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条纹小斑蛾的生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何海敏  黄芳  杨东  薛芳森 《昆虫知识》2009,46(3):411-414
条纹小斑蛾Thyrassia penangae(Moor)是乌蔹莓(Japanese cayratia)的重要害虫,在南昌1年发生4~5代,以老熟幼虫结茧越冬。由于该虫各世代总有极少部分个体进入滞育,少数进入越夏的个体1年只发生2代或3代。羽化时间多出现在上午7~10时,羽化后当日或次日下午交配,交配时间集中在下午3~6时,交配一般可持续12个h左右。成虫羽化后需取食花蜜做补充营养才能充分产卵。产配后次日即可产卵。第1代成虫常将卵数十粒聚产于幼嫩叶片的背面,以后各代主要聚产于花蕾上,平均每雌产卵量为43粒。幼虫为4龄。第1代主要取食叶芽、幼枝及嫩叶,以后各代主要取食花蕾。在自然条件下各虫态发育历期:卵为4~7d;幼虫为10~14d;非滞育的茧期(指幼虫结茧后的预蛹至成虫羽化的日期)为8~11d,越夏茧期为32~40d,越冬茧期为205~224d。成虫寿命为3~13d。  相似文献   

椰子织蛾幼虫龄数及取食量的雌雄差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了明确椰子织蛾幼虫的龄数、取食量及龄期。在室温25℃±3℃,寄主食料椰子叶饲养条件下,测量了雌、雄幼虫头壳宽、取食量并记录了各龄幼虫的发育历期。结果表明,椰子织蛾雌性幼虫有9-10个龄数,雄性幼虫有8-10个龄数。1-10龄雌虫的头壳宽约为0.2300,0.3250,0.4300,0.5267,0.7700,0.9633,1.3775,1.5850,1.8200,2.1929 mm。1-10龄雄虫的头壳宽约为0.2233,0.3214,0.4125,0.5300,0.6529,0.8675,1.1267,1.3375,1.4950,1.8925 mm。9-10龄雌虫的头壳宽显著大于雄虫的头壳宽。头壳宽与龄数具有很强的相关性。椰子织蛾幼虫的取食量随龄数的增大而增加。椰子织蛾1代雌性幼虫平均取食椰子叶的面积(3607.23±146.83 mm~2)显著高于1代雄性幼虫平均取食椰子叶的面积(1991.25±143.92 mm~2)。1-5龄幼虫的取食量最小,小于50 mm~2。8-10龄为暴食期。1-10龄幼虫的发育历期分别为4.55±0.16,5.69±0.24,5.73±0.37,5.22±0.15,5.11±0.46,4.61±0.46,5.12±0.68,6.00±0.43,6.86±0.40和8.75±1.55 d。对于雌、雄成虫个体差异较大的昆虫,对其幼虫头壳宽值和取食量的测定应雌、雄幼虫分别测定。椰子织蛾的防治适期应在未造成严重为害的1-5龄幼虫高蜂期进行。以幼虫头壳宽为主,同时结合取食面积判定幼虫所处龄数,可为准确掌握防治时期提供科学依据。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,甘薯台龟甲幼虫对五爪金龙具有较强的取食力,取食力随着虫口密度的增加而增强.幼虫期的取食力(y)和投放1龄幼虫密度(x)的线性关系式为y=19.32+ 11.36x.每个叶片投放1龄幼虫2头,8d后取食力可达100%.甘薯台龟甲成虫对五爪金龙的取食力更为显著,每叶放虫1头,6d后取食量达100%,且取食力随...  相似文献   

