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In this note, we discuss parameter estimation for population models based on partial differential equations (PDEs). Parametric estimation is first considered in the perspective of inverse problems (i.e., when the observation of the solution of a PDE is exactly observed or noise-free). Then, adopting the point of view of statistics, we turn to parametric estimation for PDEs using more realistic noisy measurements. The approach that we describe uses mechanistic-statistical models which combine (1) a PDE-based submodel describing the dynamic under study and (2) a stochastic submodel describing the observation process. This Note is expected to contribute to bridge the gap between modelers using PDEs and population ecologists collecting and analyzing spatio-temporal data.  相似文献   

This paper presents work on parameter estimation methods for bursting neural models. In our approach we use both geometrical features specific to bursting, as well as general features such as periodic orbits and their bifurcations. We use the geometry underlying bursting to introduce defining equations for burst initiation and termination, and restrict the estimation algorithms to the space of bursting periodic orbits when trying to fit periodic burst data. These geometrical ideas are combined with automatic differentiation to accurately compute parameter sensitivities for the burst timing and period. In addition to being of inherent interest, these sensitivities are used in standard gradient-based optimization algorithms to fit model burst duration and period to data. As an application, we fit Butera et al.'s (Journal of Neurophysiology 81, 382-397, 1999) model of preB?tzinger complex neurons to empirical data both in control conditions and when the neuromodulator norepinephrine is added (Viemari and Ramirez, Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 2070-2082, 2006). The results suggest possible modulatory mechanisms in the preB?tzinger complex, including modulation of the persistent sodium current.  相似文献   

We illustrate the inadequacy for chaotic time series data of widely-used dynamical parameter-estimation procedures based on whole-trajectory comparisons (observation-error fitting), using as case studies the record of measles outbreaks in New York City and simulated data generated by the logistic equation. We explore and reject alternative estimation methods based on matching emergent features of strange attractors; specifically, the Lyapunov exponents and the Hausdorff dimension. We show that partial-trajectory comparison methods (process-error fitting) work well when the system state is completely known through the course of the experiment.  相似文献   



The estimation of parameter values continues to be the bottleneck of the computational analysis of biological systems. It is therefore necessary to develop improved methods that are effective, fast, and scalable.  相似文献   

Summary The use of parameter estimation techniques for partial differential equations is illustrated using a predatorprey model. Whereas ecologists have often estimated parameters in models, they have not previously been able to do so for models that describe interactions in heterogeneous environments. The techniques we describe for partial differential equations will be generally useful for models of interacting species in spatially complex environments and for models that include the movement of organisms. We demonstrate our methods using field data from a ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctata) and aphid (Uroleucon nigrotuberculatum) interaction. Our parameter estimation algorithms can be employed to identify models that explain better than 80% of the observed variance in aphid and ladybird densities. Such parameter estimation techniques can bridge the gap between detail-rich experimental studies and abstract mathematical models. By relating the particular bestfit models identified from our experimental data to other information on Coccinella behavior, we conclude that a term describing local taxis of ladybirds towards prey (aphids in this case) is needed in the model.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Time-series measurements of metabolite concentration have become increasingly more common, providing data for building kinetic models of metabolic networks using ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In practice, however, such time-course data are usually incomplete and noisy, and the estimation of kinetic parameters from these data is challenging. Practical limitations due to data and computational aspects, such as solving stiff ODEs and finding global optimal solution to the estimation problem, give motivations to develop a new estimation procedure that can circumvent some of these constraints. RESULTS: In this work, an incremental and iterative parameter estimation method is proposed that combines and iterates between two estimation phases. One phase involves a decoupling method, in which a subset of model parameters that are associated with measured metabolites, are estimated using the minimization of slope errors. Another phase follows, in which the ODE model is solved one equation at a time and the remaining model parameters are obtained by minimizing concentration errors. The performance of this two-phase method was tested on a generic branched metabolic pathway and the glycolytic pathway of Lactococcus lactis. The results showed that the method is efficient in getting accurate parameter estimates, even when some information is missing.  相似文献   

