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The craniogenesis of Cavia porcellus has been investigated in 7 embryos of different ages. From the developmental stage of 36 mm CRL, a reconstruction of the chondrocranium is described. As there is still a gap in the tectum posterius, the foramen magnum is not closed posteriorly. The course of the notochord is retrobasilar at the beginning, more rostrally it runs intrabasilar. After ossification, the place where the notochord enters the basioccipital is marked by a cavity. This cavity is not identical with the posterior basicranial fenestra. The laminae alares build up strong paracondylar processes. The auditory capsule is connected with the occipital region only by the exoccipitocapsular commissure, but there is no supraoccipitocapsular commissure. The fossa subarcuata is pierced by a subarcuate foramen. The very short lamina parietalis is not in contact with the orbital wing as there is no orbitoparietal commissure. The processus recessus divides the perilymphatic foramen into fenestra rotunda and aquaeductus cochleae. The suprafacial commissure arises from the upper margin of the canalicular part of the auditory capsule, but it does not reach the superior surface of the cochlear part at this stage. The tegmen tympani is well developed. The foramen singulare is not yet separated from the inferior acoustic foramen. At the stage of 36 mm CRL there is no septum spirale cartilagineum. Mm. tensor tympani et stapedius are developed in the typical way. The auditory capsule is connected with the basal plate by the anterior basicochlear and the alicochlear commissures. The floor of the orbitotemporal region is incomplete, the temporal wings are small. The alicochlear commissure, the alar process, the anterior basicochlear commissure, and the basal plate surround the carotid foramen, but there is no blood vessel passing through it. The temporal wing is at the beginning of ossification and shows a fissura ovalis for the mandibular nerve. Although the hypophysial canal is still present, there are no structures passing through it. There is no foramen rotundum. The orbital wing is still cartilagineous. The basal plate and the pre- and postoptic roots border the optical foramen. The straight muscles of the eyeball are attached to the ala hypochiasmatica which projects from the postoptic root. The interorbital septum is absent. The ophthalmic artery, which instead of the obliterated internal carotid artery, contributes to the circulus arteriosus cerebri is well developed. There is no orbitonasal commissure . The epiphanial foramina are present.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Chondrocranial development in Ascaphus truei was studied by serial sectioning and graphical reconstruction. Nine stages (21–29; 9–18 mm TL) were examined. Mesodermal cells were distinguished from ectomesenchymal (neural crest derived) cells by retained yolk granules. Ectomesenchymal parts of the chondrocranium include the suprarostrals, pila preoptica, anterior trabecula, and palatoquadrate. Mesodermal parts of the chondrocranium include the orbital cartilage, posterior trabecula, parachordal, basiotic lamina, and otic capsule. Development of the palatoquadrate is as follows. The pterygoid process first connects with the trabecula far rostrally; their fusion progresses caudally. The ascending process connects with a mesodermal bar that extends from the orbital cartilage to the otic capsule, and forms the ventral border of the dorsal trigeminal outlet. This bar is the “ascending process” of Ascaphus adults; it is a neurocranial, not palatoquadrate structure. The basal process chondrifies in an ectomesenchymal strand running from the quadrate keel to the postpalatine commissure. Later, the postpalatine commissure and basal process extend anteromedially to contact the floor of the anterior cupula of the otic capsule, creating separate foramina for the palatine and hyomandibular branches of the facial nerve. Based on these data, and on comparison with other frogs and salamanders, the anuran anterior quadratocranial commissure is homologized with the pterygoid process of salamanders, the anuran basal process (=“pseudobasal” or “hyobasal” process) with the basal process of salamanders, and the anuran otic ledge with the basitrabecular process of salamanders. The extensive similarities in palatoquadrate structure and development between frogs and salamanders, and lacking in caecilians, are not phylogenetically informative. Available information on fossil outgroups suggests that some of these similarities are primitive for Lissamphibia, whereas for others the polarity is uncertain. J. Morphol. 231:63-100, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

