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Few studies have investigated how tree species grown under elevated CO2 and elevated temperature alter the performance of leaf‐feeding insects. The indirect effects of an elevated CO2 concentration and temperature on leaf phytochemistry, along with potential direct effects on insect growth and consumption, may independently or interactively affect insects. To investigate this, we bagged larvae of the gypsy moth on leaves of red and sugar maple growing in open‐top chambers in four CO2/temperature treatment combinations: (i) ambient temperature, ambient CO2; (ii) ambient temperature, elevated CO2 (+ 300 μL L?1 CO2); (iii) elevated temperature (+ 3.5°C), ambient CO2; and (iv) elevated temperature, elevated CO2. For both tree species, leaves grown at elevated CO2 concentration were significantly reduced in leaf nitrogen concentration and increased in C: N ratio, while neither temperature nor its interaction with CO2 concentration had any effect. Depending on the tree species, leaf water content declined (red maple) and carbon‐based phenolics increased (sugar maple) on plants grown in an enriched CO2 atmosphere. The only observed effect of elevated temperature on leaf phytochemistry was a reduction in leaf water content of sugar maple leaves. Gypsy moth larval responses were dependent on tree species. Larvae feeding on elevated CO2‐grown red maple leaves had reduced growth, while temperature had no effect on the growth or consumption of larvae. No significant effects of either temperature or CO2 concentration were observed for larvae feeding on sugar maple leaves. Our data demonstrate strong effects of CO2 enrichment on leaf phytochemical constituents important to folivorous insects, while an elevated temperature largely has little effect. We conclude that alterations in leaf chemistry due to an elevated CO2 atmosphere are more important in this plant–folivorous insect system than either the direct short‐term effects of temperature on insect performance or its indirect effects on leaf chemistry.  相似文献   

The global environment is changing with increasing temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, [CO2]. Because these two factors are concomitant, and the global [CO2] rise will affect all biomes across the full global range of temperatures, it is essential to review the theory and observations on effects of temperature and [CO2] interactions on plant carbon balance, growth, development, biomass accumulation and yield. Although there are sound theoretical reasons for expecting a larger stimulation of net CO2 assimilation rates by increased [CO2] at higher temperatures, this does not necessarily mean that the pattern of biomass and yield responses to increasing [CO2] and temperature is determined by this response. This paper reviews the interactions between the effects of [CO2] and temperature on plants. There is little unequivocal evidence for large differences in response to [CO2] at different temperatures, as studies are confounded by the different responses of species adapted and acclimated to different temperatures, and the interspecific differences in growth form and development pattern. We conclude by stressing the importance of initiation and expansion of meristems and organs and the balance between assimilate supply and sink activity in determining the growth response to increasing [CO2] and temperature.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-72) and soybean (Glycine max L. Merr. cv. Bragg), which have been reported to differ in acclimation to elevated CO2, were grown for a season in sunlight at ambient and twice-ambient [CO2], and under daytime temperature regimes ranging from 28 to 40°C. The objectives of the study were to test whether CO2 enrichment could compensate for adverse effects of high growth temperatures on photosynthesis, and whether these two C3 species differed in this regard. Leaf photosynthetic assimilation rates (A) of both species, when measured at the growth [CO2], were increased by CO2 enrichment, but decreased by supraoptimal temperatures. However, CO2 enrichment more than compensated for the temperature-induced decline in A. For soybean, this CO2 enhancement of A increased in a linear manner by 32–95% with increasing growth temperatures from 28 to 40°C, whereas with rice the degree of enhancement was relatively constant at about 60%, from 32 to 38°C. Both elevated CO2 and temperature exerted coarse control on the Rubisco protein content, but the two species differed in the degree of responsiveness. CO2 enrichment and high growth temperatures reduced the Rubisco content of rice by 22 and 23%, respectively, but only by 8 and 17% for soybean. The maximum degree of Rubisco down-regulation appeared to be limited, as in rice the substantial individual effects of these two variables, when combined, were less than additive. Fine control of Rubisco activation was also influenced by both elevated [CO2] and temperature. In rice, total activity and activation were reduced, but in soybean only activation was lowered. The apparent catalytic turnover rate (Kcat) of rice Rubisco was unaffected by these variables, but in soybean elevated [CO2] and temperature increased the apparent Kcat by 8 and 22%, respectively. Post-sunset declines in Rubisco activities were accelerated by elevated [CO2] in rice, but by high temperature in soybean, suggesting that [CO2] and growth temperature influenced the metabolism of 2-carboxyarabinitol-1-phosphate, and that the effects might be species-specific. The greater capacity of soybean for CO2 enhancement of A at supraoptimal temperatures was probably not due to changes in stomatal conductance, but may be partially attributed to less down-regulation of Rubisco by elevated [CO2] in soybean than in rice. However, unidentified species differences in the temperature optimum for photosynthesis also appeared to be important. The responses of photosynthesis and Rubisco in rice and soybean suggest that among C3 plants species-specific differences will be encountered as a result of future increases in global [CO2] and air temperatures.  相似文献   

