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Slow myosin heavy chain 2 (MyHC2) gene expression in fetal avian skeletal muscle fibers is regulated by innervation and protein kinase C (PKC) activity. Fetal chick muscle fibers derived from the slow twitch medial adductor (MA) muscle express slow MyHC2 when innervated in vitro. The same pattern of slow MyHC2 regulation occurs in MA muscle fibers in which PKC activity is inhibited by staurosporine. To further test the function of PKC activity in the regulation of slow MyHC2 expression, wild-type and dominant-negative mutations of PKCalpha and PKCtheta were overexpressed in MA muscle fibers in vitro. Overexpression of wild-type PKCalpha and PKCtheta cDNAs resulted in increased PKC activities in muscle fibers and concomitant repression of slow MyHC2 expression under conditions that normally induced gene expression. Point mutations leading to single amino acid substitutions were generated in the ATP binding domains of PKCalpha and PKCtheta. Overexpression of CMVPKCalphaR368 and CMVPKCthetaR409 resulted in decreased PKC activities in transfected MA muscle fibers. Furthermore, transfection of CMVPKCalphaR368 and CMVPKCthetaR409 mutant constructs into MA muscle fibers did not repress the capacity of these fibers to express slow MyHC2 when cultured in medium containing staurosporine or when innervated. These results indicate that PKC activity represses slow MyHC2 expression and that PKC down-regulation, possibly in response to innervation, is required but not sufficient for slow MyHC2 expression.  相似文献   

Activation of vanilloid receptor (VR1) by protein kinase C (PKC) was investigated in cells ectopically expressing VR1 and primary cultures of dorsal root ganglion neurons. Submicromolar phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (PDBu), which stimulates PKC, acutely activated Ca(2+) uptake in VR1-expressing cells at pH 5.5, but not at mildly acidic or neutral pH. PDBu was antagonized by bisindolylmaleimide, a PKC inhibitor, and ruthenium red, a VR1 ionophore blocker, but not capsazepine, a vanilloid antagonist indicating that catalytic activity of PKC is required for PDBu activation of VR1 ion conductance, and is independent of the vanilloid site. Chronic PDBu dramatically down-regulated PKC(alpha) in dorsal root ganglion neurons or the VR1 cell lines, whereas only partially influencing PKCbeta, -delta, -epsilon, and -zeta. Loss of PKC(alpha) correlated with loss of response to acute re-challenge with PDBu. Anandamide, a VR1 agonist in acidic conditions, acts additively with PDBu and remains effective after chronic PKC down-regulation. Thus, two independent VR1 activation pathways can be discriminated: (i) direct ligand binding (anandamide, vanilloids) or (ii) extracellular ligands coupled to PKC by intracellular signaling. Experiments in cell lines co-expressing VR1 with different sets of PKC isozymes showed that acute PDBu-induced activation requires PKC(alpha), but not PKC(epsilon). These studies suggest that PKC(alpha) in sensory neurons may elicit or enhance pain during inflammation or ischemia.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C signaling and oxidative stress   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of various degenerative diseases including cancer. It is now recognized that low levels of oxidants can modify cell-signaling proteins and that these modifications have functional consequences. Identifying the target proteins for redox modification is key to understanding how oxidants mediate pathological processes such as tumor promotion. These proteins are also likely to be important targets for chemopreventive antioxidants, which are known to block signaling induced by oxidants and to induce their own actions. Various antioxidant preventive agents also inhibit PKC-dependent cellular responses. Therefore, PKC is a logical candidate for redox modification by oxidants and antioxidants that may in part determine their cancer-promoting and anticancer activities, respectively. PKCs contain unique structural features that are susceptible to oxidative modification. The N-terminal regulatory domain contains zinc-binding, cysteine-rich motifs that are readily oxidized by peroxide. When oxidized, the autoinhibitory function of the regulatory domain is compromised and, consequently, cellular PKC activity is stimulated. The C-terminal catalytic domain contains several reactive cysteines that are targets for various chemopreventive antioxidants such as selenocompounds, polyphenolic agents such as curcumin, and vitamin E analogues. Modification of these cysteines decreases cellular PKC activity. Thus the two domains of PKC respond differently to two different type of agents: oxidants selectively react with the regulatory domain, stimulate cellular PKC, and signal for tumor promotion and cell growth. In contrast, antioxidant chemopreventive agents react with the catalytic domain, inhibit cellular PKC activity, and thus interfere with the action of tumor promoters.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) terminates diacylglycerol (DAG) signaling by phosphorylating DAG to produce phosphatidic acid, which also has signaling properties. Thus, precise control of DGK activity is essential for proper signal transduction. We demonstrated previously that a peptide corresponding to the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate (MARCKS) phosphorylation site domain (PSD) in DGK zeta was phosphorylated in vitro by an active fragment of protein kinase C (PKC). In the present study, we tested full-length DGK zeta and found that PKC alpha phosphorylated DGK zeta on serines within the MARCKS PSD in vitro and in vivo. DGK zeta also coimmunoprecipitated with PKC alpha, suggesting that they reside in a regulated signaling complex. We then tested whether phosphorylation affected DAG kinase activity. We found that a mutant (DGK zeta S/D) in which serines within the MARCKS PSD were altered to aspartates (to mimic phosphorylation) had lower activity compared with wild-type DGK zeta or a control mutant (DGK zeta S/N) in which the same serines were changed to asparagines. Furthermore, activation of PKC alpha by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate inhibited the activity of wild-type DGK zeta, but not DGK zeta S/D, in human embryonic kidney 293 cells. These results suggest that by phosphorylating the MARCKS PSD, PKC alpha attenuates DGK zeta activity. Supporting this, we found that cells expressing DGK zeta S/D had higher DAG levels and grew more rapidly compared with cells expressing DGK zeta S/N that could not be phosphorylated. Taken together, these results indicate that PKC alpha phosphorylates DGK zeta in cells, and this phosphorylation inhibits its kinase activity to remove cellular DAG, thereby affecting cell growth.  相似文献   

