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东北亚地区野猪种群mtDNA遗传结构及系统地理发生   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究测定了中国东北、华北及四川西部72个野猪(Susscrofa)个体线粒体控制区全序列,并结合GenBank报道的日本野猪(S.s.leucomystax)、琉球野猪(S.s.riukiuanus)72个同源区序列,分析了东北亚地区野猪线粒体DNA的变异及系统地理格局。在东北亚地区野猪的线粒体控制区共发现42个变异位点,均为转换,共定义了34个单元型。单元型之间的系统发生分析表明,东北亚地区野猪来自同一祖先。东北亚地区野猪现生种群具有显著的种群遗传结构,其中日本野猪与分布于中国东北地区的东北野猪之间亲缘关系较近;而琉球野猪则与华北野猪间亲缘关系较近,与日本野猪和东北野猪间的关系相对较远。嵌套进化枝系统地理分析(Nestedcladephylogeographicalanalysis,NCPA)表明:东北亚地区野猪由同一祖先经过长距离的迁徙而形成现生各种群(或亚种);琉球野猪应起源于大陆野猪,其种群演化可能经历了片断化事件;华北野猪呈现南部种群遗传多样性高的特点,其种群内部曾经历了一次分布区由南向北的扩张  相似文献   

甘肃仓鼠的分类地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自1928年Allen发表采自甘肃卓尼的甘肃仓鼠(Cansumys canus)以来,对其分类地位的争论就没有停止,不同学者从形态学和生态学方面研究得出了不同的结论。为了确认Allen所命名的甘肃仓鼠的分类地位,本研究利用形态性状和遗传性状,比较研究了甘肃、宁夏标本(包括模式产地标本)与华北、东北大仓鼠标本共计169只。结果显示:甘肃、宁夏地区标本身体及头骨量度与大仓鼠指名亚种、东北亚种间大多无显著性差异;地理分布连续,其间无隔离,也无地理重叠;生态特征与华北、东北的大仓鼠相似;基于线粒体DNA D-loop区序列的遗传变异分析表明,甘肃、宁夏地区种群与大仓鼠东北亚种种群关系较大仓鼠东北亚种种群与指名亚种种群关系更近;单倍型演化关系显示,指名亚种种群和东北亚种种群分别独立地由甘肃种群单倍型衍生而来,并且三个种群单倍型之间的分歧较浅,没有形成种上的分歧程度。据此,甘肃、宁夏地区“甘肃仓鼠”应为大仓鼠甘肃亚种[Cricetulus triton canus(Allen),1928]。  相似文献   

大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田秀华  刘铸  白素英 《动物学报》2006,52(3):569-574
为了探索东方亚种数量正在减少的原因和制定科学、有效的保护措施,利用微卫星DNA对大鸨东方亚种(Otistardadybowskii)的遗传多样性进行了研究。应用3个大鸨指名亚种的微卫星位点和13个波斑鸨的微卫星位点扩增了47个个体的基因组DNA,筛选出8个具有多态性的微卫星。其中有3个微卫星的多态性较低,其余5个微卫星的多态性较高。各位点的观察杂合度为0.0435-1.0000,平均杂合度(h)为0.6595;各位点多态信息含量(PIC)为0.0416-0.8520,平均为0.5497;有效等位基因数(E)为1.04-7.46,平均为3.61。4个位点符合HardyWeinberg平衡,4个位点偏离了HardyWeinberg平衡。多方面比较发现,大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性很低,且低于指名亚种,这可能由于其种群较小、历史遗传瓶颈作用、生境破碎化、分布地域紧缩等原因造成的。  相似文献   

世界野生虎(Pantheratigris)传统上被划分为8个亚种,其中3个亚种已于20世纪灭绝,而剩余种群的生存仍然受到偷猎、栖息地丧失和片断化的威胁。作为唯一栖息着4个现存虎亚种的国家,中国在世界虎的保护事业中负有重要责任,然而其野生和圈养虎的分类地位却仍然不确定。最近一项研究(Luoetal,2004)从所有现存野生虎分布地区(包括中国)采集了134份“基准样品”(即原产野外或有确定地域起源的个体生物样品),对虎的系统地理学、种群结构以及遗传起源进行了全面分析。所用的分子标记包括四千碱基对的线粒体DNA、30个核基因组微卫星位点,以及MHC-DRB基因。研究结果表明,虽然虎的整体遗传多态性较低,但是种群分化程度很高,它们被划分为6个,而不是5个现存亚种(1)西伯利亚虎(P.t.altaica);(2)苏门答腊虎(P.t.sumatrae);(3)孟加拉虎(P.t.tigris);(4)华南虎(P.t.amoyensis);(5)印支虎(P.t.corbetti);(6)新定义的亚种马来虎,暂命名为P.t.Jacksoni。由于所研究样本量有限,目前暂定的华南虎亚种还需进一步确定。现有华南虎圈养种群包括遗传关系相距较远的两支一支与印支虎(P.t.corbetti)无异;而另一支则与其他种群均相距甚远,可能代表了真正的华南虎(P.t.amoyensis)。利用分子生物学方法对中国动物园中圈养虎的遗传起源调查亟待进行,以确认该圈养种群整体的遗传独特性或者非独特性。换言之,这将是确认华南虎是否仍然存在的关键。  相似文献   

