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Members of the evolutionary conserved Oxa1/Alb3/YidC family have been shown to play an important role in membrane protein insertion, folding and/or assembly. Bacillus subtilis contains two YidC-like proteins, denoted as SpoIIIJ and YqjG. SpoIIIJ and YqjG are largely exchangeable, but SpoIIIJ is essential for spore formation and YqjG cannot complement this activity. To elucidate the role of YqjG, we determined the membrane proteome and functional aspects of B. subtilis cells devoid of SpoIIIJ, YqjG or both. The data show that SpoIIIJ and YqjG have complementary functions in membrane protein insertion and assembly. The reduced levels of F(1)F(O) ATP synthase in cells devoid of both SpoIIIJ and YqjG are due to a defective assembly of the F(1)-domain onto the F(0)-domain. Importantly, for the first time, a specific function is demonstrated for YqjG in genetic competence development.  相似文献   

The acquisition of genetic competence by Bacillus subtilis is repressed when the growth medium contains Casamino Acids. This repression was shown to be exerted at the level of expression from the promoters of the competence-regulatory genes srfA and comK and was relieved in strains carrying a null mutation in the codY gene. DNase I footprinting experiments showed that purified CodY binds directly to the srfA and comK promoter regions.  相似文献   

In competent Bacillus subtilis, the ComG proteins are required to allow exogenous DNA to access to membrane-bound receptor ComEA during transformation. Here we describe a multimeric complex containing the pilin-like protein ComGC. Due to similarities to the type 4 pilus and the type 2 secretion system pseudopilus, we have tentatively named it the "competence pseudopilus." The ComGC multimer is released from cells upon digestion of the cell wall with lysozyme and has a heterogeneous size, estimated to range between 40 and 100 monomers, covalently linked by disulfide bonds. We determined that the prepilin peptidase ComC, the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase pair BdbDC, and all seven ComG proteins are necessary to form the pseudopilus. Furthermore, these proteins are also sufficient to form a functional complex, i.e. able to facilitate binding of exogenous DNA to ComEA. The initial steps of pseudopilus biogenesis include the processing of ComGC in the cytoplasmic membrane and consist of two independent events, proteolytic cleavage by ComC and formation of an intramolecular disulfide bond by BdbDC. The other ComG proteins are required to assemble the mature ComGC monomers in the membrane into a multimeric complex proposed to span the cell envelope. We discuss the possible role of the competence pseudopilus in DNA binding and uptake during transformation.  相似文献   

Signal peptides direct the export of secretory proteins from the cytoplasm. After processing by signal peptidase, they are degraded in the membrane and cytoplasm. The resulting fragments can have signaling functions. These observations suggest important roles for signal peptide peptidases. The present studies show that the Gram-positive eubacterium Bacillus subtilis contains two genes for proteins, denoted SppA and TepA, with similarity to the signal peptide peptidase A of Escherichia coli. Notably, TepA also shows similarity to ClpP proteases. SppA of B. subtilis was only required for efficient processing of pre-proteins under conditions of hyper-secretion. In contrast, TepA depletion had a strong effect on pre-protein translocation across the membrane and subsequent processing, not only under conditions of hyper-secretion. Unlike SppA, which is a typical membrane protein, TepA appears to have a cytosolic localization, which is consistent with the observation that TepA is involved in early stages of the secretion process. Our observations demonstrate that SppA and TepA have a role in protein secretion in B. subtilis. Based on their similarity to known proteases, it seems likely that SppA and TepA are specifically required for the degradation of proteins or (signal) peptides that are inhibitory to protein translocation.  相似文献   

The chemotaxis machinery of Bacillus subtilis is similar to that of the well characterized system of Escherichia coli. However, B. subtilis contains several chemotaxis genes not found in the E. coli genome, such as cheC and cheD, indicating that the B. subtilis chemotactic system is more complex. In B. subtilis, CheD is required for chemotaxis; the cheD mutant displays a tumbly phenotype, has abnormally methylated chemoreceptors, and responds poorly to most chemical stimuli. Homologs of B. subtilis CheD have been found in chemotaxis-like operons of a large number of bacteria and archaea, suggesting that CheD plays an important role in chemotactic sensory transduction for many organisms. However, the molecular function of CheD has remained unknown. In this study, we show that CheD catalyzes amide hydrolysis of specific glutaminyl side chains of the B. subtilis chemoreceptor McpA. In addition, we present evidence that CheD deamidates other B. subtilis chemoreceptors including McpB and McpC. Previously, deamidation of B. subtilis receptors was thought to be catalyzed by the CheB methylesterase, as is the case for E. coli receptors. Because cheD mutant cells do not respond to most chemoattractants, we conclude that deamidation by CheD is required for B. subtilis chemoreceptors to effectively transduce signals to the CheA kinase.  相似文献   

