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Caenorhabditis elegans has often been used as a model system in studies of early developmental processes. The transparency of the embryos, the genetic resources, and the relative ease of transformation are qualities that make C. elegans an excellent model for early embryogenesis. Laser-based confocal microscopy and fluorescently labeled tags allow researchers to follow specific cellular structures and proteins in the developing embryo. For example, one can follow specific organelles, such as lysosomes or mitochondria, using fluorescently labeled dyes. These dyes can be delivered to the early embryo by means of microinjection into the adult gonad. Also, the localization of specific proteins can be followed using fluorescent protein tags. Examples are presented here demonstrating the use of a fluorescent lysosomal dye as well as fluorescently tagged histone and ubiquitin proteins. The labeled histone is used to visualize the DNA and thus identify the stage of the cell cycle. GFP-tagged ubiquitin reveals the dynamics of ubiquitinated vesicles in the early embryo. Observations of labeled lysosomes and GFP:: ubiquitin can be used to determine if there is colocalization between ubiquitinated vesicles and lysosomes. A technique for the microinjection of the lysosomal dye is presented. Techniques for generating transgenenic strains are presented elsewhere (1, 2). For imaging, embryos are cut out of adult hermaphrodite nematodes and mounted onto 2% agarose pads followed by time-lapse microscopy on a standard laser scanning confocal microscope or a spinning disk confocal microscope. This methodology provides for the high resolution visualization of early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Biochemical signaling pathways in developmental processes have been extensively studied, yet the role of mechanical cues during embryogenesis is much less explored. Here we have used selective plane illumination microscopy in combination with a simple mechanical model to quantify and rationalize cell motion during early embryogenesis of the small nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. As a result, we find that cell organization in the embryo until gastrulation is well described by a purely mechanical model that predicts cells to assume positions in which they face the least repulsive interactions from other cells and the embryo’s egg shell. Our findings therefore suggest that mechanical interactions are key for a rapid and robust cellular arrangement during early embryogenesis of C. elegans.  相似文献   

We studied molecular-genetic mechanisms of retina regeneration in amphibians and, specifically, expression of the homeobox genes Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 in normal development and during retina regeneration in the newt. Based on the structural analysis of genes in closely related amphibian species, primers were constructed that flank certain regions of these genes. PCR fragments of calculated length were obtained. The relationship of PCR products to the above genes was confirmed by sequencing. A comparative PCR analysis of expression of Pax6, Prox1, and Six3 was carried out in the native and regenerating newt retina, which allowed estimation of the level of expression. cDNA libraries obtained from the native and regenerating retina were used as templates. The libraries were preliminary standardized according to glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme of general cell metabolism. The genes we studied were expressed in both native and regenerating retina. The level of Pax6 and Prox1 expression increased during regeneration, while that of Six3 decreased. The decrease in the level of Six3 expression could be due to antagonistic interrelations of Prox1 and Six3. The changed level of Prox1 and Six3 expression is a new fact and requires further studies. The interactions between these and other regulatory genes and localization of their expression in the cells of native and regenerating retina will be studied using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) is a post-translational modification resulting in the attachment of modified proteins to the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. Tissue culture experiments have shown GPI-anchored proteins (GPI-APs) to be targeted to the apical membrane of epithelial cells. However, the in vivo importance of this targeting has not been investigated since null mutations in GPI biosynthesis enzymes in mice result in very early embryonic lethality. Missense mutations in the human GPI biosynthesis enzyme pigv are associated with a multiple congenital malformation syndrome with a high frequency of Hirschsprung disease and renal anomalies. However, it is currently unknown how these phenotypes are linked to PIGV function. Here, we identify a temperature-sensitive hypomorphic allele of PIGV in Caenorhabditis elegans, pigv-1(qm34), enabling us to study the role of GPI-APs in development. At the restrictive temperature we found a 75% reduction in GPI-APs at the surface of embryonic cells. Consequently, ~80% of pigv-1(qm34) embryos arrested development during the elongation phase of morphogenesis, exhibiting internal cysts and/or surface ruptures. Closer examination of the defects revealed them all to be the result of breaches in epithelial tissues: cysts formed in the intestine and excretory canal, and ruptures occurred through epidermal cells, suggesting weakening of the epithelial membrane or membrane-cortex connection. Knockdown of piga-1, another GPI biosynthesis enzymes resulted in similar phenotypes. Importantly, fortifying the link between the apical membrane and actin cortex by overexpression of the ezrin/radixin/moesin ortholog ERM-1, significantly rescued cyst formation and ruptures in the pigv-1(qm34) mutant. In conclusion, we discovered GPI-APs play a critical role in maintaining the integrity of the epithelial tissues, allowing them to withstand the pressure and stresses of morphogenesis. Our findings may help to explain some of the phenotypes observed in human syndromes associated with pigv mutations.  相似文献   

