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Material exhibiting immunoreactivity for substance P in enteric nerves, obtained from the myenteric plexus of the guinea pig small intestine, and in the peripheral ends of sensory nerves of the ureter, atrium and superior mesenteric artery, was characterized by separation by high pressure liquid chromatography, and quantified by radioimmunoassay of fractions collected from the chromatograph. Capsaicin, which depletes substance P-like immunoreactivity from sensory, but not from other substance P-containing nerves, reduced the content of substance P-like immunoreactivity in ureter, atrium and superior mesenteric artery by more than 99.5%, whereas the reduction in immunoreactive material in the myenteric plexus was less than 10%. Separation of extracts of myenteric plexus, ureter and atrium on a reversed-phase column gave major peaks corresponding to authentic substance P and minor peaks that coeluted with oxidized substance P. If the extracts were oxidized with hydrogen peroxide before chromatography, all the immunoreactivity was found in the peak corresponding to oxidized substance P. In the superior mesenteric artery extracts, in addition to the components corresponding to substance P and its oxidized derivative, there was a small intermediate peak that has yet to be identified. Physalaemin, which has been suggested to be present in mammalian nerves, was not detectable in any of the extracts. It is concluded that both enteric nerves and the peripheral processes of sensory nerves which show immunoreactivity for substance P in this species contain the authentic peptide.  相似文献   

Multipotent somatic stem cells have been identified in various adult tissues. However, the stem/progenitor cells of the peripheral nerves have been isolated only from fetal tissues. Here, we isolated Schwann-cell precursors/immature Schwann cells from the injured peripheral nerves of adult mice using a floating culture technique that we call "Schwann-spheres." The Schwann-spheres were derived from de-differentiated mature Schwann cells harvested 24 hours to 6 weeks after peripheral nerve injury. They had extensive self-renewal and differentiation capabilities. They strongly expressed the immature-Schwann-cell marker p75, and differentiated only into the Schwann-cell lineage. The spheres showed enhanced myelin formation and neurite growth compared to mature Schwann cells in vitro. Mature Schwann cells have been considered a promising candidate for cell-transplantation therapies to repair the damaged nervous system, whereas these "Schwann-spheres" would provide a more potential autologous cell source for such transplantation.  相似文献   

It is not clear how the increase in intraluminal pressure behind an obstructing ureteric calculus causes an increase in action potential frequency in ureteric sensory nerves so the pain messages are transmitted to the brain. It has been proposed that ureteric distension causes urothelial release of ATP, which activates purinoceptors on suburothelial nociceptive sensory nerves. The purpose of this study was to determine whether distension of the human ureter results in the release of ATP and whether the nociceptive P2 receptor, P2X(3), is expressed on suburothelial sensory nerves in the human ureter. Human ureter segments were perfused with Krebs solution and intermittently distended to a range of pressures. Samples of perfusate were collected throughout and the ATP concentration ([ATP]) was determined using a luciferin-luciferase assay. Sections of ureter were stained using antibodies against P2X(3) and capsaicin receptors (TRPV1). [ATP] rose to more than 10 times baseline levels after distension beyond a threshold of 25-30 cmH(2)O. Immunofluorescence studies on consecutive frozen sections showed that suburothelial nerves stained positively for P2X(3) and capsaicin receptors, with no staining in controls. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that purinergic signalling is involved in human ureteric mechanosensory transduction, leading to nociception.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) catalyzes the formation of nitric oxide (NO) from L-arginine. In this study, the cellular localization of neuronal NOS (nNOS) activity in the human retina since fetal development was examined by immunohistochemistry. No detectable staining in the fetal retina was present at 14 weeks of gestation (wg), the earliest age group examined. A centro-peripheral gradient of development of nNOS immunoreactivity was evident at 16–17 wg, with the midperipheral retina showing nNOS immunoreactivity in most of the cell types and the inner plexiform layer while the peripheral part demonstrated moderate immunoreactivity only in the ganglion cell layer and photoreceptor precursors. A transient increase in nNOS immunoreactivity in the ganglion cells and Müller cell endfeet between 18–19 and 24–25 wg was observed at the time when programmed cell death in the ganglion cell layer, loss of optic nerve fibres as well as increase in glutamate immunoreactivity and parvalbumin (a calcium binding protein) immunoreactivity in the ganglion cells was reported. These observations indicate that programmed cell death of ganglion cells in the retina may be linked to glutamate toxicity and NO activity, as also suggested by others in the retina and cerebral cortex. The presence of nNOS immunoreactivity in the photoreceptors from 16–17 weeks of fetal life to adulthood indicates other functions, besides their involvement in photoreceptor function of transduction and information processing.  相似文献   