春尺蠖生物学特性研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
【目的】为新疆北疆地区春尺蠖Apocheima cinerarius预测预报工作提供理论依据。【方法】本文在林间对春尺蠖的各虫态进行详细调查,记述了各虫态的形态特征、生活史、性比、行为与习性。【结果】春尺蠖蛹主要集中分布在树盘基部30~60 cm、土壤深度为20~30 cm范围的土层中,成虫羽化后,次日19:00—23:00或第3天下午4:00—6:00交尾,其交配行为是多次交配型。雌虫比雄虫羽化稍早,雌虫平均寿命为16~18 d,雄虫平均寿命为8~13 d。翌日黄昏开始产卵,卵期最长34 d,最短26 d,雌虫每天平均产卵块数最高达5.1块/头、平均卵粒数为363.1粒/头,最低为1块/头、平均卵粒数为86粒/头,平均孵化率为86%。1、2龄幼虫食叶量较低,3龄开始暴增,5龄最高,平均每日食叶量可达443 mm2/头。【结论】春尺蠖成虫按翅面斑纹和颜色,可分三种类型:深色型、常见型、浅色型。幼虫的头壳与虫龄呈显著直线正相关。幼虫1~2龄期间,死亡率较高,高达60.37%;4~5龄幼虫,死亡率较低,且食叶量占总食叶量的85.81%。所以应选择在3龄幼虫高峰期之前进行防治。雌雄比为1︰0.7068,可预测下一代种群数量呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

对波纹杂毛虫幼期形态特征作了详细描述;该虫在福建省1a发生2代,以3—4龄幼虫在地被物中越冬;系统观察了各龄幼虫的取食过程并计算了取食量。开展了室内外防治试验。为该虫综合防治提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】探明产卵季节和地理纬度对松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus生活史特征的影响,为该虫的精确测报和治理提供依据。【方法】在江西境内沿约1°的纬度梯度自南向北建立6处固定试验样地,通过林间诱木截顶网罩的方式调查松墨天牛的世代分化和发育历期,以及通过枯死树解剖的方式调查越冬虫龄的差异。【结果】松墨天牛在赣南和赣中地区存在二代分化现象,其中赣南地区二代分化比例随产卵月份从45.75%下降至2.46%,赣中地区二代分化比例随产卵月份从17.42%下降至0,而在赣北地区仅发生1代,不存在世代分化现象。比较不同纬度下同期所产的卵的二代分代比例时发现,随着地理纬度的增加平均二代分化比例从21.92%下降至0。比较松墨天牛林间的发育历期发现,分化个体的卵-蛹历期在110.66~122.01 d之间且显示同向梯度变异,未分化个体的卵-蛹历期在330.61~366.01 d之间且显示反向梯度变异,但均不存在明显差异。比较越冬幼虫的虫龄及其占比发现,赣南和赣中地区以2-5龄幼虫越冬,赣北地区则以4-5龄幼虫越冬,越冬幼虫中2龄幼虫占比随着地理纬度的增加从12.47%下降至0,而越冬5龄幼...  相似文献   

【目的】探明绿缘扁角叶甲Platycorynus parryi Baly年生活史、交配及繁殖情况。【方法】越冬代成虫在室内自然条件下连续繁殖,及在不同温度下,详细观察记录了成虫的交配、繁殖力和寿命。【结果】绿缘扁角叶甲是络石Trachelospermum jasminoides的重要害虫,以老熟幼虫在3~5 cm深的土层中越冬,在江西南昌一年发生1代。越冬幼虫于次年4月中旬开始陆续化蛹,4月下旬成虫开始羽化。自然条件下各虫态发育历期:卵期(11.81±0.17)d,幼虫期300~330 d,蛹期(13.62±0.13)d,成虫寿命(47.99±0.65)d。成虫羽化3~4 d后开始交配,日平均交配(3.55±0.11)次,交配持续时间最短5 min,最长可达140 min,平均交配持续时间(28.11±0.89)min,日龄大的成虫交配持续时间显著短于日龄小的成虫;相邻两次交配之间的间隔时间最短3 min,最长426 min,平均交配间隔时间(74.75±3.19)min,日龄大的成虫交配间隔时间显著短于日龄小的成虫。交配后2~3 d开始产卵,平均每雌产卵量为169粒。在22、25和28℃条件下,温度对雌虫寿命具有显著影响,随着温度升高,雌虫寿命显著缩短,而雄虫寿命和每雌产卵量却差异不显著。【结论】绿缘扁角叶甲在江西南昌一年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土中越冬,成虫可进行多次交配,成虫日龄对其交配行为有显著影响,温度对该虫的繁殖力无显著影响。  相似文献   

