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苔藓结皮是地表重要的活性覆盖物,具有改善土壤性状、固土持水、固碳固氮等多种生态功能,微生物群落是苔藓结皮发挥生态功能的主要成分。为了探究湿润区石生苔藓结皮的微生物群落组成及其多样性特征,揭示其发育形成机制以及功能机理,该研究以秦岭北麓的泥峪、车峪、骆峪5个样地的石生苔藓结皮为研究对象,利用高通量测序技术,分析了石生苔藓结皮层的微生物群落组成、丰度、多样性,并测定分析养分与微生物群落的关系,为裸露岩石创面的生态修复提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)秦岭石生苔藓结皮层的全氮和有机质含量在4.16~8.26 g/kg、89.44~131.05 g/kg之间,且样点间均差异显著;全磷和全钾含量较低,分别为0.88~1.21 g/kg和13.50~18.10 g/kg。(2)秦岭石生苔藓结皮层中细菌占微生物群落组成的80%以上,且细菌的多样性也远高于真菌;其中细菌优势菌群为变形菌门(Proteobateria)、拟杆菌门(Bateroidetes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria),真菌优势菌群为子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和被孢霉菌门(Mortierellomycota)。(3)冗余分析(RDA)显示,全钾和有机质对优势细菌群落结构影响显著,变形菌和拟杆菌适宜生活在湿度大、营养状况良好的基质中;全磷和有机质对优势真菌群落结构影响显著,被孢霉菌门在低磷基质中更具生长优势。研究发现,细菌是秦岭石生苔藓结皮层的优势菌群,与旱区土生状况相比,秦岭石生苔藓结皮层的放线菌和酸杆菌的含量有所下降,而拟杆菌含量显著增加;对于真菌而言,子囊菌门和担子菌门的相对丰度明显减少,被孢菌门丰度显著增加;有机质是影响结皮层微生物群落组成最主要的养分因子,丰富的养分使湿润区石生苔藓结皮层的微生物群落结构更加复杂多样、物种组成更加丰富。  相似文献   

BackgroundLoss of biodiversity and increased nutrient inputs are two of the most crucial anthropogenic factors driving ecosystem change. Although both received considerable attention in previous studies, information on their interactive effects on ecosystem functioning is scarce. In particular, little is known on how soil biota and their functions are affected by combined changes in plant diversity and fertilization.Conclusions/SignificanceOur study highlights the role of plant species and functional group diversity as well as interactions between plant community composition and fertilizer application for soil microbial functions. Our results suggest soil microbial stoichiometry to be a powerful indicator of microbial functioning under N limited conditions. Although our results support the notion that plant diversity and fertilizer application independently affect microbial functioning, legume effects on microbial N limitation were superimposed by fertilization, indicating significant interactions between the functional composition of plant communities and nutrient inputs for soil processes.  相似文献   

为分析不同饲料喂养对黄牛胃中微生物群落结构的影响,分别用芒草单一喂养和农家混合饲料喂养两年的黄牛为实验组和对照组。以瘤胃、蜂巢胃、重瓣胃和皱胃四个胃中的微生物为研究对象,采用原位包埋裂解法和脉冲场电泳(pulsed field gel electrophoresis,PFGE)提取微生物总 DNA,脉冲场电泳(pulsed field gel elec-trophoresis,PFGE)。使用细菌16S rRNA 引物341F /534R 及真菌18S rDNA 引物 NS1/GCFungi 进行降落 PCR 扩增。变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)对扩增产物进行区分,使用硝酸银染色。电泳扫描结果通过 Quantity one 软件进行分析,SPSS 软件进行数据统计。针对实验组和对照组瘤胃样品共性条带和特性条带测序并比对。结果表明:实验组与对照组细菌群落结构变化较大,UPGAM聚类图上被分为两支,相似性只有0.35。且香农多样性指数及条带丰度都明显少于对照组。真菌 DGGE 图谱条带差别不大,聚类图上显示实验组四个样品与对照组四个样品相似性在0.43~0.68之间。多样性及条带丰度在实验组与对照组之间差异0.0027~0.5999。测序结果,细菌与数据库中未培养细菌种类较为接近,而真菌中部分与已知菌种接近。芒草单一饲养对牛胃中的微生物群落结构具有极大的影响,对细菌的影响尤为明显。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze bacterial diversity in two different concrete samples to understand the dominant types of bacteria that may contribute to concrete corrosion. Two concrete samples, HN-1 from the sunny side and HN-2 from dark and damp side, were collected from Zijin Mountain in Nanjing and genomic DNA was extracted. The partial bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was PCR amplified and two clone libraries were constructed. Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was performed by digestion of the 16S rRNA gene and each unique restriction fragment polymorphism pattern was designated as an operational taxonomic unit (OTU). Phylogenetic trees of bacterial 16S rDNA nucleotide sequences were constructed. Sample HN-1 and HN-2 contained 21 OTUs and 26 OTUs, respectively. Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes were the predominant bacteria in both samples, and they are distributed among Herbaspirillum, Archangium, Phyllobacteriaceae and Planctomycetaceae. Cyanobacteria and Rubrobacter sp. are dominant in HN-1; while Acidobacteriaceae, Adhaeribacter sp. and Nitrospira sp. are predominant in HN-2. This distribution pattern was consistent with local environmental conditions of these two samples. The inferred physiological characteristics of these bacteria, based on relatedness of the DNA clone sequences to cultivated species, revealed different mechanisms of concrete corrosion depending on the local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