Effects of the current (38 Pa) and an elevated (74 Pa) CO2 partial pressure on root and shoot areas, biomass accumulation and daily net CO2 exchange were determined for Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Miller, a highly productive Crassulacean acid metabolism species cultivated worldwide. Plants were grown in environmentally controlled rooms for 18 weeks in pots of three soil volumes (2 600, 6 500 and 26 000 cm3), the smallest of which was intended to restrict root growth. For plants in the medium-sized soil volume, basal cladodes tended to be thicker and areas of main and lateral roots tended to be greater as the CO2 level was doubled. Daughter cladodes tended to be initiated sooner at the current compared with the elevated CO2 level but total areas were similar by 10 weeks. At 10 weeks, daily net CO2 uptake for the three soil volumes averaged 24% higher for plants growing under elevated compared with current CO2 levels, but at 18 weeks only 3% enhancement in uptake occurred. Dry weight gain was enhanced 24% by elevated CO2 during the first 10 weeks but only 8% over 18 weeks. Increasing the soil volume 10-fold led to a greater stimulation of daily net CO2 uptake and biomass production than did doubling the CO2 level. At 18 weeks, root biomass doubled and shoot biomass nearly doubled as the soil volume was increased 10-fold; the effects of soil volume tended to be greater for elevated CO2. The amount of cladode nitrogen per unit dry weight decreased as the CO2 level was raised and increased as soil volume increased, the latter suggesting that the effects of soil volume could be due to nitrogen limitations.  相似文献   

We reviewed the effects of elevated ozone (O3), alone and in combination with elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) on primary and secondary metabolites of trees and performance of insect herbivores by means of meta‐analysis. Our database consisted of 63 studies conducted on 22 species of trees and published between 1990 and 2005. Ozone alone had no overall effect on concentrations of carbohydrates or nutrients, whereas in combination with CO2, elevated O3 reduced nutrient concentrations and increased carbohydrate concentrations. In contrast to primary metabolites, concentrations of phenolics and terpenes were significantly increased by 16% and 8%, respectively, in response to elevated O3. Effects of ozone in combination with elevated CO2 were weaker than those of ozone alone on phenolics, but stronger than those of ozone alone on terpenes. The magnitude of secondary metabolite responses depended on the type of ozone exposure facility and increased in the following order: indoor growth chamber 3 than gymnosperms, as shifts in concentrations of carbohydrate and phenolics were observed in the former, but not in the latter. Elevated O3 had positive effects on some indices of insect performance: pupal mass increased and larval development time shortened, but these effects were counteracted by elevated CO2. Therefore, despite the observed increase in secondary metabolites, elevated O3 tends to increase tree foliage quality for herbivores, but elevated CO2 may alleviate these effects. Our meta‐analysis clearly demonstrated that effects of elevated O3 alone on leaf chemistry and some indices of insect performance differed from those of O3+CO2, and therefore, it is important to study effects of several factors of global climate change simultaneously.  相似文献   

