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The spatial and temporal pattern of mitoses during the fourteenth nuclear cycle in a Drosophila embryo reflects differences in cell identities. We have analysed the domains of mitotic division in zygotic mutants that exhibit defects in larval cuticular pattern along the dorsoventral axis. This is a powerful means of fate mapping mutant embryos, as the altered position of mitotic domains in the dorsoventral pattern mutants correlate with their late cuticular phenotypes. In the mutants twist and snail, which fail to differentiate the ventrally derived mesoderm, mitoses specific to the mesoderm are absent. The lateral mesectodermal domain shows a partial ventral shift in twist mutants but a proportion of ventral cells do not behave characteristically, suggesting that twist has a positive role in the establishment of the mesoderm. In contrast, snail is required to repress mesectodermal fates in cells of the presumptive mesoderm. In the absence of both genes, the mesodermal and the mesectodermal anlage are deleted. Mutations at five loci delete specific pattern elements in the dorsal half of the embryo and cause partial ventralization. Mutations in the genes zerknüllt and shrew affect cell division only in the dorsalmost cells corresponding to the amnioserosa, while the genes tolloid, screw and decapentaplegic (dpp) affect divisions in both the prospective amnioserosa and the dorsal epidermis. We demonstrate that in each of these mutants dorsally placed mitotic domains are absent and this effect is correlated with an expansion and dorsal shift in the position of more ventral domains. The loss of activity in each of the five genes results in qualitatively similar alterations in the mitotic pattern; mutations with stronger ventralizing phenotypes affect increasingly greater subsets of the dorsal cells. Double mutant analysis indicates that these genes act in a concerted manner to specify dorsal fates. The correlation between phenotypic strength and the progressive loss of dorsal pattern elements in the ventralized mutants, suggests that one of these gene products, perhaps dpp, may provide positional information in a graded manner.  相似文献   

Pathways for regulation of signaling by transforming growth factor-β family members are poorly understood at present. The best genetically characterized member of this family is encoded by the Drosophila gene decapentaplegic (dpp), which is required for multiple events during fly development. We describe here the results of screens for genes required to maximize dpp signaling during embryonic dorsal-ventral patterning. Screens for genetic interactions in the zygote have identified an allele of tolloid, as well as two novel alleles of screw, a gene recently shown to encode another bone morphogenetic protein-like polypeptide. Both genes are required for patterning the dorsalmost tissues of the embryo. Screens for dpp interactions with maternally expressed genes have identified loss of function mutations in Mothers against dpp and Medea. These mutations are homozygous pupal lethal, engendering gut defects and severely reduced imaginal disks, reminiscent of dpp mutant phenotypes arising during other dpp-dependent developmental events. Genetic interaction phenotypes are consistent with reduction of dpp activity in the early embryo and in the imaginal disks. We propose that the novel screw mutations identified here titrate out some component(s) of the dpp signaling pathway. We propose that Mad and Medea encode rate-limiting components integral to dpp pathways throughout development.  相似文献   

C. C. Hong  C. Hashimoto 《Genetics》1996,143(4):1653-1661
The nudel gene is maternally required to define dorsoventral polarity of the Drosophila embryo. It encodes an unusual mosaic protein with a protease domain that may trigger the protease cascade required for ventral development. We describe phenotypic and molecular analyses of nudel mutations that provide further insight into nudel protein function. Surprisingly, nudel mutations primarily cause either dorsalized embryos in which dorsal cell fates are expanded over ventral and lateral cell fates or fragile eggs that fail to develop beyond early embryonic stages. The nudel protein is therefore required not only for embryonic dorsoventral polarity but also for structural integrity of the egg. Complementation and antagonistic interactions between nudel alleles suggest that the nudel protein is functionally modular and that protein-protein interactions are important for nudel protein function. Three nudel mutations that produce dorsalized embryos map to the protease domain of nudel, suggesting that this domain is specifically required for defining embryonic dorsoventral polarity. Finally, certain combinations of nudel alleles simultaneously produce completely dorsalized and normal embryos yet very few embryos of intermediate mutant phenotypes. The unusual biphasic distribution of phenotypes may indicate that nudel activity above a threshold is required to generate embryonic dorsoventral polarity.  相似文献   

