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This survey is performed to learn about the structure of radiotherapy in México.


Radiation oncology practice is increasing because of the higher incidence of cancer. There is no published data about radiotherapy in México.

Materials and methods

A questionnaire was sent to the 83 registered centers in the database of the Mexican regulatory agency. One out of the 32 states has no radiotherapy. 27 centers from 14 states provided their answers.


829 patients are treated annually with any radiotherapy modality in each center. Two centers have one cobalt machine, 7 have a cobalt and a linac and 10 have more than one linac. Five centers use 2D planning systems, 22 use 3D; 9, conventional simulators; 22, CT based simulation, and 1 center has no simulation. Most of the centers verify beams with films, electronic portal image devices and cone beam CTs are also used. Intensity modulated and image guided radiotherapy are performed in 5 states. Breast, prostate, cervix, lung, rectum and head and neck cancer are the six most common locations. There are 45 public and 38 private centers, 2 dedicated to children. Two gamma knife units, 5 Novalis systems, 1 tomotherapy and 2 cyberknife machines are working. All centers have at least one radiation oncologist, one physicist and one radiotherapist.


Definitive conclusions cannot be drawn from this limited feedback due to a low participation of centers. This survey about radiotherapy in Mexico shows the heterogeneity of equipment as well as medical and technical staff in the whole country.  相似文献   

Powdery mildew Phyllactinia (Ovulariopsis cf. insolita) is reported on Funastrum clausum and Fcynanchoides in Sinaloa, Mexico. The fungus was reported as Oidium insolitum on Lycium chilense in Argentina, later as Phyllactinia chubutiana (anamorph Ovulariopsis insolita). This fungus was studied by light microscopy and molecular techniques. Fungal mycelium was smooth, effuse, with septate hyphae; appressoria distinct, or ramified; conidiophores pseudoidium type; mature conidium cingulum-like, subcylindric with sub-apical and sub-terminal protuberances. Two rDNA ITS nucleotide sequences were 99% homolog with P. chubutiana's sequence.  相似文献   

Hypenia violacea (Lamiaceae), a new species from Guerrero, Mexico, is described and illustrated. This species is characterized by glabrescent, coriaceous leaves, lax thyrsoid inflorescences with pedunculate and umbelliform cymules that have 3–6 violet flowers with corollas 0.8–1.6 cm long. The species is referred to the Southern American genus Hypenia.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra Hypenia violacea (Lamiaceae), una especie nueva de Guerrero, México. Presenta hojas coriáceas, glabrescentes, inflorescencia tirsoide, laxa, con címulas umbeliformes, pedunculadas, con 3–6 flores por címula, flores de color violeta, de 0.8–1.6 cm largo. Las características observadas corresponden, en su mayoría, a Hypenia, un género de distribución sudamericana, por lo que se incluye en el mismo.

Prevalence and seasonal distribution of Ctenocephalides canis (Curtis) and Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché) infestations in urban dogs of the city of Aguascalientes, Mexico, were studied. Between January and December 2007, 863 dogs in the Municipal Canine and Feline Control Center were examined. Overall prevalence of infestation was 12% (95% CI 10-14). Seasonal distribution revealed that prevalences in spring and summer were highest, while autumn and winter had lower prevalences. Two infestation peaks were observed, i.e., in April (17.7%) and July (18.9%). A positive correlation was detected between prevalence and temperature during the winter season (P < 0.05). Prevalence in relation to gender showed that males were more frequently infested, 14% (95% CI 11-17), than females, 9.4% (95% CI 7-13); hair length did not affect differences in prevalence. Six hundred twenty-nine fleas were examined; 62% were C. canis and 38% C. felis . Dogs infested with only C. canis were 48% (95% CI 38-58), while 18% were infested only with C. felis (95% CI 11-27); the remainder, 34% (95% CI 24-44), had mixed infestations.  相似文献   

The author motivates his analysis by a general need for creativity as a precondition of human survival. He assumes that creativity and ‘talent’ is connected with such factors as supportive social conditions, presence of constructive dissonance, certain level of consciousness, creating original products, creative strategies, and creative groups or ‘private laboratory’. vrublev’s biographical analysis divided his production into three thematic domains.  相似文献   