为了揭示中国岩羊不同地理种群的遗传差异,探讨岩羊亚种分化的分子机制,采用中国岩羊不同地理种群的细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因的全序列,分析了碱基变异情况、遗传距离以及核苷酸序列差异。用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建分子系统树并对获得的拓扑结构进行分析。结果发现,西藏亚种与四川亚种Cyt b基因平均序列差异为4.2%(±0.007),处于偶蹄目亚种的序列差异范围内,支持了目前对岩羊西藏亚种的分类地位。四川亚种内部各地理种群之间的遗传距离(0.033±0.0 111)与它们分别到西藏种群的遗传距离(0.042±0.007)差异不显著(t=1.824,P=0.084),说明四川亚种内部各地理种群间已经发生较显著的遗传分化。其中,四川、甘肃和青海种群亲缘关系较近,并与四川亚种内部的其它种群已产生了显著的遗传分化。因此认为四川亚种内部各地理种群的种下分化需要深入研究。  相似文献   

[目的]甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua是我国重要的多食性害虫,已在辽宁等东北农作物产区造成了严重的经济损失.为明确辽宁地区甜菜夜蛾种群遗传变异与遗传分化,阐明其不同地理种群间的种群遗传结构.[方法]基于8对微卫星(SSR)引物对采自辽宁6县(市)的160头甜菜夜蛾样品进行测序与分析,利用GenAlEx 6.503、GENEPOP 4.0.1及STRUCTURE 2.3.4软件分析其种群遗传变异与种群谱系遗传结构.[结果]辽宁不同地区甜菜夜蛾遗传多样性较高(Ho=0.549,Ne=3.431,He=0.608),其中,沈阳(SY)种群遗传多样性最高(Ho=0.563,Ne=4.562,He=0.680).不同地理种群间甜菜夜蛾存在较低遗传分化(global FST=0.119,P<0.05).朝阳凌源(LY)与大连(DAL)种群间的遗传分化程度最高(FST=0.210).UPGMA聚类树、PCoA及STRCTURE分析表明,葫芦岛(HLD)和大连(DAL)种群聚为1支;台安(TIA)、阜新(FX)、凌源(LY)及沈阳(SY)种群聚为另1支.此外,AMOVA分析表明,甜菜夜蛾遗传变异主要来自种群内(78.0%),种群间变异水平较低(22.0%).[结论]辽宁不同地区甜菜夜蛾具有较高遗传变异与较低种群遗传分化水平,本研究为阐明该地区甜菜夜蛾虫源关系,并对甜菜夜蛾化学防治具有指导意义.  相似文献   

大鸨(Otis tarda)两个亚种的遗传多样性与系统分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘铸  田秀华  白素英 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2435-2442
大鸨(Otistarda)为中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物,分为两个亚种,即指名亚种(Otis tarda tarda)和东方亚种(Otis tarda dybowskii)。研究从代表母系遗传特征的mtDNA控制区和代表双亲遗传特征的核微卫星两方面对两个亚种的遗传多样性与系统分化进行了分析。指名亚种mtDNA控制区3段序列(CtrIaL/CtrIIoH、L438/H772和LCR2a/HCR8)的单倍型数、Л、δ和К都明显高于东方亚种,更显著高于松辽平原西北部繁殖区。东方亚种3个微卫星(Otmic08、Otmic16和Otmic26)的等位基因数、Ho和He明显低于指名亚种。因此东方亚种的遗传多样性都明显低于指名亚种,甚至低于Madrid种群。两个亚种存在于不同的系统分支,证实了两个亚种的系统关系,欧洲指名亚种存在更多的系统分支。  相似文献   

