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Results are reported in 35 patients with prolactinomas who underwent pituitary surgery within the past five years. After surgery prolactin concentrations became normal in 26 patients and symptoms were alleviated, and nine normal pregnancies were achieved in seven women, including all those who had complained of infertility. Normal prolactin concentrations were restored in 16 of 17 patients with tumours 5-19 mm in diameter but in only six of 11 with tumours less than or equal to 4 mm and four of seven with tumours greater than or equal to 20 mm. Normal prolactin concentrations were restored in all those with preoperative concentrations below 1000 mU/l but in none of those with concentrations above 10 000 mU/l. Although not all of the patients were followed up for five years, hyperprolactinaemia did not recur in any patient whose prolactin concentration had returned to normal six weeks after surgery. This included 16 patients with macroprolactinomas (greater than 10 mm in diameter), who were followed up for from two to five years. These data contrast strikingly with those reported by others at similar stages of follow up and show clearly that partial hypophysectomy offers an acceptable alternative treatment for selected patients with prolactinomas.  相似文献   

beta-endorphin (beta-EP) and beta-lipotropin (beta-LPH) concentrations were measured in the basal state and after acute exercise for 15 min or until exhaustion in 6 physically conditioned male volunteers. Serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), testosterone and prolactin were also measured in the basal state. In addition, the concentrations of the gonadotropins (LH and FSH) were determined after exercise and the gonadotropin response to gonadotropin releasing hormone was assessed before and after exercise. The data show that acute exercise stimulates the release of both beta-EP and beta-LPH which return to base-line levels within 60 min after exercise. This is in contrast to our previously described results in physically unconditioned male volunteers in whom only beta-LPH release was noted after exercise. Serum LH concentrations declined after exercise reaching nadir values between 60 to 150 min after exercise. As we previously reported in physically unconditioned male volunteers, serum FSH concentrations did not change with exercise and the gonadotropin response to LRH stimulation was uninfluenced by exercise. Serum testosterone and prolactin concentration were within the normal range for healthy adult males. We speculate that the difference in beta-EP release with exercise in physically conditioned and unconditioned males represents a difference in processing of the opioid precursor molecule (pro-opiomelanocortin, POMC) in the two groups.  相似文献   

Women with the polycystic ovary syndrome do not respond well to treatment with luteinising hormone releasing hormone. To determine whether this might be due to an underlying endocrine disturbance basal concentrations of luteinising hormone were measured in 54 infertile women treated with pulsatile luteinising hormone releasing hormone and concentrations at the time of maximum follicular growth were measured in 23 of the patients. Forty one patients ovulated. Forty one patients ovulated and 27 conceived, but nine pregnancies terminated within four weeks after ovulation. Basal luteinising hormone concentrations were significantly lower in those who conceived (12.4 (range 1.3-29.0) IU/l) than in those who did not (19.0 (3.5-50.0) IU/l) and in those whose pregnancy progressed (9.6 (1.3-29.0) IU/l) than in those with early loss of pregnancy (17.9 (7.0-29.0) IU/l). Concentrations at the time of maximum follicular growth were significantly lower in women who ovulated (9.4 (2.9-35.4) IU/l) than in those who did not (29.0 (7.0-50.0) IU/l) and in those who conceived (6.2 (2.9-8.5) IU/l) than in those who did not (17.9 (4.0-50.0) IU/l). These results indicate that high concentrations of luteinising hormone during the follicular phase in women with polycystic ovaries have a deleterious effect on rates of conception and may be a causal factor in early pregnancy loss.  相似文献   

