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It has been thought that spinal dorsal horn neurons receive convergent inputs from not only somatosensory but also visceral pathways. For instance, the referred pain is presumed to be due to the convergence of sensory inputs from cardiac and shoulder receptive fields. However, precise investigation has not been made from dorsal horn neurons yet, because of difficulty in studying the pathways from those regions by means of conventional electrophysiology. The purpose of this study is to clarify the convergent inputs to single dorsal horn neurons from wide receptive fields using an in vivo patch-clamp recording technique from the superficial spinal dorsal horn and an intracellular recording from dorsal root ganglion neurons that keep physiological connections with the peripheral sites. Identified dorsal root ganglion neurons received an input from a quite small area, about 1 x 1 mm in width of the skin. In contrast, substantia gelatinosa neurons in the spinal cord received inputs from an unexpectedly wide area of the skin. Previous extracellular recordings have, however, revealed that substantia gelatinosa neurons have small receptive field. This discrepancy is probably due mainly to an availability of the in vivo patch-clamp method to analyze sub-threshold synaptic responses. In contrast, the extracellular recording technique allows us to analyze predominantly the firing frequency of neurons. Thus, the in vivo patch-clamp recordings from dorsal horn neurons and the intracellular recordings from DRG neurons will be useful for well understanding the sensory processing in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Here we describe an approach for making targeted patch-clamp recordings from single neurons in vivo, visualized by two-photon microscopy. A patch electrode is used to perfuse the extracellular space surrounding the neuron of interest with a fluorescent dye, thus enabling the neuron to be visualized as a negative image ('shadow') and identified on the basis of its somatodendritic structure. The same electrode is then placed on the neuron under visual control to allow formation of a gigaseal ('shadowpatching'). We demonstrate the reliability and versatility of shadowpatching by performing whole-cell recordings from visually identified neurons in the neocortex and cerebellum of rat and mouse. We also show that the method can be used for targeted in vivo single-cell electroporation of plasmid DNA into identified cell types, leading to stable transgene expression. This approach facilitates the recording, labeling and genetic manipulation of single neurons in the intact native mammalian brain without the need to pre-label neuronal populations.  相似文献   

In vivo recordings in rat somatosensory cortex suggest that excitatory and inhibitory inputs are often correlated during spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity. Using a computational approach, we study how the interplay of input correlations and timing observed in experiments controls the spiking probability of single neurons. Several correlation-based mechanisms are identified, which can effectively switch a neuron on and off. In addition, we investigate the transfer of input correlation to output correlation in pairs of neurons, at the spike train and the membrane potential levels, by considering spike-driving and non-spike-driving inputs separately. In particular, we propose a plausible explanation for the in vivo finding that membrane potentials in neighboring neurons are correlated, but the spike-triggered averages of membrane potentials preceding a spike are not: Neighboring neurons possibly receive an ongoing bombardment of correlated subthreshold background inputs, and occasionally uncorrelated spike-driving inputs.  相似文献   

Fully implicit parallel simulation of single neurons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
When a multi-compartment neuron is divided into subtrees such that no subtree has more than two connection points to other subtrees, the subtrees can be on different processors and the entire system remains amenable to direct Gaussian elimination with only a modest increase in complexity. Accuracy is the same as with standard Gaussian elimination on a single processor. It is often feasible to divide a 3-D reconstructed neuron model onto a dozen or so processors and experience almost linear speedup. We have also used the method for purposes of load balance in network simulations when some cells are so large that their individual computation time is much longer than the average processor computation time or when there are many more processors than cells. The method is available in the standard distribution of the NEURON simulation program.  相似文献   

We report here an approach for simultaneous fluorescence imaging and electrical recording of single ion channels in planar bilayer membranes. As a test case, fluorescently labeled (Cy3 and Cy5) gramicidin derivatives were imaged at the single-molecule level using far-field illumination and cooled CCD camera detection. Gramicidin monomers were observed to diffuse in the plane of the membrane with a diffusion coefficient of 3.3 x 10(-8) cm(2)s(-1). Simultaneous electrical recording detected gramicidin homodimer (Cy3/Cy3, Cy5/Cy5) and heterodimer (Cy3/Cy5) channels. Heterodimer formation was observed optically by the appearance of a fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) signal (irradiation of Cy3, detection of Cy5). The number of FRET signals was significantly smaller than the number of Cy3 signals (Cy3 monomers plus Cy3 homodimers) as expected. The number of FRET signals increased with increasing channel activity. In numerous cases the appearance of a FRET signal was observed to correlate with a channel opening event detected electrically. The heterodimers also diffused in the plane of the membrane with a diffusion coefficient of 3.0 x 10(-8) cm(2)s(-1). These experiments demonstrate the feasibility of simultaneous optical and electrical detection of structural changes in single ion channels as well as suggesting strategies for improving the reliability of such measurements.  相似文献   

