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Abstract: The annual reproductive cycle is described for the adult female Hawaiian monk seal ( Monachus schauinslandi ) from data collected at Laysan Island (1982–1991) and Lisianski Island (1982–1983) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Pupping, lactation, weaning, and molting were directly observed, while mating was rarely observed and was, therefore, inferred from the occurrence of mounting injuries and from adult male and female association patterns. Pooled birth rates during the study period were 0.544 for all adult-sized females and 0.675 for females parous in earlier years. For parturient females, pupping peaked in late March and early April, weaning in May, mounting injuries in May and June, and molting in July. For non-parturient females, the median mounting injury and molting dates occurred 17 and 28 days earlier, respectively. Pupping date set the timing of subsequent events in the annual cycle, but the timing of those events was adjusted by loss of the pup or poor physical condition of the female. Individual pupping patterns varied widely. The mean interval for births in consecutive years was 381 days; females that pupped in consecutive years gave birth later each season. Conversely, females who skipped a year or more gave birth earlier their next pupping season.  相似文献   

The effect of maternal age and condition on the date of parturition and the duration of the perinatal period of Antarctic fur seals at Bird Island, South Georgia, were investigated over three consecutive breeding seasons. Females rear young during a four-month lactation period in a highly seasonal but predictable environment. Although females may first pup at three years of age, they did not attain full adult size until six years of age; older females (≥ 6 years) tended to be heavier, longer, and in better condition than younger females (3–5 years). Older females returned to breeding beaches earlier and could occupy the most suitable pupping sites, and gave birth when densities of animals on the beaches were low (i.e. more favourable for pup survival). Females that arrived earlier were able to remain ashore longer with their pups prior to departing on their first foraging trips but this was unrelated to either maternal age or condition. Younger females returned later in the pupping season, possibly as a result of late implantation due to smaller energy reserves than older and larger females. In 1990 all females arrived late, were in poorer condition, gave birth to lighter pups, and had shorter perinatal periods. This suggests that not only was implantation late but that females returned to an area of low food availability prior to parturition.  相似文献   

The number of seals on shore at Tugidak Island (Gulf of Alaska) declined 72%–85% between 1976 and 1988 and increased during the 1990s. We compared pupping phenology and the ratio of pupping-period counts to molting-period counts between declining (1976–1979) and increasing (1994–1998) years, and examined the sex/age structure of seals ashore during the 1990s. In the 1970s the onset and peak of pupping occurred 6–18 d later than in the 1990s. Rate of pup abandonment was higher in 1978 than in the 1990s. Between 1994 and 1995, the maximum and mean number of seals ashore increased >50%, largely due to an increase in non-pups. From 1995 to 1998, the sex/age structure of seals ashore was similar among years. We observed three to four times as many seals during the molting period than during the pupping period in the 1970s, whereas similar numbers were ashore during these periods in the 1990s, perhaps reflecting changes in demography and/or haul-out behavior. Changes in pupping phenology and demography may reflect environmental changes, such as food availability, and when monitored in conjunction with population counts, may help us better interpret changes in the number of seals ashore.  相似文献   

Alloparental care is rarely observed in Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) where maternal care is extended to a single pup for up to 1 year or more. However, we observed 28 allonursing events and one case of adoption at a small breeding rookery in the western Gulf of Alaska between the years 2001 and 2005. Multiparous and primiparous females were observed nursing nonfilial individuals with equal frequency, but primiparous females spent significantly more time nursing nonfilial individuals. Multiparous females allowed allonursing only while sleeping and unaware while most primiparous females were aware that they were allonursing. These results are consistent with the misdirected-care hypothesis suggesting that primiparous (presumably younger) females nurse nonfilial pups due to inexperience, whereas multiparous (presumably older) females are victims of milk stealing during times of inattentiveness. Nonfilial pups were aggressively tossed most often during the pupping season and only by multiparous females, while allonursing events occurred more frequently after the pupping season. Starveling pups were not cared for by any female, but two were attended by a single bull during separate autumn seasons.  相似文献   

The Grey seal breeding assembly on North Rona was studied throughout autumn 1972. Weekly censuses provided data on birth rate and mortality. It is estimated that 1736 pups were born in 1972. This is about 500 less than the mean production estimate for this assembly during the period 1959–71, possibly a result of disturbance of the breeding site by the expedition. About 600 of the pups died before putting to sea. The mean date of birth and the duration of the pupping season agree closely with earlier work on North Rona, although the mean daily birth rate curve is somewhat irregular, perhaps because there was an unusually dry spell of weather at a critical time in the pupping season. An improved estimate of mortality at this assembly showed a relationship with pup density similar to that observed at the Fame Islands. Techniques for estimating pup production (and consequently total population), though not reliable for determining absolute values, are useful for indicating trends and they suggest a stable population of 8000–9000 animals at North Rona. Such estimates might be improved by the use of better methods of aerial photography.  相似文献   

