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Summary Isolated rat liver gap junctions were split by two methods. In the first method, isolated gap junctions were stabilized by cross-linking their cytoplasmic surfaces with glutaraldehyde under conditions that prevented the entry of glutaraldehyde into the gap region. The stabilized junctions were then split in the junctional gap with SDS. In the second procedure, unfixed gap junctions were split by incubation in ureacontaining solutions. Junctional splitting was monitored by electron microscopy of thin sectioned and freeze fractured membrane pellets. Sidedness of the split junctional membranes was defined by labeling their cytoplasmic surfaces with glutaraldehyde-activated ferritin before splitting with urea. Gap junctional splitting did not result in any loss of protein components as determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis. The glutaraldehyde cross-linking procedure was also used to determine the effects of various detergents on the protein-protein interactions in the gap region. Of the detergents tested, only SDS caused junctional splitting.  相似文献   

Organization of connexons in isolated rat liver gap junctions.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Gap junction plaques from rat liver plasma membranes have been subjected to a range of detergent treatments in order to evaluate systematically the influence of different isolation procedures on their structure. The separation of the connexons was found to vary depending on the conditions used. In the absence of detergent the center-to-center separation of the connexons is, on average, approximately 90 A, and they are arranged on a hexagonal lattice so that the symmetry of the double-layered structure approximates to p6m in projection (or p622 in three-dimensions). Exposure to increasing concentration of detergent reduces the connexon separation to values below 80 A. More severe detergent treatment leads to disintegration of the gap junction plaques. Specimens with center-to-center separations smaller than 86 A show progressively larger deviation from p6m symmetry, seen as apparent rotations of the connexon assemblies within the crystal lattice. This reorganization occurs with both ice-embedded and negatively-stained specimens, using ionic or nonionic detergents, and therefore is probably a packing readjustment caused by depletion of intervening lipid molecules.  相似文献   

Two forms of isolated gap junctions   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Gap junctions, containing regular hexagonal arrays of connexons, have been isolated from rat liver. The projected structures of these gap junctions have been studied to a resolution of 18 Å by electron microscopy of negatively stained samples. Two closely related forms of junction were produced that have different structures for the connexon, but the same hexagonal lattice constant. In one form the connexon is seen as a weakly contrasted annulus, which is broadest at the locations where other connexons come closest; in the other, the connexon is seen as a strongly contrasted annulus, which is broadest midway between the locations where other connexons come closest. The forms appear to reflect two configurations of the connexon subunits.  相似文献   

Isolation of mouse myocardial gap junctions   总被引:11,自引:8,他引:3  
A new method is presented for the isolation of an enriched fraction of mouse myocardial gap junctions without the use of exogenous proteases. The junctions appear well preserved morphologically and similar to their appearance in situ. Contaminants of the preparation include fragments of the fascia adherens region of the intercalated disk. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the preparation reveals seven major bands with apparent mol wt of 28,000; 31,000; 33,500; 43,000; 47,000; 49,000; and 57,000. Only the bands at 38,000; 31,000; 33,500; and possibly the diffuse band at 47,000 copurify with the morphologically assayed gap junctions. Evidence is presented that the peptides at 43,000 and 57,000 are contained within the contaminating fascia adherens.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure has been developed to isolate gap junction-enriched subcellular fractions from Drosophila. Crude membranes from larval homogenates were extracted with 1% N-lauroyl sarcosine in 6 M urea and the gap junctions were collected by centrifugation. The major proteins were separated by SDS PAGE and purified by electro-elution. Electron microscopy revealed structurally pleiomorphic gap junctions in the fractions which included (1) conventional, 16–18 nm-wide septalaminar, (2) collapsed, 13–15 nm-wide pentalaminar, (3) split, and (4) aggregated forms. The fractions contained five major proteins with apparent molecular weights of 18, 26, 36, 52 and 54 kD. Evidence based on (1) the degradation and aggregation behavior of the major proteins following electro-elution and reelectrophoresis, (2) immunological cross-reactivities by affinity-purified antibodies against the major proteins on immunoblots, and (3) immunofluorescent staining of presumptive gap junctions in Drosophila imaginal discs at the light-microscopic level and immunogold staining of purified gap junctions at the electron-microscopic level suggests that the major proteins are interrelated and of gap-junction origin.  相似文献   