A single injection of ergocryptine (0.5 mg/kg liveweight) given to ewes 0.5-20 days prepartum or two injections (0.5 mg/kg liveweight per injection) given c. 30 and 10 days prepartum reduced concentrations of plasma prolactin to negligible (less than 5 ng/ml) values for 4 weeks after parturition, but did not affect concentrations of growth hormone and placental lactogen. Milking of treated ewes had no effect on concentrations of plasma prolactin during the first 4 weeks of lactation, but concentrations of growth hormone were increased during the 10-20 min period after milking. The half-life of prolactin in plasma was estimated as 21 min. In spite of the dramatic effect of ergocryptine on plasma prolactin all treated ewes secreted copious quantities of milk of normal composition. Mean daily yields of ewes treated with ergocryptine were not significantly different (P greater than 0.05) from those of untreated control ewes, but the mean +/- s.e.m. of total milk production over the first 3 weeks of lactation for ergocryptine-treated ewes was significantly lower (P less than 0.05) than that of control ewes (9.5 +/- 1.11 v. 14.1 +/- 1.20 kg milk). The results suggest that prolactin is not an essential component of the lactogenic and galactopoietic complexes of hormones in the ewe.  相似文献   

Studies on human prolactin physiology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the clinical and experimental data were in favour of the existence of prolactin in humans like other vertebrates, as a pituitary hormone distinct from growth hormone, its presence remained contested until recent years. The predominant influence of the human hypothalamus on prolactin secretion is inhibitory. Circulating prolactin shows diurnal variations, which are not synchronized with that of TSH or ACTH; the prolactin rhythm is abolished during the last trimester of pregnancy and in patients with prolactin secreting tumors. Estrogens appeared to be less marked stimulators of prolactin secretion in man than in animals, although serum prolactin levels follow a pattern similar to that of endogenous estrogens during the normal menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. After delivery, basal prolactin levels declined progressively. In women under long term medroxyprogesterone acetate treatment, the immunoreactive serum prolactin was within the normal range of cycling women. Prolactin is found in appreciable amounts in amniotic fluid and in the serum of newborn infants. Synthetic LH and FSH releasing hormone did not change circulating prolactin levels in normal humans. A possible luteotrophic action of human prolactin in synergism with LH cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Secondary hyperparathyroidism was suppressed over a period of one year in 12 children with chronic renal failure by using a regimen of mild dietary phosphate restriction and high dose phosphate binders. The patients were randomised to receive either aluminium hydroxide or calcium carbonate by mouth for six months and then crossed over to the other medication. Vitamin D (dihydrotachysterol) dosage was unchanged. Serum parathyroid hormone concentrations were reduced to within the normal range, urinary cyclic adenosine monophosphate values fell, plasma phosphate concentrations decreased, and the theoretical renal phosphate threshold increased significantly. Transiliac bone biopsy findings improved in four patients with adequate suppression of parathyroid hormone concentrations, deteriorated in two patients who were not compliant, and did not change in five patients in whom initial bone disease was mild. Growth velocity improved significantly. There was no difference in the clinical response, biochemical changes, or incidence of complications during treatment with the two agents. In view of the risk of aluminium toxicity the use of high dose calcium carbonate with dietary phosphate restriction and vitamin D supplementation is recommended in the control of secondary hyperparathyroidism in children with chronic renal failure.  相似文献   

Sixty eight women referred for treatment of hyperprolactinaemia entered a three year follow up study to determine the clinical and endocrine course of the disease and its association with microadenoma of the pituitary. Details recorded before treatment included medical history, gonadotrophin and ovarian hormonal concentrations, and release of prolactin in response to protirelin (thyrotrophin releasing hormone), benserazide, cimetidine, and nomifensine. Sellar tomography was then performed yearly for three years in all women, 54 of them also undergoing computed coronal and sagittal tomography. At baseline evaluation 27 women showed radiological evidence of pituitary adenoma; at the end of the follow up period the number had increased to 41. Amenorrhoea, steady and raised serum prolactin concentrations, a low ratio of luteinising hormone to follicle stimulating hormone, a longer duration of disease, and low serum progesterone concentrations were more common in women with a final diagnosis of pituitary adenoma than in those whose sella remained normal. Tests for release of prolactin had yielded abnormal results from the outset in all 41 women with radiological evidence of pituitary adenoma and in about half of those whose sella had remained radiologically normal. Response to medical treatment (metergoline in 20 patients, bromocriptine in 21) was similar and showed no difference between patients with tumorous and non-tumorous hyperprolactinaemia. These findings suggest that a large proportion of women with hyperprolactinaemia may harbour a prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma which becomes apparent over a relatively short period. Amenorrhoea and steady and raised serum prolactin concentrations are more common in these women. Tests for release of prolactin are of predictive value in identifying women who will develop a pituitary adenoma.  相似文献   