Recent biochemical evidence indicates that protein kinase C (PKC) and G-protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) are involved in olfactory signal termination and desensitization. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to investigate the expression of PKC and GRK genes in olfactory tissue and in isolated olfactory receptor neurons from channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Sequence analysis of cloned PKC PCR products showed that the α, β, δ, ϵ, and τ isotypes were expressed in olfactory tissue. Sequence analysis of PCR products obtained from isolated olfactory receptor neurons showed that PKCβ and PKCδ were expressed in the receptor cells. A 600-bp GRK PCR product was obtained from isolated olfactory neurons that shared 86% and 92% amino acid sequence identity to the mammalian β-adrenergic receptor kinase gene products βARK1 and βARK2, respectively. Go6976, a specific inhibitor of calcium-regulated PKC activity, completely inhibited odorant-stimulated PKC activity in isolated olfactory cilia. This result suggested that odorant-stimulated PKC activity is mediated by the calcium-sensitive PKCβ isotype. Taken together, these results are consistent with the conclusion that PKCβ and βARK mediate odorant receptor phosphorylation and olfactory signal termination. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 387–394, 1997  相似文献   

Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) plays an important role in hematopoietic differentiation, and constitutively active FLT3 mutant proteins contribute to the development of acute myeloid leukemia. Little is known about the protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTP) affecting the signaling activity of FLT3. To identify such PTP, myeloid cells expressing wild type FLT3 were infected with a panel of lentiviral pseudotypes carrying shRNA expression cassettes targeting different PTP. Out of 20 PTP tested, expressed in hematopoietic cells, or presumed to be involved in oncogenesis or tumor suppression, DEP-1 (PTPRJ) was identified as a PTP negatively regulating FLT3 phosphorylation and signaling. Stable 32D myeloid cell lines with strongly reduced DEP-1 levels showed site-selective hyperphosphorylation of FLT3. In particular, the sites pTyr-589, pTyr-591, and pTyr-842 involved in the FLT3 ligand (FL)-mediated activation of FLT3 were hyperphosphorylated the most. Similarly, acute depletion of DEP-1 in the human AML cell line THP-1 caused elevated FLT3 phosphorylation. Direct interaction of DEP-1 and FLT3 was demonstrated by "substrate trapping" experiments showing association of DEP-1 D1205A or C1239S mutant proteins with FLT3 by co-immunoprecipitation. Moreover, activated FLT3 could be dephosphorylated by recombinant DEP-1 in vitro. Enhanced FLT3 phosphorylation in DEP-1-depleted cells was accompanied by enhanced FLT3-dependent activation of ERK and cell proliferation. Stable overexpression of DEP-1 in 32D cells and transient overexpression with FLT3 in HEK293 cells resulted in reduction of FL-mediated FLT3 signaling activity. Furthermore, FL-stimulated colony formation of 32D cells expressing FLT3 in methylcellulose was induced in response to shRNA-mediated DEP-1 knockdown. This transforming effect of DEP-1 knockdown was consistent with a moderately increased activation of STAT5 upon FL stimulation but did not translate into myeloproliferative disease formation in the 32D-C3H/HeJ mouse model. The data indicate that DEP-1 is negatively regulating FLT3 signaling activity and that its loss may contribute to but is not sufficient for leukemogenic cell transformation.  相似文献   

