity of the maternal meiotic chromosomes, the meiotic chromosomes of male germ line cells failed to exhibit any detectable staining reaction and this difference was confirmed by immunolabeling of oocyte and spermatocyte karyotypes. Mitotic chromosomes in preimplantation embryos, fetal liver, adult intestinal epithelium, and MDCK cells also failed to show any detectable labeling reaction. The results suggest that expression of the immunoreactive chromosomal adducin may be a unique feature of oogenesis.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical localization of epidermal growth factor in mouse kidney   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) was originally isolated from mouse submandibular glands (SMG). However, SMG removal failed to lower circulating EGF, and large amounts of EGF have been found in mouse urine. In addition, the presence of pre-pro-EGF mRNA in mouse kidney has recently been reported by others. Kidneys may therefore represent an alternate source of EGF. In the present study, we investigated the immunocytochemical localization of EGF in mouse kidney. Male and female adult Swiss Webster mice were fixed by perfusion with 4% paraformaldehyde or Zamboni's fixative, the kidneys were frozen, and serial sections were obtained. Rabbit EGF antiserum was used for the primary incubation and the avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase procedure was utilized for immunostaining. EGF was immunolocalized in the apical portion of the cells lining the thick ascending limb of Henle (TALH) and the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). The macula densa, in contrast, lacked EGF immunoreactivity. No sex differences were observed in the distribution pattern or intensity of immunostaining. Infusion of EGF into sheep renal artery has been reported to induce changes in urine flow and ionic composition. Immunolocalization of EGF in the TALH and DCT documented here supports a regulatory role for EGF in the function of the mouse distal nephron.  相似文献   

The distribution of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in mouse testis was ascertained by immunocytochemical methodology using a polyclonal antibody (RK2) shown previously to recognize the cytoplasmic domain of the human (A431 cells), murine (Swiss 3T3 cells), and chicken (CK 109 cells) EGFR. Initial studies performed to determine the usefulness of this antibody as a probe of the murine EGFR in testis employed two murine cell lines, TM4 and MA10, of Sertoli cell and Leydig cell origin, respectively, in which a physiological response of EGF and specific binding of iodinated EGF has been demonstrated. Western blotting in membrane preparations of TM4 and MA10 revealed only one prominent band at 170 kDa. Immunocytochemical localization in TM4 and MA10 cells illustrated a plasma membrane distribution of the receptor. Western blotting of membrane fractions prepared from testis also revealed a specific band at 170 kDa. In the intact testis, the EGFR was immunolocalized specifically in Leydig cells and Sertoli cells only. These results suggest that the involvement of EGF action in spermatogenesis may occur at the level of the somatic components of the testes, principally in the Leydig and Sertoli cells.  相似文献   

The cellular and subcellular localization of epidermal growth factor in the submandibular glands of male and female adult mice was established by immunoperoxidase techniques. In light microscopic preparations epidermal growth factor was found exclusively in the granular convoluted tubules of the gland. The intensity of staining for epidermal growth factor varied from cell to cell, and some cells apparently were negative. The pattern of staining was similar in the glands of male and female mice; however, the granular convoluted tubules are androgen-responsive, and thus more extensive and composed of larger cells in males. In thin sections epidermal growth factor was most heavily concentrated in the secretion granules of the granular convoluted tubule cells. Within a given cell there was variation in intensity of staining of individual secretion granules, with some granules appearing minimally reactive or negative. The only other cell component with deposits of reaction product was the ribosomes.  相似文献   

The reactive serine residue of epidermolytic toxin A.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Comparison of amino acid sequence data suggested that there may be a functional relationship between the staphylococcal epidermolytic toxins and V8 proteinase. The hypothesis was tested by treating epidermolytic toxin with di-isopropyl phosphorofluoridate, which bound specifically at serine-195, the homologue of the active-site serine residue of V8 proteinase.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanism of receptor-mediated endocytosis for binary toxins is proposed in this publication. According to this mechanism effector oligomeric complex with common structure 7A + 7B* (but not separated A subunits) penetrates into target cells. Molecular weight of this complex is 750 kDa for Anthrax Toxin.  相似文献   