原油微生物群落构成多样性及降解菌DYL-1降解原油的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分离得到高效原油降解菌,直接向原油中加入营养物刺激,培养一段时间后原油乳化降解,傅里叶红外光谱显示,2957cm-1、723cm-1处吸收峰消失;2855cm-1、1377cm-1处吸收峰减弱;880cm-1以及800cm-1吸收峰几乎消失,表明原油发生降解,效果明显。同时分离得到一株降解菌,经分子鉴定为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus sp.),红外光谱法和紫外吸收法分析表明其具有较强的降解原油烃的能力。根据传统分子生物学的方法,构建原油菌16S rDNA克隆文库,限制性酶切片段长度多态性(Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism,RFLP)分析了原油中的细菌多样性。结果表明此方法有效地评估了原油中的细菌群落和多样性。  相似文献   

土壤微生物多样性能反应土壤的肥力,不同的施肥措施对土壤微生物的种群和功能多样性也会产生重要的影响。以山东德州连续两年小麦季和玉米季收获后土壤为研究对象,利用Biolog技术研究了6种不同施肥处理对土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响。结果表明:其中各个施肥处理的平均颜色变化率(average well color development,AWCD)差异显著,常规氮磷钾肥+全量秸秆还田+秸秆腐熟剂(FS)处理代谢活性最高;物种丰富度指数(H)和均匀度指数(E)也表明各施肥方式均能够维持微生物种群的多样性,其中FS和30%猪粪+70%常规氮磷钾肥(OF)处理物种丰富度指数(H)和均匀度指数(E)最高;PCA及RDA分析显示,OF和FS处理微生物功能多样性相似,且其微生物功能多样性与有机质(Soil organic matter,SOM)、全氮(Total N,TN)、速效磷(Available P,AP)和速效钾(Available K,AK)密切相关。猪粪堆肥有机无机复合肥3 600 kg/hm2(OI2)处理与猪粪堆肥有机无机复合肥1 800 kg/hm2(OI1)处理相似,其功能多样性比常规施肥(CF)处理稍高。综上所述,OF处理和FS处理的土壤微生物群落功能多样性程度高于其他处理,说明秸秆还田+秸秆腐熟剂和有机肥部分替代氮磷钾肥能够显著提高土壤微生物功能多样性,有利于保护土壤微生态。  相似文献   

