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Regeneration of rat fast (gastrocnemius medialis) and slow (soleus) muscles was examined after degeneration of myofibers had been achieved by injection of cardiotoxin into the hindleg during the first week after birth. Myogenesis in the regenerating muscles was compared to postnatal myogenesis in the contralateral and in control muscles. Synthesis of embryonic and neonatal myosin isoforms was initiated 3 days after injury. These forms were gradually replaced by the intermediate and fast adult isoforms (type II fiber myosins), whose synthesis followed the same curve in regenerating, contralateral, and control muscles. In contrast, synthesis of the slow myosin isoform (type I fiber myosin) was greatly delayed in injured muscles, but eventually became equal to its synthesis in contralateral and control muscles. It therefore appears that synthesis of type II fiber myosins is similarly regulated, probably by thyroid hormone, in developing regenerating and normal muscles, while synthesis of type I fiber myosin depends on other factor(s).  相似文献   

Abstract. Myosin isozymes from the slow soleus and fast EDL muscles of the rat hindlimb were analyzed by pyrophosphate gel electrophoresis, by peptide mapping of heavy chains, and by antibody staining. At the earliest stage examined, 20 days gestation, distinctions between the developing fast and slow muscles were seen by all these criteria; all fibers in the distal hindlimb reacted strongly with antibody to adult fast myosin. Some fibers also reacted with antibody to adult slow myosin; these fibers had a precise, axial distribution in the hindlimb. This pattern of staining which includes the entire soleus, foreshadows the adult distribution of slow fibers and may indicate that the specific pattern of innervation of the limb is already determined. In the early developing soleus there are four fetal and neonatal isozymes plus two isozymes present in equal proportions in the 'slow' area of the pyrophosphate gel. The mobility of these two slow isozymes decreases with maturity and the slowest moving isozyme gradually becomes the dominant species. Thus early diversity between the soleus and EDL is expressed by myosins which are distinct from the mature isozymes. The relative proportion of slow isozymes significantly increases with development and as this occurs the fetal and neonatal isozymes are progressively eliminated. Transiently at least one mature fast isozyme appears in the soleus. This is present at 15 days postpartum and probably correlates with the population of fast, type II fibers, which comprise 50% of this muscle cell population at 15 days. The EDL contained three fetal and neonatal isozymes and only one slow isozyme which does not change in mobility with age. Slow isozymes in the soleus and EDL are thus not identical. Each muscle underwent a unique series of changes until the adult pattern of isozymes and heavy chains was reached about one month postpartum.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of myosin light chains and tropomyosin subunits during chick embryonic development of the anterior (ALD) and posterior (PLD) parts of the latissimus dorsi muscles. As early as day 8 in ovo, both muscles accumulate a common set of myosin light chains (LC) in similar ratios (LC1F: 55 per cent; LC2S: 25 per cent; LC2F: 12 per cent; LC1S: 8 per cent) and a common set of tropomyosin (TM) subunits (beta 2, beta 1, alpha 2F). Later during development, the slow components of the LC regularly disappear in the PLD and the fast components of the LC and the alpha 2FTM disappear in the ALD, so that the adult pattern is almost established at the time of hatching. Thus, early in development, the two muscles accumulate a common set of fast and slow myosin light chains and fast tropomyosin and some isoforms are repressed at a later stage during development. These data might suggest that during development, the regulatory mechanisms of muscle specific isoform expression differ from one contractile protein to another.  相似文献   

We investigated the expression of myosin light chains and tropomyosin subunits during chick embryonic development of the anterior (ALD) and posterior (PLD) parts of the latissimus dorsi muscles. As early as day 8 in ovo, both muscles accumulate a common set of myosin light chains (LC) in similar ratios (LC1F : 55 per cent; LC2S : 25 per cent; LC2F : 12 per cent ; LC1S : 8 per cent) and a common set of tropomyosin (TM) subunits (β2, β1, α2F).Later during development, the slow components of the LC regularly disappear in the PLD and the fast components of the LC and the α2FTM disappear in the ALD, so that the adult pattern is almost established at the time of hatching.Thus, early in development, the two muscles accumulate a common set of fast and slow myosin light chains and fast tropomyosin and some isoforms are repressed at a later stage during development. These data might suggest that during development, the regulatory mechanisms of muscle specific isoform expression differ from one contractile protein to another.  相似文献   

