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The lactococcal plasmid pNP40 mediates insensitivity to (phi)c2 by an early-acting phage resistance mechanism in addition to the previously identified abortive infection system, AbiF, in the Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis MG1614 background. A second abortive infection determinant on pNP40, AbiE, does not confer resistance to (phi)c2. The early-acting mechanism on pNP40 does not prevent phage adsorption nor does it appear to operate by restriction/modification. Phage DNA was not detected in pNP40-containing cells until 30 min following exposure to (phi)c2 compared with 5 min in a sensitive host; however, electroporation of phage DNA into resistant hosts resulted in the release of phage progeny from a dramatically elevated number of cells compared with conventionally infected hosts. It appears therefore that pNP40 encodes a novel phage resistance mechanism which blocks DNA penetration specifically for (phi)c2.  相似文献   

用于丝状真菌的苯菌灵标记基因benA表达载体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了构建适用于丝状真菌遗传转化的表达载体,在质粒pAN52-1的高效组成型三磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶基因启动子PgpdA和色氨酸C基因终止子TtrpC之间加入内切酶NotⅠ和ClaⅠ两个位点,构成质粒pAN52-2;把质粒pAN52-2中从启动子PgpdA到终止子TtrpC的基因片段通过PstⅠ和XbaⅠ酶切位点导入到pUC19载体上,并且应用PCR的方法在启动子Pg-pdA的前端引入HindⅢ酶切位点,构成质粒pUCPT-2;通过PCR,在苯菌灵抗性基因benA两端分别加入内切酶NotⅠ和ClaⅠ酶切位点,并克隆到pGEM-T载体上,得到质粒pGEM-Ben;用NotⅠ分别酶切质粒pUCPT-2与pGEM-Ben,连接苯菌灵抗性基因benA到pUCPT-2上,得到了pUCPT-Ben载体。经PCR、酶切和核苷酸序列检测,证实了PgpdA-benA-TtrpC表达元件连接成功,即得到了苯菌灵抗性基因高效表达载体。  相似文献   

The bacteriophage resistance plasmid pAH90 (26,490 bp) is a natural cointegrate plasmid formed via homologous recombination between the type I restriction-modification specificity determinants (hsdS) of two smaller lactococcal plasmids, pAH33 (6,159 bp) and pAH82 (20,331 bp), giving rise to a bacteriophage-insensitive mutant following phage challenge (D. O'Sullivan, D. P. Twomey, A. Coffey, C. Hill, G. F. Fitzgerald, and R. P. Ross, Mol. Microbiol. 36:866-876; 2000). In this communication we provide evidence that the recombination event is favored by phage infection. The entire nucleotide sequence of plasmid pAH90 was determined and found to contain 24 open reading frames (ORFs) responsible for phenotypes which include restriction-modification, phage adsorption inhibition, plasmid replication, cadmium resistance, cobalt transport, and conjugative mobilization. The cadmium resistance property, encoded by the cadA gene, which has an associated regulatory gene (cadC), is of particular interest, as it facilitated the selection of pAH90 in other phage-sensitive lactococci after electroporation. In addition, we report the identification of a group II self-splicing intron bounded by two exons which have the capacity to encode a relaxase implicated in conjugation in gram-positive bacteria. The functionality of this intron was evident by demonstrating splicing in vivo. Given that pAH90 encodes potent phage defense systems which act at different stages in the phage lytic cycle, the linkage of these with a food-grade selectable marker on a replicon that can be mobilized among lactococci has significant potential for natural strain improvement for industrial dairy fermentations which are susceptible to phage inhibition.  相似文献   

The plasmid-free Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris MG1614 is highly phage sensitive and lacks lactose fermenting ability (Lac) and primary casein degrading ability (Prt). Food grade gene transfer systems were used to sequentially superimpose different phage defense systems on this background, resulting in a gradual increase in resistance to bacteriophage in the derivatives. pLP712, encoding Lac and Prt, was then transferred to one of these hosts, into which plasmids encoding adsorption inhibition, restriction modification, and abortive infection had already been introduced. This resulted in a phage-resistant strain which was successfully used as a single-strain starter for cheddar cheese manufacture under industrial conditions.  相似文献   