In this paper, the isolation of rat liver gap junctions from alkali-extracted rat liver plasma membranes is described. The purification is significantly more rapid than the commonly used detergent-based approaches and is subject to less variability. The gap junctions isolated by this method are comprised of a 27,000-Da polypeptide previously identified as the major gap junction polypeptide. The isolated gap junctions have the characteristic double-membrane organization and subunit structure observed in vivo. The protein yield is from 8 to 10 micrograms/g of liver (wet weight), about a 10-fold increase in recovery over that of earlier isolation procedures. With the availability of increased amounts of material, antibodies were raised to the liver gap junction polypeptide. Immunofluorescence localization of these antibodies on rat liver sections revealed a distribution consistent with that expected from electron microscopic analysis of liver thin sections. Double diffusion of antibody against solubilized gap junctions in detergent-containing gels resulted in the formation of precipitin arcs, suggesting response to multiple determinants. Antibody binding to the 27,000-Da gap junction polypeptide was demonstrated by immunoblot analysis of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels containing rat liver plasma membranes and isolated gap junctions. These results confirm the identification of the 27,000-Da polypeptide as the major protein component of gap junctions.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,126(4):1047-1058
Gap junctions contain numerous channels that are clustered in apposed membrane patches of adjacent cells. These cell-to-cell channels are formed by pairing of two hemichannels or connexons, and are also referred to as connexon pairs. We have investigated various detergents for their ability to separately solubilize hemichannels or connexon pairs from isolated ovine lens fiber membranes. The solubilized preparations were reconstituted with lipids with the aim to reassemble native-type gap junctions and to provide a model system for the characterization of the molecular interactions involved in this process. While small gap junction structures were obtained under a variety of conditions, large native-type gap junctions were assembled using a novel two-step procedure: in the first step, hemichannels that had been solubilized with octylpolyoxyethylene formed connexon pairs by dialysis against n-decyl-beta-D-maltopyranoside. In the second step, connexon pairs were reconstituted with phosphatidylcholines by dialysis against buffer containing Mg2+. This way, double-layered gap junctions with diameter < or = 300 nm were obtained. Up to several hundred channels were packed in a noncrystalline arrangement, giving these reconstituted gap junctions an appearance that was indistinguishable from that of the gap junctions in the lens fiber membranes.  相似文献   

Gap junctions from rat liver and fiber junctions from bovine lens have similar septilaminar profiles when examined by thin-section electron microscopy and differ only slightly with respect to the packing of intramembrane particles in freeze-fracture images. These similarities have often led to lens fiber junctions being referred to as gap junctions. Junctions from both sources were isolated as enriched subcellular fractions and their major polypeptide components compared biochemically and immunochemically. The major liver gap junction polypeptide has an apparent molecular weight of 27,000, while a 25,000-dalton polypeptide is the major component of lens fiber junctions. The two polypeptides are not homologous when compared by partial peptide mapping in SDS. In addition, there is not detectable antigenic similarity between the two polypeptides by immunochemical criteria using antibodies to the 25,000-dalton lens fiber junction polypeptide. Thus, in spite of the ultrastructural similarities, the gap junction and the lens fiber junction are comprised of distinctly different polypeptides, suggesting that the lens fiber junction contains a unique gene product and potentially different physiological properties.  相似文献   

By the use of a simple, rapid method for the isolation of gap junctions from small amounts of rat liver (2–3 g), we have followed the incorporation of the radiolabeled amino acid precursors 3H-leucine and 35S-methionine into the gap junction protein. In timed studies with 35S-methionine as precursor, the specific activity in the protein is maximal by 4 h after a single injection of 300 μCi/100 g body weight. From the decay in the specific activity with time after a single injection, the gap junction protein has an apparent half-life of about 19 h. Because of problems of reutilization of radiolabeled amino acid with 35S-methionine as precursor, this apparent halflife probably overestimates the true half-life and indicates a surprisingly rapid turnover of the gap junction protein. This short half-life suggests that, in rat liver, the gap junctions may be very responsive to alterations in physiological demands.  相似文献   

The purification of membrane proteins in a form and amount suitable for structural or biochemical studies still remains a great challenge. Gap junctions have long been studied using electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. However, only a limited number of proteins in the connexin family have been amenable to protein or membrane purification techniques. Molecular biology techniques for expressing large gap junctions in tissue culture cells combined with improvements in electron crystallography have shown great promise for determining the channel structure to better than 10 A resolution. Here, we have isolated two-dimensional (2D) gap junction crystals from HeLa Cx26 transfectants. This isoform has never been isolated in large fractions from tissues. We characterize these preparations by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, negative stain electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. In our preparations, the Cx26 is easily detected in the Western blots and we have increased expression levels so that connexin bands are visible on SDS-PAGE gels. Preliminary assessment of the samples by electron cryo-microscopy shows that these 2D crystals diffract to at least 22 A. Atomic force microscopy of these Cx26 gap junctions show exquisite surface modulation at the extracellular surface in force dissected gap junctions. We also applied our protocol to cell lines such as NRK cells that express endogenous Cx43 and NRK and HeLa cell lines transfected with exogenous connexins. While the gap junction membrane channels are recognizable in negatively stained electron micrographs, these lattices are disordered and the gap junction plaques are smaller. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting revealed expression of connexins, but at a lower level than with our HeLa Cx26 transfectants. Therefore, the purity and morphology of the gap junction plaques depends the size and abundance of the gap junctions in the cell line itself.  相似文献   

