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Summary One bovine mammary epithelial cell clone, designated PS-BME-C1, and two bovine mammary epithelial cell lines, designated PS-BME-L6 and PS-BME-L7, were derived from mammary tissue of a pregnant (270 day) Holstein cow. The cells exhibit the distinctive morphologic characteristics of mammary epithelial cells and express the milk fat globule membrane protein, PAS-III. They form domes when cultured on plastic substrata and acinilike aggregates when cultured on a collagen matrix. These cells are capable of synthesizing and secretingα-lactalbumin andα-s1-casein when cultured on a collagen matrix in the presence of insulin, cortisol, and prolactin. The cells have a near-normal diploid number and do not grow in suspension culture. When transplanted to the cleared mammary fat pads of female athymic nude mice, the cells readily proliferate forming noninvasive palpable spherical cellular masses within 8 wk after inoculation. The cells may become a useful tool to study the regulation of ruminant mammary epithelial cell growth and differentation. This work was supported by the Pennsylvania State University Experiment Station. The PS-BME cells are the property of The Pennsylvania Research Corporation. Scientists interested in obtaining the PS-BME clone or cell lines for their research may request them from the corresponding author.  相似文献   

Differentiated mammalian cell lines can be isolated by immortalizing primary cells by transfection with DNA from plasmids containing sequences from SV40 early region. These cell lines show cytogenetic abnormalities but the degree of aneuploidy is considerably less than that observed in other established cell lines. No correlation was observed between the degree of differentiation of a clone and the extent of chromosomal damage.  相似文献   

Two SV40-transformed human cell lines, GM637, derived from a normal human subject, and GM5849, derived from a patient with ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T), were grown in increasing concentrations of the cytotoxic agent methotrexate (MTX). The GM637 line was naturally more resistant to methotrexate than was GM5849 and, over a 5-month period, became resistant even to very high concentrations (up to 100 microM). The GM5849 line became resistant to 500 nM methotrexate during the same period. However, dot blot and Southern blot analyses showed that both cell lines had amplified their dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) genes to about the same extent, approx. 50-fold. Using the GM5849 line with amplified dhfr, we attempted to determine if interruption of DNA synthesis by hydroxyurea would cause DNA to be replicated twice within a single cell cycle, as has been reported for Chinese hamster ovary cells. No evidence for such a phenomenon was obtained.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor beta1 (TGFB1) is a multi-functional cytokine that regulates cell proliferation, apoptosis and immune system responses. In the breast, the mammary epithelium is the primary source of TGFB1 and increased expression is associated with increased breast cancer risk. This study was conducted to investigate the roles of epithelial cell-derived TGFB1 in regulation of epithelial cell activity and macrophage phenotype in the mammary gland. Tgfb1 null mutant and wildtype mammary epithelium was transplanted into contra-lateral sides of the cleared mammary gland of TGFB1 replete scid mice. Transplanted tissue was analysed for markers of proliferation and apoptosis to determine the effect of Tgfb1 null mutation on epithelial cell turnover, and was analysed by immunohistochemistry to investigate the location, abundance and phenotype of macrophages. The number of proliferating and dying ductal epithelial cells, determined by BrdU and TUNEL, was increased by 35% and 3.3-fold respectively in mammary gland transplanted with Tgfb1 null epithelium compared to wildtype epithelium (p < 0.05). Abundance of F4/80+ macrophages in between Tgfb1 null epithelial cells compared to wildtype epithelial cells was increased by 50%. The number of iNOS+ and CCR7+ cells in the stroma surrounding Tgfb1 null alveolar epithelium was increased by 78% and 2-fold respectively, and dendriform MHC class II+ cells within ductal epithelium were decreased by 30%. We conclude that epithelial cell-derived TGFB1 in the mammary gland has two functions: (1) regulation of cellular turnover of epithelial cells, and (2) regulation of local macrophage phenotype. These findings shed new light on the diversity of roles of TGFB1 in the mammary gland which are likely to impact on breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立牦牛乳腺上皮细胞体外培养体系。采用胶原酶消化法成功地建立了牦牛乳腺上皮细胞系(YMEC),通过免疫细胞化学、超微结构观察和RT-PCR 法对YMEC 细胞进行了鉴定,并研究了其形态、活力、生长曲线以及核型等生物学特性。结果表明,YMEC 细胞染色体2n = 60,群体倍增时间为45 ~ 48 h,持续培养25 代后出现细胞分化;细胞呈典型的“铺路石样”形态,其表面有丰富的微绒毛,细胞质内含丰富的线粒体和粗面内质网。污染检测结果为阴性。在激素诱导培养时,检测到了β - 酪蛋白mRNA 的表达。表明本研究成功建立了保留泌乳功能的牦牛乳腺上皮细胞系,为研究牦牛乳腺上皮细胞的功能提供了理想的工具。  相似文献   