Female grey seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) formed breeding aggregations on the island of North Rona, Scotland. Aggregations of females were associated particularly with gullies leading from the sea, leaving large areas of available space unoccupied. Changes in the degree of aggregation of females during the breeding season were similar in 1987, 1988 and 1989. Pronounced aggregations occurred in the early and late parts of each breeding season.
Of 67 breeding females marked in 1985, 62 (93%)) returned to N. Rona to breed in at least one season up to 1989, but 18 (27%) were present in all five years. Females came ashore up to 14 days before giving birth and 82% were observed first in the vicinity of their subsequent pupping site. Between 1985 and 1989, marked females which returned were faithful to their previous pupping sites, even when the previous pup had died. There was no evidence of a gradual change in the location of individual pupping sites over time. This pupping site fidelity may generate aggregations whose location, timing and composition is predictable.  相似文献   

Surveys of the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea were conducted throughout its range in Western and South Australia between December 1987 and February 1992. Almost every island was visited between Houtman Abrolhos and The Pages ( n = 255), many of them more than once.
Sea lions breed on at least 50 islands, 27 in Western Australia and 23 in South Australia. Of the 50 breeding sites, 31 have not been reported previously. A further 19 islands may also support breeding colonies. A total of 1,941 pups was counted and pup production was estimated at 2,432. Only five colonies produced more than 100 pups each and they accounted for almost half of the pup production. Most of these colonies are near Kangaroo Island, South Australia. A breeding cycle of 17–18 months has been reported for N. cinerea at Kangaroo Island and on the west coast of Western Australia; this was also noted at another 11 islands where repeated visits coincided with breeding. No evidence was found for breeding seasons shorter or longer than 17–18 months. The breeding season was not synchronized between islands, as it is in other pinnipeds. A predictive model is developed to estimate the population size from pup production figures. It indicates that pup numbers should be multiplied by between 3.81 and 4.81 to estimate the total population size just before the pupping season begins. This leads to estimates of 9,300–11,700 for the total population, considerably greater than earlier estimates.
Causes of the unique reproductive cycle of N. cinerea are unknown, but we hypothesize that it results from living in a temperate climate in some of the most biologically depauperate waters of the world. It is also clear that day length and water temperature cannot act as exogenous cues for implantation of the blastocyst; the physiological events of gestation must, rather, be cued endogenously.  相似文献   

Patricia  Majluf 《Journal of Zoology》1992,227(3):367-383
In most species, synchronous, seasonal reproduction is usually associated with higher offspring survival in animals giving birth around the peak, relative to those breeding at the extremes of the reproductive season. In contrast, in the South American fur seal ( Arctocephalus australis ) at Punta San Juan, Peru, females pupping around the peak of births had a greater probability of losing their pups and/or tended to lose them at an earlier age than females breeding early or late in the season. However, the timing of breeding in this population varies little between years and is consistently synchronous. Individual females maintained their relative breeding times in consecutive years, regardless of whether or not they lost their pup the previous year. Thus, pup mortality seems to have no effect on the timing of reproduction in this population.
High breeding densities and the consequent high pup mortality in the S. American fur seal in Peru may have resulted from intense poaching outside protected areas and are of recent origin. The reproductive synchrony in this population could have originally evolved as a response to seasonal variations in food availability and weather conditions, differences in female or pup body condition, predation pressure, sexual selection and/or harassment avoidance, but at the present high density levels has become maladaptive.  相似文献   

Data on the timing of pupping by the three species of phocid that breed on the Antarctic pack-ice (crabeater, Ross and leopard seals) are limited. Better information would improve our understanding of these species' population and reproductive ecologies, and could facilitate planning and design of population surveys. Observations of the presence or absence of pups with adults during numerous voyages of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions to East Antarctica during spring and early summer months are analysed and presented. The earliest sighting in any year of a crabeater pup accompanied by an adult was on 2 October and the latest sighting on 15 December. The ratio of crabeater pups to adults increased rapidly during the 10-day period 16–25 October, implying a pulse of births over this time. Ross seal pups with an accompanying adult were sighted between 24 October and 22 November, with a peak in the pup-adult ratio occurring in the period 6–15 November. Leopard seal pups were sighted between 8 November and 25 December, with the pup-adult ratio relatively constant during this period. The data provide circumstantial evidence that the maximum durations of lactation reported in the literature for the three species may be over-estimates. If lactation is shorter than reported, asynchrony in the timing of pupping, either among or within years, is implied.  相似文献   

