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南方土壤缺磷现象较为严重,菌根真菌等共生真菌对植物吸收磷等养分具有重要的促进作用。该研究采集尾叶桉(Eucalyptus urophylla)、窿缘桉(Eucalyptus exserta)和尾巨桉(E.urophylla×E.grandis)3种华南地区主要造林树种根系,采用组织分离法进行真菌分离,通过形态特征和核糖体18SrDNA基因ITS序列分析进行鉴定,经柯赫氏法则(Kochs Rule)确定桉树根系共生真菌,为桉树共生真菌理论研究和资源利用提供依据。结果表明:(1)3种桉树根系中,窿缘桉具有外生菌根(ectomycorrhizas,ECM)和丛枝菌根(arbuscular mycorrhizas,AM)结构,尾叶桉和尾巨桉同时具有AM结构、ECM结构和深色有隔内生真菌(dark septate endophytes fungi,DSE)结构。(2)3种桉树根系中分离鉴定出6种真菌:三色小皮伞菌(Marasmius tricolor)、黑柄裸脚伞(Gymnopus melanopus)、茎点霉属(Phomasp.)、镰刀霉属(Fusariumsp.)、二型伞霉(Umbelopsis dimorpha)和芒弗里亚拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis mangifolia)。(3)6种真菌回接巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)组培苗,三色小皮伞菌和黑柄裸脚伞形成ECM结构,为ECM真菌;茎点霉属、镰刀霉属、二型伞霉和芒弗里亚拟盘多毛孢形成DSE典型的深色有隔菌丝和微菌核结构,推测为DSE;其中2种ECM真菌为桉树中首次报道。  相似文献   

植物种间杂交是一种普遍自然现象,杂交往往造成植物表型及生理变异,从而改变杂种抗虫性。与亲本种相比,杂种抗虫性可能增强或减弱,也有可能处于与亲本相似水平。初生、次生代谢物的质变与量变是引起杂种抗虫性变异的重要原因。近年来,桉树杂交育种已在世界范围内广泛应用并取得了显著成效,桉树杂交种间抗虫性表现参差不齐,因此,桉树是研究杂交种抗虫性变异机制的理想材料。以2个桉树杂交种巨细桉DH201-2、巨尾桉G9及桉树重要害虫桉树枝瘿姬小蜂为研究对象,比较了2个杂交种与其纯亲本种[(巨桉×细叶桉),(巨桉×尾叶桉)]间的抗虫性差异;同时,综合比较了品系间叶片性状(叶片厚度、含水率、比叶面积)、初生化合物(C、N、可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白)及次生化合物(总酚、单宁)差异,以研究桉树杂交种抗虫性变异的理化机制。结果表明:DH201-2感染桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的虫瘿数目显著高于其双亲本种,而G9上虫瘿数目显著低于其双亲本种。DH201-2与G9的叶片厚度与巨桉相近,而显著薄于另一亲本种。DH201-2叶片含水率显著高于细叶桉、与巨桉相近;G9叶片含水率则显著低于其双亲本种。相似的是,DH201-2和G9的比叶面积均显著高于其双亲本种。初生化合物方面,DH201-2叶片可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量均显著高于其亲本种,N含量则仅高于细叶桉;而G9叶片可溶性蛋白含量虽高于其双亲本种,可溶性糖含量则无显著差异,N含量显著低于其双亲本种。次生化合物方面,DH201-2叶片总酚和单宁含量显著低于其双亲本种,而G9则显著高于其双亲本种。因此,与其亲本种相比,DH201-2感虫性增加,而G9抗虫性增加;与桉树枝瘿姬小蜂发育相关的营养指标(如含水率、可溶性糖、N含量)及次生防御物质(如总酚、缩合单宁)在桉树杂交种组织内的含量差异影响了桉树杂交种对桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的抗性。在全球推行桉树杂交育种且桉树害虫数量逐年增加的大背景下,应加强对桉树杂交种抗虫性机制研究,为选育高抗品系及桉树产业可持续发展提供理论指导。  相似文献   