Summary Clonal cell lines (BME-UV) were established from primary epithelial cells by stable transfection with a plasmid, carrying the sequence of the simian virus 40 early region mutant tsA58, encoding the thermolabile large T antigen. The BME-UV cells have undergone more than 300 population doublings and produce intranuclear large T antigen. At low confluency, growing islands of cells are apparent exhibiting the characteristic cobblestone morphology of epithelial cells. The BME-UV cells expressed functional markers such as microvilli and desmosomes and biochemical markers of mammary epithelial cells such as a repertoire of cytokeratins. The BME-UV cells are capable of synthesizing low levels of α-lactalbumin and α8l (50 ng/ml of medium/24 h). One of the cell lines, BME-UV1 showed enhanced proliferation in the presence of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and insulinlike growth factor I (IGF-I). The BME-UV1 cell line is the only known bovine mammary epithelial cell line responsive to EGF. The BME-UV cells grown on collagen at low confluency are capable of developing very long projections that most likely allow for communication between cells at a distance from each other. The BME-UV cells may become a valid model system to examine bovine mammary epithelial proliferation and differentiation and cell-to-cell communication.  相似文献   

A mammary-derived growth factor, MDGF1, which stimulates collagen synthesis and proliferation in mammary epithelial cells was previously detected and purified from human milk and primary human breast tumors. MDGF1 binds to putative cell-surface receptors of 120-140 kDa and stimulates proliferation of normal and malignant human mammary epithelial cells. Partial protein sequence (N-terminal 18 amino acid sequence) shows that MDGF1 has no homology to any other known growth-promoting peptides. Polyclonal antiserum raised against this synthetic peptide recognizes native milk-derived MDGF1. We hypothesize that MDGF1 might be an autocrine or paracrine factor produced by and acting on normal and malignant human breast epithelial cells possessing MDGF1 receptors. As a first step in testing this possibility, we examined whether human breast epithelial cells in culture produce the growth factor. A protein with the size of MDGF1 was immunologically detected in the concentrated conditioned medium prepared from human breast cancer cell line MDA-MB 231, the mammary-derived but nontumorigenic HBL-100 line, and the normal reduction mammoplasty-derived, nonimmortalized 184 cell strain. A competitive radioreceptor assay (RRA) was used to estimate the level of MDGF1 in the conditioned medium. MDGF1 was present in the nanogram range per 1 million cells. A 62-kDa protein was detected in the above cell lysates by Western immunoblotting or by immunoprecipitation of metabolically labeled cell-conditioned media. The polyclonal antisera directed against the 18 amino acid peptide sequence from milk-derived MDGF1 could adsorb MDGF1 biological activity from conditioned medium. In vitro translation of cell mRNA yielded a protein of 55 kDa which was immunoprecipitated by anti-MDGF1 antibody.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To study the transcytosis and segregation of ligand in the mammary epithelial cell, endocytosis and intracellular transit of human blood transferrin were followed in lactating rabbit mammary epithelial cells. Human transferrin labeled with biotin added to an incubation medium was bound to the basal membrane of mammary epithelial cells and carried across the cell to the lumen of the acini within 5-60 min. At the same time, biotinylated human transferrin accumulated at the apex of the cell. After incubation with human transferrin labeled with colloidal gold, label was detected inside endosome-like structures, vesicles and saccules of the Golgi apparatus, and inside the lumen within 2-5 min. A significant label accumulated at the apex of the cell after 30-60 min. Biotin labeling did not modify the time of transit of human transferrin, as attested by comparison with the time of transit of native transferrin. Human transferrin was never detected inside vesicles containing casein micelles. In contrast, rabbit milk transferrin was immunocytochemically detected inside vesicles containing casein micelles. These results indicate that transcytosis of human transferrin follows a pathway different from vesicles that carry casein micelles.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved in the differentiation and formation of the characteristic three-dimensional structures of the developing mammary gland of the major milk-producing livestock (ducts, end buds, and alveoli) requires in vitro model cell cultures. The few cell lines that have been established from dairy animals do not fully reproduce the entire program of mammary differentiation. Here we present the initial characterization of a unique mammary epithelial cell line derived spontaneously from midpregnant sheep (NISH). These cells form in vitro functional structures resembling ducts, lateral buds, and alveoli that secrete β-lactoglobulin (BLG) in an ECM (extracellular matrix)-dependent manner. Interestingly, the presence of growth hormone dramatically increased BLG secretion from NISH cells cultured on ECM. It appears that GH is required not only to establish the structural organization but also is continuously needed to maintain BLG expression. Stable transfection of NISH cells with BLG/Human Serum Albumin (HSA) hybrid gene constructs revealed that the relative level of expression was comparable to the in vivo secretion of HSA in transgenic mice carrying these gene sequences. No expression could be detected in cells transfected with hybrid genes carrying either HSA cDNA or the entire HSA gene, and HSA expression was dependent on the presence of intronic sequences. These results demonstrate that NISH cells may prove a useful tool for studying the differentiation and organogenesis of mammary epithelial cells under defined culture conditions. Furthermore, transfected NISH cells may be an alternative for the transgenic mouse model in evaluating the potential of gene constructs to be efficiently expressed in the mammary gland of transgenic farm animals.  相似文献   

