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This study examined the effect of mild hypobaria (MH) on the peak oxygen consumption (O2peak) and performance of ten trained male athletes [ (SEM); O2peak = 72.4 (2.2) ml · kg−1 · min−1] and ten trained female athletes [O2peak = 60.8 (2.1) ml · kg−1 · min−1]. Subjects performed 5-min maximal work tests on a cycle ergometer within a hypobaric chamber at both normobaria (N, 99.33 kPa) and at MH (92.66 kPa), using a counter-balanced design. MH was equivalent to 580 m altitude. O2peak at MH decreased significantly compared with N in both men [− 5.9 (0.9)%] and women [− 3.7 (1.0)%]. Performance (total kJ) at MH was also reduced significantly in men [− 3.6 (0.8)%] and women [− 3.8 (1.2)%]. Arterial oxyhaemoglobin saturation (SaO2) at O2peak was significantly lower at MH compared with N in both men [90.1 (0.6)% versus 92.0 (0.6)%] and women [89.7 (3.1)% versus 92.1 (3.0)%]. While SaO2 at O2peak was not different between men and women, it was concluded that relative, rather than absolute, O2peak may be a more appropriate predictor of exercise-induced hypoxaemia. For men and women, it was calculated that 67–76% of the decrease in O2peak could be accounted for by a decrease in O2 delivery, which indicates that reduced O2 tension at mild altitude (580 m) leads to impairment of exercise performance in a maximal work bout lasting ≈ 5 min. Accepted: 30 July 1996  相似文献   

 To investigate the role of fluid shifts during the short-term adjustment to acute hypobaric hypoxia (AHH), the changes in lower limb (LV) and forearm volumes (FV) were measured using a strain-gauge plethysmograph technique in ten healthy volunteers exposed to different altitudes (450 m, 2500 m, 3500 m, 4500 m) in a hypobaric chamber. Arterial blood pressure, heart rate, arterial oxygen saturation (S aO2), endtidal gases, minute ventilation and urine flow were also determined. A control experiment was performed with an analogous protocol under normobaric normoxic conditions. The results showed mean decreases both in LV and FV of −0.52 (SD 0.39) ml · 100 ml−1 and −0.65 (SD 0.32) ml · 100 ml−1, respectively, in the hypoxia experiments [controls: LV −0.28 (SD 0.37), FV −0.41 (SD 0.47) ml · 100 ml−1]. Descent to normoxia resulted in further small but not significant decreases in mean LV [−0.02 (SD 0.11) ml · 100 ml−1], whereas mean FV tended to increase slightly [ + 0.02 (SD 0.14) ml · 100 ml−1]; in the control experiments mean LV and FV decreased continuously during the corresponding times [−0.19 (SD 0.31), −0.18 (SD 0.10) ml · 100 ml−1, respectively]. During the whole AHH, mean urine flow increased significantly from 0.84 (SD 0.41) ml · min−1 to 3.29 (SD 1.43) ml · min−1 in contrast to the control conditions. We concluded that peripheral fluid volume shifts form a part of the hypoxia-induced acute cardiovascular changes at high altitude. In contrast to the often reported formation of peripheral oedema after prolonged exposure to hypobaric hypoxia, the results provided no evidence for the development of peripheral oedema during acute induction to high altitude. However, the marked increase in interindividual variance in S aO2 and urine flow points to the appearance of the first differences in the short-term adjustment even after 2 h of acute hypobaric hypoxia. Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression of the triceps brachii muscle and isoinertial, isometric and isokinetic strength indices in competitive bodybuilders (CB, n = 5), recreational resistance trainers (RT, n = 5), endurance-trained rowers (ER, n = 5) and control (C, n = 5) subjects. Muscle tissue samples were analysed for MHC isoform content using 6% sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The CB possessed significantly smaller (P < 0.05) percentage of MHC type IIb proteins [12.92 (SD 7.08)%] than RT [30.08 (SD 6.58)%] ER [31.20 (SD 2.74)%] and C [38.22 (SD 2.95)%] groups (i.e. CB < RT ≈ ER < C). While the content of MHC type IIa isoforms did not differ significantly between the two resistance-trained groups [CB = 55.76 (SD 5.38)%; RT = 45.72 (SD 7.8)%], CB presented significantly more type IIa MHC isoforms than ER [42.84 (SD 2.98)%] and C [34.72 (SD 1.57)%] subjects (i.e. CB ≈ RT > ER ≈ C). The MHC type I protein content did not differ significantly among RT [24.20 (SD 4.89)%] ER [25.38 (SD 1.67)%] and C [27.06 (SD 1.81)%] groups. The CB [31.32 (SD 2.67)%] presented significantly more type I MHC isoforms only in comparison with RT. However, when changes in the percentage of MHC type I isoforms were converted to effect sizes (ES), it appeared that low statistical power rather than the absence