24 patients with an extrasellar prolactinoma (mean prolactin 4,722 ng/ml), 8 of whom had previously had surgery, received 5-40 mg bromocriptine daily for 13-252 weeks. The mean prolactin level had fallen 89% at 2 days, 95% at 6 weeks, and 15 patients achieved normal values. Tumor shrinkage occurred in all 9 patients rescanned within 2 weeks and later was documented in 23; in 18 the extrasellar tumour disappeared. 12 patients had visual abnormalities; 7, including 2 who had been completely blind, improved within 1 week. 2 patients had normal prolactin levels after withdrawal of bromocriptine, 1 following radiotherapy and the other during two uncomplicated pregnancies. Bromocriptine is safe and effective. We conclude that medical treatment should always precede surgery unless pituitary apoplexy causes sudden deterioration of vision. Most patients will subsequently require radiotherapy or surgery for permanent cure.  相似文献   

Pituitary cells from hamsters bearing diethylstilbestrol induced renal adenocarcinomas were cultured in vitro. Dispersed cells in plastic dishes were viable for up to two weeks in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 17.5% of 6:1 horse serum to fetal calf serum. The secretion of alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone and prolactin into the medium were measured by radioimmunoassay. The concentrations of both were elevated by day 3 in the medium from the hyperplastic pituitaries obtained from the estrogen treated, tumor bearing hamsters. Neither DES (10(-8)M) nor tamoxifen (10(-7)M) influenced the secretion of either hormone and neither altered either cell number or DNA synthetic activity as measured by thymidine incorporation. The secretion of hormones and the growth of the pituitary cells were, however, decreased by charcoal treatment of the serum. The results suggest that the elevation of serum alpha-MSH and prolactin observed in DES implanted hamsters is due to pituitary secretion of the hormones but that DES probably does not act directly on the pituitary to control the secretion.  相似文献   

Plasma prolactin response to thyrotropin-releasing-hormone (TRH) stimulation was diminished in 30 patients with prolactinomas and 9 patients with acromegaly who had normal serum prolactin levels. There was no overlap of prolactin responses when compared with 32 control patients. Responses of ten patients with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)-secreting pituitary tumors were similar to those of controls. Plasma growth hormone concentrations after TRH stimulation changed significantly in 28% of normal control and 20%, 25% and 50% of patients with prolactin-, growth hormone- and ACTH-secreting pituitary tumors, respectively. Our data suggest that the blunted TRH-induced rise in plasma prolactin levels in patients with prolactinomas and those with acromegaly may be related to humoral factor(s) affecting TRH receptor or postreceptor function. Growth hormone responses to TRH are nonspecific and should not be considered a marker for active acromegaly.  相似文献   

The effect of long-term treatment with phenobarbitone on pituitary responsiveness to gonadotrophin-releasing hormone and thyrotrophin-releasing hormone was studied in 20 boys being treated with the drug to prevent febrile convulsions. Baseline concentrations of luteinising and follicle-stimulating hormones were reduced as well as the responses of these hormones to stimulation with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone. Baseline prolactin concentrations were raised in comparison with those in normal children. The response of prolactin to thyrotrophin-releasing hormone, however, was impaired only in the children who had been receiving the drug for a long time. Phenobarbitone had no effect on the secretion of growth hormone. Further studies should be carried out to ascertain how long these effects on pituitary function last after phenobarbitone is withdrawn and whether this interference with pituitary function modifies the child''s subsequent development.  相似文献   