The results of microcosm experiments performed with the fish-pathogenic bacterium Aeromonas salmonicida acting as a donor showed that promiscuous plasmid pRAS1, which encodes tetracycline resistance, is transferred at a high frequency in marine sediments even in the absence of a selective factor. The presence of oxytetracycline resulted in an increase in the transfer frequency compared with that of a microcosm to which no selective factor was added. Transfer frequencies of 3.4 × 10-1 transconjugant per recipient and 3.6 transconjugants per donor cell were obtained in a microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added. Hybridization with a DNA probe specific for plasmid pRAS1 revealed that 45.8% of the oxytetracycline-resistant isolates obtained from a microcosm with no selective pressure carried the plasmid, while 86.8% of the isolates obtained from a microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added carried the plasmid. Phenotypic characterization of the transconjugants revealed that the plasmid had been transferred to a variety of different biotypes in both microcosms. The diversity among the transconjugants isolated from the microcosm to which oxytetracycline had been added was substantially lower than the diversity among the transconjugants isolated from the microcosm to which no selective agent had been added.  相似文献   

A strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated in pure culture from the reservoir of a hospital mist therapy unit by an extinction-dilution technique; its natural distilled water environment was used as a growth and maintenance medium. After a single subculture on Trypticase soy agar, the strain showed a marked decrease in resistance to inactivation by acetic acid, glutaraldehyde, chlorine dioxide, and a quaternary ammonium compound when compared with naturally occurring cells grown in mist therapy unit water. The following factors were observed to affect the relative resistances of naturally occurring and subcultured cells of the P. aeruginosa strain: (i) temperature at which the cultures were incubated prior to exposure to disinfectants, (ii) growth phase of the cultures at the time of exposure to disinfectants, (iii) nature of the suspending menstruum for disinfectants, and (iv) exposure to fluorescent light during incubation of inocula prior to testing. The applied significance of these findings may alter the present concepts of disinfectant testing as well as routine control procedures in the hospital environment.  相似文献   

以潮霉素抗性为选择标记的稻瘟病菌原生质体转化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
稻瘟病菌对潮霉素(HygromycinB,简写为HmB)较为敏感,当不含无机盐的再生培养基中HmB浓度达到100μg/ml时,稻瘟病菌2539w原生质体的再生即被完全抑制。我们利用带有HmB抗性基因的质粒(pAN7-1),通过PEG②融合法对其原生质体进行转化,获得了HmB抗性转化子。转化子以两类形式出现:一类为大而生长稳定的菌落,另一类为小而生长不稳定的菌落,两类菌落产生频率分别为每μgDNA3-4个和10-20个。将大菌落转化子转接到含有HmB的新培养基上,仍可正常生长,但小菌落转化子却不能,说明前者为真正的转化子而后者为流产转化子。DNA杂交分析显示转化是由于质粒DNA整合到了2539w的染色体DNA上,整合可在染色体DNA的不同位点上发生。受试的7个转化子尽管各自的整合形式不同,但均在选择与非选择性培养中保持稳定。  相似文献   

