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James A. Mccray  Toru Kihara 《BBA》1979,548(2):417-426
The oxidation of reduced cytochrome c by ferricyanide has been studied over a wide range of ferricyanide concentrations using a continuous-flow apparatus. The formation of a ferrocytochrome c-ferricyanide complex has been demonstrated and the binding and electron transfer processes separated to give both the oxidation electron transfer rate and the binding rate parameters. The electron transfer rate has been found to be 1.86 · 103 s?1 in H2O buffer and 1.36 · 103 s?1 in 2H2O demonstrating that a deuterium isotope effect of similar magnitude (R = 1.37) to that found in the cytochrome reactions in photosynthetic bacteria [18] is also found in the reaction studied here. The binding association rate parameters also show a similar deuterium isotope effect suggesting that water rotation may be involved in both the binding of ferricyanide to reduced cytochrome c and the subsequent oxidation electron transfer.  相似文献   

Studies on horse heart cytochrome c polymers were carried out by stopped-flow and photolysis techniques, to investigate the properties of the CO complex and the kinetics of electron transfer, mainly of the dimeric and tetrameric forms. CO binding, which does not occur with native monomers, proceeds at both pH7.0 and pH9.6, and appears to follow complex kinetics: an initial phase is observed, which is CO-concentration-dependent, followed by a very slow monomolecular phase (k~2x10(-3)s(-1) at pH7) before establishment of equilibrium. Photodissociation of the CO complex has a very low quantum yield, probably less than 0.1. Static titration data of the dimer gave an ;n' value of 0.4. These data strongly suggest heterogeneity of the population of binding sites, and have been interpreted in terms of the existence of different structures, probably owing to the non-unique type of binding of monomers during polymerization. Polymers of cytochrome c carboxymethylated on the methionine residue normally ligated to iron show simple CO recombination kinetics after photolytic removal (k(on)=1.5x10(6)m(-1).s(-1) at pH6). We therefore suggest that, for native cytochrome c, polymerization has an effect on the lability of the haem crevice, rendering the iron available for binding ligands, without, however, forming the structure of a truly open crevice. Electron transfer is, on the other hand, a simple process, and no gross differences are observed between monomer and polymers. A simple model, taking into account all these data, is suggested.  相似文献   

A promoted electron transfer of an antitumor drug, mitoxantrone (MTX), intercalating into DNA duplex was successfully obtained upon addition of cytochromes c (cyt. c) in NaAc-HAc buffer solution (pH 4.5). The experimental results suggested that co-existence of MTX and cyt. c in the DNA helix is an important factor for accelerated electron transfer of MTX, where the promoter, cyt. c, operated smoothly through the DNA bridge. The UV/Vis spectroscopic experiments further confirmed the interaction process. Furthermore, a possible mechanism of such reaction was also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Dilatometry is a sensitive technique for measuring volume changes occurring during a chemical reaction. We applied it to the reduction-oxidation cycle of cytochrome c oxidase, and to the binding of cytochrome c to the oxidase. We measured the volume changes that occur during the interconversion of oxidase intermediates. The numerical values of these volume changes have allowed the construction of a thermodynamic cycle that includes many of the redox intermediates. The system volume for each of the intermediates is different. We suggest that these differences arise by two mechanisms that are not mutually exclusive: intermediates in the catalytic cycle could be hydrated to different extents, and/or small voids in the protein could open and close. Based on our experience with osmotic stress, we believe that at least a portion of the volume changes represent the obligatory movement of solvent into and out of the oxidase during the combined electron and proton transfer process. The volume changes associated with the binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome c oxidase have been studied as a function of the redox state of the two proteins. The volume changes determined by dilatometry are large and negative. The data indicate quite clearly that there are structural alterations in the two proteins that occur on complex formation.  相似文献   

