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55 accessions of wild peanuts (Arachis spp.) introduced from South America were analyzed for seed storage protein composition using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The objectives of the study were to evaluate variability within sect.Arachis and to classify taxa based on protein composition. 25 different band positions were resolved. Individual accessions had 11 to 18 bands which included the conarachin region (MW > 50 kD), two to five bands in the acidic arachin region (MW 38–49.9 kD), three to seven in the intermediate MW region (23 to 37.9 kD), two to five bands in the basic arachin region (18–22.9 kD), and one to three bands in the low MW protein region (14–17.9 kD). These data were utilized in a principal coordinate analysis based on the matrix of genetic distances between all pairs of the 55 accessions. Several groups of accessions conformed to expected species classification includingA. batizocoi, A. stenosperma, andA. monticola; whileA. duranensis, A. cardenasii, A. helodes, andA. correntina did not form good groups. The study showed that great diversity exists for protein profiles and seed storage proteins have potential for aiding species classification and for serving as markers for interspecific hybridization studies.  相似文献   

In vitro regeneration of wild groundnut species from Section Extranervosae (Arachis villosulicarpa, A. macedoi, A. retusa, A. burchellii, A. pietrarellii, A. prostrata, A. aff. prostrata and a new species) was examined for the purpose of germplasm renewal and conservation. Seeds of different ages, stored at the seed bank of CENARGEN/EMBRAPA were either inoculated on culture medium or used as a source of embryo axis and cotyledon explants. Whole seeds failed to germinate on MS either without growth regulators (MS0) or supplemented with 10 M TDZ. Embryo axes cultured on MS0 produced only single plants. In the presence of 8.8 M BAP these explants showed multi-shoot formation. Cotyledons cultured on MS supplemented with 110 M BAP developed adventitious shoots through direct organogenesis. Plant regeneration was obtained from A. villosulicarpa, A. macedoi, A. retusa, A. burchellii and A. pietrarellii both from embryo axes and cotyledons. Explants from A. prostrata and A. aff. prostrata did not produce regenerants. Rooting of shoots was induced in the presence of 5.4 M NAA. Primary plants derived from these explants were further multiplied by culturing nodal segments on MS medium plus 2.7 M NAA.  相似文献   

Summary Thidiazuron (TDZ) was utilized to induce adventitious shoot formation from the hypocotyl region of cultured seed explants of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Excision of the radicle from seed explants was more stimulatory to shoot initiation than removal of the epicotyl alone. Removal of both the radicle and the epicotyl from seeds resulted in a 37-fold increase in the frequency of shoot production when compared to intact seeds. Half seed explants with epicotyl and radicle removed produced the greatest number of shoots per explant. Explants from mature seeds were more responsive to TDZ than immature seed-derived explants. A 1-wk exposure to 10 μM TDZ was sufficient to stimulate the initiation of adventitious shoots that subsequently developed into plants. High frequency of shoot initiation was readily induced in a variety of genotypes ofA. hypogaea and a wild peanut (A. glabrata). Plants regenerated from shoots induced by TDZ were phenotypically normal and fertile.  相似文献   

