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Ecotourism is a growing sector of the tourism industry, but few studies to date have quantified its impacts on local people, tourists and wildlife. We present a preliminary study on threat and affiliative behaviors of two groups of free-ranging Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) as a function of habituation and tourist presence. Data indicate that the less habituated group spent less time within sight of tourists compared with the more habituated group. The more habituated group engaged in frequent affiliative behaviors while within sight of humans, whereas affiliative behavior was not observed in the less habituated group. The general pattern of threats consisted of adults primarily threatening juveniles and juveniles primarily threatening humans, possibly due to redirection. No clear pattern of threats as a function of tourist density emerged. Tourist feeding, although discouraged, potentially provided a catalyst for some aggression. Future research will focus on clarifying which human behaviors evoke specific threat responses from monkeys. These data will be used to refine the existing management plan for this monkey population.  相似文献   

In five groups of seasonally provisioned Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Emei, males were sampled for wounds as an indicator of their competition for females during about 80 days in the 1987 mating season. Quantitative data on intergroup transfer were collected in a period between June 1986 and December 1987. The young adult (YA) males, the most active age-class in mating activity and intergroup transfer, received most of the wounds. Wounds tended to appear more in the front of body for YA and subadults (SA) than they did for middle-old aged (MO) males. This implies that some of the MO males were more active and aggressive in the fights. During the 1.5 year period, 5/6 of the YA and 5/17 of the MO males made intergroup shifts. Although YA males faced a high risk of receiving wounds at transfer, they usually rose in rank. On the other hand, the MO males transferred more smoothly but dropped in rank. The peripheral SA males, which rarely emigrated in the population, were an active component in determining the wounding rate, and the rate and direction of male migration. Three SA immigrants died of severe attacks made by resident males in 1988 and 1991. Adult sex ratios and their variations were considerably reduced with male nonrandom shifts and better conservation of the population.  相似文献   

Non-reproductive copulation, which takes place outside of the mating season and does not result in conception and birth, was studied in a free-ranging group of Tibetan monkeys (Macaca thibetana) at Mt. Huangshan, China, in the birth seasons of 1992 and 1997. We employed all occurrence and focal animal samplings to record sexual and related behaviors and affiliation interactions, respectively. Compared with sexual behavior in mating season, non-reproductive copulation occurred at a lower frequency, with less frequent ejaculation, less harassment, shorter mount duration, and an absence of pause with vocalization. It often took place in a situation in which non-lactating females were involved in social conflict or approached males for mating. Neither pregnant nor lactating females were observed to mate in the birth seasons. Copulation during the birth season did not increase a sexually receptive female’s delivery the next year, nor was it associated with increased proximity, grooming, or agonistic aid for the mating pair. However, copulated pairs spent more time co-feeding, presumably reflecting an increased tolerance on the part of the male. Adolescent males, who rarely copulated in the mating season, engaged in mating activity in birth seasons as well. Therefore, though birth-season copulation had no reproductive functions, it may have fulfilled social functions for females, such as post-aggression appeasing by males or gaining access to resources. This also offered good opportunities for adolescent males and females to develop their sexual skills for later competition.  相似文献   

Recent field studies suggest that Macaca thibetana,a large endemic Chinese macaque, may be quite folivorous, distinguishing it from most other macaque species, which tend to be primarily frugivorous. To understand how this diet affects its masticatory system, we conducted a comparative morphometric study of mandibular dimensions. We took linear measurements from male and female mandibles of this species as well as four other macaques—M. fascicularis, M. nemestrina, M. arctoides,and M. assamensis—and four species of Presbytis—P. obscura, P. rubicunda, P. cristata,and P. phayrei—and subjected to them to a variety of analyses. Based on analyses of variances and discriminant analyses on each sex individually, the mandible of M. thibetanacorresponds to expected patterns for folivorous primates with respect to its wide condyles and thick corpora. However, the height of the corpus and symphysis are lower, and the anteroposterior length of the condyle is longer than predicted for a folivore. In addition to interpretations specifically relating to M. thibetana,we also discuss the functional morphology of the other species in light of what is published about their diets.  相似文献   