Pattern formation in multicellular spheroids is addressed with a hybrid lattice-gas cellular automaton model. Multicellular spheroids serve as experimental model system for the study of avascular tumor growth. Typically, multicellular spheroids consist of a necrotic core surrounded by rings of quiescent and proliferating tumor cells, respectively. Furthermore, after an initial exponential growth phase further spheroid growth is significantly slowed down even if further nutrient is supplied. The cellular automaton model explicitly takes into account mitosis, apoptosis and necrosis as well as nutrient consumption and a diffusible signal that is emitted by cells becoming necrotic. All cells follow identical interaction rules. The necrotic signal induces a chemotactic migration of tumor cells towards maximal signal concentrations. Starting from a small number of tumor cells automaton simulations exhibit the self-organized formation of a layered structure consisting of a necrotic core, a ring of quiescent tumor cells and a thin outer ring of proliferating tumor cells.  相似文献   

Summary A general observer-based estimator method is developed and applied for process modelling and monitoring. This parameter estimation technique was successfully applied to a L-lysine fermentation process. It was a useful tool to detect the effect of major culture conditions on cell growth and product synthesis. It can also be used for the development of adaptive optimal control schemes.  相似文献   



Mathematical modeling has achieved a broad interest in the field of biology. These models represent the associations among the metabolism of the biological phenomenon with some mathematical equations such that the observed time course profile of the biological data fits the model. However, the estimation of the unknown parameters of the model is a challenging task. Many algorithms have been developed for parameter estimation, but none of them is entirely capable of finding the best solution. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method for precise estimation of parameters of a biological model.


In this paper, a novel particle swarm optimization algorithm based on a decomposition technique is developed. Then, its root mean square error is compared with simple particle swarm optimization, Iterative Unscented Kalman Filter and Simulated Annealing algorithms for two different simulation scenarios and a real data set related to the metabolism of CAD system.


Our proposed algorithm results in 54.39% and 26.72% average reduction in root mean square error when applied to the simulation and experimental data, respectively.


The results show that the metaheuristic approaches such as the proposed method are very wise choices for finding the solution of nonlinear problems with many unknown parameters.

MOTIVATION: High-throughput technologies now allow the acquisition of biological data, such as comprehensive biochemical time-courses at unprecedented rates. These temporal profiles carry topological and kinetic information regarding the biochemical network from which they were drawn. Retrieving this information will require systematic application of both experimental and computational methods. RESULTS: S-systems are non-linear mathematical approximative models based on the power-law formalism. They provide a general framework for the simulation of integrated biological systems exhibiting complex dynamics, such as genetic circuits, signal transduction and metabolic networks. We describe how the heuristic optimization technique simulated annealing (SA) can be effectively used for estimating the parameters of S-systems from time-course biochemical data. We demonstrate our methods using three artificial networks designed to simulate different network topologies and behavior. We then end with an application to a real biochemical network by creating a working model for the cadBA system in Escherichia coli. AVAILABILITY: The source code written in C++ is available at http://www.engg.upd.edu.ph/~naval/bioinformcode.html. All the necessary programs including the required compiler are described in a document archived with the source code. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary material is available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

A hybrid differential-discrete mathematical model has been used to simulate biofilm structures (surface shape, roughness, porosity) as a result of microbial growth in different environmental conditions. In this study, quantitative two- and three-dimensional models were evaluated by introducing statistical measures to characterize the complete biofilm structure, both the surface structure and volume structure. The surface enlargement, coefficient of roughness, fractal dimension of surface, biofilm compactness, and solids hold-up were found to be good measures of biofilm structure complexity. Among many possible factors affecting the biofilm structure, the influence of biomass growth in relation to the diffusive substrate transport was investigated. Porous biofilms, with many channels and voids between the "finger-like" or "mushroom" outgrowth, were obtained in a substrate-transport-limited regime. Conversely, compact and dense biofilms occurred in systems limited by the biomass growth rate and not by the substrate transfer rate. The surface complexity measures (enlargement, roughness, fractal dimension) all increased with increased transport limitation, whereas the volume measures (compactness, solid hold-up) decreased, showing the change from a compact and dense to a highly porous and open biofilm.  相似文献   