A recent approach to detecting genetic polymorphism involves the amplification of genomic DNA using single primers of arbitrary sequence. When separated electrophoretically in agarose gels, the amplification products give banding patterns that can be scored for genetic variation. The objective of this research was to apply these techniques to cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and related wild species to determine whether such an approach would be feasible for the construction of a genetic linkage map in peanut or for systematic studies of the genus. Two peanut cultivars, 25 unadapted germplasm lines of A. hypogaea, the wild allotetraploid progenitor of cultivated peanut (A. monticola), A. glabrata (a tetraploid species from section Rhizomatosae), and 29 diploid wild species of Arachis were evaluated for variability using primers of arbitrary sequence to amplify segments of genomic DNA. No variation in banding pattern was observed among the cultivars and germplasm lines of A. hypogaea, whereas the wild Arachis species were uniquely identified with most primers tested. Bands were scored (+/–) in the wild species and the PAUP computer program for phylogenetic analysis and the HyperRFLP program for genetic distance analysis were used to generate dendrograms showing genetic relationships among the diploid Arachis species evaluated. The two analyses produced nearly identical dendrograms of species relationships. In addition, approximately 100 F2 progeny from each of two interspecific crosses were evaluated for segregation of banding patterns. Although normal segregation was observed among the F2 progeny from both crosses, banding patterns were quite complex and undesirable for use in genetic mapping. The dominant behavior of the markers prevented the differentiation of heterozygotes from homozygotes with certainty, limiting the usefulness of arbitrary primer amplification products as markers in the construction of a genetic linkage map in peanut.  相似文献   

Diversity in 26 microsatellite loci from section Caulorrhizae germplasm was evaluated by using 33 accessions of A. pintoi Krapov. & W.C. Gregory and ten accessions of Arachis repens Handro. Twenty loci proved to be polymorphic and a total of 196 alleles were detected with an average of 9.8 alleles per locus. The variability found in those loci was greater than the variability found using morphological characters, seed storage proteins and RAPD markers previously used in this germplasm. The high potential of these markers to detect species-specific alleles and discriminate among accessions was demonstrated. The set of microsatellite primer pairs developed by our group for A. pintoi are useful molecular tools for evaluating Section Caulorrhizae germplasm, as well as that of species belonging to other Arachis sections.  相似文献   

Summary Synthetic amphidiploids were established in 32 combinations involving 8 diploid wild species representing both A and B genomes of section Arachis. Bivalent and multivalent associations in the amphidiploids of 7 A genome species confirm that these species have identical genomes. Contrastingly, high bivalent frequencies in amphidiploids involving the A and B genome species suggest that A. batizocoi has a distinct B genome that is partially homologous to the other genome A represented in the rest of the species. Crossability, chromosome pairing and pollen and pod fertility in hybrids between A. hypogaea and amphidiploids have revealed that these amphidiploids can be used as a genetic bridge for the transfer of genes from the wild species into the cultivated groundnut.Submitted as Journal Article No. 530 by International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the angiosperm orderCampanulales were investigated by comparative sequencing of the chloroplast generbcL. CompleterbcL sequences were obtained for ten species in six families within the order. These data were analyzed along with previously publishedrbcL sequences from other taxa (for a total of 117 species) within the subclassAsteridae and outgroups, producing 32 equally parsimonious trees. A subset consisting of 44 of these taxa was then chosen and more rigorous analyses performed, resulting in four equally parsimonious trees. Results indicate that two major clades roughly corresponding to traditionally circumscribedAsterales andCampanulales exist as sister taxa. In particular, therbcL trees indicate thatSphenoclea is not a member ofCampanulales orAsterales, thatPentaphragma is more closely allied toAsterales thanCampanulales, that theCyphiaceae are not monophyletic, thatCampanulaceae andLobeliaceae are not sister taxa, and thatStylidiaceae are correctly placed withinCampanulales.  相似文献   

This study was designed to study the effects of stage of microspore development and culture medium on androgenic response in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Anthers of various developmental stages were cultured for 7 days, then fixed and observed cytologically. Three sets of media, involving different basal media, growth regulators, sucrose levels and glutamine concentrations, were tested. In all experiments, the stage of development of the microspores at the time of culture was highly significant. The early uninucleate microspores stage was identified as producing the highest anther response rating. The effect of media was nonsignificant in all experiments. However, the stepwise modification of the media through the course of the study resulted in an almost 8 x increase in anther response rating. Numerically, the best media tested was N6 basal medium with 1 mg 1-1 NAA, 0.1 mg 1-1 BA, 5.5% sucrose, and 3.5 g 1-1 glutamine. While no haploids were obtained, four-nucleate cells were observed, indicating the potential in peanuts for an androgenic reponse.  相似文献   