Lactococcus lactis LMA12-4 is a pTR2030 transconjugant that has been used as an industrial starter culture because of its resistance to phages predominant in cheese plants. Plasmid pTR2030 interferes with susceptible phages in this host strain via two mechanisms, restriction and modification (R/M) and abortive infection (Hsp). After prolonged use of LMA12-4 transconjugants in the industry, two different bacteriophages, designated nck202.48 (48) and nck202.50 (50), were isolated which could produce plaques on LMA12-4 containing pTR2030. In this study, these two phages were characterized and compared with a third phage, nck202.31 (31), which is susceptible to both the R/M and Hsp activities encoded by pTR2030. Phage 48 was not susceptible to inhibition by Hsp, whereas 50 was unaffected by either the R/M or Hsp mechanisms. All three were small isometric-headed phages, but small differences were noted between the phages in the structural details of the tail base plate, susceptibility to chloroform treatment, and requirements for calcium infectivity. The phage genomes were all between 29.9 and 31.9 kb in length. Phages 31 and 48 harbored cohesive ends, whereas the phage 50 genome was circularly permuted, terminally redundant, and carried a putative packaging initiation site. DNA-DNA hybridization experiments conducted between the phages revealed a common region in 48 and 50 that may correlate with the resistance of the two phages to the Hsp-abortive infection induced by pTR2030. Phage 50 also harbored DNA sequences that shared homology to pTR2030 in the region where R/M activities have been localized on the plasmid. Molecular characterization of the three phages localized regions within the genomes of the pTR2030-resistant phages that may be responsible for circumventing plasmid-encoded Hsp and R/M defense mechanisms in lactococci.  相似文献   

Here we report the isolation of 6 temperate bacteriophages (phages) that are prevented from replicating within the laboratory strain Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA14 by the endogenous CRISPR/Cas system of this microbe. These phages are only the second identified group of naturally occurring phages demonstrated to be blocked for replication by a nonengineered CRISPR/Cas system, and our results provide the first evidence that the P. aeruginosa type I-F CRISPR/Cas system can function in phage resistance. Previous studies have highlighted the importance of the protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) and a proximal 8-nucleotide seed sequence in mediating CRISPR/Cas-based immunity. Through engineering of a protospacer region of phage DMS3 to make it a target of resistance by the CRISPR/Cas system and screening for mutants that escape CRISPR/Cas-mediated resistance, we show that nucleotides within the PAM and seed sequence and across the non-seed-sequence regions are critical for the functioning of this CRISPR/Cas system. We also demonstrate that P. aeruginosa can acquire spacer content in response to lytic phage challenge, illustrating the adaptive nature of this CRISPR/Cas system. Finally, we demonstrate that the P. aeruginosa CRISPR/Cas system mediates a gradient of resistance to a phage based on the level of complementarity between CRISPR spacer RNA and phage protospacer target. This work introduces a new in vivo system to study CRISPR/Cas-mediated resistance and an additional set of tools for the elucidation of CRISPR/Cas function.  相似文献   

A mutant acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene, csr1-1, isolated from sulfonylurea herbicide-resistant Arabidopsis thaliana, was placed under control of a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (35S). Rice protoplasts were transformed with the 35S/ALS chimeric gene and regenerated into fertile transgenic rice (Oryza sativa) plants. The 35S/ALS gene was expressed effectively as demonstrated by northern blot hybridization analysis, and conferred to transformed calli at least 200-fold greater chlorsulfuron resistance than nontransformed control calli. Effective selection of 35S/ALS-transformed protoplasts was achieved at extremely low chlorsulfuron concentrations of 10 nm. The results demonstrated that the 35S/ALS gene is an alternative selectable marker for rice protoplast transformation and fertile transgenic rice production. The results also suggest that the mutant form of Arabidopsis ALS enzyme operates normally in rice cells. Thus, the mechanism of protein transport to chloroplast and ALS inhibition by chlorsulfuron is apparently conserved among plant species as diverse as Arabidopsis (dicotyledon) and rice (monocotyledon).  相似文献   