Degradation of ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis, is promoted by the protein antizyme. Expression of antizyme is positively regulated by rising polyamine concentrations that induce a +1 translational frameshift required for production of the full-length protein. Antizyme itself is negatively regulated by the antizyme inhibitor. In our study, the regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans antizyme was investigated, and the antizyme inhibitor was identified. By applying a novel GFP-based method to monitor antizyme frameshifting in vivo, we show that the induction of translational frameshifting also occurs under stressful conditions. Interestingly, during starvation, the initiation of frameshifting was independent of polyamine concentrations. Because frameshifting was also prevalent in a polyamine auxotroph double mutant, a polyamine-independent regulation of antizyme frameshifting is suggested. Polyamine-independent induction of antizyme expression was found to be negatively regulated by the peptide transporter PEPT-1, as well as the target of rapamycin, but not by the daf-2 insulin signaling pathway. Stress-dependent expression of C. elegans antizyme occurred morely slowly than expression in response to increased polyamine levels, pointing to a more general reaction to unfavorable conditions and a diversion away from proliferation and reproduction toward conservation of energy. Interestingly, antizyme expression was found to drastically increase in aging individuals in a postreproductive manner. Although knockdown of antizyme did not affect the lifespan of C. elegans, knockdown of the antizyme inhibitor led to a significant reduction in lifespan. This is most likely caused by an increase in antizyme-mediated degradation of ornithine decarboxylase-1 and a resulting reduction in cellular polyamine levels.  相似文献   

随着世界人口老龄化步伐的加快,衰老机制及抗衰老药物的研究日益成为生物医学领域的热点前沿之一.国内外已有大量研究报道抗衰老药物能够延长多种模式生物包括线虫、果蝇、小鼠、大鼠及灵长类等的寿命,然而,这些药物延缓衰老方式的差异仍缺乏系统研究.因此,本研究以衰老研究的热点模式生物线虫为对象,搜集1990年以来国内外刊物上正式发表的有关抗衰老药物寿命试验的研究文献及其涉及的生存曲线,利用荟萃分析比较了不同抗衰老药物与生存曲线变化类型间的关系,并结合药物的药理作用探讨其延寿机制.生存曲线特征聚类结果与药物生物学分类交叉分析结果表明,药理作用类型与增益类型具有很强相关性,提示这2种分类方法的结果是匹配的.抗氧化剂类药物和控制血糖类药物对生存曲线的改善总体增益虽然不是最高,但相对于正常组生存曲线其增益部分呈平移形,表明该类药物可以通过改善年龄结构对整个群体产生显著增益,且其衰老曲线的特征与自然衰老相似.抗癫痫药物及胃肠道菌群相关药物总体增益较大,其曲线增益形状呈梯形,提示该类药物(尤其是胃肠道菌群相关药物)尽管显著延长了少数个体的最大寿命,但是从整个群体来看,大多数个体寿命延长程度并不明显,受益的少数个体可能需要较长的外界资源支持方能保持较长时间的存活状态,这种模式既不大众化也不经济.综上所述,清除自由基和控制血糖类药物对健康老年有着更为积极合理的作用与效应.  相似文献   

Recently, nine Caenorhabditis elegans genes, grouped into two pathways/clusters, were found to be implicated in healthspan in C. elegans and their homologues in humans, based on literature curation, WormBase data mining and bioinformatics analyses. Here, we further validated these genes experimentally in C. elegans. We downregulated the nine genes via RNA interference (RNAi), and their effects on physical function (locomotion in a swim assay) and on physiological function (survival after heat stress) were analysed in aged nematodes. Swim performance was negatively affected by the downregulation of acox-1.1, pept-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in worms with advanced age (twelfth day of adulthood) and heat stress resistance was decreased by RNAi targeting of acox-1.1, daf-22, cat-4, pig-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in moderately (seventh day of adulthood) or advanced aged nematodes. Only one gene, sad-1, could not be linked to a health-related function in C. elegans with the bioassays we selected. Thus, most of the healthspan genes could be re-confirmed by health measurements in old worms.  相似文献   