Although feeding behaviour of Chromatomyia syngenesiae on plants grown in elevated CO2 (ambient + 200ppm) was unaffected, leaf-miner development was slower in elevated compared to ambient CO2 atmospheres. Pupal weight was lower at high CO2 and correlated with the area of leaf mined; no such correlation existed in ambient CO2. There appears to be no compensatory feeding by the leaf-miner for the reduced food quality of plants growing in elevated CO2. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Plants of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and orchard grass (Dactylus glomerata) were grown in controlled environment chambers at two CO2 concentrations (350 and 700 μmol mol-1) and 4 constant day/night growth temperatures of 15, 20, 25 and 30°C for 50–90 days to determine changes in growth and whole plant CO2 efflux (dark respiration). To facilitate comparisons with other studies, respiration data were expressed on the basis of leaf area, dry weight and protein. Growth at elevated CO2 increased total plant biomass at all temperatures relative to ambient CO2, but the relative enhancement declined (P≤0.05) as temperature increased. Whole plant respiration (Rd) at elevated CO2 declined at 15 and 20°C in D. glomerata on an area, weight or protein basis and in M. sativa on a weight or protein basis when compared to ambient CO2. Separation of Rd into respiration required for growth (Rg) and maintenance (Rm) showed a significant effect of elevated CO2 on both components. Rm was reduced in both species but only at lower temperatures (15°C in M. sativa and 15 and 20°C in D. glomerata). The effect on Rm could not be accounted for by protein content in either species. Rg was also reduced with elevated CO2; however no particular effect of temperature was observed, i. e. Rg was reduced at 20, 25 and 30°C in M. sativa and at 15 and 25°C in D. glomerata. For the two perennial species used in the present study, the data suggest that both Rg and Rm can be reduced by anticipated increases in atmospheric CO2; however, CO2 inhibition of total plant respiration may decline as a function of increasing temperature  相似文献   

By affecting plant growth and phytochemistry elevated CO2 may have indirect effects on the performance of herbivores. These effects show considerable variability across studies and may depend on nutrient availability, the carbon/nutrient‐balance in plant tissues and the secondary metabolism of plants. We studied the responses to elevated CO2 and different nutrient availability of 12 herbaceous plant species differing in their investment into secondary compounds. Caterpillars of the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis were reared on the leaves produced and their consumption and growth rates analysed. Elevated CO2 resulted in a similar increase of biomass in all plant species, whereas the positive effect of fertilization varied among plant species. Specific leaf weight was influenced by elevated CO2, but the effect depended on nutrient level and identity of plant species. Elevated CO2 increased the C/N ratio of the leaves of most species. Caterpillars consumed more leaf material when plants were grown under elevated CO2 and low nutrients. This indicates compensatory feeding due to lower tissue quality. However, the effects of elevated CO2, nutrient availability and plant species identity on leaf consumption interacted. Both the effects of CO2 and nutrient availability on the relative growth rate of the herbivore depended on the plant species. The feeding rate of S. littoralis on plant species that do not produce nitrogen‐containing secondary compounds (NCSC) was higher under low nutrient availability. In contrast, in plants producing NCSC nutrient availability had no effect on the feeding rate. This suggests that compensatory feeding in response to low nutrient contents may not be possible if plants produce NCSC. We conclude that elevated CO2 causes species‐specific changes in the quality of plant tissues and consequently in changes in the preferences of herbivores for plant species. This could result in changes in plant community composition.  相似文献   

Abstract We report the results of a study investigating the influence of elevated CO2 on species interactions across three trophic levels: a plant (Brassica oleracea), two aphid herbivores (the generalist Myzus persicae and the specialist Brevicoryne brassicae), and two natural enemies (the coccinellid Hippodamia convergens (ladybird) and the parasitoid wasp Diaeretiella rapae). Brassica oleracea plants reared under elevated CO2 conditions (650 ppmv vs. 350 ppmv) were larger and had decreased water and nitrogen content. Brevicoryne brassicae reared on plants grown in elevated CO2 were larger and accumulated more fat, while there was no change in M. persicae traits. Fecundity of individual aphids appeared to be increased when reared on plants grown in elevated CO2. However, these differences were generally lost when aphids were reared in colonies, suggesting that such changes in plant quality will have subtle effects on aphid intraspecific interactions. Nevertheless, CO2 treatment did influence aphid distribution on plants, with significantly fewer M. persicae found on the shoots, and B. brassicae was only found on senescing leaves, when colonies were reared on plants grown in elevated CO2. We reared B. brassicae and M. persicae in competition on plants grown at both the CO2 concentration treatments. We found a significantly lower ratio of M. persicae: B. brassicae on plants grown under elevated CO2 conditions, strongly suggesting that increasing CO2 concentrations can alter the outcome of competition among insect herbivores. This was also reflected in the distribution of the aphids on the plants. While the CO2 treatment did not influence where B. brassicae were found, fewer M. persicae were present on senescing leaves under elevated CO2 conditions. Changes in plant quality resulting from the CO2 treatments did not appear to alter aphid quality as prey species, as the number consumed by the ladybird H. convergens, and the number parasitised by the parasitoid wasp D. rapae, did not change. To our knowledge, this study provides the first empirical evidence that changes in host plant quality mediated by increasing levels of CO2 can alter the outcome of interspecific competition among insect herbivores.  相似文献   

