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NaCl Induces a Na/H Antiport in Tonoplast Vesicles from Barley Roots   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence was found for a Na+/H+ antiport in tonoplast vesicles isolated from barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv California Mariout 72) roots. The activity of the antiport was observed only in membranes from roots that were grown in NaCl. Measurements of acridine orange fluorescence were used to estimate relative proton influx and efflux from the vesicles. Addition of MgATP to vesicles from a tonoplast-enriched fraction caused the formation of a pH gradient, interior acid, across the vesicle membranes. EDTA was added to inhibit the ATPase, by chelating Mg2+, and the pH gradient gradually dissipated. When 50 millimolar K+ or Na+ was added along with the EDTA to vesicles from control roots, the salts caused a slight increase in the rate of dissipation of the pH gradient, as did the addition of 50 millimolar K+ to vesicles from salt-grown roots. However, when 50 millimolar Na+ was added to vesicles from salt-grown roots it caused a 7-fold increase in the proton efflux. Inclusion of 20 millimolar K+ and 1 micromolar valinomycin in the assay buffer did not affect this rapid Na+/H+ exchange. The Na+/H+ exchange rate for vesicles from salt-grown roots showed saturation kinetics with respect to Na+ concentration, with an apparent Km for Na+ of 9 millimolar. The rate of Na+/H+ exchange with 10 millimolar Na+ was inhibited 97% by 0.1 millimolar dodecyltriethylammonium.  相似文献   

Artificial pH gradients across tonoplast vesicles isolated from storage tissue of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were used to study the kinetics of a Ca2+/H+ antiport across this membrane. Ca2+-dependent H+ fluxes were measured by the pH-dependent fluorescence quenching of acridine orange. ΔpH-dependent Ca2+ influx was measured radiometrically. Both H+ efflux and Ca2+ influx displayed saturation kinetics and an identical dependence on external calcium with apparent Km values of 43.9 and 41.7 micromolar, respectively. Calcium influx was unaffected by an excess of Mg2+ but was inhibited by La3+ > Mn2+ > Cd2+. The apparent Km for external calcium was greatly affected (5-fold) by internal pH in the range of 6.0 to 6.5 and a transmembrane effect of internal proton binding on the affinity for external calcium is suggested.  相似文献   

Ward JM  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1992,99(1):170-179
The vacuolar H+-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase), originally reported to consist of three major subunits, has been further purified from oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang) to determine the complete subunit composition. Triton-solubilized ATPase activity was purified by gel filtration on Sephacryl S400 and ion-exchange chromatography (Q-Sepharose). ATP hydrolysis activity of purified preparations was inhibited by 100 nanomolar bafilomycin A1, a specific vacuolar-type ATPase inhibitor. The purified oat H+-ATPase (relative molecular weight = 650,000) was composed of polypeptides of 70, 60, 44, 42, 36, 32, 29, 16, 13, and 12 kilodaltons. To analyze the organization of the H+-ATPase subunits, native vacuolar membranes were treated with KI and MgATP to dissociate peripheral proteins. Release of 70, 60, 44, 42, 36, and 29 kilodalton polypeptides from the membrane was accompanied by a loss of ATP hydrolysis and ATP-dependent H+-pumping activities. Five of the peripheral subunits were released from the membrane as a large complex of 540 kilodaltons. Vesicles that had lost the peripheral sector of the ATPase could hold a pH gradient generated by the proton-translocating pyrophosphatase, suggesting that the integral sector of the ATPase did not form a H+-conducting pathway. Negative staining of native vesicles revealed knob-like structures of 10 to 12 nanometers in dense patches on the surface of vacuolar membranes. These structures were removed by MgATP and KI, which suggested that they were the peripheral sectors of the H+-ATPase. These results demonstrate that the vacuolar H+-ATPase from oat roots has 10 different subunits. The oat vacuolar ATPase is organized as a large peripheral sector and an integral sector with a subunit composition similar, although not identical to, other eukaryotic vacuolar ATPases. Variations in subunit composition observed among several ATPases support the idea that distinct types of vacuolar H+-ATPases exist in plants.  相似文献   