Jin X  Lee JS  Kwak S  Lee SY  Jung JE  Kim TK  Xu C  Hong Z  Li Z  Kim SM  Pian X  Lee DH  Yoon JT  You S  Choi YJ  Kim H 《Molecules and cells》2006,21(1):29-33
We have established three immortal bovine muscular epithelial (BME) cell lines, one spontaneously immortalized (BMES), the second SV40LT-mediated (BMEV) and the third hTERT-mediated (BMET). The morphology of the three immortal cell lines was similar to that of early passage primary BME cells. Each of the immortal cell lines made cytokeratin, a typical epithelial marker. BMET grew faster than the other immortal lines and the BME cells, in 10% FBS-DMEM medium, whereas neither the primary cells nor the three immortal cell lines grew in 0.5% FBS-DMEM. The primary BME cells and the immortal cell lines, with the exception of BMES, made increasing amounts of p53 protein when treated with doxorubicin, a DNA damaging agent. On the other hand, almost half of the cells in populations of the three immortal cell lines may lack p16(INK4a) regulatory function, compared to primary BME cells that were growth arrested by enforced expression of p16(INK4a). In soft-agar assays, the primary cells and immortal cell lines proved to be less transformed in phenotype than HeLa cells. The three immortal epithelial-type cell lines reported here are the first cell lines established from muscle tissue of bovine or other species.  相似文献   

Summary Establishment of a new bovine cell line, AU-BEK, is reported. The cell line developed in a culture initiated from bovine embryonic kidneys by spontaneous cultural alteration to epithelioid cells that are indefinitely propagable. Epithelioid cells gradually increased to become the predominant cell. Whereas normal bovine cells have a diploid number of 60 chromosomes, of which only the two sex chromosomes are biarmed, AU-BEK cells at the 80th passage had a modal chromosome number of 84 and an average of 30 biarmed chromosomes per cell. AU-BEK cells are now in their 220th passage. Of the AU-BEK, MDBK, and CKT-1 bovine cell lines, the CKT-1 cell line had a karyotype closest to that of normal bovine cells. Their modal chromosome number was 57, and only three biarmed chromosomes were usually present. The bovine character of AU-BEK and CKT-1 cells was established by cytotoxic and viral susceptibility tests. Supported by the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station. Publication No. 1115, School of Veterinary Medicine, Auburn University.  相似文献   