Spore formation in Bacillus subtilis is significantly impaired by the deletion of the gene for tmRNA ( ssrA ), which facilitates the trans -translation reaction that rescues stalled ribosomes and degrades incompletely synthesized peptides. Microscopic analysis revealed that the sporulation of most Δ ssrA cells is blocked after forespore formation. Expression analysis of lacZ -fused genes directed by several RNA polymerase σ factors showed that the synthesis of active σK, encoded by the sigK gene, is predominantly inhibited in Δ ssrA cells. The defect in σK synthesis is attributable to a defect in the skin element excision, which generates the sigK gene, caused in turn by reduced expression of SpoIVCA (recombinase) in Δ ssrA cells.  相似文献   

The competence-related phenotypes of mutations in each of the four open reading frames associated with the comE locus of Bacillus subtilis are described. comEA and comEC are required for transformability, whereas the products of comEB and of the overlapping comER, which is transcribed in the reverse direction, are dispensable. Loss of the comEA product decreases the binding of DNA to the competent cell surface and the internalization of DNA, in addition to exhibiting a profound effect on transformability. The comEC product is required for internalization but is dispensable for DNA binding. ComEA is shown to be an integral membrane protein, as predicted from hydropathy analysis, with its C-terminal domain outside the cytoplasmic membrane. This C-terminal domain possesses a sequence with similarity to those of several proteins known to be involved in nucleic acid transactions including UvrC and a human protein that binds to the replication origin of the Epstein-Barr virus.  相似文献   

Many bacteria take up DNA from their environment as part of the process of natural transformation. DNA uptake allows microorganisms to gain genetic diversity and can lead to the spread of antibiotic resistance or virulence genes within a microbial population. Development of genetic competence (Com) in Bacillus subtilis is a highly regulated process that culminates in expression of several late competence genes and formation of the DNA uptake apparatus. The late competence operon comF encodes a small protein of unknown function, ComFB. To gain insight into the function of ComFB, we determined its 3D structure via X-ray crystallography. ComFB is a dimer and each subunit consists of four α-helices connected by short loops and one extended β-strand-like stretch. Each subunit contains one zinc-binding site formed by four cysteines, which are unusually spaced in the primary sequence. Using structure- and bioinformatics-guided substitutions we analyzed the inter-subunit interface of the ComFB dimer. Based on these analyses, we conclude that ComFB is an obligate dimer. We also characterized ComFB in vivo and found that this protein is produced in competent cells and is localized to the cytosol. Consistent with previous reports, we showed that deletion of ComFB does not affect DNA uptake function. Combining our results, we conclude that ComFB is unlikely to be a part of the DNA uptake machinery under tested conditions and instead may have a regulatory function.  相似文献   

We have re-examined the roles of nucA and nin, in the transformation of Bacillus subtilis as conflicting accounts have been presented concerning the importance of these genes for transformation. The present report demonstrates that nucA deficiency lowers the rate of DNA transport and that NucA is needed for the double-strand cleavage of transforming DNA, probably acting directly as an endonuclease. A relative paucity of DNA termini, resulting from the absence of this endonuclease activity, most probably accounts for the decreased transport rate. NucA is a bitopic integral membrane protein, with its C-terminus external to the membrane where it is appropriately located to effect the cleavage of bound transforming DNA. We have also investigated the roles of the known competence genes in the DNA processing that accompanies transformation in B. subtilis. The genes that are required for DNA transport (comEA, comEC and comFA) are also required for the degradation of the non-transforming strand that accompanies internalization, but comEC and comFA are not needed for the double-strand cleavage that occurs external to the cell membrane.  相似文献   

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