Conditions for the dissociation and reassembly of the multi-subunit vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase (H+-ATPase) from oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang) were investigated. The peripheral sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase is dissociated from the membrane integral sector by chaotropic anions. Membranes treated with 0.5 molar KI lost 90% of membrane-bound ATP hydrolytic activity; however, in the presence of Mg2+ and ATP, only 0.1 molar KI was required for complete inactivation of ATPase and H+-pumping activities. A high-affinity binding site for MgATP (dissociation constant = 34 micromolar) was involved in this destabilization. The relative loss of ATPase activity induced by KI, KNO3, or KCl was accompanied by a corresponding increase in the peripheral subunits in the supernatant, including the nucleotide-binding polypeptides of 70 and 60 kilodaltons. The order of effectiveness of the various ions in reducing ATPase activity was: KSCN > KI > KNO3 > KBr > K-acetate > K2SO4 > KCl. The specificity of nucleotides (ATP > GTP > ITP) in dissociating the ATPase is consistent with the participation of a catalytic site in destabilizing the enzyme complex. Following KI-induced dissociation of the H+-ATPase, the removal of KI and MgATP by dialysis resulted in restoration of activity. During dialysis for 24 hours, ATP hydrolysis activity increased to about 50% of the control. Hydrolysis of ATP was coupled to H+ pumping as seen from the recovery of H+ transport following 6 hours of dialysis. Loss of the 70 and 60 kilodalton subunits from the supernatant as probed by monoclonal antibodies further confirmed that the H+-ATPase complex had reassembled during dialysis. These data demonstrate that removal of KI and MgATP resulted in reassociation of the peripheral sector with the membrane integral sector of the vacuolar H+-ATPase to form a functional H+ pump. The ability to dissociate and reassociate in vitro may have implications for the regulation, biosynthesis, and assembly of the vacuolar H+-ATPase in vivo.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of the Tonoplast H-ATPase from Oats   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Randall SK  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1989,89(4):1292-1298
To determine whether the tonoplast-type H+-ATPase was differentially synthesized in various parts of the oat seedling, sections of 4-day-old oat (Avena sativa L. var Lang) seedlings were labeled in vivo with [35S]methionine and ATPase subunits were precipitated with polyclonal antisera. ATPase subunits were detected in all portions of the seedling with the exception of the seed. Lesser amounts of the 60 and 72 kilodalton polypeptides of the ATPase were found in apical regions (0-5 millimeter) than in maturing regions (10-15, or 20-25 millimeter from the tip) of the roots or shoots. To initiate a study of the biosynthesis of the ATPase, the intracellular site of synthesis for two peripheral ATPase subunits was investigated. Poly(A) RNA from either free or membrane-bound polysomes was isolated and translated in vitro. Message encoding the 72 kilodalton (catalytic) subunit was found predominantly in mRNA isolated from membrane-bound polysomes. In contrast, the message for the 60 kilodalton (putative regulatory) subunit was found predominantly on free polysomes. Polypeptides synthesized in vivo or obtained from RNA translated in vitro exhibited no apparent size differences (limit of resolution, approximately 1 kilodalton), suggesting the absence of cleaved precursors for the 72 or 60 kilodalton subunits. These data suggest a complex mechanism for the synthesis and assembly of the tonoplast ATPase.  相似文献   

The pH-dependent fluorescence quenching of acridine orange was used to study the Na+- and K+-dependent H+ fluxes in tonoplast vesicles isolated from storage tissue of red beet and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). The Na+-dependent H+ flux across the tonoplast membrane could be resolved into two components: (a) a membrane potential-mediated flux through conductive pathways; and (b) an electroneutral flux which showed Michaelis-Menten kinetics relationship to Na+ concentration and was competitively inhibited by amiloride (Ki = 0.1 millimolar). The potential-dependent component of H+ flux showed an approximately linear dependence on Na+ concentration. In contrast, the K+-dependent H+ flux apparently consisted of a single component which showed an approximately linear dependence on K+ concentration, and was insensitive to amiloride. Based on the Na+- and K+-dependent H+ fluxes, the passive permeability of the vesicle preparation to Na+ was about half of that to K+.

The apparent Km for Na+ of the electroneutral Na+/H+ exchange varied by more than 3-fold (7.5-26.5 millimolar) when the internal and external pH values were changed in parallel. The results suggest a simple kinetic model for the operation of the Na+/H+ antiport which can account for the estimated in vivo accumulation ratio for Na+ into the vacuole.


