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The present study was designed to compare the distribution of goblet cells and the histochemical composition of mucosubstances produced by these cells in the nasal cavity of piglets aged from 1 to 28 days. Serial transverse sections were stained to demonstrate neutral, acidic, and sulfated mucosubstances. Sections located at eight reference levels rostrocaudally in the nasal cavity and defined regions on these sections were used for goblet-cell counting. There was a nonhomogeneous distribution of goblet cells in the nasal cavity of piglets. A rostrocaudal increase in goblet-cell density was observed with the highest densities found in the ventral meatus and on the septum. There was no difference in this pattern of distribution according to age of the piglets. However, age-related differences were observed in the prevalence of goblet cells containing sialomucins, sulfomucins, or both. While sialomucins were prevalent at 1 and 14 days, sulfomucins predominated in the rostral half of the cavity at 28 days. Our results indicate a maturation of the products of secretion with aging in piglets. The affinity of infectious agents for sialylated glycoconjugates and the predominance of sialomucins in the nasal cavity of newborn piglets could account for their greater susceptibility to bacterial infection.  相似文献   

S Katz  J Merzel 《Acta anatomica》1977,99(1):58-66
A histotopographic study of the nasal septum mucosa in rats was made using semi-serial sections stained with PAS-hematoxylin, reconstructed in form of maps representing the structure in a sagittal plane. The stratified squamous, respiratory and olfactory epithelia and Masera's organ cover 14.8, 43.6, 41.6 and 1.8%, respectively, of the septal surface (117.1 mm2). In the vestibular region, only ducts of PAS-negative glands of the respiratory region are found, and below the septum there is the infraseptal gland with PAS-negative acini. In the respiratory region, PAS-negative acinous glands form two groups: the superior and the inferior one occupying 10.5 and 1.5%, respectively, of the septal area. PAS-positive acinous glands are in the inferior half of the respiratory region and in a small anteroinferior portion of the olfactory region. Besides goblet cells broadly distributed, the respiratory epithelium presents scattered intraepithelial PAS-positive glands which are concentrated in the anterior portion and close to the nasopharyngeal duct. In the olfactory region prevail Bowman's PAS-positive glands which are also present in the mucosa of Masera's organ, but are not seen in the olfactory mucosa of Jacobson's organ. In the latter, PAS-positive glands are found in the respiratory mucosa. Globular leukocytes, cells of connective tissue origin, are constantly infiltrating the superior regions of the respiratory and olfactory epithelia, being more numerous in female rats.  相似文献   

Measurements of trace element concentrations within bones in nasal cavity and labyrinth have shown large variations, both with a single bone and between different bones of a same individual. Factors that influence trace element levels include: metabolic activity, environmental effects, sex, and age. Detection of characteristic X-rays has been shown to be a convenient method for the measurement of concentration profiles, micropixe for micrometer variations, and X-ray centration profiles, micropixe for micrometer variations, and X-ray fluorescence for millimeter variations.  相似文献   

Allergic rhinitis (AR) can cause significant olfactory loss, but few studies have specifically investigated AR effects on olfactory and nasal respiratory tissues per se. To address this, we used a murine AR protocol employing nasal allergen infusion for both sensitization and challenges. Seven- to 11-week BALB/c mice were bilaterally infused with 1% ovalbumin (OVA) in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or PBS alone for 6 or 11 weeks, given single bilateral PBS or OVA infusions 24 h before sacrifice, or left untreated. High OVA-specific IgE serum levels and eosinophil infiltration confirmed AR induction. Olfactory (OE) and respiratory (RE) epithelia showed distinctly different responses, most conspicuously, massive eosinophil infiltration of immediately RE-subjacent lamina propria. In OE, such infiltration was minimal. Significant RE hypertrophy and hyperplasia also occurred, although OE organization was generally maintained and extensive disruption localized despite a 20% reduction in sensory neurons and globose basal cells after 11 weeks OVA. Pronounced Bowman's gland hypertrophy crowded both OE and olfactory nerve bundles. Cellular proliferation was widely distributed in RE but in OE was localized to normally thinner OE and RE-proximal OE, suggesting possible indirect RE influences. Terminal deoxynucleotide transferase (TdT) nick end labeling was greater in OE than RE and, in contrast to other effects, occurred with acute infusions and chronic PBS alone, often unilaterally. Following chronic OVA, AR-related bilateral increases appeared superimposed on those. These findings indicate AR effects on olfactory function may be complex, reflecting various levels of RE/OE responses and interactions.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Temperatures at four sites along the ventral nasal concha were recorded in four unrestrained rabbits exposed to ambient temperatures from 0 to 35°C.