席守鸿  明安刚  谭玲  何江  覃林 《广西植物》2024,44(7):1232-1244
营造乡土树种人工林和桉树人工林是我国南亚热带森林经营的常见模式。为探究土壤真菌群落多样性及功能对乡土树种和桉树人工林的响应特征与机制,该研究以南亚热带4个乡土树种人工林[马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、火力楠(Michelia macclurei)、米老排(Mytilaria laosensis)、红锥(Castanopsis hystrix)]和外来树种尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophylla × E. grandis)人工林为对象,基于各林分土壤(0~20 cm)真菌18S rRNA高通量测序数据,利用FUNGuild数据库,比较分析乡土树种与尾巨桉人工林土壤真菌群落多样性和功能类群的差异特性及影响的主导土壤环境因子。结果表明:(1)5个研究林分的土壤真菌优势门均为子囊菌门和担子菌门,但不同乡土树种林分与尾巨桉林的土壤真菌优势目存在差异。(2)尾巨桉林土壤真菌群落α多样性高于乡土树种人工林,其群落组成结构也与乡土树种人工林存在显著差异(P<0.05)。(3)4个乡土树种人工林土壤的腐生营养型的相对丰度高于尾巨桉林,并且火力楠林和米老排林土壤丛枝菌根真菌的相对丰度明显高于尾巨桉林,尾巨桉林土壤共生营养型以及外生菌根真菌和木材腐生菌的相对丰度明显高于乡土树种人工林。(4)pH是导致尾巨桉林与乡土树种人工林土壤真菌群落多样性和功能类群差异的主要土壤环境因子。综上认为,在南亚热带地区将尾巨桉林改建成火力楠林或米老排林可提高土壤养分水平,提升土壤生态功能。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible interactions between Puccinia xanthii and facultative parasitic fungi isolated from plants of the Noogoora burr complex. Six different Colletotrichum spp., a Phomopsis sp. and Alternaria zinniae, the latter a potential bioherbicide for Xanthium weeds, were tested. Alternaria zinniae caused necrotic lesions of leaf and stem on healthy and rust-infected Noogoora burr plants and did not specifically infect rust lesions. Most Colletotrichum spp. infected Noogoora burr via leaf and stem rust lesions. The infected lesions of P. xanthii became necrotic and the pustules did not reach maturity. Colletotrichum orbiculare was the only facultative parasite able to grow beyond the rust lesions into the surrounding tissue, girdle the stem, and consequently kill the plant tissue above. Colletotrichurn orbiculare did not infect plants previously infected by A. zinniae. The possible additive or synergistic adverse effects of the rust and the facultative parasitic fungi on the Noogoora burr complex offer new avenues to explore for biological control.  相似文献   

通过对24个桉树品系遭受桉树枝瘿姬小蜂危害前后次生物质含量单宁和类黄酮含量动态变化研究,结果表明桉树品系遭受枝瘿姬小蜂危害后,叶片内类黄酮含量明显上升,高感品系类黄酮含量和增长变幅明显低于其他抗性类型的品系;而桉树叶片内单宁含量的动态变化规律表现为:高抗品系单宁含量明显高于高感品系,但随着进入小蜂危害期,其叶片内单宁含量出现一定程度下降,随后升高。次生物质的动态变化在不同抗性品系间差异显著,表明桉树叶片内单宁和类黄酮含量与抗枝瘿姬小蜂有显著关系,可作为检测桉树对枝瘿姬小蜂抗性的指标。  相似文献   

Lignin content and composition are considered as mandatory traits of eucalyptus breeding programs, especially for pulp, paper, and bioenergy production. In this article, we used 33 Eucalyptus urophylla full-sib families of an 8 × 8 factorial design to provide estimates of genetic parameters for lignin- and growth-related traits. Secondly, from the sequencing of the 16 unrelated founders, we described the nucleotide and haplotype variability of cinnamoyl-CoA reductase (CCR), a candidate gene for lignin-related traits encoding the cinnamoyl-CoA reductase. Finally, we tested the association between CCR polymorphisms and trait variation using a mixed linear model. A high value of narrow sense heritability was obtained for lignin content (h2 = 0.85) and S/G ratio (h2 = 0.62) indicating that these traits are under strong genetic control. High levels of nucleotide (θπ = 0.0131) and haplotype (Hd = 0.958) diversity were detected for CCR. From an initial set of 152 biallelic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), a subset of 65 nonredundant loci was selected. Three intronic SNPs were found to be associated to the variation of S/G ratio after multiple testing correction. In the line of what has been obtained in forest trees, these SNPs explained between 2.45% and 2.87% of the genetic variance of the trait. This study demonstrates the interest of the candidate gene approach for quantitative trait nucleotide detection in Eucalyptus and paves the way to gene assisted selection of lignin composition in E. urophylla.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeria spp. are common endophytes of woody plants, and they also include some serious pathogens of Eucalyptus and Acacia species. Numerous anamorphs have been associated with Botryosphaeria, of which the species Fusicoccum are amongst the most common. Here, we characterize two new Fusicoccum species, isolated from Eucalyptus and Acacia trees in Venezuela, based on morphological features in culture and comparisons of DNA sequence data. The two taxa named Fusicoccum andinum and F. stromaticum spp. nov, reside in two well-supported clades (BS values = 100 %) based on a combined data set of the ITS of the rDNA operon and translation elongation factor 1-α (EF1- α) gene sequences. The conidia of F. andinum are unusually large amongst Botryosphaeria anamorphs, and peripherally resemble those of B. mamane and B. melanops. F. stromaticum is characterized by large conidiomata in cultures, growth at 35 °C and slightly thickened conidial walls, which is different to most other Fusicoccum spp. No teleomorphs were observed for these fungi, but DNA sequence data show that they are anamorphs of Botryosphaeria.  相似文献   