Populus euphratica has been used as a plant model to study resistance against salt and osmotic stresses, with recent studies having characterized the tonoplast and the plasma membrane ATPases, and two Na+/H+ antiporters, homologs of the Arabidopsis tonoplast AtNHX1, were published in databases. In the present work we show that P. euphratica suspension-cultured cells are highly tolerant to high salinity, being able to grow with up to 150 mM NaCl in the culture medium without substantial modification of the final population size when compared to the control cells in the absence of salt. At a salt concentration of 300 mM, cells were unable to grow but remained highly viable up to 17 days after subculture. The addition of a 1-M-NaCl pulse to unadapted cells did not promote a significant loss in cell viability within 48 h. In tonoplast vesicles purified from cells cultivated in the absence of salt and from salt-stressed cells, vacuolar H+-pyrophosphatase (V-H+-PPase) seemed to be the primary tonoplast proton pump; however, there appears to be a decrease in V-H+-PPase activity with exposure to NaCl, in contrast to the sodium-induced increase in the activity of vacuolar H+-ATPase (V-H+-ATPase). Despite reports that in P. euphratica there is no significant difference in the concentration of Na+ in the different cell compartments under NaCl stress, in the present study, confocal and epifluorescence microscopic observations using a Na+-sensitive probe showed that suspension-cultured cells subject to a salt pulse accumulated Na+ in the vacuole when compared with control cells. Concordantly, a tonoplast Na+/H+ exchange system is described whose activity is upregulated by salt and, indirectly, by a salt-mediated increase of V-H+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

Salt DE  Rauser WE 《Plant physiology》1995,107(4):1293-1301
In Cd-exposed oat (Avena sativa) roots Cd was found to be associated primarily with the phytochelatin ([gamma]-glutamylcysteinyl)3-glutamic acid [([gamma]EC)3G], with a peptide to Cd ratio of 1:3 (cysteine to Cd ratio of 1:1), even though both ([gamma]EC)2G and ([gamma]EC)3G were present in the roots. Phytochelatins are known to accumulate in the vacuoles of plant cells on exposure to Cd, but the mechanism is not clear. Here we present evidence for the transport of the phytochelatins ([gamma]EC)3G and ([gamma]EC)2G as well as the Cd complex Cd-([gamma]EC)3G across the tonoplast of oat roots. Transport of ([gamma]EC)3G had a Km, for MgATP of 0.18 mM and a Vmax of 0.7 to 1 nmol mg-1 protein min-1. Transport of ([gamma]EC)3G was also energized by MgGTP and to a lesser extent MgUTP and was highly sensitive to orthovanadate, with a 50%-inhibitory concentration of 0.9 [mu]M. The Cd complex Cd-([gamma]EC)3G and ([gamma]EC)2G were also transported in a MgATP-dependent, vanadate-sensitive manner. Therefore, this process is a candidate for the transport of both phytochelatins, and Cd as its peptide complex, from the cytoplasm into the vacuole.  相似文献   

Tonoplast enriched membrane vesicle fractions were isolated from unadapted and NaCl (428 millimolar) adapted tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. var Wisconsin 38). Polypeptides from the tonoplast enriched vesicle fractions were separated by SDS-PAGE and analyzed by Western blots using polyclonal antibodies to the 70 kilodalton subunit of the red beet tonoplast H+-ATPase. These antibodies cross-reacted exclusively to a tobacco polypeptide of an apparent molecular weight of 69 kilodaltons. The antibodies inhibited ATP-dependent, NO3 sensitive H+ transport into vesicles in tonoplast enriched membrane fractions from both unadapted and NaCl adapted cells. The relative H+ transport capacity per unit of 69 kilodalton subunit of the tonoplast ATPase of vesicles from NaCl adapted cells was fourfold greater than that observed for vesicles from unadapted cells. The increase in specific H+ transport capacity after adaptation was also observed for ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The effects of calmodulin (CaM) on ATPase activity and ATP-dependent formation of a proton gradient (ΔpH) were studied in tonoplast membrane vesicles from corn (Zea mays L.) roots. At 0.6 micromolar, CaM stimulated ATPase activity by about 20% in the absence of an uncoupler, but by only 4% in its presence. Thus, the uncoupler-dependent increment of activity was decreased 30 to 45% by CaM. The formation of a proton gradient across the membrane vesicle, measured by quinacrine fluorescence quench, was inhibited about 20% by CaM. Its effect was additive to the effect of Ca2+ and was completely abolished by EGTA. These effects of CaM could be due to stimulation of H+ efflux or due to inhibition of the H+-ATPase. To distinguish between these possibilities, we examined the effect of CaM on dissipation of preformed ΔpH after the ATPase was inhibited. CaM stimulated the dissipation of a preformed ΔpH by 40% after the H+-ATPase was inhibited with NO3. This indicates that CaM facilitates the recycling of protons across the tonoplast membranes and does not regulate the H+-ATPase by direct inhibition.  相似文献   