Mei H  Geren L  Miller MA  Durham B  Millett F 《Biochemistry》2002,41(12):3968-3976
The interaction of yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (yCc) with the high- and low-affinity binding sites on cytochrome c peroxidase compound I (CMPI) was studied by stopped-flow spectroscopy. When 3 microM reduced yCc(II) was mixed with 0.5 microM CMPI at 10 mM ionic strength, the Trp-191 radical cation was reduced from the high-affinity site with an apparent rate constant >3000 s(-1), followed by slow reduction of the oxyferryl heme with a rate constant of only 10 s(-1). In contrast, mixing 3 microM reduced yCc(II) with 0.5 microM preformed CMPI *yCc(III) complex led to reduction of the radical cation with a rate constant of 10 s(-1), followed by reduction of the oxyferryl heme in compound II with the same rate constant. The rate constants for reduction of the radical cation and the oxyferryl heme both increased with increasing concentrations of yCc(II) and remained equal to each other. These results are consistent with a mechanism in which both the Trp-191 radical cation and the oxyferryl heme are reduced by yCc(II) in the high-affinity binding site, and the reaction is rate-limited by product dissociation of yCc(III) from the high-affinity site with apparent rate constant k(d). Binding yCc(II) to the low-affinity site is proposed to increase the rate constant for dissociation of yCc(III) from the high-affinity site in a substrate-assisted product dissociation mechanism. The value of k(d) is <5 s(-1) for the 1:1 complex and >2000 s(-1) for the 2:1 complex at 10 mM ionic strength. The reaction of horse Cc(II) with CMPI was greatly inhibited by binding 1 equiv of yCc(III) to the high-affinity site, providing evidence that reduction of the oxyferryl heme involves electron transfer from the high-affinity binding site rather than the low-affinity site. The effects of CcP surface mutations on the dissociation rate constant indicate that the high-affinity binding site used for the reaction in solution is the same as the one identified in the yCc*CcP crystal structure.  相似文献   

Intramolecular electron transfer between CuA and heme a in solubilized bacterial (Paracoccus denitrificans) cytochrome c oxidase was investigated by pulse radiolysis. CuA, the initial electron acceptor, was reduced by 1-methylnicotinamide radicals in a diffusion-controlled reaction, as monitored by absorption changes at 825 nm, followed by partial restoration of the absorption and paralleled by an increase in the heme a absorption at 605 nm. The latter observations indicate partial reoxidation of the CuA center and the concomitant reduction of heme a. The rate constants for heme a reduction and CuA reoxidation were identical within experimental error and independent of the enzyme concentration and its degree of reduction, demonstrating that a fast intramolecular electron equilibration is taking place between CuA and heme a. The rate constants for CuA --> heme a ET and the reverse heme a --> CuA process were found to be 20,400 s(-1) and 10,030 s(-1), respectively, at 25 degrees C and pH 7.5, which corresponds to an equilibrium constant of 2.0. Thermodynamic and activation parameters of these intramolecular ET reactions were determined. The significance of the results, particularly the low activation barriers, is discussed within the framework of the enzyme's known three-dimensional structure, potential ET pathways, and the calculated reorganization energies.  相似文献   

T Sakurai 《Biochemistry》1992,31(40):9844-9847
Rate constants have been determined for the electron-transfer reactions between reduced horse heart cytochrome c and resting Rhus vernicifera laccase as a function of pH, ionic strength, and temperature. The second-order rate constant for the oxidation of reduced cytochrome c was determined to be k = 125 M-1 s-1 at 25 degrees C in 0.2 M phosphate buffer at pH 6.0 with the activation parameters delta H++ = 16.2 kJ mol-1 and delta S++ = 28.9 J mol-1 K-1. The rate constants increased with decreasing buffer concentration, indicating that electron transfer from cytochrome c to laccase is favored by the local electrostatic interaction (ZAZB = -0.9 at pH 6 and -1.3 at pH 4.8) between the basic proteins with positive net charges. From the increase of the rate of electron transfer with decreasing pH, one of the driving forces of the reaction was suggested to be the difference in the redox potentials between the type 1 copper in laccase and the central iron in cytochrome c. Further, on addition of one hexametaphosphate anion per cytochrome c molecule, the rate of the electron transfer was increased, probably because the association of both proteins became more favorable.  相似文献   

A novel method for initiating intramolecular electron transfer in cytochrome c oxidase is reported. The method is based upon photoreduction of cytochrome c labeled with thiouredopyrene-3,6, 8-trisulfonate in complex with cytochrome oxidase. The thiouredopyrene-3,6,8-trisulfonate-labeled cytochrome c was prepared by incubating the thiol reactive form of the dye with yeast iso-1-cytochrome c, containing a single cysteine residue. Laser pulse excitation of a stoichiometrical complex between thiouredopyrene-3,6,8-trisulfonate-cytochrome c and bovine heart cytochrome oxidase at low ionic strength resulted in the reduction of cytochrome c by the excited form of thiouredopyrene-3,6, 8-trisulfonate and subsequent intramolecular electron transfer from the reduced cytochrome c to cytochrome oxidase. The maximum efficiency by a single laser pulse resulted in the reduction of approximately 17% of cytochrome a, and was achieved only at a 1 : 1 ratio of cytochrome c to cytochrome oxidase. At higher cytochrome c to cytochrome oxidase ratios the heme a reduction was strongly suppressed.  相似文献   

