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Liposomes formed from egg-yolk phosphatidylcholine:egg-yolk phosphatidate (molar ratio 2:1) containing pBR322 DNA and DNase I were induced to form, with divalent cations, bilayer/nonbilayer phase transitions of phosphatidate which allowed cation diffusion into liposomes; then cation diffusion was measured by the activation of the hydrolysis of DNase I on DNA. The formation of phosphatidate transitions on liposomes was demonstrated by freeze-fracture and 31P NMR, and a direct correlation between the formation of phosphatidate transitions and the transbilayer diffusion of cations was found: only Ca2+ and Mn2+, which induce phase transitions, were able to penetrate liposomes and triggered the DNase I activity; in addition, Ca2+ at higher concentrations (10 mM) caused fusion of liposomes, whereas Mn2+ did not, suggesting that transitions induced by Mn2+ participated only in the diffusion of this ion; furthermore, Mg2+ neither formed phase transitions nor triggered the enzymatic activity. The liposomes studied represent more dynamic structures that can form phosphatidate structures involved in both (1) the interchange of divalent cations with the surroundings, thereby modulating encapsulated enzymes, and (2) the fusion of lipid vesicles probably implicated in the enrichment of liposomal content in the early Precambian Earth.Correspondence to: C. Argüello  相似文献   

Aggregation of nucleosomes by divalent cations.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Conditions of precipitation of nucleosome core particles (NCP) by divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Mg(2+)) have been explored over a large range of nucleosome and cation concentrations. Precipitation of NCP occurs for a threshold of divalent cation concentration, and redissolution is observed for further addition of salt. The phase diagram looks similar to those obtained with DNA and synthetic polyelectrolytes in the presence of multivalent cations, which supports the idea that NCP/NCP interactions are driven by cation condensation. In the phase separation domain the effective charge of the aggregates was determined by measurements of their electrophoretic mobility. Aggregates formed in the presence of divalent cations (Mg(2+)) remain negatively charged over the whole concentration range. They turn positively charged when aggregation is induced by trivalent (spermidine) or tetravalent (spermine) cations. The higher the valency of the counterions, the more significant is the reversal of the effective charge of the aggregates. The sign of the effective charge has no influence on the aspect of the phase diagram. We discuss the possible reasons for this charge reversal in the light of actual theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

We have extended the Gouy-Chapman theory of the electrostatic diffuse double layer by considering the finite size of divalent cations in the aqueous phase adjacent to a charged surface. The divalent cations are modeled as either two point charges connected by an infinitely thin, rigid "rod" or two noninteracting point charges connected by an infinitely thin, flexible "string." We use the extended theory to predict the effects of a cation of length 10 A (1 nm) on the zeta and surface potentials of phospholipid bilayer membranes. The predictions of the rod and string models are similar to one another but differ markedly from the predictions of the Gouy-Chapman theory. Specifically, the extended model predicts that a large divalent cation will have a smaller effect on the potential adjacent to a negatively charged bilayer membrane than a point divalent cation, that the magnitude of this discrepancy will decrease as the Debye length increases, and that a large divalent cation will produce a negative zeta potential on a membrane formed from zwitterionic lipids. These predictions agree qualitatively with the experimental results obtained with the large divalent cation hexamethonium. We discuss the biological relevance of our calculations in the context of the interaction of cationic drugs with receptor sites on cell membranes.  相似文献   

J R Clay 《Biophysical journal》1995,69(5):1773-1779
The effects of intracellular magnesium ions and extracellular calcium and magnesium ions on the delayed rectifier potassium ion channel, IK, were investigated from intracellularly perfused squid giant axons. Cao+2 and Mgo+2 both blocked IK in a voltage-independent manner with a KD of approximately 100 and 500 mM, respectively. This effect was obscured at potentials in the vicinity of the resting potential (approximately -60 mV) by a rightward shift of the steady-state IK inactivation curve along the voltage axis. The addition of either calcium or magnesium ions to the extracellular solution also produced the well known shift of the IK activation curve along the voltage axis. Cao+2 was approximately twice as effective in this regard as Mgo+2. The IK activation kinetics were slowed by Cao+2, but deactivation kinetics were not altered, as shown previously. Similar results were obtained with Mgo+2. The addition of magnesium ions to the intracellular perfusate shifted the activation curve along the voltage axis in the negative direction (without producing block) by approximately the same among as the Mgo+2 shift of this curve in the positive direction. Moreover, Mgi+2 substantially slowed the deactivation kinetics, whereas the effects of Mgi+2 on activation kinetics at strongly depolarized potentials were relatively minor. At modest depolarizations, Mgi+2 significantly reduced the delay before IK activation. These results are essentially the mirror image of the effects on gating of extracellular divalent cations.  相似文献   