of an effect accounted for the nonsignificant differences between CB and other groups (i.e. CB > RT ≈ ER ≈ C). Significant differences existed in isoinertial strength among the trained athletes (i.e. CB > RT > ER ≈ C), while isometric and isokinetic strength were not significantly different among any of the trained groups. However, the ES transformation of data demonstrated that large differences existed between resistance-trained groups and ER for isometric and isokinetic strength (i.e. CB ≈ RT > ER ≈ C). A statistically significant negative correlation (P < 0.001) was found between MHC type IIb isoforms and isoinertial strength index (r = − 0.68). The MHC type IIa proteins were positively related to all the strength measures considered (r = 0.51 – 0.61; P < 0.001). These data demonstrated different patterns of MHC isoform expression among the different groups of athletes and it is suggested that these differences on occasion may affect the expression of strength. Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

Several groups of vertebrate taxa, including shorebirds, are unusual in that they produce a fixed number of offspring. The aim of this study was to examine whether the incubation capacity of western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) and semipalmated sandpipers (C. pusilla) limits their maximum clutch size to four eggs. Experimental enlargement of clutch size had no effect on rates of nest abandonment, nest attendance or loss of body mass by incubating sandpipers. The duration of incubation was significantly longer for enlarged five-egg nests, and there were trends towards increased partial clutch loss and asynchrony at hatch, but overall hatching success was unaffected by experimental egg number. I conclude that small, calidrine sandpipers with biparental care are able to compensate for an additional egg in an enlarged nestbowl, despite the constraints of conically shaped eggs and two brood patches. Possibly, shorebirds do not lay more than a fixed clutch size of four eggs because selection on factors acting during egg production or brood-rearing is more important in regulating offspring number. Received: 20 June 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

We investigated how infection by the mermithid nematode Gasteromermis sp. affected predation on its nymphal mayfly host, Baetisbicaudatus, by two invertebrate predators – the stonefly nymphs of Kogotusmodestus and the caddisfly larvae of Rhyacophilahyalinata. Predation trials and behavioral observations were conducted in stream-side, flow-through experimental chambers. When parasitized and unparasitized prey were offered in equal numbers, K. modestus consumed significantly more parasitized than unparasitized nymphs. R. hyalinata consumed equal numbers of both prey types. Behavioral observations of foraging K.␣modestus on parasitized and unparasitized prey suggested that the increased consumption of parasitized nymphs was due to differences in the behavior of infected mayflies in response to the predator. Specifically, parasitized nymphs drifted less often to escape an approaching predator (non-contact encounters) compared to unparasitized nymphs, which increased the number of contact encounters and attacks that occurred between K.␣modestus and parasitized prey. Because all hosts are castrated, these behavioral alterations affect only the fitness of the parasite, which is killed along with its host by invertebrate predation. We present a number of hypotheses to explain why the parasite causes increased predation on its host. These include the large size of the parasite affecting the sensory abilities of the host, the larger energetic costs of escape behavior for parasitized individuals, and natural selection from fish predation against drifting behavior by parasitized individuals. Received: 27 May 1996 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that changes in physiological responses during arm-cranking exercise using electrical stimulation of the leg muscles (ACE-ES) compared to arm-cranking exercise alone (ACE) in able-bodied subjects (ABS) are based on an increase in active muscle mass rather than the enhancing effect of the leg muscle pump. In ABS the sympathetic nervous system induced vasoconstriction and activity of the leg muscle pump are intact, therefore, a normal redistribution of blood takes place during exercise. Consequently, ES should have no additional effect on the redistribution of blood in these ABS during exercise and, thus, changes in physiological responses will be based on an increase in active muscle mass. A group of 11 ABS performed three maximal arm-cranking