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Activation of ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) during porcine oocyte maturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The normal kinetics of ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) during the meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes were examined. The phosphorylation states of RSK and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), major mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases in maturating porcine oocytes, were detected by Western blotting analysis. The S6 protein kinase activity was assayed using a specific substrate peptide which contained the major phosphorylation sites of S6 kinase. Full phosphorylation of RSK was correlated with ERK phosphorylation and was observed before germinal vesicle breakdown. S6 kinase activity was low in both freshly isolated and 20 h cultured oocytes. S6 kinase activity was significantly elevated in matured oocytes to a level about 6 times higher than that in freshly isolated oocytes. Furthermore, full phosphorylation of RSK was inhibited when oocytes were treated with U0126, a specific MAP kinase kinase inhibitor, in dose-dependent manner, indicating that RSK is one of the substrates of MAP kinase. These results suggest that the activation of RSK is involved in the regulation of meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes.  相似文献   

The structure, number, and distribution of cortical granules in porcine oocytes during maturation induced by human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) are reported. The number of granules remained constant for 30 hr following HCG. Thereafter, there was an approximate doubling by 50 hr. At all times examined, a dark and light form were present. Up to 40 hr the latter predominated while at 50 hr there was a marked increase in the number of the former. Movement of cortical granules to the plasma membrane took place between 20 and 30 hr post-HCG. The changes in cortical granules are correlated with the capacity of the oocytes to undergo a block to polyspermy.  相似文献   



The signaling pathways that may modulate the pathogenesis of diseases induced by expanded polyglutamine proteins are not well understood.

Methodologies/Principal Findings

Herein we demonstrate that expanded polyglutamine protein cytotoxicity is mediated primarily through activation of p38MAPK and that the atypical PKC iota (PKCι) enzyme antagonizes polyglutamine-induced cell death through induction of the ERK signaling pathway. We show that pharmacological blockade of p38MAPK rescues cells from polyglutamine-induced cell death whereas inhibition of ERK recapitulates the sensitivity observed in cells depleted of PKCι by RNA interference. We provide evidence that two unrelated proteins with expanded polyglutamine repeats induce p38MAPK in cultured cells, and demonstrate induction of p38MAPK in an in vivo model of neurodegeneration (spinocerebellar ataxia 1, or SCA-1).


Taken together, our data implicate activated p38MAPK in disease progression and suggest that its inhibition may represent a rational strategy for therapeutic intervention in the polyglutamine disorders.  相似文献   

p38 MAPK signaling during murine preimplantation development   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways mediate some important cellular processes and are likely to also regulate preimplantation development. The role of p38 MAP kinase signaling during murine preimplantation development was investigated in the present study. p38 MAPK, p38-regulated or -activated kinase (PRAK; MK5), map kinase-activated protein kinase 2 (MK2), and heat shock protein 25 (hsp25) mRNAs and proteins were detected throughout preimplantation development. Two-cell stage embryos cultured in the presence of SB220025 and SB203580 (specific inhibitors of p38 MAPK alpha/beta), progressed to the eight-cell stage with the same frequency as controls; however, treated embryos halted their development at the 8- to 16-cell stage. In addition, embryos treated with p38 MAPK inhibitors displayed a complete loss of MK2 and hsp25 phosphorylation and also a complete loss of filamentous actin as indicated by the absence of rhodamine-phalloidin staining. In these inhibitor-treated groups, the embryos were composed of a mixture of compacting and noncompacting cells, and the embryos were one to two cell divisions behind controls. Treated embryos remained viable as the developmental blockade was rescued by removing embryos from the drug treatment and placing them in drug-free medium until they progressed to the blastocyst stage. This study demonstrates that p38 MAPK activity is required to support development through the murine preimplantation interval.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the Ser/Thr protein kinase Nek2 on meiosis progression by using in vitro porcine oocyte maturation system. Nek2 is a candidate of a mammalian homologue of NIMA, which was found in Aspergillus nidulans as an essential molecule for mitosis progression. We cloned porcine Nek2 cDNA, and examined the mRNA and protein expression levels during meiosis progression. The expression levels did not change through the oocyte maturation, but fluorescence microscopy observation of Nek2 in the oocytes at various maturation steps showed that Nek2 was detected only at metaphase II, but not before metaphase II. At metaphase II, Nek2 was found exclusively on the chromosomes. These results suggest that Nek2 changes the cellular localization during maturation and accumulates on the chromosomes to play a role on the entry and progression of metaphase II.  相似文献   