Sulfated glucuronyl glycolipids (SGGL) have been implicated as important target antigens in patients with demyelinating polyneuropathy and IgM paraproteinemia. Sulfated glucuronyl paragloboside (SGPG), a major species of SGGL, was identified in the subcellular fractions of human peripheral motor and sensory nerves using a simple and quantitative method. SGPG was found to be concentrated in the myelin-enriched fractions of both motor and sensory nerves (1.3±0.3 and 1.5±0.4 µg/mg protein, respectively), whereas its concentration was 0.9±0.2 and 1.8±0.6 µg/mg protein in the axolemma-enriched fractions of motor and sensory nerves, respectively. Our finding that SGPG is more abundant in the human sensory nerve axolemma-enriched fraction may account for the clinical and pathological observations that the lesions are more heavily concentrated in the sensory nerve than in other parts of the nerve tissues in this disorder.  相似文献   

Sensory and social deprivation from the mother and littermates during early life disturbs the development of the central nervous system, but little is known about its effect on the development of the peripheral nervous system. To assess peripheral effects of early isolation, male rat pups were reared artificially in complete social isolation (AR); reared artificially with two same‐age conspecifics (AR‐Social); or reared by their mothers and with littermates (MR). As adults, the electrophysiological properties of the sensory sural (SU) nerve were recorded. We found that the amplitude and normalized area (with respect to body weight) of the compound action potential (CAP) response provoked by single electrical pulses of graded intensity in the SU nerves of AR animals were shorter than the CAP recorded in SU nerves from MR and AR‐Social animals. The slope of the stimulus‐response curve of AR SU nerves was smaller than that of the other nerves. The histological characterization of axons in the SU nerves was made and showed that the myelin thickness of axons in AR SU nerves was significant lower (2–7µm) than that of the axons in the other nerves. Furthermore, the area and axon diameter of SU nerves of both AR and AR‐Social animals were significant lower than in MR animals. This is the first report to show that maternal and littermate deprivation by AR disturbs the development of the myelination and electrophysiological properties of axons in the SU nerve; the replacement of social cues prevents most of the effects. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 1184–1193, 2014  相似文献   

We investigated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) the distribution of caldendrin, the founding member of a novel family of neuronal calcium-binding proteins closely related to calmodulin, in human forebrain. Caldendrin immunoreactivity was unevenly distributed, with prominent staining in the paleo- and neocortex, hippocampus, and hypothalamus. With the exception of the hypothalamus, labeling was restricted to the somato-dendritic compartment of neurons. This distribution completely matches that reported in rat, indicating that the cellular function is most likely conserved among species. Therefore, one prerequisite for functional studies in rodent models aimed at elucidation of mechanisms with relevance for humans can be based on the present findings.  相似文献   

Significant post-mortem changes in peptide concentration occur within the previously unstudied timeframe, i.e. within 1 h, for the proenkephalin A, proopiomelanoccortin, and tachykinin neuropeptidergic systems in the pituitary. These data differ from data obtained in other studies that concluded that peptides are stable for up to 72 h post-mortem. The post-mortem stability of the three neuropeptides, methionine enkephalin, substance P, and β-endorphin, was studied in the rat pituitary to test the hypothesis that significant post-mortem concentration changes of those three neuropeptides occur in the immediate post-mortem time period.  相似文献   