tests. In the first test peak power output (PO peak) was determined. The other tests were both submaximal and maximal ACE, once with ACE-ES and once with ACE. The PO peak was not significantly different between ACE-ES and ACE. Oxygen uptake (O2) increased significantly during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Cardiac output (), stroke volume (SV), heart rate and ventilation were not significantly different during ACE-ES compared to ACE. Respiratory exchange ratios were significantly lower during ACE-ES compared to ACE at 60% PO peak and at maximal exercise. In conclusion, ACE-ES caused significant increases in O2 with a lack of elevation in and SV during submaximal and maximal exercise in ABS. The results of this study suggest that changes in physiological responses during ACE-ES are based on an increase in the active muscle mass rather than stimulation of the leg muscle pump. Accepted: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

To assess muscle metabolism and inorganic phosphate (Pi) peak splitting during exercise, 31-phosphorus nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was performed during ramp incremental and submaximal step exercise with and without circulatory occlusion. Seven healthy men performed calf flexion in a superconducting magnet. There was no Pi splitting during ramp incremental exercise with the circulation present and phosphocreatine (PCr) decreased linearly by 0.07 (SEM 0.01) mmol · l−1 · s−1, while exercise with the circulation occluded caused the Pi peak to split into a high and a low pH peak. The rate of PCr decrease during exercise with the circulation occluded was 0.15 (SEM 0.03) mmol · l−1 · s−1 which with the efficiency of the adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis reaction corresponded well to the mechanical energy. Both with and without occlusion of the circulation PCr decreased with some time lag which may reflect the consumption of residual oxygen. In submaximal step exercise PCr decreased exponentially at the onset of exercise with the circulation open whereas it decreased linearly by 0.15␣mmol · l−1 · s−1 when the circulation was occluded. After exercise, occlusion of the circulation was maintained for 1 min more and there was no PCr resynthesis. It is suggested that ATP synthesis was limited by the availability of oxygen. Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

Ten young (aged 23–30 years) and nine older (aged 54–59 years) healthy men with a similar size of limb muscle mass performed arm crank and leg cycle exercise for 30 min at relative exercise intensities of 50% and 75% of maximal oxygen uptake for the corresponding muscle group. In the tests, heart rate, blood pressure, gas exchange variables, rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate concentration were measured. The limb muscle mass was determined by anthropometric measurements. At the 75% target exercise level, four of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the arm-cranking test, and one of the older men and two of the young men could not complete the leg-cycle test. During arm-cranking the absolute exercise intensity was similar for the young and older men because of similar maximal values during arm-cranking. But during leg-cycling the absolute excercise intensity was higher for the young men than for the older men due to the difference in corresponding maximal values. During arm-cranking there were no significant differences in the physiological responses between the age groups except that a higher ventilatory response was noted among the older compared to the young men. During leg-cycling the heart rate values were higher among the young compared to the older men. But, when the heart rate values were expressed as a percentage of maximal heart rate in the corresponding maximal tests, no significant differences between the age groups were found. The results indicated that 30-min of arm or leg exercise at the same relative submaximal excercise intensity produces a similar degree of physiological strain in healthy older compared to young men. During arm-cranking, the young and the older men exercised at the same external intensity, indicating a similar ability to perform prolonged excercise using smaller muscle groups expressed both in absolute and relative terms. Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