Cattle with high feed efficiencies (designated “efficient”) produce less methane gas than those with low feed efficiencies (designated “inefficient”); however, the role of the methane producers in such difference is unknown. This study investigated whether the structures and populations of methanogens in the rumen were associated with differences in cattle feed efficiencies by using culture-independent methods. Two 16S rRNA libraries were constructed using ∼800-bp amplicons generated from pooled total DNA isolated from efficient (n = 29) and inefficient (n = 29) animals. Sequence analysis of up to 490 randomly selected clones from each library showed that the methanogenic composition was variable: less species variation (22 operational taxonomic units [OTUs]) was detected in the rumens of efficient animals, compared to 27 OTUs in inefficient animals. The methanogenic communities in inefficient animals were more diverse than those in efficient ones, as revealed by the diversity indices of 0.84 and 0.42, respectively. Differences at the strain and genotype levels were also observed and found to be associated with feed efficiency in the host. No difference was detected in the total population of methanogens, but the prevalences of Methanosphaera stadtmanae and Methanobrevibacter sp. strain AbM4 were 1.92 (P < 0.05) and 2.26 (P < 0.05) times higher in inefficient animals, while Methanobrevibacter sp. strain AbM4 was reported for the first time to occur in the bovine rumen. Our data indicate that the methanogenic ecology at the species, strain, and/or genotype level in the rumen may play important roles in contributing to the difference in methane gas production between cattle with different feed efficiencies.Microbial fermentation and ruminal nutrient absorption are key steps in the energy metabolism of cattle. The microbiota in the rumen is highly associated with the diet, age, antibiotic use, and health of host animals (32). Different types of symbiotic anaerobic microorganisms, including bacteria, archaea, ciliated protozoa, and fungi, inhabit the rumen (15), interact with each other, and play important roles in affecting the host''s performance. The microbial-host relationships are highly complex and varied, ranging from mutually beneficial cooperation to competition (10). Among ruminal microbes, bacteria decompose the feed into short-chain (C1 to C5) fatty acids, amino acids, H2, and CO2, etc. (20). To maintain the low hydrogen level in this habitat, hydrogen-utilizing microbes, such as methanogens, utilize H2 and carbon substrates, mainly CO2, acetate, or methanol, to generate methane gas and hence to reduce hydrogen pressure in the rumen (8). However, this process causes a significant (6%) loss of dietary energy in the form of methane emission (14), which contributes to 13 to 19% of global greenhouse gas (16), and is one of the significant agricultural “causative sectors” contributing to global warming (13). Therefore, the energy loss and the consequent methane emission arouse both nutritional and environmental concerns in the livestock industry.Archaeal methanogens are obligate anaerobes (38), and species of the order Methanobacteriales are the most common methanogens found in the rumen (11). Recent studies using culture-independent methods investigating the methanogenic communities in the rumens of sheep and cattle have identified 21 different strains belonging to 13 species in sheep (40, 41, 43, 44) and 13 different strains related to 8 species in cattle (23, 37, 42). In addition, the identification of novel uncultured methanogens in the rumen (23, 33, 40) suggests that the understanding of the methanogenic ecology is limited. Cattle with higher feed efficiencies are reported to produce 20 to 30% less methane (9, 24). However, the linkage between rumen methanogenic composition and the host''s feed efficiency and methane production has not been studied and reported.As one of the indicators of feed efficiency in cattle, residual feed intake (RFI) measures the difference between an animal''s actual feed intake and the expected feed requirements for growth (1, 2). Cattle with low RFI (L-RFI) are designated “efficient,” while animals with high RFI (H-RFI) are designated “inefficient.” A recent study reporting a correlation between bacterial profiles and cattle RFI has suggested the probable linkage between rumen microbial ecology and feed efficiency in cattle (7). Therefore, we hypothesized that the structures and populations of methanogens may be also associated with RFI and methane gas production by the host. In this study, the compositions of methanogens in the rumens of cattle with different RFIs were compared by sequence analysis of the partial 16S rRNA genes (∼800 bp) generated from two constructed libraries, using pooled DNA from efficient (L-RFI) and inefficient (H-RFI) animals. The population of selected species in each steer was evaluated using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis, and the correlation between methanogenic structure/population and cattle RFI was investigated.  相似文献   