A Polo-like kinase 1 (Plk1) appears involved in an autocatalytic loop between CDC25C phosphatase and M phase promoting factor (MPF) in Xenopus oocytes and leads to activation of MPF that is required for germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). Although similar evidence for such a role of Plk1 in MPF activation during maturation of mammalian oocytes is absent, changes in Plk1 enzyme activity correlate with MPF activation, Plk1 co-localizes with MPF, and microinjection of antibodies neutralizing Plk1 delays GVBD. In this study, we exploited the prolonged time required for maturation of porcine oocytes to define precisely the timing of Plk1 and MPF activation during maturation. GVBD typically occurs between 24 and 26 hr of culture in vitro and meiotic maturation is completed after 40-44-hr culture. We find that Plk1 is activated before MPF, which is consistent with its role in activating MPF in mammalian oocytes.  相似文献   

Activity of Cdc2, the universal inducer of mitosis, is regulated by phosphorylation and binding to cyclin B. Comparative studies using oocytes from several amphibian species have shown that different mechanisms allow Cdc2 activation and entry into first meiotic division. In Xenopus, immature oocytes stockpile pre-M-phase promoting factor (MPF) composed of Cdc2-cyclin B complexes maintained inactive by Thr14 and Tyr15 phosphorylation of Cdc2. Activation of MPF relies on the conversion of pre-MPF into MPF by Cdc2 dephosphorylation, implying a positive feedback loop known as MPF auto-amplification. On the contrary, it has been proposed that pre-MPF is absent in immature oocyte and that MPF activation depends on cyclin synthesis in some fishes and other amphibians. We demonstrate here that MPF activation in the axolotl oocyte, an urodele amphibian, is achieved through mechanisms resembling partly those found in Xenopus oocyte. Pre-MPF is present in axolotl immature oocyte and is activated during meiotic maturation. However, monomeric Cdc2 is expressed in large excess over pre-MPF, and pre-MPF activation by Cdc2 dephosphorylation takes place progressively and not abruptly as in Xenopus oocyte. The intracellular compartmentalization as well as the low level of pre-MPF in axolotl oocyte could account for the differences in oocyte MPF activation in both species.  相似文献   