Thirty men treated in childhood with cyclophosphamide for a mean of 280 days were assessed at a mean of 12.8 years after treatment for hormone concentrations and spermatogenesis. Four were azoospermic, nine oligospermic, and 17 normospermic. There was a significant inverse correlation of sperm density with cyclophosphamide dosage and duration of treatment. After a further mean follow up of 7.2 years three patients who were previously oligospermic and one who was azoospermic had normal sperm counts. All patients had normal sexual characteristics and libido. Serum androgen and prolactin concentrations did not differ significantly between patients and controls. Raised basal and stimulated follicle stimulating hormone concentrations were in keeping with impaired spermatogenesis. All patients had significantly raised luteinising hormone responses on stimulation with luteinising hormone releasing hormone. The results suggest compensated Leydig cell failure, and patients with this condition require long term evaluation of testicular function. Potential recovery of spermatogenesis with time requires appropriate counselling and contraceptive advice.  相似文献   

The objectives of the investigation were to assess hypersomnia, which progressively appeared in a young patient after a pinealectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy for a typical germinoma, as well as the potential benefit of melatonin administration in the absence of its endogenous secretion. 24 h ambulatory polysomnography and the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) were performed; in addition, daily plasma melatonin, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and rectal temperature profiles were determined before and during melatonin treatment (one 2 mg capsule given nightly at 21:00 h for 4 weeks). MSLT showed abnormal sleep latency and two REM sleep onsets. Nighttime total sleep duration was lengthened, mainly as a consequence of an increased REM sleep duration. These parameters were slightly modified by melatonin replacement. Plasma melatonin levels, which were constantly nil in the basal condition, were increased to supraphysiological values with melatonin treatment. The plasma cortisol profile showed nycthemeral variation within the normal range, and the growth hormone profile showed supplementary diurnal peaks. Melatonin treatment did not modify the secretion of either hormone. The plasma prolactin profile did not display a physiological nocturnal increase in the basal condition; however, it did during melatonin treatment, with the rise coinciding with the nocturnal peak of melatonin concentration. A 24 h temperature rhythm of normal amplitude was persistent, though the mean level was decreased and the rhythm was dampened during melatonin treatment. The role of radiotherapy on the studied parameters cannot be excluded; the findings of this case study suggest that the observed hypersomnia is not the result of melatonin deficiency alone. Overall, melatonin treatment was well tolerated, but the benefit on the sleep abnormality, especially on daytime REM sleep, was minor, requiring the re-introduction of modafinil treatment.  相似文献   

The objectives of the investigation were to assess hypersomnia, which progressively appeared in a young patient after a pinealectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy for a typical germinoma, as well as the potential benefit of melatonin administration in the absence of its endogenous secretion. 24 h ambulatory polysomnography and the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT) were performed; in addition, daily plasma melatonin, cortisol, growth hormone, prolactin, and rectal temperature profiles were determined before and during melatonin treatment (one 2 mg capsule given nightly at 21:00 h for 4 weeks). MSLT showed abnormal sleep latency and two REM sleep onsets. Nighttime total sleep duration was lengthened, mainly as a consequence of an increased REM sleep duration. These parameters were slightly modified by melatonin replacement. Plasma melatonin levels, which were constantly nil in the basal condition, were increased to supraphysiological values with melatonin treatment. The plasma cortisol profile showed nycthemeral variation within the normal range, and the growth hormone profile showed supplementary diurnal peaks. Melatonin treatment did not modify the secretion of either hormone. The plasma prolactin profile did not display a physiological nocturnal increase in the basal condition; however, it did during melatonin treatment, with the rise coinciding with the nocturnal peak of melatonin concentration. A 24 h temperature rhythm of normal amplitude was persistent, though the mean level was decreased and the rhythm was dampened during melatonin treatment. The role of radiotherapy on the studied parameters cannot be excluded; the findings of this case study suggest that the observed hypersomnia is not the result of melatonin deficiency alone. Overall, melatonin treatment was well tolerated, but the benefit on the sleep abnormality, especially on daytime REM sleep, was minor, requiring the re‐introduction of modafinil treatment.  相似文献   