In the development of genetically inactivated bacterial vaccines, plasmid retention often requires the antibiotic resistance gene markers, the presence of which can cause the potential biosafety hazards such as the horizontal spread of resistance genes. The new lysis plasmid was constructed by utilizing the approach of balanced-lethal systems based on auxotrophic gene Aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase (asd). The PhiX174 lysis gene E and λPR37-cI857 temperature-sensitive regulatory system was cloned in the asd gene positive plasmid and this novel approach allowed the production of antibiotic resistance marker free Salmonella Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) ghost. The immunogenic potential of the biosafety enhanced antibiotic resistance gene free S. Enteritidis ghost was evaluated in chickens by employing the prime-boost vaccination strategy using a combination of oral and intramuscular routes. A total of 75 two-week-old chickens were equally divided into five groups: group A (non-immunized control), group B (intramuscularly primed and boosted), group C (primed intramuscularly and boosted orally), group D (primed and boosted orally), and group E (primed orally and boosted intramuscularly). Chickens from all immunized groups demonstrated significant increases in plasma IgG, intestinal secretory IgA levels, and antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferative response. After a virulent S. Enteritidis challenge, all immunized groups showed fewer gross lesions and decreased bacterial recovery from organs in comparison with the non-immunized control group. Among the immunized chickens, groups B and D chickens showed optimized protection, indicating that the prime-booster immunization with the ghost via intramuscular or oral route is efficient. Taken together, our results demonstrate that an antibiotic resistance gene free lysis plasmid was successfully constructed and utilized for production of safety enhanced S. Enteritidis ghost, which can be used as a safe and effective vaccine against virulent S. Enteritidis infections.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)可直接进行活体观察,它的这个优点可被用于监测转基因植物中选择标记基因的消除。为此,构建了植物表达载体pGNG,将绿色荧光蛋白基因(gfp)和卡那霉素抗性基因表达盒(NosP-nptll-NosT)一起克隆在两个同向的lox位点间,在第一个lox位点上游置有CaMV 35S启动子以驱动GFP表达,第二个lox位点下游置有不含启动子的大肠杆菌β-葡萄糖醛酸酶(GUS)基因。首先在含卡那霉素(Kan)的培养基上筛选出转pGNG的烟草,借助绿色荧光可容易地检出表达GFP的转化体。然后用另一转化载体pCambia1300Cre二次转化表达GFP的转基因植物,利用另一选择标记基因潮霉素抗性基因(hpt)进行筛选,在获得的再生植株中,Cre重组酶的表达消除了转化体中两lox位点间的gfpnptll。实验结果表明可借助GFP荧光的消失,快速选出nptII被消除的二次转化体,同时GUS(作为目的蛋白) 在CaMV 35S启动子驱动下获得表达。最后利用后代的分离将hptcre除去。  相似文献   

H. Mitsuzawa 《Genetics》1993,135(2):321-326
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain P-28-24C, from which cAMP requiring mutants derived, responded to exogenously added cAMP. Upon the addition of cAMP, this strain showed phenotypes shared by mutants with elevated activity of the cAMP pathway. Genetic analysis involving serial crosses of this strain to a strain with another genetic background revealed that the responsiveness to cAMP results from naturally occurring loss-of-function alleles of PDE1 and PDE2, which encode low and high affinity cAMP phosphodiesterases, respectively. In addition, P-28-24C was found to carry a mutation conferring slow growth that lies in CYR1, which encodes adenylate cyclase, and the slow growth phenotype caused by the cyr1 mutation was suppressed by the pde2 mutation. Therefore P-28-24C is fortuitously a pde1 pde2 cyr1 triple mutant. Responsiveness to cAMP conferred by pde mutations suggests that S. cerevisiae cells are permeable to cAMP to some extent and that the apparent absence of effect of exogenously added cAMP on wild-type cells is due to immediate degradation by cAMP phosphodiesterases.  相似文献   

Resistance to the toxic compound potassium tellurite (Telr) has been employed as a selection marker built into a set of transposon vectors and broad-host-range plasmids tailored for genetic manipulations of Pseudomonas strains potentially destined for environmental release. In this study, the activated Telr determinants encoded by the cryptic telAB genes of plasmid RK2 were produced, along with the associated kilA gene, as DNA cassettes compatible with cognate vectors. In one case, the Telr determinants were assembled between the I and O ends of a suicide delivery vector for mini-Tn5 transposons. In another case, the kilA and telAB genes were combined with a minimal replicon derived from a variant of Pseudomonas plasmid pPS10, which is able to replicate in a variety of gram-negative hosts and is endowed with a modular collection of cloning and expression assets. Either in the plasmid or in the transposon vector, the Telr marker was combined with a 12-kb DNA segment of plasmid pWW0 of Pseudomonas putida mt-2 encoding the upper TOL pathway enzymes. This allowed construction of antibiotic resistance-free but selectable P. putida strains with the ability to grow on toluene as the sole carbon source through an ortho-cleavage catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