The effects of hydromineral hormones and catecholamines on renal concentrating ability at different hydration states were examined in five male volunteers while they performed three trials. Each of these trials comprised a 60-min exercise bout on a treadmill (at 50% of maximal oxygen uptake) in a warm environment (dry bulb temperature, 35°C; relative humidity, 20–30%). In one session, subjects were euhydrated before exercise (C). In the two other sessions, after thermal dehydration (loss of 3% body mass) which markedly reduced plasma volume (PV) and increased plasma osmolality (osmpl), the subjects exercised either not rehydrated (Dh) or rehydrated (Rh) by drinking 600 ml of mineral water before and 40 min after the onset of exercise. During exercise in the Dh compared to C state, plasma renin, aldosterone, arginine vasopressin (AVP), noradrenaline and adrenaline concentrations were increased (P < 0.05). A reduction in creatinine clearance and urine flow was also observed (P < 0.05) together with a decrease in urine osmolality, osmolar clearance and sodium excretion, while free water clearance increased (P < 0.05). However, compared to Dh, Rh partially restored PV and osmpl and induced a marked reduction in the time courses of both the plasma AVP and catecholamine responses (P < 0.05). Values for renal water and electrolyte excretion were intermediate between those of Dh and C. Plasma atrial natriuretic peptide presented similar changes whatever the hydration state. These results demonstrate that during moderate exercise in the heat, renal concentrating ability is paradoxically reduced by prior dehydration in spite of high plasma AVP levels, and might be the result of marked activation of the sympatho-adrenal system. Rehydration, by reducing this activation, could partially restore the renal concentrating ability despite the lowered plasma AVP. Accepted: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between plasma potassium ion concentration ([K+]) and skeletal muscle torque during three different 15-min recovery periods after fatigue induced by four 30-s sprints. Four males and one female completed the multiple sprint exercise on three separate days; recovery was passive, i.e. no cycling exercise (PRec), active cycling at 30% peak oxygen consumption O2peak (30% Rec) and active cycling at 60% O2peak (60% Rec). Plasma [K+] was measured from blood sampled from an antecubital vein of subjects at rest and at 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 min into each recovery. Isokinetic leg strength was measured at rest and at 1, 6, 11 and 16 min during each recovery. Following the exhaustive sprints, [K+] increased significantly from an average mean (SEM) resting value of 3.81 (0.07) mmol · l−1 to 4.48 (0.19) mmol · l−1 (P < 0.01). In all recovery conditions, plasma [K+] returned to resting levels within 3 min following the fourth sprint. However, in the two active recovery conditions plasma [K+] increased over the remainder of the recovery periods to 4.36 (0.12) mmol · l−1 in the 30% Rec condition and 4.62 (0.12) mmol · l−1 in the 60% Rec condition, the latter being significantly higher than the former (P < 0.01). The maximum torque measured following the sprints decreased significantly, on average, to 61.1 (8.36)% of peak levels (P < 0.01). After 15 min of recovery, maximum torque was highest in the 30% Rec condition at 92.13 (3.06)% of peak levels (P < 0.01), compared to 85.23 (3.64)% and 85.71 (0.82)% for the PRec and 60% Rec conditions, respectively. In contrast to the significant differences in plasma [K+] across all three recovery conditions, muscle torque recovery was significantly different in only the 30% Rec condition. In summary, recovery of peak levels of muscle torque following fatiguing exercise does not appear to follow changes in plasma [K+]. Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

Whereas with advancing age, peak heart rate (HR) and cardiac index (CI) are clearly reduced, peak stroke index (SI) may decrease, remain constant or even increase. The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of HR, SI, CI, arteriovenous difference in oxygen concentration (C a-vO2), mean arterial pressure (MAP), systemic vascular resistance index (SVRI), stroke work index (SWI) and mean systolic ejection rate index (MSERI) in two age groups (A: 20–30 years, n = 20; B: 50–60 years n = 20. After determination of pulmonary function, an incremental bicycle exercise test was performed, with standard gas-exchange measurements and SI assessment using electrical impedance cardiography. The following age-related changes were found: similar submaximal HR response to exercise in both groups and a higher peak HR in A than in B[185 (SD 9) vs 167 (SD 14) beats · min−1, P < 0.0005]; increase in SI with exercise up to 60–90 W and subsequent stabilization in both groups. As SI decreased towards the end of exercise in B, a higher peak SI was found