O Slaby 《Folia morphologica》1990,38(4):408-417
As in the red deer, in the fallow deer embryo we found a number of ancestral structures reminiscent of relationships in other mammals, such as paraseptal cartilages, a septum nasi with trabecular widening, a lamina transversalis ant., a cart. ectochoanalis, a capsule wall with a roof and a lateral wall formed of a clearly distinguishable cart. parietotectalis and cart. paranasalis, an ethmoturbinale I projecting a long way rostrally and additionally, in the fallow deer, cart. paraseptales posteriores. I regard the relationship of the cart. alaris inf. to the parietotectal cartilage (or "marginoturbinale") as relatively "primitive"; this may mean that the term "atrioturbinale" is also justified in mammals and that the relevant structure is homologous with the one known by the same name in birds. The specializations found during study of the morphogenesis of the nasal apparatus in the red deer (Slaby 1990b) are accentuated in the fallow deer. The chief ones are the specific rostral processes of the anlage of the nasal septum, which are a significant part of reinforcement of the nostril, the marked widening of the nasal capsule in a lateral direction (so that even the paranasal cartilages have a largely horizontal course), the striking ventrolateral bulge in the nasal capsule at the beginning of the olfactory region and the final resultant decrease in the height (i. e. flattening) of the capsule. This leads to reduction of the frontoturbinalia and their corresponding recesses, which - where they are developed - are oriented more horizontally. The structure of ethmoturbinale I, together with its insertion, is also simplified. As in the corresponding red deer embryo, the paranasal cartilage zone in the anterior part of the olfactory region is strikingly thickened; the frontoturbinalia do not, however, originate (in our stage) by the formation of cavities in the cartilage, but develop as simple processes. A crista semicircularis and foramen epiphaniale and also, as distinct from the red deer embryo, cart. paraseptales posteriores, are clearly discernible. In conclusion, it can therefore be claimed that the morphogenesis of specialized cervid features is accentuated in Dama more than in Cervus and that relationships in the fallow deer represent a further step in specialization, or - if we are speaking of the development of radiations - specialization here has progressed further.  相似文献   

The development of the chondrocranium of Cavia porcellus is compared to those of other rodents. The tectum posterius of the investigated rodents is orientated vertically. This position is functionally caused by the attachment of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. The paracondylar process is a typical feature of rodents although absent in Mesocricetus. Only in Cavia and Tatera, the connection between the lamina supraoccipitalis and the auditory capsule-the supraoccipitocapsular commissure-is missing. Youssef's (1966) generalization that the course of the notochord in rodents is of transbasal type cannot be confirmed. In Cavia, the auditory capsule is connected with the occipital region only by the exoccipitocapsular commissure. The connection between auditory capsule and basal plate is established by the alicochlear and the anterior basicapsular commissures. In comparison to other rodents, the number of commissures in Cavia is reduced. In rodents, there is always a subarcuate fossa which in later stages of development is filled out by the flocculus cerebelli. In contrary to Rajtova's (1972a) statement, Cavia shows a suprafacial commissure as all mammals do (Reinbach 1952). As the tegmen tympani is absent in Otomys and Erethizon, it is not a typical rodent feature. The carotid foramen is well developed in Cavia but the internal carotid artery obliterates until the 25 mm CRL-stage. In embryonic rodents, the ala temporalis may have a foramen ovale but not a foramen rotundum. During ontogeny rodents show the ala hypochiasmatica for the attachment of the straight muscles of the eyeball. In Cavia the ala hypochiasmatica develops independently and fuses with the postoptic root of the ala orbitalis in later stages. In myomorphs and sciumorphs, the orbitoparietal and orbitonasal commissures are present. Only in caviomorphs this part of the primary sidewall of the skull is uncomplete. Erethizon, however, shows an orbitonasal commissure whereas in Cavia both commissures are missing. In this respect the guinea-pig resembles the condition of primates. There is no interorbital septum in rodents. The nasal capsule of rodents contains 1 atrioturbinal, 1 maxilloturbinal, 1 nasoturbinal, and at least 3 ethmoturbinals. Due to the strong development of the alveoli of the incisors, the maxilloturbinale is flected in the caviomorphs. The epiphanial foramina are present. The lamina transversalis anterior is continuous with the nasal septum so that there is a complete zona anularis in rodents. The paraseptal cartilages are continuous with the lamina transversalis anterior but not with the lamina transversalis posterior.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to gain insight into the ossification sequence of the palatoquadrate and the adjacent lateral cranial wall of prehatching Alligator mississippiensis, a process about which there is almost no published information. Results were obtained by studying serial histological sections of the series of ontogenetic stages and enlarged wax-plate models of several stages. The cartilage of the palatoquadrate starts to ossify endochondrally in the quadrate portion of the pars pterygoquadrata palatoquadrati in Stage 6A. In this stage, a bone, called the lamina palatoquadrati anterior here, appears at and close to the anteromedial wall of the cartilaginous pterygoid portion of the pars pterygoquadrata. The lamina palatoquadrati anterior ossifies in membrane. Later in ontogeny, the lamina palatoquadrati anterior spreads into the cavum epiptericum and sheathes the posterior portion of the trigeminal ganglion laterally. The jaw adductor muscles insert at the outer surface of the lamina palatoquadrati anterior. The lamina palatoquadrati anterior is a new structure not previously recorded in crocodylians or any other Recent reptile. The topology, mode of ossification, and functional anatomy of the lamina palatoquadrati anterior correspond to those of the membranous ossification of the alisphenoid of marsupials. Another bone, called the lamina prootici anterior here, spreads in membrane from the anterolateral wall of the prootic portion of the otic capsule into the prootic fenestra, above the trigeminal ganglion. The lamina prootici anterior represents a structure not recorded previously in crocodylians. It contributes to the orbitotemporal braincase wall.  相似文献   

