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The thyroid hormone receptor alpha1 (TRalpha) exhibits a dual role as an activator or repressor of its target genes in response to thyroid hormone (T(3)). Previously, we have shown that TRalpha, formerly thought to reside solely in the nucleus bound to DNA, actually shuttles rapidly between the nucleus and cytoplasm. An important aspect of the shuttling activity of TRalpha is its ability to exit the nucleus through the nuclear pore complex. TRalpha export is not sensitive to treatment with the CRM1-specific inhibitor leptomycin B (LMB) in heterokaryon assays, suggesting a role for an export receptor other than CRM1. Here, we have used a combined approach of in vivo fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments, in vitro permeabilized cell nuclear export assays, and glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays to investigate the export pathway used by TRalpha. We show that, in addition to shuttling in heterokaryons, TRalpha shuttles rapidly in an unfused monokaryon system as well. Furthermore, our data show that TRalpha directly interacts with calreticulin, and point to the intriguing possibility that TRalpha follows a cooperative export pathway in which both calreticulin and CRM1 play a role in facilitating efficient translocation of TRalpha from the nucleus to cytoplasm.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone receptor (TR) recruits the nuclear corepressors, nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR) and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT), to target DNA elements in the absence of ligand. While the TR preferentially recruits NCoR, the mechanism remains unclear. The corepressors interact with the TR via interacting domains (IDs) present in their C terminus which contain a conserved motif termed a CoRNR box. Despite their similarity, the corepressor IDs allow for nuclear receptor specificity. Here we demonstrate that NCoR stabilizes the TR homodimer when bound to DNA by preventing its dissociation from thyroid hormone response elements. This suggests that NCoR acts to hold the repression complex in place on target elements. The TR homodimer recruits NCoR through two of its three IDs, one of which is not present in SMRT. This unique ID, N3, contains a CoRNR box but lacks the extended helical motif present in each of the other IDs. Instead, N3 contains an isoleucine just proximal to this motif. This isoleucine is also conserved in N2 but not in the corresponding S2 domain in SMRT. On thyroid hormone response elements and in mammalian cells this residue is critical in both N3 and N2 for high-affinity TR binding. In addition, this residue also controls specificity for the interactions of TR with NCoR. Together these data suggest that the specific recruitment of NCoR by the TR through a unique motif allows for stabilization of the repression complex on target elements.  相似文献   

The structural characterization of peptide hormones and their interaction with G-protein (guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein) coupled receptors by high-resolution nmr is described. The general approaches utilized can be categorized into three different classes based on their target: the ligand, the receptor, and the ligand/receptor complex. Examples of these different approaches, aimed at facilitating the rational design of peptides and peptidomimetics with improved pharmacological profiles, based on work carried out in our own laboratory, are given. In the ligand-based approach, the high-resolution structures of bradykinin analogues allowing for the development of a structure-activity relationship for activation of the B1 receptor are described. Studies targeting the receptor are to a large extent theoretical, based on computational molecular modeling. However, experimentally based structural features provided by high-resolution nmr can be used to great advantage, providing insight into the mechanism of receptor function, as illustrated here with results from parathyroid hormone. A similar combination of theoretical methods, supplemented by high-resolution structures from nmr has been utilized to probe the formation and stabilization of the ligand/receptor complex both for parathyroid hormone and cholecystokinin. In each of these three approaches, the importance of well-designed peptide mimetics and accurate structural analysis by high-resolution nmr, will be highlighted.  相似文献   

After an injury, keratinocytes acquire the plasticity necessary for the reepithelialization of the wound. Here, we identify a novel pathway by which a nuclear hormone receptor, until now better known for its metabolic functions, potentiates cell migration. We show that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) enhances two phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent pathways, namely, the Akt and the Rho-GTPase pathways. This PPARbeta/delta activity amplifies the response of keratinocytes to a chemotactic signal, promotes integrin recycling and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton, and thereby favors cell migration. Using three-dimensional wound reconstructions, we demonstrate that these defects have a strong impact on in vivo skin healing, since PPARbeta/delta-/- mice show an unexpected and rare epithelialization phenotype. Our findings demonstrate that nuclear hormone receptors not only regulate intercellular communication at the organism level but also participate in cell responses to a chemotactic signal. The implications of our findings may be far-reaching, considering that the mechanisms described here are important in many physiological and pathological situations.  相似文献   

Rifamycin AF/013, a potent inhibitor of nucleic acid polymerizing enzymes and of some hormone receptors, strongly inhibited thyroid hormone-binding to the isolated nuclear receptor. Fifty percent inhibition was obtained at AF/013 concentration of as low as 8 micrograms/ml. AF/013, however, only weakly promoted dissociation of the bound hormone from the receptor. The inhibitory action of AF/013 was competitive with respect to and reduced the receptor's affinity for the hormone.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms governing the regulation of nuclear receptor (NR) function, we compared the parameters of activation and repression of two isoforms of the orphan receptor hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 4alpha. HNF4alpha7 and HNF4alpha1 differ only in their N-terminal domains, and their expression in the liver is regulated developmentally. We show that the N-terminal activation function (AF)-1 of HNF4alpha1 possesses significant activity that can be enhanced through interaction with glucocorticoid receptor-interacting protein 1 (GRIP-1) and cAMP response element-binding protein-binding protein (CBP). In striking contrast, HNF4alpha7 possesses no measurable AF-1, implying major functional differences between the isoforms. Indeed, although HNF4alpha1 and HNF4alpha7 are able to interact via AF-2 with GRIP-1, p300, and silencing mediator for retinoid and thyroid receptors (SMRT), only HNF4alpha1 interacts in a synergistic fashion with GRIP-1 and p300. Although both isoforms interact physically and functionally with SMRT, the repression of HNF4alpha7 is less robust than that of HNF4alpha1, which may be caused by an increased ability of the latter to recruit histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity to target promoters. Moreover, association of SMRT with HDACs enhanced recruitment of HNF4alpha1 but not of HNF4alpha7. These observations suggest that NR isoform-specific association with SMRT could affect activity of the SMRT complex, implying that selection of HDAC partners is a novel point of regulation for NR activity. Possible physiological consequences of the multiple interactions with these coregulators are discussed.  相似文献   