Dynamic modeling is a powerful tool for predicting changes in metabolic regulation. However, a large number of input parameters, including kinetic constants and initial metabolite concentrations, are required to construct a kinetic model. Therefore, it is important not only to optimize the kinetic parameters, but also to investigate the effects of their perturbations on the overall system. We investigated the efficiency of the use of a real-coded genetic algorithm (RCGA) for parameter optimization and sensitivity analysis in the case of a large kinetic model involving glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway in Escherichia coli K-12. Sensitivity analysis of the kinetic model using an RCGA demonstrated that the input parameter values had different effects on model outputs. The results showed highly influential parameters in the model and their allowable ranges for maintaining metabolite-level stability. Furthermore, it was revealed that changes in these influential parameters may complement one another. This study presents an efficient approach based on the use of an RCGA for optimizing and analyzing parameters in large kinetic models.  相似文献   



Ciliary dysfunction leads to a number of human pathologies, including primary ciliary dyskinesia, nephronophthisis, situs inversus pathology or infertility. The mechanism of cilia beating regulation is complex and despite extensive experimental characterization remains poorly understood. We develop a detailed systems model for calcium, membrane potential and cyclic nucleotide-dependent ciliary motility regulation.


The model describes the intimate relationship between calcium and potassium ionic concentrations inside and outside of cilia with membrane voltage and, for the first time, describes a novel type of ciliary excitability which plays the major role in ciliary movement regulation. Our model describes a mechanism that allows ciliary excitation to be robust over a wide physiological range of extracellular ionic concentrations. The model predicts the existence of several dynamic modes of ciliary regulation, such as the generation of intraciliary Ca2+ spike with amplitude proportional to the degree of membrane depolarization, the ability to maintain stable oscillations, monostable multivibrator regimes, all of which are initiated by variability in ionic concentrations that translate into altered membrane voltage.


Computational investigation of the model offers several new insights into the underlying molecular mechanisms of ciliary pathologies. According to our analysis, the reported dynamic regulatory modes can be a physiological reaction to alterations in the extracellular environment. However, modification of the dynamic modes, as a result of genetic mutations or environmental conditions, can cause a life threatening pathology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Parameter estimation in biological models is a common yet challenging problem. In this work we explore the problem for gene regulatory networks modeled by differential equations with unknown parameters, such as decay rates, reaction rates, Michaelis-Menten constants, and Hill coefficients. We explore the question to what extent parameters can be efficiently estimated by appropriate experimental selection. RESULTS: A minimization formulation is used to find the parameter values that best fit the experiment data. When the data is insufficient, the minimization problem often has many local minima that fit the data reasonably well. We show that selecting a new experiment based on the local Fisher Information of one local minimum generates additional data that allows one to successfully discriminate among the many local minima. The parameters can be estimated to high accuracy by iteratively performing minimization and experiment selection. We show that the experiment choices are roughly independent of which local minima is used to calculate the local Fisher Information. CONCLUSIONS: We show that by an appropriate choice of experiments, one can, in principle, efficiently and accurately estimate all the parameters of gene regulatory network. In addition, we demonstrate that appropriate experiment selection can also allow one to restrict model predictions without constraining the parameters using many fewer experiments. We suggest that predicting model behaviors and inferring parameters represent two different approaches to model calibration with different requirements on data and experimental cost.  相似文献   