The Drosophila decapentaplegic (dpp) gene, a member of the tranforming growth factor β superfamily of growth factors, is critical for specification of the embryonic dorsal-ventral axis, for proper formation of the midgut, and for formation of Drosophila adult structures. The Drosophila tolloid gene has been shown to genetically interact with dpp. The genetic interaction between tolloid and dpp suggests a model in which the tolloid protein participates in a complex containing the DPP ligand, its protease serving to activate DPP, either directly or indirectly. We report here the identification and cloning of another Drosophila member of the tolloid/bone morphogenic protein (BMP) 1 family, tolkin, which is located 700 bp 5' to tolloid. Its overall structure is like tolloid, with an N-terminal metalloprotease domain, five complement subcomponents C1r/C1s, Uegf, and Bmp1 (CUB) repeats and two epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats. Its expression pattern overlaps that of tolloid and dpp in early embryos and diverges in later stages. In larval tissues, both tolloid and tolkin are expressed uniformly in the imaginal disks. In the brain, both tolloid and tolkin are expressed in the outer proliferation center, whereas tolkin has another stripe of expression near the outer proliferation center. Analysis of lethal mutations in tolkin indicate it is vital during larval and pupal stages. Analysis of its mutant phenotypes and expression patterns suggests that its functions may be mostly independent of tolloid and dpp.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the contributions made by maternal and zygotic genes to the establishment of the expression patterns of four zygotic patterning genes: decapentaplegic (dpp), zerknüllt (zen), twist (twi), and snail (sna). All of these genes are initially expressed either dorsally or ventrally in the segmented region of the embryo, and at the poles. In the segmented region of the embryo, correct expression of these genes depends on cues from the maternal morphogen dorsal (dl). The dl gradient appears to be interpreted on three levels: dorsal cells express dpp and zen, but not twi and sna; lateral cells lack expression of all four genes; ventral cells express twi and sna, but not dpp and zen. dl appears to activate the expression of twi and sna and repress the expression of dpp and zen. Polar expression of dpp and zen requires the terminal system to override the repression by dl, while that of twi and sna requires the terminal system to augment activation by dl. The zygotic expression patterns established by the maternal genes appear to specify autonomous domains that carry out independent developmental programs, insofar as mutations in the genes that are expressed ventrally do not affect the initiation or ontogeny of the expression patterns of the genes that are expressed dorsally, and vice versa. However, interactions between the zygotic genes specific to a particular morphological domain appear to be important for further elaboration of the three levels specified by dl. Two of the genes, dpp and twi, are unaffected by mutations in any of the tested zygotic dorsal-ventral genes, suggesting that dpp and twi are the primary patterning genes for dorsal ectoderm and mesoderm, respectively.  相似文献   

Fused (fu) is a segment polarity gene whose product is maternally required in the posterior part of each segment. To define further the role of fused and determine how it interacts with other segmentation genes, we examined the phenotypes obtained by combining fused with mutations of pair rule, homeotic and other segment polarity loci. When it was possible, we also looked at the distribution of corresponding proteins in fused mutant embryos. We observed that fused-naked (fu;nkd) double mutant embryos display a phenotypic suppression of simple mutant phenotypes: both naked cuticle and denticle belts, which would normally have been deleted by one of the two mutants alone, were restored. In fused mutant embryos, engrailed (en) and wingless (wg) expression was normal until germ band extension, but partially and completely disappeared respectively during germ band retraction. In the fu;nkd double mutant embryo, en was expressed as in nkd mutant at germ band extension, but later this expression was restricted and became normal at germ band retraction. On the contrary, wg expression disappeared as in fu simple mutant embryos. We conclude that the requirements for fused, naked and wingless activities for normal segmental patterning are not absolute, and propose mechanisms by which these genes interact to specify anterior and posterior cell fates.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and its antagonist Short gastrulation (Sog) specify the dorsoventral pattern in Drosophila embryos has been proposed to have a common origin with the mechanism that organizes the body axis in the vertebrate embryo. However, Drosophila Sog makes only minor contributions to the development of ventral structures that hypothetically correspond to the vertebrate dorsum where the axial notochord forms. In this study, we isolated a homologue of the Drosophila sog gene in the spider Achaearanea tepidariorum, and characterized its expression and function. Expression of sog mRNA initially appeared in a radially symmetrical pattern and later became confined to the ventral midline area, which runs axially through the germ band. RNA interference-mediated depletion of the spider sog gene led to a nearly complete loss of ventral structures, including the axial ventral midline and the central nervous system. This defect appeared to be the consequence of dorsalization of the ventral region of the germ band. By contrast, the extra-embryonic area formed normally. Furthermore, we showed that embryos depleted for a spider homologue of dpp failed to break the radial symmetry, displaying evenly high levels of sog expression except in the posterior terminal area. These results suggest that dpp is required for radial-to-axial symmetry transformation of the spider embryo and sog is required for ventral patterning. We propose that the mechanism of spider ventral specification largely differs from that of the fly. Interestingly, ventral specification in the spider is similar to the process in vertebrates in which the antagonism of Dpp/BMP signaling plays a central role in dorsal specification.  相似文献   

