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The evolution of intersexual interactions, like mate choice, during ecological speciation has received widespread attention. However, changes in intrasexual interactions, like male territoriality, during ecological divergence are largely unexamined. We conducted field experiments with adaptively diverged populations of the eastern fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) to determine whether territorial males behaved differently towards ecologically similar vs. dissimilar intruders. We performed trials with light‐coloured males from White Sands, New Mexico and dark‐coloured males from the surrounding desert. We found that intruders from White Sands elicited more aggression than intruders from dark‐soil habitat. We also documented a case of ‘sex confusion’ where white‐sand males courted dark‐soil intruders. We found population differences in signalling patch size that can explain both aggression bias and sex misidentification. We argue that direct selection (for population recognition or optimal signal transmission) and indirect selection (by‐products of ecological adaptation) should influence both intersexual and intrasexual interactions during ecological speciation. 相似文献
Nicholas A. Mason Kevin J. Burns 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2015,114(3):538-551
Animals rely on auditory cues to relay important information between individuals regarding territoriality, mating status, and individual condition. The efficacy of acoustic signals can depend on many factors, including the transmitter, the receiver, and the signalling environment. In the present study, we evaluate the effect of body size and habitat on the evolution of learned vocal displays across the tanagers (Aves: Thraupidae), a group that comprises nearly 10% of all songbird species. We find that body size affects tanager vocalizations, such that nine out of ten song characters and scores from two principal component axes were correlated with mass. More specifically, larger tanagers tended to produce slower‐paced, lower‐pitched vocal displays within narrower bandwidths. In contrast, habitat was correlated with only three out of ten song characters, and only one of these characters corroborated the directional predictions of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. Thus, morphological characters, such as body mass, may play a more important role than variation among signalling environments in the evolution of avian vocal displays. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 538–551. 相似文献
Michael J. Sheehan Michael A. Straub Elizabeth A. Tibbetts 《Ethology : formerly Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie》2014,120(2):169-179
A wide range of complex social behaviors are facilitated by the recognition of individual conspecifics. Individual recognition requires sufficient phenotypic variation to provide identity information as well as receivers that process and respond to identity information. Understanding how a complex trait such as individual recognition evolves requires that we consider how each component has evolved. Previous comparative studies have examined phenotypic variability in senders and receiver learning abilities, although little work has compared receiver responses to identity information among related species with and without individual recognition. Here, we compare responses to identity information in two Polistes paper wasps: P. fuscatus, which visually recognizes individuals, and P. metricus, which does not normally show evidence of individual recognition. Although the species differ in individual recognition, the results of this study show that receiver responses to experimentally manipulated identity information are surprisingly similar in both species. Receivers direct less aggression toward identifiable individuals than unidentifiable individuals. Therefore, the responses necessary for individual recognition may pre‐date its evolution in the P. fuscatus lineage. Additionally, our data demonstrate the apparent binary differences in a complex behavior between the two species, such as individual recognition, likely involve incremental differences along a number of axes. 相似文献
Sensory drive proposes that natural selection on nonmating behaviours (e.g. foraging preferences) alters sensory system properties and results in a correlated effect on mating preferences and subsequently sexual traits. In colour‐based systems, we can test this by selecting on nonmating colour preferences and testing for responses in colour‐based female preferences and male sexual coloration. In guppies (Poecilia reticulata), individual functional links of sensory drive have been demonstrated providing an opportunity to test the process over more than one link. We measured male coloration and female preferences in populations previously artificially selected for colour‐based foraging behaviour towards two colours, red and blue. We found associated changes in male coloration in the expected direction as well as weak changes in female preferences. Our results can be explained by a correlated response in female preferences due to artificial selection on foraging preferences that are mediated by a shared sensory system or by other mechanisms such as colour avoidance, pleiotropy or social experiences. This is the first experimental evidence that selection on a nonmating behaviour can affect male coloration and, more weakly, female preferences. 相似文献