Open microfluidic channels were used to separate the extracellular space around a cardiomyocyte into three compartments: the cell ends and a central partition (insulating gap). The microchannels were filled with buffer solution and overlaid with paraffin oil, thus forming the cavities for the cell ends. The central part of the cardiomyocyte rested on the partition between two adjacent microchannels and was entirely surrounded by the paraffin oil. This arrangement increased the extracellular electrical resistance to > 20 MOmega and facilitated the recording of the time course of the change in extracellular voltage and current during subthreshold and suprathreshold stimuli. The waveform of the extracellular current and voltage in response to an extracellular depolarizing stimulus comprised an initial monophasic signal followed by a biphasic signal with a delay of 2-15 ms. The latter was associated with a transient contraction and therefore caused by an action potential. The biphasic signal became monophasic after the depolarization of one cell end by raised extracellular [K+]. This form of differential recording revealed the repolarization phase of the action potential. At rest, the sarcomere length within the gap was 12% +/- 4.8% longer than outside the gap, but intracellular Ca2+ transients occurred to the same extent as that observed in the outer pools. This data demonstrate the feasibility of the use of a microfluidic bath design to limit the extracellular resistance between two ends of an isolated cardiomyocyte.  相似文献   

D K Pitts  J Marwah 《Life sciences》1986,38(13):1229-1234
The effects of intravenous (i.v.) cocaine HCl on single identified spontaneously firing noradrenergic neurons in the nucleus locus coeruleus (LC) were studied in rats in vivo. Cocaine (0.25-1 mg/kg) produced inhibition of spontaneously firing LC neurons, which was reversed by the administration of the selective alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist, piperoxane (250 micrograms/kg, i.v.). Procaine, a local anesthetic that is structurally related to cocaine, did not inhibit LC neurons in doses up to 4 mg/kg, i.v. These results suggest that cocaine in low doses has significant central sympathomimetic effects at the single noradrenergic neuron level and that the inhibition of spontaneous activity may be mediated by alpha 2-adrenoceptors. Our results also indicate that cocaine in pharmacologically relevant doses, can significantly affect central alpha 2-adrenoceptor regulatory processes.  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrode recordings have been made from probable motoneurons in the spinal cord of Xenopus laevis embryos during fictive 'swimming' in preparations paralysed with the neuromuscular blocking agent tubocurarine. These cells had resting potentials of -50 mV or more. During spontaneous or stimulus-evoked 'swimming' episodes: (a) the cells were tonically excited; the level of tonic synaptic excitation and the conductance increase underlying it were both inversely related to the 'swimming' cycle period; (b) the cells usually fired one spike per cycle in phase with the motor root burst on the same side; spikes did not overshoot zero and were evoked by phasic excitatory synaptic input on each cycle, superimposed on the tonic excitation; (c) in phase with motor root discharge on the opposite side of the body, the cells were hyperpolarized by a chloride-dependent inhibitory postsynaptic potential. The nature of synaptic potentials during 'swimming' was evaluated by means of intracellular current injections. The 'swimming' activity could be controlled by natural stimuli. The results provide clear evidence on the relation of tonic excitation to rhythmic locomotory pattern generation, and indirect evidence for reciprocal inhibitory coupling between antagonistic motor systems.  相似文献   

In order to record multi-site electroretinogram (ERG) responses in isolated carp retinae, we utilized three-dimensional (3D), extracellular, 3.5-μm-diameter silicon (Si) probe arrays fabricated by the selective vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) growth method. Neural recordings with the Si microprobe exhibit low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios of recorded responses due to the high-electrical-impedance characteristics of the small recording area at the probe tip. To increase the S/N ratio, we designed and fabricated enlarged gold (Au) tipped Si microprobes (10-μm-diameter Au tip and 3.5-μm-diameter probe body). In addition, we demonstrated that the signal attenuation and phase delay of ERG responses recorded via the Si probe can be compensated by the inverse filtering method. We conclude that the reduction of probe impedance and the compensation of recorded signals are useful approaches to obtain distortion-free recording of neural signals with high-impedance microelectrodes.  相似文献   

The new generation of silicon-based multielectrodes comprising hundreds or more electrode contacts offers unprecedented possibilities for simultaneous recordings of spike trains from thousands of neurons. Such data will not only be invaluable for finding out how neural networks in the brain work, but will likely be important also for neural prosthesis applications. This opportunity can only be realized if efficient, accurate and validated methods for automatic spike sorting are provided. In this review we describe some of the challenges that must be met to achieve this goal, and in particular argue for the critical need of realistic model data to be used as ground truth in the validation of spike-sorting algorithms.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the technology of recording magnetic fields associated with electric current flow in biological tissues have provided a means of examining action currents that is more direct and possibly more accurate than conventional electrical recording. Magnetic recordings are relatively insensitive to muscle movement, and, because the recording probes are not directly connected to the tissue, distortions of the data due to changes in the electrochemical interface between the probes and the tissue are eliminated. In vivo magnetic recordings of action currents of rat common peroneal nerve and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle were obtained by a new magnetic probe and amplifier system that operates within the physiological temperature range. The magnetically recorded waveforms were compared with those obtained simultaneously by conventional, extracellular recording techniques. We used the amplitude of EDL twitch force (an index of stimulus strength) generated in response to graded stimulation of the common peroneal nerve to enable us to compare the amplitudes of magnetically recorded nerve and muscle compound action currents (NCACs and MCACs, respectively) with the amplitudes of electrically recorded nerve compound action potentials (NCAPs). High, positive correlations to stimulus strength were found for NCACs (r = 0.998), MCACs (r = 0.974), and NCAPs (r = 0.998). We also computed the correlations of EDL single motor unit twitch force with magnetically recorded single motor unit compound action currents (SMUCACs) and electrically recorded single motor unit compound action potentials (SMUCAPs) obtained with both a ring electrode and a straight wire serving as a point electrode. Only the SMUCACs had a relatively strong positive correlation (r = 0.768) with EDL twitch force. Correlations for ring and wire electrode-recorded SMUCAPs were 0.565 and -0.366, respectively. This study adds a relatively direct examination of action currents to the characterization of the normal biophysical properties of peripheral nerve, muscle, and muscle single motor units.  相似文献   