Expression of chimeric genes in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We have shown the expression of transformed genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans using a new gene fusion system. Vectors consisting of the flanking regions of a collagen gene (col-1) or a major sperm protein gene of C. elegans fused to the Escherichia coli uidA gene, encoding beta-glucuronidase, were microinjected into worms and found to be propagated as high-copy extrachromosomal tandem arrays. We have detected beta-glucuronidase activity in transformed lines, and have shown that the activity is dependent upon the correct reading frame of the construction and on the presence of the worm sequences. The enzyme activity was shown to be encoded by the chimeric beta-glucuronidase gene by co-segregation analysis and by inactivation with specific antisera. Expression is at a very low level, and seems to be constitutive. We have used histochemical techniques to visualize the enzyme activity in embryos.  相似文献   

CLK-2/TEL2 is essential for viability from yeasts to vertebrates, but its essential functions remain ill defined. CLK-2/TEL2 was initially implicated in telomere length regulation in budding yeast, but work in Caenorhabditis elegans has uncovered a function in DNA damage response signalling. Subsequently, DNA damage signalling defects associated with CLK-2/TEL2 have been confirmed in yeast and human cells. The CLK-2/TEL2 interaction with the ATM and ATR DNA damage sensor kinases and its requirement for their stability led to the proposal that CLK-2/TEL2 mutants might phenocopy ATM and/or ATR depletion. We use C. elegans to dissect developmental and cell cycle related roles of CLK-2. Temperature sensitive (ts) clk-2 mutants accumulate genomic instability and show a delay of embryonic cell cycle timing. This delay partially depends on the worm p53 homolog CEP-1 and is rescued by co-depletion of the DNA replication checkpoint proteins ATL-1 (C. elegans ATR) and CHK-1. In addition, clk-2 ts mutants show a spindle orientation defect in the eight cell stages that lead to major cell fate transitions. clk-2 deletion worms progress through embryogenesis and larval development by maternal rescue but become sterile and halt germ cell cycle progression. Unlike ATL-1 depleted germ cells, clk-2–null germ cells do not accumulate DNA double-strand breaks. Rather, clk-2 mutant germ cells arrest with duplicated centrosomes but without mitotic spindles in an early prophase like stage. This germ cell cycle arrest does not depend on cep-1, the DNA replication, or the spindle checkpoint. Our analysis shows that CLK-2 depletion does not phenocopy PIKK kinase depletion. Rather, we implicate CLK-2 in multiple developmental and cell cycle related processes and show that CLK-2 and ATR have antagonising functions during early C. elegans embryonic development.  相似文献   

In vitro mimicking of the stimuli controlling in vivo-inducible bacterial promoters during infection of the host can be complex. Therefore, the use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was evaluated, as a surrogate host to examine the expression of Salmonella enterica promoters. Green fluorescent protein (GFP+) was put under the control of the promoters of the pagC, mgtB, sseA, pgtE and fur genes of S. enterica. After infection of C. elegans with an S. enterica serovar Typhimurium vaccine strain expressing these constructs, clear bacterial expression of GFP+ was observed under the control of all five promoters, although significant expression was not always obtained in vitro. It is concluded that C. elegans constitutes a useful model system for the study of the in vivo expression of Salmonella promoters.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated whether or not there is an interdependence between osmoregulation and vesicular trafficking. We previously showed that in Caenorhabditis elegans che-14 mutations affect osmoregulation, cuticle secretion, and sensory organ development. We report the identification of seven lethal mutations displaying che-14-like phenotypes, which define four new genes, rdy-1-rdy-4 (rod-like larval lethality and dye-filling defective). rdy-1, rdy-2, and rdy-4 mutations affect excretory canal function and cuticle formation. Moreover, rdy-1 and rdy-2 mutations reduce the amount of matrix material normally secreted by sheath cells in the amphid channel. In contrast, rdy-3 mutants have short cystic excretory canals, suggesting that it acts in a different process. rdy-1 encodes the vacuolar H+-ATPase a-subunit VHA-5, whereas rdy-2 encodes a new tetraspan protein. We suggest that RDY-1/VHA-5 acts upstream of RDY-2 and CHE-14 in some tissues, since it is required for their delivery to the epidermal, but not the amphid sheath, apical plasma membrane. Hence, the RDY-1/VHA-5 trafficking function appears essential in some cells and its proton pump function essential in others. Finally, we show that RDY-1/VHA-5 distribution changes prior to molting in parallel with that of actin microfilaments and propose a model for molting whereby actin provides a spatial cue for secretion.  相似文献   

