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The efflux of Cl at the plasma membrane of Chara wasstudied in relation to two treatments known to affect the flux:that of removal of external Cl and of light. It is shownthat although removal of external Cl results in a rapidreduction in Cl efflux (consistent with a direct effectof external Cl on the transport system) the magnitudeof this reduction in the dark is greater than the measured darkinflux. Therefore, in the dark at least, it is proposed that1:1 exchange diffusion cannot account for the trans-stimulationof efflux by external Cl. Light induces an inhibition of efflux and a concomitant stimulationof Cl influx at 20 °C, but at 10 °C the responsesto light of the two fluxes can be separated temporally. It istherefore suggested that the fluxes are not reciprocally dependenton the same factor which mediates in the light response. Furtherconsiderations show that it is unlikely that the cytoplasmicCl concentration mediates in the light response of eitherflux, but that changes in cytoplasmic pH may do so.  相似文献   

The patch-clamp technique was used to investigate regulation of anion channel activity in the tonoplast of Chara corallina in response to changing proton and calcium concentrations on both sides of the membrane. These channels are known to be Ca2+-dependent, with conductances in the range of 37 to 48 pS at pH 7.4. By using low pH at the vacuolar side (either pHvac 5.3 or 6.0) and a cytosolic pH (pHcyt) varying in a range of 4.3 to 9.0, anion channel activity and single-channel conductance could be reversibly modulated. In addition, Ca2+-sensitivity of the channels was markedly influenced by pH changes. At pHcyt values of 7.2 and 7.4 the half-maximal concentration (EC 50) for calcium activation was 100–200 μm, whereas an EC 50 of about 5 μm was found at a pHcyt of 6.0. This suggests an improved binding of Ca2+ ions to the channel protein at more acidic cytoplasm. At low pHcyt, anion channel activity and mean open times were voltage-dependent. At pipette potentials (V p) of +100 mV, channel activity was approximately 15-fold higher than activity at negative pipette potentials and the mean open time of the channel increased. In contrast, at pHcyt 7.2, anion channel activity and the opening behavior seemed to be independent of the applied V p. The kinetics of the channel could be further controlled by the Ca2+ concentration at the cytosolic membrane side: the mean open time significantly increased in the presence of a high cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. These results show that tonoplast anion channels are maintained in a highly active state in a narrow pH range, below the resting pHcyt. A putative physiological role of the pH-dependent modulation of these anion channels is discussed. Received: 14 March 2001/Revised: 16 July 2001  相似文献   

The membrane operational impedance spectrum of Chara corallina Klein ex Willd. (R. Brown) cells is investigated using Laplace transform analysis. The spectrum changes with both amplitude and sign of the electrical stimulation when time- and voltage-dependent K+ channels contribute to the membrane conductance. We compare the advantages and disadvantage of this technique for studying membrane impedance with those of the alternating current method and the white noise method.  相似文献   

Water channels in Chara corallina   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Water relations parameters ofChara corallina inter-nodes weremeasured using the single cell pressure probe. The effect ofmercurials, which are recognized as non-specific water channelinhibitors, was examined. HgCl2 concentrations greater than5 mmol m–3 were found to inhibit hydraulic conductivity{Lp) close to 90%, whereas pCMPS was found to have no effecton Lp. The activation energy of water flow was increased significantlyfrom 21.0 kJ mol–1 to 45.6 kJ mol–1, following theapplication of HgCl2. These results are in accordance with evidencefor Hg2+sensitive water channels in the plasma membrane of charophytes(Henzler and Steudle, 1995; Tazawa et al., 1996). The metaboliceffects must, however, be considered in view of the rapid inhibitionof respiration and the depolarization of the membrane potentialwith HgCl2 concentrations lower than those found to affect Lp.It was possible to measure simultaneously water relations andmembrane PD, in order to examine the contribution of potassiumchannels to Lp. Cells were induced into a K+ permeable state.The K+ channels, assumed to be open, were subsequently blockedby various blockers. No significant difference in Lp was foundfor any of these treatments. Finally, the permeability of C.corallina membranes to ethanol was examined. HgCl2 was foundto cause a decrease in reflection coefficient, coinciding witha decrease in Lp, but there was no change in the ethanol permeabilitycoefficient. This has been interpreted in terms of both thefrictional model and composite model of non-electrolyte membranetransport. Key words: Water channels, Chara, hydraulic, conductivity, membrane transport models, reflection coefficient  相似文献   