Oocyte maturation defect can lead to maternal reproduction disorder. NAMPT is a rate-limiting enzyme in mammalian NAD+ biosynthesis pathway, which can regulate a variety of cellular metabolic processes including glucose metabolism and DNA damage repair. However, the function of NAMPT in porcine oocytes remains unknown. In this study, we showed that NAMPT involved into multiple cellular events during oocyte maturation. NAMPT expressed during all stages of porcine oocyte meiosis, and inhibition of NAMPT activity caused the cumulus expansion and polar body extrusion defects. Mitochondrial dysfunction was observed in NAMPT-deficient porcine oocytes, which showed decreased membrane potential, ATP and mitochondrial DNA content, increased oxidative stress level and apoptosis. We also found that NAMPT was essential for spindle organization and chromosome arrangement based on Ac-tubulin. Moreover, lack of NAMPT activity caused the increase of lipid droplet and affected the imbalance of lipogenesis and lipolysis. In conclusion, our study indicated that lack of NAMPT activity affected porcine oocyte maturation through its effects on mitochondria function, spindle assembly and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Malathion (MAL) is a common organophosphorus pesticide and affects both animal and human reproduction. However, the mechanisms regarding how MAL affects the mammalian oocyte quality and how to prevent it have not been fully investigated. In this study, we used porcine oocyte as a model and proved that MAL impaired porcine oocyte quality in a dose-dependent manner during maturation. MAL decreased the first polar body extrusion, disrupted spindle assembly and chromosome alignment, impaired cortical granules (CGs) distribution, and increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) level in oocytes. RNA-seq analysis showed that MAL exposure altered the expression of 2,917 genes in the porcine maturated oocytes and most genes were related to ROS, the lipid droplet process, and the energy supplement. Nevertheless, these defects could be remarkably ameliorated by adding melatonin (MLT) into the oocyte maturation medium. MLT increased oocyte maturation rate and decreased the abnormities of spindle assembly, CGs distribution and ROS accumulation in MAL-exposed porcine oocytes. More important, MLT upregulated the expression of genes related to lipid droplet metabolism (PPARγ and PLIN2), decreased lipid droplet size and lipid peroxidation in MAL-exposed porcine oocytes. Finally, we found that MLT increased the blastocysts formation and the cell numbers of blastocysts in MAL-exposed porcine oocytes after parthenogenetic activation, which was mediated by reduction of ROS levels and maintaining lipid droplet metabolism. Taken together, our results revealed that MLT had a protective action against MAL-induced deterioration of porcine oocyte quality.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation modification of core histones is correlated well with diverse chromatin-based cell activities. However, its distribution pattern and primary roles during mammalian oocyte meiosis are still in dispute. In this study, by performing immunofluorescence and Western blotting, spatial distribution and temporal expression of phosphorylated serine 10 or 28 on histone H3 during porcine oocyte meiotic maturation were examined and distinct subcellular distribution patterns between them were presented. Low expression of phosphorylated H3/ser10 was detected in germinal vesicle. Importantly, following gradual dephosphorylation from germinal vesicle (GV) to late germinal vesicle (L-GV) stage, a transient phosphorylation at the periphery of condensed chromatin was re-established at early germinal vesicle breakdown (E-GVBD) stage, and then the dramatically increased signals covered whole chromosomes from pre-metaphase I (Pre-MI) to metaphase II (MII). Similarly, hypophosphorylation of serine 28 on histone H3 was also monitored from GV to E-GVBD, indicating dephosphorylation of histone H3 maybe involved in the regulation of meiotic resumption. Moreover, the rim staining on the chromosomes and high levels of H3/ser28 phosphorylation were observed in Pre-MI, MI, and MII stage oocytes. Based on above results, such stage-dependent dynamics of phosphorylation of H3/ser 10 and 28 may play specific roles during mammalian oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

The barnacle Balanus ( = Amphibalanus) amphitrite is a major marine fouling animal. Understanding the molecular mechanism of larval settlement in this species is critical for anti-fouling research. In this study, we cloned one isoform of p38 MAPK (Bar-p38 MAPK) from this species, which shares the significant characteristic of containing a TGY motif with other species such as yeast, Drosophila and humans. The activation of p38 MAPK was detected by an antibody that recognizes the conserved dual phosphorylation sites of TGY. The results showed that phospho-p38 MAPK (pp38 MAPK) was more highly expressed at the cyprid stage, particularly in aged cyprids, in comparison to other stages, including the nauplius and juvenile stages. Immunostaining showed that Bar-p38 MAPK and pp38 MAPK were mainly located at the cyprid antennules, and especially the third and fourth segments, which are responsible for substratum exploration during settlement. The expression and localization patterns of Bar-p38 MAPK suggest its involvement in larval settlement. This postulation was also supported by the larval settlement bioassay with the p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580. Behavioral analysis by live imaging revealed that the larvae were still capable of exploring the surface of the substratum after SB203580 treatment. This shows that the effect of p38 MAPK on larval settlement might be by regulating the secretion of permanent proteinaceous substances. Furthermore, the level of pp38 MAPK dramatically decreased after full settlement, suggesting that Bar-p38 MAPK maybe plays a role in larval settlement rather than metamorphosis. Finally, we found that Bar-p38 MAPK was highly activated when larvae confronted extracts of adult barnacle containing settlement cues, whereas larvae pre-treated with SB203580 failed to respond to the crude adult extracts.  相似文献   