The chondrocranium of the suckermouth armored catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus was studied. Its development is described based on specimens ranging from small prehatching stages with no cartilage visible, to larger posthatching stages where the chondrocranium is reducing. Cleared and stained specimens, as well as serial sections, revealed a cartilaginous skeleton with many features common for Siluriformes, yet several aspects of A. cf. triradiatus are not seen as such in other catfishes, or to a lesser extent. The skull is platybasic, but the acrochordal cartilage is very small and variably present, leaving the notochord protruding into the hypophyseal fenestra in the earlier stages. The ethmoid region is slender, with a rudimentary solum nasi. A lateral commissure and myodomes are present. The larger posterior myodome is roofed by a prootic bridge. The maxillary barbel is supported by a conspicuous cartilaginous rod from early prehatching stages. The ceratohyal has four prominent lateral processes. Infrapharyngobranchials I-II do not develop. During ontogeny, the skull lengthens, with an elongated ethmoid, pointing ventrally, and a long and bar-shaped hyosymplectic-pterygoquadrate plate. Meckel's cartilages point medially instead of rostrally.  相似文献   

This study describes the anatomy of the chondrocranium of Podocnemis unifilis (Pleurodira, Podocnemididae), based on recently hatched specimens, and cleared and double‐stained specimens. The orbitotemporal region is dramatically different from those observed for other species of turtles in that the: (1) planum supraseptale is greatly reduced and present only as tiny projections on the posterodorsal margin of the interorbital septum, (2) pila metoptica is free from all neighbouring structures and bifurcates distally, (3) pila antotica is greatly reduced, (4) foramina for optic nerve, ophthalmic artery and oculomotor nerves are open dorsally by virtue of this species lacking the taenia marginalis and taenia medialis, and (5) tectum synoticum is present and invested dorsally by the supraoccipital, despite the fact that this bone forms by replacement of the supraoccipital. The unique morphology of the pila metoptica is explained either as de novo formation of processes on the terminus of this cartilage or by retention of portions of the taenia medialis (anteriorly) and pila antotica or pila accessoria (posteriorly). Variation in the orbitotemporal region presented here is discussed for two other pleurodiran turtles (Phrynops hilarii and Emydura subglobosa) and briefly compared with the anatomy observed in Cryptodira.  相似文献   