We surveyed the functional gene composition and diversity of microbial biofilm communities in 18 New Zealand streams affected by different types of catchment land use, using a comprehensive functional gene array, GeoChip 3.0. A total of 5,371 nutrient cycling and energy metabolism genes within 65 gene families were detected among all samples (342 to 2,666 genes per stream). Carbon cycling genes were most common, followed by nitrogen cycling genes, with smaller proportions of sulphur, phosphorus cycling and energy metabolism genes. Samples from urban and native forest streams had the most similar functional gene composition, while samples from exotic forest and rural streams exhibited the most variation. There were significant differences between nitrogen and sulphur cycling genes detected in native forest and urban samples compared to exotic forest and rural samples, attributed to contrasting proportions of nitrogen fixation, denitrification, and sulphur reduction genes. Most genes were detected only in one or a few samples, with only a small minority occurring in all samples. Nonetheless, 42 of 65 gene families occurred in every sample and overall proportions of gene families were similar among samples from contrasting streams. This suggests the existence of functional gene redundancy among different stream biofilm communities despite contrasting taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Following the unprecedented oil drilling presently occurring in western North Dakota, thousands of kilometers of oil roads must be reclaimed to an acceptable post‐extraction condition. This study assessed the soil biological and plant communities of nine decommissioned oil roads reclaimed during three periods between 1983 and 2002 in the Little Missouri National Grasslands of western North Dakota. We hypothesized that time‐since‐reclamation would positively affect soil biological and plant communities and, consequently, success of reclamation at older sites. To assess this hypothesis, we measured soil enzyme activity, soil microbial community composition, plant community composition, and soil physical and chemical properties along a gradient extending from road‐center to adjacent native prairie for the nine roads. Time‐since‐reclamation did not affect soil and plant properties measured, indicating that older reclamations are not more similar to native prairie than reclamations occurring more recently. A strong gradient between samples from road‐center and native prairie was identified with univariate and ordination analyses, indicating that soil and plant communities of reclaimed oil roads do not resemble those of the surrounding prairie. Soil organic matter (SOM) was identified as the most significantly affected soil property, being 30% lower on reclaimed roads than prairie. The relationship between SOM, microbial community, and plant community suggests that incorporating additional SOM could hasten reclamation as a result of improving the physical environment for plants and providing a labile carbon and energy source for the soil microbial community which, in turn, will enhance the nutrient and physical conditions for plant growth.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that microbial communities with greater microbial diversity would be less susceptible to invasion by potential opportunistic pathogens. We investigated whether the survival of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the wheat rhizosphere would be affected by the presence of natural and constructed microbial communities of various diversity levels. Three levels of microbial community diversity were derived from wheat roots by a dilution/extinction approach. These wheat rhizosphere inocula, as well as a gnotobiotic microbial community consisting of seven culturable wheat rhizobacterial isolates, were introduced into the nutrient solution of hydroponically grown wheat plants on the day of planting. Phenotypic characterization of the culturable microbial communities on R2A medium, Shannon microbial diversity index, community-level physiological profiles, and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms were used to assess the varying microbial diversity levels. At day 7 the roots were invaded with P. aeruginosa and the number of P. aeruginosa colony forming units per root were measured at day 14. The average number of surviving P. aeruginosa cells was 3.52, 4.90, 7.18, 6.65 log10 cfu/root in the high, medium, low, and gnotobiotic microbial community diversity level treatments, respectively. The invasibility of the rhizosphere communities by P. aeruginosa was inversely related to the level of diversity from the dilution extinction gradient. The gnotobiotic community did not confer protection against P. aeruginosa invasion. Although these data indicate that invasibility is inversely related to diversity, further study is needed to both reproduce these findings and define the specific mechanisms of the diversity effect.  相似文献   

丙酸累积是影响厌氧消化系统稳定性的主要因素,为了考察酒糟厌氧消化过程中间代谢产物的累积情况,以总固体含量(TS)(质量分数) 5%和7%的白酒糟为发酵原料进行了批次试验。结果表明,乙酸(最高浓度33~129 mmol/L)、丙酸(39~61 mmol/L)、丁酸(5~44 mmol/L)和15种氨基酸(0.01~0.3 mmol/L)为主要中间代谢产物。为了探究其中关键的丙酸降解菌群,以酒糟原始沼液JO为植种源,10 mmol/L丙酸和0.1 mmol/L混合氨基酸为复合碳源进行富集培养,获得中温厌氧丙酸-氨基酸培养系JO-AP。高通量测序分析表明,互营丙酸降解菌与厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)的丙酸厌氧降解菌(Pelotomaculum schinkii)近缘,16S rRNA基因相似性100%,占细菌总丰度的16.7%。对比酒糟原始沼液JO、丙酸培养系JO-P及丙酸-氨基酸培养系JO-AP中的主要功能菌群,发现采用单一碳源和复合碳源获得的优势互营丙酸降解菌不同;传统培养与分子生物学技术相结合可以更全面地掌握系统中的微生物群落组成。  相似文献   

