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Blocked beds.     
In a cross-sectional survey of 325 surgical and orthopaedic beds 43 (16%) of the 265 occupied beds were filled by patients who had no medical need to be in an acute ward. They had been in hospital for a median time of 40 weeks up to the survey date. Of the 43 patients, 11 were awaiting transfer to a geriatric ward; 13 to community residential care; and seven to their homes. There was no plan for discharge or transfer for the remaining 12 (28%). Those "at risk" of becoming long-stay patients for social reasons on these wards were women, over 75, living alone or with one relative, who had been admitted to hospital in emergency with a fractured femur, head injury, or other trauma. Action necessary to reduce the number of social long-stay patients includes (a) changing attitudes to the solving of social case problems; (b) revising procedures of assessment and planning of future care; (c) improving teamwork and record keeping within the hospital and the community services; (d) providing a better balance of acute, medium and long-stay hospital beds; and (e) putting more resources into rehabilitation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To ascertain the economic impact of an early discharge scheme for hip fracture patients. DESIGN--Population based study comparing costs of care for patients who had "hospital at home" as an option for rehabilitation and those who had no early discharge service available in their area of residence. SETTING--District hospital orthopaedic and rehabilitation wards and community hospital at home scheme. PATIENTS--1104 consecutively admitted patients with fractured neck of femur. 24 patients from outside the district were excluded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Cost per patient episode and number of bed days spent in hospital. RESULTS--Patients with the hospital at home option spent significantly less time as inpatients (mean of 32.5 v 41.7 days; p < 0.001). Those patients who were discharged early spent a mean of 11.5 days under hospital at home care. The total direct cost to the health service was significantly less for those patients with access to early discharge than those with no early discharge option (4884 pounds v 5606 pounds; p = 0.048). CONCLUSIONS--About 40% of patients with fractured neck of femur are suitable for early discharge to a scheme such as hospital at home. The availability of such a scheme leads to lower direct costs of rehabilitative care despite higher readmission costs. These savings accrue largely from shorter stays in orthopaedic and geriatric wards.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To survey patients'' opinions of their experiences in hospital in order to produce data that can help managers and doctors to identify and solve problems. DESIGN--Random sample of 36 NHS hospitals, stratified by size of hospital (number of beds), area (north, midlands, south east, south west), and type of hospital (teaching or non-teaching, trust or directly managed). From each hospital a random sample of, on average, 143 patients was interviewed at home or the place of discharge two to four weeks after discharge by means of a structured questionnaire about their treatment in hospital. SUBJECTS--5150 randomly chosen NHS patients recently discharged from acute hospitals in England. Subjects had been patients on medical and surgical wards apart from paediatric, maternity, psychiatric, and geriatric wards. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Patients'' responses to direct questions about preadmission procedures, admission, communication with staff, physical care, tests and operations, help from staff, pain management, and discharge planning. Patients'' responses to general questions about their degree of satisfaction in hospitals. RESULTS--Problems were reported by patients, particularly with regard to communication with staff (56% (2824/5020) had not been given written or printed information); pain management (33% (1042/3162) of those suffering pain were in pain all or most of the time); and discharge planning (70% (3599/5124) had not been told about warning signs and 62% (3177/5119) had not been told when to resume normal activities). Hospitals failed to reach the standards of the Patient''s Charter--for example, in explaining the treatment proposed and giving patients the option of not taking part in student training. Answers to questions about patient satisfaction were, however, highly positive but of little use to managers. CONCLUSIONS--This survey has highlighted several problems with treatment in NHS hospitals. Asking patients direct questions about what happened rather than how satisfied they were with treatment can elucidate the problems that exist and so enable them to be solved.  相似文献   