Gap junctions isolated from rat liver were partially solubilized with a mixture of digitonin and octyl glucoside. After supplementation with lecithin and cholesterol, the octyl glucoside was removed from the soluble fraction by dialysis. The membranes of the reconstituted vesicles, observed in freeze-fracture, contained particles ranging from 7 to 12 nm diameter, more or less aggregated depending on the protein-to-lipid ratio. At every protein concentration, the arrangement of particles in contact areas between adjacent membranes closely resembles the organization of intact gap junctions. We conclude that the mixture of digitonin and octyl glucoside is able to solubilize the proteins of the liver gap junctions while preserving their property of restoring a gap junction-like structure.  相似文献   

Structure and biochemistry of mouse hepatic gap junctions   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
A new method for the isolation of gap junctions from mouse liver is described. Particular attention has been directed to minimising the effects of proteolysis during isolation. The purified membrane fragments retain the typical morphological features found in junctions of the intact liver.The junctions show two major polypeptides upon polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. The apparent molecular weights are 26,000 for the more abundant species and 21,000 for the minor component. Preliminary protein chemical characterisation by fingerprint analysis suggests that the two polypeptides are structurally related. While an in vivo origin of the 21,000 molecular weight species cannot be excluded, the sensitivity of the junction proteins to proteolytic degradation in vitro suggests that the 21,000 molecular weight molecule may be a breakdown product of the major component.Image reconstruction methods applied to micrographs of negatively stained isolated junctions show that the membrane contains a close-packed hexagonal lattice of components having marked 6-fold symmetry. It is suggested that these represent hexamers of the 26,000 molecular weight protein.Lipid analysis performed on gap junctions isolated by different procedures shows that the lipid composition is strongly affected by the detergents employed during the isolation. A large amount of phopholipid, but not cholesterol, can be extracted from the structure without affecting its gross morphology. This result suggests that cholesterol is tightly bound to the junction protein and may play a role in determining the structure of the gap junction.  相似文献   

The topological organization of the major rat liver gap junction protein has been examined in intact gap junctions and gap junction-derived single membrane structures. Two methods, low pH and urea at alkaline pH, were used to "transform" or "split" double membrane gap junctions into single membrane structures. Low pH treatment "transforms" rat liver gap junctions into small single membrane vesicles which have an altered sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile after digestion with L-1-to-sylamido-2-phenylethylchloromethyl ketone-trypsin. Alkaline pH treatment in the presence of 8 M urea can split isolated rat liver gap junctions into single membrane sheets which have no detectable structural alteration or altered sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile after proteolytic digestion, suggesting that these single membrane sheets may be useful for topological studies of the gap junction protein. Proteolytic digestion studies have been used to localize the carboxyl terminus of the molecule on the cytoplasmic surface of the intact gap junction. However, the amino terminus does not appear to be accessible to proteases or to interaction with an antibody that is specific for the amino-terminal region of the molecule in intact or split gap junctions. Binding of antibodies, that block junctional channel conductance, can be eliminated by proteolytic digestion of intact gap junctions, suggesting that all antigenic sites for these antibodies are located on the cytoplasmic surface of the intact gap junction. In addition, calmodulin gel overlays indicate that at least two calmodulin binding sites exist on the cytoplasmic surface of the junctional protein. The information generated from these studies has been used to develop a low resolution two-dimensional model for the organization of the major rat liver gap junctional protein in the junctional membrane.  相似文献   

Gap junctions form intercellular channels that mediate metabolic and electrical signaling between neighboring cells in a tissue. Lack of an atomic resolution structure of the gap junction has made it difficult to identify interactions that stabilize its transmembrane domain. Using a recently computed model of this domain, which specifies the locations of each amino acid, we postulated the existence of several interactions and tested them experimentally. We introduced mutations within the transmembrane domain of the gap junction-forming protein connexin that were previously implicated in genetic diseases and that apparently destabilized the gap junction, as evidenced here by the absence of the protein from the sites of cell-cell apposition. The model structure helped identify positions on adjacent helices where second-site mutations restored membrane localization, revealing possible interactions between residue pairs. We thus identified two putative salt bridges and one pair involved in packing interactions in which one disease-causing mutation suppressed the effects of another. These results seem to reveal some of the physical forces that underlie the structural stability of the gap junction transmembrane domain and suggest that abrogation of such interactions bring about some of the effects of disease-causing mutations.  相似文献   