Data on intergroup-interactions (I-I) were collected in 5 seasonally provisioned groups (A, B, D, D1, and E) of Tibetan macaques (Macaca Thibetana) at Mt. Emei in three 70-day periods between 1991 April–June (P1), September–November (P2), December–1992 February (P3). The I-I were categorized as forewarning made by high-ranking males (including Branch Shaking and/or Loud Calls), long-distance interactions in space (specified by changes in their foraging movements), and close encounters (with Affinitive Behavior, Male's Herding Female, Sexual Interaction, Severe Conflict, Adult Male-male Conflict, Opportunistic Advance and Retreat, etc. performed by different age-sex classes). From periods P1 to P3, the I-I rate decreased with reduction in population density as a positive correlate of food clumpedness or the number of potential feeders along a pedestrian trail. On the other hand, from the birth season (BS, represented by P1 and P3) to the mating season (MS, represented by P2) the dominance relation between groups, which produced a winner and a loser in the encounters, became obscure; the proportion of close encounters in the I-I increased; the asymmetry (local groups over intruders) of forewarning signals disappeared; the rate of branch shaking decreased; and sometimes intergroup cohesion appeared. Considering that sexual interactions also occurred between the encountering groups, above changes in intergroup behaviors may be explained with a model of the way in which the competition for food (exclusion) and the sexual attractiveness between opposite sexes were in a dynamic equilibrium among the groups, with the former outweighing the latter in the BS, and conversely in the MS. Females made 93% of severe conflicts, which occurred in 18% of close encounters. Groups fissioned in the recent past shared the same home range, and showed the highest hostility to each other by females. In conspicuous contrast with females' great interest in intergroup food/range competition, adult male-male conflicts that were normally without body contact occurred in 66% of close encounters; high-ranking male herding of females, which is typical in baboons, appeared in 83% of close encounters, and showed no changes with season and sexual weight-dimorphism; peripheral juvenile and subadult males were the main performers of the affinitive behaviors, opportunistic advance and retreat, and guarding at the border. In brief, all males appeared to “sit on the fence” at the border, likely holding out hope of gaining the favor of females both within and outside the group. Thus, females and males attempted to maximize reproductive values in different ways, just as expected by Darwin–Trivers' theory of sexual selection. In addition, group fission was observed in the largest and highest-ranking group for two times (both in the MS) when its size increased to a certain level, and the mother group kept their dominant position in size and rank among the groups that might encounter, suggesting that fission takes a way of discarding the “superfluous part” in order to balance the cost of competition for food and mates within a group, and the benefit of cooperation to access the resources for animals in the mother group. Am J Phys Anthropol 104:459–470, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The social interactions between young male Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and members of two adjacent groups were studied. Young males usually associated with members of a single group. Although some young males occasionally interacted with members of the neighboring group, the frequency of their intergroup affiliative interactions was much lower than that of their intragroup interactions. The intergroup affiliative interactions were less symmetrical than the intragroup interactions. Three- or four-year-old males who remained in their natal group interacted with males of the neighboring group, whereas males over 5 years old did not. Young males revealed a dramatic change in their association partners from males in one group to those in another during the course of their intergroup transfer. Males who remained in their natal group did not attempt to interact with females of the neighboring group. In contrast, males who had transferred to a non-natal group interacted with females in their natal group. It is suggested that intergroup affiliative interactions and intergroup transfer of young male macaques are influenced by close associations between males. The immediate motivation for transfer of young natal macaques may be some attraction to males outside their group rather than sexual attraction to unfamiliar females.  相似文献   

Several recent studies indicate that primate species may differ in behavioral, and in some instances physiological, responses to social manipulations. These differences in response dispositions have been interpreted as being based on temperamental differences among species. This report extends previous comparative studies of macaques by describing behavioral contrasts observed between males of two macaque species, lion-tailed and cynomolgus macaques, in response to social manipulations. Males were exposed to a mirror, then visually exposed to conspecific neighbors in all pairwise combinations, and then formed into conspecific social groups. Urine samples were collected in the pairing and group formation conditions for cortisol assay. The cynomolgus demonstrated more affiliative behavior than the lion-tails in all conditions, while the lion-tails tended to exhibit more aggressive behavior. Following group formation cortisol values showed a decreasing trend in the cynomolgus, but not in the lion-tails. The cynomolgus rapidly adapted to group living and relations between them were primarily affiliative. In contrast, no affiliative behavior was ever observed in the lion-tail group, which appeared to be highly stressed by group living and was eventually disbanded.  相似文献   

Female-male interaction of heterosexual pairs of stumptail macaques, housed together continuously, was studied 24 hr per day using closed-circuit video recording. Two pairs were studied for approximately 2 months each. Although no generalizations can be made from such a small sample, no aspect of behavioral interaction varied significantly with the stage of the menstrual cycle of the female partner. Copulation occurred regularly but only during the daylight hours. Both pairs showed several peak ejaculation days (5–21 ejaculations/day), which were distributed throughout the entire menstrual cycle. In general, the highest number of ejaculations was observed to occur when the animals were put together either for the first time or following a separation of a few days. In one pair the female became pregnant, and from the fifth week of pregnancy onward there was a gradual increase in male aggression, coinciding with a decrease in male sexual and grooming behavior. In a second study eight different pairs were observed during the first day together and male copulatory behavior was studied. Two patterns of copulatory behavior could be discerned: pairs displaying a high number of ejaculations (19–38) and pairs displaying a low number of ejaculations (4–8). With regard to the interejaculatory interval (IEI), the male stumptail appeared to be unique. In contrast to what has been reported for other mammals, i.e., a steady increase in IEI with subsequent ejaculations, the stumptail showed increasing IEIs only during the first three to four, as well as between the last, ejaculations; in between, the IEI remained relatively constant. The maximum number of consecutive ejaculations observed was 38, displayed during a 10-hr time period (mean (± SEM)IEI, 12.9 ± 3.5 min).  相似文献   