Tonoplast vesicles were isolated from leaf mesophyll tissue of the inducible Crassulacean acid metabolism plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum to investigate the mechanism of vacuolar Na+ accumulation in this halophilic species. In 8-week-old plants exposed to 200 mM NaCl for 2 weeks, tonoplast H+-ATPase activity was approximately doubled compared with control plants of the same age, as determined by rates of both ATP hydrolysis and ATP-dependent H+ transport. Evidence was also obtained for the presence of an electroneutral Na+/H+ antiporter at the tonoplast that is constitutively expressed, since extravesicular Na+ was able to dissipate a pre-existing transmembrane pH gradient. Initial rates of H+ efflux showed saturation kinetics with respect to extravesicular Na+ concentration and were 2.1-fold higher from vesicles of salt-treated plants compared with the controls. Na+-dependent H+ efflux also showed a high selectivity for Na+ over K+, was insensitive to the transmembrane electrical potential difference, and was more than 50% inhibited by 200 [mu]M N-amidino-3,5-diamino-6-chloropyrazinecarboxamide hydrochloride. The close correlation between increased Na+/H+ antiport and H+-ATPase activities in response to salt treatment suggests that accumulation of the very high concentrations of vacuolar Na+ found in M. crystallinum is energized by the H+ electrochemical gradient across the tonoplast.  相似文献   

A K+/H+ antiporter regulates cytoplasmic pH in Enterococcus hirae growing at alkaline pH. Mutants defective in this antiport activity were alkaline pH sensitive. One mutant, Pop1, lacked both K+/methylamine exchange at pH 9.5 and concomitant acidification of cytoplasmic pH. Pop1 grew well at pHs below 8 but did not at pHs above 9, conditions under which cytoplasmic pH was not fully acidified.  相似文献   

Using pH-sensitive microelectrodes (in vitro) and acridine orange photometry (in vivo), the actions of the two tonoplast phosphatases, the tp-ATPase and the tp-PPase, were investigated with respect to how effectively they could generate a transtonoplast pH-gradient. Under standard conditions the vacuoles of the aquatic liverwort Riccia fluitans have an in vivo pH of 4.7 to 5.0. In isolated vacuoles a maximal vacuolar pH (pHv) of 4.74 ± 0.1 is generated in the presence of 0.1 millimolar PPi, but only 4.93 ± 0.13 in the presence of 2.5 millimolar ATP. Both substrates added together approximate the value for PPi. Cl-stimulates the H+-transport driven by the tp-ATPase, but has no effect on the tp-PPase. The transport activity of the tp-ATPase approximates saturation kinetics (K½ ≈ 0.5 millimolar), whereas transport by the tp-PPase yields an optimum around 0.1 millimolar PPi. The transtonoplast pH-gradient is dissipated slowly by weak bases, from which a vacuolar buffer capacity of roughly 300 to 400 millimolar/pHv unit has been estimated. From the free energy (−11.42 kilojoules per mole) for the hydrolysis of PPi under the given experimental conditions, we conclude that the PPase-stoichiometry (transported H+ per hydrolyzed substrate molecule) must be 1, and that in vivo this enzyme works as a H+-pump rather than as a pyrophosphate synthetase.  相似文献   