As new sequencing technologies become cheaper and older ones disappear, laboratories switch vendors and platforms. Validating the new setups is a crucial part of conducting rigorous scientific research. Here we report on the reliability and biases of performing bacterial 16S rRNA gene amplicon paired-end sequencing on the MiSeq Illumina platform. We designed a protocol using 50 barcode pairs to run samples in parallel and coded a pipeline to process the data. Sequencing the same sediment sample in 248 replicates as well as 70 samples from alkaline soda lakes, we evaluated the performance of the method with regards to estimates of alpha and beta diversity. Using different purification and DNA quantification procedures we always found up to 5-fold differences in the yield of sequences between individually barcodes samples. Using either a one-step or a two-step PCR preparation resulted in significantly different estimates in both alpha and beta diversity. Comparing with a previous method based on 454 pyrosequencing, we found that our Illumina protocol performed in a similar manner – with the exception for evenness estimates where correspondence between the methods was low. We further quantified the data loss at every processing step eventually accumulating to 50% of the raw reads. When evaluating different OTU clustering methods, we observed a stark contrast between the results of QIIME with default settings and the more recent UPARSE algorithm when it comes to the number of OTUs generated. Still, overall trends in alpha and beta diversity corresponded highly using both clustering methods. Our procedure performed well considering the precisions of alpha and beta diversity estimates, with insignificant effects of individual barcodes. Comparative analyses suggest that 454 and Illumina sequence data can be combined if the same PCR protocol and bioinformatic workflows are used for describing patterns in richness, beta-diversity and taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Understanding the chronological changes in soil microbial and biochemical properties of tea orchard ecosystems after wasteland has been reclaimed is important from ecological, environmental, and management perspectives. In this study, we determined microbial biomass, net N mineralization, and nitrification, enzyme (invertase, urease, proteinase, and acid phosphatase) activities, microbial community diversity assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products, and related ecological factors in three tea orchard systems (8-, 50-, and 90-year-old tea orchards), adjacent wasteland and 90-year-old forest. Soil microbial biomass C (Cmic) and activity, i.e., soil basal respiration (Rmic), microbial biomass C as a percent of soil organic C (Cmic/Corg), N mineralization, invertase, urease, proteinase, and acid phosphatase, significantly increased after wasteland was reclaimed; however, with the succeeding development of tea orchard ecosystems, a decreasing trend from the 50- to 90-year-old tea orchard became apparent. Soil net nitrification showed an increasing trend from the 8- to 50-year-old tea orchard and then a decreasing trend from the 50- to 90-year-old tea orchard, and was significantly higher in the tea orchards compared to the wasteland and forest. Urea application significantly stimulated soil net nitrification, indicating nitrogen fertilizer application may be an important factor leading to high-nitrification rates in tea orchard soils. The Shannon’s diversity index (H) and richness (S) based on DGGE profiles of 16S rRNA genes were obviously lower in all three tea orchards than those in the wasteland; nevertheless, they were significantly higher in all three tea orchards than those in the forest. As for the three tea orchard soils, comparatively higher community diversity was found in the 50-year-old tea orchard.  相似文献   

The Pacific Estuarine Ecosystem Indicators Research Consortium seeks to develop bioindicators of toxicant-induced stress and bioavailability for wetland biota. Within this framework, the effects of environmental and pollutant variables on microbial communities were studied at different spatial scales over a 2-year period. Six salt marshes along the California coastline were characterized using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) analysis. Additionally, 27 metals, six currently used pesticides, total polychlorinated biphenyls and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlordanes, nonachlors, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane, and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene were analyzed. Sampling was performed over large (between salt marshes), medium (stations within a marsh), and small (different channel depths) spatial scales. Regression and ordination analysis suggested that the spatial variation in microbial communities exceeded the variation attributable to pollutants. PLFA analysis and TRFLP canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) explained 74 and 43% of the variation, respectively, and both methods attributed 34% of the variation to tidal cycles, marsh, year, and latitude. After accounting for spatial variation using partial CCA, we found that metals had a greater effect on microbial community composition than organic pollutants had. Organic carbon and nitrogen contents were positively correlated with PLFA biomass, whereas total metal concentrations were positively correlated with biomass and diversity. Higher concentrations of heavy metals were negatively correlated with branched PLFAs and positively correlated with methyl- and cyclo-substituted PLFAs. The strong relationships observed between pollutant concentrations and some of the microbial indicators indicated the potential for using microbial community analyses in assessments of the ecosystem health of salt marshes.  相似文献   

Enzyme-mediated decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) is controlled, amongst other factors, by organic matter properties and by the microbial decomposer community present. Since microbial community composition and SOM properties are often interrelated and both change with soil depth, the drivers of enzymatic decomposition are hard to dissect. We investigated soils from three regions in the Siberian Arctic, where carbon rich topsoil material has been incorporated into the subsoil (cryoturbation). We took advantage of this subduction to test if SOM properties shape microbial community composition, and to identify controls of both on enzyme activities. We found that microbial community composition (estimated by phospholipid fatty acid analysis), was similar in cryoturbated material and in surrounding subsoil, although carbon and nitrogen contents were similar in cryoturbated material and topsoils. This suggests that the microbial community in cryoturbated material was not well adapted to SOM properties. We also measured three potential enzyme activities (cellobiohydrolase, leucine-amino-peptidase and phenoloxidase) and used structural equation models (SEMs) to identify direct and indirect drivers of the three enzyme activities. The models included microbial community composition, carbon and nitrogen contents, clay content, water content, and pH. Models for regular horizons, excluding cryoturbated material, showed that all enzyme activities were mainly controlled by carbon or nitrogen. Microbial community composition had no effect. In contrast, models for cryoturbated material showed that enzyme activities were also related to microbial community composition. The additional control of microbial community composition could have restrained enzyme activities and furthermore decomposition in general. The functional decoupling of SOM properties and microbial community composition might thus be one of the reasons for low decomposition rates and the persistence of 400 Gt carbon stored in cryoturbated material.  相似文献   