in A [57.5 (SD 14.0) vs 43.6 (SD 7.7) ml · m−2, P < 0.0005]; similar submaximal CI response to exercise, higher peak CI in A [10.6 (SD 2.5) vs 7.2 (SD 1.3) l · min−1 · m−2, P < 0.0005]; no differences in C a-vO2 during exercise; higher MAP at all levels of exercise in B; higher SVRI at all levels of exercise in B; lower SWI in B after recovery; higher MSERI at all levels of exercise in A. The decrease in SI with advancing age would seem to be related to a decrease in myocardial contractility, which can no longer be compensated for by an increase in preload (as during submaximal exercise). Increases in systemic blood pressure may also compromise ventricular function but would seem to be of minor importance. Accepted: 24 September 1996  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species and lipid peroxidation reaction, causes of sperm damage, can be diminished by action of antioxidative enzymes. This study aimed to investigate effects of (1) the antioxidative enzymes; catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase, on epipididymal cat sperm quality and (2) the lipid peroxidation reaction induced by a transition metal (ferrous ion (II); Fe2+) on sperm quality during the cryopreservation process. Epididymal spermatozoa harvested from 39 male cats were pooled and divided into 13 aliquots (n = 13). Each aliquot was resuspended with either a Tris egg yolk extender I (control; EE-I), or the Tris egg yolk extender I supplemented with 200 U/mL catalase (EE-CAT), or 10 U/mL glutathione peroxidase (EE-GPx), or 600 U/mL superoxide dismutase (EE-SOD), and then cryopreserved. After thawing, each sperm sample was subdivided into two groups; with and without lipid peroxidation induction (EE-I plus Fe2+, EE-CAT plus Fe2+, EE-GPx plus Fe2+ and EE-SOD plus Fe2+). Subjective sperm motility, membrane, and acrosome integrity were evaluated at the time of collection, after cooling, and at 0, 2, 4, and 6 h after thawing. Motility patterns assessed by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA), mitochondrial activity, and DNA integrity were evaluated during post-thaw incubation, whereas percentage of lipid peroxidation was detected at 0 and 6 h after thawing. The results demonstrate that catalase supplementation reduced linear motility and subjective motility immediately and 2 h after thawing (P < 0.05). Catalase supplementation, however, improved DNA integrity at 4 h (P < 0.05). Supplementation with glutathione peroxidase, compared to the control group, had a statistically significant positive effect on subjective motility at 0 and 6 h, linear motility at 6 h, mitochondrial activity at 6 h, membrane integrity at 2 and 6 h, and DNA integrity at 4 h after thawing. Although superoxide dismutase had a positive effect on sperm membrane integrity at 2 h after thawing (P < 0.05), it significantly reduced membrane integrity after cooling, linear motility at thawing, and acrosome integrity at 2 h after thawing. None of the three selected antioxidative enzymes significantly influenced acrosome integrity and none reduced the level of lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, induction of the lipid peroxidation reaction by Fe2+ negatively affected most of the sperm quality parameters, i.e., motility and DNA integrity, during post-thaw sperm incubation (P < 0.05). After thawing, there were, however, no significant differences between the control plus Fe2+ and the antioxidative enzymes supplementation plus Fe2+ groups. We can conclude that (1) glutathione peroxidase exhibits positive effects on post-thaw epididymal cat spermatozoa; but (2) none among the selected antioxidative enzymes could improve all sperm quality parameters; and (3) the lipid peroxidation reaction may be one cause of post-thaw epididymal sperm damage in cats, but the concentrations of antioxidative enzymes used in this study could not protect cat spermatozoa from lipid peroxidation induction.  相似文献   

Integrated electromyography (iEMG) of the m. vastus lateralis was analysed during cycle ergometry in male subjects (n = 8). Two work trials were conducted, one under normoxia (N), the other under environmental normobaric hypoxia (EH in which the oxygen fraction in inspired gas = 0.116), each trial lasting 10 min. The absolute power output (180 W) was the same for both trials and was equivalent to 77 (4)% of maximum heart rate in trial N. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions were performed after each trial to assess changes in force, muscle fibre conduction velocity (MFCV), electromechanical delay (EMD), median frequency of EMG (MF) and maximal iEMG (iEMGmax). Biopy samples of muscle were obtained from the m. vastus medialis before testing. Myosin heavy chain (MHC) differences were determined through sodium dodecyl-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by densitometric analysis. No differences in submaximal iEMG were observed between EH and N trials during the first minute of work. At the end of both work trials iEMG was significantly elevated compared with starting values, however the iEMG recorded in EH exceeded N values by 15%. At the end of the EH trials the following were observed: a decrease in isometric force, MFCV and MF with an increase in EMD and the iEMGmax/force ratio. The iEMGmax was unchanged. No differences in any of these variables were observed after the N trial. Mean (SD) lactate concentrations following EH and N trials were 9.2 (4.4) mmol · 1−1 and 3.5 (1.1) mmol · 1−1, respectively. Results indicate that an increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding was needed in EH to maintain the required power output. The increased motor unit recruitment and rate coding were associated with myoelectric evidence of “peripheral” muscle fatigue. Subjects with higher compositions of type II MHC accumulated more lactate and displayed greater reductions in MF and MFCV during fatigue. Accepted: 16 June 1996  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and physiology of the maxillary palp of Drosophila melanogaster have been studied in wild-type and lozenge mutants. Olfactory physiology in the maxillary palp is shown to depend upon the lozenge(lz) gene. Reduced response amplitudes were recorded for all odorants tested, and the physiological defect was shown to map to the lz locus. The structure of the maxillary palp sensilla is described by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at high magnification, initially in the wild-type. A linear arrangement of pores, connected by furrows, was found in one class of sensilla, the basiconic sensilla. In the lz 3 mutant, morphological alterations in the basiconic sensilla and duplications of sensilla are documented by SEM. The correlation of structural abnormalities in the lz sensilla and physiological abnormalities in odorant response are consistent with an olfactory role for the basiconic sensilla of the maxillary palp. Accepted: 10 September 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to show that regulation of the blood flow to the cochlea by the sympathetic nervous system occurs in humans at the level of the cochlear microcirculation during increases in blood pressure and that its involvement depends on the pressure level. Eight anaesthetized patients undergoing tympanoplasty for hearing disease took part in a pharmacological protocol of stimulation and inhibition of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) to provide variations in systolic blood pressure (BPS) and cochlear blood flow (CBF). The CBF was measured by laser-Doppler flowmetry. Changes in autonomic nerve activity were brought about by changes in baroreceptor activity (BR) initiated by the injection of an α adrenergic agent before and after sympathetic and parasympathetic blockade. The CBF variations (δCBF) were plotted against BPS increases at each stage of the ANS inhibition. The BR diminished significantly after α blockade, after α and β blockade, and after α and β blockade and atropine, by 50% (P < 0.01), 29% (P < 0.05), and 95% (P < 0.001) respectively. The BPS increased significantly (P < 0.01) by 36 (SD 9)%, 47 (SD 1)%, and 67 (SD 16)% respectively. The CBF response to an increase in BPS exhibited two opposing variations in the patients: CBF decreased significantly in one group, and increased significantly in the other group. In both groups, δCBF decrease and δCBF increase, respectively, were significant after ANS blockade; even so the decrease and increase, respectively, levelled off at BPS around 160 mmHg before ANS blockade. For BPS below 160 mmHg, correlations between δCBF and BPS were significant before inhibition and after inhibition of ANS. For BPS above 160 mmHg, BPS and δCBF were not correlated before inhibition of ANS, and were significantly correlated after inhibition of ANS. For BPS below 160 mmHg, CBF response to the BPS increase was the same before and after ANS blockade, i.e. ANS control did not predominate; even so, for BPS above 160 mmHg, the CBF response to BPS increase was different before and after ANS blockade: CBF varied significantly after ANS blockade as it varied for BPS below 160 mmHg, while it remained constant before ANS blockade that elicited ANS control of CBF. In conclusion, sympathetic nerve regulation via its vasomotor tone at the level of cochlear microcirculation occurred markedly when the blood pressure was above 160 mmHg; the autonomic nervous system would appear to control the cochlear blood flow against large variations in blood flow in response to hypertensive phenomena. Accepted: 7 October 1996  相似文献   