In this study on Java macaques themain characteristics of the mother-infant relationship during infants' first 10 days have been elaborated. Early mother and infant behaviour is described and early interactions between mothers and their young have been analyzed. Observations and trend analyses of early behaviours like ventro-ventral contact behaviour, being on nipple, and explorative behaviour, make it clear that Java macaque infants play an important role in the early development of mother-infant interactions. In contrast to the rhesus and the stumptailed infant, the young Java macaque appears to develop a great variety of behaviours in its first 10 days. Whereas the infant's behaviour gains in complexity and social initiative, the mother becomes increasingly more passive and self-oriented. Early mother-infant interaction can be characterized by mutual adjustment.  相似文献   

生物市场理论认为动物个体之间通过某种协定交换有价值的商品,使双方均受益。该研究采用目标动物法、行为取样法和连续记录法,对浮溪黄山野生猴谷鱼鳞坑短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)A1群(YA1群)和A2群(YA2群)成年个体在非繁殖季节(2011年8月—12月)和繁殖季节(2012年2月—5月)的雄性攻击支持雌性行为和交配行为进行研究,探讨雄性攻击支持雌性与交配之间的关系。两猴群在繁殖季节和非繁殖季节雄性攻击支持雌性与交配行为均呈显著正相关;YA2群繁殖季节与非繁殖季节攻击支持后交配频次均显著高于随机交配;YA1群在繁殖季节攻击支持后交配频次与随机交配频次差异不显著,但在非繁殖季节攻击支持后交配频次显著高于随机交配,说明短尾猴成年雄性攻击支持雌性可以换取与该雌性个体的交配回报。本研究验证了生物市场理论中社会行为存在交换,首次证明了雄性攻击支持可以换取雌性的交配回报,为进一步研究雄性性竞争与雌性选择提供了实例。  相似文献   

The vocal behavior of threat calls was investigated in a captive group of Japanese monkeys (Macaca fuscata fuscata). The vocalizations were heard most often when they undertook winner-support during triadic agonistic interactions. The likelihood of call emission in support of the winner was affected by the attributes of the participants, and not by the types of agonistic behavior. The calls were emitted by intermediate ranking animals frequently in support of high ranking animals and in support of females. The calling behavior of winner-supporters appears to advertise the partner and distant group members of their support for reciprocation in the near future.  相似文献   

A macaque population produced by the hybridization of native Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) and introduced Taiwanese macaques (M. cyclopis) in Wakayama Prefecture was shown to possess three DNA haplotypes of the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1). Based on genotyping and comparison with M. fuscata populations, it was revealed that the introduced M. cyclopis population was polymorphic for the NRAMP1 locus. Extensive crossbreeding of the introduced species with the native species was confirmed using this genetic marker and the proportion of M. cyclopis genes was 57.4%. Results of statistical tests suggested non-random mating in the hybrid population.  相似文献   

Forty epiphyseal unions were studied in the two subspecies of the Japanese macaque at known chronological ages. The age standards of the beginning and completion of epiphyseal union were estimated. The total score of the ratings of the unions revealed significant correlations with chronological age before 9 years of age. The linear regressions were calculated in each group of different sex and different subspecies in order to enable predictions to be made of the chronological age from the total score. Although males and females generally showed the same pattern of sequences, the unions of the females united earlier than those of the males in both subspecies before 9 years of age. The Yaku subspecies demonstrated an earlier union than the common Japanese macaque in both sexes before the age of 9 years old. The epiphyseal union of the Japanese macaque usually developed earlier than the reported union in the rhesus macaque. A large number of epiphyseal unions united at least partially and the total score deviated widely during the range from around 4 to 6 years of age. This period was in accordance with the adolescent growth period, especially in males, with rapid growth of body size as observed based on by somatometrical measurements. The skeletal growth of the trunk was generally late compared with that of the limbs. During the range after 8 years of age, some unions of the trunk united earlier in males than in females. The epiphyseal union could allow a more precise age estimation than the body mass or dental eruption during a certain range of ages. However, developmental estimations obtained from animals fed artificially, as the present samples were, must be applied with caution to wild animals.  相似文献   