Characterization of a NO(3)-Sensitive H-ATPase from Corn Roots   总被引:16,自引:16,他引:0  
When assayed in the presence of azide, NO3 was shown to be a specific inhibitor of a proton-translocating ATPase present in corn (Zea mays L. cv WF9 × M017) root microsomal membranes. The distribution of the NO3-sensitive ATPase on sucrose gradients and its general characteristics are similar to those previously reported for the anion-stimulated H+-ATPase of corn roots believed to be of tonoplast origin. An ATPase inhibited by 20 μm vanadate and insensitive to molybdate was also identified in corn root microsomal membranes which could be largely separated from the NO3-sensitive ATPase on sucrose gradients and is believed to be of plasma membrane origin. Inasmuch as both ATPase most likely catalyze the efflux of H+ from the cytoplasm, our objective was to characterize and compare the properties of both ATPases under identical experimental conditions. The vanadate-sensitive ATPase was stimulated by cations (K+ > NH4+ > Rb+ > Cs+ > Li+ > Na+ > choline+) whereas the NO3-sensitive ATPase was stimulated by anions (Cl > Br > C2H3O2 > SO42− > I > HCO3 > SCN). Both ATPases required divalent cations. However, the order of preference for the NO3-sensitive ATPase (Mn2+ > Mg2+ > Co2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+) differed from that of the vanadate-sensitive ATPase (Co2+ > Mg2+ > Mn2+ > Zn2+ > Ca2+). The vanadate-sensitive ATPase required higher concentrations of Mg:ATP for full activity than did the NO3-sensitive ATPase. The kinetics for Mg:ATP were complex for the vanadate-sensitive ATPase, indicating positive cooperativity, but were simple for the NO3-sensitive ATPase. Both ATPases exhibited similar temperature and pH optima (pH 6.5). The NO3-sensitive ATPase was stimulated by gramicidin and was associated with NO3-inhibitable H+ transport measured as quenching of quinacrine fluorescence. It was insensitive to molybdate, azide, and vanadate, but exhibited slight sensitivity to ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl carbodiimide) and mersalyl. Overall, these results indicate several properties which distinguish these two ATPases and suggest that under defined conditions NO3-sensitive ATPase activity may be used as a quantitative marker for those membranes identified tentatively as tonoplast in mixed or nonpurified membrane fractions. We feel that NO3 sensitivity is a better criterion by which to identify this ATPase than either Cl stimulation or H+ transport because it is less ambiguous. It is also useful in identifying the enzyme following solubilization.  相似文献   

Sealed microsomal membrane vesicles were prepared from leaves of a 250 millimolar NaCl-grown halophyte (Atriplex gmelini C. A. Mey). The vesicles exhibited ATP-dependent proton-transporting activity which was inhibited 60% by NO3 (50 millimolar) but not by vanadate (100 micromolar) and 23% by oligomycin (10 micrograms per milliliter), suggesting that tonoplast-derived vesicles were the major constituents of the preparation. The pH gradient established by the vesicles by ATP in the presence of oligomycin collapsed upon the addition of Na+ salts. The vesicles took up Na+ ions in the presence of ATP and this activity was canceled by gramicidin. These results suggest that Na+ ions were taken up by the vesicles via a Na+-specific uptake system, possibly a Na+/H+ antiport.  相似文献   

Helguera G  Beauge L 《Plant physiology》1997,115(4):1397-1403
ATP-ADP exchange was estimated in the presence of plasma membrane H+-ATPase of oat (Avena sativa) roots partially purified with Triton X-100 by measuring [14C]ATP formation from [14C]ADP. Most studies were done at 0[deg]C. At pH 6.0 the exchange showed: (a) Mg2+ requirement with a biphasic response giving maximal activity at 152 [mu]M and (b) insensitivity to ionic strength, [Na+], and [K+]. ATP and ADP dependence were analyzed with a model in which nucleotide-enzyme interactions are at rapid-random equilibrium, whereas E1ATP [left right arrow] E1P-ADP transitions occur in steady state. The results indicated competition between ADP and ATP for the catalytic site, whereas ATP interaction with the ADP site was extremely weak. At 0[deg]C the exchange showed a 3-fold pH increase, from pH 5.5 to 9.0. At an alkaline pH the reaction was not affected by sodium azide and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluometoxyphenyl-hydrazone, had a biphasic response to Mg2+ (maximal at 513 [mu]m), and was insensitive to ionic strength. At 20[deg]C ATP-ADP exchange was pH insensitive. At both temperatures ATP hydrolysis displayed a bell-shaped response, with a maximum around pH 6.0 to 6.5. Because no adenylate kinase activity was detected under any condition, these results demonstrate the existence of an ATP-ADP exchange reaction catalyzed by the plant H+-ATPase.  相似文献   