The protein kinase C (PKC) superfamily plays key regulatory roles in numerous cellular processes. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a single PKC, Pkc1, whose main function is cell wall integrity maintenance. In this work, we connect the Pkc1 protein to the maintenance of genome integrity in response to genotoxic stresses. Pkc1 and its kinase activity are necessary for the phosphorylation of checkpoint kinase Rad53, histone H2A and Xrs2 protein after deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage, indicating that Pkc1 is required for activation of checkpoint kinases Mec1 and Tel1. Furthermore, Pkc1 electrophoretic mobility is delayed after inducing DNA damage, which reflects that Pkc1 is post-translationally modified. This modification is a phosphorylation event mediated by Tel1. The expression of different mammalian PKC isoforms at the endogenous level in yeast pkc1 mutant cells revealed that PKCδ is able to activate the DNA integrity checkpoint. Finally, downregulation of PKCδ activity in HeLa cells caused a defective activation of checkpoint kinase Chk2 when DNA damage was induced. Our results indicate that the control of the DNA integrity checkpoint by PKC is a mechanism conserved from yeast to humans.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoke, a major risk factor in emphysema, causes cell death by incompletely understood mechanisms. Death-inducing signaling complex (DISC) formation is an initial event in Fas-mediated apoptosis. We demonstrate that cigarette smoke extract (CSE) induces DISC formation in human lung fibroblasts (MRC-5) and promotes DISC trafficking from the Golgi complex to membrane lipid rafts. We demonstrate a novel role of protein kinase C (PKC) in the regulation of DISC formation and trafficking. The PKC isoforms, PKCalpha, zeta, epsilon, and eta, were activated by CSE exposure. Overexpression of wild-type PKCalpha inhibited, while PKCzeta promoted, CSE-induced cell death. Dominant-negative (dn)PKCzeta protected against CSE-induced cell death by suppressing DISC formation and caspase-3 activation, while dnPKCalpha enhanced cell death by promoting these events. DISC formation was augmented by wortmannin, an inhibitor of PI3K. CSE-induced Akt phosphorylation was reduced by dnPKCalpha, but it was increased by dnPKCzeta. Expression of PKCalpha in vivo inhibited DISC formation, caspase-3/8 activation, lung injury, and cell death after prolonged cigarette smoke exposure, whereas expression of PKCzeta promoted caspase-3 activation. In conclusion, CSE-induced DISC formation is differentially regulated by PKCalpha and PKCzeta via the PI3K/Akt pathway. These results suggest that modulation of PKC may have therapeutic potential in the prevention of smoke-related lung injury.  相似文献   