The influx of several monosaccharides into Chara corallina wasstudied under varying conditions of temperature, in the presenceof inhibitors, and by the use of competition experiments. Itwas found that the mechanism of transport was stereospecific,and the complex interactions between the sugars were characteristicof a carrier-mediated system. There is reason to believe thatthe carrier involved in this system has a narrower range ofaffinities than is usually attributed to a sugar carrier, forglucose and fructose appear to have different sites of entry,though each can influence the uptake of the other. In additionthe carrier system is situated in the plasmalemma and maintainedby metabolic energy.  相似文献   

Tonoplast K+ channels of Chara corallina are well characterized but only a few reports mention anion channels, which are likely to play an important role in the tonoplast action potential and osmoregulation of this plant. For experiments internodal cells were isolated. Cytoplasmic droplets were formed in an iso-osmotic bath solution according to a modified procedure. Ion channels with conductances of 48 pS and 170 pS were detected by the patch-clamp technique. In the absence of K+ in the bath solution the 170 pS channel was not observed at negative pipette potential values. When Cl on either the vacuolar side or the cytoplasmic side was partly replaced with F, the reversal potential of the 48 pS channel shifted conform to the Cl equilibrium potential with similar behavior in droplet-attached and excised patch mode. These results showed that the 48 pS channel was a Cl channel. In droplet-attached mode the channel rectified outward current flow, and the slope conductance was smaller. When Chara droplets were formed in a bath solution containing low (10−8 m) Ca2+, then no Cl channels could be detected either in droplet-attached or in inside-out patch mode. Channel activity was restored if Ca2+ was applied to the cytoplasmic side of inside-out patches. Rectification properties in the inside-out patch configuration could be controlled by the holding pipette potential. Holding potential values negative or positive to the calculated reversal potential for Cl ions induced opposite rectification properties. Our results show Ca2+-activated Cl channels in the tonoplast of Chara with holding potential dependent rectification. Received: 30 March 1999/Revised: 10 August 1999  相似文献   

Chloride transport, presumably via a Cl-2H+ co-transport system, was investigated in Chara corallina. At pH 6.5, the control influx (3.1 picomoles per centimeter2 per second) was stimulated 4-fold by an 18-hour Cl starvation. The stimulated influx was inhibited to 4.7 picomoles per centimeter2 per second after a 60-minute pre-exposure to 0.5 millimolar 4,4′-diisothiocyano-2,2′-disulfonic acid stilbene (DIDS). This compares with a nonsignificant inhibition of the control under similar conditions. At 2 millimolar DIDS, both stimulated and control influx were inhibited to values of 1.1 and 2.2 picomoles per centimeter2 per second, respectively; in all cases, DIDS inhibition was reversible. Over the pH range 4.8 to 8.5, the control and DIDS-inhibited influx showed only slight pH sensitivity; in contrast, the stimulated flux was strongly pH dependent (pH 6.5 optimum). Inasmuch as changes in pH alter membrane potential, N-ethylmaleimide was used to depolarize the membrane; this had no effect on Cl influx. A transient depolarization of the membrane (about 20 millivolts) was observed on restoration of Cl to starved cells. The membrane also depolarized transiently when starved cells were exposed to 0.5 millimolar DIDS, but the depolarization associated with Cl restoration was inhibited by a 40-minute pretreatment with DIDS. Exposure of control cells to DIDS caused only a small hyperpolarization (about 7 millivolts). DIDS may have blocked Cl influx by inhibiting the putative plasmalemma H+-translocating ATPase. Histochemical studies on intact cells revealed no observable effect of DIDS on plasmalemma ATPase activity. However, DIDS application after fixation resulted in complete inhibition of ATPase activity.