Large interannual variations in reproductive success caused by fluctuations in oceanography and prey availability are common to many species of air breathing epipelagic predators. In contrast, little is known about variation in benthic foragers such as Australian fur seals ( Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus ). Between 1997 and 2007, pup production was assessed in 9 yr, while the timing of breeding and adult female condition was assessed in 5 yr at Kanowna Island in Bass Strait, southeastern Australia. Pup production was variable (     = 1,726 ± 42, range = 1,386–2,301), but without temporal trend, as was median birth date (     = 23 November ± 1, range = 21–25 November) and pupping synchrony (period of 90% births:     = 28 ± 2 d, range = 23–31 d). Pup production was negatively correlated with median birth date and positively correlated with female condition, winter sea-surface temperature (SST) and zonal wind strength within Bass Strait. Pup production was also negatively correlated with SST in the previous summer within Bass Strait and in the eastern Great Australian Bight upwelling region. The results suggest that the reproductive success of Australian fur seals is influenced by oceanography but less so than in otariids foraging epipelagically in major upwellings. Despite spanning several El Niño events, no correlation between pup production and the Southern Oscillation Index was observed.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) continuously support spermatogenesis after puberty. However, accumulating evidence suggests that SSCs differ functionally during postnatal development. For example, mutant mice exist in which SSCs support spermatogenesis in the first wave after birth but cease to do so thereafter, resulting in infertility in adults. Studies using a retroviral vector have shown that the vector transduces pup SSCs more efficiently than adult SSCs, which suggests that pup SSCs divide more frequently. Thus, it is hypothesized that the SSCs in pup and adult testes have different characteristics. As an approach to testing this hypothesis in the present study, we investigated the proliferation kinetics of pup SSCs (6-9 days old) and their self-renewal/differentiation patterns for the first 2 mo after transplantation, and compared them to those of adult SSCs. Using serial transplantation, we found that the number of pup SSCs declined over the first week after transplantation. Thereafter, it increased ~4-fold by 1 mo and ~9-fold by 2 mo after transplantation, which indicates that pup SSCs continuously proliferate from 1 wk to 2 mo after transplantation. Compared to the proliferation of SSCs derived from adult intact testes, that of pup SSCs was lower at 1 mo but similar at 2 mo, indicating the delayed proliferation of pup SSCs. However, the pup SSCs regenerated spermatogenic colonies at 1 mo that were similar in length to those of SSCs from adult intact testes. Therefore, these results suggest that some functional differences exist in SSCs during postnatal development, and that these differences may affect the abilities of SSCs to self-renew and differentiate.  相似文献   

Phenological trends provide important indicators of environmental change and population dynamics. However, the use of untested population-level measures can lead to incorrect conclusions about phenological trends, particularly when changes in population structure or density are ignored. We used individual-based estimates of birth date and lactation duration of harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) to investigate energetic consequences of changes in pupping phenology. Using generalized linear mixed models, we first demonstrate annual variation in pupping phenology. Second, we show a negative relationship between lactation duration and the timing of pupping, indicating that females who pup early nurse their pups longer, thereby highlighting lactation duration as a useful proxy of female condition and resource availability. Third, individual-based data were used to derive a population-level proxy that demonstrated an advance in pupping date over the last 25 years, co-incident with a reduction in population abundance that resulted from fisheries-related shootings. These findings demonstrate that phenological studies examining the impacts of climate change on mammal populations must carefully control for changes in population density and highlight how joint investigations of phenological and demographic change provide insights into the drivers of population declines.  相似文献   