Certain PKC isoforms are stimulated by insulin and interact with IR as well as with IRS, but it is still not clear if specific PKC isoforms regulate IR signaling directly or through IRS-1. PKCalpha may regulate IRS activity in response to insulin. We investigated the possibility that PKCalpha may be important in insulin signaling. Studies were conducted on skeletal muscle in adult mice and on L6 skeletal cells. PKCalpha is constitutively associated with IRS-1, and insulin stimulation of PKCalpha causes disassociation of the two proteins within 5 min. Blockade of PKCalpha inhibited insulin-induced disassociation of PKCalpha from IRS1. Selective inhibition of PKCalpha increased the ability of insulin to reduce blood glucose levels. Insulin stimulation activates PKB and increases the association of PKCalpha with PKB. Blockade of PKCalpha increased threonine phosphorylation of PKB. We suggest that PKCalpha regulates insulin signaling in skeletal muscle through its disassociation from IRS-1 and association with PKB.  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol kinase (DGK) is suggested to attenuate diacylglycerol-induced cell responses through the phosphorylation of this second messenger to phosphatidic acid. Here, we show that DGKalpha, an isoform highly expressed in T lymphocytes, translocates from cytosol to the plasma membrane in response to two different receptors known to elicit T cell activation responses: an ectopically expressed muscarinic type I receptor and the endogenous T cell receptor. Translocation in response to receptor stimulation is rapid, transient, and requires calcium and tyrosine kinase activation. DGKalpha-mediated phosphatidic acid generation allows dissociation of the enzyme from the plasma membrane and return to the cytosol, as demonstrated using a pharmacological inhibitor and a catalytically inactive version of the enzyme. The NH(2)-terminal domain of the protein is shown to be responsible for receptor-induced translocation and phosphatidic acid-mediated membrane dissociation. After examining induction of the T cell activation marker CD69 in cells expressing a constitutively active form of the enzyme, we present evidence of the negative regulation that DGKalpha exerts on diacylglycerol-derived cell responses. This study is the first to describe DGKalpha as an integral component of the signaling cascades that link plasma membrane receptors to nuclear responses.  相似文献   

Membrane lipid dynamics must be precisely regulated for normal cellular function, and disruptions in lipid homeostasis are linked to the progression of several diseases. However, little is known about the sensory mechanisms for detecting membrane composition and how lipid metabolism is regulated in response to membrane stress. We find that phosphoinositide (PI) kinase signaling controls a conserved PDK-TORC2-Akt signaling cascade as part of a homeostasis network that allows the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to modulate essential responses, including Ca2+-regulated lipid biogenesis, upon plasma membrane (PM) stress. Furthermore, loss of ER-PM junctions impairs this protective response, leading to PM integrity defects upon heat stress. Thus PI kinase–mediated ER-PM cross-talk comprises a regulatory system that ensures cellular integrity under membrane stress conditions.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by TPA in human U937 myeloid leukemia cells is associated with induction of adherence, differentiation, and G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. In this study, we demonstrate that in addition to these differentiating cells about 25% of U937 cells accumulated in the subG1 phase after TPA treatment. This effect proved to be phorbol ester-specific, since other compounds such as retinoic acid or vitamin D3 failed to induce apoptosis in conjunction with differentiation. Only a specific inhibitor of PKC, GF109203X, but not the broad-spectrum kinase inhibitor staurosporine or a tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein could reverse the induction of apoptosis. Bryostatin-1, another specific PKC activator with distinct biochemical activity failed to induce apoptosis. Moreover, bryostatin-1 completely abolished the induction of apoptosis in U937 cells even if added 8 hours after TPA treatment. Apart from apoptosis induced by various chemotherapeutic drugs, TPA-related cell death is not mediated by an autocrine Fas-FasL loop and could not be prevented by a blocking antibody to the Fas receptor. However, a 75% reduction in the number of apoptotic cells after TPA stimulation was achieved by preincubation with a blocking antibody to the TNFalpha receptor. Tetrapeptide cleavage assays revealed a four-fold increase in the DEVD-cleavage activity in U937 cells compared to a three-fold increase in TUR cells. Immunoblotting demonstrated that TUR cells did not activate significant levels of caspase-3 or -7, whereas in U937 cells a 20-kDa cleavage product corresponding to activated caspase-3 was detectable after 3 d TPA exposure. Moreover, immunoblots revealed a strongly reduced expression of the adaptor molecule APAF-1, which is required for cytochrome c-dependent activation of caspase-9 and subsequently caspase-3. APAF-1 proved to be inducible after PKC activation with phorbol ester in U937, but not in TUR cells. Thus, APAF-1 expression may, at least in part, be regulated by PKC activity and reduced APAF-1 levels are associated with resistance to various inducers of apoptosis. Furthermore, TPA exposure of U937 cells is associated with increased levels of the pro-apoptotic proteins Bak and Bcl-xs, whereas simultaneously a decline in the Bcl-2 expression was noticable.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C alpha (PKC alpha) is a serine/threonine kinase and a member of the conventional (classical) PKCs (cPKCs), which have four conserved (C1 to C4) regions. This ubiquitously expressed PKC isotype is activated in response to many different kinds of stimuli and translocates from cytosol to the specialized cellular compartments (nucleus, focal adhesion, caveolae, etc.) where it is presumed to work. Therefore, PKC alpha has been implicated in a variety of cellular functions including proliferation, apoptosis, differentiation, motility, and inflammation. However, the responses induced by activation or overexpression of PKC alpha vary depending on the types, and sometimes conditions, of cells. For example, in some types of cells, PKC alpha is implicated in cell growth. In contrast, it may play a role in cell cycle arrest and differentiation in other types of cells. Therefore, alterations of cell responses induced by PKC alpha are not an intrinsic property of this isoform. The responses are modulated by dynamic interactions with cell-type specific factors: substrates, modulators and anchoring proteins.  相似文献   