The differential sensitivity of the stimulated and control flux to inhibition by DIDS may reflect an alteration of transport upon stimulation, but could also result from differences in pretreatment. The stimulated cells were pretreated with DIDS in the absence of Cl, in contrast to the presence of Cl during pretreatment of controls. The differential effect could result from competition between Cl and DIDS for a common binding site. Our histochemical ATPase results indicate that Cl transport and membrane ATPase are separate systems, and the latter is only inhibited by DIDS from the inside of the cell.


Plasmalemma Voltage Noise in Chara corallina   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Voltage noise analysis is applied to plasmalemma ion transport in Chara corallina. There is a component in the noise power spectrum that is probably associated with current fluctuations within passive transport channels, and another component that may be associated either with fluctuations in the number of open channels, or with active transport. The data allow the calculation of time constants that may be attributable to molecular level events in these transport processes.  相似文献   

Ionic fluxes in cells of Chara corallina   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Ross S  Dainty J 《Plant physiology》1985,79(4):1021-1025
Some aspects of the membrane physiology of the giant-celled alga Chara corallina have been studied using the techniques of membrane noise analysis. Cellular voltage noise was measured by means of a microelectrode inserted in the vacuole of the cell. The significant feature of spectra estimated from voltage noise signals in these cells was a low-frequency component possibly associated with the active, electrogenic proton pumping which occurs in these cells. The effect of high external pH is described.  相似文献   

Passive transport of potassium through the plasma membrane of a protoplasmic droplet isolated from large internodal cells of Chara corallina Klein ex Willd., em, R.D.W. has been investigated using the patchclamp technique. When the membrane is hyperpolarized the conductance of a single K+-channel is of the order of magnitude of 100 picoSiemens and is reduced by tetraethylammonium chloride. Its open time is voltage dependent. This voltage-dependent K+-channel displays rectifying properties. The channel density is about 0.1 channel per square micrometer of membrane. When the membrane is depolarized the conductance of a single channel is of the order of magnitude of 30 picoSiemens and is insensitive to tetraethylammonium chloride. These results suggest that K+-channels are incorporated in the plasma membrane during membranogenesis of a protoplasmic droplet. They constitute further evidence for the existence of voltage-dependent K+-channels in plant cells.  相似文献   

A depolarisation of the membrane potential difference (about-170 mV) of Chara corallina is observed in response to changes in cell turgor pressure using the pressure probe technique. The depolarisation occurs in phase with the pressure pulse (0.2 s duration) and is independent of the direction of the applied pressure gradient. This latter finding is in contradiction to results predicted on the basis of electro-kinetic phenomena. Pressure induced electrical leakages were ruled out by measuring the depolarisation in response to pressure in individual segments of the internode which were electrically isolated from one another. The changes in potential were recorded by external electrodes and an internal electrode which was positioned close to the micropipette of the pressure probe inserted through one of the electrically isolated nodes. The depolarisation in response to increasing positive or negative pressure gradients in the intact node region and in the intact middle segments was comparable to that monitored in the node region containing the pressure probe. Action potentials were initiated when the pressure gradients exceeded at least 2 bar. The action potentials were elicited at random in one of the two compartments adjacent to the node regions, but were never found to be initiated in the node regions themselves. The pressure-induced action potentials are explained in terms of an electro-mechanical compression (or expansion) of a local membrane area and discussed in their relevance to the propagation of pressure signals in response to water and salt stress in higher plants.Abbreviations PD potential difference  相似文献   