2. 2.|The nasal temperatures decreased and temperature gradients from proximal to distal parts of the concha increased in cold-exposed rabbits.

3. 3.|The temperature gradients increased also during panting in heat-stressed rabbits.

4. 4.|The ventral nasal concha is suggested to be an efficacious heat exchanger both in cold and hot ambient, due to its geometry and vascularization.

Author Keywords: Rabbits; temperature regulation; nasal passageway; heat exchange; Oryctolagus cuniculus  相似文献   

The nasal cavity is essential for humidifying and warming the air before it reaches the sensitive lungs. Because humans inhabit environments that can be seen as extreme from the perspective of respiratory function, nasal cavity shape is expected to show climatic adaptation. This study examines the relationship between modern human variation in the morphology of the nasal cavity and the climatic factors of temperature and vapor pressure, and tests the hypothesis that within increasingly demanding environments (colder and drier), nasal cavities will show features that enhance turbulence and air-wall contact to improve conditioning of the air. We use three-dimensional geometric morphometrics methods and multivariate statistics to model and analyze the shape of the bony nasal cavity of 10 modern human population samples from five climatic groups. We report significant correlations between nasal cavity shape and climatic variables of both temperature and humidity. Variation in nasal cavity shape is correlated with a cline from cold-dry climates to hot-humid climates, with a separate temperature and vapor pressure effect. The bony nasal cavity appears mostly associated with temperature, and the nasopharynx with humidity. The observed climate-related shape changes are functionally consistent with an increase in contact between air and mucosal tissue in cold-dry climates through greater turbulence during inspiration and a higher surface-to-volume ratio in the upper nasal cavity.  相似文献   

Despite extensive interest in the rodent nasal cavity as a target organ for toxicity, there is very limited information regarding nasal defenses against oxidative stress and xenobiotic-derived oxidants. Using immunohistochemistry, we have examined the distribution of Cu,Zn and Mn superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione (GSH) peroxidase, and DT-diaphorase in rat nasal tissues. In addition, we have determined the concentrations of ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol and the activities of SOD (combined Cu,Zn and Mn forms), catalase, GSH peroxidase, GSH reductase, and DT-diaphorase in nasal respiratory epithelium (RE), olfactory epithelium (OE), and in lung. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that all four enzymes were similarly distributed, with the greatest staining intensity in dorsal-medial regions of the nasal cavity. In respiratory epithelium, ciliated columnar cells and subepithelial glands stained positively, while in olfactory tissue the enzymes were detected in the sustentacular cells and Bowman's glands. With the exception of SOD, enzyme activities were higher in RE than OE, while concentrations of ascorbate and alpha-tocopherol were higher in OE than RE. With the exception of catalase, nasal activities were either higher than or comparable to those of the lung. Thus, the rat nasal cavity appears to be well protected against oxidative damage.  相似文献   

Detailed flow patterns in the nasal cavity.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The human nasal cavity filters and conditions inspired air while providing olfactory function. Detailed experimental study of nasal airflow patterns has been limited because of the complex geometry of the nasal cavity. In this work, particle image velocimetry was used to determine two-dimensional instantaneous velocity vector fields in parallel planes throughout a model of the nasal cavity that was subjected to a nonoscillatory flow rate of 125 ml/s. The model, which was fabricated from 26 computed tomography scans by using rapid prototyping techniques, is a scaled replica of a human right nasal cavity. The resulting vector plots show that the flow is laminar and regions of highest velocity are in the nasal valve and in the inferior airway. The relatively low flow in the olfactory region appears to protect the olfactory bulb from particulate pollutants. Low flows were also observed in the nasal meatuses, whose primary function has been the subject of debate. Comparison of sequentially recorded data suggests a steady flow.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to test the response of the nasal cavity and associated structures to maxillary deformity. Forty young M. mulatta were surgically produced in 20 animals, and the small maxillary segments moved medialward. Intrapair observation tests were applied to selected measurements and indices of symmetry relationships. Deformity of the surgically undisturbed nasal septum occurred in response to the maxillary deformation. The lateral walls were moved medially with the maxilla, but in six months symmetry relationships were similar to those found in the control animals. The lateral walls of the nasal cavity appeared to be relatively independent of the shape and position of the tooth carrying part of the maxilla. The development and use of primate models can contribute to understanding the extent of the adaptational response systems in facial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