To investigate the plasticityof slow and fast muscles undergoing slow-to-fast transition, rat soleus(SOL), gastrocnemius (GAS), and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscleswere exposed for 14 days to 1) unweighting by hindlimbsuspension (HU), or 2) treatment with the2-adrenergic agonist clenbuterol (CB), or 3)a combination of both (HU-CB). In general, HU elicited atrophy, CBinduced hypertrophy, and HU-CB partially counteracted the HU-induced atrophy. Analyses of myosin heavy (MHC) and light chain (MLC) isoformsrevealed HU- and CB-induced slow-to-fast transitions in SOL (increasesof MHCIIa with small amounts of MHCIId and MHCIIb) and theupregulation of the slow MHCIa isoform. The HU- and CB-induced changesin GAS consisted of increases in MHCIId and MHCIIb("fast-to-faster transitions"). Changes in the MLC composition ofSOL and GAS consisted of slow-to-fast transitions and mainlyencompassed an exchange of MLC1s with MLC1f. In addition, MLC3f waselevated whenever MHCIId and MHCIIb isoforms were increased. Becausethe EDL is predominantly composed of type IID and IIB fibers, HU, CB,and HU-CB had no significant effect on the MHC and MLC patterns.


The myosin heavy chain (MHC) was studied by biochemical methods in the slow-twitch (soleus) and two fast-twitch leg muscles of the triiodothyronine treated (hyperthyroid), thyroidectomized (hypothyroid) and euthyroid (control) rats. The changes in the contents of individual MHC isoforms(MHC-1, MHC-2A, MHC-2B and MHC-2X) were evaluated in relation to the muscle mass and the total MHC content. The MHC-1 content decreased in hyperthyreosis, while it increased in hypothyreosis in the soleus and in the fast muscles. The MHC-2A content increased in hyperthyreosis and it decreased in hypothyreosis in the soleus muscle. In the fast muscles hyperthyreosis did not affect the MHC-2A content, whereas hypothyreosis caused an increase in this MHC isoform content. The MHC-2X, present only in traces or undetected in the control soleus muscle, was synthesised in considerable amount in hyperthyreosis; in hypothyreosis the MHC-2X was not detected in the soleus. In the fast muscles the content of MHC-2X was not affected by any changes in the thyroid hormone level. The MHC-2B seemed to be not influenced by hyperthyreosis in the fast muscles, whereas the hypothyreosis caused a decrease of its content. In the soleus muscle the MHC-2B was not detected in any groups of rats. The results suggest that the amount of each of the four MHC isoforms expressed in the mature rat leg muscles is influenced by the thyroid hormone in a different way. The MHC-2A and the MHC-2X are differently regulated in the soleus and in the fast muscles; thyroid hormone seems to be necessary for expression of those isoforms in the soleus muscle.  相似文献   

The program of acquisition of adult metabolic phenotypes was studied in three jaw muscles in order to determine the link between muscle metabolism and functional development. During early postnatal stages, there were similar transitions in the masseter, anterior digastric, and internal pterygoid muscles with respect to fiber growth, fiber type composition, and whole muscle energy metabolism. Oxidative capacity, as judged by the activities of the enzymes succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), and beta-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase (beta OAC), rose sharply after birth to reach near maximal levels by 3 weeks. The capacities for glycolytic metabolism represented by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), and for high-energy phosphate metabolism represented by adenylokinase (AK) and creatine kinase (CK) activities, rose gradually, not reaching peak values until 6 weeks or later. Thus, the maturation of oxidative metabolism preceded that of glycolytic metabolism in the developing jaw muscles. This was documented for individual fibers in the masseter muscle. Differential metabolic maturation among the jaw muscles was evident beyond 3 weeks. All three jaw muscles attained their specific adult fiber-type profile by about 6 weeks. This maturation program differed from that of hindlimb muscles [Nemeth et al., J Neurosci 9:2336-2343, 1989] and diaphragm muscle [Kelly et al., J Neurosci 11:1231-1242, 1991], reflecting their differential energy demands for contractile performance.  相似文献   

Using a computer graphics approach, the last contractile responses (LCRN, where N is a number of elementary contractile responses in tetanus) were separated from integral tetanic responses of rat fast muscles, m. Eхtensor digitorum longus (m. EDL), and slow muscles, m. Soleus, evoked by trains of 5, 10 and 50 stimuli. In m. Soleus, at a stimulation frequency of 20 Hz, the LCR5 average amplitude decreased to 64 ± 9% compared to the single contraction amplitude. As N increased, LCRN recovered and then rose to the values exceeding almost twofold initial elementary contractile responses (up to 211 ± 10% for LCR50). Simultaneously, against the background of rising elementary contractile responses, a significant shortening of their half-decay time (~by 50%) and the formation of a stationary plateau within LCRN was observed. In m. EDL, at a stimulation frequency of 50 Hz, there was only a single-phase LCRN rise (up to 165 ± 18% for LCR50) without changes in half-decay time and plateau formation. In skeletal muscles of both types, the prolonged (up to 30 s) ‘hyper-relaxation effect’ was found to develop after the end of tetanic responses manifested as a reduction of muscle tension followed by its recovery to the initial level. Possible mechanisms of these events are discussed. It is hypothesized that transformation of elementary contractile responses in skeletal muscles can be fulfilled due to the existence of specialized microdomains in muscle fibers which regulate accumulation and extrusion of Ca2+ ions during tetanic activity. The possibility that the basic, depolarization-induced, Ca2+ release (DICR) is complemented by an additional, Ca2+-induced, Ca2+release (CIRC) is analyzed.  相似文献   