The use of a total joint replacement surgery has been growing in a manner which is poorly understood. This growth is more likely to be limited by saturation of the available medical services than by a limit to the number of people who could benefit from the treatment. Present indications are that services will be saturated in 1974 or 1975, after which 4600 extra people a year will go on to the waiting lists if demand continues as at present. Stability can then be achieved by either raising the clinical criteria for surgical treatment or making about 300 extra orthopaedic beds available each year, buffered from the demands of acute trauma admissions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To examine the relation between bed use, social deprivation, and overall bed availability in acute adult psychiatric units and to explore the range of alternative residential options. DESIGN: Cross sectional survey, combined with one day census data; ratings by and interviews with staff; examination of routine data sources. SETTINGS: Nationally representative sample of acute psychiatric units. SUBJECTS: 2236 patients who were inpatients on census day. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Bed occupancy levels, judged need for continuing inpatient care, reasons preventing discharge, scores on the Health of the Nation outcome scales. RESULTS: Bed occupancy was related to social deprivation and total availability of acute beds (r = 0.66, 95% confidence interval 0.19 to 0.88, F = 8.72, df = 2.23; P = 0.002). However, 27% (603/2215) of current inpatients (61% (90/148) of those with stays of > 6 months) were judged not to need continuing admission. The major reasons preventing discharge were lack of suitable accommodation (37% (176/482) of patients in hospital < 6 months v 36% (31/86) of those in hospital > 6 months); inadequate domiciliary based community support (23% (113) v 9% (8)); and lack of long term rehabilitation places (21% (100) v 47% (40)). Scores on the Health of the Nation outcome scale were generally consistent with these staff judgments. CONCLUSIONS: The shortage of beds in acute psychiatric units is related to both social deprivation and the overall availability of acute beds. Patients currently inappropriately placed on acute admission wards should be relocated into more suitable accommodation, either in hospital or in the community. A range of provisions is required; simply providing more acute beds is not the answer.  相似文献   

G. Voineskos 《CMAJ》1976,114(8):689
In 1975 a survey of the open- and locked-ward practice of 38 of the 44 Canadian public mental hospitals showed that more than one third of the wards are locked 24 hours a day. This survey is the only one known to have been conducted in the last 16 years and the first to have obtained data from all 10 provinces. Hospitals with fewer than 300 beds have a significantly smaller proportion of locked wards than those with more than 600 beds.The custodial, antitherapeutic environment was the most frequently cited disadvantage of the locked ward, and facilitation of the therapeutic milieu was the most commonly cited advantage of the open ward. The most commonly cited problem of the open ward was the inability to protect the community from the dangerous, violent patient. The most frequently cited factor required to open the wards was a higher nursing staff:patient ratio, but it is suggested that this is an erroneous opinion. What is required is the organization and involvement of the patients in meaningful activities throughout the day, hospitals with fewer beds, and better relations with the community to foster public tolerance.National organizations concerned with mental hospital practice have no data on the open- and locked-ward practice in this country. There are pressures, channelled through the political and judicial systems, to lock the wards, and the Law Reform Commission of Canada has recently recommended transferring mentally ill prisoners to mental hospitals.  相似文献   

Introduction Elderly patients occupy up to 65% of acute hospital beds and a significant proportion of them present with a comorbid psychiatric condition such as depression, delirium or dementia. Liaison old age psychiatry (LOAP) services have been developed to provide psychiatric consultation in medical and surgical settings, improving at the same time the knowledge and expertise of general ward staff.Objective The aim of this study is to evaluate clinical characteristics across different psychiatric disorders among elderly patients in medical wards.Method A prospective observational study was developed between October 2011 and January 2013, which involved 107 subjects aged 65 years or older that were hospitalised in the Department of Internal Medicine and referred to the LOAP service. Psychiatric diagnostic was assessed using the Confusion Assessment Method, the Geriatric Depression Scale, the Mini-Mental State Examination and the Clinical Global Impression Scale.Results Delirium (40.6%), depression (22.4%) and dementia (20.4%) were the most common psychiatric diagnoses. Patients with delirium were significantly older, had more severe psychiatric symptomatology (mean CGI = 5.35) and presented infectious processes as acute medical conditions more frequently than the other patients.Conclusion Psychiatric disturbances occurring in elderly inpatients in medical wards are highly prevalent and complex. A LOAP service may play an important role in effectively reducing the overutilisation and consumption of health resources through early recognition of these conditions, effective management and prevention of adverse outcomes, and effective communication with out-patient clinics, community mental health teams and day-care centres.  相似文献   