为了解空心莲子草叶甲Agasicles hygrophila被引入中国20多年后其取食行为与取食能力是否发生改变, 我们通过采集叶甲自然种群的成虫, 在室内用空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides饲养获得检测用叶甲各虫态与虫量进行室内定量检测, 研究了空心莲子草叶甲自然种群各龄幼虫与成虫在不同密度下对空心莲子草的控害效果。结果显示: 1龄幼虫喜食顶芽嫩叶, 在每株接0.2和1头1龄幼虫密度下, 空心莲子草仍有新叶和侧芽生成, 生物量、 株高与茎节数仍在增加; 在5头/株的密度下, 空心莲子草的生物量、 叶片数和侧芽数均出现负增长; 在10头/株的密度下, 草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数和茎节数均表现为负增长。2龄幼虫优先取食顶芽嫩叶, 也取食老叶与茎杆, 在每株10头2龄幼虫的密度下, 接虫7 d后, 40%的植株死亡。3龄幼虫取食叶片与茎秆, 后期钻入茎秆中化蛹,在10头/株密度下,7 d后, 已引起52%的植株死亡, 存活株的茎节数显著减少。成虫可24 h连续取食植株的任何组织, 0.2头/株的密度下,空心莲子草叶片与侧芽数量已呈现负增长; 5头/株的密度下,空心莲子草的生物量、 株高、 叶片数、 侧芽数与茎节数均呈现较大的负增长; 10头/株的控草效果更加显著。  相似文献   

椰心叶甲实验种群的生物学特性观察   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
周荣  曾玲  梁广  陆永跃  崔志新 《昆虫知识》2004,41(4):336-339
自然温度条件下 ,椰心叶甲Brontispalongissima (Gestro) 1年可发生 3代以上 ,世代重叠 ,主要以成虫越冬。成虫平均寿命 1 5 6d ,最长达 2 3 5d ,雌雄性比为 1∶1 ;雌雄虫一生均可交配多次。成虫产卵期长 ,产卵不规则 ,单雌平均产卵 1 1 9粒 ,最多可达 1 96粒。飞行磨测定的初步结果表明 ,雌虫飞行能力比雄虫强 ,2 4h未取食成虫最远飞行距离可达 40 0多m ;成虫和幼虫均具有负趋光性、假死性。成虫 3~ 5d不取食、高龄幼虫 7d不取食仍存活。幼虫经历 4~ 5龄 ,在温度或寄主不适宜条件下 ,可进入 6~ 7龄 ,或提前化蛹 ,从卵到成虫羽化大约需 3 6~ 61d。  相似文献   

湖北棉区转Bt基因棉对棉铃虫的控制作用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
2000-2001年通过田间系统调查,表明转Bt基因棉(品种为GK19)在湖北江汉平原棉区对棉铃虫抗性稳定。试验设3个处理:转Bt基因棉化防田(使用化学农药控制害虫)、转Bt基因棉自控田(依靠天敌控制害虫)及常规棉对照田(利用综合防治措施控制害虫)。从棉铃虫的第2代到第5代整个发生期内,即使在不进行化学防治的情况下,棉铃虫在Bt棉田的发生量也保持在极低的水平(最高百株虫量为12头)。室内饲养结果表明,转Bt基因棉对棉铃虫的生长发育(幼虫体重、蛹重)有较为明显的影响,使6龄幼虫体重减少25.6%,蛹重减少18.2%。棉铃虫幼虫取食转Bt基因棉组织后,发育迟缓,相对于常规棉喂养的整个发育历期延长17 d,使棉铃虫在田间的危害减少至少一个世代。另外,接虫试验表明,棉铃虫幼虫在常规棉上的取食时间是转Bt基因棉株上的6.1倍,极大地减轻了棉铃虫的危害程度。  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that larvae of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L) can successfully complete their first instar when fed apple leaves instead of fruit. Larvae fed leaves after hatching maximized their feeding intensity (about 320 g/larva/day) on day 2. Weight gain revealed a stereotypic sigmoid pattern that peaked on day 3. Although the maximum body weight of larvae fed leaves was 70–85% less than for larvae maintained on apples or on artificial diet, 100% of larvae fed leaves molted to the second instar 3–5 days after hatching. Our investigation revealed a diurnal pattern of leaf ingestion, and neonates' feeding intensity decreased significantly during the scotophase. We also demonstrated that monosodium glutamate (MSG) increased feeding on leaves by codling moth larvae. Depending on the duration of the bioassay, and larval age at time of initial exposure, 0.05 mg/ml and 0.1 mg/ml MSG increased apple leaf consumption by 25–60% over leaves alone. The effect of monosodium glutamate was best demonstrated during the first day following hatching. Exposure to MSG also accelerated molting to the second instar. Larvae exposed to MSG initiated consumption of leaf tissue significantly earlier than control neonates. The feeding stimulatory effect of MSG was not observed if exposure to this chemical was delayed until 3–4 h after hatch.The addition of feeding stimulants to pesticides that act via the alimentary tract may reduce the amount of active ingredients needed to maintain the efficacy of these formulations. Here, we postulate that first instar codling moth larvae are potential targets for treatment with pesticide formulations enhanced with monosodium glutamate.  相似文献   