Individual’s phenotypic traits are the results of adaptation to ecological conditions.Therefore,different selection pressures caused by heterogeneous environments may result in phenotypic difference,especially for individuals in different geographical populations.Here,we illustrated for the first time to use social network analysis(SNA)for examining whether geographical proximity predicts the similarity patterns in call characteristics among populations of an anuran species.We recorded calls from 150 male dorsal-striped opposite-fingered treefrogs(Chiromantis doriae)at 11 populations in Hainan Province and one population in Guangdong Province in China's Mainland,and we measured eight acoustic variables for each male.Mantel test didn’t show a correlation between geographical proximity and the similarity in call characteristics among populations.In addition,we failed to find correlations between a population’s eigenvector centrality and the distance to its nearest neighbor,nor between the coefficient of variation of similarity in call characteristics of a population and the average distance to all other populations.Nevertheless,three acoustic clusters were identified by the Girvan-Newman algorithm,and clustering was partially associated with geography.Furthermore,the most central populations were included in the same cluster,but the top betweenness populations were located within different clusters,suggesting that centrality populations are not necessary bridging between clusters.These results demonstrate the potential usefulness of the SNA toolbox and indicate that SNA helps to uncover the patterns that often overlooked in other analytical methods.By using SNA in frog’s call studies,researchers could further uncover the potential relationship in call characteristics between geographical populations,further reveal the effects of ecological factors on call characteristics,and probably enhance our understanding of the adaptive evolution of acoustic signals.  相似文献   

Native bees in Yucatán, México are treatened by agricultural land uses that limit their food resources, alter their reproductive habitats and increase their mortality. Various species may disappear before their importance for regional agricultural productivity and ecosystem maintenance is known. In order to assess their assemblage as visitors of cucurbit crops, we sampled more than 2000 bee specimens on fourteen fields of pumpkin, cucumber, melon and watermelon from five localities between 1995 and 1997; sample units consisted of all bees collected by net sweeping in a given field during 25–30 accumulated hours on separate days. The fourteen samples comprised bees of six families, 29 genera and 58 species. Composition per sample ranged between 10 and 27 species and abundance between 28 and 444 individuals. Seven species (six genera) of Apidae, Anthophoridae and Halictidae comprised around 80% of all the individuals collected. Yet, diversity measures indicated intermediate to high evenness in most sampled bee assemblages, i.e. despite the frequent abundance of some species of Augochlora, Partamona, Ceratina, Trigona or Peponapis, other bee visitors were also relatively important, particularly in small samples. Individual samples of pumpkin bee visitors had significantly different evenness among themselves and to other cucurbit crops. The percent similarity and number of shared species among the fourteen samples were both usually low; lumping data per crop and locality showed, however, higher evenness and more common species than individual samples. Results are discussed in terms of future research priorities: natural history of tropical native bees and strategies to monitor bee community changes for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis is still rife in Latin America, producing huge economic losses. There are very few studies of the way this disease is spread through this geographical region, particularly in countries that border those that are almost free of Mycobacterium bovis. In this work, we have analyzed the spacer oligonucleotide typing (spoligotype) patterns of M. bovis isolates from cattle at Ciudad Juárez, a Mexican city close to El Paso, Texas. Fifty-eight M. bovis isolates collected from a herd in Northern Mexico were studied by spoligotyping. Nine spoligotype patterns were observed in total. Two were predominant (SB0121 and SB0140) and accounted for 50% and 14% of the isolates, respectively. Six patterns were found to be already described in an international M. bovis spoligotype database, while the other three (SB0985, SB0986, and SB0987) were novel. Interestingly, none of the isolates corresponded to any other Mexican pattern previously reported. This is the first spoligotype analysis of M. bovis strains from a border city between Mexico and the United States. The necessity for further studies to formulate a better identification of M. bovis strains within, and its dissemination between, the two countries is discussed.  相似文献   

The need to propose recommendations for the management of over 80 species of bivalves and gastropod mollusks exploited commercially in Mexico, led to look for trends on the population and reproductive biology in relation to prevailing environmental conditions of the habitats where they are exploited. The reproductive cycle, growth parameters for the von Bertalanffy equation, mortality and recruitment of 18 populations of 14 species from 13 localities are compared and related to ambient temperature, precipitation, evaporation, geomorphology, tides, and water salinity and temperature. Localities were classified as influenced by landmasses or with marine influence, with a desert or tropical humid climate. With restricted or continuous communication to oceanic waters and with or without freshwater runoff. The reproductive cycles were classified in four groups in relation to intensity and duration of the spawning season: 1) limited to one annual spawning, 2) two or more defined spawning periods, 3) two or more extended spawning periods, and 4) continuous low intensity spawning. And three groups in relation to gonad recovery, and duration and intensity of gametogenesis: 1) post spawn and rest stages absent or restricted, 2) fast gametogenesis and a clear mature stage. and 3) extended gametogenesis and limited maturity stages. The population parameters were classified in relation to age structure and number of cohorts, intensity and duration of recruitment, and growth rates as expressed by infinity and K. In relation to their life cycle four types were found: 1) population represented by only one cohort, at least during part of the year, 2) with two or more cohorts at any time, 3) longevity under five years, and 4) longevity over live years. In relation to recruitment: 1) one recruitment period restricted to a short season, 2) two or more recruitment periods, 3) constant recruitment with one or more peaks, and 4) constant recruitment without periods of dominance.  相似文献   