Whole body calcium influx, branchial calcium efflux, and renal Ca2+ excretion were measured in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to hypercapnia. These experiments were performed to assess the potential impact on Ca2+ balance of the changes in gill morphology known to accompany respiratory acidosis in this species. After 48 h of hypercapnia, gill filamental chloride cell fractional area was significantly reduced. Despite this reduction and the presumed involvement of the chloride cell in calcium influx, whole body calcium influx was increased after 12 h of hypercapnia and remained elevated for 48 h. Branchial calcium efflux was unaltered during hypercapnia exposure, whereas renal Ca2+ excretion was elevated over preflux values only at 6 h of hypercapnia. Measurement of the kinetics of whole body calcium influx after 48 h of hypercapnia revealed a significant increase in the maximal uptake rate of Ca2+, yet the affinity constant of Ca2+ uptake was unaffected. Measurements of high-affinity Ca2+ -ATPase activities and ATP-dependent Ca2+ transport of gill basolateral membrane vesicles revealed that the ATP-dependent Ca2+ extrusion mechanism of the gills was not affected by hypercapnia. The results of the present study clearly show that the reduced chloride cell surface area that accompanies hypercapnia in trout does not impair calcium homeostasis. Although adjustments to the basolateral membrane high affinity Ca2+ transporter do not appear to play a role, the mechanism(s) underlying the maintenance of calcium homeostasis under hypercapnic conditions are unresolved. Accepted: 1 July 1996  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of exercise induced hyperventilation and hypocapnia on airway resistance (R aw), and to try to answer the question whether a reduction of R aw is a mechanism contributing to the increase of endurance time associated with a reduction of exercise induced hyperventilation as for example has been observed after respiratory training. Eight healthy volunteers of both sexes participated in the study. Cycling endurance tests (CET) at 223 (SD 47) W, i.e. at 74 (SD 5)% of the subject's peak exercise intensity, breathing endurance tests and body plethysmograph measurements of pre- and postexercise R aw were carried out before and after a 4-week period of respiratory training. In one of the two CET before the respiratory training CO2 was added to the inspired air to keep its end-tidal concentration at 5.4% to avoid hyperventilatory hypocapnia (CO2-test); the other test was the control. The pre-exercise values of specific expiratory R aw were 8.1 (SD 2.8), 6.8 (SD 2.6) and 8.0 (SD 2.1) cm H2O · s and the postexercise values were 8.5 (SD 2.6), 7.4 (SD 1.9) and 8.0 (SD 2.7) cm H2O · s for control CET, CO2-CET and CET after respiratory training, respectively, all differences between these tests being nonsignificant. The respiratory training significantly increased the respiratory endurance time during breathing of 70% of maximal voluntary ventilation from 5.8 (SD 2.9) min to 26.7 (SD 12.5) min. Mean values of the cycling endurance time (t cend) were 22.7 (SD 6.5) min in the control, 19.4 (SD 5.4) min in the CO2-test and 18.4 (SD 6.0) min after respiratory training. Mean values of ventilation ( E) during the last 3␣min of CET were 123 (SD 35.8) l · min−1 in the control, 133.5 (SD 35.1) l · min−1 in the CO2-test and 130.9 (SD 29.1) l · min−1 after respiratory training. In fact, six subjects ventilated more and cycled for a shorter time, whereas two subjects ventilated less and cycled for a longer time after the respiratory training than in the control CET. In general, the subjects cycled longer the lower the E, if all three CET are compared. It is concluded that R aw measured immediately after exercise is independent of exercise-induced hyperventilation and hypocapnia and is probably not involved in limiting t cend, and that t cend at a given exercise intensity is shorter when E is higher, no matter whether the higher E occurs before or after respiratory training or after CO2 inhalation. Accepted: 11 September 1996  相似文献   