Provisioning along pedestrian trails by tourists much increased the nutrient quality and patchiness of food (NqPF) for Tibetan macaques (Macaca thibetana) at Mt Emei in spring and summer. In the habitat at a temperate-subtropical transition zone, the macaque's NqPF could be ordered in a decreasing rank from spring-summer to autumn to winter. With the aid of a radio-tracking system, I collected ranging data on a multigroup community in three 70-day periods representing the different seasons in 1991–92. Rank-order correlation on the data show that with the decline of NqPF, the groups tended to increase days away from the trail, their effective range size (ERS), their exclusive area (EA) and the number of days spent in the EA, and reduced their group/community density and the ratio of the overlapped range to the seasonal range (ROR). In icy/snowy winter, the macaques searched for mature leaves slowly and carefully in the largest seasonal range with a considerable portion that was not used in other seasons. Of the responses, the ROR decreased with the reduction in group/community density; and the ERS was the function of both group size (+) and intergroup rank (–) when favorite food was highly clumped. All above responses were clearly bound to maximize foraging effectiveness and minimize energy expenditure, and their integration in term of changes in time and space leads to better understanding macaque ecological adaptability. Based on this study and previous work on behavioral and physiological factors, I suggest a unifying theory of intergroup interactions. In addition, as the rate of behavioral interactions was also related to the group density, Waser's (1976) gas model probably applies to behavioral, as well as spatial, data on intergroup interactions.  相似文献   

Grooming and aggression in captive Japanese macaques   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated the relations between allogrooming and aggression in a captive group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Our aim was to test whether evidence of an interchange between allogrooming and a reduction in aggression could be identified at a group level. Female Japanese macaques did not direct less aggression to those group mates that groomed them most. Although generally they did not direct more grooming to those group mates that attacked them most, they did show increased grooming towards those nonkin group mates that showed the most aggression. These results are interpreted in light of the conflicting processes that are likely to underlie macaque social choices.  相似文献   

Soil mining and eating (geophagy) behavior of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, is described and assessed with respect to the chemical, geochemical, and mineralogical composition of the ingested materials. The samples forming the uneaten (control) and eaten (matrix and blocky) groups of soils come from the top and flanks of a marine terrace underlain with volcanic tuff on Cayo Santiago, off the east shore of Puerto Rico. Both the uneaten and geophagy samples were analyzed to determine particle size distributions, clay and primary mineralogy, and soil chemical and geochemical compositions. Primary minerals such as orthoclase and plagioclase feldspar in the clay fraction is higher in the control group than in the ingested samples. Both the control and matrix plus blocky samples have moderate to abundant amounts of kaolinite and halloysite (both silicon:aluminum = 1:1 type clay minerals) that may be important as a stimulus to geophagy behavior. The pH, total salts, and phosphorus levels in both the control and geophagy samples show considerable overlap with little clear indication of causal factors. Analysis of the geochemical data showed no clear cut elemental differences to suggest elemental supplementation as a possible explanation for mining and eating of tropical soil. It is possible that rhesus macaques ingest clay to obtain kaolinite/halloysite minerals which may alter the taste of their provided food, and may act as pharmaceutical agents to alleviate intestinal ailments such as diarrhea.  相似文献   

In this study we compared mother-female infant interactions between primiparous and multiparous laboratory-born (F1) cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in individual cages at Tsukuba Primate Center (TPC), Japan, during the first 14 weeks of infant life. We also compared interactions between multiparousF1 mothers and their female infants with those between wild-born mothers and their female infants when mothers and their infants were housed in the same individual cages. PrimiparousF1 mothers showed significantly higher values for contact with and holding of their infants than multiparousF1 mothers. The primiparousF1 mothers also tended to behave aggressively toward their infants when the latter did not show any obviously irritating behaviors. Thus, the primiparousF1 mothers seemed to be inconsistent in terms of maternal behavior. Compared with multiparous wild-born mothers, multiparousF1 mothers moved more frequently, held their infants less frequently and acted aggressively toward their infants less frequently. However, infants ofF1 mothers, as well as infants of wild-born mothers, interacted with their mothers through approaching and playful contact with them. These findings indicate that the attitude of multiparousF1 mothers toward their infants was relatively passive. Possible reasons for the passive maternal style of multiparousF1 mothers are discussed.  相似文献   

Responses to different urine samples were studied in pigtailed (M. nemestrina) and stumptailed (M. arctoides) macaques. Both species exhibited more interest towards urine samples from their own species than neutral stimuli. Responses towards urine samples from other macaque species did not significantly differ from those towards neutral stimuli. In stumptailed macaques, no differential interest was observed between urine samples from a known (the adult male of the group) and an unknown adult male conspecific.  相似文献   

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