Gynophore elongation and pod formation were studied in peanut plants (Arachis hypogaea L.) under light and dark conditions in vivo. The gynophores elongated until pod formation was initiated. Pod (3–20 mm length) development could be totally controlled by alternating dark (switched on) and light (switched off) conditions, repeatedly. Gynophore elongation responded conversely to light/dark conditions, compared to pods. In this study we aimed to correlate the light/dark effects with endogenous growth substances. The levels of endogenous growth substances were determined in the different stags of pod development. Gynophores shortly after penetration into the soil, white gynophores, released twice the amount of ethylene as compared to the aerial green ones, or to gynophores bearing pods. Ethylene inhibitors had no effect on the percent of gynophores that developed pods, but affected pod size which were smaller compared to the control. A similar level of IAA was extracted from gynophore tips of green gynophores, white gynophores and pods. ABA levels differed between the three stages and were highest in the green gynophores and lowest in the pods.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - AOA aminooxyacetic acid - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - Ethrel 2-chloroethanephosphonic acid - GC gas chromatography - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - RIA radioimmunoassay - STS silver thiosulfhate - TIBA 2,3,6-triiodobenzoic acid  相似文献   

Two pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] genotypes, a salt tolerant Manak and a salt sensitive ICPL 88039 were subjected to stress treatment of 3 mM boron, 60 mM NaCl and boron + NaCl at the seedling stage. Radicle and plumule proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Boron treatment increased 28.3 kDa proteins in plumule and 38.3 and 51.9 kDa proteins in radicle of Manak, however, there was no specific protein in ICPL 88039 either in plumule or in radicle. In NaCl treatment 95.6 kDa proteins appeared in plumule and 67.5 kDa proteins in radicle of Manak. Conversely content of some proteins decreased by boron treatment alone or in combination with NaCl although they were present in the controls. Thus, 54.3 kDa protein disappeared in ICPL 88039 plumule, 68.4 kDa in Manak radicle and 28.1 kDa in ICPL 88039 radicle.  相似文献   

Summary The chromosome complements of 12 taxa in section Arachis were karyotypically and meiotically analysed. In taxa with 2n=20 the arm ratio of the respective pair of chromosomes was taken as an independent quantitative character and statistically analysed by Mahalanobis D2. Two clusters were formed, one represented solely by A. batizocoi and the other consisting of the remaining 11 taxa. This grouping was confirmed by canonical analysis. In the larger group of species, A villosa and A. correntina were closely related karyotypically and on D2 distance, while A. cardenasii forms a distinct subgroup. A. cardenasii lacks the short A chromosome recorded in other species of this group, and A. batizocoi is no longer the only species to have a pair of chromosomes with a secondary constriction. The taxa with 2n=40, A. monticola and A. hypogaea, are karyotypically very similar, though there is a difference in the number of chromosome pairs with a secondary constriction. On the basis of karyomorphological affinity, especially in relation to marker chromosomes, A. cardenasii is probably one of the ancestors of the tetraploid species studied.Approved as ICRISAT Journal Article No. 169 and released for publication  相似文献   

ELISA and antibody adsorption tests were applied to determine the minimal somatic antigen constitution of 243 strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. (Arachis) using 12 antisera. The 243 indigenous bradyrhizobial isolates were from 15 sites in four regions of Thailand. A total of 29 serogroups were identified. Most (80%) of the isolates tested had at least one heat-stable antigen in common with strain 280A, forming a so-called 280A serocluster. At 11 of 15 sites tested, 53 to 100% of the isolates fell into one or two predominant serogroups. The serological properties of the indigenous bradyrhizobia were not related to the cropping history of the cultivated fields from which they were isolated.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel; No. 3608-E, 1992 series.  相似文献   