To produce an inventory of the Ecitoninae ants from Morelos State (south central Mexico), we used direct capture and pit-fall traps. Occasionally, males were also collected near artificial light sources. Fifteen species were found: Labidus coecus, L. praedator s. str, Neivamyrmex agilis, N. cornutus, N fallax, N. graciellae, N. impudens, N. macropterus, N. melanocephalus, N. nigrescens, N. opacithorax, N. pauxilus, N. sumichrasti, N. swainsoni and Nomamyrmex esenbecki mordax. Twelve of these species are new records for the state. The most abundant species were L. coecus, N. melanocephalus, N. nigrescens and N. esenbecki mordax. The distribution of the species in the state, flight dates of males for some species, and a key for the identification of workers and males are included. One additional species (N. fuscipennis), collected by other authors in Morelos but not by us, is also included in the key.  相似文献   

With the purpose of evaluating the risk of transmission of the Chagas disease in the State of Colima, México, an entomological survey was performed to obtain triatominae and the rate of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi determined by examination of its dejections. Two hundred eighteen houses located in 16 villages were sampled. In each house the intradomestic and peridomestic habitats were examined by the man-hour-house method, sensor boxes and mouse-baited traps. Also, 12 silvatic places were explored around the same areas using the same techniques as the ones sampled. In total, 456 specimens were captured, of which 139 correspond to Triatoma phyllosoma pallidipennis; 80 to T.p. longipennis; one specimen of T. dimidiata and 236 nymphs of Triatoma sp. Two hundred ninety seven insects were captured in the intradomestic habitat, 132 in the peridomestic and 26 in the silvatic. The index of positive houses was 27%, located in the central area of the state. The rate of natural infection with T. cruzi showed 25.6%. This results confirmed the presence of two important vectors of the Chagas disease in Colima. Its preference for the domestic habitat and its high levels of natural infection with T. cruzi suggested the existence of a significant risk for its transmission in this area of the country.  相似文献   

This paper describes the leaf anatomy of Sabal mauritiiformis (Karst.) Griseb. & H. Wendl., Sabal mexicana Mart. and Sabal yapa Wright ex Becc., three of the four most representative species of the Yucatán Península, in Mexico. These species are locally used: in the roofing of traditional homes, as food (fruits and apical buds), and in the production of hats, brooms and handicrafts. Leaf samples were collected in secondary growth of lower montane rainforest in the state of Quintana Roo and in two home gardens in the state of Yucatán. Herbarium samples were obtained, and samples of blade and petiole were fixed in formaline-acetic acid-alcohol. Cross incisions were made on the blade and petiole, and were dyed with safranin and toluidine blue O. The results show that S. mauritiiformis and S. yapa are morphologically alike: both are tall, slim palm trees; the leaf in S. mauritiiformis is a shorter palm-like structure compared with the other two species. The shape of the main nerve, as seen in cross section, is rectangular in the three species. The hastula in the three species is acuminate and adaxial. The foliar anatomic structure is similar in the three species, although there are some differences. The adaxial an abaxial epidermis of the blade consist of one layer and, superficially, the anticlinal walls are straight; the stomata are intercostal, of the tetracytic type, present on both surfaces in S. mexicana and S. yapa and only on the abaxial surface on S. mauritiiformis. The hypodermis is one layer thick in S. yapa and in S. mexicana and two layers thick in S. mauritiiformis. In the three species the palisade parenchyma consists of several undefined strata as the cells are similar-in shape and size--to the cells in the spongy parenchyma, so there is no marked difference between these strata and the spongy parenchyma seems almost continuous. Both fibrous and vascular bundles are distributed between the hypodermis and the palisade parenchyma; the fiber bundles can be found towards the abaxial surface while the vascular and fiber bundles are located towards the adaxial surface. The fibers, in the three species, are elongated, with the pointed tips, undivided and unseptated. One to three wide vessels of metaxilem can be seen in the vascular bundles, those in S. yapa being the widest in diameter. The vascular bundles are surrounded by thick fiber sheaths which come in pairs. The anatomic structure of the petiole is similar to that of the blade, and is characterized by the many vascular and fiber bundles dispersed in the parenchymatous tissue, and which are very resistant. The histological structure of the blade and petiole reflects strength and flexibility, qualities which make these plants adequate in the construction of roofs for rural housing and other buildings.  相似文献   