Aims Species-rich plant communities are hypothesized to be more resistant against plant invasions because they use resources in a more efficient way. However, the relative contributions of aboveground competition and belowground interactions for invasion resistance are still poorly understood.Methods We compared the performance of Knautia arvensis transplants growing in plots differing in plant diversity both under full competition and with shoots of neighbors tied back to determine the relative strength of aboveground competition in suppressing this test invader without the confounding effect of shading. In addition, we assessed the effects of belowground competition and soil-borne pathogens on transplant performance.Important findings Both aboveground competition and plant species richness strongly and independently affected invader performance. Aboveground biomass, height, leaf mass per area and flowering of transplanted individuals of K. arvensis decreased with increasing species richness of the host community. Species-rich and species-poor communities both imposed equally strong aboveground competition on K. arvensis. However, belowground interactions (especially belowground root competition) had strong negative effects on transplant performance. In addition, the presence of grasses in a plant community further reduced the performance of K. arvensis. Our results suggest that belowground competition can render species-rich host communities more suppressive to newly arriving species, thus enhancing community invasion resistance.  相似文献   

Statistics provided by GLOBOCAN list gastric cancer as the sixth most common, with a mortality ranking of third highest for the year 2020. In China, a herb called Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) H.Hara, has been used by local residents for the treatment of digestive tract cancer for hundreds of years. Oridonin, the main ingredient of the herb, has a curative effect for gastric cancer, but the mechanism has not been previously clarified. This study mainly aimed to investigate the role of TNF-alpha/Androgen receptor/TGF-beta signalling pathway axis in mediating the proliferation inhibition of oridonin on gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells. MTT assay, cell morphology observation assay and fluorescence assay were adopted to study the efficacy of oridonin on cell proliferation. The network pharmacology was used to predict the pathway axis regulated by oridonin. Western blot assay was adopted to verify the TNF-α/Androgen receptor/TGF-β signalling pathway axis regulation on gastric cancer by oridonin. The results showed Oridonin could inhibit the proliferation of gastric cancer cells, change cell morphology and cause cell nuclear fragmentation. A total of 11signaling pathways were annotated by the network pharmacology, among them, Tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) signalling pathway, androgen receptor (AR) signalling pathway and transforming growth factor (TGF-β) signalling pathway account for the largest proportion. Oridonin can regulate the protein expression of the three signalling pathways, which is consistent with the results predicted by network pharmacology. These findings indicated that oridonin can inhibit the proliferation of gastric cancer SGC-7901 cells by regulating the TNF-α /AR /TGF-β signalling pathway axis.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) belong to the nuclear receptor superfamily. PPAR-alpha is involved in wound healing, stimulation of lipid and folic acid catabolism, inflammation control, inhibition of ureagenesis and peroxisome proliferation. The PPARgamma/delta is involved wound healing, cell proliferation, embryo implantation, adipocyte differentiation, myelination alteration and apoptosis. The PPARgamma is involved in fat, lipid and calorie utilization, sugar control, inflammation control and macrophage (MQ) matutation. Homocysteine (Hcy) binds to nuclear peroxisome proliferator activated receptor. Increase in PPAR expression decreases the level of nitrotyrosine and increases endothelial nitric oxide concentration, decreases metalloproteinase activity and expression as well as elastinolysis and reverses Hcy-mediated vascular dysfunction. The PPARgamma initially recognized as a regulator of adipocyte development has become a potential therapeutic target for the treatment of diverse disorders. In addition, the activation of PPARgamma receptor ameliorates neurodegenerative disease. This review focuses on the recent knowledge of PPARgamma in neuroprotection and deals with the mechanism of neuroprotection of central nervous system disorder by PPARgamma.  相似文献   

Human mammary cancer cell mutants with altered hormone receptor activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have recently isolated retinoic acid-resistant clones U-2 and U-3 from human breast cancer cell line MCF-7 (Ueda et al. (1985) Cancer Res. 45, 3332-3338). Growth of MCF-7 cells was found to be stimulated by estradiol but that of U-2 or U-3 was not. Cytosol from U-2 or U-3 cells contained no detectable estradiol receptor activity, whereas that from the parental MCF-7 cells showed estradiol receptor activity of 32 fmol/mg cytosol protein with a Kd of 2.6 X 10(-10) M by Scatchard analysis. Sucrose gradient centrifugation analysis of the cytosol fraction confirmed the presence of estradiol receptor activity in MCF-7 but not in U-2. Cytosol from MCF-7 and U-2 cells showed progesterone receptor activities of 106 fmol/mg protein with a Kd of 7.4 X 10(-10) M and 13 fmol/mg protein with a Kd of 9.9 X 10(-10) M, respectively. Addition of estradiol to the culture medium of the cells increased the level of progesterone receptor about 2-fold in MCF-7, but not in U-2. U-2 or U-3 cells showed about 5-fold higher resistance to an antiestrogen, tamoxifen, than MCF-7, and they were also 300- to 1,000-fold more resistant to other antiestrogens, epitiostanol and medroxyprogesterone, than MCF-7. The altered cellular sensitivity of U-2 or U-3 to the hormone antagonists is discussed in relation to the absence or presence of hormone receptors.  相似文献   

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