L R Rohrschneider 《Cell》1979,16(1):11-24
The localization of the avian sarcoma virus src gene product (termed p60src) was examined by indirect immunofluorescence in cells transformed by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus, subgroup D (SR-RSV-D). Antiserum to p60src was obtained from rabbits bearing SR-RSV-D-induced tumors, and immunofluorescence was performed on chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) transformed with SR-RSV-D, as well as normal rat kidney (NRK) cells transformed by the same virus (termed SR-RK cells). Both acetone and formaldehyde fixation were used for the immunofluorescence tests. The specificity of the anti-tumor serum was first demonstrated in both cell systems by gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates prepared from 35S--methionine-labeled cells. Anti-tumor serum precipitated p60src from SR-RSV-D-transformed CEF but not from CEF infected with a transformation-defective mutant of SR-RSV-D. All viral structural proteins and precursors contained in these immunoprecipitates could be eliminated by competition with unlabeled virus. Similar experiments on SR-RK cells indicated that no viral proteins other than p60src were expressed in these cells, and this observation was supported by immunofluorescence tests using antiserum to whole virus. For immunofluorescence localization of p60src, reactions with viral structural proteins were blocked with unlabeled virus. This presaturation step, obligatory for p60src detection in the SR-RSV-D-transformed CEF, was unnecessary when antitumor serum was tested on SR-RK cells, since p60src was the only viral protein detectable in these cells. With acetone-fixed cells, p60src-specific immunofluorescence revealed a characteristic fluorescence pattern which was similar in both cell systems. The principal pattern was diffuse and situated in the cytoplasm. A clear nuclear fluorescence was never observed. Immunofluorescence on formaldehyde-fixed cells also indicated the cytoplasmic location of p60src and revealed a specific subcytoplasmic concentration of the fluorescence. With both fixation methods, an additional fluorescence pattern was seen between cells in contact, and was also found in both SR-RK cells and SR-RSV-D-transformed CEF. Immunofluorescence on viable cells suggested that p60src was not on the surface of these transformed cells. The fluorescence patterns were specific for avian sarcoma virus-transformed cells and were not found in uninfected cells, cells infected with a transformation-defective mutant of SR-RSV-D or cells transformed by an antigenically unrelated murine sarcoma virus. Furthermore, anti-tumor serum did not contain antibodies to proteins of the microtubules or intermediate filaments.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the eta gene, which codes for the epidermolytic toxin serotype A of Staphylococcus aureus TC16, is reported. The coding sequence of 840 nucleotides specifies a protein which, when secreted, has a predicted molecular weight of 26,950. The sequence of eta and the deduced amino acid sequence of the toxin have been compared with those of epidermolytic toxin serotype B. The coding sequences have 52% identical residues, and the polypeptides have 40% identical residues. Amino acid residues have been conserved in the areas of the proteins which correspond to major hydrophobic domains, whereas the regions likely to specify antigenic determinants occur in hydrophilic sequences that have diverged. The level of expression of epidermolytic toxin A in S. aureus 8325-4 was shown to be dependent on the integrity of a regulatory gene called agr.  相似文献   

We have investigated, using indirect immunofluorescence techniques, the possibility that vinculin is a component of Sertoli cell ectoplasmic specializations. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies produced against human platelet vinculin were used to probe fixed frozen sections of rat testis. Specific fluorescence occurs in Sertoli cell regions adjacent to spermatids and to basally situated junctional complexes, sites at which ectoplasmic specializations are known to occur. Staining also occurs in Sertoli cell regions associated with tubulobulbar complexes. The antibody also labels focal contacts in cultured human dermal fibroblasts, apical junctional sites of rat epididymal epithelium, and dense plaques of smooth muscle. Our results are consistent with the prediction that vinculin is likely a component of ectoplasmic specializations and are also consistent with the hypothesis that these structures are a form of actin-associated adhesion complex.  相似文献   

With immunofluorescence techniques using one anti-rat or two different anti-ovine CRF, the localization of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) producing neurons was characterized in frozen sections of pigeon brain. Colchicine was administered intraventricularly at various day hours. The CRF neurons were localized in the telencephalon: lobus parolfactorius, nucleus (n.) accumbens, anterior commissure; in the diencephalon: n. dorso-medialis and lateralis thalami and in different structures of the hypothalamus: n. praeopticus periventricularis and medialis, paraventricularis, supraopticus medialis, lateralis, ectomamillaris and in the stratum cellulare externum. Concerning the hypothalamic localizations, results are discussed in the light of physiological studies on corticotropic regulations in pigeons. Additional populations of CRF neurons were also located in various brainstem areas substantia grisea centralis, locus caeruleus, n. tegmenti dorsalis, sensorius principalis nervi trigemini, vestibularis latetalis, solitarius, nervi hypoglossi, in the dorsal area of the n. pontis lateralis and in the n. paramedianus paragiganto--cellularis, raphes, nervi facialis, subcaeruleus and the area ventralis. These particular localizations may lead to the assumption that CRF might be involved in nervous regulations other than those related to the corticotropic function.  相似文献   

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