Visual signals play a vital role in many animal communication systems. Signal design, however, often varies within species, raising evolutionarily important questions concerning the maintenance of phenotypic diversity. We analysed nuptial colour variation within and among nine populations of southern pygmy perch (Nannoperca australis Günther) along an environmental light gradient. Within populations, larger males were redder and blacker, and better-condition males were blacker. Among populations, red colour was positively correlated with the amount of orange-red light present, suggesting that males are likely optimizing signal conspicuousness by producing proportionally larger and redder patches in broad spectrum environments with more orange-red light. Signal contrast, in this regard, is maximized when red colour, appearing bright because of the prevalence of red wavelengths, is viewed against the water-column background. Together, our results are concordant with the sensory drive hypothesis; selection favours signal adaptations or signal plasticity to ensure communication efficacy is maximized in different light environments. 相似文献
遗鸥繁殖生境选择及其繁殖地湿地鸟类群落研究 总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26
本文就遗鸥(Larus relictus)在内蒙古鄂尔多斯高原对其繁殖生境的选择和该生境下所出现的湿地鸟类种类、数量、居留习性等作了记述,并对该地湿地鸟类的区系成份、生境类型与种的生态分布及数量配比关系、伴生种问题及东方白鹳(Ciconia boyciana)在鄂尔多斯的发现等作了分析和探讨。 相似文献
ALEXIS HARRISON STEVEN POE 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2012,106(1):191-201
Male ornaments have been the subject of numerous studies on sexual selection and communication, although female ornaments have garnered substantially less study, even though female ornaments are well developed in some species. The factors that have propelled the evolution of elaborate ornaments in females are poorly understood but may include genetic correlations between the sexes, social selection, sensory drive or species recognition. We used simulation‐based comparative methods and a newly estimated phylogeny to test these four hypotheses to explain female ornamentation within the diverse neotropical lizard genus Anolis. We found support for the sensory drive hypothesis and the social selection hypothesis; the female dewlap was larger in species that use more arboreal habitats, as well as in species where the sexes were less dimorphic. We did not find support for the genetic correlation hypothesis or the species recognition hypothesis. We propose that the size of the female dewlap may evolve in response to sensory drive differentially affecting species in different habitats, as well as social selection such as male mate choice or intrasexual competition for territory among females. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 191–201. 相似文献
T. F. Wright 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2015,28(10):1782-1792
Learning has been traditionally thought to accelerate the evolutionary change of behavioural traits. We evaluated the evolutionary rate of learned vocalizations and the interplay of morphology and ecology in the evolution of these signals. We examined contact calls of 51 species of Neotropical parrots from the tribe Arini. Parrots are ideal subjects due to their wide range of body sizes and habitats, and their open‐ended vocal learning that allows them to modify their calls throughout life. We estimated the evolutionary rate of acoustic parameters of parrot contact calls and compared them to those of morphological traits and habitat. We also evaluated the effect of body mass, bill length, vegetation density and species interactions on acoustic parameters of contact calls while controlling for phylogeny. Evolutionary rates of acoustic parameters did not differ from those of our predictor variables except for spectral entropy, which had a significantly slower rate of evolution. We found support for correlated evolution of call duration, and fundamental and peak frequencies with body mass, and of fundamental frequency with bill length. The degree of sympatry between species did not have a significant effect on acoustic parameters. Our results suggest that parrot contact calls, which are learned acoustic signals, show evolutionary rates similar to those of morphological traits. This is the first study to our knowledge to provide evidence that change through cultural evolution does not necessarily accelerate the evolutionary rate of traits acquired through life‐long vocal learning. 相似文献
Although the effects of abiotic factors on species distributions and habitat selection have been widely investigated, studies have rarely succeeded at identifying the factors behind selection at the microhabitat level. Spider webs are extended phenotypes expected to be subject to fitness trade-offs. We tested the hypothesis that spiders with three-dimensional webs (tangle and sheet-and-tangle), which require more material to be built than two-dimensional orbicular webs, occupy microhabitats where they are better protected from strong rains. We show that tangle and sheet-and-tangle webs were indeed significantly more likely to be under immediate cover than expected by chance and than orb webs. Tangle webs occurred closest to the cover and were largely protected, whereas sheet-and-tangle webs, likely due to their larger size and mostly horizontal position, tended to be more exposed. Sheet-and-tangle webs, however, occurred more often against tree trunks, where we show rain to be less intense. We further show that the proportion of 3D webs under immediate cover increased with annual precipitation along a dry to wet gradient in western Ecuador, an effect absent for 2D webs. The latter finding suggests that, in addition to using leaves for structural support, spiders with 3D webs seek microhabitat locations to shelter themselves and their webs from strong rains. Our findings illustrate how microhabitat selection may allow organisms to cope with abiotic factors at broader geographical scales, thus influencing organismal fitness and community structure. 相似文献