Immunological properties of gap junction protein from mouse liver   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Hepatic gap junctions were purified as plaques from BALB/c mice and separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Antisera were raised in rabbits and rats against gap junction plaques as well as protein bands of the following apparent molecular weights: 44K to 49K ("dimer" proteins), 26K, and 21K. Using an enzyme immunoassay, we found that the reactivities of the different antisera towards gap junction plaques decreased in the following order: anti-plaque antisera, anti-26K antisera, anti-"dimer" protein antisera, and anti-21K antisera. The gap junction protein bands separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were transferred by blotting onto nitrocellulose paper and the immunological cross-reactivities were compared: the anti-26K antisera reated with the dimer protein bands and the 26K band but did not cross-react with the 21K protein band. The rabbit anti-21K antiserum reacted weakly with the 21K protein. The missing immunological cross-reaction of the 26K and the 21K protein band can be most easily explained if both proteins were independent of each other. No inhibition of metabolic cooperation between fibroblastoid mouse 3T6 cells was observed in the presence of Fab fragments prepared from rabbit antiplaque antiserum or from rabbit anti 26K antiserum. When the total proteins of plasma membranes from mouse liver were separated by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis, only the 26K protein reacted with rabbit anti 26K antiserum. This result opens the possibility for direct quantitation of gap junction protein in tissues and cell fractions.  相似文献   

Loss and reappearance of gap junctions in regenerating liver   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Changes in intercellular junctional morphology associated with rat liver regeneration were examined in a freeze-fracture study. After a two-thirds partial hepatectomy, both gap junctions and zonulae occludentes were drastically altered. Between 0 and 20 h after partial hepatectomy, the junctions appeared virtually unchanged. 28 h after partial hepatectomy, however, the large gap junctions usually located close to the bile canaliculi and the small gap junctions enmeshed within the strands of the zonulae occudentes completely disappeared. Although the zonulae occludentes bordering the bile canaliculi apparently remained intact, numerous strands could now be found oriented perpendicular to the canaliculi. In some instances, the membrane outside the canaliculi was extensively filled with isolated junctional strands, often forming very complex configurations. About 40 h after partial hepatectomy, very many small gap junctions reappeared in close association with the zonulae occludentes. Subsequently, gap junctions increased in size and decreased in number until about 48 h after partial hepatectomy when gap junctions were indistinguishable in size and number from those of control animals. The zonulae occludentes were again predominantly located around the canalicular margins. These studies provide further evidence for the growth of gap junctions by the accretion of particles and of small gap junctions to form large maculae.  相似文献   

Gap junctions forming extensive hexagonal crystalline sheets (unit cell dimension, a = 89 A) were obtained by mild mechanical disruption of plasma membranes from rat liver. The sheets were analysed in three dimensions by negative stain electron microscopy and Fourier image processing. The crystallographic symmetry was shown to approximate to the two-sided plane group p622, indicating that the sheets are composed of two equivalent, oppositely-facing membrane assemblies. The structure of the connexon in these near-to-native junctions is essentially the same as that found in detergent-extracted junctions, the subunits appearing slightly tilted tangential to the central six-fold axis and aligned almost perpendicular to the membrane plane.  相似文献   

Using affinity-purified antibodies against mouse liver gap junction protein (26 K), discrete fluorescent spots were seen by indirect immunofluorescence labelling on apposed membranes of contiguous cells in several mouse and rat tissues: pancreas (exocrine part), kidney, small intestine (epithelium and circular smooth muscle), Fallopian tube, endometrium, and myometrium of delivering rats. No reaction was seen on sections of myocardium, ovaries and lens. Specific labelling of gap junction plaques was demonstrated by immunoelectron microscopy on ultrathin frozen sections through liver and the exocrine part of pancreas after treatment with gold protein A. Weak immunoreactivity was found on the endocrine part of the pancreas (i.e., Langerhans islets) after glibenclamide treatment of mice and rats, which causes an increase of insulin secretion and of the size as well as the number of gap junction plaques in cells of Langerhans islets. Furthermore, the affinity purified anti-liver 26 K antibodies were shown by immunoblot to react with proteins of similar mol. wt. in pancreas and kidney membranes. Taken together these results suggest that gap junctions from several, morphogenetically different tissues have specific antigenic sites in common. The different extent of specific immunoreactivity of anti-liver 26 K antibodies with different tissues is likely due to differences in size and number of gap junctions although structural differences cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

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