Although a growing number of studies have reported the importance of SUMOylation in genome maintenance and DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR), relevant target proteins and how this modification regulates their functions are yet to be clarified. Here, we analyzed SUMOylation of ZTF-8, the homolog of mammalian RHINO, to test the functional significance of this protein modification in the DSBR and DNA damage response (DDR) pathways in the Caenorhabditis elegans germline. We found that ZTF-8 is a direct target for SUMOylation in vivo and that its modification is required for DNA damage checkpoint induced apoptosis and DSBR. Non-SUMOylatable mutants of ZTF-8 mimic the phenotypes observed in ztf-8 null mutants, including reduced fertility, impaired DNA damage repair, and defective DNA damage checkpoint activation. However, while mutants for components acting in the SUMOylation pathway fail to properly localize ZTF-8, its localization is not altered in the ZTF-8 non-SUMOylatable mutants. Taken together, these data show that direct SUMOylation of ZTF-8 is required for its function in DSBR as well as DDR but not its localization. ZTF-8’s human ortholog is enriched in the germline, but its meiotic role as well as its post-translational modification has never been explored. Therefore, our discovery may assist in understanding the regulatory mechanism of this protein in DSBR and DDR in the germline.  相似文献   

mab-5 is a member of a complex of homeobox-containing genes evolutionarily related to the Antennapedia and bithorax complexes of Drosophila melanogaster. Like the homeotic genes in Drosophila, mab-5 is required in a particular region along the anterior-posterior body axis, and acts during postembryonic development to give cells in this region their characteristic identities. We have used a mab-5-lacZ fusion integrated into the C. elegans genome to study the posterior-specific expression of mab-5 during embryogenesis. The mab-5-lacZ fusion was expressed in the posterior of the embryo by 180 minutes after the first cleavage, indicating that the mechanisms responsible for the position-specific expression of mab-5-lacZ act at a relatively early stage of embryogenesis. In embryos homozygous for mutations in the par genes, which disrupt segregation of factors during early cleavages, expression of mab-5-lacZ was no longer localized to the posterior. This suggests that posterior-specific expression of mab-5 depends on the appropriate segregation of developmental factors during early embryogenesis. After extrusion of any blastomere of the four-cell embryo, descendants of the remaining three cells could still express the mab-5-lacZ fusion. In these partial embryos, however, the fusion was often expressed in cells scattered throughout the embryo, suggesting that cell-cell interactions and/or proper positioning of early blastomeres are required for mab-5 expression to be localized to the posterior.  相似文献   

Tumour hypoxia plays a pivotal role in cancer therapy for most therapeutic approaches from radiotherapy to immunotherapy. The detailed and accurate knowledge of the oxygen distribution in a tumour is necessary in order to determine the right treatment strategy. Still, due to the limited spatial and temporal resolution of imaging methods as well as lacking fundamental understanding of internal oxygenation dynamics in tumours, the precise oxygen distribution map is rarely available for treatment planing. We employ an agent-based in silico tumour spheroid model in order to study the complex, localized and fast oxygen dynamics in tumour micro-regions which are induced by radiotherapy. A lattice-free, 3D, agent-based approach for cell representation is coupled with a high-resolution diffusion solver that includes a tissue density-dependent diffusion coefficient. This allows us to assess the space- and time-resolved reoxygenation response of a small subvolume of tumour tissue in response to radiotherapy. In response to irradiation the tumour nodule exhibits characteristic reoxygenation and re-depletion dynamics which we resolve with high spatio-temporal resolution. The reoxygenation follows specific timings, which should be respected in treatment in order to maximise the use of the oxygen enhancement effects. Oxygen dynamics within the tumour create windows of opportunity for the use of adjuvant chemotherapeutica and hypoxia-activated drugs. Overall, we show that by using modelling it is possible to follow the oxygenation dynamics beyond common resolution limits and predict beneficial strategies for therapy and in vitro verification. Models of cell cycle and oxygen dynamics in tumours should in the future be combined with imaging techniques, to allow for a systematic experimental study of possible improved schedules and to ultimately extend the reach of oxygenation monitoring available in clinical treatment.  相似文献   

Spliced leader trans-splicing is an mRNA maturation process used by a small set of eukaryotes, including the nematode C. elegans, to cap the downstream genes of operons. We analyzed the frequency of duplication of operonic genes in C. elegans and confirmed that they are duplicated less often in the genome than monocistronic genes. Because operons account for about 15% of the genes in C. elegans, this lower duplication frequency might place a large constraint on the plasticity of the genome. Further analyses suggest that this paucity of duplicated genes results from operon organization hindering specific types of gene duplication. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Yves van de Peer]  相似文献   

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