Few studies of invertebrates have considered combinations of morphological and life history traits in the context of the evolution of reproductive strategies. Cricket species that exploit habitats harsh with respect to egg survival have evolved a long ovipositor, presumably because laying deep in the soil reduces egg mortality. Yet hatchling mortality increases with laying depth, and the ability of hatchlings to climb through the soil increases with egg size. Thus a conflict may exist between survival of the egg and that of the hatchling, inducing a positive covariation between egg size and ovipositor length across species evolving under contrasting selective habitats. We used the phylogenetic autocorrelation method and a path analysis to assess whether egg size coevolved with ovipositor length across 40 species of crickets, and whether egg size was affected by body size or ecological factors that influence egg mortality. Body size and ovipositor length were affected by taxonomic association, whereas common ancestry had no significant effect on egg size, diapausing strategy, and oviposition preference for soil types. The path model indicated that 29.11% of the variance in egg size was explained by independent evolution. As expected, ovipositor length was positively correlated with egg size, and species diapausing in the egg stage produced larger eggs than crickets diapausing in the nymphal stage or with no diapause. Ovipositor length and diapausing strategy were the first and second most important traits, respectively, in term of the proportion of variance in egg size explained by specific values. These results support the hypothesis that the ability of hatchlings to climb through the soil, and variation in diapause strategies, are general selective factors affecting the evolution of egg size in crickets. Phylogeny explained 51.01% of the variance in egg size. Egg size in a current cricket species, however, was not directly determined by egg size in its ancestor. Instead, it was strongly related to the phylogenetic values of body size and ovipositor length. Such indirect phylogenetic effects of body size and ovipositor length may have arisen because clades originating from ancestors with different ovipositor lengths experienced different selective pressures on egg size. Recelived: 13 October 1995 / Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

 Maximal voluntary strength of simultaneous bilateral exertion has been shown to be small compared to the sum of the unilateral exertions. Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of bilateral and unilateral resistance training on this bilateral deficit and to compare these in hands, arms, and legs. In each experiment, the subjects were divided into three groups: unilateral training group, bilateral training group, and control group. The subjects of the training group performed maximal isometric handgrip training in experiment I, and maximal isokinetic arm and leg extension training in experiments II and III. In each experiment, the subjects of the training group continued one of these resistance training exercises three times a week, for 6 weeks. The increase in handgrip strength of the bilateral training group produced in the bilateral condition [5.1 (SEM 2.4)%, after 3 weeks, 6.4 (SEM 2.3) %, after 6 weeks] was significantly greater compared with the control group [−1.1 (SEM 1.0) %, after 3 weeks, −1.5 (SEM 1.1) %, after 6 weeks. The increase in leg extension power of the bilateral training group produced in the bilateral condition [16.1 (SEM 9.6) %, after 3 weeks, 24.1 (SEM 7.4) %, after 6 weeks] was significantly greater compared with the unilateral training group [−5.0 (SEM 3.4) %, after 3 weeks, −3.4 (SEM 4.2) %, after 6 weeks] and the control group [−4.3 (SEM 2.5) %, after 3 weeks, 1.5 (SEM 5.5) %, after 6 weeks]. The increase in handgrip strength of the unilateral training group produced in the unilateral condition [7.3 (SEM 1.7) %, after 3 weeks] was significantly greater compared with the control group [−0.9 (SEM 1.8) %, after 3 weeks]. The increase in arm extension power of the unilateral training group produced in the unilateral condition [7.2 (SEM 1.8) %, after 6 weeks] was significantly greater compared with the bilateral training group [−3.0 (SEM 2.3) %, after 6 weeks] and the control group [−2.1 (SEM 2.6) %, after 6 weeks]. Bilateral indexes (BI) were shifted in a positive direction by bilateral training and tended to shift in a negative direction by unilateral training. With regard to the magnitude of change in BI, there were no significant differences among handgrip, arm extension, and leg extension training. It is suggested that there is lateral specificity in resistance training and that there is no difference among body parts in the modification of bilateral deficit by lateral training. Accepted: 27 August 1996  相似文献   

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