A simple extension of the Gouy-Chapman theory predicts that the ability of a divalent cation to screen charges at a membrane-solution interface decreases significantly if the distance between the charges on the cation is comparable with the Debye length. We tested this prediction by investigating the effect of hexamethonium on the electrostatic potential adjacent to negatively charged phospholipid bilayer membranes. The distance between the two charges of an extended hexamethonium molecule is approximately 1 nm, which is the Debye length in the 0.1 M monovalent salt solutions used in these experiments. Six different experimental approaches were utilized. We measured the electrophoretic mobility of multilamellar vesicles to determine the zeta potential, the line width of the 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal from sonicated vesicles to calculate the change in potential at the phosphodiester moiety of the lipid, and the conductance of planar bilayer membranes exposed to either carriers (nonactin) or pore formers (gramicidin) to estimate the change in potential within the membrane. We also measured directly the effect of hexamethonium on the potential above a monolayer formed from negative lipids, and attempted to calculate the change in the surface potential of a bilayer membrane from capacitance measurements. With the exception of the capacitance calculations, each of the techniques gave comparable results: hexamethonium exerts a smaller effect on the potential than that predicted by the classic screening theory. The results are consistent with the predictions of the extended Gouy-Chapman theory and are relevant to the interpretation of physiological and pharmacological experiments that utilize hexamethonium and other large divalent cations.  相似文献   

Relation between aggregating force (of fibrinogen and IgG) and disaggregating force (due to electrostatic repulsion among erythrocytes) in erythrocyte aggregation was investigated with a rheoscope combining a video camera, an image analyzer and a computer. (i) Erythrocyte aggregation was augmented with the increase of molecular weight of bridging macromolecules as far as examined for fibrinogen and the degradation products and IgG and the related macromolecules, and the augmentation seemed to be dependent on the molecular length of macromolecules. In accelerating the erythrocyte aggregation, fibrinogen was more effective than IgG, and some interaction between fibrinogen and IgG in their coexistence was suggested. (ii) The decrease of sialic acid content on the erythrocyte surface accelerated IgG-induced erythrocyte aggregation much greater than fibrinogen-induced one. (iii) Counteraction between aggregating force and disaggregating force in leading to erythrocyte aggregation was discussed relating to molecular length of bridging macromolecule and electrostatic repulsive force by sialic acid.  相似文献   