Tumor-induced osteomalacia: pre- and postoperative biochemical findings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A patient with late-onset hypophosphatemic osteomalacia was treated with oral supplements of phosphate (1.5 g/day) and calcitriol (1.5-3.0 micrograms/day) for 17 months, before a slowly growing tumor in the first metatarsal space became evident. Before treatment concentrations of inorganic phosphate (Pi) and calcitriol in serum and tubular reabsorption of phosphate (TRP) were very low, calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH) in serum were normal, urinary cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) was strongly elevated. During the first weeks of conservative treatment urinary cAMP returned to normal; concomitantly there was a transient slight fall in PTH. Serum calcium was in the low normal range and did not significantly change during conservative therapy. During the further course PTH rose to pretreatment values, but urinary cAMP remained normal. When the dose of calcitriol was elevated to 3 x 1.0 micrograms/day, leading to slightly elevated serum concentrations of this substance, Pi in serum rose to the low normal range, but TRP remained low and bone pain, although improved, did not subside. The tumor was locally excised. Postoperatively calcitriol concentration became elevated within 48 hours and remained so for several weeks. The rise in calcitriol concentration preceded the elevation of Pi in serum, not, however, the increase of TRP. The elevation of urinary cyclic AMP before therapy may have been due to a direct action of the substance secreted by the tumor.  相似文献   

Treatment of immature mice with both follicle-stimulating hormone and human chorionic gonadotrophin in vivo resulted in large increases in the specific activities of ovarian alkaline phosphatase and alkaline nucleotidase. The specific activities of other ovarian enzymes studied were not altered by gonadotrophin treatment. A simultaneous change in the Michaelis constant of ovarian alkaline phosphatase accompanied the increase in specific activity. These changes commenced 6-8h after injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin plus follicle-stimulating hormone. Injection of human chorionic gonadotrophin induced the change in Michaelis constant and increased ovarian alkaline phosphatase activity. Treatment with follicle-stimulating hormone had no effect on ovarian alkaline phosphatase. However, follicle-stimulating hormone synergistically augmented the response to human chorionic gonadotrophin. A latent period of about 24h elapsed before this augmentation was expressed. Augmentation of ovarian alkaline phosphatase was directly related to the dose of follicle-stimulating hormone at a fixed dose of chorionic gonadotrophin. No response of ovarian alkaline phosphatase was observed after treatment of immature mice in vivo with oestrogens, progesterone, growth hormone or prolactin. Unlike chorionic gonadotrophin, sheep luteinizing hormone over a wide dose range induced no response within 24h. However, a response in ovarian alkaline phosphatase was observed when sheep luteinizing hormone was administered in combination with follicle-stimulating hormone. The specific activity and K(m) of ovarian alkaline phosphatase increased during normal maturation. The Michaelis constant ceased to increase as sexual maturity was reached. The changes in alkaline phosphatase activity were of a similar magnitude to those induced by gonadotrophin treatment. It is concluded that the changes induced acutely by treatment in vivo with unphysiological doses of gonadotrophins occur in the maturing mouse under the influence of endogenous, homologous gonadotrophins at physiological concentrations.  相似文献   

The effects of administration of methyldopa on serum prolactin and growth hormone (GH) concentrations in hypertensive patients were studied. Single doses of methyldopa (750 or 1000 mg) significantly increased serum prolactin levels, peak concentrations occurring four to six hours after drug administrations. Long-term methyldopa treatment was associated with threefold to fourfold increases in basal prolactin levels compared with those in normal subjects. In patients treated with methyldopa for two to three weeks the GH response to insulin hypoglycaemia was significantly greater than in normal subjects and untreated hypertensive patients. In contrast, patients treated for prolonged periods (mean 13-4 months) had a GH reponse indistinguishable from normal.  相似文献   