The short gastrulation (sog) and decapentaplegic (dpp) genes function antagonistically in the early Drosophila zygote to pattern the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the embryo. This interplay between sog and dpp determines the extent of the neuroectoderm and subdivides the dorsal ectoderm into two territories. Here, we present evidence that sog and dpp also play opposing roles during oogenesis in patterning the DV axis of the embryo. We show that maternally produced Dpp increases levels of the I(kappa)B-related protein Cactus and reduces the magnitude of the nuclear concentration gradient of the NF(kappa)B-related Dorsal protein, and that Sog limits this effect. We present evidence suggesting that Dpp signaling increases Cactus levels by reducing a signal-independent component of Cactus degradation. Epistasis experiments reveal that sog and dpp act downstream of, or in parallel to, the Toll receptor to reduce translocation of Dorsal protein into the nucleus. These results broaden the role previously defined for sog and dpp in establishing the embryonic DV axis and reveal a novel form of crossregulation between the NF(kappa)B and TGF(beta) signaling pathways in pattern formation.  相似文献   

The decapentaplegic (dpp) gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a polypeptide of the transforming growth factor-beta family of secreted factors. It is required for the proper development of both embryonic and adult structures, and may act as a morphogen in the embryo. In wing imaginal discs, dpp is expressed and required in a stripe of cells near the anterior-posterior compartment boundary. Here we show that viable mutations in the segment polarity genes patched (ptc) and costal-2 (cos2) cause specific alterations in dpp expression within the anterior compartment of the wing imaginal disc. The interaction between ptc and dpp is particularly interesting; both genes are expressed with similar patterns at the anterior-posterior compartment boundary of the disc, and mis-expressed in a similar way in segment polarity mutant backgrounds like ptc and cos2. This mis-expression of dpp could be correlated with some of the features of the adult mutant phenotypes. We propose that ptc controls dpp expression in the imaginal discs, and that the restricted expression of dpp near the anterior-posterior compartment boundary is essential to maintain the wild-type morphology of the wing disc.  相似文献   

Mutations at the short gastrulation locus affect the timing of certain early morphogenetic events occurring during gastrulation in Drosophila melanogaster. Specifically, the invagination and subsequent closing of the posterior midgut and the anterior midgut appear to be delayed in these embryos. In addition, their germbands do not extent the full distance anteriorly on the dorsal side of the embryo. The dorsal cells are abnormally thick and fall into extremely deep dorsal folds as the germband extends. sog embryos continue development, but form disorganized first instar larvae. Normal sog expression is required in the zygote, but not in the mother for normal embryonic development and viability. Analysis of adult and larval gynandromorphs indicates that sog expression is required only in the ventral and/or anterior and posterior ends of the embryo, arguing that the dorsal abnormalities caused by the mutation are secondary consequences of defects elsewhere in mutant embryos.  相似文献   

The dorsoventral pattern of the Drosophila embryo is mediated by a gradient of nuclear localization of the dorsal protein which acts as a morphogen. Establishment of the nuclear concentration gradient of dorsal protein requires the activities of the 10 maternal 'dorsal group' genes whose function results in the positive regulation of the nuclear uptake of the dorsal protein. Here we show that in contrast to the dorsal group genes, the maternal gene cactus acts as a negative regulator of the nuclear localization of the dorsal protein. While loss of function mutations of any of the dorsal group genes lead to dorsalized embryos, loss of cactus function results in a ventralization of the body pattern. Progressive loss of maternal cactus activity causes progressive loss of dorsal pattern elements accompanied by the expansion of ventrolateral and ventral anlagen. However, embryos still retain dorsoventral polarity, even if derived from germline clones using the strongest available, zygotic lethal cactus alleles. In contrast to the loss-of-function alleles, gain-of-function alleles of cactus cause a dorsalization of the embryonic pattern. Genetic studies indicate that they are not overproducers of normal activity, but rather synthesize products with altered function. Epistatic relationships of cactus with dorsal group genes were investigated by double mutant analysis. The dorsalized phenotype of the dorsal mutation is unchanged upon loss of cactus activity. This result implies that cactus acts via dorsal and has no independent morphogen function. In all other dorsal group mutant backgrounds, reduction of cactus function leads to embryos that express ventrolateral pattern elements and have increased nuclear uptake of the dorsal protein at all positions along the dorsoventral axis. Thus, the cactus gene product can prevent nuclear transport of dorsal protein in the absence of function of the dorsal group genes. Genetic and cytoplasmic transplantation studies suggest that the cactus product is evenly distributed along the dorsoventral axis. Thus the inhibitory function that cactus product exerts on the nuclear transport of the dorsal protein appears to be antagonized on the ventral side. We discuss models of how the action of the dorsal group genes might counteract the cactus function ventrally.  相似文献   