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), a member of the GDNF family of neurotrophic factors, promotes the survival and function of several neuronal populations in the peripheral and central nervous system. In the present study, expression of GDNF mRNA in the shaft of adult rat penis is demonstrated. In situ hybridization revealed GDNF mRNA expression in cells lying in the narrow zone between the tunica albuginea and the cavernous tissue. Most subtunical cells exhibited immunoreactivity for vimentin and S100 beta, but they did not stain for smooth muscle alpha actin or PGP9.5. This suggests that the GDNF mRNA-expressing cells may have a mesenchymal origin. Also retrograde axonal transport of intracavernously injected 125I-labeled GDNF in penile parasympathetic and sensory neurons is shown. The transport was inhibited by excess unlabeled GDNF, whereas excess cytochrome c had no effect. This is in agreement with the view that the transport was mediated by binding to specific receptors located on axon terminals. In addition, this study demonstrates expression of GDNF family receptor-alpha 3 (GFR alpha 3) mRNA in most adrenergic, but only in a minor part (5.3%) of the penis-projecting adult rat major pelvic ganglion neurons, as well as in almost half (45.6%) of the penile S1 dorsal root ganglion neurons. In conclusion, the present data suggest that GDNF may act as a neurotrophic factor for subpopulations of adult rat penile parasympathetic and sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Methionine-enkephalin (ME-IR) and beta-endorphin (BE-IR) immunoreactive material CSF concentrations have been measured in subjects of different ages affected by lumbar or cervical disk hernia. The two peptides exhibited different age-related trends. ME-IR levels rose significantly with age while no changes were observed in the case of BE-IR.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that rat neurofilament protein may contain an endogenous MSH-like epitope with neuroregenerative properties. The presence of such an epitope has now been studied in nerve tissue from Xenopus laevis. Western blot analyses of sciatic nerve tissue using an assortment of sequence-specific MSH/ACTH antisera revealed the presence of two major immunoreactive protein bands of 52 and 50 kDa, which contained a mid-region MSH-like epitope. Weaker staining occurred in another protein band at 135 kDa. Immunocytochemistry revealed the immunoreactivity to reside in the axis cylinders of the nerve fibers. Other antisera, recognizing other regions of MSH/ACTH produced strong staining of Xenopus intermediate lobes, but failed to stain sciatic nerves. Thus, the proteins detected have no clear relation to either Xenopus neurofilament proteins or proopiomelanocortin.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have indicated that rat neurofilament protein may contain an endogenous MSH-like epitope with neuroregenerative properties. The presence of such an epitope has now been studied in nerve tissue from Xenopus laevis. Western blot analyses of sciatic nerve tissue using an assortment of sequence-specific MSH/ACTH antisera revealed the presence of two major immunoreactive protein bands of 52 and 50 kDa, which contained a mid-region MSH-like epitope. Weaker staining occurred in another protein band at 135 kDa. Immunocytochemistry revealed the immunoreactivity to reside in the axis cylinders of the nerve fibers. Other antisera, recognizing other regions of MSH/ACTH produced strong staining of Xenopus intermediate lobes, but failed to stain sciatic nerves. Thus, the proteins detected have no clear relation to either Xenopus neurofilament proteins or proopiomelanocortin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Immunocytochemical methods for quantitating Her-2/neu immunoreactivity rest on subjective semi-quantitative interpretations with resulting interobserver, intraobserver, and fatigue variability. METHODS: To standardize and quantitate measurements of Her-2/neu immunoreactivity, we created epithelial-recognition and specific membrane-recognition algorithms, which could image breast cancer cells against a background of stroma, compartmentalize the cancer cell into nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane, and quantitate the degree of Her-2/neu membrane immunoreactivity based on both gray scale intensity and RGB colorimetric determinations. Image acquisition utilized either scanner or microscope with attached camera with a resolution of 20 pixels/10 microm. Areas of 150 whole slides were screened and the regions of interest manually selected for image processing. Three hundred TMA cores were directly processed. Images were acquired by jpg conversion of svs virtual slides or direct jpg photomicrograph capture. Images were then assessed for quality and processed. RESULTS: The digital algorithms successfully created a semi-automated imaging system whose algorithm-based ordinal values for Her-2/neu both strongly correlated with the subjective measurements (intraclass correlation: 0.84; 95% confidence interval: 0.79-0.89) yet exhibited no run variability. In addition, the algorithms generated immunocytochemical measurements of Her-2/neu on an expanded continuous scale, which more reliably distinguished true Her-2/neu positivity from true Her-2/neu negativity (determined by FISH) than subjective or algorithmic ordinal scale measurements. Furthermore, the continuous scale measurements could better resolve different levels of Her-2/neu overexpression than either subjective or algorithmic ordinal interpretation. Other semi-automated analysis systems have been used to measure Her-2/neu and other cellular immunoreactivities, but these either have required proprietary hardware or have been based on luminosity differences alone. In contrast, our algorithms are independent of proprietary hardware and are based on not just luminosity but also many other imaging properties including epithelial recognition and membrane morphology. CONCLUSION: These features provide a more accurate, versatile, and robust imaging analysis platform.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenergic innervation and the in vitro uptake of 3H-noradrenaline has been investigated in human atrial tissue slices from patients undergoing thoracic surgery. The atrial appendage was richly innervated, but the density of the adrenergic nerve plexus varied considerably between different tissues examined. The nerve terminals were of characteristic varicose appearance, running singly or in bundles along the long axis of the muscle fibers. The nerve fibers seemed to penetrate in between the muscle cells. The distribution and appearance of the adrenergic nerves were quite similar to those described in earlier investigations of heart tissue from other species. The uptake and accumulation of 3H-noradrenaline in vitro increased with increasing concentration in the medium and with time, and the uptake process could efficiently be blocked by desmethylimipramine (DMI), a potent inhibitor of the uptake mechanism located at the axonal membrane, the so called membrane pump. There was a true accumulation of 3H-noradrenaline in the atrial tissue during the incubation, compared to the medium. The metabolism of 3H-noradrenaline during the incubation has also been studied. The data presented speak in favour of the view that the adrenergic nerves of human atria possess an efficient uptake accumulation mechanism for noradrenaline.Abbreviations used DMI desmethylimipramine - NA noradrenaline - NM normetanephrine  相似文献   