To examine fluctuations in numbers of patients on surgical wards the dates of admission from January of each of the 5556 patients admitted from 1 January 1985 to 31 December 1987 were examined during computerised audit of a single surgical firm. The numbers of patients under the care of the firm fluctuated widely, often exceeding the 38 beds nominally available. Duration of stay varied from two days or less (3062 admissions) to more than a month (163 admissions). One patient was in hospital for 278 days. The patients admitted for more than a month (2.9% of the total) filled 28% of the beds; not all these patients were elderly. A further increase in throughput of patients undergoing elective operations might be achieved by always admitting patients on the day of operation, and perhaps by discharging patients even sooner than at present. Efficiency would increase but so would overall costs.  相似文献   

R. L. MacMillan  K. W. G. Brown 《CMAJ》1971,105(10):1037-1040
During 1968, 400 cases of proven acute myocardial infarction were admitted to the Toronto General Hospital (mortality 25.0%).Approximately half the patients who survived their stay in the Emergency Department were admitted to the Coronary Unit (mortality 15.6%) while the other half, because of lack of beds in the Coronary Unit, were treated on a general medical ward (mortality 26.5%). More elderly patients (> 70) were admitted to the medical wards and contributed to the higher mortality.The frequency of successful resuscitation following cardiac arrest was twice as great in the Coronary Unit as on the medical wards. Antiarrhythmic drugs given in the Coronary Unit with the assistance of the electrocardiographic monitor did not influence the early mortality. Digitalis was used more frequently on the medical wards, but did not appear to exert an unfavourable effect on survival.  相似文献   

A randomised controlled trial of two management regimens was carried out in women patients over 65 years of age with hip fractures. Ninety seven patients were admitted to a designated orthopaedic geriatric unit and 125 to orthopaedic wards. No difference was observed in mortality, length of stay, or placement of patients between the two groups. More medical conditions were recognised and treated in patients in the orthopaedic geriatric unit group. It is concluded that designated orthopaedic geriatric units can provide medical care to these patients and should be administered without additional cost.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine potential for alternatives to care in hospitals for acute admissions, and to compare the decisions about these alternatives made by clinicians with different backgrounds. DESIGN--Standardised tool was used to identify patients who could potentially be treated in an alternative form of care. Information about such patients was assessed by three panels of clinicians: general practitioners without experience of general practitioner beds, general practitioners with experience of general practitioner beds, and consultants. SETTING--One hospital for acute admissions in a rural area of the South and West region of England. SUBJECTS--Of 620 patients admitted to specialties of general medicine and care of the elderly, details of 112 were assessed by panels. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Proportion of hospitalised patients who could have received alternative care and identification of most appropriate alternative form of care. RESULTS--Both general practitioner panels estimated that between 51 and 89 of the hospitalised patients could have received alternative care (equivalent to 8-14% of all admissions). Consultants estimated that between 25 and 55 patients could have had alternative care (5.5-9% of all admissions). General practitioner bed and urgent outpatient appointment were the main alternatives chosen by all three panels. CONCLUSION--About 10% of admissions to general hospital might be suitable for alternative forms of care. Doctors with different backgrounds made similar overall assessments of most appropriate forms of care.  相似文献   