The decapentaplegic (dpp) gene product, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta family, is required in Drosophila embryos for normal gastrulation and the establishment of dorsal-ventral polarity in the embryo. dpp is also expressed at specific positions in the visceral mesoderm along the developing midgut. We find that mutations that eliminate the visceral mesoderm expression of dpp lead to defects in midgut morphogenesis and alter the spatially localized expression of the homeotic genes Sex combs reduced (Scr), Ultrabithorax (Ubx), and Antennapedia (Antp) in the visceral mesoderm. The extracellular dpp protein migrates from the visceral mesoderm across the apposing endodermal cell layer in a region of the endoderm that expresses the homeotic gene labial (lab). Mesodermal expression of dpp is required for the expression of lab in these endodermal cells indicating that dpp mediates an inductive interaction between the two germ layers. We propose that extracellular dpp protein regulates gut morphogenesis, in part, by regulating homeotic gene expression in the visceral mesoderm and endoderm of the developing midgut.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, a bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway patterns all ventral cell fates along the embryonic axis. BMP activity is positively regulated by Tolloid, a metalloprotease, that can eliminate the activity of the BMP antagonist Chordin. A tolloid mutant in zebrafish, mini fin (mfn), exhibits a specific loss of ventral tail tissues. Here, we investigate the spatial and temporal requirements for Tolloid (Mfn) in dorsoventral patterning of the tail. Through chimeric analyses, we found that Tolloid (Mfn) functions cell non-autonomously in the ventral-most vegetal cells of the gastrula or their derivatives. We generated a tolloid transgene under the control of the inducible hsp70 promoter and demonstrate that tolloid (mfn) is first required at the completion of gastrulation. Although tolloid is expressed during gastrulation and dorsally and ventrally within the tail bud, our results indicate that Tolloid (Mfn) acts specifically in the ventral tail bud during a approximately 4 h period extending from the completion of gastrulation to early somitogenesis stages to regulate BMP signaling. Examination of the temporal requirements of Chordin activity by overexpression of the hsp70-tolloid transgene indicates that Chordin is required both during and after gastrulation for proper patterning of the tail, contrasting Tld's requirement only during post-gastrula stages. We hypothesize that the gastrula role of Chordin in tail patterning is to generate the proper size domains of cells to enter the ventral and dorsal tail bud, whereas post-gastrula Chordin activity patterns the derivatives of the tail bud. Thus, fine modulation of BMP signaling levels through the negative and positive actions of Chordin and Tolloid, respectively, patterns tail tissues.  相似文献   

Regional differentiation along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the Drosophila embryo primarily depends on a graded BMP signaling activity generated by Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Screw (Scw). We have identified triplicated Dpp and Scw target genes Dorsocross1, 2 and 3 (Doc1, 2, 3) that have a conserved T-box domain related to the vertebrate Tbx6 subfamily and act redundantly to induce dorsal structures. Doc genes are expressed in the dorsal region in the early blastoderm. After gastrulation, newly expressed Doc appears in a segmental pattern in the ectoderm. This expression correlates spatially with the second phase of Dpp expression in the ectoderm. Doc expression in the early blastoderm is abolished in either dpp or scw mutant embryos, whereas the ectodermal segmented expression depends only on Dpp. Inactivation of Doc genes with RNAi dramatically affected the development of amnioserosa and wing disc primordia, both of which depend on high levels of BMP signaling, although leg disc primordium, which depends on low levels of BMP, remained intact. Doc1 mRNA expressed in Xenopus embryos induced ventral mesoderm, suppressed activin-induced events and induced Xvent genes, which are analogous to the effects of native Tbx6 and its upstream regulator, BMP-4. These results suggest that the Tbx6 subfamily act in the BMP signaling pathway required for embryonic patterning in both animals.  相似文献   

Nervous system development takes place after positional information has been established along the dorsal-ventral (D/V) axis. The initial subdivision provided by a gradient of nuclear dorsal protein is maintained by the zygotic genes expressed along the D/V axis. In this study, an investigation was conducted to determine the range of Dpp function in repressing the expression of eagle (eg) that is present in intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind) and muscle specific homeobox (msh) gene domain. eg is expressed in neuroblast (NB) 2-4, 3-3 and 6-4 of the msh domain, and NB7-3 of the ind domain at the embryonic stage 11. In decapentaplegic (dpp) loss-of-function mutant embryos, eg was ectopically expressed in the dorsal region, while in dpp gain-of-function mutants produced by sog or sca-GAL4/UAS-dpp, eg was repressed by Dpp. It is worthy of note that Dpp produced from sim;;dpp embryos showed that Dpp could function at long range. However, Dpp produced from en-GAL4/UAS-dpp or wg-GAL4/UAS-dpp primarily acted at short-range. This result demonstrated that this discrepancy seems to be due to the repression of Dpp to EGFR signaling in sim;;dpp embryos. Taken together, these results suggest that Dpp signaling works at short-range, but can function indirectly at long-range by way of repression of EGFR signaling during embryonic neurogenesis.  相似文献   

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