Lomofungin inhibition of yeast growth and RNA synthesis is prevented by Cu++ or Zn++ ions which chelate with the antibiotic and prevent its uptake by the cells. EDTA potentiates the inhibition. Mg++ ions do not protect in vivo or against the inhibition of purified bacterial RNA and DNA polymerases. Lomofungin prevents formation of the RNA polymerase. DNA initiation complex, probably by chelation with the firmly bound Zn++ of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary This mini review is primarily concerned with the monovalent and divalent cation activation of pyruvate kinase. All preparations of pyruvate kinase from vertebrate tissue which have been examined require monovalent cations such as K+ for catalysis. However, several microbial preparations are not activated by monovalent cations. In fact,E. coli synthesizes depending on growth conditions, 2 different forms of the enzyme; one form is not activated while the other is activated by monovalent cations. The monovalent cation was shown by NMR techniques to bind within 4–8 ? of the divalent cation activat or and apparently plays a direct role in the catalytic process. As with all kinases, pyruvate kinase requires a divalent cation for catalysis. Mg+2 is optimal for the physiological reaction, however, Co+2, Mn+2, and Ni+2 also activate. The divalent cation activation of several non-physiological reactions catalyzed by pyruvate kinase are reviewed. Several lines of evidence suggest that 2 moles of the divalent cation are required in the catalytic event. However, the specific role of both atoms in the catalytic event have not been thoroughly elucidated.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca2+ and Mg2+ on exocytosis in Paramecium tetraurelia cells were examined with light microscopy, freeze fracture (FEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of thin-sectioned embedded cells. Picric acid-Ca2+-induced secretion in wild type (wt) cells was captured by "quick" fixation with OsO4, and TEM demonstrated membrane fusion occurring before trichocyst matrix (tmx) expansion. Cells stimulated with picric acid in the presence of high extracellular Mg2+ showed very few sites of membrane fusion and no tmx expansion, suggesting that Ca2+ is required for both membrane fusion and tmx expansion. Further information was obtained by comparing secretory responses of wt cells with a temperature-sensitive secretory mutant, nd 9. These cells when grown at the permissive temperature (18 degrees C) possess normal rosettes at the secretory site and secrete in response to picric acid-Ca2+, but when grown at 27 degrees C they lack rosettes and do not secrete (Beisson, J., M. Lefort-Tran, M. Pouphile, M. Rossignol, and B. Satir, 1976, J. Cell Biol., 69:126-143). Quantitation of picric acid-Ca2+-induced secretion revealed that: (a) the number of tmx secreted by wt and nd 9 cells was independent of their cultural growth phase, (b) wt cells secreted the same number of tmx when grown either at 18 or 27 degrees C, and (c) nd 9 18 degrees C cells secreted the same number of tmx as wt 18 or 27 degrees C cells. Wild type and nd 9 cells had the same frequencies of occupied and unoccupied secretory sites as determined by quantitative analysis of freeze-fracture replicas. After stimulation with divalent cation ionophore A23187 and Ca2+, wt cells showed a significant reduction in the frequency of occupied sites. FEM and TEM studies revealed that A23187-Ca2+ induced tmx expansion and normal fusion of the plasma and trichocyst membranes in wt and nd 9 18 degrees C cells, but induced tmx expansion without concomitant membrane fusion in nd 9 27 degrees C cells. The lack of membrane fusion in nd 9 27 degrees C cells suggests that the molecules represented by rosette particles are required specifically for membrane fusion.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction data typical of helical structures have been obtained from strontium and calcium salts of hyaluronic acid. The data indicate three disaccharides in each helix repeat with an average pitch of 2.84 nm and therefore suggest a conformational similarity with other highly extended hyaluronate polymorphs, the packing of which in crystalline arrays is influenced both by the particular cation involved and by the extent of hydration.Intensity data from a high humidity calcium salt were used in a detailed structure refinement. Six chains were found to pack in a trigonal unit cell with symmetry P3212 and dimensions a = b = 2.093 nm, c = 2.830 nm. The polyanion conformation is stabilized by O(3)AO(5)B and O(4)BO(5)A hydrogen bonds across the (1 → 4) and (1 → 3) linkages, respectively. Both crystallographic and steric considerations imply a non-equivalence of the three disaccharide residues in each helix turn.Adjacent antiparallel chains are tied together through COO?Ca2+?OOC bridges while the co-ordination of each Ca2+ ion is completed by three pairs of dyadically related water molecules. These water molecules are also extensively hydrogen-bonded to the polyanions. Sensitivity of the a and b unit cell dimensions to the ambient relative humidity further supports the conclusion that water of hydration surrounds the polyanions.Consideration of isolation and purification procedures together with elemental analysis for a large number of hyaluronate samples demonstrates the importance of divalent cations, even in small quantities, in inducing extended 3-fold helical conformations. If interactions between chain segments have a role in determining the properties of hyaluronate-containing tissues and fluids then it is likely, because of the abundant calcium which is also present, that any polymer secondary structures usually will be similar to the conformer described in this study.  相似文献   

Activation of membrane-associated thiamin triphosphatase from rat brain requires a divalent cation (Mg2+, Ca2+, or Mn2+). The optimum concentration of Mg2+ necessary for maximal enzyme activity varies with substrate concentration; conversely, the maximal rate of hydrolysis attainbale by increasing thiamin triphosphate concentration is directly proportional to [Mg2+] for all levels of Mg2+ below that of the substrate. Under appropriate conditions, the Km of the thiamin triphosphatase for Mg2+ and for thiamin triphosphate are shown to be identical. Dissociation constants (Kd) for the binding of Mg2+ to thiamin triphosphate, thiamin diphosphate, and thiamin were determined; kinetic data re-expressed in terms of [Mg2+-thiamin triphosphate] conform to simple single substrate predictions, suggesting that the true enzyme substrate may be the Mg2+-thiamin triphosphate complex. Excess free Mg2+ inhibits thiamin triphosphatase activity competitively while excess free thiamin triphosphate in concentrations up to 10 times Km has no effect on the membrane-bound enzyme.  相似文献   

Enzymatic degradation of hyaluronan (HA) by testicular hyaluronidase (HAase, hyaluronate 4-glucanohydrolase) requires inclusion of mono- or divalent cations in the reaction mixture. Most divalent cations activated HAase with equal potency; however, Cu2+ suppressed degradation, and Ca2+ showed a concentration-dependent regulation of size of the oligosaccharide products. Careful selection of HAase assay parameters is critical for discovery of novel HAase inhibitors and for preparation of controlled-size oligosaccharide fragments.  相似文献   

The formation of complexes of polynucleotides (DNA, poly A.poly U) with liposomes from egg lecithins, L-alpha-phosphatidylcholine, dimirystoyl and other lipids in the presence of divalent cations was studied by differential scanning microcalorimetry circular dichroism and turbidimetry. It was shown that the secondary structure of polynucleotides (double or triple helix) was necessary for the formation of these complexes. This structure was partially destroyed during formation of complexes. It was shown, that three main types of lipids, i.e. phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin participate in interactions between liposomes, polynucleotides and Mg2+.  相似文献   