The results of milieu therapy with psychotic patients have been highly conflicting because of unrecognized differences among the wards investigated. Our own research indicates that for psychotic patients in short- and intermediate-term wards: A beneficial milieu has a low perceived level of anger and aggression and a high level of support, practical orientation, and order and organization. Confronting group therapy is detrimental and individually oriented milieu therapy beneficial. Community groups may become anti-therapeutic pseudo-groups. Extensive use of confrontational groups may contribute to a detrimental ward atmosphere. A high mean age of patients may contribute to a favorable low level of aggression. A high percentage of psychotic patients, a high number of patients, and a high staff turnover may lead to a detrimental atmosphere. On this basis we tried to change the milieu on a 26-bed therapeutic community ward which proved to have pseudo-groups and a detrimental ward atmosphere. The amount of compulsory group activities was reduced, the groups made more task-oriented, the amount of individually oriented milieu therapy increased, and the number of beds reduced. At re-evaluation the ward atmosphere had improved considerably.  相似文献   

The emergency surgical work load created by patients aged 80 and over in a district hospital was assessed and the results of treatment examined. Over one year 248 patients aged 80 or over were admitted as emergencies, and the overall mortality rate was 21·8%. When terminal disease was excluded mortality rate was 12·5%. These elderly patients had an average length of stay in the acute surgical ward of 14·7 days compared with a mean of 8·4 days for all patients, and all but seven patients were discharged to their original place of referral.Elderly patients do exacerbate the bed shortage in acute surgical wards because they tend to stay longer than younger patients, but these elderly surgical patients imposed only a small load on the inpatient geriatric services, as 78% were discharged straight to their own homes and a further 17% went home after a period on the surgical convalescent wards.  相似文献   

The incidence of postoperative wound infection in a general surgical unit is reported both before and after transfer from a “Nightingale” type multibed ward to a new “race-track” type of surgical ward with controlled ventilation and with 40% of its beds in single rooms. Following transfer postoperative wound infection was reduced by about 55%.With the use of certain types of staphylococcal infection as an index of cross-infection it was shown that transfer was followed by a 72% reduction in cross-infection of wounds.A case is made for control of hospital cross-infection in surgical wards. The principal change in ward architecture resulting from the transfer was the extensive division of ward space into separate compartments (40% of single-bed rooms), which make controlled ventilation easier.  相似文献   

The paper gives the results of X-ray surgical treatment in patients with acute coronary syndrome who have been ascertained to have concomitant cancer during their examination. Cancer was found in 11 patients in their medical history and diagnosed in 2 patients during examination after surgical treatment and 1 patient one year after his hospital discharge. The results of combination treatment showed the high efficiency of X-ray surgical treatment for acute coronary syndrome. Recovery of TIMI-III blood flow through the infarct-related coronary artery was achieved in 100% of cases; immediate clinical efficiency was 97.4%. In the concomitant cancer group, the therapeutic efficacy was 100%; there were no complications during X-ray surgery. All the patients from this group were discharged from hospital in a satisfactory state to be followed up by a cardiologist and oncologist for further treatment. The study performed suggests that concomitant cancer is not a contraindication to primary coronary angioplasty in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Primary coronary angioplasty with stenting is a safe effective treatment for acute coronary syndrome in this category of patients.  相似文献   

A study was made of all patients admitted to a geriatric unit over several years. The admission policy included a high degree of priority to requests for transfer from acute beds, which resulted in transferred patients accounting for 25% of admissions. Unblocking acute beds did not lead to prolonged delay in admitting patients from the community to the geriatric unit. Almost 30% of beds allocated to transferred patients were recovered in 30 days.  相似文献   

A point prevalence survey of NI in 10 hospitals has been carried out with the aim to obtain more valid results about their occurrence and to raise the interest of clinicians in this problem. Altogether data on 5,553 hospitalized patients have been evaluated. An epidemiologist along with a clinician jointly found a total 365 of NI in 344 patients a point prevalence 6.6%. The prevalence ranged between 3.6 and 10.5% for different hospitals. The highest NI prevalence was found in surgical wards (urology 19.6%, surgery 12.2%). Undesirably high prevalence of NI was observed in paediatrics (mainly diarrhoeal diseases) and neonatal (conjunctivitis) wards. Infections of the upper respiratory tract were most frequently followed by surgical wound infections and infections of the urinary tract. The occurrence of NI of surgical wounds, urinary tract infections and infections of skin was increasing, while the occurrence of infections of gastrointestinal tract and of the eye was decreasing with age. Gram-negative bacteria were more frequently isolated than Gram-positive bacteria (2:1).  相似文献   