Recent findings have pointed out the role of neurotrophic factors in the survival and maintenance of neurons of the auditory system. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, FGF-2) is a potent neurotrophic molecule whose actions can be seen in the central and peripheral nervous systems. In the present study, FGF-2 immunoreactivity was analyzed in the auditory pathways of the adult rat, employing a well-characterized polyclonal antibody against FGF-2. In the cochlea, FGF-2 immunoreactivity was observed in the inner and outer hair cells of the organ of Corti, spiral ganglion neurons, spiral limbus, and stria vascularis. Stereological methods employing optical fractionator revealed the presence of 84.5, 15, and 0.5% of spiral ganglion neurons possessing FGF-2 immunoreactivity of strong, moderate, and weak intensity, respectively. In the central auditory pathways, FGF-2 immunoreactivity was found in the cytoplasm of the neurons of the cochlear nuclei, trapezoid body nuclei, medial geniculate nucleus, and inferior colliculus. The two-color immunoperoxidase method showed FGF-2 immunoreactivity in the nuclei of astrocytes throughout the central auditory pathway. Computer-assisted microdensitometric image analysis revealed higher levels of specific mean gray values of FGF-2 immunoreactivity in the trapezoid body and ventral cochlear nucleus and also in the spiral ganglion and inner hair cells. Sections incubated with FGF-2 antibody preabsorbed with human recombinant FGF-2 showed no immunoreaction in the majority of the studied regions, exhibiting only a slight immunoreactive product in the hair cells of the organ of Corti. Furthermore, no changes in immunoreactivity were observed in sections incubated with FGF-2 antiserum preincubated with human recombinant acidic FGF (FGF-1). The findings suggest that FGF-2 may exert paracrine and autocrine actions on neurons of the central and peripheral auditory systems and may be of importance in the mechanism of hearing diseases.  相似文献   

Raap  M.  Gierendt  L.  Werlein  C.  Kuehnle  E.  Kreipe  H. H.  Christgen  M. 《Journal of molecular histology》2021,52(6):1257-1264

AP-2β is a new mammary epithelial differentiation marker and its expression is preferentially retained and enhanced in lobular carcinoma in situ and invasive lobular breast cancer. In normal breast epithelium AP-2β is expressed in a scattered subpopulation of luminal cells. So far, these cells have not been further characterized. Co-expression of AP-2β protein and luminal epithelium markers (GATA3, CK8/18), hormone receptors [estrogen receptor (ER), androgen receptor (AR)] and candidate stem cells markers (CK5/14, CD44) were assessed by double-immunofluorescence staining in normal mammary gland epithelium. The subpopulation of AP-2β-positive mammary epithelial cells showed an almost complete, superimposable co-expression with GATA3 and a peculiar intense, ring-like appearing immunoreactivity for CK8/18. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy revealed an apicobasal staining for CK8/18 in AP-2β-positive cells, which was not seen in in AP-2β-negative cells. Furthermore, AP-2β-positive displayed a partial co-expression with ER and AR, but lacked expression of candidate stem cell markers CK5/14 and CD44. In summary, AP-2β is a new luminal mammary epithelial differentiation marker, which is expressed in the GATA3-positive subpopulation of luminal epithelial cells. These AP-2β-positive/GATA3-positive cells also show a peculiar CK8/18-expression which may indicate a previously unknown functionally specialized mammary epithelial cell population.