Summary Cross-compatibility of species in section Arachis Krap. et Greg. nom. nud., and chromosome pairing and pollen fertility in their interspecific F1 hybrids were studied to further understand the phylogenetic relationships among these species. Except those with A. batizocoi Krap. et Greg. nom. nud., hybrids between diploid species have near normal bivalent frequency (9.1–9.8) and moderate to high pollen fertility (60–91%). Hybrids between A. batizocoi and other species have low bivalent frequency (5.2–6.9) and very low pollen fertility (3–7%). These results confirm the earlier separation of these species into two groups based on karyomorphology and Mahalanobis D2 calculated on arm ratios. These studies also provide a picture of relative affinities between A. batizocoi, the lone member of one cluster, and the other species, and among the rest of the species. They also indicate that the basic chromosome complement in the two groups of species is the same. Chromosome pairing in triploid hybrids, (A. hypogaea L. X diploid wild species), suggests that A. batizocoi is the closest diploid relative of A. hypogaea. It is closer to A. hypogaea subspecies fastigiata Waldron than to A. hypogaea subspecies hypogaea Krap. et. Rig. Other diploid species of the section Arachis are equidistant from A. hypogaea, and have the same genome which has strong homology to one of the genomes of A. hypogaea. Based on the present results, the two tetraploid species, A. monticola Krap. et Rig. and A. hypogaea can be recognised as two forms of the same species. Breeding implications have been discussed in the light of chromosome behaviour observed in hybrids of A. hypogaea X diploid species, and on the presumptions that A. hypogaea has an AABB genomic constitution, and that among the diploid species, the B genome is present in A. batizocoi while the A genome is common to the other diploid species of section Arachis.Submitted as Journal Article No. 328 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)  相似文献   

The family Sordariaceae incorporates a number of fungi that are excellent model organisms for various biological, biochemical, ecological, genetic and evolutionary studies. To determine the evolutionary relationships within this group and their respective phylogenetic placements, multiple-gene sequences (partial nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA, nuclear ITS ribosomal DNA and partial nuclear β-tubulin) were analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Analyses of different gene datasets were performed individually and then combined to generate phylogenies. We report that Sordariaceae, with the exclusion Apodus and Diplogelasinospora, is a monophyletic group. Apodus and Diplogelasinospora are related to Lasiosphaeriaceae. Multiple gene analyses suggest that the spore sheath is not a phylogenetically significant character to segregate Asordaria from Sordaria. Smooth-spored Sordaria species (including so-called Asordaria species) constitute a natural group. Asordaria is therefore congeneric with Sordaria. Anixiella species nested among Gelasinospora species, providing further evidence that non-ostiolate ascomata have evolved from ostiolate ascomata on several independent occasions. This study agrees with previous studies that show heterothallic Neurospora species to be monophyletic, but that homothallic ones may have a multiple origins. Although Gelasinospora and Neurospora are closely related and not resolved as monophyletic groups, there is insufficient evidence to place currently accepted Gelasinospora and Neurospora species into the same genus.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Auriculoscypha anacardiicola, an associate of scale insects in India, is investigated using subcellular characters and MP and Bayesian analyses of combined nuLSU-rDNA, nuSSU-rDNA and 5.8S rDNA sequence data. It has simple septa with a pulley-wheel-shaped pore plug, which is diagnostic of phytoparasitic members of the Pucciniomycetes, and hyphal wall break on branching, a phenomenon unique to some simple septate heterobasidiomycetes. The septal ultrastructure of A. anacardiicola is similar to that of the genus Septobasidium. The close relationship to Septobasidium is also confirmed by rDNA sequence analyses. The polyphyletic nature of the order Platygloeales, noted in earlier studies, is evident from the present molecular analysis as well. The placement of Auriculoscypha in the Platygloeales can no longer be justified and both ultrastructural and molecular evidence strongly support the placement of Auriculoscypha in the Septobasidiales.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome behaviour at meiosis was studied in the F1, F2, and backcross generations, in the three species of Papaver section Oxytona, and in artificially induced autopolyploids of P. bracteatum. Close homology was found between the genome of P. bracteatum and that of the two polyploid species, P. orientale and P. pseudo-orientale, suggesting that the P. bracteatum genome is present in both polyploid species. A genetic mechanism controlling bivalent pairing in the polyploid species is suggested. Further study is needed for finding out the breeding potential of interspecific hybridization in section Oxytona.Contribution no. 1569-E, 1985 series from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan 50 250. Israel  相似文献   