川楝素对斜纹夜蛾幼虫取食行为的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
斜纹夜蛾5龄幼虫的取食活动是非连续进行的。在每两次取食活动之间存在一个取食间间隔.在每次取食活动期间,也存在一非常短暂的取食内间隔。经川楝素处理后的斜纹夜蛾5龄幼虫.其21小时内发生的取食活动和取食间间隔的次数减少.平均每次取食活动和取食间间隔持续的时间延长;可是在每次取食活动中,用于取食的时间明显减少。这是因为.取食内间隔的次数增加了.取食内间隔的时间也延长了。所有上述指标,处理虫与对照之间均存在着显著或极显著的差异。  相似文献   

棉铃虫4龄幼虫的摄食行为和中肠蛋白酶活性的变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李伟  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):358-363
通过测定棉铃虫4龄幼虫,每隔12 h的摄食量、体重净增量以及丝氨酸蛋白酶活性的变化,揭示了它的取食行为及中肠蛋白酶活性的变化规律。结果表明:棉铃虫4龄幼虫取食及消化呈有规律的变化,蜕皮后4龄初,摄食量、体重净增量、类胰蛋白酶、类胰凝乳蛋白酶和总蛋白酶活性均逐渐增加;进入中期(36~48 h),各项指标达到最高值;其后,随着摄食量的下降,各项指标逐渐下降。同时, 连续观察幼虫取食高峰期的取食行为6 h,结果表明: 其间一次连续取食的平均时间为(3.6±0.4) min/次, 总平均取食时间为(62.4±8.9) min,约占整个时间的1/6。该文还对棉铃虫4龄幼虫不同时段取食行为与蛋白酶活性变化之间的相关性及调控机制作了初步讨论。  相似文献   

石坚  王原  梁佳  杜娟  赵章武 《昆虫学报》2021,64(9):1080-1091
【目的】神经肽F(neuropeptide F, NPF)是无脊椎动物特有的一类神经肽,因其C末端是苯丙氨酸(F)而命名,参与昆虫的取食、生物节律、学习记忆等多种生理功能的调控。本研究旨在明确NPF对亚洲玉米螟Ostrinia furnacalis生长发育的影响,为害虫防治提供重要依据。【方法】采用一种基于工程菌高效合成靶向昆虫基因的dsRNA的方法经济有效地敲降npf,用低浓度(0.01%)和高浓度(0.02%)dsNPF和dsGFP(对照)分别饲喂亚洲玉米螟1龄初、3龄初和5龄初幼虫直至化蛹,检测5龄幼虫平均取食量、体重、体长、存活率和化蛹率,蛹羽化率和成虫产卵量,以及幼虫各龄期、蛹发育历期和成虫寿命。【结果】从亚洲玉米螟1, 3和5龄初幼虫开始饲喂0.01%和0.02% dsNPF时,与饲喂相应浓度dsGFP的对照相比,除个别点外,5龄幼虫的取食量、体重、体长、存活率和化蛹率,蛹羽化率和成虫单雌产卵量均显著降低,幼虫各龄期、蛹发育历期均显著延长,成虫寿命显著缩短。且dsNPF处理幼虫的龄期越早对发育的影响越大。其中0.01% dsNPF处理的1龄幼虫和0.02% dsNPF处理的3龄幼虫有90%的个体在蛹期死亡,而0.02%dsNPF处理的1龄幼虫有90%的个体在幼虫期死亡。【结论】结果提示NPF对亚洲玉米螟的发育和取食具有调控作用,这为探索新型绿色的害虫防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