The skull of the platyrrhine primate Saimiri sciureus is distinguished by a large interorbital fenestra. Juvenile skulls still show a bony interorbital septum with some small gaps. A morphogenetic study was undertaken to better understand the structures of the interorbital region, which represents a linkage between the base of the braincase and the nasal skeleton. Already in early ontogenetic stages a reduction of the posterior portion of the nasal capsule and of the cartilaginous interorbital septum are observed, resulting in the formation of a primary interorbital fenestra. A bony interorbital septum is mainly formed in perinatal age stages by ossification of the presphenoid and by medial fusion of the frontals; the primary interorbital fenestra is retained as a small opening. It only occurs in late juvenile stages when the definitive interorbital fenestra develops by by secondary transformation of bone into a membrane of dense connective tissue; this process is most probably caused by mechanical friction of the very closely approximated eyes of both sides.  相似文献   

Three-dimensionally preserved and chemically prepared skulls and natural casts of representatives of the families Benthosuchidae, Melosauridae, and Capitosauridae yield data on the structure of the ethmoidal endocranium, i. e. of those nasal cranial structures that consisted originally of cartilage. This study demonstrates that the ethmoidal endocranium was principally a dorsoventrally compressed plate, pierced by a broad and oblique canal which communicated anteriorly with the outer dorsal surface by the fenestra endonarina and posteriorly with the mouth cavity by the fenestra endochoanalis(seu foris). The canal was very short, and housed the olfactory organ. The ethmoidal endocranium was connected with the palatoquadrate by the commissura quadratocranialis anterior; there was no lateral ethmoidal commissure, however, in older individuals the anterior section of the palatoquadrate might also contact the postchoanal part of the nasal endocranial skeleton.  相似文献   

An imbalance between the alar rim and the columella border can be a disturbing aesthetic deformity. If the cause is a pseudohanging columella, the therapy should be directed to the alar rims. When the deformity is a true hanging columella with unusually wide medial crural cartilages, balance can be restored by excising a C-shaped crescent of cartilage from the cranial border of the medial crura of the alar cartilages in a direct approach. This condition was present in approximately 15 percent of the patients reviewed. The treatment of a true hanging columella adds a subtle beneficial enhancement to the results of a rhinoplasty. The authors describe a simplified diagnostic method and present their experience treating the true hanging columella using a modified "direct approach" through a closed endonasal rhinoplasty.  相似文献   

新疆吐谷鲁群天山贫齿鳄的再研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文对杨钟健1973年记述的—原鳄类成员——天山贫齿鳄 (Edentosuchus tienshanensis) 进行了修订和补充描述,并依据头骨及脊椎的特征将原订的贫齿鳄科 Edentosuchidae 归人中鳄亚目.文中对这一鳄类的年龄及齿列的功能形态进行了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

Overexpression of Hoxa2 in the chick first branchial arch leads to a transformation of first arch cartilages, such as Meckel's and the quadrate, into second arch elements, such as the tongue skeleton. These duplicated elements are fused to the original in a similar manner to that seen in the Hoxa2 knockout, where the reverse transformation of second to first arch morphology is observed. This confirms the role of Hoxa2 as a selector gene specifying second arch fate. When first arch neural crest alone is targeted, first arch elements are lost, but the Hoxa2-expressing crest is unable to develop into second arch elements. This is not due to Hoxa2 preventing differentiation of cartilages. Upregulation of a second arch marker in the first arch, and homeotic transformation of cartilage elements is only produced after global Hoxa2 overexpression in the crest and the surrounding tissue. Thus, although the neural crest appears to contain some patterning information, it needs to read cues from the environment to form a coordinated pattern. Hoxa2 appears to exert its effect during differentiation of the cartilage elements in the branchial arches, rather than during crest migration, implying that pattern is determined quite late in development.  相似文献   

A set of 18 measurements of the dermal armour of Bothriolepis canadensis Whiteaves (Placodermi, Anti-archa) is analysed with respect to allometric growth patterns. The strongest allometric patterns were found for the orbital fenestra and premedian plate of the head-shield. and the anterior median dorsal plate of the trunk-shield. These are all areas of the greatest importance in antiarch phylogeny and imply a role for ontogenetic effects such as paedomorphosis in the evolution of antiarchs. It is suggested that this is partly a result of the severe constraints on growth in a closed box such as the armour of placoderms, and may be generally true of such arrangements.  相似文献   