We used sighting reports, including decades of citizen-reported Hawaiian monk seal (Neomonachus schauinslandi) sightings, to describe female breeding biology and reproductive success in the main Hawaiian Islands. We first used this data set to describe the timing of events in the female reproductive cycle. We then conducted an expert review of patterns in sighting histories to detect unobserved pupping events. Finally, we estimated the age-specific reproductive curve for female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands. Charting reproductive cycles showed indications of the robust condition of female monk seals in the main Hawaiian Islands; they nursed pups 12% longer than their counterparts in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and regained condition to molt more quickly after weaning a pup. By examining sighting histories, we were able to infer 25 unobserved pupping events that had previously gone uncounted. We accounted for additional uncertainty with a randomization procedure. After accounting for unobserved pupping events, the age-specific reproductive rate of main Hawaiian Islands monk seals exceeded 0.70 for prime aged females (8–18 years). This is the highest reproductive rate reported for any of the Hawaiian monk seal breeding sites, illustrating the important role of the main Hawaiian Islands population in Hawaiian monk seal recovery.  相似文献   

Eight tagged sea otter (Enhydra lutris) pups in central Prince William Sound, Alaska, weighed 6–15 kg at the time of separation from their mother. Four pups weighing 15 kg were able to forage successfully on their own. Three pups weighing ≤9 kg had negligible chances of survival and apparently were abandoned by sick females. Abandonment of a pup may reduce the burden on a sick female, enabling recovery and subsequent reproduction. One of the three sick females that abandoned a pup in this study recovered and pupped again. Abandonment of pups should occur most often in populations where females are stressed by poor food resources. Reassociation with a previous offspring, as observed once in this study, also may occur most frequently in food-limited populations where reproductive failures are most common and pup survivorship is significantly increased by additional maternal assistance.  相似文献   

Satellite-linked dive recorders were attached to 53 harbor seal pups in Prince William Sound (PWS) and at Tugidak Island, Alaska, during 1997–1999. We used generalized additive models and bootstrap techniques to describe pup diving behavior during their first year of life. Pups increased their ability to dive during the first 3–6 mo, as indicated by increases in proportion of time in the water (time wet) and maximum dive depth achieved by a pup each day (max-depth) values. Time wet and/or max-depth later decreased, suggesting a seasonal component to diving behavior. Monthly time wet varied from an overall minimum of 0.68 at tagging in July to a maximum of 0.89 in November. Pups spent half of their time wet swimming in water <25 m deep, the shallowest 30% of the available water column. They spent only 5% of their time swimming in the deepest 30% of the available water column, at depths >60–70 m. This strongly suggests they were not feeding on or near bottom during their first year. Average max-depths and deepest actual dives were similar for PWS and Tugidak pups. PWS pups dove deeper sooner and spent less time wet than Tugidak pups during the first few months after tagging, probably as a result of regional bathymetric differences. Diving behavior and body condition suggest that food availability was not likely a major factor in the population decline in PWS during the period of this study.  相似文献   

Population declines of Steller sea lions ( Eumetopias juhatus ) in western Alaska (west of 144°W) may be a result of reduced juvenile survival. We used satellite telemetry to study the at-sea distribution and movement patterns of pup (1.6–11.9 mo) and juvenile (12.0–35.1 mo) Steller sea lions. We studied trip distance, duration, and interhaul-out movements of sea lions in relation to age, sex, and month of year in the decreasing western population (WP; Prince William Sound, Kodiak, Aleutian Islands, Alaska) and the increasing eastern population (EP; Southeast Alaska). We deployed 103 satellite transmitters (29 WP; 74 EP) on sea lions between 1998 and 2001. Round trip distance and duration increased with age, trip distance was greater in the WP than the EP, trip duration was greater for females than males, and haul-out use was clustered. Changes in round trip distance and duration occurred from April to June for all age classes studied indicating that the annual timing of weaning may be less variable than the age of weaning. Overall, 90% of round trips were ≤ 15 km from haul-outs and 84% were <20 h, indicating nearshore areas adjacent to haulouts are critical to the developing juvenile.  相似文献   

Identifying factors affecting juvenile survival is important to understanding the dynamics of populations and may also provide insights into life history theory and the selective forces shaping evolution. Quantifying the relative influence of the various potential selective forces for the post‐birth, maternal dependency, and independent periods is difficult and often limits investigators to estimating a single juvenile survival rate for the first year of life, or from birth to recruitment. We examined survival of individually marked Weddell seal Leptonychotes weddellii pups during the maternal dependency period in Erebus Bay, Antarctica from 2005–2007. We used mark‐recapture models to evaluate competing a priori hypotheses regarding variation in daily pre‐weaning survival rates (φ) during the first 42 days of age. The a priori model receiving the most support from the data supported several of our predictions: increased with pup age and was higher for pups born later in the season and to older mothers. Increases in with increasing pup age may have been due to improved resilience to the environment, phenotypic selection against the frailest pups, or both. Maternal age was more important to than was maternal experience or age of primiparity, potentially indicating that age‐related increases in body mass allow greater offspring provisioning, or age‐related improvements in competitive abilities benefit offspring during the period of maternal care. Depending on the timing of birth and the age of the mother, 42 days ranged from 0.79 (SE = 0.05) to 0.98 (SE = 0.01). These exceptionally high pre‐weaning survival rates contrast with estimates from other large terrestrial and marine mammal species where neonate survival is considerably lower and suggest that in species with similar life histories, pre‐weaning survival probability may be buffered from both predators and environmental fluctuations during the period of maternal nutritional dependency. Climatic changes affecting stability of ice used for pupping substrate or extent of fast‐ice buffering pupping colonies from predators have the potential to reduce pre‐weaning survival and may have important implications for population growth rates.  相似文献   