赵建周  卢美光 《昆虫学报》1998,41(4):354-358
以我国培育的转Bt基因棉花(简称Bt棉)为材料,系统测定了Bt棉叶片对棉铃虫 Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner)不同龄期幼虫的杀虫活性和抑制生长的作用。结果表明,Bt棉的杀虫活性随着龄期的增大而趋于降低,其中处理3d只对1龄幼虫有较高效果;从1~4龄开始连续取食Bt棉后均不能化蛹,5龄幼虫则能正常化蛹。3龄幼虫取食Bt棉叶3d后的体重与初始体重之比为0.94,而取食常规棉叶的相应比值为5.48,对幼虫生长的抑制作用明显。在28℃条件下用Bt棉饲养棉铃虫1~3龄幼虫3d,对幼虫的致死率显著高于25℃处理,对3龄幼虫抑制生长的作用也显著提高。研究结果可为确定棉铃虫对Bt棉的抗性监测与治理技术以及Bt棉的田间应用技术提供依据。  相似文献   

A study, involving laboratory choice tests, was conducted to determine the feeding behavior, based on food preference, of the adult and larval stage of the rove beetle, Atheta coriaria Kraatz when presented with both fresh moistened oatmeal and second instar fungus gnat, Bradysia sp. nr. coprophila (Lintner) larvae in Petri dishes. Rove beetles used in this study came from a laboratory-reared colony. A rating scale from 1 to 5, based on percent missing (1 = 0 to 10%, 2 = 11 to 30%, 3 = 31 to 50%, 4 = 51 to 75%, and 5 = 76 to 100%), was used to objectively assess the amount of oatmeal and number of fungus gnat larvae consumed by each rove beetle adult and larva. In all the choice tests, A. coriaria adults and larvae preferred to feed on fungus gnat larvae (78% and 69%, respectively) significantly more so than oatmeal (9% and 5%, respectively) based on the amount of oatmeal and number of fungus gnat larvae consumed after 4 and 6 hours. There were relatively minimal differences in the amount of food consumed for both adults and larvae after 4 and 6 hours. The results of this study indicate that oatmeal may be an inexpensive supplemental food source, during the rearing process, which will not inhibit the effectiveness of rove beetles to control fungus gnat larvae when released into greenhouses.  相似文献   

《Journal of insect physiology》1986,32(12):1065-1073
Topical application of juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene, induced a supernumerary larval moult in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. The incidence changed greatly depending on developmental stages and physiological states of the methoprene-treated larvae. When methoprene was applied to feeding larvae, only those treatments from the middle of the 2nd instar until the middle of the 4th instar were effective. An 18-h starvation period from the beginning of the 4th instar and a dose of 1 μg of methoprene per larva were required for 100% incidence of the perfect superlarvae. Allatectomy had no effects on the induction of superlarvae by methoprene. The treated 4th-instar larvae ecdysed to the 5th instar without any delay compared to the controls, and underwent an additional larval ecdysis 4.5 days later. The induced 6th-instar larvae took 8.5 days until the onset of cocoon spinning. The induced superlarvae showed reduced growth rates but an increase of final mass due to prolonged feeding period. A sharp but reduced peak in ecdysteroid titre in the haemolymph appeared one and a half days prior to each larval ecdysis in the treated larvae, suggesting that methoprene provokes the extra larval moult through an additional release of ecdysteroids.  相似文献   