To specify electron exchanges involving Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Norway tetra-heme cytochrome c3, the chemical modification of arginine 73 residue, was performed. Biochemical and biophysical studies have shown that the modified cytochrome retains its ability to both interact and act as an electron carrier with its redox partners, ferredoxin and hydrogenase. Moreover, the chemical modification effects on the cytochrome c3 1H NMR spectrum were similar to that induced by the presence of ferredoxin. This suggests that arginine 73 is localized on the cytochrome c3 ferredoxin interacting site. The identification of heme 4, the closest heme to arginine 73, as the ferredoxin interacting heme helps us to hypothesize about the role of the three other hemes in the molecule. A structural hypothesis for an intramolecular electron transfer pathway, involving hemes 4, 3 and 1, is proposed on the basis of the crystal structures of D. vulgaris Miyazaki and D. desulfuricans Norway cytochromes c3. The unique role of some structural features (alpha helix, aromatic residues) intervening between the heme groups, is proposed.  相似文献   

1. Hydrated electrons, produced by pulse radiolysis react with porphyrin cytochrome c with a bimolecular rate constant of 3-10(10) M-1 S-1 at 21 degrees C and pH 7.4. 2. After the reduction step an absorbance change with a half-life of 5 microns is observed with the spectral range of 430-470 nm. A relatively stable intermediate then decays with a half-life of 15 s. 3. The spectrum of the intermediate observed 50 microns after the generation of hydrated electrons shows a broad absorption band between 600 and 700 nm and a peak at 408 nm. The spectrum is attributed to the protonated form of an initially produced porphyrin anion radical. 4. Reduced porphyrin cytochrome c reacts with ferricytochrome c with a bimolecular constant of 2-10(5) M-1- S-1 in 2 mM phosphate pH 7.4, at 21 degrees C and of 2 - 10(6) M-1-S-1 under the same conditions but at 1 M ionic strength. It is proposed that electron transfer in an analogous exchange reaction between ferrocytochrome c and ferricytochrome c occurs via the exposed part of the haem.  相似文献   

Electron transfer between the redox centres is essential for the function of the haem-copper oxidases. To date, the fastest rate of electron transfer between the haem groups has been determined to be ca. 3 x 10(5) s(-1). Here, we show by optical spectroscopy that about one half of this electron transfer actually occurs at least three orders of magnitude faster, after photolysis of carbon monoxide from the half-reduced bovine heart enzyme. We ascribe this to the true haem-haem electron tunnelling rate between the haem groups.  相似文献   

Various free radicals formed on pulse radiolysis of aqueous solutions have been used to investigate the mechanisms of reduction of cytochrome(III) c by inter- and intramolecular electron transfer. The rapid formation of free radicals (t less than 1 mus) and their high reactivity with cytochrome (k approximately 10(8)(-5) x 10(10)M(-1)s(-1)) make such studies feasible. Reduction of cytochrome by free radicls is monitored by optical methods. Fast optical changes in the 1(-500)-mus region correspond to reduction of the iron center; whereas the slower changes in the 10(-500)-ms region are attributed to postreduction conformational changes. It has been concluded that the reduction path is mediated through the crevice and that no reduction intermediates are being formed.  相似文献   

A hypothetical three-dimensional model of the cytochrome c peroxidase . tuna cytochrome c complex is presented. The model is based on known x-ray structures and supported by chemical modification and kinetic data. Cytochrome c peroxidase contains a ring of aspartate residues with a spatial distribution on the molecular surface that is complementary to the distribution of highly conserved lysines surrounding the exposed edge of the cytochrome c heme crevice, namely lysines 13, 27, 72, 86, and 87. These lysines are known to play a functional role in the reaction with cytochrome c peroxidase, cytochrome oxidase, cytochrome c1, and cytochrome b5. A hypothetical model of the complex was constructed with the aid of a computer-graphics display system by visually optimizing hydrogen bonding interactions between complementary charged groups. The two hemes in the resulting model are parallel with an edge separation of 16.5 A. In addition, a system of inter- and intramolecular pi-pi and hydrogen bonding interactions forms a bridge between the hemes and suggests a mechanism of electron transfer.  相似文献   