Felipe M. Gawryszewski Miguel A. Calero‐Torralbo Rosemary G. Gillespie Miguel A. Rodríguez‐Gironés Marie E. Herberstein 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2017,71(8):2010-2021
The evolution of a visual signal will be affected by signaler and receiver behavior, and by the physical properties of the environment where the signal is displayed. Crab spiders are typical sit‐and‐wait predators found in diverse ambush sites, such as tree bark, foliage, and flowers. Some of the flower‐dweller species present a UV+‐white visual lure that makes them conspicuous and attractive to their prey. We hypothesized that UV+‐white coloration was associated with the evolution of a flower‐dwelling habit. In addition, following up on results from a previous study we tested whether the UV+‐white coloration evolved predominantly in flower‐dwelling species occurring in Australia. We measured the reflectance of 1149 specimens from 66 species collected in Australia and Europe, reconstructed a crab spider phylogeny, and applied phylogenetic comparative methods to test our hypotheses. We found that the flower‐dwelling habit evolved independently multiple times, and that this trait was correlated with the evolution of the UV+‐white coloration. However, outside Australia non‐flower‐dwelling crab spiders also express a UV+‐white coloration. Therefore, UV+‐white reflectance is probably a recurring adaptation of some flower dwellers for attracting pollinators, although it may have other functions in non‐flower dwellers, such as camouflage. 相似文献
Habitat complexity is a main predictor of the distribution of arthropods on vegetation. However, it remains poorly known whether plant architecture and fine‐scale spatial distribution affect the species richness and composition of associated arthropod guilds. In this study, we extensively sampled bromeliad species with a variety of rosette architectures in a megadiversity region. The aims were to investigate whether (i) possible differences in spider species composition among bromeliad species are related to the distinct architectures of the plants, and (ii) bromeliad architectural complexity (an intrinsic feature) and vertical distribution (an extrinsic feature) are good predictors of spider abundance and richness. Contrary to our expectations, spider species composition did not vary significantly among bromeliad species with different architectures. We found a positive effect of the mean number of leaves on spider abundance and species richness, but it occurred indirectly through spider abundance; factoring out the indirect effect revealed a negative effect of leaf number on species richness. Bromeliad species with wider vertical distributions harboured more spider species. Our results suggest that the dominance of a few spider species and reduced space for orb‐web spiders to attach their webs are the main explanations for lower spider richness on bromeliad species with higher architectural complexity. Our findings highlight the importance of both intrinsic and extrinsic plant features as co‐determinants of predator arthropod diversity. 相似文献
Joseph A. Tobias Job Aben Robb T. Brumfield Elizabeth P. Derryberry Wouter Halfwerk Hans Slabbekoorn Nathalie Seddon 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2010,64(10):2820-2839
Visual signals are shaped by variation in the signaling environment through a process termed sensory drive, sometimes leading to speciation. However, the evidence for sensory drive in acoustic signals is restricted to comparisons between highly dissimilar habitats, or single‐species studies in which it is difficult to rule out the influence of undetected ecological variables, pleiotropic effects, or chance. Here we assess whether this form of sensory drive—often termed “acoustic adaptation”—can generate signal divergence across ecological gradients. By studying avian communities in two Amazonian forest types, we show that songs of 17 “bamboo‐specialist” bird species differ in predictable ways from their nearest relatives in adjacent terra firme forest. We also demonstrate that the direction of song divergence is correlated with the sound transmission properties of habitats, rather than with genetic divergence, ambient noise, or pleiotropic effects of mass and bill size. Our findings indicate that acoustic adaptation adds significantly to stochastic processes underlying song divergence, even when comparing between habitats with relatively similar structure. Furthermore, given that song differences potentially contribute to reproductive isolation, these findings are consistent with a wider role for sensory drive in the diversification of lineages with acoustic mating signals. 相似文献
K. R. Goodman J. P. Kelley S. C. Welter G. K. Roderick D. O. Elias 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2015,28(2):415-427