An anatomically accurate 3-dimensional numerical model of the right rat nasal cavity was developed and used to compute low, medium, and high flow rate inspiratory and expiratory mucosal odorant uptake (imposed patterning) for 3 odorants with different mucus solubilities. The computed surface mass flux distributions were compared with anatomic receptor gene expression zones identified in the literature. In general, simulations predicted that odorants that were highly soluble in mucus were absorbed dorsally and medially, corresponding roughly to receptors from one of the gene expression zones. Insoluble odorants tended to be absorbed more peripherally in the rat olfactory region corresponding to the other 2 zones. These findings also agreed in general with the electroolfactogram measurements and the voltage-sensitive dye measurements reported in the literature. This numerical approach is the first to predict detailed odorant flux information across the olfactory mucosa in the rat nasal cavity during inspiratory and expiratory flow and to relate it to anatomic olfactory receptor location, physiological function, and biochemical experiment. This numerical technique can allow us to separate the contributions of imposed and inherent patterning mechanisms on the rat olfactory mucosa.  相似文献   

The ion transport defects reported for human cystic fibrosis (CF) airways are reproduced in nasal epithelia of the CF mouse. Although this tissue has been studied in vivo using the nasal potential difference technique and as a native tissue mounted in the Ussing chamber, little information is available on cultured murine nasal epithelia. We have developed a polarized cell culture model of primary murine nasal epithelia in which the CF tissue exhibits not only a defect in cAMP-mediated Cl- secretion but also the Na+ hyperabsorption and upregulation of the Ca2+-activated Cl- conductance observed in human airways. Both the wild-type and CF cultures were constituted predominantly of undifferentiated cuboidal columnar cells, with most cultures exhibiting a small number of ciliated cells. Although no goblet cells were observed, RT-PCR demonstrated the expression of Muc5ac RNA after approximately 22 days in culture. The CF tissue exhibited an adherent layer of mucus similar to the mucus plaques reported in the distal airways of human CF patients. Furthermore, we found that treatment of CF preparations with a Na+ channel blocker for 7 days prevented formation of mucus adherent to epithelial surfaces. The cultured murine nasal epithelial preparation should be an excellent model tissue for gene transfer studies and pharmacological studies of Na+ channel blockers and mucolytic agents as well as for further characterization of CF ion transport defects. Culture of nasal epithelia from DeltaF508 mice will be particularly useful in testing drugs that allow DeltaF508 CFTR to traffic to the membrane.  相似文献   

The rostro-caudal extent of odorant receptor expression zones in the rat olfactory epithelium was analysed by means of in situ hybridization. Three broad non-overlapping zones were identified that extended along almost the entire anterior-posterior axis; each zone was composed of several separate bands running anterior to posterior throughout the olfactory epithelium. Superimposed onto these broad zones was the expression area of a particular receptor subtype (OR37); it was restricted to a small region of the epithelial sheet with a high density of reactive neurones in the centre and declining numbers towards the periphery of the region. A quantitative evaluation of the reactive cells revealed that, despite their diferent distribution patterns, all receptor subtypes were expressed in an equal number of neurones.  相似文献   

Cytokeratin expression was studied in the epithelia lining the normal human urine conducting system using immunohistochemistry on frozen sections employing a panel of 14 monoclonal antibodies. Eleven of these anticytokeratin antibodies reacted specifically with one of the 19 human cytokeratin polypeptides. Profound differences were found in the cytokeratin expression patterns between the different types of epithelium in the male and female urinary tract. In the areas showing morphological transitions of transitional epithelium to columnar epithelium and of nonkeratinizing squamous epithelium to keratinizing squamous epithelium gradual shifts of cytokeratin expression patterns were observed, often anticipating the morphological changes. However, also within one type of epithelium, i.e. the transitional epithelium, two different patterns of cytokeratin expression were found. Expression of cytokeratin 7 was homogeneous in the transitional epithelium of renal pelvis and ureter but heterogeneous in the transitional epithelium of the bladder. Furthermore, intraepithelial differences in cytokeratin expression could be shown to be differentiation related. Using a panel of chain-specific monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins 8 and 18 conformational and/or biochemical changes in the organization of these intermediate filaments were demonstrated upon differentiation in columnar and transitional epithelium.  相似文献   

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