Upon hepatocyte growth factor stimulation, its receptor c-Met is rapidly internalized via clathrin-coated vesicles and traffics through an early endosomal compartment. We show here that c-Met accumulates progressively in perinuclear compartments, which in part include the Golgi. The c-Met content in the Golgi is principally the newly synthesized precursor form and, to a lesser extent, the internalized, recycling c-Met. By following the trafficking of c-Met inside the cell using a semi-automatic procedure and using inhibition or activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and microtubule depolymerizing agents, we show that PKC positively controls the trans-cytosolic movement of c-Met along microtubules. In parallel to its traffic, internalized c-Met is progressively degraded by a proteasome-sensitive mechanism; the lysosomal pathway does not play a substantial role. Inhibition or promotion of c-Met traffic to the perinuclear compartment does not alter the kinetics of proteasome-dependent c-Met degradation. Thus susceptibility to proteasomal degradation is not a consequence of post-endocytic traffic. The data define a PKC-controlled traffic pathway for c-Met that operates independently of its degradative pathway.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) is a nuclear receptor activated by fatty acids, hypolipidemic drugs, and peroxisome proliferators (PPs). Like other nuclear receptors, PPARalpha is a phosphoprotein whose activity is affected by a variety of growth factor signaling cascades. In this study, the effects of protein kinase C (PKC) on PPARalpha activity were explored. In vivo phosphorylation studies in COS-1 cells transfected with murine PPARalpha showed that the level of phosphorylated PPARalpha is increased by treatment with the PP Wy-14,643 as well as the PKC activator phorbol myristol acetate (PMA). In addition, inhibitors of PKC decreased Wy-14,643-induced PPARalpha activity in a variety of reporter assays. Overexpressing PKCalpha, -beta, -delta, and -zeta affected both basal and Wy-14,643-induced PPARalpha activity. Four consensus PKC phosphorylation sites are contained within the DNA binding (C-domain) and hinge (D-domain) regions of rat PPARalpha (S110, T129, S142, and S179), and their contribution to receptor function was examined. Mutation of T129 or S179 to alanine prevented heterodimerization of PPARalpha with RXRalpha, lowered the level of phosphorylation by PKCalpha and PKCdelta in vitro, and lowered the level of phosphorylation of transfected PPARalpha in transfected cells. In addition, the T129A mutation prevented PPARalpha from binding DNA in an electromobility shift assay. Together, these studies demonstrate a direct role for PKC in the regulation of PPARalpha, and suggest several PKCs can regulate PPARalpha activity through multiple phosphorylation sites.  相似文献   

PKD is the founding member of a novel protein kinase family that also includes PKD2 and PKD3. PKD has been the focus of most studies up to date, but little is known about the mechanisms that mediate PKD3 activation. Here, we demonstrate that PKD3 immunoprecipitated from COS-7 cells transfected with a constitutively active G alpha q subunit (alpha(q)Q209L) exhibited a marked increase in basal activity. Addition of aluminum fluoride to cells co-transfected with PKD3 and wild type G alpha(q) also induced PKD3 activation. G alpha(q)-mediated PKD3 activation is associated with persistent translocation of PKD3 from both cytosol and nucleus to plasma membrane. Expression of a COOH-terminal fragment of G alpha q that acts in a dominant-negative fashion attenuated PKD3 activation in response to bombesin receptor stimulation. Our results indicate that G alpha q activation is sufficient to stimulate sustained PKD3 activation and show that the endogenous G alpha q is a major component in the signaling pathway that mediates bombesin-induced PKD3 activation.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C     
Newton AC 《IUBMB life》2008,60(11):765-768

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