世界野生虎(Panthera tigris)传统上被划分为8个亚种,其中3个亚种已于20世纪灭绝,而剩余种群的生存仍然受到偷猎、栖息地丧失和片断化的威胁。作为唯一栖息着4个现存虎亚种的国家,中国在世界虎的保护事业中负有重要责任,然而其野生和圈养虎的分类地位却仍然不确定。最近一项研究(Luo et al,2004)从所有现存野生虎分布地区(包括中国)采集了134份“基准样品”(即原产野外或有确定地域起源的个体生物样品),对虎的系统地理学、种群结构以及遗传起源进行了全面分析。所用的分子标记包括四千碱基对的线粒体DNA、30个核基因组微卫星位点,以及MHCDRB基因。研究结果表明,虽然虎的整体遗传多态性较低,但是种群分化程度很高,它们被划分为6个,而不是5个现存亚种:(1)西伯利亚虎(P. t. altaica);(2)苏门答腊虎(P. t. sumatrae);(3)孟加拉虎(P. t. tigris);(4)华南虎(P. t. amoyensis);(5)印支虎(P. t. corbetti);(6)新定义的亚种马来虎,暂命名为P. t. Jacksoni。由于所研究样本量有限,目前暂定的华南虎亚种还需进一步确定。现有华南虎圈养种群包括遗传关系相距较远的两支:一支与印支虎(P. t. corbetti)无异;而另一支则与其他种群均相距甚远,可能代表了真正的华南虎(P. t. amoyensis)。利用分子生物学方法对中国动物园中圈养虎的遗传起源调查亟待进行,以确认该圈养种群整体的遗传独特性或者非独特性。换言之,这将是确认华南虎是否仍然存在的关键。  相似文献   

飞蝗的种群遗传学与亚种地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马川  康乐 《昆虫知识》2013,50(1):1-8
飞蝗是一种重大农业害虫,其分布范围几乎覆盖了东半球的整个温带和热带地区。由于飞蝗的远距离迁移习性,不同地理种群间的基因交流非常复杂。基于形态学特征,飞蝗曾被建议划分为13个亚种。然而,这些亚种的分类地位一直存有争议,不同亚种或地理种群间的亲缘关系也不十分清楚。近年来飞蝗分子谱系地理学研究的开展,尤其是基于线粒体基因组序列的研究,为飞蝗的种群遗传关系提供了全新的观点。线粒体基因组研究结果表明,飞蝗起源于非洲,通过南北2个主要线路扩散到整个旧世界。分子证据证明世界范围内仅有2个飞蝗亚种,分布于欧亚大陆温带地区的飞蝗属于亚洲飞蝗Locusta migratoria migratoria,分布于非洲、大洋洲和欧亚大陆南部地区的飞蝗属于非洲飞蝗L.m.migratorioides,所有其它的亚种和地理宗都是这2个亚种的地理种群。文中就飞蝗的种群遗传学、亚种分类的研究历史和研究进展进行了综述,还就许多飞蝗地理种群的谱系地理关系进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我们比较了芦 (Emberizaschoeniclus)两个亚种组 ,即北部的薄喙亚种组和南部的厚喙亚种组的 10个种群中的文化、遗传和形态变异。使用了四个不同的变异标记物 ,其中两个用来测量文化分化 ,一个用来测量遗传分化 ,即微卫星等位基因的频次 ,一个用来测量种群的形态分化 ,即喙的高度。将遗传分化作为进化时间的尺度 ,我们计算了亚种组间和组内分化指标与所估计的进化率之间的相关性 ,发现只有文化定量指标和遗传分化与种群的形态分化相关 ,而两个文化分化指标之间没有关系 ,文化分化与遗传分化之间也没有关系。使用文化 -定量分化指标 ,发现亚种组间的文化进化率高于亚种内的文化进化率 ,提示鸣唱在防止杂交方面只有微弱的、也许是次要的作用。鸣唱定量特征的变异与微卫星频次相同 ,实际上在自然界中更可能是遗传决定的 ,这可以解释由于分析两个文化变异指标所得出的结果的不一致性。鸣唱的声学特性可能由于栖息地的差异或形态上的限制而发生了演变 ,而文化传播单位 (Meme)的特性可能由于学习鸣唱和文化传播而受到了影响  相似文献   

以华北野猪、东北野猪和山西黑猪、长白猪、大白猪、马身猪共计287头猪作为研究对象,对其HSL基因外显子Ⅰ区域进行了PCR-RFLP多态性研究,发现不同品种猪间存在多态性。瘦肉型大白猪、长白猪全部表现为GG基因型;山西黑猪表现为AA、AG和GG三种基因型;脂肪型地方猪种马身猪为单一的AA基因型;华北杂种野猪、东北纯种野猪及杂种野猪表现为AG和GG两种基因型。等位基因A、G及三种基因型的频率在不同猪种中不同。该研究首次对华北及东北野猪HSL基因进行了多态性研究,丰富了国内外对野猪的分子生物学研究,为野猪遗传资源的合理开发利用提供了依据。  相似文献   