Changes in sexual signals have the potential to promote rapid divergence and reproductive isolation among populations of animals. Thus, identifying processes contributing to variation in signals is key to understanding the drivers of speciation. However, it is difficult to identify the processes initiating changes in signals in empirical systems because (1) the demographic history of populations under study is usually unclear, and (2) there is no unified hypothesis‐testing framework for evaluating the simultaneous contribution of multiple processes. A unique system for study in the Hawaiian Islands, the planthopper species Nesosydne chambersi, offers a clear demographic context to disentangle these factors. By measuring variation in male vibratory sexual signals across different genetic populations on the island of Hawaii, we found that that multiple signal traits varied significantly between populations. We developed a mixed modelling framework to simultaneously test competing hypotheses about which processes contribute to changes in signal traits: genetic drift, sensory drive or reproductive character displacement. Our findings suggest that signal divergence proceeds along different axes for different signal traits under the influence of both neutral and selective processes. They are the first, to our knowledge, to document the relative importance of multiple processes on divergence in sexual signals. 相似文献
PAOLO GALEOTTI DIEGO RUBOLINI 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2004,82(2):237-248
We studied the evolution of colour polymorphism in diurnal raptors, owls and nightjars, the avian taxa in which this trait is most widespread, in relation to species ecological niche width and diet. Two main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism, namely apostatic selection and disruptive selection. The niche variation hypothesis states that species with broader ecological niches should be more variable compared with those with narrow niches because of the action of disruptive selection; the apostatic selection hypothesis conversely suggests that intraspecific colour variation should be promoted in predators by prey forming an avoidance image for the more common colour morph. Our aim was to determine if colour polymorphism occurrence was associated with broad ecological niches as predicted by the niche variation hypothesis, or with predation on intelligent and sharp‐sighted prey as predicted by the avoidance image hypothesis. Pairwise comparisons were made between pairs of closely related species differing in variables expected to influence the occurrence of polymorphism. We found that polymorphic species of all three groups showed wider and more continuous distribution ranges, frequented many different habitats, both open and closed, and lived in seasonally alternating dry/wet climates. Polymorphic species were more migratory compared with monomorphic ones, and they showed an activity pattern covering both day and night. Conversely, colour polymorphism was not higher in species preying on birds and mammals. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism evolved in bird species with wider niche breadth and not in species preying on intelligent prey. Therefore, we propose that disruptive selection may be the main mechanism maintaining colour polymorphism in these bird groups by favouring different morphs in different environmental conditions. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 237–248. 相似文献
MAŁGORZATA OŻGO 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2011,102(2):251-262
The present study reports on a natural experiment with twelve replicates in which rapid, predictable and consistent divergence of Cepaea nemoralis populations occurred in response to repeated selection gradient of adjacent open and shaded habitats. Because the frequencies of various genetically‐based phenotypes varied widely among surveyed populations, and there was a large overlap between habitat types, no overall association with habitat was apparent. In paired comparisons, however, significant changes were consistently towards higher frequencies of light morphs in the open than corresponding shaded habitats, and this result is attributable to natural selection. This shows that the knowledge of the genetic composition of reference populations is often essential for discerning selection from random processes. At each site, a different morph combination contributed to the divergence of populations, indicating that there are many genetic solutions to similar ecological problems; this likely enhances the maintenance of high levels of polymorphism. Adaptation of populations occurred in contemporary time and was fast. In one case where it was possible to follow changes, significant shifts in morph frequencies occurred within just two snail generations (selection coefficients of 0.404 and 0.518). High evolvability may be one of the factors contributing to the ecological success of Cepaea nemoralis. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 251–262. 相似文献
We studied polymorphism in all species of birds that are presently known to show intraspecific variation in plumage colour. At least three main mechanisms have been put forward to explain the maintenance of polymorphism: apostatic, disruptive and sexual selection. All of them make partly different predictions. Our aims were to investigate evolutionary causes and adaptive functions of colour polymorphism by taking into account a number of ecological and morphological features of polymorphic species. Overall, we found 334 species showing colour polymorphism, which is 3.5% of all bird species. The occurrence of colour polymorphism was very high in Strigiformes, Ciconiiformes, Cuculiformes and Galliformes. Phylogenetically corrected analysis using independent contrasts revealed that colour polymorphism was maximally expressed in species showing a daily activity rhythm extended to day/night, living in both open and closed habitats. All these findings support the hypothesis that colour polymorphism probably evolved under selective pressures linked to bird detectability as affected by variable light conditions during activity period. Thus, we conclude that selective agents may be prey, predators and competitors, and that colour polymorphism in birds may be maintained by disruptive selection. 相似文献