Plants of Nardus stricta growing near a cold, naturally emitting CO2 spring in Iceland were used to investigate the long-term (> 100 years) effects of elevated [CO2] on photosynthesis, biochemistry, growth and phenology in a northern grassland ecosystem. Comparisons were made between plants growing in an atmosphere naturally enriched with CO2 (≈ 790 μ mol mol–1) near the CO2 spring and plants of the same species growing in adjacent areas exposed to ambient CO2 concentrations (≈360 μ mol mol–1). Nardus stricta growing near the spring exhibited earlier senescence and reductions in photosynthetic capacity (≈25%), Rubisco content (≈26%), Rubisco activity (≈40%), Rubisco activation state (≈23%), chlorophyll content (≈33%) and leaf area index (≈22%) compared with plants growing away from the spring. The potential positive effects of elevated [CO2] on grassland ecosystems in Iceland are likely to be reduced by strong down-regulation in the photosynthetic apparatus of the abundant N. stricta species.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine the effects of elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on phenolic biosynthesis in four plant species growing over three generations for nine months in a model plant community. Results were compared to those obtained when the same species were grown individually in pots in the same soils and controlled environment. In the model herbaceous plant community, only two of the four species showed any increase in biomass under elevated CO2, but this occurred only in the first generation for Spergula arvensis and in the second generation for Poa annua. Thus, the effects of CO2 on plant biomass and carbon and nitrogen content were species‐ and generation‐specific. The activity of the principle phenolic biosynthetic enzyme, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), increased under elevated CO2 in Senecio vulgaris only in Generation 1, but increased in three of the four plant species in Generation 2. There were no changes in the total phenolic content of the plants, except for P. annua in Generation 1. Lignin content decreased under elevated CO2 in Cardamine hirsuta in Generation 1, but increased in Generation 2, whilst the lignin content of P. annua showed no change, decreased, then increased in response to elevated CO2 over the three generations. When the species were grown alone in pots, elevated CO2 increased PAL activity in plants grown in soil taken from the Ecotron community after nine months of plant growth, but not in plants grown in the soil used at the start of the experiment (‘initial' soil). In P. annua, phenolic biosynthesis decreased under elevated CO2 in initial soil, and in both P. annua and S. vulgaris there was a significant interaction between effects of soil type and CO2 level on PAL activity. In this study, plant chemical composition altered more in response to environmental factors such as soil type than in response to carbon supply. Results were species‐specific and changed markedly between generations.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 on plant growth and insect herbivory have been frequently investigated over the past 20 years. Most studies have shown an increase in plant growth, a decrease in plant nitrogen concentration, an increase in plant secondary metabolites and a decrease in herbivory. However, such studies have generally overlooked the fact that increases in plant production could cause increases of herbivores per unit area of habitat. Our study investigated leaf production, herbivory levels and herbivore abundance per unit area of leaf litter in a scrub‐oak system at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, under conditions of ambient and elevated CO2, over an 11‐year period, from 1996 to 2007. In every year, herbivory, that is leafminer and leaftier abundance per 200 leaves, was lower under elevated CO2 than ambient CO2 for each of three species of oaks, Quercus myrtifolia, Quercus chapmanii and Quercus geminata. However, leaf litter production per 0.1143 m2 was greater under elevated CO2 than ambient CO2 for Q. myrtifolia and Q. chapmanii, and this difference increased over the 11 years of the study. Leaf production of Q. geminata under elevated CO2 did not increase. Leafminer densities per 0.1143 m2 of litterfall for Q. myrtifolia and Q. chapmanii were initially lower under elevated CO2. However, shortly after canopy closure in 2001, leafminer densities per 0.1143 m2 of litter fall became higher under elevated CO2 and remained higher for the remainder of the experiment. Leaftier densities per 0.1143 m2 were also higher under elevated CO2 for Q. myrtifolia and Q. chapmanii over the last 6 years of the experiment. There were no differences in leafminer or leaftier densities per 0.1143 m2 of litter for Q. geminata. These results show three phenomena. First, they show that elevated CO2 decreases herbivory on all oak species in the Florida scrub‐oak system. Second, despite lower numbers of herbivores per 200 leaves in elevated CO2, increased leaf production resulted in higher herbivore densities per unit area of leaf litter for two oak species. Third, they corroborate other studies which suggest that the effects of elevated CO2 on herbivores are species specific, meaning they depend on the particular plant species involved. Two oak species showed increases in leaf production and herbivore densities per 0.1143 m2 in elevated CO2 over time while another oak species did not. Our results point to a future world of elevated CO2 where, despite lower plant herbivory, some insect herbivores may become more common.  相似文献   

Increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely to affect the trophic relationships that exist between plants, their herbivores and the herbivores' natural enemies. This study takes advantage of an open‐top CO2 fertilization experiment in a Florida scrub oak community at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, consisting of eight chambers supplied with ambient CO2 (360 ppm) and eight chambers supplied with elevated CO2 (710 ppm). We examined the effects of elevated CO2 on herbivore densities and levels of leaf consumption, rates of herbivore attack by natural enemies and effects on leaf abscission. Cumulative levels of herbivores and herbivore damage were significantly lower in elevated CO2 than in ambient CO2. This may be because leaf nitrogen levels are lower in elevated CO2. More herbivores die of host plant‐induced death in elevated CO2 than in ambient CO2. Attack rates of herbivores by parasitoids are also higher in elevated CO2, possibly because herbivores need to feed for a longer time in order to accrue sufficient nitrogen (N), thus exposing themselves longer to natural enemies. Insect herbivores cause an increase in abscission rates of leaves throughout the year. Because of the lower insect density in elevated CO2, we thought, abscission rates would be lower in these chambers. However, abscission rates were significantly higher in elevated CO2. Thus, the direct effects of elevated CO2 on abscission are greater than the indirect effects on abscission mediated via lower insect densities. A consequence of increased leaf abscission in elevated CO2 is that nutrient deposition rates to the soil surface are accelerated.  相似文献   

Abstract. Very little attention has been directed at the responses of tropical plants to increases in global atmospheric CO2 concentrations and the potential climatic changes. The available data, from greenhouse and laboratory studies, indicate that the photosynthesis, growth and water use efficiency of tropical plants can increase at higher CO2 concentrations. However, under field conditions abiotic (light, water or nutrients) or biotic (competition or herbivory) factors might limit these responses. In general, elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations seem to increase plant tolerance to stress, including low water availability, high or low temperature, and photoinhibition. Thus, some species may be able to extend their ranges into physically less favourable sites, and biological interactions may become relatively more important in determining the distribution and abundance of species. Tropical plants may be more narrowly adapted to prevailing temperature regimes than are temperate plants, so expected changes in temperature might be relatively more important in the tropics. Reduced transpiration due to decreased stomatal conductance could modify the effects of water stress as a cue for vegetative or reproductive phenology of plants of seasonal tropical areas. The available information suggests that changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations could affect processes as varied as plant/herbivore interactions, decomposition and nutrient cycling, local and geographic distributions of species and community types, and ecosystem productivity. However, data on tropical plants are few, and there seem to be no published tropical studies carried out in the field. Immediate steps should be undertaken to reduce our ignorance of this critical area.  相似文献   