Injection of bromocriptine from 5 days before until 5 days after mating clearly suppressed the periovulatory prolactin surge in ewes in the anoestrous and oestrous season but did not change the litter size significantly. Progesterone, GH, TSH or thyroid hormone concentrations were not influenced by the bromocriptine treatment. The progesterone concentrations were lower during the first weeks after mating in the anoestrous season compared to the oestrous season, while there was no difference between pregnant and non-pregnant ewes. During later gestation this seasonal difference was only observed in the non-pregnant ewes. At the same time there was a clear difference between pregnancy and non-pregnancy in both seasons. The prolactin, GH and thyroid hormone values also varied significantly during gestation. Since these patterns are identical in pregnant and non-pregnant ewes, the fluctuations are due to environmental factors and not to pregnancy or altered progesterone concentrations. In the anoestrous season prolactin, GH, T4 and T3 levels were higher than in the breeding season, while rT3 showed the opposite pattern. The TSH concentration did not differ between the two seasons. These results suggest that seasonal variations in prolactin, GH and thyroid hormones or the periovulatory prolactin surge do not affect litter size of ewes during pregnancy in the oestrous or the anoestrous season.  相似文献   

Thirty]six neonates in whom hypothyroidism was diagnosed after thyroid stimulating hormone screening were reassessed at 1 year. All had grown satisfactorily and the mental development scores were normal in all except two. Treatment was withdrawn in 32 and persistent hypothyroidism was confirmed in 31 cases. Thyroid stimulating hormone concentrations were raised in one-third of cases before the withdrawal of treatment and this was associated with generally lower concentrations of serum thyroxine (T4) and smaller doses of L-thyroxine than in those cases with normal concentrations of thyroid stimulating hormone. In treating congenital hypothyroidism, serum T4 concentrations should be monitored regularly and the dose of thyroxine adjusted to maintain serum T4 in the upper part of the reference range.  相似文献   

GH(4)C(1) cells are a clonal strain of rat pituitary cells that synthesize and secrete prolactin and growth hormone. Chronic treatment (longer than 24 h) of GH(4)C(1) cells with epidermal growth factor (EGF) (10(-8) M) decreased by 30-40 percent both the rate of cell proliferation and the plateau density reached by cultures. Inhibition of cell proliferation was accompanied by a change in cellular morphology from a spherical appearance to an elongated flattened shape and by a 40-60 percent increase in cell volume. These actions of EGF were qualitatively similar to those of the hypothalamic tripeptide thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) (10(-7) M) which decreased the rate of cell proliferation by 10-20 percent and caused a 15 percent increase in cell volume. The presence of supramaximal concentrations of both EGF (10(-8)M) and TRH (10(-7)M) resulted in greater effects on cell volume and cell multiplication than either peptide alone. EGF also altered hormone production by GH(4)C(1) cells in the same manner as TRH. Treatment of cultures with 10(-8) M EGF for 2-6 d increased prolactin synthesis five- to ninefold compared to a two- to threefold stimulation by 10(-7) M TRH. Growth hormone production by the same cultures was inhibited 40 percent by EGF and 15 percent by TRH. The half- maximal effect of EGF to increase prolactin synthesis, decrease growth hormone production, and inhibit cell proliferation occurred at a concentration of 5 x 10 (-11) M. Insulin and multiplication stimulating activity, two other growth factors tested, did not alter cell proliferation, cell morphology, or hormone production by GH(4)C(1) cells, indicating the specificity of the EGF effect. Fibroblast growth factor, however, had effects similar to those of EGF and TRH. Of five pituitary cell strains tested, all but one responded to chronic EGF treatment with specifically altered hormone production. Acute chronic EGF treatment with specifically altered hormone production. Acute treatment (30 min) of GH(4)C(1) cells with 10(-8) M EGF caused a 30 percent enhancement of prolactin release compared to a greater than twofold increase caused by 10(-7) M TRH. Therefore, although EGF and TRH have qualitatively similar effects on GH(4)C(1) cells, their powers to affect hormone release acutely or hormone synthesis and cell proliferation chronically are distinct.  相似文献   

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