The petroleum industry has an increasing interest in understanding the microbial communities driving biofouling and biocorrosion in reservoirs, wells, and infrastructure. However, sampling of the relevant produced fluids from subsurface environments for microbiological analyses is often challenged by high liquid pressures, workplace regulations, operator liability concerns, and remote sampling locations. These challenges result in infrequent sampling opportunities and the need to store and preserve the collected samples for several days or weeks. Maintaining a representative microbial community structure from produced fluid samples throughout storage and handling is essential for accurate results of downstream microbial analyses. Currently, no sample handling or storage recommendations exist for microbiological analyses of produced fluid samples. We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to monitor the changes in microbial communities in hypersaline produced water stored at room temperature or at 4?°C for up to 7 days. We also analyzed storage at ?80?°C across a 3-week period. The results suggest ideal handling methods would include placing the collected sample on ice as soon as possible, but at least within 24?h, followed by shipping the samples on ice over 2–3?days, and finally, long-term storage in the ?20?°C or ?80?°C freezer.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in understanding the linkages between above- and belowground communities, and very little is known about these linkages in tropical systems. Using an experimental site at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, we examined whether plant diversity, plant community composition, and season influenced microbial communities. We also determined whether soil characteristics were related to differences in microbial communities. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition revealed that microbial community composition differed across a plant diversity gradient (plots contained 1, 3, 5, or over 25 species). Plant species identity also was a factor influencing microbial community composition; PLFA composition significantly varied among monocultures, and among three-species combinations that differed in plant species composition. Differences among treatments within each of these comparisons were apparent in all four sampling dates of the study. There was no consistent shift in microbial community composition between wet and dry seasons, although we did see significant changes over time. Of all measured soil characteristics, soil C/N was most often associated with changes in microbial community composition across treatment groups. Our findings provide evidence for human alteration of soil microbial communities via the alteration of plant community composition and diversity and that such changes are mediated in part by changes in soil carbon quality.  相似文献   

Water kefir is a sour, alcoholic, and fruity fermented beverage of which the fermentation is started with water kefir grains. These water kefir grains consist of polysaccharide and contain the microorganisms responsible for the water kefir fermentation. In this work, a water kefir fermentation process was followed as a function of time during 192 h to unravel the community dynamics, the species diversity, and the kinetics of substrate consumption and metabolite production. The majority of the water kefir ecosystem was found to be present on the water kefir grains. The most important microbial species present were Lactobacillus casei/paracasei, Lactobacillus harbinensis, Lactobacillus hilgardii, Bifidobacterium psychraerophilum/crudilactis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and Dekkera bruxellensis. The microbial species diversities in the water kefir liquor and on the water kefir grains were similar and remained stable during the whole fermentation process. The major substrate, sucrose, was completely converted after 24 h of fermentation, which coincided with the production of the major part of the water kefir grain polysaccharide. The main metabolites of the fermentation were ethanol and lactic acid. Glycerol, acetic acid, and mannitol were produced in low concentrations. The major part of these metabolites was produced during the first 72 h of fermentation, during which the pH decreased from 4.26 to 3.45. The most prevalent volatile aroma compounds were ethyl acetate, isoamyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, ethyl octanoate, and ethyl decanoate, which might be of significance with respect to the aroma of the end product.  相似文献   

目的:探讨牡丹江市区三个人工湖(月牙湖、牛角湖、南湖)的微生物群落多样性。方法:从三个水样中分别提取微生物DNA,选取通用引物扩增16S rDNA片段,对扩增产物进行RFLP分析。结果:不同的样品由于其中的微生物多样性的差异,酶切产物在凝胶上显示的相对位置和条带数目都有一定差异。结论:牛角湖样品的条带数目最多,表明牛角湖的微生物群落多样性最为丰富。  相似文献   

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