Summary Vitamin E levels in serum, liver and blubber (subcutaneous adipose tissue) were determined for 66 male and female grey seals of varying age in the pupping colony on Sable Island in the Northwest Atlantic by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Fatty acid concentrations were determined for all blubber specimens. Adult males and pups had significantly higher levels of vitamin E and cholesterol in serum than females and juveniles. A close relationship between vitamin E and cholesterol in serum could be observed. Suckling pups had significantly higher levels of vitamin E in liver (191 mg·kg–1) than juveniles and adults (21–41 mg·kg–1). Levels of vitamin E in blubber showed an age-dependent increase, with the highest levels being found in adult males; overall, these levels were much lower than in man. Vitamin E levels in blubber and liver of lactating females were only half that of adult males. This might be due to an intensive transfer of vitamin E from mother to pup during lactation, a process which may also explain the much higher levels of vitamin E in serum and liver of nursing pups. The low levels of vitamin E in blubber of seals might be a result of its high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids (79%). Highest percentage was represented by 18:1, 16:1, 22:6 and 16:0. Pups had lower values of monounsaturated, and a higher percentage of saturated fatty acids compared to mothers.  相似文献   

Grey seals breed colonially on substrates ranging from ice to rocky or sandy beaches. Clear differences in seal behaviour patterns exist among such broad classes of breeding habitat. However, finer scale topographical variation is likely to influence individual behaviour with consequences for pupping success. We examined topographical influences on the behaviour of breeding female grey seals by quantifying topography at a subseal size resolution. Using submetre resolution digital terrain models of two sites within a rocky breeding colony, we compared site topography in relation to observed differences in female behaviour at these sites. Females at both sites preferred breeding close to water (standing pools or sea) and frequently commuted between their pups and water. Topographical models indicated that one site was more costly for seals in terms of their locations and movements within the site. This was due to a lack of low-elevation land adjacent to the main access points from the sea and the reduced availability of pools. Females at this site showed reduced pup attendance and an increase in energetically costly behaviours, whilst females at the lower-cost site spent more time interacting with their pups and resting. These topographically induced behavioural differences are likely to affect the quantity and quality of pup provisioning by mothers and influence individual pupping site selection. Less costly sites are likely to be colonized preferentially and by larger, older and more dominant females, potentially generating finescale spatial heterogeneity in female quality within the breeding colony. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

We measured two aspects of dispersal in the alpine Australian scincid lizard, Niveoscincus micolepidotus : (1) natal dispersal, i.e. shift in home range over the lizard's first year of life, and (2) breeding dispersal, i.e. shifts of home ranges between breeding attempts as adults. On average, displacements were surprisingly small. Female neonates dispersed about twice as far as did males in the same cohort (means of 12 m vs. 6 m). A female's natal dispersal distance was not correlated with her body size or our estimate of physiological performance (sprint speed). However, larger, faster-running male neonates dispersed further than did smaller, slower males. As was the case for neonates, adult females moved significantly further between breeding seasons than did adult males (14.2 m vs. 9.6 m). Because of a female's long gestation period (more than 1 year), two groups of females occur simultaneously in the population, non-ovulated (i.e. with yolking folicles) and pregnant females (i.e. approaching parturition). Females that were not yet ovulated showed a markedly stronger dispersal in response to high reproductive effort (i.e. clutch size in relation to body condition) than did pregnant females. In adult males, body size was negatively correlated with dispersal distance, suggesting that although males have overlapping territories, they exhibit an increasing level of site tenacity with age and/or size. Thus, selection for the relatively more pronounced site tenacity in adult males may have resulted in the more marked philopatric behaviour compared to females also as neonates.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 277–283.  相似文献   

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