To study the function and adaptive mechanism of tonoplast H+ATPase under salt stress, pea ( Pisum sativum L.) seedlings were treated with different concentrations of salt (100-250 mmol/L NaCl) and with 100 mmol/L NaCl for different days (1-3 d). The ATP hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity and the changes of the amount of tonoplast H+ ATPase (subunit A) were measured. ATP hydrolytic activity of H+ATPase prepared from plants treated with 250 mmol/L NaCl was reduced by about 25% compared to that of control plants, but that of stressed plants treated with 100 mmol/L and 200 mmol/L NaCl was unchanged. The activity from plants treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for up to 3 d was lower than that of control plants by 20%. But the proton transport activity was increased under the same salt stresses as above. These results showed that the changes of the hydrolytic activity and the proton transport activity were not in proportion and salt stress may cause the change of the coupling ratio of H+ transport activity to ATP hydrolysis. The protein amount kept unchanged and reduced a little only when pea was treated with 100 mmol/L NaCl for 3 d. These results indicated that salinity stimulated the increase of the pump efficiency of the V-ATPase from pea roots, which was due to the change of the coupling ratio, but not due to the increase of ATP hydrolysis and the amount of V-ATPase.  相似文献   

Ward JM  Sze H 《Plant physiology》1992,99(3):925-931
To determine whether the detergent-solubilized and purified vacuolar H+-ATPase from plants was active in H+ transport, we reconstituted the purified vacuolar ATPase from oat roots (Avena sativa var Lang). Triton-solubilized ATPase activity was purified by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Incorporation of the vacuolar ATPase into liposomes formed from Escherichia coli phospholipids was accomplished by removing Triton X-100 with SM-2 Bio-beads. ATP hydrolysis activity of the reconstituted ATPase was stimulated twofold by gramicidin, suggesting that the enzyme was incorporated into sealed proteoliposomes. Acidification of K+-loaded proteoliposomes, monitored by the quenching of acridine orange fluorescence, was stimulated by valinomycin. Because the presence of K+ and valinomycin dissipates a transmembrane electrical potential, the results indicate that ATP-dependent H+ pumping was electrogenic. Both H+ pumping and ATP hydrolysis activity of reconstituted preparations were completely inhibited by <50 nanomolar bafilomycin A1, a specific vacuolar type ATPase inhibitor. The reconstituted H+ pump was also inhibited by N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or NO3 but not by azide or vanadate. Chloride stimulated both ATP hydrolysis by the purified ATPase and H+ pumping by the reconstituted ATPase in the presence of K+ and valinomycin. Hence, our results support the idea that the vacuolar H+-pumping ATPase from oat, unlike some animal vacuolar ATPases, could be regulated directly by cytoplasmic Cl concentration. The purified and reconstituted H+-ATPase was composed of 10 polypeptides of 70, 60, 44, 42, 36, 32, 29, 16, 13, and 12 kilodaltons. These results demonstrate conclusively that the purified vacuolar ATPase is a functional electrogenic H+ pump and that a set of 10 polypeptides is sufficient for coupled ATP hydrolysis and H+ translocation.  相似文献   

Proton extrusion from cucumber roots decreased markedly duringCa2+ starvation in the presence of KC1. Vesicles with ATP-dependentproton transport activity were prepared from the microsomalmembrane fraction of control and Ca2+-starved roots. The protontransport rate of the vesicles from Ca2+-starved roots was repressedto less than half of the vesicles prepared from the controlroots. K+-Mg2+-ATPase activity associated with the vesiclesprepared from Ca2+-starved roots was approximately one-thirdof the activity associated with those prepared from controlroots. Km values of the proton transport rate and K+-Mg2+-ATPasefor ATP were much higher in vesicles prepared from Ca2+-starvedroots. The repression of proton extrusion linked with K+ uptake inthe Ca2+-starved roots could be largely caused by the reducedproton pumping activity associated with microsomal membranesin the roots. (Received May 25, 1987; Accepted October 14, 1987)  相似文献   

水稻幼苗根细胞质膜和液泡膜微囊Ca^2+-ATP酶的特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
水稻幼苗根质膜和液泡膜Ca2+-ATP酶对ATP的Km值分别为7.1和4.5 μ mol·L-1;反应的最适pH分别为8.0和7.0.两者活性均受Na3VO4和曙红B(EB)抑制;CPZ抑制质膜Ca2+-ATP酶活性,但促进液泡膜Ca2+-ATP酶活性.30mmol·L-1CaCl2浸种和CaCl2浸种结合低温锻炼预处理,均可提高此酶的活性和冷稳定性.  相似文献   

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