The interactions of yeast iso-1 cytochrome c with bovine cytochrome c oxidase were studied using cytochrome c variants in which lysines of the binding domain were substituted by alanines. Resonance Raman spectra of the fully oxidized complexes of both proteins reveal structural changes of both the heme c and the hemes a and a3. The structural changes in cytochrome c are the same as those observed upon binding to phospholipid vesicles where the bound protein exists in two conformers, B1 and B2. Whereas the structure of B1 is the same as that of the unbound cytochrome c, the formation of B2 is associated with substantial alterations of the heme pocket. In cytochrome c oxidase, the structural changes in both hemes refer to more subtle perturbations of the immediate protein environment and may be a result of a conformational equilibrium involving two states. These changes are qualitatively different to those observed for cytochrome c oxidase upon poly-l-lysine binding. The resonance Raman spectra of the various cytochrome c/cytochrome c oxidase complexes were analyzed quantitatively. The spectroscopic studies were paralleled by steady-state kinetic measurements of the same protein combinations. The results of the spectra analysis and the kinetic studies were used to determine the stability of the complexes and the conformational equilibria B2/B1 for all cytochrome c variants. The complex stability decreases in the order: wild-type WT > J72K > K79A > K73A > K87A > J72A > K86A > K73A/K79A (where J is the natural trimethyl lysine). This order is not exhibited by the conformational equilibria. The electrostatic control of state B2 formation does not depend on individual intermolecular salt bridges, but on the charge distribution in a specific region of the front surface of cytochrome c that is defined by the lysyl residues at positions 72, 73 and 79. On the other hand, the conformational changes in cytochrome c oxidase were found to be independent of the identity of the bound cytochrome c variant. The maximum rate constants determined from steady-state kinetic measurements could be related to the conformational equilibria of the bound cytochrome c using a simple model that assumes that the conformational transitions are faster than product formation. Within this model, the data analysis leads to the conclusion that the interprotein electron transfer rate constant is around two times higher in state B2 than in B1. These results can be interpreted in terms of an increase of the driving force in state B2 as a result of the large negative shift of the reduction potential.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c peroxidase and cytochrome c form a noncovalent electron transfer complex in the course of the peroxidase-catalyzed reduction of H2O2. The two hemoproteins were cross-linked in 40% yield to a covalent 1:1 complex with the aid of 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. The covalent complex was found to be a valid model of the noncovalent electron transfer complex for the following reasons. The covalent complex had only 5% residual peroxidase activity toward exogeneous ferrocytochrome c indicating that the cross-linked cytochrome c covers the electron-accepting site of cytochrome c peroxidase. The residual peroxidase activity was almost independent of ionic strength indicating that the electron-accepting site is much less accessible even when ionic bonds between the two cross-linked hemoproteins are severed. The rate of reduction of heme c by ascorbate is 15 times slower in the covalent complex than in free cytochrome c and is independent of ionic strength. Although the covalent complex may not have been entirely pure with respect to the number and location of the cross-links, two major cross-links could be localized to within a few residues. One is from Lys 13 of cytochrome c to an acidic residue in positions 32, 33, 34, 35, or 37 of cytochrome c peroxidase, the other from Lys 86 of cytochrome c to a carboxyl group in the same cluster of acidic residues. The result stresses the importance of a peculiar stretch of acidic residues of cytochrome c peroxidase and of Lys 13 and 86 of cytochrome c.  相似文献   

Ren Y  Wang WH  Wang YH  Case M  Qian W  McLendon G  Huang ZX 《Biochemistry》2004,43(12):3527-3536
To characterize the cytochrome b(5) (Cyt b(5))-cytochrome c (Cyt c) interactions during electron transfer, variants of Cyt b(5) have been employed to assess the contributions of electrostatic interactions (substitution of surface charged residues Glu44, Glu48, Glu56, and Asp60 and heme propionate), hydrophobic interactions, and the thermodynamic driving forces (substitutions for hydrophobic residues in heme pocket residues Phe35, Pro40, Val45, Phe58, and Val61). The electrostatic interactions play an important role in maintaining the stability and specificity of the Cyt b(5)-Cyt c complex that is formed. There is no essential effect on the intraprotein complex electron transfer even if most of the involved negatively charged residues on the surface of Cyt b(5) have been removed. The results support a dynamic docking paradigm for Cyt b(5)-Cyt c interactions. The orientation that is optimal for binding may not be optimal form for electron transfer. Substitution of hydrophobic residues does not have a significant effect on the binding between Cyt b(5) and Cyt c; rather, it regulates the electron transfer rates via changes in the driving force. Combining the electron transfer studies of the Cyt b(5)-Cyt c system and the Cyt b(5)-Zn-Cyt c system, we obtain the reorganization energy (0.6 eV) at an ionic strength of 150 mM.  相似文献   

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