Objective: To compare effectiveness and acceptability of early discharge to a hospital at home scheme with that of routine discharge from acute hospital. Design: Pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Setting: Acute hospital wards and community in north of Bristol, with a catchment population of about 224 000 people. Subjects: 241 hospitalised but medically stable elderly patients who fulfilled criteria for early discharge to hospital at home scheme and who consented to participate. Interventions: Patients’ received hospital at home care or routine hospital care. Main outcome measures: Patients’ quality of life, satisfaction, and physical functioning assessed at 4 weeks and 3 months after randomisation to treatment; length of stay in hospital and in hospital at home scheme after randomisation; mortality at 3 months. Results: There were no significant differences in patient mortality, quality of life, and physical functioning between the two arms of the trial at 4 weeks or 3 months. Only one of 11 measures of patient satisfaction was significantly different: hospital at home patients perceived higher levels of involvement in decisions. Length of stay for those receiving routine hospital care was 62% (95% confidence interval 51% to 75%) of length of stay in hospital at home scheme. Conclusions: The early discharge hospital at home scheme was similar to routine hospital discharge in terms of effectiveness and acceptability. Increased length of stay associated with the scheme must be interpreted with caution because of different organisational characteristics of the services.

Key messages

  • Pressure on hospital beds, the increasing age of the population, and high costs associated with acute hospital care have fuelled the search for alternatives to inpatient hospital care
  • There were no significant differences between early discharge to hospital at home scheme and routine hospital care in terms of patient quality of life, physical functioning, and most measures of patient satisfaction
  • Length of stay for hospital patients was significantly shorter than that of hospital at home patients, but, owing to qualitative differences between the two interventions, this does not necessarily mean differences in effectiveness
  • Early discharge to hospital at home provides an acceptable alternative to routine hospital care in terms of effectiveness and patient acceptability

OBJECTIVE--To observe the effects of introducing an acute pain service to the general surgical wards of a large teaching hospital. DESIGN--A study in seven stages: (1) an audit of current hospital practice succeeded by the sequential introduction to the general surgical wards of (2) pain assessment charts; (3) an algorithm to allow more frequent use of intramuscular analgesia; (4) increased use of local anaesthetic techniques of wound infiltration and nerve blocks; (5) an information sheet for patients about postoperative pain; (6) the introduction of patient controlled analgesia; (7) a repeat audit of hospital practice. Data were collected on each patient 24 hours after operation. SETTING--University Hospital of Wales, which has both district general and tertiary referral functions. PATIENTS--2035 patients over nine months from all surgical specialties (excluding cardiac) at the hospital. General surgical operations were studied in detail and separated into major, intermediate, and minor for data collection. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--A change in the median visual analogue pain scores 24 hours after surgery for pain during relaxation, pain on movement, and pain on deep inspiration at each stage of the study. RESULTS--There was a reduction in median visual analogue scores during the study. The median (95% confidence interval) scores for pain during relaxation decreased from 45 (34 to 53) in stage 1 to 16 (10 to 20) in stage 7 for major surgical procedures. Pain on movement decreased from 78 (66 to 80) to 46 (38 to 48), and pain on deep inspiration decreased from 64 (48 to 78) to 36 (31 to 38). The reductions in median scores for intermediate and minor operative procedures showed similar patterns. CONCLUSIONS--The introduction of an acute pain service to the general surgical wards led to considerable improvement in the level of postoperative pain as assessed by visual analogue scores. Simple techniques of regular pain assessment and the more frequent use of intramuscular analgesia as a result of using an algorithm were particularly effective.  相似文献   

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