The pathogen Chrysoporthe cubensis (formerly Cryphonectria cubensis) is best known for the important canker disease that it causes on Eucalyptus species. This fungus is also a pathogen of Syzygium aromaticum (clove), which is native to Indonesia, and like Eucalyptus, is a member of Myrtaceae. Furthermore, C. cubensis has been found on Miconia spp. native to South America and residing in Melastomataceae. Recent surveys have yielded C. cubensis isolates from new hosts, characterized in this study based on DNA sequences for the ITS and β-tubulin gene regions. These hosts include native Clidemia sericea and Rhynchanthera mexicana (Melastomataceae) in Mexico, and non-native Lagerstroemia indica (Pride of India, Lythraceae) in Cuba. Isolates from these hosts and areas group in the sub-clade of C. cubensis accommodating the South American collections of the fungus. This sub-clade also includes isolates recently collected from Eucalyptus in Cuba, which are used to epitypify C. cubensis. New host records from Southeast Asia include exotic Tibouchina urvilleana from Singapore and Thailand and native Melastoma malabathricum (Melastomataceae) in Sumatra, Indonesia. Consistent with their areas of occurrence isolates from the latter collections group in the Asian sub-clade of C. cubensis. DNA sequence comparisons of isolates from Tibouchina lepidota in Colombia revealed that they represent a new sub-clade within the greater Chrysoporthe clade. Isolates in this clade are described as Chrysoporthe inopina sp. nov., based on distinctive morphological differences.  相似文献   



Renowned for their fast growth, valuable wood properties and wide adaptability, Eucalyptus species are amongst the most planted hardwoods in the world, yet they are still at the early stages of domestication because conventional breeding is slow and costly. Thus, there is huge potential for marker-assisted breeding programs to improve traits such as wood properties. To this end, the sequencing, analysis and annotation of a large collection of expressed sequences tags (ESTs) from genes involved in wood formation in Eucalyptus would provide a valuable resource.  相似文献   

该研究从110对SSR引物中,选用47个扩增稳定、条带特异的SSR多态位点,对42种159份桉树种质材料进行PCR扩增,通过统计条带构建二维数据库的方法,进行遗传多样性分析和聚类分析。结果显示:(1)共检测到137个等位基因,平均每个位点等位基因数为2.915个,各位点等位基因变异范围为2~7个。(2)遗传多样性分析结果表明,平均Shannon’s信息指数为0.181,平均观察杂合度Ho为0.068,平均多态信息含量PIC为0.182。综合各指标分析发现,位点eSSR-GR018、eSSR-GR083和eSSR-GR109的多态性程度最高,反映的遗传信息量更大,能够在桉树种质资源的遗传多样性分析和种质鉴定等方面发挥更大的作用。(3)非加权类平均法(UPGMA法)和主坐标分析法(PCoA法)聚类分析均表明,159份桉树种质材料分为两大类群,且昆士兰桉和少花桉间具有较高的遗传相似度,很可能产生杂交种;聚类结果与基于形态学的HillJohnson分类系统基本一致。研究表明,中国引种的桉树种质资源具有较高水平的遗传多样性,该研究所选用的47对SSR引物可有效地应用于桉树种质资源的鉴定分析。  相似文献   

为精准鉴定桉树种质,利用4个在种内完全保守的SSR位点对28种桉树(Eucalyptus)进行鉴定。根据这4个SSR位点的微卫星重复次数和侧翼序列特异核苷酸组合,构建了28种桉树种间种质资源的鉴定条码,能够精准鉴定9种桉树。这为桉树杂交育种工作提供了生物学依据。  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Pst causes yellow rust disease in wheat plants leading to crop losses. The organism spreads by releasing wind-dispersed urediniospores from infected plants. In this study a library of novel monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) was developed against Pst urediniospores. Nine mAb-producing cell lines were cloned and their cross-reactivities characterised against a panel of airborne fungal spores representing genera commonly found in the same environment as Pst. Two specific mAbs were used to develop a competitive ELISA (Pst mAb4) and a subtractive inhibition ELISA (Pst mAb8). Standard curves for both assays had good intra- and interday reproducibility. The subtractive inhibition ELISA had greater sensitivity with a detection limit of 1.5 × 105 spores ml−1. Cross-reactivity studies of Pst mAb8 in the subtractive inhibition ELISA, showed reaction with other Puccinia spores only, suggesting that common epitopes exist within this genus. The biosensor-compatible Pst mAb8 assay principle developed in this study has the potential to be implemented in future ‘label-free’ in-the-field systems for Pst detection.  相似文献   

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