We developed techniques for estimating the coefficients, boundary data, and initial data associated with transport equations (or more generally, parabolic distributed models). Our estimation schemes are based on cubic spline approximations, for which convergence results are given. We discuss the performance of these techniques in two investigations of biological interest: (1) transport of labeled sucrose in brain tissue white matter, (2) insect dispersal that cannot be modeled by a random diffusion mechanism alone.  相似文献   

Whereas end-systolic and end-diastolic pressure-volume relations (ESPVR, EDPVR) characterize left ventricular (LV) pump properties, clinical utility of these relations has been hampered by the need for invasive measurements over a range of pressure and volumes. We propose a single-beat approach to estimate the whole EDPVR from one measured volume-pressure (Vm and Pm) point. Ex vivo EDPVRs were measured from 80 human hearts of different etiologies (normal, congestive heart failure, left ventricular assist device support). Independent of etiology, when EDPVRs were normalized (EDPVRn) by appropriate scaling of LV volumes, EDPVRns were nearly identical and were optimally described by the relation EDP = An.EDV (Bn), with An = 28.2 mmHg and Bn = 2.79. V0 (the volume at the pressure of approximately 0 mmHg) was predicted by using the relation V0 = Vm.(0.6 - 0.006.Pm) and V30 by V30 = V0 + (Vm,n - V0)/(Pm/An) (1/Bn). The entire EDPVR of an individual heart was then predicted by forcing the curve through Vm, Pm, and the predicted V0 and V30. This technique was applied prospectively to the ex vivo human EDPVRs not used in determining optimal An and Bn values and to 36 in vivo human, 12 acute and 14 chronic canine, and 80 in vivo and ex vivo rat studies. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) in pressure between measured and predicted EDPVRs over the range of 0-40 mmHg was < 3 mmHg of measured EDPVR in all settings, indicating a good predictive value of this approach. Volume-normalized EDPVRs have a common shape, despite different etiology and species. This allows the entire curve to be predicted by a new method with a potential for noninvasive application. The results are most accurate when applied to groups of hearts rather than to individual hearts.  相似文献   

Journal of Mathematical Biology - In this paper we present a novel method for finding unknown parameters for an unknown morphogen. We postulate the existence of an unknown morphogen in a given...  相似文献   

Understanding tumor invasion and metastasis is of crucial importance for both fundamental cancer research and clinical practice. In vitro experiments have established that the invasive growth of malignant tumors is characterized by the dendritic invasive branches composed of chains of tumor cells emanating from the primary tumor mass. The preponderance of previous tumor simulations focused on non-invasive (or proliferative) growth. The formation of the invasive cell chains and their interactions with the primary tumor mass and host microenvironment are not well understood. Here, we present a novel cellular automaton (CA) model that enables one to efficiently simulate invasive tumor growth in a heterogeneous host microenvironment. By taking into account a variety of microscopic-scale tumor-host interactions, including the short-range mechanical interactions between tumor cells and tumor stroma, degradation of the extracellular matrix by the invasive cells and oxygen/nutrient gradient driven cell motions, our CA model predicts a rich spectrum of growth dynamics and emergent behaviors of invasive tumors. Besides robustly reproducing the salient features of dendritic invasive growth, such as least-resistance paths of cells and intrabranch homotype attraction, we also predict nontrivial coupling between the growth dynamics of the primary tumor mass and the invasive cells. In addition, we show that the properties of the host microenvironment can significantly affect tumor morphology and growth dynamics, emphasizing the importance of understanding the tumor-host interaction. The capability of our CA model suggests that sophisticated in silico tools could eventually be utilized in clinical situations to predict neoplastic progression and propose individualized optimal treatment strategies.  相似文献   

A simple method to estimate phospholipids is elaborated. This method is based on determination of optical density of phospholipid-molybdate complexes in chloroform. The method is used for the quantitative determination of phospholipids in biomembranes, liposomes and blood serum without their preliminary extraction, as well as in chloroform, methanol and chloroform-methanol solutions. It is also modified for the phospholipids determination in chromatographic fractions on silufol plates.  相似文献   

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