The imidazole and triazole fungicides inhibit cytochrome P450 14α-lanosterol demethylase (P45014DM) implicated in the ergosterol biosynthesis pathway, which is specific to fungi and yeasts. Two plasmids were obtained which allow triazole and imidazole resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae . The low copy number plasmid (pFD 383) encodes cytochrome P450 C14α lanosterol demethylase under the control of phospho-glycerate-kinase promoter. S. cerevisiae transformed by the pFD 383 plasmid are resistant to imidazoles and triazoles. Moreover, this transformed strain shows increased levels of P45014DM mRNA and of cytochrome P450. A second low copy number plasmid (pFD 384) carries a mutant cytochrome P450 14α lanosterol demethylase gene, which increases imidazole and triazole resistance. These constructions can be used on a dominant selection marker to transform wild-type yeasts and to confer imidazole and triazole resistance in industrial fermentation.  相似文献   

J. A. Coyne  S. Aulard    A. Berry 《Genetics》1991,129(3):791-802
In(2LR)PL is a large pericentric inversion polymorphic in populations of Drosophila melanogaster on two Indian Ocean islands. This polymorphism is puzzling: because crossing over in female heterokaryotypes produces inviable zygotes, such inversions are thought to be underdominant and should be quickly eliminated from populations. The observed fixation for such inversions among related species has led to the idea that genetic drift can cause chromosome evolution in opposition to natural selection. We found, however, that In(2LR)PL is not underdominant for fertility, as heterokaryotypic females produce perfectly viable eggs. Genetic analysis shows that the lack of underdominance results from the nearly complete absence of crossing over in the inverted region. This phenomenon is probably caused by mechanical and not genetic factors, because crossing over is not suppressed in In(2LR)PL homokaryotypes. Our observations do not support the idea that the fixation of pericentric inversions among closely related species implies the action of genetic drift overcoming strong natural selection in very small populations. If chromosome arrangements vary in their underdominance, it is those with the least disadvantage as heterozygotes, like In(2LR)PL, that will be polymorphic or fixed in natural populations.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungi have been introduced in forest nurseries to improve seedling growth. Outplanting of inoculated seedlings to forest plantations raises the questions about inoculant persistence and its effects on indigenous fungal populations. We previously showed (M.-A. Selosse et al. Mol. Ecol. 7:561–573, 1998) that the American strain Laccaria bicolor S238N persisted 10 years after outplanting in a French Douglas fir plantation, without introgression or selfing and without fruiting on uninoculated adjacent plots. In the present study, the relevance of those results to sympatric strains was assessed for another part of the plantation, planted in 1985 with seedlings inoculated with the French strain L. bicolor 81306 or left uninoculated. About 720 Laccaria sp. sporophores, collected from 1994 to 1997, were typed by using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers and PCR amplification of the mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal DNAs. All plots were colonized by small spontaneous discrete genotypes (genets). The inoculant strain 81306 abundantly fruited beneath inoculated trees, with possible introgression in indigenous Laccaria populations but without selfing. In contrast to our previous survey of L. bicolor S238N, L. bicolor 81306 colonized a plot of uninoculated trees. Meiotic segregation analysis verified that the invading genet was strain 81306 (P < 0.00058), implying a vegetative growth of 1.1 m · year−1. This plot was also invaded in 1998 by strain S238N used to inoculate other trees of the plantation. Five other uninoculated plots were free of these inoculant strains. The fate of inoculant strains thus depends less on their geographic origin than on unknown local factors.  相似文献   

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