Six cell lines were derived from pleural effusions of two lung cancer patients and established in vitro in our laboratory. Cell line AE1 was obtained from a small cell lung cancer (SCLC) before the patient had received any chemotherapy; the other lines (AE2 and AE3) were established from tumour recurrences in the same patient after therapy. Cell lines DG1 and DG2 were derived from specimens of an untreated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), while cell line DG3 originated from pleural effusions recurring in the same patient after therapy. The results of the present study show that: (a) the SCLC lines AE1, AE2 and AE3 are heterogeneous in their biological characteristics and in their chemosensitivity patterns. In particular lines AE2 and AE3 are less responsive to cis-Platinum (DDP) and Adriamycin (ADM) than line AE1, so that they may reflect resistant subpopulations existing within the original tumour, selected following therapy with these drugs. In contrast, however, line AE1 proved more resistant to Vepesid (VP16) than lines AE2 and AE3. (b) The three NSCLC lines are similar in various biological features as well as in their chemosensitivity to DDP and Vinblastine (VBL).Abbreviations NSCLC Non Small Cell Lung Cancer - SCLC Small Cell Lung Cancer Recipient of a Fellowship of the Italian Association for Cancer Research  相似文献   

To isolate a variety of rat cell lines with differentiated functions, we developed transgenic rat lines that ubiquitously express the temperature-sensitive large T-antigen gene of the simian virus 40 (SV40) tsA58 mutant under the control of the SV40 large T-antigen promoter. These rats might be advantageous for simultaneously establishing cell lines from different tissues of rats with the same genetic origin. The transgenic rat lines transmit a functional copy of the transgene and were bred with sib mating to generate the homozygous transgene. The established cell lines from this transgenic rat had temperature dependent growth and retained some of the differentiated functions of each particular tissue, and were useful as a ready source of novel conditionally immortalized cell lines. The possible use and perspectives of these transgenic cell lines are discussed.  相似文献   

The steady state levels of growth inhibitory doses of inorganic selenium were examined in five different mammary epithelial cell lines: MOD, COMMA-D, COMMA-F, COMMA-T, and YN-4. The retention of selenium was monitored using a radioactive isotope,75Se. Growth inhibition correlated with high levels of selenium in the cell. Generally, the retention of intracellular selenium was not dependent upon cell density, cell number, net growth rate, or tumorigenicity of the mammary cell lines. One cell line, COMMA-D, exhibited an unique response wherein the amount of selenium retained was low and the growth inhibitory effects of selenium were negligible when the cells were exposed to selenium at low density. However, at high cell densities, the COMMA-D cells responded like the other four cell lines. The growth inhibitory effect of selenium was reversible; upon removal of selenium from the medium, cells start synthesizing DNA within 24h. The retention of selenium was influenced by constituents in the growth medium. In particular, cysteine, but not methionine, purines, or pyrimidines altered selenium retention and counteracted the growth inhibitory effects of selenium. These results indicated that the mammary cell lines, particulary COMMA-D and MOD are good model systems to examine the uptake, retention, localization, and function of inorganic selenium under conditions where it acts as a growth inhibitory agent.  相似文献   

Alterations of phospholipid (PL) profiles have been associated to disease and specific lipids may be involved in the onset and evolution of cancer; yet, analysis of PL profiles using mass spectrometry (MS) in breast cancer cells is a novel approach. Previously, we reported a lipidomic analysis of PLs from mouse mammary epithelial and breast cancer cells using off‐line thin layer chromatography (TLC)‐MS, where several changes in PL profile were found to be associated with the degree of malignancy of cells. In the present study, lipidomic analysis has been extended to human mammary epithelial cells and breast cancer cell lines (MCF10A, T47‐D, and MDA‐MB‐231), using TLC‐MS, validated by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography‐MS. Differences in phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) content relative to total amount of PLs was highest in non‐malignant cells while phosphatidic acid was present with highest relative abundance in metastatic cells. In addition, the following differences in PL molecular species associated to cancer phenotype, metastatic potential, and cell morphology were found: higher levels of alkylacyl PCs and phosphatidylinositol (PI; 22:5/18:0) were detected in migratory cells, epithelial cells had less unsaturated fatty acyl chains and shorter aliphatic tails in PE and sphingomyelin classes, while PI (18:0/18:1) was lowest in non‐malignant cells compared to cancer cells. To date, information about PL changes in cancer progression is scarce, therefore results presented in this work will be useful as a starting point to define possible PLs with prospective as biomarkers and disclose metabolic pathways with potential for cancer therapy. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 457–468, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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