Small unilamellar vesicles were prepared from cardiolipin and produced the hexagonal II phase when dialyzed against CaCl2 or MgCl2. Upon removal of the cation by dialysis against EDTA large unilamellar vesicles were formed. The events of the transition from the lamellar to hexagonal phase and back to the lamellar phase are described.  相似文献   

N-Acylethanolamines including anandamide (an endogenous ligand for cannabinoid receptors) are released from N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (N-acyl-PE) by the catalysis of a phosphodiesterase of the phospholipase D type. The enzyme was solubilized from the particulate fractions of rat heart with the aid of octyl glucoside, and partially purified by anion-exchange chromatography. The enzyme hydrolyzed N-palmitoyl-PE with a specific activity of 17 nmol/min/mg protein at 37 degrees C. The enzyme activity increased dramatically up to 30-fold by millimolar order of Ca(2+). Ca(2+) could be replaced with other divalent cations such as Co(2+), Mg(2+), Mn(2+), Ba(2+), Sr(2+) and Ni(2+). The hydrolysis of N-arachidonoyl-PE (a precursor of anandamide) was also markedly stimulated by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

Thermodynamic parameters and stoichiometry for the formation of complexes of ATP with Mg2+, Ca2+, and Sr2+ were determined by titration calorimetry. In each case, 1:1 stoichiometry was observed and complex formation was entropy driven. Binding constants for formation of complexes decreased in the order of Mg2+ greater than Ca2+ greater than Sr2+, as expected from charge density considerations. Monovalent cations hindered complex formation with Mg2+, apparently by competing with the divalent cation for complexation with ATP. Analysis of this competitive effect provided estimates of the binding constants for complexes of ATP with monovalent cations, which decreased in the order expected from charge density considerations (Li+ greater than Na+ greater than K+).  相似文献   

Anaerobically induced NAD-linked glycerol dehydrogenase of Klebsiella pneumoniae for fermentative glycerol utilization was reported previously to be inactivated in the cell during oxidative metabolism. In vitro inactivation was observed in this study by incubating the purified enzyme in the presence of O2, Fe2+, and ascorbate or dihydroxyfumarate. It appears that O2 and the reducing agent formed H2O2 and that H2O2 reacted with Fe2+ to generate an activated species of oxygen which attacked the enzyme. The in vitro-oxidized enzyme, like the in vivo-inactivated enzyme, showed an increased Km for NAD (but not glycerol) and could no longer be activated by Mn2+ which increased the Vmax of the native enzyme but decreased its apparent affinity for NAD. Ethanol dehydrogenase and 1,3-propanediol oxidoreductase, two enzymes with anaerobic function, also lost activity when the cells were incubated aerobically with glucose. However, glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-linked), isocitrate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase, expected to function both aerobically and anaerobically, were not inactivated. Thus, oxidative modification of proteins in vivo might provide a mechanism for regulating the activities of some anaerobic enzymes.  相似文献   

For murine adenosine deaminase, we have determined that a single zinc or cobalt cofactor bound in a high affinity site is required for catalytic function while metal ions bound at an additional site(s) inhibit the enzyme. A catalytically inactive apoenzyme of murine adenosine deaminase was produced by dialysis in the presence of specific zinc chelators in an acidic buffer. This represents the first production of the apoenzyme and demonstrates a rigorous method for removing the occult cofactor. Restoration to the holoenzyme is achieved with stoichiometric amounts of either Zn2+ or Co2+ yielding at least 95% of initial activity. Far UV CD and fluorescence spectra are the same for both the apo- and holoenzyme, providing evidence that removal of the cofactor does not alter secondary or tertiary structure. The substrate binding site remains functional as determined by similar quenching measured by tryptophan fluorescence of apo- or holoenzyme upon mixing with the transition state analog, deoxycoformycin. Excess levels of adenosine or N6- methyladenosine incubated with the apoenzyme prior to the addition of metal prevent restoration, suggesting that the cofactor adds through the substrate binding cleft. The cations Ca2+, Cd2+, Cr2+, Cu+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Fe2+, Fe3+, Pb2+, or Mg2+ did not restore adenosine deaminase activity to the apoenzyme. Mn2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ were found to be competitive inhibitors of the holoenzyme with respect to substrate and Cd2+ and Co2+ were noncompetitive inhibitors. Weak inhibition (Ki > or = 1000 microM) was noted for Ca2+, Fe2+, and Fe3+.  相似文献   

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