Twenty-six accessions of wildArachis species and domesticated peanuts,A. hypogaea, introduced from South America were analyzed for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The objective of the study was to investigate inter- and intraspecific variation and affinities among species of sect.Arachis which have been proposed as possible progenitors for the domesticated peanut. Ten primers resolved 132 DNA bands which were useful for separating species and accessions. The most variation was observed among accessions ofA. cardenasii andA. glandulifera whereas the least amount of variation was observed inA. hypogaea andA. monticola. The two tetraploid species could not be separated by using RAPDs.Arachis duranensis was most closely related to the domesticated peanut and is believed to be the donor of the A genome. The data indicated thatA. batizocoi, a species previously hypothesized to contribute the B genome toA. hypogaea, was not involved in its evolution. The investigation showed that RAPDs can be used to analyze both inter- and intraspecific variation in peanut species. Southern hybridization of RAPD probes to blots containing RAPD of theArachis species provided information on genomic relationships and revealed the repetitive nature of the amplified DNA.  相似文献   

Graminicolous downy mildews (GDM) are an understudied, yet economically important, group of plant pathogens, which are one of the major constraints to poaceous crops in the tropics and subtropics. Here we present a first molecular phylogeny based on cox2 sequences comprising all genera of the GDM currently accepted, with both lasting (Graminivora, Poakatesthia, and Viennotia) and evanescent (Peronosclerospora, Sclerophthora, and Sclerospora) sporangiophores. In addition, all other downy mildew genera currently accepted, as well as a representative sample of other oomycete taxa, have been included. It was shown that all genera of the GDM have had a long, independent evolutionary history, and that the delineation between Peronosclerospora and Sclerospora is correct. Sclerophthora was found to be a particularly divergent taxon nested within a paraphyletic Phytophthora, but without support. The results confirm that the placement of Peronosclerospora and Sclerospora in the Saprolegniomycetidae is incorrect. Sclerophthora is not closely related to Pachymetra of the family Verrucalvaceae, and also does not belong to the Saprolegniomycetidae, but shows close affinities to the Peronosporaceae. In addition, all GDM are interspersed throughout the Peronosporaceae s lat., suggesting that a separate family for the Sclerosporaceae might not be justified.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of 26 enzyme coding genes was conducted on accessions of threeCitrullus species and the relatedPraecitrullus fistulosus andAcanthosicyos naudinianus. The isozyme phylogeny of the genusCitrullus and the related species was constructed based on pairwise measurements of the respective genetic distances between the species and races.P. fistulosus andA. naudinianus form two distinct outgroups toCitrullus which is characterized by two main clusters: The first includes twoC. colocynthis races and the second,C. lanatus andC. lanatus var.citroides, which are more closely related to each other than they are toC. ecirrhosus. The isozyme phylogeny is consistent with the variability in six seed protein bands and with the crossability relations among the examined species.  相似文献   

Summary Ten diploid species from genera Triticum, Aegilops, Haynaldia and Secale were included in a diallel crossing program. Forty-one different interspecific hybrids were obtained. The number of associations between chromosome arms at metaphase I of meiosis in pollen mother cells from the hybrids was taken as an indication of the degree of homology between parental genomes. Genome relationships were defined and indicated a possible pattern of differentiation from a common ancestor. Breeding strategies based on this information are proposed.  相似文献   

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