ATPase (Ca2+ and K+ activated) activity of myosin prepared from muscles of 3–4 week rabbit embryos (EM) is slighly lower than that of adult fast muscle myosin (FM), but in contrast to the less active adult slow muscle myosin (SM) is stable on exposure to pH 9.2. Studies of the time course, by means of Na dodecyl-SO4 polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, of changes in the pattern of polypeptides released by tryptic digestion show that in this regard EM is closest to SM. The light chain complement of EM appears identical with that of FM rather than of SM or cardiac myosin (CM) by the criteria of coelectrophoresis and removal by 5,5′-dithio-2-dinitrobenzoate treatment of LC2 except that the relative amount of LC3 is less in EM than in FM. The staining pattern of light meromyosin (EMM) paracrystals prepared from EM is distinct from either the FM, SM or CM LMM staining pattern. These studies suggest that different genes are involved in the coding for embryonic and adult heavy chains.  相似文献   

The activities of five enzymes have been studied quantitatively in denervated extensor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of 24-month-old rats. The results have been compared with those obtained from normal muscles of a similar age group of rats. Three weeks after denervation, the activity of hexokinase was increased in gastrocnemius and extensor digitorum longus. Phosphofructokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase showed decreased activities. These results suggest that enzyme which represents glucose uptake increased its activity in fast muscles and that enzymes for anaerobic glycolysis, lactate fermentation, citric acid cycle and beta-oxidation had a decreased activity in slow and fast muscles.  相似文献   

The histochemical ATPase activity and the myosin light chains of a rat fast muscle (extensor digitorum longus, EDL) and a rat slow muscle (soleus) during development have been investigated. Both muscles initially synthesize fast myosin light chains and show the intense histochemical ATPase activity characteristic of adult fast muscle fibers. After birth, the soleus begins to accumulate slow fibers with their characteristic low histochemical ATPase activity, and slow myosin light chains begin to appear. Sciatic neurectomy prevents the development of slow fibers and the synthesis of slow myosin light chains in the soleus, while the EDL is unaffected. Similarly, cordotomy of an adult rat results, in the soleus, in the appearance of fibers with more intense staining for ATPase and an increase in fast myosin light chains. The EDL is unchanged by cordotomy. As a result, we suggest that slow muscle development, but not fast muscle development, is dependent upon the functional activity of the nervous system.  相似文献   

1. Regulation of glucose uptake was compared between extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus (Sol) muscles in rats. 2. Insulin stimulated glucose uptake more in EDL than in Sol. 3. Under high concentrations of insulin, the glucose uptake was higher in EDL than Sol. 4. Inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation by anoxia or an uncoupler stimulated glucose uptake more in EDL than in Sol. 5. Anoxia abolished the effect of insulin on glucose uptake in both EDL and Sol. 6. The blocker to glucose transport system reduced glucose uptake more in Sol than in EDL.  相似文献   

In the course of muscle differentiation, changes in fibre-type population and in myosin composition occur. In this work, the expression of native myosin isoforms in developing fast-twitch (posterior latissimus dorsi; PLD) and slow-tonic (anterior latissimus dorsi; ALD) muscles of the chick was examined using electrophoresis under nondissociating conditions. The major isomyosin of 11-day-old embryonic PLD comigrated with the adult fast myosin FM3. Two additional components indistinguishable from adult fast FM2 and FM1 isomyosins appeared successively during the embryonic development. The relative proportion of these latter isoforms increased with age, and the adult pattern was established by the end of the 1st month after hatching. Between day 11 and day 16 of embryonic development, PLD muscle fibres also contained small amounts of slow isomyosins SM1 and SM2. This synthesis of slow isoforms may be related to the presence of slow fibres within the muscle. At all embryonic and posthatch stages, ALD was composed essentially of slow isomyosins that comigrated with the two slow components SM1 and SM2 identified in adult. Several studies have reported that the SM1:SM2 ratio decreases progressively throughout embryonic and posthatching development, SM2 being predominant in the adult. In contrast, we observed a transient increase in SM1:SM2 ratio at the end of embryonic life. This could reflect a transitional neonatal stage in myosin expression. In addition, the presence in trace amounts of fast isomyosins in developing ALD muscle could be related to the presence of a population of fast fibres within this muscle.  相似文献   

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