Biological and environmental effects of lanthanide series of elements have received much attention recently due to their wide applications. In this study, effects of La3+ treatments on calcium and magnesium concentrations as well as cytoplasmic streaming of internodal cells of Chara corallina were investigated. At all treatment concentrations (10, 100, and 1,000 μM), La3+ significantly decreased calcium concentrations in the cell-wall fractions after 5-h treatments. Calcium concentrations in the cell contents and magnesium concentrations in the cell-wall fractions were reduced by 100 and 1,000 μM La3+ treatments. However, cytoplasmic streaming as an indicator of [Ca2+]cyt was only inhibited at the highest La3+ concentration (1,000 μM). The results suggest that La3+ may affect cellular calcium homeostasis by actions other than as a simple Ca2+ antagonist. La3+ could partially compensate for calcium deficiency at certain concentrations.  相似文献   

The sulfhydryl (SH) modifying reagent N-ethylmaleimide (NEM)was applied to the internodal cells of Chara corallina to studythe role of SH residues in the activity of the plasma membraneH+ pump. NEM (1 µM) caused a marked depolarizing shiftof the resting potential by 6410mV (n=7) together with depressionof the conductance peak at around —200 mV, indicatinga marked depression of the H+ pump activity. This effect ofNEM was partly reversible, the membrane repolarized and theconductance peak was restored after extracellular washing. TheH+ pump inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), caused noadditive membrane depolarization and/or depression of the H+pump conductance, in the presence of NEM. This suggests thatNEM blocks the H+ pump and that SH residues play a pivotal rolein maintaining the H+ pump activity in Chara corallina. (Received April 10, 1993; Accepted July 29, 1993)  相似文献   

Membrane ghost preparations of Escherichia coli K-12 obtained by osmotic lysis of lysozyme-induced spheroplasts were found to possess both Mg(++)- and Ca(++)-activated adenosine 5'-triphosphatase (ATPase, EC activities. Maximal activities of 1.0 to 1.5 mumoles of orthophosphate released per min per mg of protein were obtained at pH 9.0 with a molar Mg(++) to adenosine 5'triphosphate (ATP) ratio of 2:5 and at pH 9.9 with a molar Ca(++) to ATP ratio of 1:5. These ATPase activities were not altered by ouabain, fluoride, N-ethylmaleimide, 2,4-dinitrophenol, cyanide, or dithionite, but were inhibited by low concentrations of azide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, and pentachlorophenol. Mg(++) ATPase was more susceptible to inhibition by azide than was Ca(++) ATPase. Fifty per cent inactivation of both activities was observed when membrane ghost preparations were preincubated at 66 C for 10 min. The Mg(++) and Ca(++) ATPase activities of these preparations were not additive, but did respond independently to inhibition by monovalent cations. Ca(++) ATPase was found to be very sensitive to inhibition by K(+), Na(+), Li(+), Rb(+), and Cs(+); Mg(++) ATPase was relatively insensitive to these ions. One possible interpretation of the results presented in this paper is that the membrane of E. coli possesses an ATPase which is activated by either Mg(++) or Ca(++) and that activation by Ca(++) increases the susceptibility of this enzyme to inhibition by monovalent cations. Increased susceptibility of E. coli membrane ATPase to inhibition by monovalent cations such as Na(+) and K(+) as a consequence of Ca(++) activation could represent a regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