We analyzed growth data from model aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) forest ecosystems grown in elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide ([CO2]; 518 μL L?1) and ozone concentrations ([O3]; 1.5 × background of 30–40 nL L?1 during daylight hours) for 7 years using free‐air CO2 enrichment technology to determine how interannual variability in present‐day climate might affect growth responses to either gas. We also tested whether growth effects of those gasses were sustained over time. Elevated [CO2] increased tree heights, diameters, and main stem volumes by 11%, 16%, and 20%, respectively, whereas elevated ozone [O3] decreased them by 11%, 8%, and 29%, respectively. Responses similar to these were found for stand volume and basal area. There were no growth responses to the combination of elevated [CO2+O3]. The elevated [CO2] growth stimulation was found to be decreasing, but relative growth rates varied considerably from year to year. Neither the variation in annual relative growth rates nor the apparent decline in CO2 growth response could be explained in terms of nitrogen or water limitations. Instead, growth responses to elevated [CO2] and [O3] interacted strongly with present‐day interannual variability in climatic conditions. The amount of photosynthetically active radiation and temperature during specific times of the year coinciding with growth phenology explained 20–63% of the annual variation in growth response to elevated [CO2] and [O3]. Years with higher photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) during the month of July resulted in more positive growth responses to elevated [CO2] and more negative growth responses to elevated [O3]. Mean daily temperatures during the month of October affected growth in a similar fashion the following year. These results indicate that a several‐year trend of increasingly cloudy summers and cool autumns were responsible for the decrease in CO2 growth response.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and temperature on seasonal patterns of photosynthesis in Douglas fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were examined. Seedlings were grown in sunlit chambers controlled to track either ambient (~400 p.p.m.) CO2 or ambient +200 p.p.m. CO2, and either ambient temperature or ambient +4 °C. Light‐saturated net photosynthetic rates were measured approximately monthly over a 21 month period. Elevated CO2 increased net photosynthetic rates by an average of 21% across temperature treatments during both the 1996 hydrologic year, the third year of exposure, and the 1997 hydrologic year. Elevated mean annual temperature increased net photosynthetic rates by an average of 33% across CO2 treatments during both years. Seasonal temperature changes also affected net photosynthetic rates. Across treatments, net photosynthetic rates were highest in the spring and autumn, and lowest in July, August and December–January. Seasonal increases in temperature were not correlated with increases in the relative photosynthetic response to elevated CO2. Seasonal shifts in the photosynthetic temperature optimum reduced temperature effects on the relative response to elevated CO2. These results suggest that the effects of elevated CO2 on net photosynthetic rates in Douglas fir are largely independent of temperature.  相似文献   

Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 are expected to perturb forest ecosystems, although the extent to which specific ecological interactions will be modified is unclear. This research evaluates the effects of elevated CO2 and temperature, alone and in combination, on the leaf nutritional quality of Pendunculate oak (Quercus robur L.), and the implications for herbiverous insect defoliators are discussed. A 3 °C temperature rise reduced leaf nutritional quality, by reducing foliar nitrogen concentration and increasing condensed tannin content. Doubling atmospheric CO2 temporarily increased total phenolics, but also reduced leaf toughness. The nutritional quality of the second leaf flush (lammas growth) was considerably reduced at elevated CO2. It is concluded that larval development of spring-feeding defoliators and hence adult fecundity may be adversely affected by increased temperatures.  相似文献   

Two slow‐growing plant species (Chamaerops humilis, L. and Cycas revoluta Thunb.) were exposed to elevated CO2 conditions over a 20‐month period in order to study the CO2 effect on growth, photosynthetic capacity and leaf carbon (C) management. The ambient isotopic 13C/12C composition (δ13C) of the greenhouse module corresponding to elevated CO2 (800 μmol mol?1 CO2) conditions was changed from δ13C ca. ?12.8±0.3‰ to ca. ?19.2±0.2‰. Exposure of these plants to elevated CO2 enhanced dry mass (DM) by 82% and 152% in Chamerops and Cycas, respectively, mainly as a consequence of increases in plant level photosynthetic rates. However, analyses of ACi curve parameters revealed that elevated CO2 diminished leaf photosynthetic rates of Chamaerops whereas in Cycas, no photosynthetic acclimation was detected. The fact that Chamaerops plants had a lower DM increase, together with a longer leaf C residence time and a diminished capacity to respire recently fixed C, suggests that this species was unable to increase C sink strength. Furthermore, the consequent C source/sink imbalance in Chamaerops might have induced the downregulation of Rubisco. Cycas plants were capable of avoiding photosynthetic downregulation due to a greater ability to increase C sink strength, as was confirmed by DM values, and 12C‐enriched CO2 labeling data. Cycas developed the ability to respire a larger proportion of recently fixed C and to reallocate the recently fixed C away from leaves to other plant tissues. These findings suggest that leaf C management is a key factor in the responsiveness of slow‐growing plants to future CO2 scenarios.  相似文献   

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