Different populations of interstitial cells (ICs) may serve as gut pacemakers or as intermediaries between enteric nerves and smooth muscle cells. However, very little is known about the substances that ICs might use to communicate with other cells and no data are available in humans. Because carbon monoxide (CO) is emerging as a putative mediator in the regulation of gastrointestinal motility, this study examined the presence of heme oxygenase (HO2), the constitutive form of the enzyme for CO production, in human stomach with particular attention to ICs. The distribution of HO2 in nerves and ICs in human antrum was studied using specific antibodies. The immunostaining was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy. HO2 immunoreactivity was found in myenteric neurons and nerve fibers supplying the circular muscle layer and in intramuscular c-kit+ ICs, but not in c-kit+ ICs surrounding the myenteric ganglia. The presence of HO2 in different cell types suggests that CO may serve as an intercellular messenger between myenteric neurons and ICs and between ICs and smooth muscle cells in human stomach. Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

The sodium bicarbonate co-transporter, NBC3, is expressed in a range of tissues including heart, skeletal muscle and kidney, where it modulates intracellular pH and bicarbonate levels. NBC3 has a three-domain structure: 67 kDa N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, 57 kDa membrane domain and an 11 kDa C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (NBC3Ct). The role of C-terminal domains as important regulatory regions is an emerging theme in bicarbonate transporter physiology. This study determined the functional role of human NBC3Ct and characterized its structure using biochemical techniques. The NBC3 C-terminal domain deletion mutant (NBC3DeltaCt) had only 12 +/- 5% of wild-type transport activity. This low activity is attributable to low steady-state levels of NBC3DeltaCt and almost complete retention inside the cell, as assessed by immunoblots and confocal microscopy, suggesting a role of NBC3Ct in cell surface processing. To characterize the structure of NBC3Ct, amino acids 1127-1214 of NBC3 were expressed as a GST fusion protein (GST.NBC3Ct). GST.NBC3Ct was cleaved with PreScission Protease and native NBC3Ct could be purified to 94% homogeneity. Gel permeation chromatography and sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation of NBC3Ct indicated a Stokes radius of 26 and 30 angstroms, respectively. Shape modelling revealed NBC3Ct as a prolate shape with long and short axes of 19 and 2 nm, respectively. The circular dichroism spectra of NBC3Ct did not change over the pH 6.2-7.8 range, which rules out a large change of secondary structure as a component of pH sensor function. Proteolysis with trypsin and chymotrypsin identified two proteolytically sensitive regions, R1129 and K1183-K1186, which could form protein interaction sites.  相似文献   

The sodium bicarbonate co-transporter, NBC3, is expressed in a range of tissues including heart, skeletal muscle and kidney, where it modulates intracellular pH and bicarbonate levels. NBC3 has a three-domain structure: 67 kDa N-terminal cytoplasmic domain, 57 kDa membrane domain and an 11 kDa C-terminal cytoplasmic domain (NBC3Ct). The role of C-terminal domains as important regulatory regions is an emerging theme in bicarbonate transporter physiology. This study determined the functional role of human NBC3Ct and characterized its structure using biochemical techniques. The NBC3 C-terminal domain deletion mutant (NBC3ΔCt) had only 12±5% of wild-type transport activity. This low activity is attributable to low steady-state levels of NBC3ΔCt and almost complete retention inside the cell, as assessed by immunoblots and confocal microscopy, suggesting a role of NBC3Ct in cell surface processing. To characterize the structure of NBC3Ct, amino acids 1127–1214 of NBC3 were expressed as a GST fusion protein (GST.NBC3Ct). GST.NBC3Ct was cleaved with PreScission Protease? and native NBC3Ct could be purified to 94% homogeneity. Gel permeation chromatography and sedimentation velocity ultracentrifugation of NBC3Ct indicated a Stokes radius of 26 and 30 Å, respectively. Shape modelling revealed NBC3Ct as a prolate shape with long and short axes of 19 and 2 nm, respectively. The circular dichroism spectra of NBC3Ct did not change over the pH 6.2–7.8 range, which rules out a large change of secondary structure as a component of pH sensor function. Proteolysis with trypsin and chymotrypsin identified two proteolytically sensitive regions, R1129 and K1183-K1186, which could form protein interaction sites.  相似文献   

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