野猪与人冲突防控对策研究的系统评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗震  芦欣怡  周学红  张伟 《生态学报》2022,42(6):2501-2509
在中国,野猪(Sus scrofa)与人冲突问题亟需采取有效、科学的对策进行防控。通过了解野猪与人冲突防控对策的文献数量、研究范围、防控对策的种类及有效性等方面,对国内外野猪与人冲突防控对策进行系统分析与评价,以期为我国防控野猪与人冲突提供理论依据。检索中英文数据库建库至2021年5月31日的文献,提取文献的研究起始年份、研究所在地理单元、使用的防控措施种类、措施是否有效、措施的具体内容评价等。共搜集文献446篇,最终纳入77篇,分别来自欧洲、亚洲、北美洲、大洋洲、南美洲五大洲,研究时间主要在1981年后。防控对策类型主要分为致死性防控(药物、猎捕)及非致死性防控(干扰技术、设置障碍物、补充喂养、生育控制、生物防控)两大类;致死性防控对策的有效性(81.5%)高于非致死性防控对策的有效性(68.4%)。相比于非致死性防控对策,致死性防控对策是目前有效性较高的防控策略,而猎捕是现阶段调控野猪种群可行性较高的主要致死性防控对策。国外在猎捕方面的经验可为我国开展野猪防控工作提供参考。  相似文献   

Phylogeographic characteristics and population structure of Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) were investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence data. Sixteen Japanese wild boar haplotypes detected from partial sequences of the mtDNA control region (574-bp) from 180 Japanese wild boar specimens from 10 local populations on Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu islands and 41 haplotypes from other S. scrofa were analyzed using the neighbor-joining method. The Japanese wild boars were more closely related to Northeast Asian wild boars from Mongolia than to the other Asian continental S. scrofa. The Japanese and Northeast Asian wild boars were not significantly distinguished by corrected average pairwise difference analysis. The ancestors of Japanese wild boars are suggested to have been part of the continental S. scrofa population that spread from Southeast to Northeast Asia during the Middle to Late Pleistocene. The Japanese wild boar mtDNA haplotype cladogram shows 95% parsimoniously plausible branch connections supporting three sympatric clades. Nested clade analysis indicates that these three clades are the result of distinct historical events or gene flow. The present population of Japanese wild boars may have been formed by a few independent migrations of distinct clades from the continent with subsequent mixing on the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

The European wild boar Sus scrofa was first introduced into Uruguay, in southern South America during the early decades of the last century. Subsequently, and starting from founder populations, its range spread throughout the country and into the neighbouring Brazilian state Rio Grande do Sul. Due to the subsequent negative impact, it was officially declared a national pest. The main aim in the present study was to provide a more comprehensive scenario of wild boar differentiation in Uruguay, by using mtDNA markers to access the genetic characterization of populations at present undergoing rapid expansion. A high level of haplotype diversity, intermediate levels of nucleotide diversity and considerable population differentiation, were detected among sampled localities throughout major watercourses and catchment dams countrywide. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the existence of two different phylogroups, thereby reflecting two deliberate introduction events forming distantly genetic lineages in local wild boar populations. Our analysis lends support to the hypothesis that the invasive potential of populations emerge from introgressive hybridization with domestic pigs. On taking into account the appreciable differentiation and reduced migration between locales in wild boar populations, management strategies could be effective if each population were to be considered as a single management unit.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genetic variations were used to investigate the relationships between two Japanese wild boars, Japanese wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and Ryukyu wild boar (S.s. riukiuanus). Nucleotide sequences of the control (27 haplotypes) and cytochrome b (cyt-b) regions (19 haplotypes) were determined from 59 Japanese wild boars, 13 Ryukyu wild boars and 22 other boars and pigs. From phylogenetic analyses, the mtDNA of Ryukyu wild boar has a distinct lineage from that of Japanese wild boar, which was classified into the Asian pig lineage. This result suggests that the Ryukyu wild boar has a separate origin from the Japanese wild boar.  相似文献   