A rule for environmentally dependent modification of the neuronal state is examined. Under the rule, the neuron selects a trigger feature that matches either a particular pattern in the stimulus set, or the most common pattern component, depending on a certain parameter. Thus a neuron may evolve to respond to its stimulus environment in one of two capacities, namely specification or generalization. Neurons of the former variety are labelled S-cells; and those of the latter, G-cells. In the model, synaptic modification is modulated by two postsynaptic mechanisms which act antagonistically to strengthen or weaken the synaptic connectivities. The functional dependence of these mechanisms on the postsynaptic activity is shown to determine whether the neuron acts as an S-cell or a G-cell. A circuit is proposed for a module that consists of a G-cell and several S-cells sharing a common set of inputs. By inhibiting the G-cells, the S-cell acts as a contrast-enhancing element, increasing their specificities for individual patterns in the stimulus set. The output from the module is a recoded representation of the environment with respect to its general and distinctive features.This work was supported in part by United States Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-81-K-0136  相似文献   

The patch clamp method measures membrane currents at very high resolution when a high-resistance 'gigaseal' is established between the glass microelectrode and the cell membrane (Pflugers Arch. 391 (1981) 85; Neuron 8 (1992) 605). Here we describe the first use of the silicone elastomer, poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), for patch clamp electrodes. PDMS is an attractive material for patch clamp recordings. It has low dielectric loss and can be micromolded (Annu. Rev. Mat. Sci. 28 (1998) 153) into a shape that mimics the tip of the glass micropipette. Also, the surface chemistry of PDMS may be altered to mimic the hydrophilic nature of glass (J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 14 (1970) 2499; Annu. Rev. Mat. Sci. 28 (1998) 153), thereby allowing a high-resistance seal to a cell membrane. We present a planar electrode geometry consisting of a PDMS partition with a small aperture sealed between electrode and bath chambers. We demonstrate that a planar PDMS patch electrode, after oxidation of the elastomeric surface, permits patch clamp recording on Xenopus oocytes. Our results indicate the potential for high-throughput patch clamp recording with a planar array of PDMS electrodes.  相似文献   

We present two Bayesian procedures to infer the interactions and external currents in an assembly of stochastic integrate-and-fire neurons from the recording of their spiking activity. The first procedure is based on the exact calculation of the most likely time courses of the neuron membrane potentials conditioned by the recorded spikes, and is exact for a vanishing noise variance and for an instantaneous synaptic integration. The second procedure takes into account the presence of fluctuations around the most likely time courses of the potentials, and can deal with moderate noise levels. The running time of both procedures is proportional to the number S of spikes multiplied by the squared number N of neurons. The algorithms are validated on synthetic data generated by networks with known couplings and currents. We also reanalyze previously published recordings of the activity of the salamander retina (including from 32 to 40 neurons, and from 65,000 to 170,000 spikes). We study the dependence of the inferred interactions on the membrane leaking time; the differences and similarities with the classical cross-correlation analysis are discussed.  相似文献   

Gene manipulation and molecular biological techniques for the study of olfaction are well developed in mice, while electrophysiological properties of mouse olfactory sensory neurons have been less extensively investigated. We used the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique in mouse isolated olfactory sensory neurons to investigate both voltage-gated and transduction currents. Voltage-gated currents were composed of transient inward currents followed by outward currents with transient and sustained components. Of the tested olfactory sensory neurons, 12% responded to the odorant cineole with an inward current. Caged compounds were introduced into the cytoplasm through the patch pipette and flash photolysis of caged cyclic nucleotides activated an inward current in 94% of the cells. When the flash was localized at the cilia, the response latency, rising time and duration were shorter than when the flash illuminated the soma. The amplitude of the photolysis response was dependent on light intensity and the relation was fitted by the Hill equation, with a Hill coefficient of 3.2. These results demonstrate that it is possible to obtain recordings in the whole-cell configuration from olfactory sensory neurons isolated from the mouse and that voltage-gated currents and transduction properties are largely similar to those of amphibians.  相似文献   

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