The present contribution is chiefly a review, augmented by some new results on amphioxus and lamprey anatomy, that draws on paleontological and developmental data to suggest a scenario for cranial cartilage evolution in the phylum chordata. Consideration is given to the cartilage-related tissues of invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and some fossil groups like vetulicolians) as well as in the two major divisions of the subphylum Vertebrata (namely, agnathans, and gnathostomes). In the invertebrate chordates, which can be considered plausible proxy ancestors of the vertebrates, only a viscerocranium is present, whereas a neurocranium is absent. For this situation, we examine how cartilage-related tissues of this head region prefigure the cellular cartilage types in the vertebrates. We then focus on the vertebrate neurocranium, where cyclostomes evidently lack neural-crest derived trabecular cartilage (although this point needs to be established more firmly). In the more complex gnathostome, several neural-crest derived cartilage types are present: namely, the trabecular cartilages of the prechordal region and the parachordal cartilage the chordal region. In sum, we present an evolutionary framework for cranial cartilage evolution in chordates and suggest aspects of the subject that should profit from additional study.  相似文献   

Renó WT 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2003,111(2):869-77; discussion 878-9
The changes in the aging face occur from progressive ptosis of the skin, fat, and muscle, in conjunction with bone absorption and cartilage atrophy. In the orbital region, hollowness and compartmentalization occur. Conventional face lift procedures correct only the skin flaccidity, and superficial musculoaponeurotic system techniques reposition the skin and platysma without repositioning the middle third of the face, creating an artificial jawline. Subperiosteal rhytidectomy disrupts the anatomy of the periorbita, which gives the patient a certain scarecrow aspect. Composite rhytidectomy associated with brow lift and blepharoplasty may offer better results, with improvement in the malar and orbital regions. The reinforced orbitotemporal lift (ROTEL) is a new procedure in a face lift that allows the orbicularis oculi muscle and all the structures connected to it to be elevated and stretched and the orbitotemporal skin to be raised, repositioning these structures and ending orbital compartmentalization. The result is an impressive improvement in the malar-orbitotemporal region, resulting in a natural and youthful appearance.  相似文献   

The inception, and development of the cephalic skeleton of Barbus barbus from hatching to 24 days passes through periods of fast and slow growth; these rates are not the same in different parts of the skull. Trabeculae, parachordal plates, Meckelian cartilages and hyposymplectics are present at hatching. Then the cartilaginous floor of the neurocranium develops, the pars quadrata, the hyoid bars and branchial arches elements appear shortly before the first movable dermal bones, the dentaries, maxillae and opercles. The first bone of the braincase to appear is the parasphenoid; other bones develop subsequently and at the same time: the angular, quadrate, interopercle and fifth ceratobranchial. Later the splanchnocranium continues to develop at a relatively fast rate while the neurocranium shows little growth. The braincase does not begin to close before the 24th day, nor do the first bones of the skull roof appear, while the bucco-pharyngeal apparatus is complete, having the adult shape. The early constitution of the latter structures seems to be linked with the mechanical demands of biological functions such as breathing and feeding.  相似文献   

记裂头鳄属(Dibothrosuchus)一新种   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文记述的裂头鳄属-新种 (Dibothrosuchus xingsuensis sp. nov.)的标本采自云南禄丰盆地下禄丰组深红层.通过描述,对裂头鳄属属级特征作了补充.新种的头骨中鳞骨缺失降突;方骨极度向前背方伸展,形成大的耳凹,乌喙骨具后腹突,以及具有鳄类式的腕骨等,表明裂头鳄属应改属为楔形鳄科 (Sphenosuchidae).根据该科各属的头骨中方骨与脑颅侧壁的连接关系,可以清楚地看到楔形鳄科在这局部解剖学上存在一连续的发展过程.在形态上,裂头鳄属和南非的 Sphenosuehus (典型属)最为相近.  相似文献   

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