While motorways are often assumed to influence the movement behaviour of large mammals, there are surprisingly few studies that show an influence of these linear structures on the genetic make-up of wild ungulate populations. Here, we analyse the spatial genetic structure of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and wild boars (Sus scrofa) along a stretch of motorway in the Walloon part of Belgium. Altogether, 876 red deer were genotyped at 13 microsatellite loci, and 325 wild boars at 14 loci. In the case of the red deer, different genetic clustering tools identified two genetic subpopulations whose borders matched the motorway well. Conversely, no genetic structure was identified in the case of the wild boar. Analysis of isolation-by-distance patterns of pairs of individuals on the same side and on different sides of the motorway also suggested that the road was a barrier to red deer, but not to wild boar movement. While telemetry studies seem to confirm that red deer are more affected by motorways than wild boar, the red deer sample size was also much larger than that of the wild boars. We therefore repeated the analysis of genetic structure in the red deer with randomly sub-sampled data sets of decreasing size. The power to detect the genetic structure using clustering methods decreased with decreasing sample size.  相似文献   

The nocturnal activities of predators and prey are influenced by several factors, including physiological adaptations, habitat quality and, we suspect, corresponds to changes in brightness of moonlight according to moon phase. In this study, we used a dataset from 102 camera traps to explore which factors are related to the activity pattern of North China leopards (Panthera pardus japonensis) in Shanxi Tieqiaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve (TPNR), China. We found that nocturnal activities of leopards were irregular during four different lunar phases, and while not strictly lunar philic or lunar phobic, their temporal activity was highest during the brighter moon phases (especially the last quarter) and lower during the new moon phase. On the contrary, roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) exhibited lunar philic activity, while wild boar (Sus scrofa) and tolai hare (Lepus tolai) were evidently lunar phobic, with high and low temporal activity during the full moon, respectively. In terms of temporal overlap, there was positive overlap between leopards and their prey species, including roe deer and tolai hare, while leopard activity did not dip to the same low level of wild boar during the full moon phase. Human activities also more influenced the temporal activity of leopards and wild boar than other species investigated. Generally, our results suggested that besides moonlight risk index (MRI), cloud cover and season have diverse effects on leopard and prey nocturnal activity. Finally, distinct daytime and nighttime habitats were identified, with leopards, wild boar, and tolai hare all using lower elevations at night and higher elevations during the day, while leopards and roe deer were closer to secondary roads during the day than at night.  相似文献   

华北豹(Panthera pardus japonesis)是中国特有的豹亚种。由于长期缺乏有效的科学调查, 目前对其分布、种群及动态、行为、猎物现状等基础信息不清。在2007-2014年期间, 本研究应用红外相机技术(camera trap)对山西晋中庆城林场的华北豹种群开展了长达7年的连续监测。先后监测到14只华北豹, 其中成年个体11只(3♀, 8), 幼体3只, 成年雌雄比例为0.375; 在其间出现了2次繁殖。该区域主要的有蹄类猎物为野猪(Sus scrofa)和西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus), 其相对密度分别为4.16和3.48, 绝对密度分别为1.35只/km2和3.61只/km2。  相似文献   

Doñana National Park (DNP) in southern Spain is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve where commercial hunting and wildlife artificial feeding do not take place and traditional cattle husbandry still exists. Herein, we hypothesized that Mycobacterium bovis infection prevalence in wild ungulates will depend on host ecology and that variation in prevalence will reflect variation in the interaction between hosts and environmental risk factors. Cattle bTB reactor rates increased in DNP despite compulsory testing and culling of infected animals. In this study, 124 European wild boar, 95 red deer, and 97 fallow deer were sampled from April 2006 to April 2007 and analyzed for M. bovis infection. Modelling and GIS were used to identify risk factors and intra and inter-species relationships. Infection with M. bovis was confirmed in 65 (52.4%) wild boar, 26 (27.4%) red deer and 18 (18.5%) fallow deer. In the absence of cattle, wild boar M. bovis prevalence reached 92.3% in the northern third of DNP. Wild boar showed more than twice prevalence than that in deer (p<0.001). Modelling revealed that M. bovis prevalence decreased from North to South in wild boar (p<0.001) and red deer (p<0.01), whereas no spatial pattern was evidenced for fallow deer. Infection risk in wild boar was dependent on wild boar M. bovis prevalence in the buffer area containing interacting individuals (p<0.01). The prevalence recorded in this study is among the highest reported in wildlife. Remarkably, this high prevalence occurs in the absence of wildlife artificial feeding, suggesting that a feeding ban alone would have a limited effect on wildlife M. bovis prevalence. In DNP, M. bovis transmission may occur predominantly at the intra-species level due to ecological, behavioural and epidemiological factors. The results of this study allow inferring conclusions on epidemiological bTB risk factors in Mediterranean habitats that are not managed for hunting purposes. Our results support the need to consider wildlife species for the control of bTB in cattle and strongly suggest that bTB may affect animal welfare and conservation.  相似文献   

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