Se describe e ilustra a Croton guerreroanus, una especie nueva de Guerrero, México. Durante la revisión de la familia Euphorbiaceae para el estado de Guerrero, se colectaron ejemplares que no corresponden a ninguna especie conocida y se propone como una especie nueva. Esta nueva entidad se distingue de las especies relacionadas porque es un arbusto de hasta 1.5 m de altura, con tricomas estrellado-estipitados. La lámina de la hoja es membranacea y el margen es entero, las estípulas son foliáceas, de 3–10 mm de largo, reniformes en la base y lineares en el ápice. Además la flor pistilada presenta pedicelo de 2–3 mm de largo, los sépalos son ovado-oblongos, con un nervio prominente en la cara abaxial y los estilos son bifurcados tres veces.  相似文献   

AMimosa remarkable for the combination of spicate inflorescences and non-articulate pods is described from the southwestern part of the state of México and figured; its known distribution is given and its relationships discussed; diagnostic characters of known sympatric species ofMimosa are listed.  相似文献   

Triatoma dimidiata (Latreille) is considered to be one of the primary vectors of Chagas disease in Southern Mexico and Central America. The objective of the present study was to obtain ecological information on T. dimidiata in two rural communities of Campeche, Mexico, where the vector is poorly studied. Our work consisted of monthly samplings carried out during one-year time at three levels: sylvatic, peridomestic and intradomestic, in order to estimate the population abundance of this species and its rate of infection with Trypanosoma cruzi. Triatoma dimidiata was the unique vector of this disease collected in San Juan Bautista Sakcabchen (SJBS) and Crucero San Luis (CSL). The total of 145 individuals were captured in SJBS; from these, 26.9%, 20% and 53.1% were collected in the sylvatic, peridomestic and intradomestic area, respectively. In CSL captures yielded 108 individuals: 40.7% in the sylvatic area, 20.4% peridomestic and 38.9% intradomestic. We found no correlation between climatic variables and population abundance of T. dimidiata. Dataset obtained suggests that individuals from the sylvatic area exhibit a high rate of natural infection by T. cruzi, with monthly percentages up to 61.5% for SJBS and 50% for CSL. At the peri and intradomestic level, the reservoirs apparently play an important role in the transmission, as the seroprevalence in dogs was 61.5% y 65.4%, for SJBS y CSL, respectively. Based on these findings, it was concluded that inhabitants of both communities are at a high risk of Chagas disease infection.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to inorganic mercuric ions and to organomercurials of 237 Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains isolated in Mexico was determined by agar dilution tests. Resistant strains fell into two classes: i) narrow-spectrum resistant strains (27% of total isolates) resistant only to mercuric ions and to merbromin, and most grouped in pyocin type 1; and ii) broad-spectrum resistant strains (5%) with additional resistances to thimerosal, phenylmercury, methylmercury and p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, that belonged mostly to pyocin type 10. Mercurial resistant isolates showed a higher proportion of resistance to antibiotics and metals than did mercurial sensitive isolates, and broad-spectrum resistant strains had the highest frequency of resistance to antibiotics and to tellurite and arsenate.  相似文献   

A new species of Argia is illustrated and described from material collected in the states of Colima, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacán, Morelos and Oaxaca, México. Argia mayi n. sp. is morphologically similar to Argia pocomana Calvert. It differs from the latter by the morphology of the abdominal appendages in the males and by having four postquadrangular cells in FW in both sexes, blue on the dorsum of males restricted to S8-9 and an erect hind margin of the mesostigmal plate in females.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a well-known neurodegenerative disease that is associated with dramatic morphological abnormalities. The default mode network (DMN) is one of the most frequently studied resting-state networks. However, less is known about specific structural dependency or interactions among brain regions within the DMN in AD. In this study, we performed a Bayesian network (BN) analysis based on regional grey matter volumes to identify differences in structural interactions among core DMN regions in structural MRI data from 80 AD patients and 101 normal controls (NC). Compared to NC, the structural interactions between the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and other brain regions, including the left inferior parietal cortex (IPC), the left inferior temporal cortex (ITC) and the right hippocampus (HP), were significantly reduced in the AD group. In addition, the AD group showed prominent increases in structural interactions from the left ITC to the left HP, the left HP to the right ITC, the right HP to the right ITC, and the right IPC to the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). The BN models significantly distinguished AD patients from NC with 87.12% specificity and 81.25% sensitivity. We then used the derived BN models to examine the replicability and stability of AD-associated BN models in an independent dataset and the results indicated discriminability with 83.64% specificity and 80.49% sensitivity. The results revealed that the BN analysis was effective for characterising regional structure interactions and the AD-related BN models could be considered as valid and predictive structural brain biomarker models for AD. Therefore, our study can assist in further understanding the pathological mechanism of AD, based on the view of the structural network, and may provide new insights into classification and clinical application in the study of AD in the future.  相似文献   

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