Rapid neurite remodeling is fundamental to nervous system development and plasticity. It involves neurite extension that is regulated by NGF through PI3K/AKT, p44/42 MAPK and p38 MAPK. It also involves neurite retraction that is regulated by the serine protease, thrombin. However, the intracellular signaling pathway by which thrombin causes neurite retraction is unknown. Using the PC12 neuronal cell model, we demonstrate that thrombin utilizes the PI3K/AKT pathway for neurite retraction in NGF-differentiated cells. Interestingly, however, we found that thrombin enhances NGF-induced neurite extension in differentiating cells. This is achieved through increased and sustained activation of p44/42 MAPK and p38 MAPK. Thus, thrombin elicits opposing effects in differentiated and differentiating cells through activation of distinct signaling pathways: neurite retraction in differentiated cells via PI3K/AKT, and neurite extension in differentiating cells via p44/42 MAPK and p38 MAPK. These findings, which also point to a novel cooperative role between thrombin and NGF, have significant implications in the development of the nervous system and the disease processes that afflicts it as well as in the potential of combined thrombin and NGF therapy for impaired learning and memory, and spinal cord injury which all require neurite extension and remodeling.  相似文献   

The endogenous cannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) is described as a platelet agonist able to induce aggregation and to increase intracellular calcium. In the present report we have confirmed these data and demonstrated that the inhibitor of p38MAPK SB203580 and the inhibitor of cPLA(2) metabolism ETYA affect both these parameters. Thus, we aimed to define the role of p38MAPK/cytosolic phospholipase A(2) (cPLA(2)) pathway in 2-AG-induced human platelet activation. p38MAPK activation was assayed by phosphorylation. cPLA(2) activation was assayed by phosphorylation and as arachidonic acid release and thromboxane B(2) formation. It was shown that 2-AG in a dose- and time-dependent manner activates p38MAPK peaking at 10 μM after 1 min of incubation. The 2-AG effect on p38MAPK was not impaired by apyrase, indomethacin or RGDS peptide but it was significantly reduced by SR141716, specific inhibitor of type-1 cannabinoid receptor and unaffected by the specific inhibitor of type-2 cannabinoid receptor SR144528. Moreover, the incubation of platelets with 2-AG led to the phosphorylation of cPLA(2) and its activation. Platelet pretreatment with SB203580, inhibitor of p38MAPK, abolished both cPLA(2) phosphorylation and activation. In addition SR141716 strongly impaired cPLA(2) phosphorylation, arachidonic acid release and thromboxane B(2) formation, whereas SR144528 did not change these parameters. Finally platelet stimulation with 2-AG led to an increase in free oxygen radical species. In conclusion, data provide insight into the mechanisms involved in platelet activation by 2-AG, indicating that p38MAPK/cPLA(2) pathway could play a relevant role in this complicated process.  相似文献   

Juglone, a naphthoquinone isolated from many species of the Juglandaceae family, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries because of its antiviral, antibacterial, and antitumor activities. However, the toxicity of juglone has also been demonstrated. Here, we used porcine oocytes as a model to explore the effects of juglone on oocyte maturation and studied the impact of vitamin C (VC) administration on juglone exposure-induced meiosis defects. Exposure to juglone significantly restricted cumulus cell expansion and decreased the first polar body extrusion. In addition, juglone exposure disturbed spindle organization, actin assembly, and the distribution of mitochondria during oocyte meiosis, while the acetylation level of α-tubulin was also reduced. These defects were all ameliorated by VC administration. Our findings indicate that juglone exposure induced meiotic failure in porcine oocytes, while VC protected against these defects during porcine oocyte maturation by ameliorating the organization of the cytoskeleton and mitochondrial distribution.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease. Although its pathogenesis is still unclear, increasing evidence suggests that mitochondrial dysfunction induced by environmental toxins, such as mitochondrial complex I inhibitors, plays a significant role in the disease process. The microglia in PD brains are highly activated, and inflammation is also an essential element in PD pathogenesis. However, the means by which these toxins activate microglia is still unclear. In the present study, we found that rotenone, a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, could directly activate microglia via the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) signaling pathway, thereby inducing significantly increased expression of inflammatory cytokines. We further observed that rotenone induced caspase-1 activation and mature IL-1β release, both of which are strictly dependent on p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The activation of p38 is associated with the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by rotenone. Removal of these ROS abrogated the activation of the microglia. Therefore, our data suggest that the environmental toxin rotenone can directly activate microglia through the p38 MAPK pathway.  相似文献   