An apparatus is described by means of which the power versus frequency spectrum of the photomultiplier current can be obtained for laser light scattered by streaming cytoplasm in the algal cell Chara corallina. A Doppler peak is noted in the spectrum which is abolished when cytoplasmic streaming is arrested by electrical stimulation. For 5 cells of Chara, this simple laser-Doppler velocimeter gave streaming velocities (46-7 mum s-1, S.D. +/- 4-8 at 20 degrees C) similar to those obtained for the same cells using the light microscope (44-3 mum s-1, S.D. +/- 5-3 at 20 degrees C). A narrow distribution of streaming velocities is indicated. The technique described provides a rapid, quantitative assay of the in vivo rheological properties of cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Calcium-salinity interactions affect ion transport in Chara corallina   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Detached internodes of Chara corallina survived in solutions containing 100 mol m?3 NaCl when the external concentration of Ca2+ was greater than 1 mol m?3. Na+ influx was roughly proportional to external Na+ up to 100 mol m?3 NaCl. Na+ influx involved two components: a Ca2+-insensitive influx which allowed the passage of Na+ independently of external Ca2+; and a Ca2+-inhibitable mechanism where Na+ influx was inversely proportional to external Ca2+. The Ca2+-inhibitable Na+ influx was similar to the Ca2+-inhibitable K+ influx. Mg2+ and Ba2+ were able to substitute for Ca2+ in partially inhibiting Na+ influx in the absence of external Ca2+. The effect of Ca2+ appears specific to Na+ and K+ influx since the effects of a Ca2+-free solution on the influx of some other cations, anions and neutral compounds is small. It is suggested that Na+ influx via the Ca2+-inhibitable mechanism represents Na+ leakage through K+ channels and that cell death at high salinity occurs due to a cytotoxic Na+ influx via this mechanism.  相似文献   

Intercellular transport of 14C-labelled photoassimilates, bothin isolated upper shoots and in isolated internode-branchletcomplexes of Chara corallina, was measured. The isolated uppershoots were composed of a primary apex, two mature internodes,and three branchlet whorls. A 10 min loading of the isolatedupper shoot with H14CO3 resulted in a greater accumulationof 14C in the apical complex and branchlets than in the internodes,while a subsequent 50 min chase with unlabelled solution inthe light resulted in a greater accumulation of 14C in internodesthan in other parts of the shoot. In the isolated internode-branchlet complex, when the apex wasnot detached, the amount of 14C transported from branchletsto internodes was about fives times that transported from internodesto branchlets. Removal of the apex resulted in a decrease intransport from branchlets to internodes and an increase in transportin the opposite direction. In an attempt to explain the mechanism of the polar transportof photosynthetically fixed carbon between branchlets and internodes,photosynthetic activities of both types of cells were investigated.Detached branchlets have higher photosynthetic 14C-fixationactivities than those of internodes. Chlorophyll contents, measuredin terms of surface area, in internodes and branchlets werealmost identical. The ribulose-l,5-bisphosphate carboxylase(RuBPCase) activity of branchlets was 1.6 times that of internodes,and the rate of ferricyanide-dependent evolution of oxygen inbranchlets was 1.4 times that in internodes. Key words: Chara, internode, branchlet, polar transport, photosynthesis  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of cytoplasm-rich fragments (single membrane samples) prepared from internodal cells of Chara corallina were explored in conjunction with K+-sensitive microelectrode and current-voltage (I-V) measurements. This system eliminated the problem of the inaccessible cytoplasmic layer, while preserving many of the electrical characteristics of the intact cells. In 0.1 millimolar external K concentration (Ko+), the resting conductance (membrane conductance Gm, 0.85 ± 0.25 Siemens per square meter (±standard error)) of the single membrane samples, was dominated by the proton pump, as suggested by the response of the near-linear I-V characteristic to changes in external pH. Initial cytoplasmic K+ activities (aK+), judged most reliable, gave values of 117 ± 67 millimolar; stable aK+ values were 77 ± 31 millimolar. Equilibrium potentials for K+ (Nernst equilibrium potential) (EK) calculated, using either of these data sets, were near the mean membrane potential (Vm). On a cell-to-cell basis, however, EK was generally negative of the Vm, despite an electrogenic contribution from the Chara proton pump. When Ko+ was increased to 1.0 millimolar or above, Gm rose (by 8- to 10-fold in 10 millimolar Ko+), the steady state I-V characteristics showed a region of negative slope conductance, and Vm followed EK. These results confirm previous studies which implicated a Ko+-induced and voltage-dependent permeability to K+ at the Chara plasma membrane. They provide an explanation for transitions between apparent Ko+-insensitive and Ko+-sensitive (`K+ electrode') behavior displayed by the membrane potential, as recorded in many algae and higher plant cells.  相似文献   

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