营养改变对潜蝇姬小蜂寄生行为和寄主取食行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究营养状态对卵育型寄生蜂潜蝇姬小蜂Diglyphus isaea (Walker)雌蜂的寄主取食行为和产卵寄生行为及其二者行为权衡的影响, 在培养皿条件下, 比较了饥饿、加蜂蜜水和不加蜂蜜水3种营养状态的潜蝇姬小蜂雌蜂对美洲斑潜蝇Liriomyza sativae Blanchard各龄幼虫(低、中、高)的寄生、取食及致死能力。结果表明: 非选择条件下, 3种营养状态寄生蜂对高龄幼虫均具有较高的寄生率, 对中龄幼虫具有较高的取食率, 致死率和致死量之间存在显著性差异。3种状态的寄生蜂对低龄幼虫均没有表现出致死能力。有选择条件下, 饥饿状态的寄生蜂对寄主的寄生率最低(5.0%±1.6%), 取食率最高(16.0%±2.9%), 特别是对高龄幼虫的取食率占到了整个寄主食物取食率的91.9%; 加蜂蜜水状态下, 寄生蜂对寄主有最低的取食率(8.3%±0.9%)和致死率(17.7%±1.1%); 不加蜂蜜水状态下, 寄生蜂对寄主有最高的寄生率(13.3%±1.1%)和致死率(28.4%±1.8%)。综合分析发现, 取食寄主的雌蜂比取食蜂蜜水的雌蜂具有更强的致死能力和活动能力。  相似文献   

1. Ontogenetic shifts in predator behaviour can affect the assessment of food‐web structure and the development of predator–prey models. Therefore, it is important to establish if the functional response and interference interactions differ between life‐stages. These hypotheses were tested by (i) comparing the functional response of second, third, fourth and fifth larval instars of Rhyacophila dorsalis, using three stream tanks with one Rhyacophila larva per tank and one of 10 prey densities between 20 and 200 larvae of Chironomus sp.; (ii) using other experiments to assess interference within instars (two to five larvae of the same instar per tank), and between pairs of different instars (one, two or three larvae per instar; total predator densities of two, four or six larvae per tank). 2. The first hypothesis was supported. The number of prey eaten by each instar increased with prey density, the relationship being described by a type II model. The curvilinear response was stronger for fourth and fifth instars than for second and third instars. Mean handling time did not change significantly with prey density, and increased with decreasing instar number from 169 s for fifth instars to 200 s for second instars. Attack rate decreased progressively with decreasing instar number. Handling time varied considerably for each predator–prey encounter, but was normally distributed for each predator instar. Variations in attack rate and handling time were related to differences in activity between instars, fourth and fifth instars being more active and aggressive than second and third instars, and having a higher food intake. 3. The second hypothesis was partially supported. In the interference experiments between larvae of the same instar or different instars, mean handling time did not change significantly with increasing predator density, and attack rate did not change for second and third instars but decreased curvilinearly for fourth and fifth instars. Interference between some instars could not be studied because insufficient second instars were available at the same time as fourth and fifth instars, and most third instars were eaten by fourth and fifth instars in the experiments. Prey capture always decreased with decreasing attack rate. Therefore, interference reduced prey consumption in fourth and fifth instars, but not in second and third instars. The varying feeding responses of different instars should be taken into account when assessing their role in predator–prey relationships in the field.  相似文献   

Apophua simplicipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) is a common parasitoid of the oblique banded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in organically managed apple orchards in the southern interior of British Columbia, Canada. The biological characteristics of a laboratory colony of A. simplicipes were studied. When held at 15 and 25°C and provided with honey water, individual females survived an average of 60.6±6.1 and 29.8±4.7 days, oviposited 196.7±50.7 and 326.6±51.3 eggs and parasitized a total of 163.4±40.4 and 229.4±35.8 hosts, respectively. Females oviposited into first through fourth instar oblique banded leafrollers, with significantly more parasitism occurring in the first two instars compared to the third and fourth instars. No parasitoid larvae survived past the first larval stage in parasitized fourth instar hosts. Apophua simplicipes did not parasitize larvae of three-lined leafroller, Pandemis limitata (Robinson) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) which is sympatric with oblique banded leafrollers in orchards in the southern interior of British Columbia. Female predation and host feeding from wounds on early instars of both leafroller species was observed under laboratory conditions. In addition, early instar hosts exited diet feeding sites in response to the probing activity of the ovipositing wasps. A similar escape reaction in the orchard may cause a leafroller larva to move away from its feeding site, making it more vulnerable to predation or movement off the tree. Apophua simplicipes larvae emerged from fifth and sixth instar hosts. Parasitized oblique banded leafroller hosts consumed significantly less meridic diet than unparasitized female larvae from fifth instar through to parasitoid emergence or leafroller pupation. Our laboratory results suggest that A. simplicipes may reduce field populations of oblique banded leafroller and decrease pest feeding damage.  相似文献   

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