The endothelial junction is tightly controlled to restrict the passage of blood cells and solutes. Disruption of endothelial barrier function by bacterial endotoxins, cytokines or growth factors results in inflammation and vascular damage leading to vascular diseases. We have identified 5-methoxytryptophan (5-MTP) as an anti-inflammatory factor by metabolomic analysis of conditioned medium of human fibroblasts. Here we postulated that endothelial cells release 5-MTP to protect the barrier function. Conditioned medium of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) prevented endothelial hyperpermeability and VE-cadherin downregulation induced by VEGF, LPS and cytokines. We analyzed the metabolomic profile of HUVEC conditioned medium and detected 5-MTP but not melatonin, serotonin or their catabolites, which was confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Addition of synthetic pure 5-MTP preserved VE-cadherin and maintained barrier function despite challenge with pro-inflammatory mediators. Tryptophan hydroxylase-1, an enzyme required for 5-MTP biosynthesis, was downregulated in HUVECs by pro-inflammatory mediators and it was accompanied by reduction of 5-MTP. 5-MTP protected VE-cadherin and prevented endothelial hyperpermeability by blocking p38 MAPK activation. A chemical inhibitor of p38 MAPK, SB202190, exhibited a similar protective effect as 5-MTP. To determine whether 5-MTP prevents vascular hyperpermeability in vivo, we evaluated the effect of 5-MTP administration on LPS-induced murine microvascular permeability with Evans blue. 5-MTP significantly prevented Evans blue dye leakage. Our findings indicate that 5-MTP is a new class of endothelium-derived molecules which protects endothelial barrier function by blocking p38 MAPK.  相似文献   

During oocyte maturation, the cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) expand dramatically. This phenomenon, which is known as cumulus expansion, is the result of the synthesis and accumulation of hyaluronan in the extracellular space between cumulus cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 6-diazo-5-oxo-l-norleucine (DON), an inhibitor of hyaluronan synthesis, on cumulus expansion during in vitro porcine oocyte maturation and hyaluronan accumulation within COCs. Further, this study aimed to examine the influence of hyaluronan accumulation within COCs on the rate of oocyte maturation. Cumulus expansion was observed during in vitro maturation. However, the addition of DON to the maturation medium significantly inhibited cumulus expansion. The total inhibition of hyaluronan accumulation within COCs was observed with the use of confocal microscopy. Moreover, a positive correlation between the area of cumulus expansion and the rate of oocyte maturation was observed. These results demonstrate that the hyaluronan accumulation within the COCs during oocyte maturation affects oocyte maturation. On the basis of these results, we propose that hyaluronan accumulation within the COCs during cumulus expansion is a necessary step in the porcine oocyte maturation process.  相似文献   

Histone deacetylases (HDACs) are involved in a wide array of biological processes. However, the role of HDAC3 in porcine oocytes remains unclear. In the current study, we examine the effects of HDAC3 inhibition on porcine oocyte maturation using RGFP966, a selective HDAC3 inhibitor. We find that suppression of HDAC3 activity prevents not only the expansion of cumulus cells but also the meiotic progression of oocytes. It is interesting to note that HDAC3 displays a spindle-like distribution pattern as the porcine oocytes enter meiosis. In line with this, confocal microscopy reveals the high frequency of spindle defects and chromosomal congression failure in metaphase oocytes exposed to RGFP966. Moreover, HDAC3 inhibition results in the hyperacetylation of α-tubulin during oocyte meiosis. These findings indicate that HDAC3 activity might control the microtubule stability via the deacetylation of tubulin, which is critical for maintaining the proper spindle assembly, accurate chromosome separation, and orderly meiotic progression during porcine oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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